"True Scary Stories Compilation" #8

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so my parents divorced when I was seven years old I have an older brother who was known at the time of the divorce and my mom got full custody of us and we would only see our dad every other weekend my mom was a waitress so and she didn't have a steady income and we struggled a lot and because of that we moved around a lot because we were constantly being evicted from her homes when I was about 10 years old we settled down in a home in them they're not so great part of Tim despite this this was the biggest and nice house that we had ever had it was also really cheap compared to the other places that we stayed in the years prior but there were always creepy things that happened in this house for instance yeah that TV in the living room would just turn on and off by itself one night in fact my brother and I were laying in the couch in our living room just trying to go to sleep this wasn't uncommon for us as we slept in there many nights around out time there and TV came on as we were dozing off angrily I got up and unplugged the TV from the wall and sleepily crawled back into our couch a little while later I could hear the faint static of the TV turning back on I got up and went to unplug the TV forgetting that I'd already done this previously and when I realized I freaked out and press the power button on the TV to get it to turn back off and after that I didn't sleep much that night a few months pass by and I'm laying in my bed this time I'm not really trying to sleep I'm just kind of laying there and it was really quiet in my room when out of nowhere I heard a tap on my window it was like a tap that you'd make with the pad of your finger not your fingernail I jumped off my bed and ran as fast as I could to my brother's room which was right next to mine and I turned on his bedroom light and was hysterically trying to explain to him what had happened in my bedroom seconds prior I was begging him to let me sleep in the room with him because I was afraid to be alone at this point he agreed and I got to his bed and after a few moments of length we heard the same two taps on his window well without saying a word we both jumped out of bed and ran into our mum's room we were crying and telling her what had just happened and she had been asleep and was irritated that we work her up she groaned and told us that we were probably just hearing things and that we needed to go back to bed but as soon as she finished her sentence someone taps on her window the exact same way that they had done to my brother and away my mum obviously showed up at this and told us that we could sleep with her that night somehow but we all managed to get to sleep that night with no further disturbances but it was creepy another thing that happened was during the summer when my brother and I were at school my mom worked everyday from around 8:00 to 3:00 p.m. so she would leave us at home with her boyfriend at the time he was a nice guy but he didn't really do much he just stayed awake all night and slept all day long it was early in the morning and my brother and I were playing hide-and-seek tag this is pretty much just hide-and-seek but when you find the person you have to tag them before it was there too we made sure to be as quiet as possible so as we didn't wake my mum's boyfriend I was the seeker and I found my brother but before I could tag him he just jumped up and ran outside I chased after him and shut the door behind me and after a quick loop around the house my brother went back inside he stopped at the door and I tagged him and laughed out your it me he looked at me confused and I asked what's wrong he looked at me and said the door's locked I thought that he was crazy and I went to open the door and sure enough it was locked but it wasn't locked by the knob the deadbolt was locked something that could only be done from the inside we ran to my mom's bedroom and banged on the window trying to wake up a boyfriend he was a heavy sleeper and actually never woke up to let us see him I was passing my mom comes home and lets us into the house my mom had also told me that there were some nights that she was sleeping in bed and she would hear my brother screaming his lungs out for her as he had just seen something terrifying my mom would jump up and run into his room I need to realize that we were at our dad's house for the weekend she said that this happened to him multiple times to one night at around 3 a.m. we're all in our bedrooms just sleeping soundly but were woken up by a loud crash in our storage room we all slowly tiptoed out of our rooms to find all about Christmas ornaments broken on the floor we had been staying here for over six months by this point and storage tubs were stacked neatly in a storage room we also didn't have a cat or any other animal that could have knocked them over we also had carpet not hardwood so all of the ornaments being shattered seemed just really unusual well we cleaned up the broken pieces and we just went back to bed the last thing that happened in that house before we moved out was actually while we were on vacation my mom had a friend who let us stay over while we were gone for a week he didn't have a house of his own and he sort of just hopped from couch to couch so this would only make sense for him to stay over about halfway through the week my mom received a text from him and it read I'm sorry but I can't stay here anymore my mom walked into another room and called him to ask what was going on after the conversation my mom explained to us that her friend was sitting on a bed in a bedroom with the door cracked open and he said that he had heard a noise and looked through the crack of the door and saw a little girl looking back at him he said that he got up to check it out thinking that he was seeing things and he said that when he opened the door he saw the little girl running away from him she was apparently wearing a white dress and he said that she ran into the storage room and he explained that she didn't look scared and more like she was laughing and it looked almost as if she was trying to play hide and seek with him but after that he just packed his bag and left and I just never saw him again after that we moved out of that house and nothing has happened to her since then but surprisingly enough though but we actually know the people who live in that house today they have said that they've experienced some some weird things but they haven't really gone into detail about it all I can say is that I'm just happy that I'm not living there anymore my uncle had always told me about some strange things happening in my grandmother's house when you spent the night but first I'm going to talk about his experience and then wine I'll try and keep this short so the to give some backstory on how this house is so haunted my grandmother has had two miscarriages one boy one girl and her husband make hay my grandfather passed around the time that this all started happening my uncle would tell me of events of pot smashing together to wake them up in the middle of the night and seeing shadows and all sorts of stuff but his most memorable experience was when he was making food around 10:00 p.m. when he asked my little cousin if she wanted any food with the living room being right down the hall from the kitchen he heard a reply yes so he started making the food and asked if she wanted him to bring it over to her another faint yes was heard again so he brings the plate down the hall waits at the living room only to find her dead asleep on the couch he wakes her up asking if she had been talking to him the whole time and she replied no why still groggy from just being working up this obviously said shivers down his spine no my experience my cousin and I spent the night together at my grandmother's house to keep a company so that she wouldn't have to be alone but we went outside for a quick smoke and then went back in to finally get some sleep he slept upstairs well nice up downstairs and I turned the TV on for some background noise and passed out on the couch it was around 2:00 a.m. when I was walking up to the sand of people whispering from the kitchen no let me remind you that I was asleep on the couch in the living room which is down the hall from the kitchen so me being the curious 17 year old at the time that I was I decided to see who was awake and what they were doing the closer I got to the kitchen loud as the whisper seemed to get to and as I stepped into the kitchen the whispers just stopped and I was left alone with and in the sound of my breath going on I could have swore that I heard people talking in here though I thought to myself I decided to look around the house a little more to make sure it wasn't coming from a different room and after every room being empty I just decided to brush it off and head back to the couch I only made it halfway down the hallway though to the living room when I started hearing the whispers again I couldn't make out any words it just sounded kind of like a group of people talking together in a low voice I decided to turn around one last time when again the whispers stopped and I was left in the kitchen by myself again at this point I was freaking out pretty bad but decided to just sleep just to hurry up and get through the night as I walked for the third time back to the living room I started hearing the whispers again coming from behind me I didn't even look back this time though and decided to just try my best to ignore it by turning up the volume on the TV and after a little while I ended up falling asleep - the next morning when I woke up my I told everyone about what had happened to be honest no one was surprised my grandmother's house is pretty notorious for events such as this and to this day I still wonder where the whispers were coming from I don't know what happened that night but I can't help but think that it was spirits or something when I was around 11 I had awful nightmares reoccurring nightmares in fact about a terrifying character and they would always start the same I would be doing something that brought me intense joy though I can't really remember those parts and at the height of that feeling something would happen was something out of a slasher film I was absolutely terrified of anything bloody or insidious as a child my remember my brother and sister actually set me down to try and watch an episode of Family Guy to normalize that humour for me but it was an episode where Peter and the chicken fought and it was extremely bloody and violent and I just lost my shit well I say this so that you know that I got disturbed very easily back then but back to the dream for now so after something extremely satisfying would begin to conclude aloud bass hum would fill the air and everyone around me would become instilled with what I can only describe as a primal fear that looks on their faces would make me fall down and sob and I would cover my eyes and I'd hear a slaughterhouse around me there would be spilling of blood and the sharp pain from head splitting shrieks and cries and it was just honestly so fucked and after a short moment of listening to my friends and family get murdered the bass hum would stop and I'd hear someone run around quietly snickering to itself It was as if a child was running around playing hide-and-go-seek or something and their night he complete silence as their feet would slowly formed to the carpet or whatever surface it was but this dream usually took place in many different places as they walk towards my backside it would always stop at least three feet behind me but I don't know why and after some haunting silence they'd speak but it was always a different line and here's a couple that I remember there was I'm sorry yeah we've all heard it I love my name but let's just say it's wrong I'm sorry I'm busy and this one which the voice would say a lot so is it Sunday yet you would say something along with that sometimes but I don't really remember now his voice sounded like an older guy deepening his voice but also talking in a kind of kiddush tone or just being a little goofy it wasn't too deep and it was also a little scratchy and after that I'd wake up around 2:00 or 4:00 in the morning unless I stayed up all night which I'd wake up to to be pretty late so this all happened for a while probably around 2 or 3 months but when you're dealing with that stuff it it usually just feels longer and it was also a long time ago so it was probably shorter than that but I'm not too sure it didn't stop abruptly though I just had dreams less and less and it really fucked me up as a kid and it kind of changed me it didn't turn me into a different person or anything I just got much more serious and paranoid after that which eventually went away and now I come to my actual experience so this was around two years ago I think I was living with my mum in an apartment and I just went to the movies with three of my friends but we didn't really enjoy the movie or anything and left early to head to my place and we arrived and all of us kind of slumped onto the furniture in the bedroom because we had walked back so as we sat down and my turn the TV on for my friends I heard faint talking in the back but my mum was home so I didn't think much about it we put on our paranormal activity show because we actually enjoyed that movie but really we just sat and talked around and joked mostly it was honestly a great night and I had liked a girl that was there who was a friend of mine and we were really hitting it off all night but in the middle of us joking about the movie I heard my mom called me hush my friends and pause the movie and yelled what man there was no answer so yo louder ma what there was no answer again so I got up and went to the entrance of the hallway intent on going to my mother's room to express my annoyance for having to get up and see her but I stopped at the hallway because I heard a weird guttural sound from the back the sound also echoed so I knew it was from the bathroom I yelled mom are you in the bathroom and my friends laughed at this and then I recognized the voice and then I remembered my mum was in chica for the night and I stopped and I'm sure I had that same look as the ones I remembered in my dreams my friends thought that ma was just fucking around like I just saw my mom come out of the shower or something but then the voice spoke loud enough for them to hear and I'll never forget what it said it was kind of a jumbled mess but the voice said yes and I'll pick you up then I'll rip you in half but how how Rob will know but know how forget during that whole dialogue I told my friends that we need to leave now and I rushed outside as they looked dumbfounded and confused that last word was the last thing that I heard as I slammed the door - and I'm sure it would have continued my ran to the street and called my mom and she then told me to call the police I did they showed up and did their usual thing and then just left and obviously there wasn't anything in the house they told us that it was late but that doesn't mean it wasn't a neighbor's and I wanted to believe that too but I swear that it sounded exactly what I heard when I was a kid and I swear that it was definitely in my bathroom well after that my friends told me that it was fine and they all went home hiding how scared that they were probably trying to make me feel better or something my new - because my best friend was supposed to stay over but all of a sudden his mum needed him to do stuff at 12:00 at night I began to have a dream that night again and my force myself awake just as I heard that base arm I ran for the lights and and I didn't sleep much for the next week and a half but I haven't had that dream since I know I might sound crazy but I know that I heard that thing in my house and I know for sure that my friends heard it too so uh I'll get started with a little bit about myself I'm 19 years old and currently live in the UK previously I was a Miss extreme skeptic of all things supernatural ghosts and demons and all those stories just never fazed me as I can normally convince myself of a a rational explanation however lately I've had strange experiences that seem to have changed the way that I think not about ghosts all that sort of stuff but about aliens you see I've always had an underlying fear of gray aliens not an extreme phobia or anything such as arachnophobia where the sufferers can't even look or hear about their feared creatures in fact I have an extreme interest in the concept of aliens and wish to believe that they're real and we're not alone in the universe however something about the idea of gray aliens just presents me with a an intense feeling of dread and despair when I think about them in my own life I can't sleep being able to see outside or facing anything with a corner that's I cannot see it round I also find it difficult to sleep without any kind of sound to distract myself with and help me doze off without much thought now approximately three months ago I encountered my first ever night terror these were common for my dad who experienced them for years his night terrors however were generally funny him seeing weird things like my Nan's eyes glowing neon that woke him up screaming the my only night terror to date was very different I laid in bed with my girlfriend and fell asleep and I remember each part of the dream like it was real I work in the same clothes with the same sleeping position with my curtains in the same position and everything the curtains were slightly open so I did struggle to sleep bits I didn't want to make a fuss and it looked like an idiot in front of her or anything my boyfriend who can't sleep because he's scared of the tiniest side of the outside get a grip man the only thing that happened in the dream though was that I could see a face a dead center of the gap in the window it didn't move and it didn't blink it just sort of floated there looking at me whatever it was though it it wasn't human its face was long well almost shaped like a slice of pizza or something rounded at the top and then down to the point at the bottom it may have been that it was blocked by the curtains too but this was all I could see and as much as I wanted to say to be honest its eyes were large too large black as night no pupils no movement just there but I could tell that it was looking at me too I felt the same sense of dread that I do with the alien fear that I have the feelings of my heart sinking and an inability to move and in fear of what might be waiting around each corner I awoke hyperventilating yeah in fact the same hyperventilating I encountered at the end of my dream my girlfriend worked me up in fear of what was going on with me but I just shrugged it off as a nightmare ever since though strange things have been occurring in the house my family had reported strange things happening before but my lack of experiences led me to believe them to be explainable weird things that just happened for a reason or something such as a lack of balance or wind from outside the usual my mother claimed that she had seen a man look at her through the doorway of our living room but disappear when she looked directly at the area her and my brother's girlfriend also experienced the same dream on the same night talking to twin girls by each of their respective bed sides my brother and sister claimed to see shadows run past doorways and my father claimed curtain has moved on their own with no windows over I never truly believed these claims until my experiences started since that night terror weird things have been happening around the home which to be honest really terrified me items have flown from sides which we could not see but were impossible to fall entire books which weighed upwards of a kilogram approximately fell to the floor despite being completely on the side with no parts over the edge but loud bangs were heard at night from her downstairs that scared our animals and sounded like gunshots but nothing moved upon investigation as I live in the UK it's also extremely difficult to get a hold of firearms and nobody as far as I know in a local area has even held a rifle lot of light shot one in the house but now cat continues to look at things - which just aren't there following them around rooms with their eyes which dilate to their maximum level looking at nothing knocking has been heard at our back door - which is made entirely of glass mines you meaning that he would see anyone who would do it technology constantly bugs out - with lights flickering constantly light bulbs lasting no longer than a few weeks at most and Wi-Fi in our home being ineffective despite constant upgrades and extenders it almost feels as if something is blocking electrical signals especially in my room is I plugged a cable straight into the router that connects to my xbox two floors up which one night was just pulled out from underneath my door despite being so tightly wrapped anywhere besides just outside my room that's pulling on it from anywhere other than there would conclude with failure the weird experience though was straight after we heard the knocking on the back door I retreated lazily up to my room to just play video games and the top landing light was broken again meaning that it was not on and no other upstairs room lights were turned on with my door being shut and suddenly a bright blue flash occured as if it originated from my room almost as if someone had just used an extremely powerful torch that filled the entire floor for a second despite my door being completely closed I have no idea what these things mean and I try to explain away but I feel as though each event just keeps drawing me back to that one night terror with that face that scared me to death even as I write I can feel that dread engulf me I'm unable to stay calm and the feeling is though around every corner something just continues to peer around and watch my every moment I just want to know what's wrong to be honest if it is psychological then what can I do to fix it I don't know if it is aliens like I believe it might be but that dread that I feel with the face these events and my previous feelings about aliens are one in the same and I want to know what I can do to just make it stop at the time this story took place I was about 13 years old my parents split when I was pretty young and my mom had to provide for my sister and myself and my mom is really honest and thorough with her work so she found it rewarding to clean offices and houses for money my sister and I often went with her to clean up too and by the time that this story took place we were pretty used to it so my mom had three buildings she cleaned regularly which we came up with nicknames for there was the main building the red building and the brick building brilliance I know we had to clean all three buildings at night so we started with the red building this out of all the places that I've ever been to help my mom was my least favorite I hated going mid looked normal from the outside mind you but every time I took a step inside I I felt depressed and uneasy it was like all the purpose of life had just been sucked out of the world and I just wanted to fall asleep at this time it had been a while since we had visited the red building and there was this bathroom in the surveillance room that needed a clean badly here but the surveillance room was usually locked and I actually had never been in this room the first thing my sister and I noticed was the wall of monitors each displaying the feet of the security cameras that were everywhere in the building but we had some fun playing around with the monitors making one of us stay in the surveillance room while the others make faces and stuff in the camera in another room I would like to mention too that my sister and I have a close relationship and we've always just been weird but we both laugh at jokes and stupid stuff and we also like to scare each other anyway our mom got on to us about goofing around and assigned us both some jobs after about an hour and a half of scrubbing and vacuuming and whatnot we almost done and my mom was in the break room kitchen and my sister was hovering somewhere nearby I was extremely tired by this plane since I just wanted to lie down or do anything except work while I was watching my mom prepare the water sum up the kitchen with when she asked me if I would like to mop or go and turn off the lights upstairs I was so exhausted that I was only thinking about not doing work so I decided to turn off the lights and I headed up the narrow stairs into the kitchen the land of the upstairs was odd since it used to be an apartment building there are two sets of staircases on opposite sides of the building and I went up the ones at the kitchen the other set was in the entryway of the front door at the top of those stairs there was his hallway - that's I always like to avoid so I started turning off lights one by one and I was thinking about how he still had two other buildings to clean and I needed to pull myself together I blocked out my surroundings and was effortlessly flipping switches the second that I walked is the hallway that I try to avoid I became a little more aware of what I was doing ever since I was little I've been afraid of the dark so I started turning off the lights and the officers that surrounded the hallway I got carried away and shutting off the lights to which when I reached the point to turn off the hallway lights I jumped from a small step in an office doorway to the center of the hall the hallway ceiling was really high so the light switch was actually just a string that dangled from it I wrapped my hand around the string and pulled and as soon as the room went dark I was filled with dread then I heard a very soft grunt coming from behind me it sounded like when a person dies naturally and their body relaxes or something so all the air in their lungs is just released as soon as I heard it my whole body stiffened with fear - and adrenaline and I started to sweat it felt like if I turned around I was going to dial something like whatever I saw if I looked behind me would consume me whole I felt so powerless and terrified and I didn't know what to think and just that if I stayed there any longer I was going to get hurt my body took over my mind through adrenaline and I ran down the stairs faster than I knew I could i ran directly into the surveillance room hoping that my sister was in there and i called out her name no response I was so desperate and terrified that I ran over to the monitors and started scanning for anyone near me that I could run to the first movement I saw was in the screen that showed the stairs that I just run down and I saw my sister walking down them with a coat and boba fett hat on with a mop in her hand I took a deep breath and lie down on the couch that was in the surveillance room and I was so relieved that it was my sister I knew that she had just scared me in that she always did that it made perfect sense I had thought that she mopped the kitchen and then followed me up the stairs and took the opportunity to skim after I calmed down I walked into the kitchen where I saw my mom and my sister talking I leaned on the island counter and told my sister that she scared me and she looks at me and asks what I repeated myself and she asks when she scared me I told her that she came up behind me upstairs but I was turning off the lights and I laughed and asked if I look dumb running down the stairs both my mom and my sister weren't laughing though but they were staring at me with confused faces so I asked them what my sister began to say that she was downstairs talking to our mum ever since I walked up to turn the lights off I told her that I knew that she was lying because I saw her and the cameras walking down the stairs I described that I saw her holding a mop and that she was wearing both a hat and coat and then my mum chimes in that's my sister wasn't lying in that they really were talking I began to think at this point that my mom was at the joke - so I told my sister to follow me to the surveillance room and I pointed to the exact monitor I saw her walking down the stairs on and that was when she told me that she took off a coat the second we walked into the building and hadn't put it back on since she also only walked down those stairs once with the mop but that was way earlier I was confused a little bit scared when we packed up our things and we got into the car my sister told me what doppelgangers oh I never knew what they were before this scent I had never heard a story about the Maya which only makes it more terrifying for me to be honest I thought of every way that I could rationalize this but nothing just ever made sense first I thought maybe the footage wasn't live but then remembered how my sister and I were playing with the cameras but maybe I was just paranoid about the dark but I do know for sure what I felt was real I still don't fully understand what happened and I wonder what would have happened if I had turned around instead of running yeah anyway I know some people about not to believe me but I'm thankful for the people that don't think I'm crazy because they've experienced the same exact thing so my father has had his fair share of strange and paranormal encounters in his lifetime so far however the one experience that really stuck to him took place in 1982 and he was 13 and still living in the Philippines he was attending school at Christ the King missionary seminary and Huson City a Roman Catholic institution that prepared students for priest of it obviously my father never followed through with the program thank goodness as he admitted that he was never really serious about becoming a priest and that joining the seminary was really just a means for him to live more independently and apparently this story is partly responsible for changing his mind so my father and his friends were John rabe Richard and Nick Moll attended the seminary but none of him actually became priests either go figure everything stemmed from when Nick got sick with the flu one time he was quarantined in the seminary infirmary so as to prevent other students from getting sick as was standard procedure and no one thought anything of it to be honest it was when he was released two days later though that's things started getting weird my dad explained that Nick came back acting meb normally preserved and just quiet instead of laughing and joking around in the mess hall he would just stay silent sometimes with his head down and that sometimes just staring blankly at the window never looking at or talking to anyone one day though during lunch my dad and the rest of the group noticed tears running down these faces he just quietly cried at the table heads still down and still refusing to talk to anyone concerned my dad and his friends notified one of the seminary regents sort of like a cross between a youth leader and NRA and Nick was summoned into the Regents office the group approached the region after the fact asking what was up with Nick and if it was okay the region explained that after asking Nick what was wrong and was okay Nick finally admitted that there's this man who's following me and I didn't want to say anything because I didn't think anyone would believe me Nick was then asked to describe the man who was following him and he explained that the man was wearing a pair of jeans but was shirtless since he apparently had no face according to the Regent after Nick described what the man looked like he completely snapped panicking and sobbing yelling things at the Regent like I really don't want to see him any please I don't want to see him just help me please help me the region along with the prefect it was sort of like I'm a school principal priest who were also present in the office had to hold Nick down as he was just completely distraught after praying for a bit they were able to come Nick down and short him that's they'd always be available if he ever needed anything before dismissing him from their office although disturbed by the incident my father initially thought that maybe excessive stress might have been the cause of his friend's outburst or something however it should also be noted that the possibility of ghosts and demons and how the malicious entities were no surprise to the seminarians as new students will always initially warn that because the seminary was a house of reformation and that students were preparing themselves to carry out God's work resistance coming from opposing entities who wanted to drive out students were common and to be expected other way my dad and the rest of the group gave Nick his space for the next couple of days assuming that he just wanted to be alone for a while until he felt more like himself that is until the night things came to a head now everyone was in their dorm rooms and Nick and my father and their friend Richard had their bed situated right next to each other everyone was setting up their mosquito nets and getting ready to sleep when my sudden shouts from Nick just startled everyone he began yelling get away from me according to my father his outcry was followed by two aggressive swings as Nick tried to fight off some unseen assailant and what happened next my father still truly doesn't know what to believe he apparently watched us Nick's head just whipped back as if he was struck by a blow to the jaw and then his whole body was forcefully thrown into the air my father although somewhat religious is still a fairly skeptical guy and he claims it the way that Nick's body was shoved back just seemed genuine with no bend to his knees to justify him simply just jumping back like that if it was all just in his head then my dad stated that Nick was a really good actor but I'd only got stranger from there as soon as Nick was struck by this unseen force he got knocked unconscious and the region was called immediately followed by the prefect and priests together they carried Nick into the regents office as disturbed and afraid as my father was he John and Robb mended up trailing behind them partly out of concern but mainly out of plain stupid curiosity the doors of the Regents office was shut behind the group and my father was immediately regretting being so nosy the room was incredibly tense and thick with fear it was evident on even the priests face that he was weary and reluctant of having to deal with Nick and my possible dean the regent prefect and priest all figured that my dad and the group would stick around to help with praying over him and help him regain consciousness and they'd quickly do as instructed and start praying the rosary as if the night wasn't already creepy enough halfway through praying the Hail Mary my father's friend joined just us to talk complete gibberish and what my father could only explain this speaking in tongues after this nonsensical outburst John promptly collapses and luckily the priest was quick enough to catch him and set him on the floor before he hit his head on anything at this point my father is just confused and terrified as all hell wishing that he'd never decided to join the damn seminary in the first place and that he could just be safe at home instead watching episodes of Three's Company with his dad of course there wasn't much else that they could do at that moment other than continue to pray and hope things got better John regained consciousness shortly after almost as if nothing had happened although noticeably confused my father actually asked him what the hell caused him to talk like he did to which John replied with a repeated I don't know they finished praying after a while and Nick was still unconscious deciding that the group had done all that they could do to help the Regent the prefect and the priests all agreed that the boy should go back to their dorms and get some sleep telling them that Nick would stay in the office with them overnight presumably to continue watch and pray over him and perhaps call medical authorities the group of aid and returned to their dorm were joining the rest of the students who were just as unnerved and unable to sleep from the night's turn of events my dad's friend Reggie whose bed was right next to his meekly asked him if they could share a bed as he was too afraid to be alone to which my father agreed my dad remembers that he and Reggie were shaking so violently from fear that's he could hear the bedframe shake as well but something that he laughs about now despite being so unsettled at the time the next morning Nick's parents picked him up from the seminary for a two-week leave and apparently when he came back to two weeks later Nick was just back to his normal self and no one ever brought it up after that while after these events long after my father and his friends had left the seminary Nick had a falling-out with a group of a personal issues and so my dad is just no longer in contact with the John is still a close family friend though and my father will sometimes bring this story back up with him and he's considered extreme anxiety or paranoia and everything as possible explanations for what happened at the seminary however those are all just theories and they really don't fit all that well it remains something that's my father just still cannot fully explain I mean the fact that he had a flu and everything could explain why maybe he was having some sort of hallucination but my father describes that night when he was like punched and pushed and thrown into the air or whatever it was he uh he still wanders over that I'm from Canada Alberta and that's all I can really say is I have to keep things as private as possible I've worked at this nursing home for about a year and a half as a cleaner and a food server now I usually work to like cleaning shifts and as of late I've had weird things happen things just keep progressing the longer I work here too and things are especially strange in one area of the building particularly I can assure you that this is all the hundred-percent true as well I used to be skeptical about things like this until I started working here so here's when it all started I went in to do my late shift as any other day but please note that I'm also pregnant in these stories so late shifts include cleaning the dining rooms and the kitchens and doing all the laundry from that day mind you this is a really big old facility and I'm working alone on late shifts there's two dining rooms that can sit 70 people at least and one kitchen in one laundry room that have those big industrial washers and dryers so there is always lots of cleaning to be done I was doing my usual routine sweeping the floors of the first dining room before mopping it when I suddenly smelled a really bad odor and it made me sick to my stomach I thought that maybe the cooks had left some rotten meat in the trash can but to my surprise the garbages cleaned out I went back down to the dining room though to figure out where the smell was coming from and I followed the smell down past the kitchens and into the hallway where the rooms are this was the East Wing of the building and there's only five residents living in this area of the building and it includes our laundry room area as well this wing is the older wing that has yet to be renovated so a lot of the rooms are empty I followed the smell down the hole all the way to the empty room at the end of the hallway and I knew nobody lived I knew all my residents well and where they all lived this room is room 218 and you could just smell the foul odor emanating from the door I assume that the cleaning ladies from the morning had left a trash bag full of rotten food in there or something they often leave things behind while cleaning so no harm done I thought I'll just throw it out myself because of fire safety policies of our facility I had a master key that unlocked all the rooms I unlocked the door and open to the room and the smell just hit me and almost made me puke right there covering my nose I proceeded to walk into the rumors there was an immediate noticeable change in temperature it was like the AC had been running in this room all day and I just had a terrible and easy feeling the whole time that I was in and I immediately wanted to leave I searched the room quickly for anything that could be making the horrible smell and I was confused when all there was was a an empty closet and bathroom I just thought that maybe it could be a dead animal stuck in the wall and I'd have to leave a note to my manager my shot unlocked the door and started down the hall and then suddenly I heard a really loud no against the door a chill ran through my whole body as I turned around to face the door and I was sure nobody was in there as I just been in there then then I heard it again but this time much louder twice as hard on the door in fact and I felt pale but being the pregnant and cowardly girl that I was I just began to run down the hall as fast as I could manage I didn't know what or who or what the hell was going on with that room but I felt that I had a reason to be afraid I go back to the kitchen fast and Darden on one one on the phone miss I was sure that someone had broken in and was messing with me I told the operator that it was a possible break-in and they told me that there was a policeman on patrol two minutes away and I sighed at my luck and waited at the front doors when the policeman finally showed up I explained everything as I showed him what room he went down the hall and cleared the room and he told me that nobody was found and the room had still been locked even the windows were untouched and he said that there was no smell I was uh I was startled by this because only a few minutes ago I could have sworn that I smell rotting meat and heard the knocks I ruled it out as my tiredness and my pregnancy brain at the time and he took a report and went on his way mind you I was still very uneasy as I finished up my shift but this was the first time I've experienced anything paranormal the second time again I was working the late shift one night and I was in the laundry room just finishing up the last bit of my shift I was folding the laundry and was just caught in my own thoughts now this room has really large windows being late and dark you can see your reflections and the surrounding room through the dark windows too I look down at the laundry and looks back up and my heart stopped this I saw an old man with black dark eyes just staring back at me smiling I screamed and looked behind me thinking that it was a resident messing with me and to my horror there was nobody there I felt really uneasy as I looked around and I looked at in the hole but there was nobody there either I said hello but there was no answer and after that I felt sick I finished what laundry I had left and locked up the laundry room and as I was looking the door I could see an elderly man standing at the end of the hallway my peripheral my turn to look and it was the man who was just behind me a few minutes ago he was smiling eyes gray and black I take note that he definitely isn't familiar and he's a tall heavy man wearing jeans and a white t-shirt that's tucked in he was a bold man and clearly elderly and he was just standing there smiling at me the smile sent shivers down my spine too and I thought maybe that we got a new resident and my manager just forgot to mention it or something and so I called out ah hello sir do you need anything I'm Belle and I'm working on the night shift it's nice to meet you I managed under my intense anxiety but he just stood there smiling if you need anything feel free to call the staff phone okay uh I'll be over in no time I was so very uneasy and just wanted to go back to the staff room and he just stood there continuing to grin I smiled back and waved nervously and I said have a good night sir and feel free to call me if you need anything okay I walked away in a hurry and just as I go back to the staff room the phone started blaring I looked at the caller ID and it's coming from 2:18 I felt really uneasy but it must have been just a new resident or something so perhaps he was just too shy to talk to me I didn't know but I hesitated and finally answered hello sir how can I help you tonight there was a deep crisp chorale from the other end of the phone and it didn't sound at all human it scared the shit out of me and then the phone just went to static uh hello hello I said nervously the phone went to dial tone and i sat there for I don't know hell and my heart was pounding in my throat doodoo safety protocols I had to go check on the resident too as much as my instincts told me to avoid him I walked nervously down the east wing my heart pounding in my ears I came to room 218 and I knocked on the door and asked if the person was okay but there was no answer so I knocked again and still no answer and I became concerned what if my resident was attacked by something that growl it definitely wasn't human but I was also pregnant and didn't want to storm in and be attacked by god-knows-what so I turned around to get the phone from the staff room and I heard the door creak open very slowly behind me I walked over to the door slowly and before pushing it open I said hello sir you were right in there I pushed the door open at this point I was expecting something someone to jump out at me but when I opened the door there was nothing but nobody in the room and no belongings that would imply someone lived there it was just completely empty but I had a terrible feeling like I was just being watched and I searched the room and that smell of rotten meat filled my nose again and then I heard the most terrifying laugh and it bursts through my ears like knives it was such a deep and low and just cackling laugh and I literally shit myself as I ran out of the room so fast I didn't even bother to shut the door and as I was running I was thinking to myself am I going crazy I could have sworn that there was no one in there I mean I didn't see anyone what the hell's going on that night I finished my shift quickly and I just walked the fuck out of there early I didn't give a shit about spending one more minute there but sadly this is no where it ends the Judah being a soon-to-be single mom and pregnant I had no other option but to stay here until I was on maternity leave as my husband died a few months ago due to a a drunk driver hitting him man he was supposed to come home that night cook a meal and my positive pregnancy tests and all that he didn't even get to know that he was going to be a dad anyway I was stuck there for a while but that's where I'm gonna leave it off for now if you guys would like to hear more of my experiences then please be sure to leave a comment below is I definitely have more than a few to share thanks for listening so I live in the UK and I'm a 21 year old female my rena B&B end and pretty used to having to make we dose feel welcome however they are mostly harmless at the end of the day but last week's experiences was by far the worst and most terrifying it all started on the monday night of last week there was the end of summer break so a lot of tourists were travelling around my area so it was good business for the B&B staying in one of the seven rooms i had a foreign couple and their baby in another room two girls who had traveled from australia errand in the attic room I had a lone man who to be honest I got bad vibes from at the very beginning of meeting him he was tall and had long greasy hair and a dirty unkept fingernails and altogether he just looked very disheveled he didn't really talk too much I thought he just asked what room he would be staying in and walked in there and shut the door behind him still nothing too out of the ordinary in my opinion unfortunately though it didn't stop there now I spend most of my time in my personal hobby room I mostly watch TV for a lot of the days and then just go upstairs to my bedroom to go to sleep I climb the tall staircase and went to my room and I checked my alarm clock and it was only 9:30 p.m. so I thought I might just lie down and watch some videos on my computer laugh way through watching my favorite movie I was interrupted by a loud knocking on my door it wasn't an average knock though it was really aggressive I looked through the peephole and the door and was surprised to see that it was the strange man who was staying in the attic bedroom I open the door and he started talking straight at me not letting me get a word in telling me that the water pipe in his room and burst and that there was water spurting everywhere in that he wanted me to fix it I obviously apologize to him and without questioning anything let him lead me to his attic room the first red flag was the fact that he shut the door and locked it behind him the next thing was that there was no water anyway and then I remembered that there were not actually any pipes anywhere in the Attic I don't know how I forgot but I guess I was more worried about the guy asking for a refund and actually questioning whether he was being legitimate about the whole pipe burst thing but now I was stuck and the only other people who were staying at the B&B were two floors below me so they would never be able to hear me scream I'm also a woman so I had no chance of being able to fight off this guy I looked at him and he shot me a yellow grin and he lurched for me but my leaped out of the way I noticed something sticking out of his pocket jacket and it was a knife handle he pretty much ripped it out of his pocket and started swiping at the air with it I bolted out of there and heard him running at top speed behind me until we got to the second floor where I heard him running back up to his room well I locked myself in my room and called the police immediately I also called the other guests on their landlines and told them to lock their doors and stay in their rooms when the police arrived they found them in hiding in the wardrobe in his room I guess that he freaked out when he heard the sirens and just hidden there apparently he only had one backpack and it contained a toothbrush duct tape a stanley knife a phillips head screwdriver and some intimate things which i can't even write down but i'm sure you can guess what i'm talking about they never found out for sure what he had planned on doing to me but from the contents of his bag we all had a pretty good idea they took him away in cuffs and thankfully I've never seen the guy again my plan on moving away at some point soon because I just don't really feel comfortable with him knowing where I live also every day I just see that grin that he gave me as he was taken away and his wild eyes this is definitely the most scary experience that's I've ever had so this is a story that my mom told me from her childhood I've put it in my own words but have not changed any of the details of the events as I am here it is memories are odd every time that you reflect on one you skew it just a bit and after years and years your memories become a disfigured version of what actually happened it's kind of like that great school game telephone where you whisper something to the person next to you and then they whisper what they think you said to the person next to them and so on and by the time it gets back to you the phrase being passed around is nothing like the original phrase I've often wondered how different my childhood was compared to how I remember it how many details have changed how many things I recall that may not have actually happened at all my fully accept that on everything is as I think it was and I'm fine with that one memory though haunts me in vivid and precise brushstrokes funny how the ones you'd rather forget seem to be the ones that just refused to relinquish that clarity the memory I'm referring to takes place in October of 1986 just outside of Dallas Texas I still remember the dress I was wearing it was yellow with white polka dots long sleeves and went all the way past my ankles as per my parents religious requirements well I hated that dress but at eleven my parents didn't think that I was capable of choosing appropriate it's higher for myself I hated it because it was rather hard to move in and my mom had made it herself and it was pretty tight from mid-thigh down anyway that my sister who was a bit older than me had just gotten her driver's license soon she wanted to take the car out my mom said that she could as long as she took me with her she agreed grab the keys and off we went we left around 6:00 and it was already getting dark but my sister who was a little uncomfortable behind the wheel wanted to drive in the evening so that she would have less traffic to deal we also stuck to the side streets and back roads and so we worked our way to a stretch of relatively desolate Highway so we'd been driving around just listening to the radio and embracing our first true taste of freedom for about an hour we were just circling back and forth along some 10 or so miles of the u.s. hwa T between mesquite and Forney Texas just outside of Dallas it's a little busier there now but back then it was just a ten mile stretch of trees and railroad tracks it was there that's we heard the engine Kallang and my sister's novice driving skills became apparent as the car sputtered a few hundred yards before dying and rolling to a stop we'd run out of gas and the closest gas station was a few miles back this was before cellphones so the only thing that we could do was grab the gas can from the trunk and walk back to the station remember that poorly constructed polka dot dress well this is where that comes into play after about a hundred yards it was obvious that we would be more trouble than it was worth for me to hobble behind my sister for several miles so she handed me the keys and told me to just wait in the car when I got back in the car and locked all the doors and just watched the rear window and so my sister was out of Union I was a very meek and timid and easily frightened little girl at the time and it didn't take looking for the doc to infiltrate my psyche but then when I streetlights and I hadn't seen another car since my sister left but the only light was from the moon which was full enough that I could see the thick tree line about 30 yards off the road after what seemed like an eternity alone in the dark my fear and nerves began to really fray it was completely silent and not even the crickets were chirping I became acutely aware of just how unnerving ly silent was I wanted it to end but at the same time was afraid of what might end it so I just sat petrified almost anticipating to hear the boogeyman's whispers in the wind at just any moment all I could think to do was to try and fall asleep and hopefully by the time that I woke up my sister would be back I leaned the seat back and closed my eyes and tried my best to just block the boogeyman from my mind another 15 minutes or so passed well I turned this way in that way just trying to find a halfway comfortable position it was in the midst of the fidgeting that an eerie feeling just ran down my spine a feeling that I just wasn't alone and it was a feeling of unshakeable dread that I was being watched while I was lying on my side facing the steering wheel looking down one at the floorboard my back to the passenger window my eyes pressed tightly shut and I was afraid to open them afraid of what I couldn't see of what I might in fact I took a deep breath and counted to three and opened my eyes and there was nothing there I took another deep breath and quickly shifted my gaze to the driver side window and my exhales seeing nothing there either you're okay you're okay I told myself i sat there wide-eyed just staring straight ahead focusing on the steering wheel for another ten minutes or so and that's when all at once and all of a sudden I felt stricken with them the paralyzing sense of terror and the voice of my head just started repeating don't turn around but my heart began racing faster in my chest and my body stiffened and my limbs felt so heavy is and in a panic it started to take hold well I tried telling myself that it was all just in my head and there was nothing outside of my window that's I was just working myself up but to my utter horror however a shadow shifted off the driver side seat and then filled it back up again followed by three taps on the glass behind me that shadow had been covering that seat since before I had even opened my eyes as I had hardly blinked since opening that means that whoever or whatever was outside the car had just been standing watching me this is terrifying thought ran through my head but there were three more tabs loud at this time and I knew that I couldn't just ignore them anymore I mustered up all the courage that I couldn't turn to meet the tapper uh hello I nervously whispered is my eyes tried to focus on the figure outside the window and she were a little young to be out here all alone little lady where are your parents his voice was deep and had a an authority of tinge to it as he spoke chills went down my spine suddenly the air felt cold and the night felt sinister the man was abnormally tall the top of the window well below his chest his hands were extremely muscular and his fingers long and needle II as my I tried to focus he bent his enormous slender frame over enough to peer in the window he was clean-shaven revealing extremely sunken cheeks and eye sockets to me his eyes themselves were bulging outward and seemed too large for his face and while I could have just been the noise I swear that they were completely black little girl he repeated I asked what your parents are uh I'm with my sister we are he cut me off and pulled out a flashlight shining into the car I can't understand you I'm gonna have to ask you to roll down the window it's all right I'm a cop the ambient light from the flashlight allowed me to see that he was in fact in an officer's uniform and for a brief moment relief hit me were rolling down the window I spoke a little louder I'm with my sister and we broke down and she went to get some gas uh I couldn't go with her because I can't walk in this dress the slight grin came across his face ah I see so you're not out here all alone then he said almost gleefully yes uh just until my sister gets back and when will she be back then the closest station is a few miles away that could take a while right relief was starting to dissipate as the familiar feeling of looming dread returned uh I don't know she's been a couple of hours now I guess hmm you said tell you what why don't you come with me and we can go and get your sister you won't have to walk how does that sound it hadn't dawned on me until then but I suddenly realized that I hadn't seen any headlights in either direction for 20 minutes by this time I turned to look at the rear window and started to tremble as I confirmed that it was in fact no car in any direction within any eyesight but where's your cop car my almost hesitantly asked right over there just through the trees he pointed to the tree line in the distance haven't you ever wanted to ride in a cop car I think I should just wait here for my sister to get back she won't be much longer look it's past curfew and if you don't get home soon I'll have to arrest you okay your parents won't like it if you get arrested now will they now a new fee rented my 11 year old brain the fear that's I could be arrested but my instincts said not get out I'm sorry sir I said rolling up the window I really should wait for my sister as the window was about an inch from closing he stuck his fingers through trying to stop me and I ended up smashing them between the door and the glass he shrieked in pain pulling his hand back Oh fucking little bitch you smashed my fucking fingers haha I'm sorry I said through the neck closed window backing up in my seat as far from the door as I could he started pulling on the door handle violently and shaking the car back and forth open this fucking door you little bitch do you know how long you go to jail for resisting arrest he pulled out something that looks like a nightstick and started banging on the roof of the car in the window he smacked the window again and a spiderweb of cracks erupted from where the club struck now I knew that it was only a matter of time before he got in and was afraid that he'd follow through on the promises of making things worse I said okay through frantic sobs not even realizing that I had started crying at this point he suddenly got completely calm and said well rot then go ahead and step out of the vehicle and follow me to my car yes sir I rolled up the window and stepped out of the car this way he said tremors ran through my body is I slowly began to follow the man I knew that something wasn't right and all I could think was that he was leading me into something unspeakable behind those trees I wanted to run but with my dress I wouldn't make it far before he caught me and where would I go even if I couldn't we were about halfway to the tree line er 40 feet away when headlights lit up the field that we were standing in come on he snarled grabbing my arm and pulling me along at a hastened pace we were ten maybe fifteen feet from the trees when the shouts started the headlights were now beaming directly on us like spotlights from heaven when several voices all female started yelling in that direction they started yelling get away from that man little girl that man's not a police officer he's a bad man let it go you demon caught us watching you little girl coming here to us and get away from the Batman they just sent a barrage of shouts until the man let go of me and ran into the trees they yelled to me to run to them as fast as I could and so I did as hard as I could ripping my dress in the process two women in thigh length dresses stood outside the open side doors of an old white church they judged me to get in and my jumped inside into the arms of another woman and heard the door slam behind me there were six ladies all together inside the van all older larger women it's alright sweetie you're safe now we won't let the bad man hurt you okay one of them reassured me I said through tears that's my have to wait for my sister and they reassured me that they'll wait here and keep the bad man away every so often they would start yelling for me to not look out the window and pulled me into their chest to shield my eyes but curiosity got the better of me and I peered out against my better judgment priming my eyes sideways away from the woman who was holding me what I saw still haunts my nightmares it was the man now completely nude running down on all fours in and out of the tree line and through the field between us - I don't know what he was doing but he was moving quickly and kind of in an unnatural way sometimes he'd come as close as a few feet from the van and just make the most disturbing guttural grunts and growls that I've ever heard the ladies tried to distract me by singing nursery rhymes and gospel hymns and any time he got too close they would roll down the windows and shout him back he would disappear and reappear like clockwork and so finally my sister appeared gascan in hand and on the road behind us it's old my sister what had happened and she said that the worst feeling had come over her and she was running the whole way back the ladies surrounded us forming a big circle around the car as my sister filled it with a gas the man was now standing ten feet outside of the tree line his clothes back on watching us the whole time and he looked and just never spoke as they told him to just leave us alone and not get any closer when the car finally started the lady said that they follow us to make sure that we'd make it home we went up about some half a mile and made a u-turn to head back and as we cross past the place that we'd been stranded the man was on all fours again completely nude sniffing at the pavement where we'd been stranded the old church van was behind us almost the whole way home and I never took my eyes off of it I was afraid that somehow the Batman would get us if they weren't there but as we turned on our Street I am I lost sight of them and they didn't turn in behind us nor did I see a single vehicle pass on the cross streets maybe they've just turned around and just left I thought at the time my mother was waiting out of the front porch for us as we pulled up and it was obvious that she'd been crying she said that she got in an awful feeling that something bad had happened and we'd been gone a long time well I told her everything that happened and she called the police who came to the house to take a statement I thought that that was the last time that I'd ever hear about that Batman but unfortunately a couple of months later I saw a news story about a girl that had gone missing from a park close to the area where our car had broken down and witnesses said that the last they saw of her she was talking to a tall lanky men in an officer's uniform sometimes I think back on that night and I shiver when I think of that Batman other times though I I think of the ladies in the van and how they showed up just in time and how they just vanished without a trace I wondered then and I still want to know if maybe I was being protected I'm not too sure and I know that that whole thing just sounds a little bit crazy but man what a weird night the following account happened several years ago in Nepal my travel there with my sister M and two of her friends from high school VNA we'd hoped to escape the hustle and bustle of the city life and immerse ourselves in the mystical man paradise to enjoy its culture as well as Trek along one of the many Himalayan trails however limiting circumstances forced us to code during monsoon season a combination of a increasing heat and humidity that results in almost incessant rains so as you can imagine there were specially a tourist to be found especially on the hiking Trek dense sopping clouds had snuffed out an amiga light and milky fog obscured the view more often than not as we trudged along the circuits but we had a blast nonetheless the truck itself warrants a telling of its own now be at a file a serious one what with V falling victim to a battalion of bloodthirsty leeches lured out by rain a day getting entangled in escapades nearly getting knocked out cold from flirting with a farmer's wife though battered and bruised we emerged from the trail victorious though and returned to the capital our flight back home was jus the very next morning which meant this we only had one day to explore Katmandu Katmandu is a quite a polarizing place with Lebrun Thien streets and alleyways riddled with kitschy aesthetics and stimuli that push one senses to their limits navigating Katmandu by yourself especially at night it is next to impossible in fact the heavily polluted air and suffocating traffic doesn't help either and really the only one among us who took my liking to the city was V but she was always big on everything South Asian and was smitten by the various temples which is why with strain leaking from our muscles our limbs deuteron from a two-week long Odyssey we were dragged along and subjected to administrations on spiritualism and greater meaning and whatnots by the sound that we staggered out of our final sightseeing destination the Monkey Temple it was almost dark well we kept casting apprehensive looks backwards prepared to fend off the prowling gangs of thieving monkeys skittering in our wake looking for any opportunity to dispose us of food or the next best thing but one of the little buggers actually took off with my glasses in fact as we were descending into the city having left the temple grounds now Locke got curse of Lee worse we heard thunder echoing back on itself in the distance clouds feathering alive billowed up in an alarming rate the color morphing from shades of purple to jet-black flex with lightning it started raining too and heavy rain that pummeled us as we sought shelter we splashed through ditches already knee-deep with rainwater and hurtled down alleyways where we hid under a tin roof at the side of the road now drenched clothing thinning to our skin just as we were catching our breath sir a flurry of wet motion appeared in the corner of my eyes my sister M had darted onto the road and swung her hands upwards she was always spontaneous and decisive explosively so in fact and when she spotted distant white headlights barely discernible through the downpour she gambled on it being a taxi and it paid off we Clement into the suzuki with a collective sigh of relief the prospect of immediate shelter overshadowing the struggle to create space for our backs within the tiny vehicle it was a an impossibly tight fit but we somehow managed the scruffy headed driver whose calm and deliberate tone of speaking weeded us out a bit we turned around in the near pitch blackness of the taxi and asked us with a toothy grin where to we looked at each other in momentary confusion before realizing that's we hadn't accommodated this final day spent in Katmandu into our plan and because of our own familiarity with the city had no idea what to say the driver seemed to pick up on this though and didn't hesitate to suggest taking us to the cousins hostel an excellent establishment if he were to be believed me out of options and utterly exhausted we just meekly consented with thinly mask Lee in his face he told us that we love it there and that the first round of drinks was on him careening through the streets we tried to respond to the drivers prying small talk but the hypnotic ding of rainfall on the roof was all it took as I watched the blur of passing objects and people through the rain speckled window like wavy apparitions I plunged into sleep when I woke up we were still in the car and everybody else was asleep and in spite of the piss poor visibility and my grogginess it was evident that's we were in a completely different part of the city you know but there was little to no street lighting and all I could make out one jacket outlines of poles and looming concrete walls and structures but no people were to be seen and unease crept up on me how long have we been driving for where exactly was this person taking us what quelled my suspicion and what made us go along with such a shady plan to begin with was the perceived nature of the people of Nepal every single Nepali that we came across was welcoming and kinds of a tea which along with the supposed safety of the country had loaded us into a false sense of security it hadn't occurred to us that this fickle trust could be easily exploited the driver had noticed that I was awake and flashed that toothy grin at me telling me that it was good timing and so wake the others when I stepped out of the car on to the muddy deserted street I couldn't help but feel the sense of unease sliding through me again it was a sentiment too that was beginning to be shared with the others as we took in this cousins hostel we were taken aback though mold flecks walls with degraded and worn rendering surrounded a house that despite being camouflaged by the darkness and rain was unmistakably dilapidated granted it was only marginally worse than the rest of CAM Hindus post-earthquake infrastructure but it gave off a disconcerting air of ruin in other words no way in hell were we about to stay here at least one of us was preparing to voice disapproval of the entire situation when the driver started bounding around and in a very animated manner attempted to usher us through the opened rusted gate into them a waiting yard we complied but only to get out of the rain as it was now flooding over the alleyways created by the narrow lanes of houses and carrying with it its swirling refuse when we stepped inside we were met with a carnival of just disgusting imagery illuminated by a single dim light bulbs suspended from top that covered most of the yards revulsion and dread supplanted whatever unease that we might have harbored because it was just beyond repulsive what I can only describe as a sickening miasma covered everything and it just wreaked a foul odor that made my eyes water the concrete ground was littered with waste and the walls smudged with caked dirt the single plastic table was just smeared with who knows what and I shit you not there were needles just scattered everywhere we immediately knew that we needed to get the hell out of there but it was only when we turned around and looked at the driver under the light that's the seriousness of our predicament fully dawned on us this man looked like diseased roadkill sunken bloodshot eyes stared at us from a face that was just covered with livid sores and scratches his toothy grin now revealed decayed and cracked teeth and we would definitely mean a drug an extent holy shit V my thoughts how did you not notice I mean he was sitting right next to him I wasn't sure how to react at this point he was just standing there blocking the gate staring us down he obviously didn't pose much of a threat I mean there were four of us against one frail drug-addict meth-heads well three of us at least these always scared easily and as I glanced at her I notice that she was visibly shaking mushy be useless should things escalate into a confrontation verbal or otherwise a - for all his loud bravado and he was the first appeal when she'd hit the fan I was starting to get really nervous at this point I mean what if he had a weapon on him maybe you syringe which he'd lash out at us or something the last thing I wanted was for one of us to contract something my mind was racing how were we going to leave I was certain that there wasn't a taxi within miles of this deserted hellhole that's for sure and where were we to begin with now phones were useless with our local numbers I cursed myself for being this obliviously careless as I was being dissolved by the assets of anxiety M spoke up honestly she was everything one could possibly want in a leader level-headed and perceptive and she managed to bolster our confidence by taking control she calmly addressed the driver trying to explain to him that we'd forgotten to take care of something in that we'd need to rush back to town we'd pay him double the fare for the trouble but he wasn't having any of it with wild gesture lations and an irritated tone he started speaking rapidly but we barely comprehended him in his frantic state he was saying this it would be impossible to drive back under these conditions and that our best bet was to just wait it out at the bar he stressed multiple times that the first round was on him as if hell wouldn't Ison's he pointed towards the house and it's then that we noticed the interior of the house was completely dark the wide doorless entrance like an ominous invitation into nothingness that lay beyond threatening to swallow whoever dared to approach he told us to follow him inside for the drinks and started waving his hand as if time was of the essence he was starting to rile me up and I felt like giving him a verbal beatdown but as if sensing that M reacted she realized how important it was to keep level-headed and told him coolly that we simply had no time and if he wasn't capable of driving then he would help us contact another taxi or something he either didn't understand or willfully ignored her and kept urging us to come inside with him though it got to the point that he just kept repeating the same thing over and over my eyes dimmed to a sickly gray and flesh sunk at the sight of his mouth he kept insisting and if this wasn't all enough there was a very hostile air about him too he looked like he was a making a concerted effort not to lunge at us fidgeting with shaking hands if necessary I wouldn't have felt bad for a second to topple him like a sack of laundry if he so much as tried anything the VIII spurred it out a very unspiritual like fuck this let's just leave at this he surprisingly went quiet as if unsure what to do faced without departure he turned around and stared at the house and then back at us he hissed okay I get fun with surprising agility he scurried off towards the entrance to and disappeared into the darkness well we looked at each other and there was a momentary silence the only sound that of the rain beating against the top and lightning booming in the distance V again says fuck this traces of panic in her voice this time she says this isn't normal we need to leave now I said and go where they use offer yourself that there's not a soul out there and it's raining cats and dogs despite trying to be the voice of reason I knew em felt the same thing all of us did the lingering sense of dread that something was just horribly wrong I was fidgeting to new fear had obviously burrowed into his heart and I too felt afraid that's when we heard faint rustling coming from inside the house crackling followed by the unmistakable sound of whispering my heart was now beating like a drum I felt jelly lagged and none of us moved a muscle but we were all petrified with the whisperings continued to and they were just barely discernible through the rain but loud enough to be picked up with my eyes trained on the blackness of the entrance I slowly started inching Backman's and the others followed suit just as we were turning around it happened the sound of heavy footsteps rushing us a stampede emanating from within when we bolted dashing through the gate into the street and from the corner of my eye I saw four of them mere steps behind us with another bounding through the house entrance they started shouting and shrieking in us as we hurdle down the street sprinting desperately before turning to a side road one of them threw something at us in fact and it fell short and landed with a sickening thud behind me we ran blindly and turned corner after corner knowing that a single misstep would kill any of us v was falling behind us though panting like a horse pushed far beyond its limits thankfully the shouting was becoming fainter and fainter though well we kept running a not daring to catch our breaths or reorient ourselves simply following Em's lead through roads and alleyways at one point I thought my heart would burst and just when I was ready to give up V almost out of sight - we finally spotted headlights we must have seemed like lunatics surrounding the car left and right and centre banging on the windows screaming for help it was a miracle the driver an elderly man decided to help us at all in fact we claimed it inside gasping and heaving and we wasted no time telling him to hightail it out of there it took us the better part of an hour to calm down and he was just hysterical Mays entire frame was trembling but once this experience infiltrated our minds we just never felt safe even when stepping onto the aeroplane out of Nepal the next morning we decided against going to the police in the ends I mean we had no evidence and even if we did we had no way of finding that house again our backpacks were lost of course it was for thought of keeping our passports in a waste pack spared as much suffering luckily to this day I'm still filled with dread at the thought of that that entrance into darkness with murderers lying in ambush it was 2004 and I was 19 and my friend B was renting the upstairs bedroom of a house that everyone knew is the murder house you see in 1987 a man was shot in this house he ran outside and banged on the neighbor's door leaving a blood smear on the door and a trail of blood from the house no one answered and he was dragged back into the house by two men and brought to the basement where he was shot in the head and subsequently dismembered and the men took his remains and dumped them in a reservoir so yeah this was a little towns dark secret he had been living there for a few months and I would come over most nights after I finished work I was delivering pizzas so I always had cash from tips and we do what 19 year olds do try and get some beer or whatever funny enough that we usually just hang out with whatever was around and put some music and play rummy yeah I know hard-partying writes but he never felt uneasy in the house he never bought into the whole haunted house aspect despite that though he just never went into the basement but no one except the owner in fact went into the basement it wasn't a rule or anything well we could do whatever we wanted there really but the basement was just no so one summer night in June we're all that our friend Todd's house he was older but a cool guy and he didn't mind a bunch of teenagers hanging out he liked the party scene I guess and so we were there it was maybe a girl named AJ and C but we were all broke at the time and Todd had some other friends over a more his age that we just didn't feel like hanging out with so Abby says that we should just go to his place and figure out what we're going to do for the night may J and C take a car and I take being my shitty old Toyota pickup that forever smelled like pizza odds B's house was only a couple of blocks away and we get there and head upstairs to his roof this being 2004 and not everyone had cell phones yet only AJ had one so we were all trying to think of who to call to salvage the and whatnot there was no luck so I put in a CD and we just proceeded to go to the old reliable boring deck of cards it was just the four of us in the house but the owner of the home had his dog in the room right next to us he was really home at night though and his room had a window that overlooked the front yard in the street but we barely got the first round started when we began to hear footsteps on the stairs ah must be Frank coming home he said we didn't think too much of it until we heard the front door open and closed and then more steps on the stairs we all looked at each other and check the window and we didn't see anything suspicious but we also didn't see Frank's car we heard footsteps coming up a third time and B and I had had enough and we were going to confront whoever was trespassing we were both 19 and I had been a football player in high school and was still in pretty good shape B had never played sports but was in a similar condition as me basically we could have held our own in a fistfight if need be but usually we could just intimidate people into backing off so it's about midnight and we head down the stairs AJ and C stay up in the room well we were both pumped up ready to go kick out any drunk or meth head that happened to just wander in well we don't see anyone and nothing looks out of place though we go outside and sit on the porch and nothing seems odd there's regular traffic on the semi busy street but I start to get the feeling that just something's wrong but something feels off when I see things in the front yard that look like they're moving like shadows dotting around I kind of dismiss it as me being tired and my eyes just playing tricks on me that is until B asks me if I'm seeing the shadows movie I asked him yeah you're seeing this too huh I go into the yard at this point and look up into Frank's bedroom window there's a lamp on giving off just enough light to see the bedroom door and the dresser I look at it for a minute when I see something I say to be dude there's something in the bedroom he replies with it's just a dog oh it's not it's that's not a dog it's it's kind of black and the black creature comes into full view of the window at this point it looked like it was just made out of oil not quite solid but not translucent either it moved from the window to the dresser to the door and and just disappeared what the fuck are you talking about B asks still on the porch I don't know man I don't know what it was better I don't even know if I saw anything yeah if they've just been my eyes fucking with me my walk back up the steps under the porch and noticed an old mirror that had been left by the door I remembered hearing stories about people using mirrors to see goes so I figured why not be had gone into the yard to try and see what was in the bedroom at this point - I stare into the mirror for a few minutes when I see a a black oily bowl floating down one of the pillars behind me dude this is something floating it looks like a little ball of I said the ball disappeared at a view of the mirror and reappeared behind me huge this time in black a translucent black oil behind my reflection I couldn't see the yard anymore and I couldn't see beyond for a moment all I could see was me the porch and this thing coming behind me and then I felt it fingers made of ice entered into my shoulders and pulled me backwards it's an impossible feeling to describe but every time I think about it I can kind of feel it I bolt away from the mirror and I say something just went through me it was something that black thing it grabbed me in a pool quits I was done at this point and B was freaked - so we hustled over to the gas station down the street to call AJ from the pay phone and have her and C get my keys and shit and just get the hell out of that house AJ asks us where are you guys and we heard you guys walk up the stairs but you never came in I say I'll explain later just grab my keys and CDs and meet us outside back at the cars I told them what happened and what I saw and I don't know if they believed me or not but all I knew is that I was terrified after that incident - I never went back to that house and being moved out a short time later oh and if you're interested you can do a youtube search for The Voice Murder House and you can find news stories about the place there thanks for listening so to start my boyfriend and I had just bought a house together it's a lovely two-story home with them an attic basement and a two-door garage as well and we got it for a steal but with that we we have no sellers agreement but the owner has never seen the home probably inherited it to be honest by the way but we were in a pinch having been evicted from our apartment and taking care of foster pets mid narrowed our options as many renters around here don't allow pets so before I get to the main story there's some backstory on us I'm a 20 year old female and my boyfriend is a thirty year old male I'm pretty skeptical about things like this too but that doesn't mean I haven't seen some things personally that it really do make me wonder those are stories for another day that's what I'm about to tell you is about something that I had always thought was an old wives tale but now I don't know anymore anyway I'll call my boyfriend P for now we also moved in with a good friend of mine and her boyfriend they rent a room from us and it helps with the mortgage for sure but they're three and four years younger than me and I'll call the girl em and her boyfriend eight know me and I had to set up a a man cave of sorts in the basement we game and drink and basically just sort of do our nightly routines of getting some distance from our partners down there meanwhile PNM set up workstations in the Attic the more of a refined space for them for writing and tinkering with old typewriters and whatnot we've been settling into the new house for a couple of months now getting used to its pops and creaks and it's an older house built in the 1920s and my neighbors sort of have mice on their side of the attics you can hear them skittering about and above your head in this time I've been noticing some small things that seem odd the upstairs bathroom kind of gurgles if that's the right way to say it but only I've ever heard it when I asked p.m. and II none of the men heard the same noise it was weird but whatever downstairs we we also have another bathroom almost directly under the upstairs bathroom just past the kitchen no my cat follows me everywhere in the house squeaking at me to hold him and just generally being a cute cat but he won't follow me into the bathroom without being coerced he'll just sit there and kind of manically squeak at me until I uh sure I mean when he does finally decide to follow me in he looks eyes with them a portion of the hallway and won't break eye contact with it and then he'll run to me while staying low to the ground I know that this is a sign of fear but he has no reason for it and I just can't explain it and aside from that he's recently started going into the bathroom by himself and just howling at the wall it's weird but cats right now he and I have our set up in the basement which gives me the creeps to be honest I wouldn't spend much time in it at all until I put a huge sheet of fabric along the walls it looks like a vertical striped wallpaper now but when I put this up on I made sure to cover a doorway there deletes to a small room under my front porch something about that room just bothers me and it feels like it's it's watching you I mean between the matches of the game that I play the sudden realization that's I have that feeling again always comes upon me too and every time it's where's that same room it has no door and I occasionally still feel it despite covering it my cat avoids it too but just last week he told me about an event that he went through while I was sitting right next to him but we had both been gaming and had some time between matches and decided to shoot the shed and complain about shitty teammates but the usual MOBA player bullshit right anyway he tells me later that during a chat he had hallucinate at his girlfriend M walking down stairs and into the basement with us but when he turned to talk to her she just wasn't there I just kind of laughed at office he spends a lot of time smoking and maybe he was just confused but really it's a night while I was in the basement alone I heard someone opened the basement door and heard and saw M walked down the stairs and behind me towards a chair was a cigarette or something but when I turned to her to talk to her there was no one there I immediately looked behind me but there was no one in the room I looked in the entire basement and even called for her but nothing once I realized she wasn't there my cat howled and just booked it right up the stairs I said confused her a few minutes and told my buddies that I've been gaming with it I be afk for a bit I felt some almost lost to be honest I decided to text M though from the basement but sure enough she hadn't come down the stairs at all she'd been up in her work room for hours which means that that whole time she was two full stories above so then what did I just see all better yet who did I just see my father died in 2008 when I just completed my high school thing and we were in enormous amounts of debt I still am in poverty but that story can be told another day so to continue my studies I needed to find work and for three years I sold picaros on the street and tore little children maths in 2012 I was recruited into an isp in a small town to work the night shift during the interview I was particularly asked if I would feel scared to stay alone at night in the third storey of the enormous building with one security guard in the ground-floor I was never comfortable but I needed the job plus being at a night shift I could attend my college during the day and all that so I worked in that office between February of 2012 to August of 2013 and during this time I I never got curious to ask anyone why no one wanted to work at night I heard before me that someone used to work at night but he just left abruptly my work was to pick calls from clients who would have problems with their internet connection and provide simple solutions anything complex and I had to note down their names and address and pass the list of my senior via email and technicians would take care of them during the next day it was a simple job and I wouldn't receive many calls and so by 11 I would just spread out a thick blanket on the floor and fall asleep with the receivers beside my head in case somebody phoned during 2013 though was the month that I found the out boy no one was ready to work at night that night the security guard with him I developed a very close friendship came to the third floor and asked me if he could sleep in my room as there were too many mosquitoes in the ground floor understand that he was supposed to stay awake but he used to take advantage of my altitude and sleep every night and the whole building had no security camera anyway we were both sleeping in the same room the two receivers were on either sides of my head and the lights were turned off I had looked the door loosely keeping the lights on in the corridor and at 3 a.m. I woke up to a sound as if someone was walking with his feet dragging to the floor it was a really strange sound and really loud too I was facing the door and could see the light on the other side of the door through the thin gap between the floor and the door they stayed down staring directly at the gap trying to understand what or who it was and as I waited there the sound got louder and louder and soon my little feet of someone crossing my door my heart beat got faster but I thought that it must have been the security guard but was behind me he was fast asleep my blood froze at this and the sound started to get louder again and soon the feet appeared near my door this time instead of just crossing my door it stopped there too and didn't move I waited for whoever it was to move away but he wouldn't and then I I did the stupidest thing I thought it could be an intruder and instead of waking up the security guard quickly I tiptoed to the door while the thing still stood there and pulled it open suddenly and there was no one but a gust of wind hid my face causing me to get goosebumps although I woke up the guard now and explained to him everything he took out his torch and turned on all the lights and searched the whole building but couldn't find anyone finally he he came to me and said that's it could be a demon Oh after that I am I couldn't sleep again I dropped messages to those who worked here in the day explaining this shit to and I reached the office the next day a little early to catch the others this was when the story started to emerge - one explained to me that he had the night shift a few days and he would always hear someone climbing up and down the stairs in the middle of the night another said that he saw a chair being moved around from one corner of the terrace to another by something that was invisible and that was apparently why no one would like to work at night and stayed there for more than a year I left the company in August after they gave me an increment of $3 after working for more than one year they used to pay me 50 for a month and yes I know the salary is scarier than the story but I needed to grasp anything that I could find to complete my bachelor's degree I used to attend college in the morning and teach from afternoon to Twilight and then go to the office the cost of education and staying alive plunged me into further debt from which I'm yet to recover completely but they installed cameras in the office these days and I sometimes wonder if they've been able to capture anything I have plans to upload my personal paranormal stories including this one to my newly open channel many realities someday where I share strange but real stories of people around the world that defy explanation I'd love to see you there but that was my story and then it was weird my parents divorced when I was really young I do remember after the divorce that they both lived in apartments in the middle of Tennessee well not long before I was to start kindergarten my mom remarried to my stepdad and we moved to a small house in the middle of nowhere Alabama about 30 miles outside of Birmingham it wasn't a good school district in there my stepdads family who would be helping with my brand-new little sister this was actually a really exciting time for my other little sister and me and we finally had cousins aunts and uncles and grandparents that we would get to see all the time instead of traveling for the holidays to New England or Florida only once or twice a year but we didn't even care that they were all Stef family we were just happy to be around other people but the cousins that we saw most were a Brady and Micah their mom and our mum worked odd jobs to make ends meet and help each other out with childcare well my stepdad worked as a truck driver and uncle Randy worked as an EMT ambulance driver so our house was a knod setup but we lived in a little two room house that actually sat almost right behind a large old farmhouse that no one lived whenever Brady and Micah would come and visits we would always end up going through the house and always wondered why it was still set up like a house since no one lived there the beds and the bedrooms were made there were a couple of plates in the sink in the kitchen for the last few years it was like someone just left for work one day and never came home so after a day of playing in the house I found a plate in the kitchen that I thought was very pretty I knew that we're about to go visit my grandparents in Florida for the summer and thought that it would be a perfect gift from my southern belle plate collecting grandmother well I took it back home and my mom helped me clean it and get it ready that evening before sending me off to bed laughter my mom sent me to bed she followed her nightly routine of smoking a cigarette dumping the ashtray sweeping off the porch before locking yet and then watching the nightly news before going to bed herself while she was in bed she kept smelling the burning cigarette oh she couldn't figure out why though and he even got up to check the garbage to make sure that her last one was not still lit and it wasn't so she went back to bed she's almost asleep convinced that the smell is just stuck in a nose when all the lights in her room turn on she turns to get out of bed and comes face to face with me standing next to her bed clutching my blanket and crying she asked me why I turned on all the lights and I just break down crying and barely get the words out I say that I didn't turn on any lights not even the ones in our room or in the living room Carolyn did it I told her to stop and turn the lights back off but she just laughed at me my mom was really confused and asked who Carolyn was I explained that Carolyn is my friend that I made normally she just turns on some lights at night she didn't have lights in her house next door until she was six like me and likes to play with them but when I tell her to stop and go home to sleep she turns off the lights and walks away but tonight she turned on all the lights and when I told her to stop she laughed at me and walked into our closet instead of going home and now she doesn't want to leave even though I want her to and she made fun of me my mom got out of bed and picked me up and and she was carrying me back to my room she quickly discovered that every white I mean every lamp every ceiling lights even the pool chain lamp under the kitchen counter they were all long she took me to my room and they'd be in bed and check the closet just to make sure that Carolyn wasn't in there and turned off the bedroom light so that my sisters wouldn't wake up she went out into the hall and reached for the light switch but before she could even touch it every light in the house just went off but mom was convinced that we had lost power so she hit the light switch to check and the whole light came back on like normal as odd as it was she just put it down to faulty electrics and went back to she laid in bed the cigarette smell came back though and she sat up trying to remember if she smelled it while dealing with me or if she was just too preoccupied and freaked out to notice well she was trying to remember she heard the screen door to the back porch open and slammed shut again of course she knew that she had looked at before going to bed so she wasted no more time and picked up the phone and called uncle Randy since this was before the prevalence of cell phones and it wasn't like my step that would be able to make it from Arkansas back to Alabama and anytime quick enough for the circumstances anyway so for 12 minutes my mum just sat frozen in her bed scared to move listening for any other sign of an intruder or that of any of the three of us had woken up then she heard a car pull up into the driveway followed by Randy banging on the screen door and yelling her name she ran to the kitchen and threw up in the backdoor turned on the back porch lights and immediately saw it between her and Randy were about twenty burnt cigarette butts and cigarette ashes just strewn across the floor that she had just cleaned an hour before and a lock screen door so to start I need to give some background I'm a male who lives in a relatively nice neighborhood it's your average small town run-of-the-mill suburbs area with a lot of people there I'm a college kid whose home on break while my parents have gone away which doesn't help at all I also have a two-story house and I uh I don't have a gun or nor do I have any real weapons other than kitchen knives I'm not on any medication and I have no record of schizophrenia or any other mental illness I barely have any relationships with my neighbors most of whom are elderly and the rest I have minimal contact with I don't have any people in my neighborhood that I know of anyway who have any reason to attack or harm me too so let's get into what's happening about two nights ago I I woke up very late in the night and I went to the bathroom to go and take a dump no my second-story bathroom is a window that can see the entirety of my backyard but directly behind it is a cul-de-sac which you can see directly into there's a group of trees and a pile of rocks and mulch that divides it usually I can see everything in my back room without turning anything on because lights from my neighbor's house dimly light the room and as I'm using the toilets I look outside and I noticed there's a car parked directly facing my house and the cul-de-sac now if you've ever seen a cul-de-sac before you would know that when you park you always under park next to the curves or the sides of the street this car was directly facing the curve behind my house though well I thought that this was a pretty strange considering whoever parked must have been here to visit someone but if that were the case then why would they not have parked in one of the driveways the people who live behind me were both elderly too so they probably didn't have some big block party I didn't know about or anything and even then only an idiot would park like that as I stared into the car I could distinguish a figure in the driver's seat just sitting there since the lights were not on in my bathroom whoever was in the car probably couldn't see me through that window at this point I was determined to see who the fuck was in there so I went downstairs and got my binoculars from my dad's closet and went back to my bathroom to see who was there keep in mind that this is 3:00 in the fucking morning and I mean what person would be in their car just sitting there in the middle of the winter anyway as I go into my bathroom I looked outside to find nothing look I had just since left I thought it was a relief seeing as I I probably was just freaking out over nothing and the person was just leaving whoever they were visiting or something but then again what are the odds at the moment that I noticed the car that's the moment that the person leaves by the way I I finally calmed myself down and just went back to sleep the next day I'm the mix of boredom and paranoia got the better of me and I decided it was time for some investigation my goat in my backyard called a sac to see if there was any trace of the person who was there last night and there was nothing I go to my neighbors to see if they had anybody over the other nights maybe it would just clarify why the fuck somebody would be parked there in the first place I asked both the owners of the two houses and the curves that the cul-de-sac er all of him said that they didn't have any visitors and I asked for the numbers and my left this is when my paranoia really started to kick in a bit this was a little messed up I had no clue whether the person was coming back later and I can't call the police as they won't respond to a complaint that means an even valid so I decided to wait until later to see if the person came back I spent that night just talking with my college friends about it over a video chat all of him thought I was either making it up or just freaking out over nothing I sign off and watch Netflix until it's pretty late the entire time I just kept thinking about looking at my window to check but since my friends had told me that I was worrying about nothing and also since um I'm a bit of a coward I must admit well I just never checked finally like fuck tick 324 I am the exact time I woke up the night before and I thought fuck it might as well check to be sure and this is where I absolutely shit myself the same exact car was parked and there was a man in a black hoodie in a ski mask standing right next to it just staring at my house I immediately ran to get my phone and dialed my neighbors none of which answered mind you I ran back to the window only to see that he was now standing in my fucking backyard this was no longer a burglary attempt because if it was he would be looking through my lower house windows trying to break in or something this had to be some sort of stalker I thought at this point I decided to fuck this and opened up my window and screamed at the top of my lungs who the fuck are you there was no response so I yelled I'm going to call the fucking police get off my property and finally the man spoke he said have a nice day in like a cheery way that a cashier of the store would say when you're leaving then waltzed and I mean literally waltz like a happy cartoon character back to his car and then just left well obviously I called the police department immediately they asked me if I had any friends who were trying to play a prank on me and I said no and like I said though this town is relatively small and the police did jack shit they told me that if it happens again to call them immediately so I'm shitting myself right now it's currently 11 p.m. and God knows if he'll be back tonight I'm going to be looking at my window online it's just waiting for him and I'll uh I'll keep you all in touch if anything happens wish me luck edit 12:24 a.m. so I'm currently staring outside looking at my window just waiting for the man to come and Ivan for my neighbors about his arrival and they told me that they're also on the lookout I must admit that I feel pretty nervous but at least I have my neighbors helping me out too right I just want this to be over to be honest 124 and yeah nothing is showing up yet I got a call from my mom about a half an hour ago in fact I haven't told them about any of the shit happening I just told her that I love to hung up on the phone my friends have been snapchatting me there I'm asking me about this shit and I said that I'll try to get a picture if I can if I do I'll make sure that I send it to you guys to 134 a.m. so the neighbors said that they see a car parked up the street from one of my neighbors who's in his mid-forties says that he's gonna go check it out my foot is tapping the floor like crazy now 137 I am false alarm turns out it was just the car of a family he just got home fuck me though his suspense is making me feel ill 148 yeah one of the neighbors says that he's going to sleep for the night well that's not good but I just hope the rest of them hold out for me until the rest of the night I don't know if I'm gonna be able to fall asleep at all tonight I mean I've already chucked two cups of coffee and I'm as alert as possible 2:11 and yeah hey yeah I was looking at my window when I heard something in the bushes in my back yard I couldn't tell whether it was the guy the wind or just some stupid animal so I shined and turned on the light in my backyard and saw nothing I think I think his paranoia is starting to get to me 2:17 again alright it's official I'm losing my shit here I heard something crash in my kitchen and I ran down to see what was happening but some pan had fallen off over from the shelf nothing notable but it's get the absolute shit out of me I went back upstairs to start looking at the window again it's one of the streets right off my backyard which is about 200 yards away I'd say through the trees I also saw a car at the corner flushing its brights repeatedly and then making a rides driving away from the street leadings in my hands I don't know what the fuck is going on but this is this quite taunting me 2:40 a.m. hey so uh I'm currently in my neighbor's house just staring into my backyard another coldest act I walked out my back door and just sprinted and rang the doorbell as fast as possible they saw me and opened the door immediately luckily it was a honestly the scary shit that I've ever done one was worried that he was gonna pull up any second in fact but and now I might just wait and hope for the best I guess 2:51 yeah so nothing out of the ordinary has happened but I am dreading what will happen at 324 I saw two cars possible at my house though I couldn't tell if they were the same car as the one the stalker was using though also I couldn't tell if it was the same car just passing by both ways this this guy playing tricks on my mind I'm ready to dial nine-one-one at any second well I called my parents too and told them what was happening and they said that they'll be on their way home tomorrow 301 I am yeah guys this guy's definitely coming my car came up the street on the cold a second started flushing it's high-beams again and left he's definitely trying to fuck with my mind I thank God I left the house though because the direction he's going is definitely coming back around to my house honestly I'm pretty scared and not even in the house and he but the moment I even see him outside his car I'm definitely calling the police 3:11 I am so the money burn and I both agreed that they were going to leave the house and drive to the police station as soon as we see him park near my house my heart is racing in it I can't believe that I just waited in my house alone for the past couple of hours what the hell was I thinking so uh it's 3:20 a.m. now and still nothing yet even if he doesn't come though I sure as hell I'm not going back I'm not even sure if I'll I'll stay here too this is the scariest shit that has ever happened to me 3:25 oh yeah guys someone has parked in my fucking driveway I'm getting the fuck out of here right now huh I'll try to update you guys on my mobile or later when they arrest this guy Abbas I'm leaving now 1:15 p.m. for those of you who were concerned I'm alive I went to the police station and my being questioned and they're working on finding the guy yeah well they haven't found him yet unfortunately and I went to a hotel and got some sleep and I just woke up I'll share more with you guys soon but right now I I'm just taking some time to get this sorted out oh and thanks for the support everyone hey everyone so for anyone who's been keeping up with all of this I'm alive and well but far from safe as my neighbor and I were waiting for the coast to be clear I saw my garage door open it approximately 327 a.m. and right then my neighbor and I just booked it to his car as we were leaving - I saw the light zone on my bathroom and I nearly threw up realising how easily he got in and how I'd just been a sitting duck an hour prior I've been fantasizing over and over of how if I'd stayed in there my neighbors would have called me telling me that it was in my driveway and I would have heard my garage door opening and the dread just knowing that I was absolutely fucked once we were in the car we sped off to the police station and the police gave me the usual rundown of questions in this type of situation like whether I knew this man went away my first encounter with him was and whether I could identify his car if I managed to write down his license plate I told them that's me had only come 2 times prior and that both times it was too dark to tell even with the streetlights but when the man had parked in my driveway one of my neighbors who had still been on the look at said that she saw the car was a great Volkswagen with no license plate she wanted to say though that she saw the man type in the code of my garage go inside and turn on each of my lights as though he was checking the whole house the men had stayed there for five minutes according to her and proceeded to get back into his car without taking anything and just sped off down my street she notified the police immediately and they've been searching for him since then but nothing has come up and we returned to find that my house had been left relatively unscathed oddly enough though the police they didn't even find a trace of DNA whoever this man was he was meticulous as hell and somehow it gained the knowledge of what my garage code was it makes me shiver the things that he may have been watching me even as I typed it in earlier in the week and god only knows what other knowledge he has to track me down my parents have yet to still return home from their trip as their plane was delayed so as of right now I I'm alone and still at the hotel with only a bottle of Jack Daniels to consult me a couple of police cars have been stationed around the area of my house looking for the guy and they're all waiting upon his arrival I'm not leaving this hotel until this fucker is caught I'll tell you that much and I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight I'm hoping though that this is the night that he finally contract me the police have advised me to stop using any form of social media to be indicative of where I am that means no snapchat no Instagram no Facebook pretty much nothing yeah they told me that I can use my laptop as long as I remain as low profile as possible this means that all I can do is wait for the police to call me and tell me that the stalker is being caught for now I'm just gonna try and figure out who this guy is and why he he might be trying to stalk me I have a few theories as to who it could be my first is my ninth-grade Italian teacher so I went to a private school and this teacher had basically been one of the biggest lunatics that I had ever met in a schooling system he was very outspoken in the way that he described politics and very mean-spirited during his time teaching he would always make fun of students had sometimes fallen asleep in class and would always make the perverted comments towards girls I knew so one day I I decided to write an email to the Dean asking him to please fire the man from his teaching position and explaining the unacceptable behavior he had what working that is it worked and I I never saw the man again now the reason that I think it could be a possibility is because he never particularly liked me in the first place in fact I feel as though he kind of singled me out in a lot of instances and picked on me I don't know if he ever found out that I send the email but if he did I'm extremely worried I can't tell if it was him or not when he spoke in my backyard though as I was in full adrenaline mode while I was screaming at him I would say though that this is not a likely suspect but I'm just not sure my second theory is my Christian Deacon from back in the second grade I used to be a part of his church program a while back when I was in elementary school out of all the head figures there one that always stood out to me it was Deacon Anthony he was a middle-aged man very soft-spoken and he had always been very particularly nice to me and my friend Kevin - he would often bring us candy talk to us about our home life and that treated us more fairly than the rest of the kids but one day my friend Kevin had told me that Deacon Anthony had asked Kevin if he wanted to go home with him to hang out the Kevin said no to him and told me and I told my parents about this and they immediately contacted the church and told them about it - and after that I never saw a deacon Anthony again my parents told me later that they had contacted the board and he wasn't moved from the church in fact if this is the guy though he must have had a a massive personality shift after that incident because the way the men happily told me to have a nice day did not match up with the one that he had when I was younger Theory 3 is my classmate Derek from eighth grade the Derek was one of those insecure types who would always get off to making other people feel small he was your standard 8th grade middle school shit-eater who deserve nothing but a good ass whupping which unfortunately never came however what did happen was I had started a rumor about him that I wish I didn't bring up that's it pretty much ruined his reputation and made him a laughingstock but he never found out that it was me as far as I could tell but from what I heard from my hometown while I went off to public school is that at our local high school the room hadn't stopped and he turned into one of those quiet kids who just never talked keep in mind this kid literally had told my whole friend group to stop hanging out with me so as far as I can tell this revenge was extremely justified in my mind this may in fact be the prime suspect as he would most likely know where I live too I tried finding any sort of social media about him but nothing came up this guy is pretty much a ghost and I have no idea what he's been up to all these years theory for is some complete stranger who I have no association with maybe this is just a genuine old-school stalker who takes pride in picking out and hit prey from a random crowd but no one I have seen in this town for the past week has seemed particularly odd though the only one that comes to mind though was this weird cashier at a 7-eleven who seemed particularly in love with his job he may have some form of of Asperger's syndrome or just maybe he just takes pride in being a cashier but he was always very polite with his customers and when he'd been interacting with me at least I've gone in to get a soda from the fountain and as the store was empty he asked me hey is that all you're getting and I said yeah this is all and he continued with oh well congratulations it's free I thought well sweet a free soda this guy is the shit and I think Tim Atanas he was smoking a cigarette outside and said have a good one and left now I know what all of you must be thinking this is definitely the guy he's a fucking cashier for crying out loud well I'm just not sure this guy was probably in his 30s seemed extremely grateful for his low-end job and just seems a content with what he had he didn't strike me as a stalker but then again I I haven't been back to the store since he may still be there or he may not be there at all I guess time will tell I might stop by there tomorrow and do a little more investigating as we speak it's it's 11 p.m. again and I'm staring at my hotel window just scrolling through Reddit I'm still dreading the moment that I see the car with the flashing high beams pulling into the parking lot so I'll probably just be looking at my window all night again I'll post more updates if necessary and I am I appreciate you guys but a bye for now so uh I've been reading through all your comments guys and just so you guys know I I can't get ahold of a guns as easily as most of you think I live in a state where that shit just doesn't fly and the best that I have right now is pepper spray and a baseball bat 1:37 a.m. they called me a lunatic but I left my room to get some fresh air and I just couldn't stand being in this small hotel room on my second I was buggin out like crazy though and every person I saw seemed like a threat to me and I started talking with this one guy in the hotel lobby he says he's been traveling from state to state on some sort of a self indulged journey across the country or something I asked him if he has any experiences with stalkers and he told me that he'd been receiving anonymous calls a couple of years back from some guy I asked if he had ever encountered one in his back yard or anything and he just kind of looked at me funny I explained to him the situation and he wished me the best of luck and it was nothing out of the ordinary but it was nice to have some real human interaction while I'm losing my fucking mind 1:46 a.m. all right one of the janitors must be fucking with me because I spent the last minute searching for my phone and asked someone outside my room to call it for me and I listened for the ringing and it's in the fucking safe and the password is not the one that they gave me what the fuck this is this is fucking weird man but whoever's doing this is going to get torn a new one I'll tell you that much I'm going to the manager right now and I'm gonna get this sorted to our 8 a.m. so I'm demanding a different room guys I'm not staying in that same fucking room one more second the whole staff is in there now trying to figure out the safe password meanwhile the manager is looking for the janitors who have been in my room to ask what the fuck they were thinking yeah fuck this though um I'm tired and I'm worried and you know I I just lost my fucking phone fuck 224 and yeah no guys it's not the garage code guys I checked that even if it was I mean why would it be and how would the fucking stalker even get into my hotel room let alone rewire my safe guys I'm not leaving the hotel okay I already paid the money to stay here and I don't have any other place to go that's not a hundred miles away I have no car and I got here in an uber car and at least here there's a over a hundred people staying here so that's good I mean the Stoke is not gonna come into a hotel full of people right 2:40 a.m. I'm sitting in my hotel room all alone with no phone no way to call an uber and no way to call the police and I'm starting to think that one of the janitors got bribe to do this or something and now not only have no way of driving away from here but I have no way of contacting any family or anyone for that matter of getting me away from the hotel I'm gonna wait for another 45 minutes and if they don't open the safe um I'm demanding that they call an uber for me and I'm just driving the hell out of here 2:53 oh yeah someone just knocked on the door saying the safe is open and I told them all right and then they asked me to come and get it I asked him if he could slip it under the door but he said that I might need to go and get it myself I told them that I would in a couple of minutes and that he'd be waiting but I I'm starting to get a little bit paranoid here guys 3:10 yeah so the man said that my phone is in the main lobby if I want it and I'm on my laptop next to my window and I could have sworn out of the corner of my eye that I saw a car flashing its high beams again I don't know if I should hold out till morning or get my phone and just leave what do you guys think 3:14 yeah guys I I'm not waiting until 324 for this guy to fucking come into my room and jump me I'm packing and I'm just gonna get the fuck out of here I'll keep you guys posted on mobile when I get my phone back 3:16 p.m. all right guys I'm staying at a a friend's place for right now just to clarify when I said not a trace of DNA was fan to I meant that there was nothing that was found at Tracy's guy back like a glove or fingerprints on the garage keypad or anything the police did not do a full investigation obviously the guy still hasn't been found - and my neighbors have told me that no one's been back to my house and my parents are currently staying at my aunts dance sounds I got my phone back too and there was a missed call from some guy named Nick Sullivan what strange is his name was never put into my contacts though I've never met anybody named Nick Sullivan in my life and I uh I know how it's in I tried calling back and it just went to voicemail creepy shit nonetheless but maybe I'm just being paranoid I don't know I'll see if I can make another update tonight but I gotta go for now I'll talk to you soon 4:30 5:00 p.m. so the guy who called my phone wasn't the same guy as an excel oven that I'd missed a call from I don't know what the hell is going on but this is weird man again guys so as I got in the yuba the driver had been waiting for me to come out and I got in his car I nearly shit myself as he turned on his car to find that the car the one directly across from it in the parking lot was a grey Volkswagen I couldn't tell if this was the same one from the night before because well hey this one had a license plate and Bo I never had gotten her I could look at it up close before so it could just be another person's car as we were leaving though I looked up to the hotel and in one of the rooms that was clearly a figure looking at the window I'm not jumping to any conclusions right now as to whether it was him I'm not sure if it was even the same room as mine I just keep questioning myself at this point as to whether all of this shit is real or just paranoid but maybe the guy actually did find me and I was about to be slaughtered maimed or worse or maybe this just is a classic case of schizophrenia or something and I'm just funny ways to freak myself out one thing that is for sure though is that the guy is definitely still hunting me I got a text from mr. Sullivan Nick or whatever the fuck he was to call himself and I'm still petrified after seeing it at exactly 8:30 4:00 p.m. today he sent me a video and the only other thing that he said in the text was I see in the video I'm positively sure is my house and now I want to know when the video was taken it probably was not taken last night as police were all watching my house so that means that he either took at the first two nights or as recent as today and I'm really hoping that it's the latter if he took it today that means that he probably still thinks that I'm staying unfortunately though this guy seems far from stupid and if he has stalked me enough to know my garage code he most certainly must have noticed that I'm no longer coming back there by the way he's trying to terrorize me and he's probably trying to get me to flee my house for his perfect moment to strike in some twisted way I expected worse I guess I don't know what makes this psychopathy tick there may be dead animals maybe did people or just seeing his victims crumble under all the stress that he's inflicted on what I am dreading though is if he actually manages to find me at my friend's place this guy Tama took up the mantle of protecting me and if this guy manages to find me oh I'll never forgive myself for putting this on him I offered him money but he refused so for the past two hours we've just been doing nothing but drinking beer and playing video games to come my nerves tom is a bit of a hick I would say he loves dipping sitting on his front porch drinking beer and me is a pretty large collection of guns probably the best friend to have in a situation like this of them being honest just as you guys have been nagging me to get a hold of - so Nolan all right now I'm feeling the most secure have felt out of all the day since this shit started I've informed the police about my situation - in the video and they told me that they hadn't seen a car parked near my house at all in the past day I gave them the number and they told me that they'll do their best to try and triangulate its position so it's getting late now - and my friend and I have decided that we need to start securing the place in case of intruders his house has security alarms and he lives on a relatively busy street so no one could just Park me in the house without parking in the driveway and he's been staying off of official media as I've asked him to for my own safety the anxiety hasn't stopped mine do birds this is the first time I've had a friend by my side to help me with this situation so I must admit that I feel better he gave me one of his pistols too and we started shooting in the range in his backyard despite having never shot a gun before well we're currently on his porch just talking as I share this I'm really grateful for all of your support and updates will come as always for everybody I hope you guys have a good night and hopefully nothing notable will happen for once and now I I guess we wait hey guys so at approximately 3:00 in the morning last night my friend woke me up telling me that I needed to check something out I immediately grabbed the revolver I'd left on the table next to the couch and we went to the front porch in the distance we could see a car parked all the way down the road I'd say it was about 300 yards and still visible because of a straight lines the following was the conversation that I can best remember from me talking to Tom yeah you see that car down there I was dozing off and the moment I snapped out of it that thing just showed up out of nowhere and it was just sitting there how long do you think it's been there for I'm not sure I saw it there and stared at it for a good two minutes after that I I took my flashlight and started flashing it on and off after the car shot off and some guy got out and waved and walked into the woods there's a wooded area near my buddy's house that if you walk through it you can go walk into a large open field in his backyard there's a fence dividing the field from the back yard but it can be easily hopped well do you think we should go and check it out nah this guy could be going into the woods and coming back around towards my back door you have to stay here and I'll go check it out ok all right but if it's a gray Volkswagen we need to leave ok I want you to record the license plate - and look inside for anything notable look for things like ropes and knives and duct tape anything sketchy that we need to get out of here ok yeah ok just wait inside and defend the house or something all right make sure no one gets inside ok I went back into the house and stared at the window as told I purchase a vehicle with this 12-gauge I went to the back of his house and stared at his backyard window and saw some figure start walking across the field this was particularly strange as there were no houses visible in this field and he just seemed like he was walking towards no me climbed over a hill and he was no longer in view from the window I went back to the front window to look at the car and some was checking it out I felt relieved for the slightest moment as I felt like maybe just maybe I was overreacting and then his home phone rang I looked at it and saw the caller ID and it was my area code not Tom's at this point I had my phone still on airplane right so I assumed it was someone from a neighborhood or family trying to contact me I felt almost intrusive seeing that I was answering a call to a home that was not even mine but now is not a time to take chances I answered hello excuse me who's this oh uh excuse me sir my apologies is this the owner of the household no I'm just a friend of the owner he's currently outside who's this at this point I just felt that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you realized that you fucked up I just revealed that's I'm here alone and whoever is calling just realize that - hello who else are you with sir is it just you at this point I was shaking and I could barely speak without stumbling my words I decided the best thing to do was lie like no tomorrow no we're having a party and there's a couple of other people here who's calling are you sure about that I was just walking by and saw that there are only two cars in his driveway at this point I completely lose my shit listen men just fucking tell me who you are and why the fuck you're calling this house so late hello can you please just fucking tell me I apologize sir I may have the wrong number I tell whoever owns this house to call back yeah thank you and then he hung up it's almond come back and said that the car was not a Volkswagen and had a license plate he said that the windows were tinted and the doors were locked so there was really nothing that he could make out I told him about the caller and he said that he had no ideas number that was we called back and no one answered he also called from a restricted number but there was no answer there either in our past buyers we were sitting on the porch and we heard an audible slam from his back door we both looked at each other and he motioned to follow him around back we saw nothing out of the ordinary and we looked around everywhere for footprints but still nothing yeah but when we had gone back to the front porch after countless minutes of searching it was approximately 4:00 in the morning at that point it wasn't until 10 minutes after we got back to the porch that we noticed the car 300 yards away was gone and we hadn't even noticed I haven't gotten any sleep since last night and I told him that I wanted to leave his house because I need to keep moving and he said that he wants to come too he looked up all these doors brought some guns and we drove off at 6:00 in the morning the police still haven't done Jack shit mind you despite all the valuable intelligence I gave them too and I've been on the road all day with my friend now I Drive a lot and he slept in back end we're currently at a McDonald's as I type this we were joking saying that if we do end up getting kidnapped and murdered and attacked at least someone will know from these videos right um I'm just tired guys it's tired of all of this shit and of being stalked tired of being hunted down and tired of making these fucking posts I just want this to be over if anything happens tonight uh I'll let you know but bye for now I'm uh sorry to inform you guys but I think it's a bad time that we wrap up the show my parents have returned home and both the police and my neighbors haven't seen the men ever since I left I've been on the road for the past few days and I just I want to stop running my parents informed me too that's they got a hold of a revolver now and all I want to do is just go home sleep in my own bed and be done with this madness I'm starting to think that all of this here has just been in my head I mean the guy hasn't made any notable appearances in my life since that night and maybe that video that he sent was just from the first two nights that I saw him I don't know I guess that's been the real problem ever since the start of this is that I've just been overreacting to this whole phenomenon maybe here maybe this guy is just some deranged burglars maybe he came to my house thinking that I was just somebody else I don't know for sure but Tom and I have been on and off the road only stopping to get food or to piss and a lot of comments have been telling me to either stop using reddit or to stake it out and confront them in myself I've come to realize that I've been making a poor choice documenting everything that's happened on reddit's but god only knows if this man has been using it to his advantage but more importantly of I've been hiding and running away from him all this time and my I thought it was finally time that I confront him myself now I'm not going to make an effort to contact him or find him but if he decides that he wants to come and attack my house and my family and myself and he'll finally meet his maker that's for sure however now I thought a good start would be to just pay the 7-eleven guy have visits a day and we decided to confront him I just needed to be sure that it wasn't him so we parked in the front of the 7-eleven at about 8:00 at night about 3 hours ago this is the conversation that we had to the best of my memory hey is is this the guy yeah that's him let's just go in and ask him a few questions okay we just need to scare him a little and see how he responds Tom took his pistol from the back seat and put it in his holster dude is that necessary look ma'am we hunt even Joe if this is the guy I mean but we can't just pull a gun on him and make him shit himself I'm just taking some precaution is all and if this is the guy then we got to be careful right and with that Tom got out of his car and started walking in as I followed as soon as we walked in he asked hey boys hey dawn today we both gave him a stern look so he responded hey guys what's the cell mood for I looked at Tom and he looked back at the cashier and asked lovely day isn't it I could see that the guy I was getting visibly nervous and began to sweat a little amen I couldn't but notice that gun in your holster pretty nice gun that's a Colt right my dad had one of those well we didn't break eye contact yeah I would say it's a pretty nice day isn't it how's your day going well when I went directly in front of the counter and got face to face with him hey can I ask you something I could see the cash he is swallowing and he caught yeah sure what is it do you drive here to work by any chance oh uh negatory uh my friend drops me off well I looked at Tom and he looked back at the guy you best not be lying to us man the cashier broke look guys I I don't want any troubles if you were here to rob the place that doesn't concern me okay I'm just a guy who works here alright just take the money and go if that's what you want we aren't here to rob anything okay just asking a couple of questions if that's all right with you cashier folded his arms and said sure ask whatever you need what's up when does your shift end Oh usually around 3:00 in the morning I'd say what's all this about boys you guys undercover cops or something have you seen a gray Volkswagen in the past couple of nights that you've been working here yeah actually I did the night before you came in here was a guy who came in after you the other night I think did he buy anything yeah he bought some cigarettes I think and dipping tobacco he didn't say much but he said he had a long night ahead of him I take it he gave you ID yeah he did actually what was his name do you remember uh I think it was like nathan silverstein or something like that you mean Nick Sullivan oh shit yeah actually I'm pretty sure that that's his name what's it to you by the way can we see your ID for a second he showed us his ID and this guy seemed to be completely innocent all right man thanks for your time the police might come later to ask for your camera feed from that night but I appreciate your help we left and that was the end of it finally after all these days of running we finally got a decent lead on this guy we called the police and they're currently going over the tapes and this was an amazing feeling now that we finally had a good lead on this guy and I can I can finally go home but tom has been such a good friend the past couple of days he stuck with me through thick and thin and even through rough times and I'm just eternally grateful for what he's done for me in this time of need after a long day of traveling he told me that his girlfriend has been awfully worried about him too and this made me feel even worse about the situation finally I told him that we needed to part ways and that I wanted him to go home and rest and that I apologized for putting him in danger he told me not to sweat it and that it was actually a pretty exciting experience for him despite it maybe putting our lives in jeopardy I gave him some money to help him out with his troubles and he's going to his girlfriend's house and he said that he'll be staying there for a while until this gets completely sorted out but no more running and no more fear and no more stalking I'm finally done with this guy's and I seriously can't wait to go home and see my family and just to be safe and sound in my home again I want to thank you guys for all your support through these past few days it's really meant a lot at some point I I got text from my parents to saying that it was safe to come home but when I called them everything sounded normal however my mom sounded somewhat worried and flustered about the whole situation when my dad put her on the phone I asked her what was wrong and she simply told me I'm under a lot of stress and followed it by just come home please we miss you I feel sorry for them if I'm being honest I don't know why but I somewhat blame myself for all this shit happening if they haven't seen the stalker at all then this must have to do with me and me alone I must have done something to cause this man to torment my family as we speak Thomas left back home and I'm finishing this last update at Starbucks I'll call an uber and I'll finally be home if the guy gets caught off I'll link you guys to a news article or something but this will be the final update thank you all in advance for your advice and enthusiasm and peace I guess 12 12 oh yeah so uh I just came home and they run any cars in the driveway I'm a little worried and uh I'm gonna call my parents all right so no answer for my parents I guess I'll try the garage code yeah well my parents must have changed the garage code or something I'm banging on the door and no one's fucking answering now oh man it's really cold tonight 12:21 May yeah all right well uh there's some lights turning on in my bedroom so they're obviously home this happened a few weeks ago and I'm still a bit shaken by it so my husband and I we like to take long drives in the desert with that dog but we live just outside of Las Vegas and fortunate to live in a city with abundant and beautiful areas to stargaze or use a telescope my husband just got one for his birthday in October so he was excited to try it out and all that but we drove our kir up to a popular overlook and he took out the telescope he showed me a bunch of constellations and we even saw a shooting star but the dog Oh sat in the car too but the two windows rolled down at this time and my dog is a bitch straight up they weren't kidding when they named female dogs that - she's a an American Cattle Dog and she saved my ass before from a home invasion she's protective of both me and her dad anyway hobby had to pee and he told me to wait in the car for him so I got in unlock the door and meanwhile I'm browsing reddit when I hear a gravel moving and thinking it's my hubby I remark that was fast and suddenly my dog goes berserk she's snarling barking and so I turn around and there's a dude that's not my husband the idiot made a huge mistake though he put his hands through an open window with a crazy 63 pound dog she's got his hand and so he's just screaming I'm screaming and my husband is yelling as he runs towards us with his pants off on the dog lets his arm go and the guy takes off and I call the cops my husband tries chasing after the guy but he's 63 and 280 pounds and this guy was fast anyway the cops do show up eventually and tell us that they look out for him but so maybe stay away from that area that night the cops in our town are just an absolute joke anyway the dog Oh got a cup of Dairy Queen that night and we're very grateful for her when I was 13 I started modeling I did fairly well but honestly I hated the business they were just really strict about my ways I mean I couldn't get over a hundred pounds or I'd lose my contracts I couldn't dye my hair or have any piercings without permission and they would often check on me to make sure that's my haven't gone against their wishes but fast forward two years though to me being 15 one day I got an email from a fitness photographer this wasn't uncommon for me to get random emails because my agency would give my email at once they booked me something this is also about 12 years ago and back then I I know evil II didn't worry too much about anything really you know the the common teenage mentality if nothing's ever gonna get me in the email the photographer told me that he'd like to do a shoot and the compensation that he promised me I would have made more money than I have of any other shoots so obviously being money driven I emailed him back and told him yes I'd be interested and he sent me one back after that saying that he needed some sample photos of my carbs and my feet and my backside and my breasts to make sure that I had the physique he wanted well I was a little cautious I must admit but my thoughts you know he's offering me a lot of money and I should probably do what he's asking or he's going to find somebody else and that's exactly what he wanted he wanted me to feel pressured to send him the pictures and I I did feel the pressure of course I had it in the back of my mind that I shouldn't do it but the money was real good so I send the pictures clothes and he said that he couldn't tell my proper sizing and I need to send him nude photos obviously I declined this and told him that I'd be willing to set up a meeting and his assistant can take measurements but I would not send nude photos over the Internet he set up a meeting but cancelled last minutes and a few weeks later he was on the news he apparently got busted for child pornography and shocker he was not a fitness photographer who knows what could have happened to me had actually gone to meet him though I never found out how we even got my email in fact because my agency said that they never spoke with the guy this happened about four years ago around New Year's at my house so I live in a pretty wooded area of Maryland I actually have a nice trail in my backyard that leads to a stream to my go down there a lot with friends and my dog and even just by myself sometimes I've never encountered another person along this stream anytime that I've been because of this I've always felt pretty at ease there but there's still a bit cautious knowing that my whole neighborhood could just as easily walk down their backyards and get to this stream to people from the neighborhood against house on this day we had some cousins over I believe to watch a Ravens game and just to get together for the holidays and whatnot it was unusually warm for late December probably around 50s or 60s and we'll moved outside to supervise my little cousins throwing a football around my mom suggested that I take my younger cousins down the trail to the stream to burn off some energy honestly I didn't want to because I was bloated from food but I did anyway so i herded four pubescent boys down the trail to the stream and they kind of ran off ahead of me to climb on things and just do whatever my just hung behind just watching over them and made sure nobody did anything especially stupid while playing on my phone as I was playing on my phone I got this kind of weird feeling while I was down there and I just didn't feel that ease almost like a premonition or something I turned around to look behind me and scan the woods and for the first scan everything was fine but then I saw it there was a dark figure in the distance that looked male but I'm not entirely sure because of the distance who was half behind a tree almost as if he was hiding and peeking out at me when I spotted him rather than go back behind the tree he stepped out and just stood beside the tree while I stared back I had a just a really bad feeling about there since I got really big chills and immediately yelled for the boys to come back they didn't listen to me at first but I told them to get their asses back now and I didn't say why just start hauling ass up the trail and we made it back safely to my house where I told everyone about the encounter I'm not sure if nothing bad would have happened if we'd stayed down there but I I really didn't want to stick around to find out this happened when I was in my early teens in the late 80s my family lived in a very secluded area a forested area in fact we had a long driveway and our small homes that on a square acre of moat grass with woods on both sides I was alone one night just talking with a buddy from school and my often rode my bike to town over the summer and he invited me to come over and spend the night it was a 20 mile trip over completely empty country roads but it was always an adventure and I seldom hesitated to go and I had a place to stay and so I I told him it was a sure thing I'd call my mother at work and then start my ride but here's where it got creepy once I hung up the phone and started getting dressed more black I picked up the phone again to call my mom but the line was dead but this had never happened before and it was a sturdy rotary phone and we never had problems with it but for some reason my my thoughts just instantly went to the small phone box in the back of the house it was a tiny round junction with nothing but a rubber covering behind the cover was the exposed connection between the phone pole and Aryan sidelines the wires were twisted together and kept out completely vulnerable I remember questioning why I would even think about that why would I jump to conclusions about the cause of the dead line but some reason I was just overwhelmed with a feeling of dread that just didn't make sense and I was wrestling with my thoughts I decided to behave as though I was in real danger but calm myself by focusing on how unlikely it was and how my imagination was probably just getting the best of me but I just could not shake the feeling that I was in trouble for some reason so I finished dressing and strapped a buck knife to my hip with the old Rambo knives with a compass in the stalk and it was cheap it really big and I moved quietly and planned how the house I remember this really well actually I would slide out the front door and pull it close behind me locked and I would not be able to get back in I would grab my bike from against the wall on the enclosed porch and spin around and use my elbow to press the button of the handle on the screen door and jump down the concrete steps my help on my bike and speed down the drive and so with the plan in mind I got to it it was really dark outside but there were bright lights in the front and the rear of the house that created big pools in the yards and that's all the light that I had I executed my maneuver just as I planned but unfortunately my elbow slipped off the button on the handle and banged into the doors that opened and within seconds I was pumping down the gravel drive I turned my head to the left feeling my ears with the raw of the air I was cutting through and stopped pedaling well I was fixed on the rear of the house again I'm not really sure why but I was a hundred percent sure that someone was coming I don't know how or why I was thinking this it was only a moment but I didn't look away despite my own skepticism and at the last instant I saw him a man wearing dark clothes and a ski mask came tearing out of the leap yard around the back of the house and plunged into the deep shadow along the side heading for the front where I had been only seconds ago I was invisible wearing black from head to toe and instead of running straight for me he went for the porch where the commotion I just made it come from I turned forward and leaned into the pedals I could barely see the driveway but I had ridden my bike down at many times at night and I could make out the large stone gate post before the dirt road I almost wrecked turning the corner but recovered and sped it away about a mile further I finally stopped at the intersection to a paved road my heart was pounding in my chest and my forehead was sweating here I stood there for a bit and got my breathing under control while I tried to digest what had just happened my thoughts were racing because I knew damn well what I just saw but I was finally out of danger and all I could do was press on my neighbors were Amish so they had no phone and I wouldn't have known what to say anyway but when I got to my friend's house much later I told him what happened and called my mother she listened and didn't give me a hard time but I could tell that she didn't know what to think she wouldn't be home for morning anyway and she said that she'd be careful and that was it I had heard a laughter once from the edge of the woods and things in the yard that had been moved on occasion but no one else had these experiences and I assumed it was just backwards Amish kids fooling around or something nothing had ever really happened before but I doubt Amish kids would know how to disconnect the phone line though whatever happened and whatever all these strange occurrences came from I think that there was something more sinister going on this all began when I was 19 and continued for several years after that my mail which I suppose matters to the story when I was in high school and my first year of college I worked at a local grocery store part-time I did everything from bagging groceries stocking shelves cashiering working for the service desk all that stuff that's what at the end of my time there I was doing more of the stuff in front of the store but mainly at the service desk since I had been there forever what cashiering it was a small little grocery store - so we'd have regulars many of the same customers would come in a lot in fact and we talk with him and get to know them I was also very young and naive at the time and that's overly trusty and that would prove to be to my detriment there was this one guy who would come in about once a week but sometimes twice and my Adina's cashier a few times eventually he started standing in my lion even if other lions were shorter which wasn't too unusual I guess I hated working in retail but I was damn good with the customers and was what liked the and the odd thing though was that's generally the people who would do this were older the 60s or 70s at least I'd say and that were usually ladies whereas this was a guy who had to be at most in his 40s but but whatever I didn't think much of it at the time his name was Jeff but I didn't know his name for a long time because he always paid with cash but when I finally learned what it was it was in one of those worst ways that you can think of we'll get to that though at first though Jeff seemed pretty much harmless he would chat me up and if I didn't have a line art we'd sometimes talk a bit he seemed interested in me in my life but again this wasn't so unusual apart from his age mostly so I just went with it Jeff would ask me things about myself like innocent questions so I thought at the time anyway he'd asked me what college I went to and I told him because I had no reason not to at one point he brought up caste too and he asked which one was mine the parking lot was clearly visible through the large windows at the front of the store and I stupidly pointed up in my car and said it's that one we lived in a small area and a lot of times by talking with customers we'd realize that we lived near each other or something like that so I didn't think much of it when he asked me where I lived I told him the name of the town which was adjacent to the city of the store was in and then when he asked where in that town I lived I told him my straight and then described my house like a total idiot mind you I like to think that I'm a smart guy in most situations but that was not the case in this one I didn't realize it at the time but Jeff was systematically gathering information about me but by the time I realized what was happening it was way too late I had told him everything short of giving him my cell phone number or actual address so one day I was working in the service desk when Jeff came in and he wanted me to bring his groceries up however I was busy selling lottery or money order to a customer or something I can't remember so I told him that I couldn't and he got this look on his face like he didn't like the fact that I told him no but it was just for a second and then he was smiling again I didn't really talk to him much because you know I was with another customer and Jeff just stood there staring at me I didn't really notice at first because whatever machine I was using lottery or money order again I can't remember it was giving me hell eventually even the customer was like hey that guy keeps staring at you and that's when I looked over at him he wasn't smiling but looked kind of angry instead but at the moment I looked at him the smile was back on his face then Jeff said something about me wearing a skirt no this wasn't the kind of humor he had exhibited before and it was a totally out of nowhere mind you and it just kind of gave me pause I just kind of looked back at inves he went on about how I'd look in a skirt or dress just staring at him with a total what-the-fuck expression of my face and the more he talked about it more unnerved I became another co-worker Miranda was in the service center with me and she and the customer as well as another nearby cashier were all giving him a what I presume were the same identical what the hell is happening expressions he wasn't stopping those I realized that I had to say something to just make him stop and I couldn't even pretend to be humored by it when I told him I don't know what you're talking about you'll never see me in anything but this uniform my tone was serious and he knew that I wasn't amused the smile was gone and I saw something on his face that I had never seen before it was anger yes but it was also humiliation and he did not like it one bit he glared at me with a look that's honestly I felt in my bones but rush through me like a cold chill my breath caught in my throat as we just stared at each other and I didn't even know how to explain it other than to say that this was the most menacing way anyone has ever looked at me but with that look he was saying you'll be sorry I'm sure of it maybe I wasn't sure at the time but in hindsight and all that and without another word he just turned and walked away after that whenever Jeff would come into the store he never stood in my line again which was fine with me to be honest however he would always loudly talk about me from other registers and glared me he would badmouth me but not in such an overt way where we could really do much about it sometimes he wouldn't even refer to me by name but we all knew who he was talking about sometimes at night I would be the only cashier at the front as we approach closing time another would be in the office just counting the drawers for the day while the manager and the other workers were usually in the back or throughout the store stocking shelves or cleaning and in the evenings when I was more or less alone I would notice the same components of the parking lots of it the driver never came in the main defining feature of this car was the fact that one of the headlights was burnt out because of the previously-mentioned large windows anyone in the parking lot could look into the store right at me - it took me longer than I'm proud off to realize what was happening here and the only way I realized who was in the car was by chance but my car was in the shop so my mum picked me up from work when I was done one day and as I was waiting for her to get there outside in front of the building I was able to see into the car away from the bright lights of the store and sure enough it was Jeff my shock was palpable and that was when I truly realized that something was just very very wrong about all this I actually backed away in fear at this point and kept imagining what I would do if he got out of the car but the door inside had looked behind me and while there were people in the store still they weren't in the front but luckily that was when my mom got there I didn't tell her because my story would only worry her so I just kind of let it go for the time being but everyone at the store knew about Jeff before long and it got so bad that when he would come inside everyone would instantly tell me to go into the back and they would page me overhead when he left I mean everyone even the managers we all knew and we were all pretty creeped out a lot of the times that he would come in and when he didn't see me he would just immediately leave again - or so I was taught I remember once we didn't notice him walking in though and by the time that we realized he was almost to the doors another cashier Laura saw him and looked scared now Laura wasn't the easily rattled type but this guy had all of us on edge mostly because they were afraid of his weird fascination with me she urged me frantically to hurry and get in the back and I had noticed him just yet and was confused and I started to ask her why but before I could finish she said just go I clearly remember this moment to these few seconds between the time that she said that and the time that I saw him walking through the door when I realized what was happening Jeff saw me before I rushed into the back and I was so unnerved that I looked the back door of the loading dock worried that he come looking for me back then when he was gone Laura called me back up and she just couldn't even say anything she told me that he gave her a furious look and then stormed out of the store and I remember being worried that he would retaliate against luckily he never did that things would get worse though I began seeing Jeff around town like when I would go to the movies to various stores gas stations the mall and even the bank once just a couple of these times might be a coincidence I admit but this was happening a lot plus it was Jeff's I knew it was much more than that but I had no proof that he was stalking me at this point and still didn't tell my parents at the time I was in college and I lived at home and commuted to school and I would often be there until after dark by this point it was winter - and got dark early there were times when I would pull out of the school parking lots and very shortly after that I'd see a car behind me with just one headlight once or twice again could just be a weave coincidence but this was happening probably once a week at this point and I still didn't tell my parents even though it was pretty sure it was him then one night when I was walking out of school into the naturally dark and deserted parking lot I saw a car parked in an empty part of it with the headlights off I didn't think anything of it until the lights came on and there was only one headlight I knew immediately that it was him and I sprinted to my car through my shit into it and got the hell out of there after that too I I started walking out with either security guards or friends when I could and a couple of times I thought I saw his car but he never put his lights on unless I was alone he would never approach me or drive toward me or anything during these times - it was a it was like he was taunting me or something yeah it was like he just wanted me to know that he was there that he knew how to find me or something his continued even after I quit working at the store I became a tutor at school instead but his stalking because that's what it was and I knew that for Shaun you know didn't seize on one occasion I was at a friend's house after dark and then I drove home but I was almost there when I realized that I had forgotten something instead of pulling around and into the driveway I was going to just loop around the street because it was easier so I drove past my house this particular night I was home alone both my siblings lived elsewhere and my parents were out so the house was dark there shouldn't have been anyone in the driveway because I just spoken to my parents and there were nowhere near my home but when I drove by I I saw the dark shape of a car and taillights sometimes people turn around in that driveway because it was so big so I thought that maybe that was it or maybe someone had car trouble or something but then the couple that in the driveway after me and I looked in my rearview mirror and saw it the car I had only one headlight which means that this fucker was at my house and had been waiting for me he followed me for a while too and I couldn't go home and I also didn't want to lead him to my friends houses so I drove back to the store I used to work at Russians saw and looked at the windows to see if he followed Miranda was working the night and asked me what was going on and I just couldn't even speak all I could do was look at her and she knew her eyes got wide and she couldn't speak I after that night Jeff began following me more - he'd be at my school more often and it was like he just knew my schedule he knew where I'd be and when I'd be there and I saw him all the time and I shudder thinking about the times that I didn't see him but when he had been there for who knows how and it wasn't just my schedule he'd learned but he knew my parents to an extent - at least when I would be home alone and all that a few times I'd hear a car pull into the driveway at night and I just knew that it was him even before I looked but he never got out of his car that I could see at least and he would only stay for 10 minutes or so but mainly this would be on a Wednesday or Sunday night - my parents would be at church and I began avoiding the house at these times either staying at school to study or hanging out with friends or going to the movies or something at the time I would occasionally babysit for someone at my parents church - but during this time I have I eventually stopped afraid that he would follow me there it was at this point - that's why I decided that I needed to look into this guy know at the time I I didn't even know this guy's name but something told me to take a look at the sex offenders database so one day well my friend Jill's house I did that we looked at various pictures of nearby sex offenders and discovered the most shocking amount of them in the vicinity and eventually one of the small thumbnail pictures called my own yeah it was hard to tell if it was him so I clicked on it to bring up a larger picture and more information about the guy Jill's internet was crap so the page loaded slowly and his name came up first it was Jeff Jill and I waited for the picture to load and as it slowly came into view I literally stopped a breathing for a second because it was him that's how I learned his name and that's how I learned that the man who was stalking me was actually a sexual predator I didn't know what to do with this information because I mean thus far he he hadn't done anything illegal per se but I knew at this point that I needed to tell my parents so I I told them everything and with hey was shocked to say the least they honestly had had no idea Jeff was really good at hiding his activities which makes me think that he wasn't just not very stealthy with me that I didn't catch him so often because he sucked at being subtle or anything ya know Jeff wanted me to know that I was being watched that I was the object of his obsession so I I told them everything my dad was really angry like I swear if he knew where Jeff was he would have gone to threaten him to leave me alone or something but my mom was just scared like really scared she even cried a little bit we briefly discussed calling the police but again Jeff hadn't actually broken the law other than maybe trespassing on our property but I couldn't prove it was him or anything all we could do was be vigilant I thought I would feel better when they knew this it to be honest I I just felt worse however they needed to know and everyone in my life needed to know for that fact and so I told we started taking precautions and by this point I was in my 30s but I felt like a child I didn't have a curfew per se but my parents were hesitant to leave me alone even during the day my dad is normally not easily rattled which is why it was so unnerving to see him so shaken up by this we started keeping the cats inside - and when the dogs were out we we wouldn't let them out of our sight more than a few times I remember sitting on the back steps after letting them out to keep an eye on them and just feeling like I was being watched by this point I'm I never felt comfortable but never felt safe it might have just been my paranoia but I don't know my mom got me pepper spray though and I would carry it with me at all times and when I was out at the house - and at night I even started taking a knife to bed Jeff Jeff didn't stop though I remember one time I was at a friend's apartment and while she was in the bathroom my front door started rattling like someone was trying to open it luckily it was locked and before she even got out of the bathroom it had stopped I didn't tell her at first because well she wouldn't be spending the night there so she wouldn't be alone after that I I just stopped going to friends houses I stopped going anywhere if I could help it especially alone this whole thing just went on for years to I was out of college and we were still happening to for at least five years this went on and when I moved into my first place on my own I was really scared but I'd been seeing him lesson lessons I didn't want to live with my parents forever the things went fine mostly and there would be weeks and then months in between Jeff sightings and then one day I I saw him at the store and my left right away not wanting him to see me I didn't think he did and I made a few more stops before heading home and that's when I realized that I shouldn't let myself get complacent about this situation I always always made sure my doors and windows were locked when I wasn't home and even when I was sometimes especially at night or if I just had a bad feeling or something I'd been doing this since even before the Jeff situation began so and that was how I knew that there was just no fucking way that I left my door not only unlocked but slightly open this just wasn't right and I know I should have called the police but I was feeling brazen I think I was so tired of feeling like I just wasn't in control that I was trying to take the situation back into my own hands so when I saw the door like it was I I rented my pepper spray and headed inside and then went to the kitchen and grabbed the knife and went around my place and checked every closet checked under every bed checked everywhere someone could be hiding but luckily no one was there that was a truly terrifying experience I must say well I just kept expecting him to pop out of some hiding place or something but he never did Jeff wasn't there I still couldn't sleep there that night though and I didn't want anyone to know so I got a hotel room for that night for a long time I I never told anyone about this incident because this was a clear line that Jeff had crossed I had no proof that it was him but I knew that it was I never called the police though because nothing was missing and there were no signs that anyone had broken in at all but I knew that he had been there I could just feel it it scares me to wonder what could have happened if I'd been home when he got there - unless you've been through something like this you can't know what it's like to go through this sort of experience how it just wrecks havoc on your psyche how it shatters your trust and your sense of safety these are things you just don't really notice until they're ripped away from you but there's this feeling of security that I've lost and I I don't think I'll ever get it back it's been years since I've heard from Jeff though I still live in the area I have no idea if he's still watching me and most of the time I i think he's moved on or just been jailed or something yeah but every once in a while I'll be parking at a lot or home alone and just get that feeling but the one that I've come to associate with him maybe it's just paranoia a gift that Jeff gave me that day he talked about me wearing a dress I hope that's all that is but sometimes I I want but the whole thing is just a part of my life now and I try not to talk about it much but everyone in my life knows about it it's like the elephant in the room I've changed a lot since then I've got a anxiety issues now and I'm extremely private I'm not sure if it's all because of this but I know it's at least a factor I'm still cautious and I still don't like to go out alone after dark I still walk my doors and windows whether or not it's nighttime whether or not I'm home alone too and I look at the bathroom door every time I shower I checked that locks at least three times before going to sleep I I still feel nervous if anything seems out of place at my apartments or if I can't find something that should be in a particular place but isn't I still carry pepper spray with me during the day and I still take a knife to bed with me all these years later so I live by a freeway overpass I can cross it and go to stores it's about 10:00 or 11:30 p.m. at night and foggy and I wanted to grab some food I decided to go somewhere where I needed to cross the overpass or walk almost a mile extra to get around at the end of the overpass - is my city's largest cemetery so I'm walking and I get to the halfway point of the bridge and I see a male form in all black with a black hood on it looks like the person was wearing a hoodie or something and I just had this oshit feeling about this but continued walking anyway out of nowhere though I I see this thing hop over the overpass I screamed but hacked up phlegm instead in my asshole pocket and I seriously started to cry and ran to the spot if this thing jumped it would have hit the grass median that divided the freeway but when I got there I saw nothing nothing at all I stood there and looked and I ran across the overpass and saw nothing on the other side - no thud no honking no screeching of tires I stood there sweating in 36 degree weather in a panic once I convinced myself that I just hallucinating I I continued walking yeah I get my food and I head back and I get to the end of the overpass to walk back and got hit with just complete dread it was out of nowhere and I'm trying to remain calm and listen to my footsteps on the pavement and then I heard it shuffling over another person's feet well I swing around and see nothing I was the only person on the overpass I continued walking and can hear footsteps on the wet pavement I would stop and I would hear additional footsteps - well that's it I decided to walk in a jogging pace at this point I'm a good 250 feet from home and I'm moving and I hear the footsteps behind me again honestly I'm about to lose it and I'm at the edge of the overpass before it hits my street there's a large puddle at the corner and I still can't see anything but I can hear it i stump into the puddle and run across the street and then I heard a splash in the puddle and footsteps - at this point I'm near my house and I'm still turning around and constantly seen nothing I crossed the road and still hear mine in another person's footsteps I hid my driveway and you know you're not welcome here and immediately the footsteps stopped it was part about all of this was me fumbling for my keys with my hands frozen and trying to unlock my door thinking that I was about to get murdered or something I have no clue what the fuck I encountered that night but man it was creepy okay so my first story is actually my friend story but during the time that these things took place we were all high school students this is all happening in Florida by the way I already knew about skinwalkers and the like but when these things happen to me I wasn't sure if it really was a skinwalker or something else I've noticed that most of the people who tell me that they've experienced the same phenomenon live in the area that I do and my friend is no exception his name is Jay he lives about 10 minutes away from me she told me that in her boss that there's this one area they drive by to drop this kid off and she said that she doesn't know why but it just gives her the creeps well she told me that's one la morning it was still dark outside when they were driving in that area to pick him up but all the kids in the bus and the driver saw this weird-ass deer running along the bus it didn't run away from the bus instead it ran beside it she said that it looked weird as hell you know all the usual shit about it looking like some sort of humanoid deer cos it just didn't look right like its limbs were bent in an awkward way and she said its eyes were really freaky thing is is that my friend didn't know jack shit about skinwalkers or any of that mumbo-jumbo so I got pretty big chills from that I tried being reasonable though cuz you know maybe she just saw a regular deer and since it was dark she just got confused or something besides it's Florida I don't think we're supposed to get that type of stuff down here right however Jay swore up and down that it wasn't like a normal deer she said that they all saw a - and the bus driver even slowed down to get a better look at it because everyone was weirded out by it and it was basically pandemonium after a while it ran off and disappeared Jay couldn't have made this up - because like I said before she doesn't really know anything about skinwalkers or the goat man or whatever it could have been so anyway I get freaked out because well Here I am knowing about fucking skinwalkers and the goat man and my friend is clueless thinking that she's just telling a regular story about some freaky ass deer demon so I asked her do you know what skinwalkers are she just looked at me and said what's that my Google didn't showed her those depictions of skinwalkers and she goes yeah that's what I saw except it had the head of a deer she kept on saying it didn't look like an animal or a human and that after a while the kid from that bus stop just didn't come back no a couple of years before she told me this story I found myself one night sitting in my backyard like really early that may be three in the morning or so because I was just thinking about personal things I was just kind of chilling and enjoying the silence when all of a sudden I hear this really freaky ass echoing scream from really far away yeah the way I can describe it as as if it was like a woman in a cat which wrapped together inside of a bag and screaming like they are about to get murdered I know mountain lions foxes and ours are a thing and they make some weird-ass mating calls but I've looked that shit up trying to debunk myself and it just didn't sound anything like that like usually you'd be able to tell if it's an animal right it's just common sense my friend said before that shit just didn't sound animal or human it just sounded really fucking unnatural and weird now me being me I was pretty unfazed at first a little concerned yeah like at first it was really far away and I just thought it was a woman and I actually thought that they might be killing people on the streets at 3 a.m. or something the thing is though is that that shit traveled fast it was freaky as fuck and the closer it got the more weird and unnatural it sounded - it only took me a couple of seconds to realize that that's shit ain't a woman and it ain't a cat alright because while those things were going down I was going through it in my head like what the hell is that this thing went from sounding like it was a couple of miles away to being in my fucking neighborhood and I swear like under five seconds it was really fucking weird because one second it sent it so far away and then the next it sounded like it was in my Street to be honest I I almost shit myself and the second I stood up to leave the screen just stopped like it just den are stopped and I'm really thinking at this point that it's in the front of my house or something I walked is calmly as possible back inside and lock the doors and the Screamers back to being far away again it was weird as hell that night I've also heard scraping and tapping on my window some nights usually around the same time I'd say 2 to 4 o'clock in the morning time frame and I've seen black figures that's weren't affected by light outside of my house to the to add details to these things so that you can get a feel for it basically what happened is that I was doing a project for class and since I procrastinate like a pro I'm up until 2:00 a.m. I gotta wash my hands from all the graphite and as the water is running I I hear a scraping against one of the bathroom doors at least in my backyard now most of the door is made up of these glass panels that kind of make everything look like a bunch of blurry goups if you try to see out of it and first but second I I thought I noticed something pointy in ash gray scraping against the window it almost looked ghost-like I'd say and I turned off the water and wait a little bit and it comes back and scrapes against the window again I'm trying not to freak out but my hands are shaking at this point it's stupid but I actually whispered what are you doing while my voice trembled it stopped and I didn't hear anything except what sounded like someone walking by the window in my room every now and then it continued that way for some nights - off and on and I would be hearing footsteps by my window and even at Apple - as well sometimes I I just ignored them and other times I looked at to see if someone was there but there was never any one another night I've been outside in my back yard again after having a rough day and it was maybe three or so in the morning and I'm sitting outside on the trampoline just relaxing I suddenly noticed though that it's absolutely dead quiet like that kind of uneasy silence that almost feels like a vacuum I get this feeling of dread like I'm being watched didn't I snap my head to the left and catch a glimpse of her a humanoid black figure ducking under the other side of my fence immediately I'm a little freaked out because I noticed this thing was pure black like the streetlight nearby didn't even hit it at all it almost looked cartoony if that makes any sense because it's like the laws of physics just didn't even apply to this thing ya know I would think that's how would be crazy if it wasn't for a lot of kids in my school and around the area that I've told this to that have apparently all experienced the same shit the one girl told me that she also heard tapping on her windows at night and even heard the screaming it freaked me out because she explained it the same way that I did she said it sounded like a woman or a cat but not really like I another one of my friends who lives really close by it sold me that she saw dark figures in the woods and heard the screaming - pretty much everyone has heard this screaming it it sounded the same and that's the thing it's it's in completely different timeframes and that's what's weird because everyone's voice sounds different so how could she describe the same thing that I did so after discussing it with a few friends we all agreed from that point on that our town was just fucking haunted but but I mean if there's any animal that sounds like that I want to know because that shit just didn't sound like anything that I've heard before so I'd like to be enlightened the only person I've heard of who's seen anything remotely specific is my first friend from r21 on that bus and apparently it's like really bad to talk about skinwalkers and even worse if you see them apparently it's like bad mojo or something I know from what I've read too that these things said to be able to travel really quickly so thinking about that made it seem like what we experienced was a skinwalker but to be honest I I really hope that there's a just a logical explanation that's we aren't aware also today I asked my coworker who's also my friend in high school and lives nearby too and he got all spooked and said that's he's seen and heard the same things he's very spiritual though and often has visions of whatnot and he told me that he believes that they're doing dark magic in the woods because of a dream that he had about some hooded group sacrificing a woman in a cat or something which is kind of freaky because it also turns out that behind a local dog park there's a patch of woods with some really shifty shit in there I was shown this by an acquaintance during my freshman year who lives a couple of streets away down the path in the woods after some time of walking there's this huge cross that's just smack dab in the middle of no it's basically raw crooked-ass wood just nailed together into a cross with a rope hanging from where you would put your hands if you were getting crucified or something it's huge - and whenever I decide to check it out I always feel uneasy like this feeling that if I stay for too long something bad will happen it doesn't look like a grave or anything to be honest but who knows anyway yeah he says that I'm not the first person that he knows he's told me about experiences like this and he's also had his own experiences with this humanoid figure he says that he saw one in a turned and looked at him directly in the eyes if it immediately knew what he was looking at and so uh but basically we we just don't fuck with shit in the woods in him okay so for starters I'm I'm 22 and I moved into this very nice apartment about four months ago but during the first three months there there was nothing even remotely strange happening that's why I can recall not a noise in the night of anything mysteriously falling or anything like that which that makes these encounters just even weirder for me for some reason also I I should add that I have never had any paranormal encounters or even slight interest in the paranormal until now so about two weeks ago is where everything started to get really bizarre and that's really the only word that I can use to describe what's been happening to me two weeks ago I was finishing up a movie and I remember the time being 1:00 a.m. on the dot and I turned out all the lights and went to the bathroom like I have every night since I moved in and when I flicked on the wires I I saw a man flush before my eyes who what looked like a top hat on but it wasn't quite a top hat I don't know what to call it but he had some kind of black on his face and the rest was white but no pale but completely white his hands were too and he had what looked like an old trench coat type of deal I don't remember anything else really and when I flicked on the light he was there for about a quarter of a second and he looks very very malevolent and it wasn't just the fact that I had just seen a scary man in my bathroom at 1:00 a.m. that got me when I looked into his eyes I I really felt this evilness that I just can't really describe which is kind of why I I guess I'm sharing this here in the first place because I'm uh I'm scared of it I screamed at the top of my lungs obviously and I can honestly say that I've never done that before my ran and flicked on my living room light and slept on the couch that night with the TV on the next day I I tried to make myself believe that it was just a hallucination but it was just so extremely vivid it wasn't like a ghost or anything it was straight-up what it looks like a physical body just standing in my bathroom the day after the sighting I was working on my computer too until I heard what sounded like one of my glass cups just breaking in the kitchen scared the shit out of me too because it was pretty loud and I went to go and check it out I was pretty fearful to do so because I knew it might have something to do with what I saw the day before I got into the kitchen and I saw a framed photo laying face down with a glass pieces around it this was one of my favorite things that I own - one of my dear friends gave it to me a week before she left for Stockholm it was just a picture of us in front of the Colosseum we both love everything about Italy and I know it's not much but it was very special to me and holds a place in my heart so when I saw it on the ground I honestly wasn't even scared I was just sad as fuck the picture itself was ripped in the middle - literally all my splitting the two of us in the picture I was uh I was angry because I remember yelling fuck you because I know it must have done it because I put that picture up the day I moved in over the next week nothing happened except for one night I was sleeping and I woke up and I was terrified honestly because I haven't woke up in the middle of the night since I was pretty much a kid I'm a great sleeper so I looked around my room and nothing was there but about 15 seconds after I heard what sounded like something coming from my living room and fade out into my kitchen it was a really weird sound but it was kind of like sprinting I didn't say a word and I laid in bed trying not to move the blankets to make a noise I can honestly say that I was more scared than when I was in the bathroom my heart must have been beating a hundred and sixty pieces of minutes I stayed up for the next hour and a half too until I just accidentally fell asleep this was dumb of me I know because it could have been an actual robber or something and I just stayed in bed but I I can't even tell you how terrifying it wasn't that moment everything was intact in my apartment the next day to the night after that I I slept on my couch and I woke up to a noise which I uh I could not explain to you if you had a gun to my head but Santa just absolutely nauseating it sounded like it was coming from my bedroom but I couldn't really tell all my lights were on so I was definitely less scared but I set up because I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep after that when I sat out by I noticed that there was a miniscule amount of blood on my pants I pulled down my pants to see what it was from and there were scratch marks that had three streaks I was bleeding not a lot but it was definitely fresh I was freaked out obviously because I definitely did not have those marks the day before I went to the kitchen to clean myself up not even looking in the bathrooms direction of my way there and ever since then every so often I I was hearing that same sound that I heard before but however I described the noise it's not going to do it justice of just how truly unsettling it was but it was almost like a little melody in a high-pitched raspy man's voice I really can't afford to move right now but this thing is obviously malicious this is just really odds I don't expect straight-up help from any of you guys but rather I I just hope you can tell me what you would do in my situation update one so thanks to everybody who's been offering me advice it really makes me feel a lot better to have access to people with such a knowledge of the paranormal I've been listening to the audio from last night and I didn't hear anything at all and I'll update you guys if anything happens update - hey guys uh my coatrack just pretty much flew across the room I'm uh I'm getting kind of scared as this seems to be progressing badly should I use some sage or something I'm getting a bit desperate er I heard sage can sometimes make things worse though I'm also going to try and record audio tonight again I'll update you guys update 3 so the bathroom door just slammed hard and I heard things hitting the wall and when I worked up the courage to finally open the door my medicine cabinet was wide open and everything was just thrown into the bathtub this is getting too real for me and I just can't really handle this anymore people are saying not to show it fear but to be honest with you I'm scared all day everyday just waiting for the next thing to happen oh yeah I might ask to stay at a friend's for a bit but what's that going to do eventually I have to come back to my apartment I need to get rid of whatever this is pronto update for hey I was laying on my couch and I put my glass of water down next to me on the floor and when I went to go and reach it to get it it was just completely gone and still haven't found it like I only took three sips of it and put it down I mean where could it have gone
Channel: Be. Busta
Views: 388,691
Rating: 4.6579008 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories, true scary stories, be busta, true horror stories, scary horror stories, scary horror story, scary stories to tell in the dark, scary true stories, true scary stories to keep you up at night, true stories, scary, horror podcast, reddit, reddit no sleep
Id: -ydes3GcZSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 16sec (13276 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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