Confessions and Speak God's Word

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five minutes this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice and be exceedingly glad in it because god is good and he is worthy to be praised worthy worthy worthy i send blessings out to you guys this morning and we're just going to believe that this week is going to be one of the most amazing weeks that that we've ever experienced one of the reasons why i know that can be possible is because what we say with our mouth and so praise god i send blessings to you guys uh maureen in cleveland uh i send blessings to you guys this morning uh oklahoma city crystal god bless you this morning uh bernice god bless you this morning we just send blessings to you guys and we thank god that whatever is wrong god's making it right and sending every devil to flight in jesus name blessings to south carolina we send blessings your way uh we send blessings to the bronx new york fairground georgia alabama south carolina uh god bless you guys god bless you sarah phillip john thank you guys so much for uh joining us this morning christine from fort worth god bless you this morning joanne from the bronx god bless you this morning in uh windsor ontario canada christina god bless you this morning world changers church new york and the bronx yay marie god bless you this morning from newfound final and canal in canada excuse me that thing we send blessings to your way this morning and we believe that all is well regardless of what it looks like send blessings to philadelphia trinidad maryland um fort lauderdale florida we send blessings to you guys hampton georgia pat we send blessings to you in the name of jesus we speak blessings over your family i just i just believe god and we all believe god none of us are here this morning playing some kind of game we're here because we have a relationship with jesus we love him we believe his word and um you know we send blessings to philip in maryland um victoria and nashville tammy in chattanooga tennessee carroll philadelphia pennsylvania um we send blessings to rachel to virginia to lily god bless you guys blessings your way in jesus name we send blessings to australia we send blessings to el paso texas dayton ohio zambia we declare you're blessed in jesus name declare a thing and it shall come to pass that's what we're doing we're we're we're speaking it right now kansas city missouri lord we send blessings your way happy monday to uh and to decatur georgia ebony um we send blessings your way ghana we send blessings your way trevor we send blessings your way man i thank god the blessings of god is on your life blessings of god to spring hill tennessee marcia we send blessings to uh natalie and angela you guys are blessed man i'm i call you blessed we send blessings to new mexico praise god we send blessings to the world change yours nation hey we send blessings to nigeria all is well in nigeria in the name of jesus praise god all is well in nigeria we send blessings to chicago we send blessings to south carolina this morning praise god donna cheryl priscilla lucille we send blessings your way we send blessings to nebraska praise god i say you're blessed i say you're blessed trinidad we send blessings to you in the name of jesus you know we i'm using the word bless what does it mean empowered to have success empowered to have success sally in san diego you're empowered to have success jennifer same thing to you nancy same thing to you randy price you're empowered in jacksonville florida to have success uh collins you are you are blessed to have success in jesus name you're blessed the power of god it's a part of our covenant praise god and we lay hold of that with the blessing of god tamara we bless you in birmingham we send blessings uh to those of you in hammond indiana martha lewis we send blessings to you today we send blessings to tasha and florida and you know what you are blessed we send blessings to san angelo we send blessings and healing right now uh to tia to natalie to terry lee and brenda uh jeffrey we send blessings to you and we we speak health and prosperity over your lives man y'all got me preaching just sending the blessing to you you are empowered to have success you are empowered to do and to be what god has called you to do and to be we send blessings to joyce to joyce lemon i agree with you yes you are blessed in jesus name al you're blessed this morning pamela for cincinnati you are blessed this morning rita you are blessed this morning uganda you are you are blessed this morning we send blessings your way nigeria taff and i have been praying for you guys all is well victory is yours in the name of jesus and we release the blessing over your country in jesus name jess hey in houston you are blessed in the name of jesus christ i'm gonna continue this for about two three more minutes but you know you have what you say and when you decree a thing it shall come to pass praise god it shall come to pass praise god and that's what i'm thanking god for that you are blessed and it shall come to pass hallelujah so we bless uh you guys in oklahoma city we bless you guys in colorado humble texas you are blessed we are praying uh nancy for you and we believe that by his stripes you are healed in jesus name uh you know the doctor might have said you'll never walk again but whose report will you believe we're going to believe the report of the lord jesus is still alive he is on the on the throne and nancy gray you are blessed praise god amen and so you're going to contradict whatever the doctors announced over your physical body we call you healed all of us are coming together and agreeing for your healing in jesus mighty name praise god praise god in fact i'ma i'm gonna talk about that you know speaking god's word and how powerful that is you know i was thinking the other day i thought you know what there's so much i know i don't know about life after death there's so much i know i don't know once my spirit leaves my physical body i already know that the wonders of discovering the things that are so much greater than my mind so much greater than my education so much greater than what i thought i knew and yet god revealed to me that you can walk in some of that right now by just getting in the word you know the word is powerful the word is god's word it's his wisdom is it's it's things you can understand while you are alive today uh by just getting in the word of god and understanding the very wisdom of god imagine if the whole world were to educate themselves according to god's word we'd be much smarter today than we've ever been before and i don't want to wait until i just leave my physical body to begin to walk in in the glorious understanding of those things uh calvin happy birthday to you i i i wanna i wanna begin to just get in god's word and have god reveal some things to me and show me some things and not allow my finite knowledge knowledge that was passed from human to a human to stop me from receiving the blessing of of this amazing information that probably wouldn't make sense in this physical natural world i want god i want to know him man i want to know him in a greater way than what i know him i want to i want i want communion with him i i find myself meditating and i found a scripture this morning that says that god sees my meditation as prayer and i thought jesus said you know when he stood at the tomb of lazarus he said father i thank you that you hear me pray all always he says but for a witness to these people i i said it out loud and so there is a communion that you can have uh between you and god without even opening your mouth up and uh just spending that time meditating in that word and meditating on him and having that personal relationship with him and to me that's the most valuable thing you can have as a christian is a personal relationship with god where it is real it's not a relationship with god where he's just an a you know uh avenue by which you can get something for yourself or you know you know you think his name is jimmy so you keep saying give me give me give me no this is a relationship where i i i find myself the majority of the day communing with the holy spirit and and he's just he takes a big mountain and reduces it to something just so small and you know by just praising god and thanking god and and being aware of god even in your meditation uh you know i love this closing uh this scripture we say let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight i'm constantly going to god and say god help me god i need you god show me this god what about that oh god help me to articulate this oh god help me to do to think a little deeper about this situation and and and you know i'm not the kind of guy that just well you know i think i'm the smartest person in the world so when i say something that's it no i'm always saying something and going before god and say lord talk to me about that is there a better way to articulate that is there a better understanding of that situation that's my communion with god and then sometimes i have days where i just just want to thank him and want to appreciate him for all of the wonderful acts and all the things that he's done in my life and it's just an amazing amazing time and and i encourage you to develop an intimate communion with god not just a communication with god where you're talking to him trying to get him to do something for you and then you know i'm not trying to you know throw that under the bus but i'm saying it it's got to go even deeper than that a time where you go before god talk to him because he's your friend to talk to him because you guys have relationship to talk to him not necessarily because you want something but you depend on it and you need him and and and he shows up and he comforts you and he speaks to you and he talks to you i'm talking about a genuine real one-on-one relationship where there is affection and there is friendship with god and now i declare that over your life today that there's affection and there's friendship with god today and i pray that starting today this intimate relationship and communion with god will begin to increase it'll begin to increase i am going to start a series uh on wednesday nights on prayer um i can remember how my whole life changed when i understood that prayer was more than communication it was communion i understand now that prayer is not just a monologue where i'm doing all the talking but a dialogue where we're carrying on conversation and he's speaking back to me and telling me these wonderful things that only can come out of his mouth you know when it came from god because you can't even put it or articulate it that way and so that's my prayer for you guys that we have a relationship with god that's so deep that's so wide that's so awesome that's so amazing because yesterday uh in church i just saw i saw your problems being evaporated i saw your problems being disintegrated glory to god i did i saw him being disintegrated man they were like burning up into ashes in the name of jesus and i and i know that one of the things that's responsible for that is you're not letting the problems of the world bother you because you're so focused on your on your communion with god yeah i like that stay focused don't let the things of the world come in and rob you of your focus stay focused in the name of jesus so receive that intimate communion today and starting today let's just spend time every day communing with god let me break it down for you just work on keeping him in your thoughts on you know keeping him in your conscious mind and no matter what you look at no matter what's going on do i have a consciousness of god today speak to him in the morning good morning holy spirit tell him good night uh when you need him just let him know god i need you uh let him know yeah i got an answer but i'm sure you have a better one let him know god i i need you to help me to be that barefooted priest and help me to walk in in a way that i would have never known how to walk in in my own natural ability this is that relationship the holy spirit it's not just you know it's not just playing church it's not just having church is having god and and knowing god and and and you're in it for the relationship say that say i'm in it for the relationship you're in it for the relationship glory be to god i'm about to shout you're in it for the relationship not for you know there are lots of things that god's gonna do for you but seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and watch this and all those other things will be added unto you you're in it for the relationship that's i'm in it for the relationship i i find that i could just just i can just cry right now because i just think about how good god's been to me and now in the name of jesus i pronounce that on your life right now what am i pronouncing intimacy intimacy intimacy i pronounce a a greater intimacy between you and your god and come hell or high water you and your god can walk through any wall y'all can do whatever needs to be done and i declare that those who are sad be made happy right now and those who are without joy the joy of the lord is your strength right now in jesus name please forgive me for preaching to you but this was strong on my heart this morning let's go ahead and get psalms 91 equip say out loud i declare that i will dwell in the shelter of the most high god i declare that i will find rest in the shadow of the almighty i declare that god is my refuge and my fortress i declare that you are my god and whom i trust and with great confidence in whom i will rely i declare that god will rescue me and from every trap and protect me from every disease i declare that i am covered and protected by his outstretched arms i declare that god's faithful promises are my armor and my protection i declare that i will not be afraid of the terrors of the night nor of the arrows that fly in the day i declare that i will not dread any disease that stalks in the darkness nor any disaster that strikes at midday i declare that because god is my refuge and the almighty god of my home no evil can befall me and no player can come near my dwelling i declare that god has ordered his angels to guard defend and protect me and my house i declare that god's armies of heaven will keep me from falling i will walk unharmed and kick anything that is evil from my path glory to god amen i declare that because of god's love for me i will call upon him he will set me above all my troubles he will deliver me from all my fears and he will honor me with his presence and power i declare that he will reward me with long life and he will show me his great salvation now in the name of jesus i declare that i am psalms 91 jesus mighty name amen amen and amen come on let's keep going i set the course of my life today with my words i declare today that i will not be defeated discouraged depressed disappointed addicted sick tired lazy or weary today i am the head i have insight i have wisdom i have ideas i have authority and i have health i exercise my authority today with my words and i decree a thing and it is so greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead lives in me as i speak words today they come to pass they go before me they bring the things to pass that i desire and they stop all attacks assaults oppression poverty pride fear unforgiveness lack and insufficiency from coming to my life god is on my side today and therefore i cannot be defeated his favor surrounds me today as a shield i expect favor today from heaven and from earth jesus had favor with god and man and as he is so am i on this earth therefore i have favor with god and man i expect favor in my home favoring my job favoring my business favoring my ministry favorable with my finances and favoring every deal i am involved in i have the wisdom of god today i will think the right thoughts say the right words make the right decisions in every situation i face today my mouth speaks wisdom and my heart is filled with understanding i ask for and receive an abundant supply of wisdom and understanding today from god wisdom from above that is pure peaceable gentle unwavering in the name of jesus i expect to have divine appointments today to run into the right people and to be delivered from the wrong people any adversity attacks accidents get it my way right now in the name of jesus i say to the passive thoughts peace be still to my mind peace be still to my body peace be still to my home peace be still and to my family peace be still in jesus name your day is set and all is well with let's look at this scripture real quick and i'll let you go to begin your communion with god today in psalms 19 and verse 14 he says let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight oh lord my strength and my redeemer now say this prayer after me lord i want my heart and mouth to say the right things i know i need to spend more time filling my heart and mind with your word i also know i need to be speaking positive confessions about myself my family my business my future my health and everything else in connection with my life your word has the promises i need for every spear of my life so i ask you to help me fill my heart with the truth and line up my mouth with what your word promises for my life in jesus name say this confession i confess that i spend time meditating in the word of god and it renews my mind to god's ways of thinking god's word brings a supernatural cleansing that washes my mind and emotions from the contaminations of the world the memories of past experiences and the lies that the enemy has tried to sow into my brain i make it a priority to fill my mind with truth from god's word therefore i make it very difficult for the devil to penetrate my mind with his lies i declare this now in the mighty name of jesus and everybody said amen praise god all is well with you today all is well with your house all is well with your finances all is well with everything that you do i pray that god's riches and best will be yours today and i pray that you will find the peace that comes in this personal relationship with the lord jesus christ communing with him every day and so your communion time with god is going to be an amazing amazing time hey taffy and i love you we'll see you tomorrow morning have a great day in jesus
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 21,961
Rating: 4.9666667 out of 5
Id: jRiDtOTuMA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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