Saturday Service - What is Real Trust

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father we thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you Lord that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by Anna satanic or demonic force father I pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me and all of you it's in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen praise God well welcome to church tonight welcome to world changers Church New York I'm bringing you this message from world changers in Atlanta I want to say to all of you are at world-changers church in New York Taff and I miss you so much we miss your smiles we miss your your face your fellowship your energy we miss coming together and making a frequency that we send to heaven but we're committed to making sure that you are fed the Word of God I thank God for pastor Wes and his diligence and time and study to feed the sheep of God I'm just so proud of him and so pleased and tonight I want to bring you something that I think will really really bless your life I believe that one of the most used terms in Christianity is this term of I trust God and so tonight we're gonna talk about what what that means I want to talk to you about not just practical not just the practical side of trust but I want to talk to you about what real trust is because in this day and time that's the issue it's like you can choose to trust God right now or you can choose to trust in the systems of the world and you gotta be very careful here because if you make a choice to trust the systems of the world those systems may fail but when you choose to trust God he never fails but what does it mean it's too important for us to religious eyes this phrase about trust and so I want to really dig into this I want to give you some pointers that will help you to evaluate whether or not you are in a real trust relationship with God or you're just saying it but it's not being demonstrated in your everyday life now we we win we're gonna win we're gonna come out better we're gonna come out stronger we're gonna come out more spiritual we're gonna come out more anoint it but I'm telling you in everything that I read Trust is the currency in the kingdom of God I'm gonna say that again over and over tonight trust is the currency in the kingdom of God and currency is is something that is used as a medium of exchange and so you're trying to exchange what God has for what you have and what you have is trust and what God has is everything that you'll need that pertains to life and godliness so Trust is the currency in the kingdom of God and and we need to really get a hold of that so let's begin tonight by let's go to proverbs chapter 3 and 5 and I want to start tonight by let's giving a let's give a definition of trust something that we could refer to throughout this teaching tonight trust is think about these words when I say this it's reliance on the integrity the strength the ability the surety of God is confidence trust is reliance or to rely on God's integrity to rely on God's strength to lean and to rely on God's ability to rely on and have reliance on the surety of God it's to have confidence it is a confident expectation of something and here's what I really like to rely upon or to place confidence in to rely upon when you rely upon something you lean on it who or who or what are you leaning on in the midst of hard times in the midst of lack in the midst of hurt in the midst of sickness and disease who-who are you lean on the most now we're right in the mist there's a battle of two systems here it's the system of God and it's the system of this world and you're gonna have to choose and I have chosen the system of God over the system of the world and anything that's working in the world system it came from God anything that's working in the world it came from God all good and perfect gifts came from the Father which is from above and so we rely on him when you say you trust him I trust God that means I rely on him I trust God that means I have confidence in in his certainty I trust God I have confidence in his integrity I have confidence in his strength I have confidence in his promise that's what that means but it's not enough to have just a mental assent of trust how do I operate in this and and how do i how do I know and have proof that this is something that I'm operating in well proverbs chapter 3 and verse up verse 5 says this he says trust in the Lord with all thine heart minutes that's powerful because if you're gonna trust in God with all your heart look at the rest of the scripture and lean not into thine own understanding you see Christians have a tendency sometimes to lean on their understanding instead of completely leaning on God and so you got to decide that when it comes to trusting am I gonna trust him all the way or am I gonna trust him 30% of the time and then trust something else 70% of the time and you've got to make your mind up he says trust in the Lord with all thine heart so that's everything within me I'm gonna trust in God and I'm not gonna lean to my own understanding I'm not gonna lean towards what I understand about the thing you know you understand maybe you don't have a job but you trust God for provisions the world says well there's no need of you doing that because there's no other way for you to get provisions without a job well you know that's when you're doing it the world's way but when I trust God you know until I can get another job God's gonna take care of me God's gonna make sure that things work out for my good and that's the Bible that's the promises that we stand on and when you make a decision to trust God with all your heart then he will come through for you so that's what the scripture says here now let's look at some other things and Isaiah 26 verses 3 through 4 how do we how do we know we have trust is it do I have trust or am I just saying I agree with that you know do I really have it look what he says and Isaiah 26 verses 3 through 4 he says thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee now what is it that can cause me to get my mind stayed on God stayed on his word what what is it that caused me to you know get in the word and get into prayer he says whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusts in thee when you trust God you will decide to keep your attention on that which you trust I trust God so I'm gonna keep my attention I'm gonna tend to the word I trust God I'm gonna I'm gonna give my attention to God I'm I'm gonna fellowship with God I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna practice the presence of God I trust God I don't as I trust God I'm gonna I'm gonna keep my mind whose mind is stayed on be because you trust him see when you're mine you when your mind is not stayed on B it may be because you don't trust him it may be because you don't have confidence in him it may be because you know you're not relying on him you're not leaning on him they're there for your mind is everywhere else and so you've got to decide I say I trust God so therefore I'm going to keep my mind on the one I trust I will keep my mind on the one I trust what are you giving your attention to the most what are you giving your attention to the most it may be because you trust it the most I'm telling you every believers got to make a decision right now that I'm gonna get focused in on God I'm gonna attend to the word I'm gonna attend to prayer why because he's one of trust he's one that trust so I'm gonna give my attention to one I trust and then he says when you do that that'll also keep you in perfect peace when you trust God enough to give your attention to him he says that'll keep you in perfect peace it'll keep you in perfect peace now this is something so very very important now look at this next scripture in Psalms 31 Psalms 31 verses 14 through 15 I'm just going through what the Word of God has to say about this issue of trust it's it's it's vital that believers trust God but know how to trust God you know I I I was ministering somewhere last weekend and I said this I said if God has made things available and you don't you don't believe it enough to say it then how in the world are you gonna take possession of it if you want to keep things a secret if you want to keep something a secret just put it in a book for Christians if you want to keep it a secret just put it in the Bible and it's in the Bible and to a lot of us it's still a secret because we're not pursuing it we're not we're not pursuing to take hold of what has already been made available to us look what he says in verse 14 and 15 he says but I trusted in thee O Lord I said thou art my god I trusted in you I said thou art my god what do you say in the midst of trouble what do you say when things don't look like they go well when when was the last time you declared over a crazy situation thou art my god god you're my god that's big that may sound religious to a lot of people but what that says is even in the midst of this situation thou art my god you're declaring you're my god and look what he says in the next verse she says my times are in thy hand deliver me from the hand of my enemies and from them that persecute me my times are in by hand and this is this is all this is a voice of trust my time is in thy hands deliver me from the hand of my enemies that's trust I'm going to God for deliverance I'm going to God for deliver me from our enemies deliver me and from them that persecute me deliver them that persecute me that's what Trust does trust Trust goes for God trust says you know thou art my god so I'm coming to you for deliverance and I'm coming to you for help thou art my god that you know you can say I trust God but when somebody looks at you with focus will they hear you saying thou art my god and will they see you leaning and relying confidently on him because that's gonna be the evidence of the trust that you have for God look at Psalms 37 and verse 5 Psalms 37 and verse 5 now this is so so important I'm teaching on trust because I know you're saying you trust God I just want to make sure you can evaluate that make sure you know that without a shadow of a doubt I trust God now look what it says verse 5 commit thy way unto the Lord have you done that have you committed your way and your plans unto the Lord that's the one you say you trust commit thy way unto the Lord Trust also in him well look what he says when you commit your way to the Lord when you commit your plans to the Lord when you commit your decisions to the Lord when you commit your life to the Lord he said that's trust Trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass now that's what's exciting I can trust God knowing that he will bring it to pass I can trust God knowing that whatever I commit to him it's gonna work have you committed your cares to him that's why I said cast out your care on him because he cares for you have you committed your trouble to him have you committed the persecution to him have you committed the lack to him have you committed the relational you know discord to him have you committed and then you know the hurt then the brokenness and the pain to him you because you trust him you will commit your ways unto the Lord these are these are keys that can help you to evaluate and to authenticate your trust in God so you're not just saying on trust God it can now be authenticated through have I committed my ways unto the Lord Amen now look at this scripture and then we'll go on somes 40 and for sums 40 and 4 I want you to see that this is the practical side of your trust committing your ways to the Lord you know seeking him these are practical sides of trust sums 40 and 4 he says blessed is the man that maketh the Lord his trust that ministers to me the man that makes the Lord his trust have you made gods your trust or are you still trusting in things are you still trusting in people are you still trusting in your messed up emotions have you made the Lord your trust and he says blessed is the man the wolf look at that he says the man that makes God his trust or the man that chooses to trust God will be blessed the man that chooses to trust God will be empowered to prosper the man that chooses to make god his trust he says blessed is that man that maketh the Lord his trust and respect it not the proud nor such as turn aside to lies I tell you what you want to be blessed the first step is I'm gonna make the Lord my trust and I'm sure it's so tempting to trust other things other people other systems but I don't want you to forget do not play this idolatry game with God where you're gonna take God who used to be first place in your life and you're gonna replace them with something else or someone else that's what idolatry is I trust God I lean on God I trust God for wisdom I trust God to show me what to do when I don't know what to do I trust God for my healing more than I do the doctor I trust God for my deliverance I trust God for my peace I trust God for my rest I trust God to show me how to live life every day I trust God that I'm not gonna go crazy I think that God's gonna keep me sound I trust God that I won't be sick and end up dying before my time I trust God that he'll protect me when I'm flying over the oceans of the world I trust God I lean on him because I've come to the place of understanding that no man no person no system no thing no amounts of money none of that will be able to do you like God will and I put my trust in him amen now let's get back to this phrase trust is the currency of the kingdom currency meaning something that is used as a medium of exchange you know God's asking you to trust him that's awesome it's like this is a currency that that anybody can possess it's the currency of the kingdom what what has the kingdom made available to us what what is it that that you lack in your life and it's made available through the kingdom of God Trust is the currency of the King write that down write that down carry that with you for the rest of the week Trust is the currency of the kingdom of God now let me show you something when you say you trust God and you know it's the currency of the kingdom a healing God has it but trust is what's going to bring about the exchange deliverance God has it but trust is what's gonna be the medium of exchange provision God has it but trust is the currency in the kingdom the medium of exchange do you trust him wow man check this out trust God and it's the medium of exchange in your life and God has everything that you need by the way he has everything that you need now look at this so now when you really get to that point you say I trust God look at what I believe has to happen I believe the highest level of trust is in Hebrews chapter four and 11 and that's when you're reeling willing to rest or to to not stress or to go into a place of ease where you're not worried about God doing his part because when you are afraid of God not doing his part then that fear is gonna move you into self-preservation and you're gonna find yourself always taking it upon yourself to try to handle it because you don't trust God is able to handle it verse 11 says let us labor therefore to enter into that rest lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief you know what he says a failure to enter into the rest is an example of unbelief failure to enter to the rest is an example of unbelief failure to cast your care upon the Lord is an example of unbelief walking around stressed out about the situation is an example of unbelief and the Bible says that we should labor we should be working to stay at rest and and and and listen Satan's not gonna roll out a red carpet for you he's gonna try to attack you in in every way possible to try to get you out of rest what is it that you've been hearing that's been tipping you to get out of her ass what is it that you've been seeing that's been tempting you to get out of rest what what is it that's coming to your mailbox or your email that's been tempting you to get out of rest Satan knows that when you're at rest he's defeated it's one thing that Satan fears is for you living a life in ease a life when you're relying upon God don't you know that's the whole battle Satan is doing everything he can to try to get you to trust him then more than that he wants you to not trust God and to not need God he wants you to trust money more than you trust God and that's the whole point he's trying to get you he wants you to trust Satan wants your trust and what he does is he uses money and you have a wrong relationship with money you know what the love of money is the love of money is when you trust money more than you trust God you know what's on that it's the spirit of Mammon on that - trust money more than you trust God that's the love of money and it is the root to all evil the root to all evil is when you no longer trust God and when you no longer rely on God and when you no longer think you need God and now you think that money and things and people you think that those things will serve you better than God stay at rest it's time for you to get into a place of rest where you are resting in your confidence that all will be well I mean no matter what's going on with the kids they'll be fine ah no matter what kind of notes you got in the mailbox and they go and close their citator it'll be fine it'll be fine and that's how you rest you live in a place of ease you labor to rest to labor to rest maybe you might be sing your favorite song just to stay at rest you might have to meditate on your scriptures two or three times a day meditate on that promise two or three times a day to stay at rest because when you can stay at rest you are you are operating in a trust you operating in a place where at rest the currency of your trust will spend I like that the currency of your trust will spend and it will be the medium of exchange for whatever it is you're believing God for Amen if you understand that say Amen now I want to show you something here this I taught this in times past I am almost sure people didn't get it and and I want to bring it up again go to st. John chapter 10 verse 25 and 30 st. John chapter 10 verse 25 and through 30 and and and this this sets up the real position of who we are in relationship to our God where trust is concerned I think you were really benefited in this verse 25 notice jesus answered them I told you and you believe not the works that I do in my father's name they bear witness of me but you believe not because you are not watch this because you're not my sheep and I thought about that he says you don't believe because you're not my sheep so obviously understanding the position of a sheep is gonna tell us a lot of stuff he says you believe not because you're not my sheep as I said unto you verse 27 my sheep hear my voice I know them they follow me jesus said sheep follow me he says you don't believe because you're not my sheep all right goes 29-28 I give unto them eternal life they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand verse 29 my father which gave them me now notice what he says my father gave the Sheep Jesus my father gave them me he says is greater than all my father and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's and I and my father are one now let's listen listen up this just for a moment what is the meaning of following him well too many it means obeying Christ commands it means to follow his example or to follow his teaching and that's that's what I got most of the time to you know to follow him meant to follow his commands it it meant to obey Christ commands to follow his example and to follow his teachings and I never could get really get with that I mean it was called K but it didn't it didn't hit me like what I'm getting ready to explain to you now I want you to pay attention to this very carefully why do sheep follow the shepherd think about it why do sheep follow the shepherd is it to do something for the shepherd think about it why do why do sheep follow the shepherd is it to do something for the shepherd no they follow for a reason I didn't think about it what are sheep gonna do for the shepherd I mean just in the natural she followed the shepherd what are they gonna fix the dinner for the shepherd are they gonna protect the shepherd what are they gonna do for the shepherd no she followed the shepherd so that the shepherd can guide the Sheep protect the Sheep feed the Sheep and care for the sheep it seems to me that the sheep are following the shepherd so that the Shepherd can take care of the Sheep so the Sheep said let me follow the shepherd because he provides all for me I provide nothing for the shepherd but the Shepherd provides everything for the Sheep my god and he says the reason why you don't believe because you're not my sheep because if you were my sheet then you know that I'm the one that has something for you you ain't got none for me I mean who can counsel God what is it that we have for God and if he is our Shepherd glory be to God then he's the one that will protect us he's the one that will guide us he's the one that will feed us I mean I'm totally benefiting from what I get from the shepherd he totally is getting nothing from the Sheep but I'm following him because of all that he can do for me the Sheep now if this is a little different now if you were a soldier in the army and you were following a general then as a soldier you might have to give your life for that general as a soldier you might do some things to protect that general but he didn't call us soldiers in this verse he called us sheep you know what he's trying to say he's trying to say please stop thinking that you can do something for God when in fact God is the one doing everything for you and you ought to trust him you ought to trust him like a shepherd like I should like sheep in the natural trust their Shepherd you should trust God to protect you you should trust God to feed you you should trust God to care for you you should trust God to guide you and so why am i following God because he's gonna take care of me why am i following God because he's gonna protect me why am i following God and the Bible says my sheep follow me not God now see that that does a lot for me I'm a sheep I totally need God I totally need him every day I need him every hour I need him in every situation you got to get over this thing about well I'm here doing something for God what are you gonna do for God I mean seriously what you're gonna do for God I mean stop it right now it's it's God doing everything for you I mean God doesn't need you to be God but you do need God to be who you are poor you need God to be who you are I was she I followed the Shepherd and I trust that he takes care of me praise God now look at numbers 21 verses 5 through 9 let me show you something here somebody says well brother dollar what about deliverance I trust God but I still don't understand how I'm gonna get out of this situation I need to be delivered I need to be delivered from sickness I need to be delivered out of poverty I need to be delivered out of a lot of things what's the key how do I get myself in a position to receive this deliverance well I want to show you something in numbers 21 verses 5 through 9 a very easy illustration to follow and the people speak against God and against Moses wherefore have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness for there is no bread neither is there any water and our souls loaf this light bread and the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people and much people of Israel died therefore the people came to Moses and said we have sinned but we have spoken against the Lord and against the print of the Lord that he take away the Serpent's from us and Moses prayed for the people for say and the Lord said unto Moses make thee a fiery Serpent and set it upon a pole and it shall come to pass that every one that is bitten when he looketh upon it shall live when shall he live when he looketh upon that pole with that serpent of brass Wow so deliverance is so simple right here here he says if you take your eyes off yourself and put it on him you'll be delivered the Bible says they live when when they took their eyes off their circumstance and they put their eyes on him you know for a lot of us we're just focused on our situation we're just focused on our search circumstance y'all don't understand what I'm going through you don't understand somebody died and god I feel that you know somebody died of the kovat 19 and oh that's painful there hurts oh you don't understand I need to pay my bills yeah man oh you don't get it I I lost my job yeah I understand all of that I know you've been bit by a fiery serpent but the way out is to get your eyes off yourself and get your eyes on him get your eyes off yourself and get your eyes on him you know job went through a lot lost his family lost his livelihood lost everything and you know what you know what Joseph did Bible says he shaved his head and he any worship God he got his eyes off his circumstance and he looked and got his eyes on someone greater I know I know I know oh it sounds like I'm insensitive but I'm telling you you want out and the way you get out is to get your eyes off yourself get your eyes off yourself get your eyes on that pole and Moses's day and you shall live I believe the same thing is true right now God is trying to bring deliverance to you but he can't because you're focused on all of the stuff you need to be delivered out of you're focused on all of the issues and the circumstances that you need to be delivered out of and he's trying to get you to get your eyes off yourself and to put it upon him and that's the moral of this story here and so let's do that let's do that let's make a decision you know it as hard as it is as challenging as as it is I'm gonna get my eyes on Jesus all right now let me show you something here Luke chapter 16 verses 10 and 11 let's look at this in a New Living Translation now there is a practical side of trust and I believe listen to this statement that giving is a practical side of trust people don't like talk about it because they always think somebody's trying to take money giving is a practical side of trust and you have to trust God to do that and and and the Bible says something here I want you to pay attention to in Luke chapter 16 verses 10 and 11 he says if you are faithful in little things you will be faithful in large ones but if you are dishonest in little things you won't be honest with greater responsibility I mean it just makes pretty pretty big sense this is like if you can't be trusted and dependent and if you're not faithful in what's small first why in the world would you ever think you would be faithful with something that's that's that's a bigger responsibility I mean you know you want a you want a car you can't even make your bed up every day and and how many how many things that as Christians that we are not faithful of those little things in our lives and think somehow we're gonna be faithful you know with the larger things in our lives so so very important you know we want to so little and reap big it doesn't work like that we we it just doesn't work like that because there's a level of trust where it's concerned here and look what he says here and if you are on trustworthy about worldly wealth who will trust you with true riches in heaven if you cannot be trusted with worldly wealth who is gonna trust you with true riches of heaven look at what he says there man that this is something that's so very important it's like okay God can I trust you can I trust you and you know it looks like Heaven's looking at us can you be trusted can you be trust it if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth well who can trust you with true riches of heaven going around begging god I need the unknown II give me the anointing to do this giving in order to do that they're like man that's true riches you know what God's trying to say don't allow the things of this world to seduce you to the point where you're trusting those things born your trust in Him and come up to the level well there's nothing in your life that you trust more than you trust God amen now real quickly I want to give you seven steps to make sure that you're leaning on the Lord seven steps to make sure that you're trusting God in other words you can authenticate your trust by looking at your life and see if these seven things are operating in your life number one number one don't depend on you don't depend on you we call it self-reliance don't rely on yourself don't rely on your self effort when things come up in your life don't rely on you you want to rely on God you want to trust God so many people when they you know when it doesn't seem like God's moving fast enough or are doing it quick enough for us or we're afraid that what God promised in his word won't come to pass the first thing we want to do is to go back to relying on ourselves we want to go back to self-preservation I don't trust that God can preserve me but I trust that I can preserve myself and I can't tell you how how many levels that you are missing out on how many promotions you're missing out on because you would rather trust your efforts and you would rather go into self-preservation than to trust God and allowing him to be the one that will preserve you and take care of you and to meet your needs so one of the first steps to make sure that you're trusting God don't depend on you depend on God don't depend on you depend on God number 2 cry out to God cry out to God I saw this in scripture in Psalms 55 and verse 17 in fact let's look at look at proverbs 3 and 6 and then Psalms 55 and verse 17 we need to cry out to him to show that dependence the first thing something happens I'm calling out to God think about that first thing it happens do you call out to God or are you trying to figure out how you can use the world system try to get this man I tell you what things happen god help man you start doing it you start putting God first you the first response is God I'm crying out to God look what he said in verse 6 he says in all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct thy path the reason why a lot of people lack directions from God is because they're not acknowledging God I mean when are you gonna talk about when are you gonna talk to God about this thing when are you gonna talk to God about this good idea you have it's the difference between good ideas and God ideas God ideas are already annoying they're good ideas you're going to God to try to get God to and on it when are you going to acknowledge God and notice what he says scripture says in all thy ways acknowledge him and look at the commitment on God's part and he will direct your path he would direct your path have you have you acknowledged him about this thing you're about to do have you acknowledged him about this person you're about to marry have you acknowledged him about you know having children have you acknowledged him about you know your your occupation have you acknowledged him about where you're living and acknowledge him in all your ways and and and and and he'll direct your path that's the thing we need right now I tell you in the middle of a pandemic and after a pandemic you want to make sure that he's directing your path it's got to recomm your path you're on this day in time if God's not directing your path you can end up dead somewhere trying to be dumb deep and trying to do something that you call faith but it's actually foolishness and presumption you could be dead and I'm telling you it's time to acknowledge God in all your ways and allow Him to direct your path you know people keep asking me you know when we're gonna win we go open the church when we're gonna open the church I've acknowledged God he's gonna direct he's directing my path I think knowledge God about this I'm not gonna look and see what the news say I'm acknowledging God about this I trust God well I tell you what in the name of Jesus if you really trust God then you to go out there and just lay hands on all the people that's got coronavirus that's what you do and don't wear a mask if you trust god that's just like saying if you trust god you'd go pick up a snake that's hungry ready to bite you with poison that ain't faith that's foolishness let him lead you let him let him let him give you directions become a barefooted priest and in all of your ways watch this he'll direct your path that's the best answer to everything that's going on in your life acknowledging God so he can direct your path that's the best answer to every and anything going on in your life he acknowledged God and he'll direct your path but some people ain't got time do that and that's why some of you're on the verge of divorce and every other kind of crazy thing it's cause you still won't acknowledge it somehow another you think you know better and you know more God and I don't need to go to God blessed guy ning-ning-ning you know acknowledge him in all your ways he will direct your path now look at the the other verse of scripture Psalm 55 and verse 17 Psalms 55 and verse 717 we need to cry to the Lord in acknowledgment he said evening and morning and at noon will I pray and cry aloud and he shall hear my voice evening and morning and noon will I pray and cry aloud and he shall hear my voice God's ready to hear God's ready to hear from anybody who will trust him enough to go to him and say help help God I acknowledge you in my way I need your direction I'm not listen I'm not trying to do nothing without God's direction this ministry started like this some of my friends would accuse me of being real slow at doing stuff but I just told them I ain't doing it until God leaves me to do it I'm not doing until God tells me to do it I'm not going that way I don't care who all doing it and everything I had that ain't God ain't said unto me about it and I'm not gonna do it I tell you what but that's the place to be humble and submitted to God's leadership and guidance and you'll always lead you in a good place a perfect place number three here's the third way of knowing that you are trusting God now this sounds strange what's this run from evil run from evil Psalms three and seven run from evil when I trust God I trust him or not I trust him enough to not be seduced I trust him enough to not be seduced proverbs chapter three and seven I trust him enough not to be seduced he says be not wise in your own eyes fear the Lord watch this depart from evil depart from evil I trust God you know you know if I see what happens is when you don't trust God for your provisions you're going you're going steal you understand what I'm saying when you don't trust God for your identity you're going to have your sex change when you don't trust God for everything he told you to do then you'll go out and do what you want to do you see what I'm saying depart from evil depart from evil and then second Timothy chapter 2 22 and somebody says yeah but what about grace grace doesn't give you license you you because you because you're under grace depart from evil I don't want to do that anymore get out of there the Bible says flee also youthful lust but follow righteousness see that's what he's saying follow righteousness follow faith charity peace with them that that call on the Lord out of a pure heart follow those things okay flee youthful lusts follow those things now number four before we run out of time put God first in your life put God first in your life proverbs 3 9 and 10 put God first in your life is God first in your life and if he's no longer first who or what did you replace him with when God is first that means you're leaning on him first you're relying on him first the Bible says in verse 9 he says honor the Lord with with thy substance than the first fruit of all that increased verse 10 so shall your barns be filled with plenty and your presses shall burst out with new wine I believe ladies and gentlemen that when you put God first it's an honor Act here he says honor the Lord with your substance and he was talking and teaching on first fruit back then but you know when God is first then honor honors there I honor God I own a god I I am I am saying God you're first and I rely on you I lean on you and I still believe that honor brings about harvest honor brings about increase honor so show that Barnsby with plenty honor brings about plenty and and and and I believe that plenty is at hand when we began to put God first place in our lives and that is an honorable act that God is first and when all I do number-5 Psalms 119 verse 11 number five checked yourself by God's Word check yourself by God's Word evaluate yourself by God's Word and and the Word of God is the measuring stick to life verse 11 he says thy word have I hid in my heart why would I hide the word in my heart that I might not sin against thee that I in my heart that I might not sin against thee so check yourself by God's Word not by the opinions of others not by the comments in your you know your little social media comments you know check yourself by God's Word don't get yourself in a position where you're searching for validation you know your identity is not based on somebody's opinion of you your identity is based on your relationship with God trust in God check yourself by God's Word you'll be good for it amen number six John 14:26 if you are trusting God you're checking yourself by God's words you're putting God's first you're running from evil you're you're crying out to God and acknowledging him and you don't depend on you but number six when you trust God you listen to the Holy Spirit John 14 and 26 when you trust God you listen to the Holy Spirit verse 26 says but the comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you when you trust God you're listening to the Holy Spirit teach me Lord teach me Holy Spirit I don't know how to do this I don't know about you but when I first started to church I've never started a church before I don't know the first thing about starting a church almost 40 years ago hey when I got in ministry I'm not even thirty thirty some years ago starting the church forty some years ago trying to go into ministry I don't know how to do none of that I had to listen to the Holy Spirit I had to know that the Holy Spirit would speak to me I had to know that the Holy Spirit will guide me I had to know that the Holy Spirit will will set things up and I had to know that that was him that did it and when you're living a spirit-led life and this is the time for what I'm talking about now ain't no better time than right now today ain't no better time than right now today you better be careful about turning the leadership of your life over to the systems of this world if you trust God you gonna listen to the Holy Spirit amen and amen and amen and number seven rest in God's love this is big time right here rest in God's love I believe it's in Psalms 33 verse eighteen and nineteen in the in the message Bible it is so important that we look for his love that in a time of trouble we look for his love Psalms 33 eighteen and nineteen says watch this God's eye is on those who respect him the ones who are looking for his love when you get in trouble and you say you trust God you should be looking for his love I trust God therefore I'm looking for his love the doctor says you got some kind of disease I trust God therefore I'm looking for his love and what is his love it's healing that I'm looking for what is this love it's deliverance that I'm looking for what is his love it's provision that I'm looking for what is his love it's the care promised to the sheep that I'm looking for he said the ones who are looking for his love God's eye is on those who are looking for his love he's ready to come to their rescue in bad times boy that's a blessing and in lean times he keeps body and soul to get and so are you looking for his love to trust him so much then in the middle of any situation you say yeah this is a rough time but I'm looking for his love I trust God God's gonna take care of me I'm looking for his love and that's why it's important for you not to be talked out of God's love that's why it's important for you to understand that listen God loves me and not because of what I've done he loves me because I believe in His Son Jesus Christ you know God is love and you've got to believe the love don't get to the place where you don't believe the love and that's what fear is all about fear is all about getting you in a situation a position in your life where you don't believe that what God promised will come to pass and God says that we could be looking for is love I want you to look for is love I don't know what situation you may be in today I don't know what's going on in your life today I don't know what you've had to face um I have I have oh boy just so much love for you for what you've had to go through but you need to be looking for his love you need to trust God that he's just not gonna leave me like this he it's just not gonna be like this and don't listen to the whispers of the devil all as well I trust in his love I trust in his love this phrase I trust God you got allowed to be more than just a bunch of words you got allowed to be something that just just wakes up and just just just this kind of shakes you that when you say out loud I trust God that it means something it's not just some kind of cliche well I trust God when you say that you see it from a heart of authenticity I I trust him I rely on him I gotta have him I lean on him I can't do without him without him I can't get it without him it won't work without him I can't see I got to have him this is real trust this is real trust and you can have you can have this today you can get to a point in your life where you can trust but I guess the first step is you making your mind up to allow him to be your Lord and personal Savior you can trust that God has forgiven you of your sins you can trust that God is a healer and a deliverer you can trust that when you don't know what to do he'll speak to you it's easy for you to listen to somebody that you know wants to challenge your faith but even in the midst of that what did God have to say about it if you want to be saved let's let's pray together I want to pray with you right now repeat after me Heavenly Father I realize that I'm a sinner but right now I repent of all my sins there's a spot in my heart that only Jesus can take care of so today I invite Jesus into my heart into my life to be my Lord and my Savior and I thank you right now in the name of Jesus and I declare that by faith I am saved and jesus is my Lord thank you Lord for saving me in Jesus name Amen now if you just prayed that prayer of salvation with me today text the keyword I'm saved as one word two five one five five five provide your name and email address and we'll send you a free ebook as a gift to you today you know you may be wondering our people are really praying that prayer yeah people are getting saved they're getting saved in a midst of a pandemic God is doing miraculous things in the midst of a pandemic praise God don't you know it and it's it's it's it's for those who will trust him remember your trust is the currency in the kingdom of God and man I'm just glad about it I really enjoy bringing this to you today and I I pray that it has ministered to your heart and into your mind at this time let's worship God with our offerings you have a chance tonight to come before God with gratitude and Thanksgiving an appreciation and reverence and honor you have an opportunity tonight to take a flashback and look at all the things that God has done for you you have an opportunity to say God I hadn't trusted you in the past but I trust you now I worship you I worship you with my gifts I worship you and I declare that I couldn't have done it without you I couldn't have been healed without you I couldn't be saved without you therefore I bring gifts to you O God and worship you with my gifts that's what offering time is about that's what this giving is about it's not giving to get bless God's already blessed us we release our faith to get bless it's giving an appreciation and Thanksgiving to God so at this time if you'd like to give by text you can text world changers Church New York space and the amount two seven four four eight three or you can dial the number on your screen eight six six four seven seven seven six eight three to give or you can go to the website prep low dollar ministries or world changers Church in New York and you can give online or you can mail to the 2500 Burdette Road address on the screen I pray that as you give that you sense the presence of the Lord that during this time it is a time to bring a gift from us the creation to God Almighty the creator trust him as I said giving is a practical side of trust and we trust God and all is well amen well thank you so much for being a part of our Saturday night service world changers Church New York and may God's blessings just be upon you in us in a magnificent way remember God protect he perfects everything that concerns as he protects but he perfects everything that concerns us I pray all is well with you and your house and we'll be together really really soon now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the Almighty God be glory Majesty Dominion and power of now and forever and everybody said amen good night everybody
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 172,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: W3y5HRLkG9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 12sec (3492 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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