Scary Stories | Chilling True Horror Stories To Relax With On A Cold Night

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g'day mates its be Buster here and now I'd like to give surf shark a big shout-out for sponsoring this episode in an ocean of online content there's a lot of websites that take your info without you even knowing it but you too can swim under the radar by using surf shark V P so surf shark is a modern VPN designed with the user in mind their utilities are powered by robust security mechanisms but designed to be simple and intuitive to use you can enjoy all the freedoms of an open Internet safely and anonymously as you guys are probably well aware of two internet security and freedom is a hot topic these days and in my opinion both are incredibly important especially for any of you guys in Europe who have article 13 taking effect soon I don't know if you guys remember - but it wasn't that long ago that our mind was able to hack my YouTube channel and I was really worried for some time about having my information shared on the Internet and so I recently signed up to surf shock for Internet security myself and I must admit that I really appreciated just how easy it was to set up I also love the fact that with surf shock running I can surf the web with no ads trackers malware and phishing attempts you can also connect an unlimited amount of devices which was great for my own house where I have like 200 separate devices and one of the best things - is this there's also a 30-day money-back guarantee so all you have to do guys is use the promo code scared to get eighty five percent off plus three extra months for free and as I mentioned surf shark offers a 30-day money-back guarantee so there's absolutely no risk surf with your own set of rules and as always the link is in the description it was a long time ago before cellphones were prevalent and I was a female in my early 30s who had just driven our kids to the pediatrician the Megan Gard doctor's office was an error away from our home and I was just taking the two youngest of my three then ages 1 and 3 years old to a scheduled appointment because we live so far away their office always gave us the last appointment of the day and we were very grateful for it the doctor had just built a new building off of a fresh spur of the highway so the location was quite isolated in every direction but a very nice facility compared to his old spot by the hospital there his new building was also pretty far back on the new lights and my car a black Jeep Cherokee that we had owned for like two years was one of only four or five cars in the parking lots when we got there I parked near the front door removed the kids from their car seats and for the next hour or so we just waited so the doctor we paid and then we exited back outside as I loaded the children in their car seats the receptionist locked the glass doors but when I tried to start the car it's just wouldn't oh no gathering the children again I knocked on the door until someone followed us back in and asked to borrow the phone so call the nearby garage for service I found one of the phone book and the man said that he would come but it might be a bit so I told him my location left to go back out to the car roll down all the windows and later the children back into their seats as we just sat there and wait and soon we watched as all the lights were turned down in the building again and everybody left leaving us alone in the parking lot as it was still light so I am spend a lot of that time trying to tend to the children digging through a car for snacks and a bottle making sure that they weren't getting too hot etc although the service station attendant said that it was probably going to be quite a while I was pleasantly surprised when a truck pulled into the empty parking lot pretty soon and a man got out of his picker smiled and nodded to me and said that he was going to raise the hood he was a middle-aged a bit scruffy but quite frankly many gas station attendants sometimes looked that way especially at the end of the day and I was just grateful when he began doing something under the hood almost immediately I sat down again in the driver's seat with the door open waiting for him to tell me to try the engine but he seemed to be taking a long time checking the connections and whatnot and I longed for him to just grab jumper cables but he just never did without getting out of the car I asked him what he thought was wrong and he said oh I think it's just loose wires not the battery and continued whatever he was doing I couldn't really see his face at all from where I was sitting but his hands were visible through that long horizontal slit between the windshield and the raised hood as we weighed it more than once he said that it was merely a loose wire and if I would just come up really quick he would show me which one it was so it would never happen again I remember kind of laughing and off though and saying that sadly there was no reason to show me anything as I didn't know anything about cars I just thanked him and continued to stay in the driver's seat again just waiting for the inevitable sign to try and start the ignition that was most surely coming any moment at one point I remember distinctly thinking to this he was flirting with me but I was trying above all to be polite and kind as he was helping us out but we were hot and tired and sort of miserable and truthfully most of my attention was on the children and so I was very distracted as well oddly enough he was starting to sound a little frustrated with me because I wouldn't come up and look at the engine I remember thinking that I really didn't want to make him so mad that he would just leave us there all alone with the Sun sinking so quickly and then the strangest thing happened another truck suddenly pulled in that desolate parking lot and as it did this nice guy working underneath my hood suddenly slammed it's shot ran to his truck started it and drove away really quickly without even saying a word of goodbye or anything was to say I was both confused and a little bit anxious when he did this because I didn't know who was now arriving I even remember feeling a little bit frightened that he suddenly left me there alone with two little ones defenseless why wouldn't he at least stay and speak to whoever was parking next to me now it certainly seen the suddenly gentleman thing to do at least I looked around and was very aware once again that there was no visible cars on the road no homes or businesses were nearby and the Sun was continuing to set quickly here as this new pickup pulled up next to me I got out of the car once again apprehensively this time upon exiting though he immediately introduced himself and his name and his voice seemed not sure I had spoken to on the phone much earlier he then actually called me by name apologized for being so late and finally smiled and stead towards the road asking who that man was that had just left so suddenly relieved in unfazed I just laughed and told him well I don't know I thought all this time that he was you and we both just laughed as he then grabbed jumper cables walked to the front of my car raised the hood and started to hook up the battery terminals quickly I immediately sat back in the driver's seat once more suddenly grateful that with luck that air-conditioner would be blowing full blah shortly and once again checking on the children well listening for the familiar words try I'd say at my back turn towards the children when he surprised me by suddenly walking to the driver side door and in the strangest voice he said ma'am is this yours when I looked into his hands he was holding a long thin dagger like device that was about a foot and a half in length it appeared to be very old and covered with reddish dust yes one end of it had tiny small finger holes as if it was a mix of a long thin sword and scissors combined I remember being amazed but it's not immediately frightened and I asked where he found it it was under the hood he replied I said just matter-of-factly that I had never seen them before that's how weird was it that's those things had somehow been stuck and undiscovered in my car for all those years I remember thinking that it was rather funny shaking my head and even smiling a bit that's he continued to stare at me I'm believing me and he looked oddly pale too like he couldn't find the words to speak for a bit just staring at this bizarrely long thin sword like object still within his hands honestly though I didn't care one bit about it all I could think of was getting the car going letting me pay him and the cost obviously and then just leaving he didn't say anything else after that just quickly set them on the curb started his truck and then signaled for me to start the Jeep and when it immediately caught my three-year-old she is grateful I quickly turn on the air conditioner full blast rolled up all the windows aimed the air vents back towards the back seat and reach for my purse to pay out I stood up and took a few steps to meet him so I could hear the amount now owed but with both our vehicles running he came back around to my driver side instead of handing me the bill irritated me a bit by walking right past me and picking up that we had object once hey ma'am he said sort of slowly I want you to look at this just one more time and held him out for closer inspection at this time I moved a bit closer and I actually really looked at it in his hands even though he was a really big guy the item appeared incredibly long and thin it almost had a bayonet looking quality except for the strangely small two loops on one end as he held it he spoke quietly and slowly to me trying desperately to make me understand something that apparently was still going over my head ma'am he's won hidden somewhere in the engine they hadn't been there very long at all in fact because it was sitting right on top they must have just been put there in fact I shook my head no and smiled as I said but they're obviously very old and rusty to which he pointed more closely replied yeah but see how sharp they are these look like they've just been sharpened in fact when I looked down he was right I don't know why I hadn't noticed it before the length was certainly long and dagger-like but the sharpness was undeniably the most frightening quality as I paid him his final words to me were ma'am I don't know what was about to happen here but I'm sure glad that I pulled up when I did he quietly thanks me when taking the payments told me that I needed to call the police whenever I got home safely and then asked me where I wanted the ID I didn't want to touch it so I released the back window and he placed it inside we both then left the lot together him turning one way me turning the other towards the small highway that would lead home still an hour away I did indeed contact the police the moment that we arrived tiemens I got the children inside safely but although they listened politely they declined when I offered to bring the scissor-like thing to the officer that I spoke to said that they sounded as if they were specialized Surgical she is from my description and measurements on the phone which I must admit that I found quite disturbing as you can imagine and actually tried to be really careful not to touch any of the surfaces hoping that they might be able to do fingerprints or test the surface for blood or something but they just really didn't seem interested the officer simply told me that it sounded as if I was very lucky and that I might want to keep this year's for a few days just in case someone from his office got back with me later but that was pretty much it I wrapped them carefully in newspaper and then I place them in the brick storage unit behind our house and they remain there for several more years untouched until we finally moved away and threw them in the trash but here's the creepy part so around that time if you were to look through the newspapers women were going missing in Georgia some never to be found as well and of course all these years later it's still happening I have often wondered - what would have happened if the service station attendant didn't arrive when he did if my children would still have a mother if I would still have my son and my daughter if I would have missed all these years with I guess that's I may never know but I did learn something about myself that day I always thought that I was pretty aware of my surroundings pretty good at reading circumstances and staying safe but because I was exhausted and tired and hot stranded in a different city my common sense and my intelligence just simply left me for a bit and just wasn't working at the time and many of my friends and my family still think that it could have cost us our lives that day I was camping in the middle of nowhere in Washington near Mount Rainier like not an official campground just went in the forest way I wouldn't have expected another human for miles one night I wake up and hear something over my tent and there is a guy sitting by where my fired beam right outside of my tent nothing particularly noteworthy about the guy just a fairly regular looking dude just sitting there a couple of feet from my tent no bag or pack or anything with him just a guy you saw me up in my tent his eyes got huge like he had just seen a ghost and he took off it took me out pretty badly but over the next day I managed to put it out of my mind fairly well after riding it offers just some odd occurrence and a guy that was probably high or something and had somehow managed to set up a camp coincidentally not far from mine then two days after that and 10 or 15 miles away in a totally random direction that nobody could take the same path as on accidents I was sitting by the fire that night and started hearing noises that's I got more and more convinced where a person I called out to them and out of the darkness someone was like do you know how to get to Belle's Canyon I said no I don't even think that's really a place there they kept talking from just out of my line of vision I tried to see them with my flashlight but they yelled aim that away and kind of spooked and not wanting to piss off a potentially crazy person I did after like 15 minutes of me being very freaked out and then talking and asking completely random questions from the darkness it sounded like the voice had gotten closer so I shine my light that way again and it was the same dude who had been outside my tent two nights before now he had to have followed me almost 15 miles over two days because there's just no way he could have just accidentally wound up in the same spot as fast as that wilderness is there's just no possible way and as soon as my light hit him again he took off I started to chase him this time but didn't want to get lost in the wilderness in the dark - so stop quickly after probably only 100 or 200 feet but this one definitely couldn't be written off because any way that he could have been in both places specifically if he was following me I decided the trip was very over first thing in the morning at this point and I act back out over three days constantly doubling back trying to throw anyone following off my trail and occasionally hiding and waiting to see if he would come by following me again I really can't describe just how terrifying it was to feel like I was being hunted through the woods and to actually have to brainstorm on things I could do to best avoid potentially being murdered on the first night of hiking out twice I had heard what sounded like a person walking circles outside of my tent that's the time that I mustered the courage to look nobody was there on the second night I could have sworn I heard what I thought was an animal making noises at first in the distance but slowly decided that it sounded more like a human making animal calls but it could have actually been an animal I didn't actually see the guy again at that stage but it really sounded like a person making howling noises and I literally almost cried when I finally go back to my car the relief was so strong to this day it's probably the most terrifying experience that I've ever had I have no idea who the guy was or what his intentions were and no way of getting an explanation but I really can't articulate just what a terrifying few days it was so the stories from my past and happen about thirty two years ago in East Texas my mom and dad divorced when I was 16 years old and my brothers and I lived with my mom my dad visited us once in a while but not really on a consistent basis he was a gambler one of the reasons my parents split up in the first place and tended not to come around when he was broke but it's on the rare occasion as he won big he would visit and spend money on us and then disappear again my dad said that he had a job as a shuttle driver for a local hotel he told my brothers and me that the shuttle driving was just a cover that he actually worked for organized crime which he claimed to own the hotel or something he said that his real job was to drive out to various places in the area to pick up fugitives running from warrants or otherwise wanted by law enforcement bring them to the hotel to hide and then later they would move on by means my dad said that he didn't know about once no my dad was always a blowhard and always exaggerating or out-and-out lying so my brothers and I just sort of blew it off and didn't think much of the claim until something strange happened my dad he disappeared it was 1988 and I was 22 years old and a college student still living at home I worked as a full-time disc jockey on the overnight shift 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. at a local radio station my middle brother was 19 years old lived in an apartment with a friend and worked at a nearby Dairy Queen my youngest brother was no I hadn't lived at home and one day he'd my brother called my mom and me and asked us if we knew where my dad was and he says that some men apparently came to the Dairy Queen was at work and asked him if he'd seen my dad recently my brother truthfully told them to that's he hadn't seen or heard from my dad in months and that he just often does that cuts off contact for months at a time my brother said that these men didn't say who they were but seems satisfied and then left my brother wondered if these men or anyone had called to talk to ask and ask us where my dad was but we also had not heard from my dad in months the following day my brother says the men returned to his work and this time they flushed badges and claimed to be FBI agents he says that they were very aggressive and demanded that my brother tell them where my dad was my brother kept insisting truthfully that he didn't know where my dad was that's the last that he heard he worked at a local hotel as a shuttle driver but the experience definitely upset him and he called my mom and me again upset my mom called the hotel where my dad worked the man that she spoke to you said that my dad has disappeared weeks ago and he had no idea where he went the following day my brother was at work when his roommate called and said that someone had apparently been in their apartment the roommate claimed this when he got home from work he found the sliding glass door open and the place was completely ransacked but nothing appeared to be missing my brother very upset obviously went to his apartment and found this in fact his address book was missing from the breakfast nook and also a teddy bear that he recently bought for his son and a photo of his son two were missing from his bedroom now my brother and my mom and I we're pretty much beside ourselves with anger and fear and paranoia so we went to the local FBI office to complain that the FBI had done this and to tell them once and for all my brother does not know where my dad is well as you may have guessed the FBI claimed no knowledge of the event and claimed that they were not looking for my dad they also said that none of their agents make contacted my brother furthermore when my mother told that my dad had claimed that he worked for organized crime the FBI would neither confirm nor deny that the hotel had ties to organized crime or that there was an investigation going on I'm called the hotel again and told the manager this men were looking for my dad bet they were terrorizing my brother and flat-out asked the guy if there was any truth to my dad's claim to be working for organized crime the men laughed and told her lady there's no such thing as the Mafia okay while we were trying to make sense of all of these weird details we kept wondering why my brother was being harassed but no my mother or me yeah and that was when I was reminded of a really weird event that happened to me about two or three weeks prior because I worked overnight I was often wide awake in the middle of the night on my days off with nothing to do one night I went to the local cable TV company where my friend worked as a computer system operator just to hang out with him for a few hours and BS a little bit and about 3:30 in the morning I think he had a big computer job to do so it was pretty much time for me to go home so I left as soon as I pulled out from his company's driveway though car was immediately behind me sort of tailgating me I mean he was on me so quickly it scared the crap out of me in fact the car just seemed to appear out of nowhere he also had his high beams on and was blinding me and I couldn't make out anything about the car behind me I couldn't see inside to see how many people were in the car but what they look like or pretty much anything I couldn't even see what kind of car it was in fact so I changed lanes to let the tailgate up Hospit he changed lanes with me I moved again and he moved again he was tailgating me and blinding me and now seem to be following me too I stopped at the intersection and I got in the left turning lane with my signal line and he got behind me again since there was no other traffic at all anywhere around when the light changed I zoomed across the intersection streaked across all the lanes of the traffic into the far right lane and went through the intersection trying to lose him and he followed now though it was absolutely clear that he was for sure following me I cut into the nearby neighborhood and tried to lose him that's he kept following me anyway I finally managed to zoom back out to the intersection and I crossed over and went to the 7-eleven at the corner and jumped out and ran inside and yelled at the clerk that somebody was following as I did I saw the car that was following me cut through the parking lot of the 7-eleven and for the first time I finally got a good look at the car it was a late-model tan colored four door and there were two white guys in it the clerk just blew me off and said that I was exaggerating then it was probably just kids messing with me and to let it go I left but I was very spooked by it and didn't want to go straight home for that reason I was afraid that they might follow me and I didn't want them to know where I lived so I just went back to my workplace I knew that the disc jockey in the air that night would be my friend Paul or so I decided to go and visit her on the air for a little while and hang out and come yeah I told her what happened and hung out for about two hours she also felt like it was probably just some punks being jerks or something and that's honestly calmed me down a bit when I got home now over two hours since the car harassed me that same car was now at my house as I was coming down the street to my apartments and about to turn right I saw the damn car pulled out of my apartments and as it passed me these guys flash their high beams on and offered me again it definitely was them too I panicked and I called polar at the radio station and told her what happened she was freaked - she was like oh my goodness why would they wait for you at your home who is this call the police quickly I was freaked out as to how they could possibly know where I lived in the first place why they would wait for two hours for me and then when they finally saw me flash their lights at me and just leave I mean why would people do that but now remembering that event and putting it together with my brother's FBI visit an apartment break-in it seemed obvious that all of this was tied together I hadn't thought about it before but now I remembers my car was actually my dad's car he gave it to me about two months earlier when he got a new one so if someone had been looking for my dad's they might have thought that I was him and when they saw me coming home realized that's I'm not him and then they just left but it was messing with us and why where was my dad why are these strange people harassing us my mum and my brother and I went to the local police station and we filed a missing-persons reports and a complaint - we spoke to a very nice detective and about five days later we got a call from that detective because he had apparently solved the hole strange case it turns out this my dad disappeared because he apparently owed his employers more than fifty thousand dollars in gambling debts the detective confirmed that my dad did work for some unsavory characters as he put it but said that they weren't organized crime per se he had no idea if my dad was shuttling fugitives on arts but he said that my dad was hiding at Nevada somewhere and that he had spoken to him and he was alive and well but smin Heidi we ask though then who the heck were those manners why were they bothering my brother like that the detective explained that's it's not that uncommon for unsavory bounty hunters and debt collectors to impersonate law enforcement and call and even harass people at times my brother asked how did they get into his apartment the detective said that a sliding glass door is actually pretty easy to open and they probably stole the address book hoping that it had my dad's contact information in it they stole the teddy bear in the pictures to use to scare my brother which obviously worked I asked the detective why the man only harassed my brother and not my mum and me the detective then said because my dad had apparently used my brother as a reference on his job application at the hotel and gave my brother's address and phone number the FBI agents probably figured that he was close to my dad and either maintained contact with him or if threatened would at least contact him so in the end my dad eventually turned to backup in town and acted like nothing had ever happened he never actually spoke of the incidents and we never brought it back up I guess that he got the money that he owed back to them but to be honest I I don't know for sure but anyway that's my story and I hope you guys enjoyed it so I had never heard of shadow people before and I had no idea what to call what I saw of it one day I had the idea to type shadow hatpin into a search engine and when I saw just shook me to my very core I then read about countless encounters with the entity but none were like mine all were it was not and I saw it in the hall or it was not and blah blah blah but not me what I saw happened in broad daylight and only a couple of feet in front of me Here I am 17 years later and it still gives me the creeps so like I said I was 12 or 13 it was a Saturday morning and it's not a school day so I slept in until 9:30 10:00 I woke up and had my breakfast with my mom and my dad they got into a huge fight then they went into their bedroom on the other side of the house to argue I watched some cartoons and then around 11:00 a.m. I think I decided to go and brush my teeth now when you walk into my bathroom the sink is about two feet in we're right in front of the doorway so I enter and I start brushing there's also a big mirror but I didn't initially see anything behind me in it and I finished brushing my teeth and I just get this sudden sinking feeling that somebody is standing behind me but I knew that my parents were still arguing in their room and still saw nothing in the mirror but I remember the fear I felt turning around and then there it was standing right outside the doorway broad daylight about two or three feet in front of me man it was told it would have had to have crouched I went to the bathroom in fact it was completely dark and shadowy except it had these horrifying sort of glowing red eyes it stood there for a good second just staring at me I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out I still have nightmares to this day of something bad happening and trying to scream there's no sound coming out and then it reached out its hand towards me fingers pointing out that long skinny and dark fingers you know now that I think about it it kind of reminds me of a de mentor from Harry Potter then with its outstretched hand it took a step towards frozen in fear I remember thinking this is it I think my life is about to be over then after taking another step towards me with its outstretched hand it just vanished gone right before my eyes I immediately took that chance and ran and told my parents they obviously didn't believe me and to probably still don't to this day my mum shrugged it off my dad just laughed at me which didn't surprise me he'd be the dad in the horror movie going nothing is wrong with this house as pots and pans fled midair around him in the kitchen and all crazy stuff happens but after this as long as I've lived in that house I've always closed the door every time that I've entered that bathroom from then on it I always slept with the light on for years - anyway I heard another story about a shadow person here's some other time and it inspired me to tell my how did this day I still wonder what the heck happened and what it wanted but I guess that I'll probably never know years ago when I was 11 I was staying home alone with only my little brother who was 7 at that time it was about 9 p.m. dark and pouring rain and we were reading in our room right next to the front door with a big window and open blinds that's what I hear the front door bell ring followed by knocking I thought my parents had arrived strange though that's they didn't use the garage or the keys like they always do I looked outside to see their car it's nothing but right as I approached the door I hear a man's voice that was definitely not my father's yell through the Torrens hey would you guys like some cookies we're selling girl-scout cookies shocked at this considering the weather and the time of day saying nothing I checked the peephole and peer through the side window to see this it was definitely not my father with his girl as I expected my heart dropped because standing there was just a fully grown man and maybe in his late fifties a no box of cookies inside soaking on my doorstep I can remember the gut-wrenching feeling of having to check the locks while he was right on the other side for sure he heard this - the two locks were the only thing separating myself and brother from a potential monster but he continued to knock and mention his cookies as I considered whether or not I should call the cops that's when I remember too that the blinds they were open in my room where my brother was with the light on as I turned the corner into the doorway I see the man carefully peering into our window possibly eyeing my brother distracted in his book my heart was pounding now as I began to panic and in a move that took all of my willpower I quickly turned off the lights and ran over to the window to close the blinds in full view of the man as fast as I could i double-checked all the locks in the house closed all the blinds and told my brother to go and hang out in one of the big closets in the interior of the house no windows I didn't tell him what was going on so he wouldn't be frightened and for some reason I never did call the cops on my parents I just waited in the hallway until finally he must have left still thinking about it gives me the shivers that so many things could have gone wrong that night my worst fears since then is stranger getting to the unlocked door before I do this happened in grindstone Pennsylvania back in the 90s I was probably about eight years old and my brother was about finance we lived in a couple of acres in the country with a farm on one side and your basic farm fencing with a thick forest on the other side and with growing up in the sticks and dad being an avid hunter as kids were taught to be aware of our surroundings men wild animals and things like that also we were always taught not to just wander off without telling in adults not to trust strangers as well and the normal safety stuff that kids are taught anyways as a kid I've always thought the woods were creepy or kind of scary there was no way in heck as well that I was about to go off into the by myself way too many scary movies at this point so I was playing outside with my little brother one day and he went into the house there I was by myself and I heard my mom calling for me Kimberly come here over here come on Kimmy this was a little weird to me because why would my mom be in the woods right now I climbed over the fence anyways and started walking towards my mom's voice then out of the blue I felt like I was being watched it got a really bad feeling I started to wonder how I'm going into the woods without going past me you know who thoughts like that so I turned and quickly ran back to the house where I found mom at the kitchen table my brother playing video games in the living room I then asked her if she called for me and she said no she asked me why so I told her what happened this led to us kids being told to stay inside and play for the rest of the day you know in my early thirties and I've asked my mom many times about this incident she always swears that she never did call for me that day there is something about this situation though there's really just bothers me I don't know what it is but for some reason my skin always crawls when I think about it so I was driving home late one night there were virtually no cars on the road eventually though I noticed a cop car zoom DUP close behind me is mr. Paul mijo only something was off I couldn't tell how long it had actually been behind me because it wasn't a siren and none of the lights were on and not the little police laptop not even the headlights even in any events realizing a cop was riding my tail I pulled over I was an 18 or 19 year old black kid who had just moved from the inner cities my instinct was to comply but looking back I I just definitely should have kept driving anyway sure enough the patrol car pulled over behind me but whoever was in the patrol car didn't get out didn't turn on the lights or the siren either the only illumination was a few of those sickly yellow halogen street lamps a block or so away and with no passing cars I couldn't actually see into the patrol car so all I could see was a hardly discernible silhouette in the driver's seat i sat there for a while I don't really remember how long but it had to have been around five minutes near total silence I remember just being puzzled at first too I think I even said what the heck under my breath a few times but I just sat there staring into the dark patrol car through my rearview and then my brain began to turn over there was just a creepy feeling that I was in danger all of a sudden and a click that I was either being pranked or I was about to be subject something much worse finally I calmly started my engine and pulled away and the patrol car it didn't fall [Music] a year ago I experienced something that's still frightens me but let me start at the beginning from a few years ago at this time I was a normal 15 year old girl that lived with my family in a big old house Switzerland at this time I started dating a girl there that lives in the same street like me and soon we started to spend more and more time in my house together until she moved finally about a year later so my parents lived in the ground for me and my girlfriend and my sister lived in the middle floor and the upper floor was empty here I never really felt uncomfortable in my house or anything but after she moved in that's when things started to change slowly my girlfriend was a little bit paranoid this I could understand that even after our house was renovated it was still an old house made of wood and old houses make some weird noises right you hear the wind howling through the Attic he the rain draining through the gutter or you hear some crackling noises from the wooden beams starting to stretch when it gets warm and she just didn't know noises like that because she lived in a very modern and quiet apartment but sometimes she would shake me awake in the night because she heard footsteps or other noises most times from the floor above us with the empty guest rooms I would always comment down with that's just the house or the wooden beams crackling or now cats walking around or playing with each other but that wasn't the only thing you see even after years she was just always scared of being alone at home like a little kids I guess I could sort of understand that - its Gary being alone in a big old house when you lived in a modern apartment years went by and I must admit that I started to get a little bit paranoid - I mean it's really weird to be home alone or to go to the upper floor alone when somebody says that the whole time there's somebody or something up there and I also started to hear sounds - not in the same direct way but I think I got paranoid like was that really a cat or just the wind and the Attic so I started to get slowly uncomfortable in my own house to be fair though I didn't think too much about it and so one evening that honestly changed everything so it was a really nice summer evening last year my older brother and his wife organized a barbecue for the family of this evening my parents decided to spend the night there with my brother Beth's we wanted to go back to our house we did I Drive home with my girlfriend my sister and her boyfriend it was really late like 3 a.m. or something when we arrived I drive at the forecourt of our house and my sister says something like there's a light on in the upper floor I say maybe we forgot to turn the light off on our floor or something but my girlfriend says there's no it's definitely the upper floor we get out of the car and when we look at our house and indeed we see the light on in the upper floor the problem is that the light switch for the upper floor is in the upper floor so none of us were up there and we can't turn on the light by accident or anything I want to go in and I want to walk to the door but my girlfriend quickly takes my hand and pulls me back really roughly she lifted her other arm up and points to the big window in the upper floor and we were so scared that we could move when we saw somebody standing in the window he or she or or whatever it was slowly walks to the window and looks directly to us after a few seconds of just looking at this person with absolute fear all throughout my body the light just goes out well we jumped into the current panic and drove away as fast as we could all of us saw the exact same thing somebody or something was definitely standing in the upper floor and looking directly at us the only time that we went back to that house after this was to get our stuff out of there to go and visit my parents we never did go up to that floor again or spend the night there again after that and for that I am very grateful so I maintained FEMA hell and I'm from the UK this happened in February of 2019 I was 17 at the time I got set up on a semi blind date but we had seen some photos of each other by a mutual friend and Muse name was Cameron and he was also 19 Cameron seemed like your typical average guy maybe a little into video games in anime and stuff but overall nothing my friend told me about him seemed too often anyway my mutual friend gave us each other's numbers and we texted for a night and decided to meet in a Starbucks the next day since we were both free I never liked to meet new people this soon but I figured since Cameron ooh my friend it couldn't possibly go wrong boy mistaken I was so I arrived slightly early ordered my coffee since I never really liked guys to feel that they have to buy for me and parked up on a seat facing away from the door and pulled out my book maybe there for 15 minutes just sort of chilling out and I get a text saying that he's here so I'm like great I'm at X table I feel a presence over my shoulder and I turned my head slightly in acknowledgment he must be here I thought before I even get the chance to squeak out of Hello his lips light onto my neck and he starts sucking on my neck now I don't like people touching my neck at the best of times I'm actually very ticklish there and I get super uncomfortable by people even touching my neck the few times that I've had massages or hair treatments or whatnot I've been holding in my discomforts and he's now latched on to my neck like some sort of a leech and this man smells just horrendous kind of like a dust personified or something I freaked out an elbow his chest to get him the heck off of me and he lets go and looks at me with this weird expression on his face and laughs in sort of deadpan it's really really creepy too and I start to become a lot I asked him what the heck that was and he just says I thought it was cute cute in what world though right I try to have some sort of a conversation with him I'm like okay first impressions don't mean anything let's try and give him a chance I guess but he's just creepily staring at my chest and he says wow I didn't know agents could have boobs like those I better not let you go that was a direct quote - you can't make this stuff up I'm distinctly uncomfortable but I don't want to just run away he's giving me really weird vibes so I just go into the ladies bathroom and wait for somebody else to come in I asked her to help me get out undetected I don't want this man following me home or something she of course agrees and she lends me a hat and scarf it's February in the UK after all and we come in at the bathroom together and she manages to help sneak out of the back door of the Starbucks without noticing me he asked my friend where I went but I thought my friend never mentioned me again I was too terrified I know that I probably didn't behave well I should have just told him that I was leaving that I'd had enough and I wasn't interested in him but I was honestly just sort of scared but a few people are asking about this friend and the friend told me offer leaving without telling Cameron saying that I was horrible and should have given him a chance so I just ended up on friending him to copy having people like that in your life right and also I just want to let everyone know that yes I'm actually okay it's been over a year since I've even had a glimpse of Cameron so thanks for anyone who may be concerned but I'm doing okay we all need a good Samaritan from here and there sometimes if you do see somebody in need like I was that day then please make sure to act like that lady amps help a girl even a guy to have sound it was around 6 p.m. on a main road it was winter times it was already dark out I was just walking my dog and was listening to music I'm a 22 year old female with a tiny 20-pound dog as I was walking the home so her car parked down a small side roads out of the light cast by the street lamps it was a silver minivan all I could see was shadow in the driver's seat I kept walking but I had my eye on this minivan because it was sort of in a weird spot the minivan eventually started to creep up on me though so I picked up my pace the minivan eventually pulled over next to me and there was a man in the driver's seat he asked me hey excuse me could you please help me with something and this I just started to run away I turned back and I saw that he had actually thrown his door open and started to run after me when he got to the other side of the van I could see that his pants were around his ankles and he was trying to run after me with his pants sort of down he screams to me that he was going to kill me I ran up to the nearest house and he pulled off I left my dog at the door at the person's house and sprinted after this van I wrote down the make the model than the license plate on my phone and I immediately called the police he actually ended up being caught and arrested 30 minutes later in a parking lot with his pants still down and perhaps the creepiest part is that they found several weapons and other tools in his car like duct tape zip ties hammers saws you name it it was it last night it was around 11:30 p.m. and everyone in my house had gone to sleep already right now it's just me my mom and my brother living in our house because my dad still has to go to work and he doesn't really want to risk exposing us to covert 19 so he sleeps in our second home which is a few minutes away I'm a 21 year old girl and I'm home from college so I'm staying in my childhood bedroom on the second floor my window is directly above the part of my backyard where my dad keeps trash cans to collect rainwater and it hasn't rained in the last couple of days so the trash cans are empty here there are three trash cans directly under my window though all the lights in my house were off except my bedside lamp I was in my bed just texting some friends when I heard a faint screech directly outside of my window I stopped what I was doing and immediately turned off my lamp then I listened again trying to figure out if it was a cat or a child that I just heard I didn't hear anything so I just chalked it up to my imagination but I was on edges I'd never really heard a sound like that before I kept my lamp off though as I don't have any curtains I only have vertical shadows and light definitely bleeds through a few more minutes pass then I hear another noise but this time it sounds like a child's laughter I froze because I've read stories about how people will try to lure unsuspecting victims by playing tapes of babies crying yeah that's I never thought that it could happen to me and I know that my immediate neighbors on both sides both have young children and I wondered if one of them somehow got out of the house or something my window faces the neighbor to the right of my house and our houses are relatively close together after all I know that they have a toddler as well they also have a giant pit bull who spent some nights outside in their backyard there's maybe ten feet space between our houses and we share a fence as well so oh I'm getting out of bed and cautiously you walk over to my window first I only open my shutter a sliver as I don't want to be seen if there's somebody outside I can't see anything but I heard the noise more clearly and it's definitely a child's laughter it sounds close so I've got my shutter completely trying to see who's making the noise by this time it's almost midnight mind you but I don't see anyone but I keep hearing the laughter I try to look into my neighbor's yard but I don't see anything it's I don't think that dog is out I'm pretty creeped out now so I go back to my bed and I just try to go to sleep I must have laid on my bed for about five minutes when I hear a noise outside my window again and I don't really know how to describe it but the hairs on my arm and neck standing up as I'm typing this but first I heard sort of a thud and then it sounded like someone was directly below my window moving the trash cans I told myself that it was probably the name is dog moving around but I knew that I couldn't have been because whenever he's outside he barks and plus I didn't see him when I looked out my window a few moments pass and I breathe a sigh of relief and relax a bit and I heard a clunk or a knock on my window and I got up again I was so scared though that I couldn't move and I prayed that I just imagined those noises but then I heard a loud a klunkins I ran out of my rooms at my mom and told her what had happened I'm turned on all the lights and came to my room and looked out my window but we didn't see anyone then she double checked all the doors were locked and she told me to sleep with her that night so I moved all of my blankets and pillows to my mum's room and I ended up sleeping there and today when I woke up I had already forgotten about the events of last night I was in my room getting dressed I was standing in front of my mirror and I saw if something was being reflected on my carpet under my window sill I went down to investigate and I realized pretty quickly that it was glass admittedly I had a few picture frames by my window and I thought one of them must have knock down when my mom and I looked out the window last night so oh wow look at each picture frame trying to see which one broke I scanned through the frames once and and I feel my heart drop I scanned through them again to make sure that I didn't miss any the first time but although my frames are intact and accounted for so I'm slowly reached for my shutters and pulled them open more pieces of glass fall at my feet and immediately I feel sick because my window it's partially broken ice cream and my mom comes and I show on my window my mum asked me how this could have happened as my window wasn't broken when we looked out at last night and there's nothing in my backyard that could of course that my room is on the side of my house and on the second floor and there were no trees on that side of my house at all with no trees at my neighbor's side yard I there are also no dead animals or blood which would have signaled an animal crashing into my window or something yeah we don't have a security system or many security cameras plus my dad can't even stay the night with us at the moment I don't want to be afraid to sleep in my own room that's at this stage I just don't want to be so I don't really want to give too much away about myself but back in oh six let's just say that I was training with a special ops unit at this time I was completely mentally sound extremely physically fit and probably more adept in the wilderness than most of the experienced hikers detailed in these cases not to mention armed to the teeth just a week before my final exam we were running a drill of which I cannot tell you the specifics but my duty was to stand at the perimeter on the backside of the assault in case the opposition tried to circle behind us it was like the third time that we'd run this drill and I knew that I was in hurry-up-and-wait mode today or what out of my mind I started scanning the tree lines I noticed when I can they call a path as well it wasn't a path in the traditional sense but the trees on either side of it formed a straight line and one of the things they taught us when learning to survive from an elevated vantage point was Nature doesn't build in straight lines to this day I just cannot explain what came over me but I laid my gun down and I just started walking walking turned to a jog jog turn to a sprint I can remember thinking that's I really wanted to know where this thing LEDs and how many people before me had run down a straight path like this in nature during PT survived long distance runs on tracks by looking down at my feet so out of habit I think I looked down at my feet and I just sort of snapped out of it I immediately thought you know what the heck am I doing and I turned around and hightailed it back to my post the path was less straight than I remembered and much further back to my post I had no loss of time I saw no scary woman beckoning me into the woods or anything and I felt no sense of great dread or something like that that's I've heard before but I returned to my post and the drill concluded all of the drills were monitored with cameras at each of our positions so I actually had to answer for my actions honestly - I thought that I was done for they questioned me and I told them straight up that I just didn't know what came over me just a massive urge to follow that path and keep going my superior simply told me to resist that urge should I ever feel it again and that sent me on my way I graduated a week later and I never really thought anything of it now here's the real kicker though there was a troubled teen school nearby we used to run into them all the time and they'd come out and watch our final physical test I'd heard rumors from people though that's it shut down in 2010 because my kid apparently went missing they covered it up and filed bankruptcy after telling the kids family that he committed suicide but they couldn't produce a body and his last known location was my exact post during that day that's temporarily lost my senses [Music] this happened about a year ago and there were just so many terrible factors working against me that night that I'm honestly astounded that I got away unscathed at least physically that is this all begins when I'm at my friend's apartment two lives in a really rough part of town in a series of poor decisions that night I decided to get belligerently drunk then take a few pills of who knows what and yes I know I know safe to say though that's after a solid night of partying around 4:00 a.m. I was definitely not in the right state of mind my drug addled brain to science that instead of staying that night at my friend's apartment like I normally would I wanted to Oberer back to my own apartment instead my friend's apartment had two separate entrances or exits to the building one in the back unlit parking lot of the building and one facing the street they had two sets of keys for each door and I only had keys to one in the back of the apartment since my uber would obviously arrive at the street and the door in the front of the building locks itself behind you I exited this way when the driver was soon to arrive looking back standing outside that apartment I realized that I must have looked like the easiest target on the planet I'm a small petite female in my early twenties and I can hardly stay upright I'm using a street lamp to prop myself up but it's just not doing a good job at that I the light was basically a beacon for nearby predators saying come and get me I'm not paying attention to any of my surroundings at all in this state despite the fact that there was literally a bullet hole in the front door that I came out of which is not good I do remember checking to see what Cara was getting picked up in and was only able to pick out the fact that it was a black sedan soon after stepping outside black sedan pulls up to the curb and starts rolling down the window so I step forward now before this man even spoke I could feel that something was just wrong he had an expression like he was tearing me apart with just his eyes and after seeing that look it gave me a new meaning to the word predator to destroy a criminal because I then knew what it felt like to be prey he basically box at me I'm your uber driver this was the second red flag that somehow made its way through my brain normally Yuba drivers just roll down their window and they say your name but I think I just stand at him for a second my brain slowly piecing together the situation that I was potentially in and I asked him what's my name he immediately is enraged and starts screaming about how he doesn't have time for this and just get in the car etc etc and quite honestly don't think that I've ever sobered up so fast in my life before I'm completely panicking obviously this wasn't my you quickly checking in the license plate I immediately say that it's not a match meanwhile this guy is still screaming at me and I have absolutely no idea what to do if I bolt in either direction this guy could easily outrun me or have a weapon or something I'm also pretty sure at this point that if he's trying to nab a random girl off the street he must have a weapon of some sort I can't run back into the apartment door right behind me since it locks right behind you and I don't have the keys more time to unlock it running towards the back door would do nothing as well as he's idling right by the mouth of the driveway towards the back parking lot and again I would have to take the time to find the right keys and get in if I screamed not exactly in the right type of neighborhood where someone would try to be a vigilante here and I can still hear the music radiating from my friend's third-floor apartment and I just knew that they weren't about to hit so it's 4:00 in the morning and absolutely nobody is around people talk a lot about these sorts of situations where they either Sprint's into action or they freeze but I felt incapable of doing either one of those things it was the absolute worst feeling that I've ever felt in my life though everything in me wanted to run but I felt that if I did that it was going to be the end of me but if I kept standing there staring and shocked at this screaming man the result would be the same from when he started screaming at me up and this points I'm guessing it was only about 20 seconds that had passed and just as he's looking like he's getting ready to get out of the car oh another black sedan pulls up right behind him checking the license plate as quickly as I can I realize that it's my actual uber and I make a full sprint to the car that really only like six steps and throw myself in screaming at my real uma driver what's my name the support dude looks terrified but responds with my name quickly to which my reply and get me out of here this man is trying to kidnap me if I was in this uber drivers position I think I would have been too shocked to react as quickly as he did but my dude he flew out of there offered to call the cops for me which I declined men now regret to and then walked me to the front door of my apartment insuring this I got inside safely truly an incredible human being you can rest easy to knowing that he got the fattest tip my college student bank accounts would allow for although he deserved much much more than that I'm very confident in saying that I think that man he may have just saved my life that night this happened back in September of 2019 when I was 15 just to set the scene as well my kitchen and dining room there connected with the kitchen window facing into the front garden with no trees or plants and this will be important late so a couple of weeks prior to the main event I came downstairs to get some cereal at around 10:00 p.m. I was pouring the cereal when I heard one faint light tap against the window I stopped and took a minute to think about what I just heard and whether it was in my head or if someone had actually just tapped on the window however I wasn't going to open the blinds to find out because I believe in ghosts and I'm scared of dark places plus they could have been somebody out there so I was pretty much just out of there I did forget about what happened until a few weeks later early September when I was coincidentally going down late at night it's maybe 1:00 a.m. I think to get some cereal again but as I was getting everything outside one saw the tap on the window then another and another one but we'd be in a sort of regular pattern and the tap sounded like somebody's finger was tapping on the glass which made it even creepier obviously the part that sent chills down my spine this time was the fact that the blinds were open so I didn't want to look outside I quickly just sped walked up the stairs like there was no tomorrow and I knocked on my mum's door to tell her what had happened obviously she was asleep but I was crapping bricks so it was always company to speak about things with her and as I walked into a room the light from the hallway faintly filled the room where I saw this huge shadow hovering above my mum's bed this all happened within about two seconds but it appeared to flutter some wings or something and then it just Dov's straight towards me I closed my eyes out of fear of what I just saw and I don't really remember much for the next two minute period so this is all according to my mum but apparently I just stood there hyper laning with my eye sealed shots it took me a solid minute to count my breathing down to a normal pace where I then finally came to and just decided to call it a night safe to say that's I laid in my bed that night with the lights on and it was a very sleepless night this happened a week ago and my blood still runs cold when I think about it so my brother wanted to get a drink from a place that we both love to go to it was going to close soon and he had work to do so I went by myself it was a very late that it was already dark and my parents had drummed into me since birth about the dangers of walking alone at night I was kind of nervous that day I'll admit even though I've done it many times before but I went and got both drinks since for some reason I forgot to bring a bag I was walking along with both hands for bad idea mind you as I was walking towards the street when the house was I suddenly became aware of two men very near me one was in front of me wearing a maroon pullover and the other was behind me wearing a grey zipped up hoodie with the hood pulled up I only really turned around for a flash of a second so I couldn't describe his face to you I was weirded out though because I was walking between them and I was beginning to feel uncomfortable like they were trying to herd me or something and just as I was telling myself that I was clearly overreacting I came across a garage that was down an alleyway and black Subaru was coming out of it I had time so I crossed before they reached me the person inside clearly wasn't counting on me doing that so they sort of swung around in parallel park next to me at most only two feet away so now I was between three men and a wall when I saw that door open that was it for me I just bolted I didn't stop running until I reached my house this happened about maybe 11 months ago and me and my wife got married in June I will never be so grateful that's I have a habit of locking doors so our wedding day was coming to an end family and friends were slowly starting to depart as me my wife Diana took pictures and chatted with some of the guests who stayed a little longer and we're just having a good time it was a great day too and a lot of fun memories were made but what was the least expected is what happened that night says we were on our way to no honeymoon as me and Diana said goodbye to the last of the guests 9:00 p.m. we got in the car and we headed home we had our bags packed prior to the wedding day for Cancun and we were ready to go I live in waa and we were in a bit of a hurry because instead of flying out from the Seattle Airport and SeaTac why could normal people do it was a lot cheaper for us to drive up north to Canada and fly out from the Canadian Airport also me and my wife thought that it would be fun to have a sort of a little road trip to Canada and then fly out from Canada to Cancun plus it was only a three and a half hour drive for us and cheaper too so we headed out 12 again we had a great time too just driving and blasting music talking about Cancun and just being excited about the new next chapter in our lives Diana slowly started to fall asleep being exhausted from the wedding and whatnots we were halfway to Canada at this point - we were no longer in the city area but more of a wooded area with fewer cars and fewer people the more that we drove practically seeing no one on the roads by that time it was around 3 a.m. we had some extra time on their hands and I was starting to fall asleep - so I just sort of pulled over to a gas station to get some redbull to keep me awake at one point I pulled into the gas station that was completely empty and parked the car to see Diana asleep I told her that I'm taking the keys and then I would look her inside and that I would be right back but not sure if she could hear me but she got a motion to hand around like people normally do when they're just too tired to care I came back around 6 minutes later to find my wife shaking and crying I was confused and freaking out a bit because I wasn't sure why she was crying she couldn't even get words out at first but later once she calmed down she told me this so apparently she did hear me when I told her this I'd take the keys and be right back and as she was sleeping she was working why it's happening in the driver side window being sooo tired to get up even open her eyes she lazily went for the unlock button on the passenger side of the door assuming that it was me as she was going for it though she just sort of froze and a thought passed her mind then she remembered didn't he say that he had his keys why would he need me to unlock the door for him that's when she heard a woman's voice mumbling from the driver's side she turned herself around to look at the window and she saw a woman long black hair with wide eyes isn't sort of crooked smile on her face she couldn't really hear what she was saying at first but they initially listened closely she could hear it she kept repeating in a sort of mumbled tone are you tired just over no she really freaked out and told the woman to just leave her alone the woman allegedly laughed and told my wife that she was tired too woman never took her eyes off of her and tried the door handle at one point at this point too my wife was close to tears and attempted to call me but as she did she heard what sounded like a phone buzz and realized that I left my phone in the car and out of options now my wife started to hold the horn trying to scare off the woman while also maybe getting my attention woman still had a gaze on her and started mumbling more while laughing and trying the door-handle again then she mentioned something about someone named Sarah and asked my wife if she knew her after a few more minutes of this mumbling she eventually left to my wife's word the minute that she left I came out of the gas station so my wife Berg down I still don't know how I didn't hear the honking of the car and I still feel bad for leaving my phone in the car like that my wife has also added that one of the creepier things about that woman is that she didn't look homeless or dirty or anything in fact she looked completely normal and well-kept my wife said that she'll never forget the woman's white eyes and the gaze that she had on her with that smile it also chills me to think what would have happened if my wife never realized that I had the keys or if she never had heard me about locking her inside and open the door while face the other way or something I don't know what those woman's intentions were but if I couldn't hear the honk of the horn and I'm definitely sure that there's no way that I would have heard screams so basically I've lived in this house for most of my life now it's small and in a quiet neighborhood nothing out of the ordinary ever really happens here lately over the past year I've just had some weird experiences I'll share three main ones that really shake me whenever I think about that so the first one happened about six months ago I usually get home from school around four thirty years because I have swim practice when school ends my mom usually gets home at around 6:00 and almost every day I follow the same routine get home a snack watch a bit of TV do some homework on the couch and that's about it today was pretty much no different and as soon as I got my snack I sat down on the couch and we get to watch some TV yeah after about an hour of watching TV I started to feel super groggy out of know Aaron could barely keep my eyes open I woke up about thirty minutes later to my mom shaking me telling me to open all of the windows apparently when she got home the carbon monoxide alarm was going off so she checked the heater in the kitchen when she walked into the kitchen all of the stove burners were turned on to where there was no fire but gas was just leaking out everywhere she blamed it on me but I specifically remember not using the stove and if I did why would I turn on all of the burners anyway that was the first encounter - that's made me feel like something was off in this house the second encounter happened a few months after the first my mom and I were building a dresser from Ikea and well we needed a screwdriver huh we always keep a bag of hostels in the whole closets more outside in the garage she sent me to go and get some tools from the tool bag and the whole closets but when I got there there was no screwdrivers in there like not a flathead or star ones no small or large or any all of the rest of the tools were there those why I told her and she said that that was weird but to go and check in the garage I went into the garage and once again they were absolutely no screwdrivers and I was like what the heck is going on anyways I went back inside and I told my mom and of course she was like I guess I'll have to go and get them myself so we both checked the whole closets and when they the garage again none where they're coming back into the house we stopped in the kitchen and talked about how weird that was because we hardly ever used the tools so where could they have gone we walk down the hall into the living room and both of us immediately gasp because in the middle of the carpet is a pile of ten to fifteen screwdrivers just sitting there we both looked at each other out of confusion and I also think a little bit of fear this third one happened about a week ago and is honestly the scariest one it gives me goosebumps just talking about it in fact one night I was sitting at my computer watching YouTube it was a little bit late around 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning I think I always leave the hall I'd open my door shut because I'm afraid of the dark and it gives me just a little bit of light so I'm watching YouTube and I kept hearing my mom walking from a room to the living room which is weird because I remember her going to bed a couple of hours ago and she's a really heavy sleep who doesn't wake up for pretty much anything so I called out to her but nobody answered so I was like wow that's weird and then I heard the footsteps again so I looked under the door and I could have sworn this I saw like a shadow of feet standing there and I thought it was my mom so I was like why doesn't she open the door so I got up and opened the door but when I did there was nobody there I went into my mom's room and she was dead asleep like snoring and everything and I was immediately creeped out so I woke her up and was like why do you keep walking down the hall and she was like what's I've been asleep since like 11:00 in the end I just sort of brushed it off it's just my imagination so I went back into my room and sat down at my computer and watch my show for like another twenty more minutes but then I hear a click of the light switch out in the hall I looked under the door and it was pitch black and I was like what so I open my door and the light was off and I know that I left it on because well I always do so my momma began and was like did you turn the light off and she was like no it's so I was even more creeped out and ended up sleeping with my room lights on after that anyways now there's a lot of other small things that have happened in my house too like sometimes doors will open on their own or I can hear something walking around and stuff moving at night I always feel like I'm being watched as well or that there's something here with me and the whole vibe of our house just feels often really scary I don't know what changed or how this happened but if anyone has any ideas and please comment or give me some advice or something I've tried using sage by the way to clean the house of negative energy because I heard that that can work but that just hasn't seemed to do anything I just really don't know anything about any of this stuff and I feel like I'm just way out of my depth about a year ago I was living with my maids I stayed in a ground-floor flat that kind of sits in a cul-de-sac and is a bit of a pain to walk to all admits the kind of detached from the community the only times I ever felt completely secure during sunlights depending on the time of year block of flats is kind of an l-shape our entrance it's kind of inside that 90 degree angle inside the main building there's a flat either side and stairs in front the immediate entrance hole is very dark I feel like the lights choose when and when not to work as well the flats are basic a hallway to double door bedrooms a bathroom decent living room and small kitchen the hallway is quite long and the living room is at the end of it both bedrooms face each other so we can talk from a doorways if that makes sense I'm telling you this too because it'll help you picture the incident so it was about 11:00 11:30 at night and my flatmate was in a room presumably sleeping she had a habit of leaving things unlocked and I have to make sure everything is locked up before I head off to sleep but she gotten better and normally at least had the chain on the door if it wasn't locked that is she always goes to bed early though so it wasn't weird or anything I was in the living room and decided to grab a pint of water before heading to bed myself I went into the kitchen which is attached to the living room switching on the kitchen light and filling up a glass then the car park in front of the flat was really dark I remember feeling kind of eerie that night too and I just wasn't sure why but I just felt like something was off if I had to describe it it was my kind of feeling that you get when you switched the light off and you run up the stairs anyway I had a couple of sips and filled the glass a little more and headed out to the kitchen when the front door bell went I sort of froze I didn't even know that we had a doorbell to be honest about 10 seconds passed before the letterbox was hit twice and my stomach's sake I sort of felt trapped in the kitchen important to know two things here as well the one if you step out of the kitchen and puts you in perfect line with the hallway if the living room door is open which it was at that time and to our front door has a bloody window so you can see the silhouettes of anyone outside or in us being girls we had a sort of cute grey curtain across it but it was pretty much see-through so I grabbed my phone and I called my maze who was in a room right next to the front door we both whispered did you hear that both thinking that we may have misheard it we had to whisper too because the walls were like paper thin and that flat you could always hear people coming and going in the clothes she came to a bedroom doorway but couldn't go forward because then she'd be indirect side of the window I hedged my way out of the kitchen keeping flat against the wall eventually sinking to the floor texting her now because we were both closer to the door and whoever was out there would probably hear us another thing that you should probably know is that this person must have buzzed other flats to get into the building that didn't buzz out so I reckon that they must have seen me from the kitchen window I'm a fairly ordinary looking for 120 pound girl but lying in kind of an army troll I saw the silhouette of a tall broad bald man it could have only been a man as well because he was so tall and broad he tapped the letterbox again but just sort of stood there terrified now I'm after my mate did you lock the door and she looked at me with a horrified expression on her face and mouthed no the chain wasn't on the door either now I never I supposed I crawled as low as I could into my bedroom crawled up to my desk grab my keys crawl to the door it's only about a meter and frantically shoved the keys in the lock and twisted at the same time putting the chain oh this is a noisy affair too and he obviously noticed that I was there hitting the letterbox again and trying to handle as I desperately tried to twist the crap old school key in the log and eventually I got it terrified to stand mimei put a head out of room to see if we were cool and he wasn't there in a kind of half stowed half-asleep stupor she reckoned to just go back to bed but something was just nagging at me though really badly remember how I said that we could hear people coming and going really easily it was just eerily quiet and not once did either of us see the building's main door open or closed which meant that this was probably somebody in this building he had one person across from us two people above us and two above them two of those flats of students a neighbor across was a 98 year old woman there was a couple and sort of shorts long-haired chill guy nobody we knew match the frame of the man in a flat window but I stayed up until I couldn't anymore texting mates just sort of jamming in my room door shuts keeping my hockey stick next to my bed but I realized about a month after this that's the service button to the front of the main building was actually broken and anyone could have come in if they pressed it and could be unheard coming in if they were very quiet and knew that they had to be very careful with the doors it was old and heavy I still think though that they must have seen me in the kitchen at the lights and thought that they were trying their luck and this could have easily been a very different story if I hadn't have locked the door when I did always lock your doors people double-check them too because and how safe you reckon your area is it just may not be we have literally no idea to this day who that was or why they knocked like that that's we never heard anyone again use that doorbell I'll start by saying that's I'm 19 years old and these hauntings occurred from 78 years old I'm not a religious person at all in fact I'm one of those people that has to see something to believe in it when people tell me stories of how this or that happened to them I always try to come up with a logical explanation for what they experienced that being said this shook me to my core and my avoid sharing what happened to me with other people simply because I cannot even think about this time in my life without swelling up and tears so as a child I didn't like scary movies ghost stories none of that stuff really I was scared of the dark in bedtime and for me it was a struggle because my mother would have to sit beside my bed and so I went to sleep before she was able to leave the room after I would fall asleep I would always wake up that Iran's Who I am and to be scared that I was alone and walked in my mother's room down the hall to get into bed with her and go back to sleep the only people in the house during this time were my older sister mom and me now the first incident I had occurred when I woke up in the middle of the night again and I got up to go to my mother's room when I got to a room and open the door that was when I saw it's an extremely pale short Baldwin was sitting in the middle of her bed I was paralyzed in fear and just stared at this guy for a few seconds trying to understand what I was looking at his head rose and he looked at me as I stood in the doorway his face was completely smooth no eyes mouth or anything just a padded white face moment that I saw him look up at me to I immediately collapsed into the floor and started screaming and crying and calling for my mother to wake up my mom jumped up out of bed and ran over to me and tried to calm me down I was trying to tell her that there was a man in a room but she kept telling me that it was just a bad dream that's I needed to go back to bed I quickly looked around the room and tending to show her but I didn't see the man anyway when I come down a bit I asked if me and her could both stay in my room for the night because I was too frightened to sleep alone but I definitely didn't want to go back into her room after that the morning after I tried to explain to my mum what I had seen the night before but she just didn't want to hear it she shrugged it off and told me this it was just a bad dream again I was so sure what I had seen oh and I tried to tell my sister but she just dismissed me as well after this experience I was terrified that it would happen again the following nights were horrible - my mother would tuck me into bed like usual and wait until I fell asleep to leave except now I was freaking out that I was asleep so she would go into her when she left I would get up and turn on all the lights in my room and I would just play around with my action figures or play on my playstation I would do this until the next morning in fact it was during the day that I would take naps on the couch but my mother didn't like that she wanted to get out and play during the day so that I was able to sleep well at night and obviously this led to me losing an insane amount of sleep because I was too scared to sleep at nights but my mom wasn't going to let me sleep at all throughout the day it had been around 2 or 3 weeks I would say since the first incident happened and I was starting to think that maybe mum was arise in that it had all been a dream one day I was particularly exhausted and fell asleep on the couch in the living room and set into the middle of the night I woke up to a pitch-black room and immediately began to have a panic attack even when I woke up in my own room I've always had night lights that always stayed on I got off of the couch and tried to use the power light on the TV to sort of help me to have a point to walk to because my room was the first room in the hall coming out of the living room and when I got to my room and open the door it was that man sitting on the edge of my bed now now as terrified as I was I'm slowly closed my door back shots hoping that the man hadn't seen me open the door and I immediately ran to my mom's room screaming and crying again telling her that he was in my room she gets up and walks with me to my room and again there isn't anything there I remember just being so confused at that time and questioning what was real and what wasn't I told my mom that I wanted to go stay with my dad because I was too scared to stay with her anymore and after contacting my dad I told him everything that had been happening in my mom's he talked to her and decided that I could come live with him talking to my dad about it was really tough too because he didn't really believe in what I was saying he also thought that I was just having bad dreams because I was watching scary movies or something at my mother's but fast forward a few years and my mom is remarried with a man that had three children the youngest of which was six years old over the time that they stayed in the house the youngest boy started to experience similar things to what I had when my mum told me that he was saying the same things that I was when I stayed there I wanted to be like I told you so but at this point my mum believed me and she actually sold the house not long after nowadays we just sort of refer to our old houses the haunted house it's really hard to talk to other people in person about it though because for some reason it just it makes my eyes water and I just feel terrified even thinking about it anyway I just thought that I would share this here with you guys because well it's it's good to get it off my chest this happened to my mom about a year ago while she was visiting me I woke up to get a drink around 4:00 a.m. one night my mom works third shift so she was still awake and I decided to hang out with her she told me that she had just got back from the 24/7 when my mum was on her way back from the store though around 3:30 a.m. she could see what looked like a person crawling on the road she rolled a window down and as she got closer she could hear a woman screeching absolute bloody murder my mom described her as looking like a Joel was about to unhinge my mom isn't easily fooled but she wasn't going to just flat out ignore the situation I she remained in a locked car and yelled out to see if the woman was okay and maybe if she needed the cops the girl just starts going on about how her parents are after her or something as the girl is rambling my mum sees a car coming up from the other direction my mom yells at her to get out off the road and as she notices the car she gets up like it's no problem the car passes and then a guy that seems like her boyfriend appears out of know he's yelling at the girl like oh babe I'm glad you're okay he's saying just random stuff and trying to get it to go with him she doesn't seem afraid of him but just as he notices my mum he's at my mom's window practically instantly he covered about 20 feet in what seemed like a split second this whole ordeal was just too strange so my mum just ended up speeding out of there and once my mom made it back to my house she called the police they told her that they'd actually received one or two calls about this already that night and they didn't act too concerned and as my mum told me this story it just made my skin crawl this all happened about 10 min a walk from my house at most I've never had any kind of problem in the three years that I've lived here and nothing even close to this has happened since but it was strange one that's for sure to quickly preface my recent experiences I believe it's important to know a few things I'm a 27 year old female I've lived in my house going on 13 years now the house belongs to my maternal grandparents and my family moved in originally to help take care of my ill grandmother she unfortunately passed away three years ago but we continue to stay to help take care of my grandfather now my grandfather is the second person to have ever owned this house the couple previously they bought it when it was built in the seventies and only stayed for a few years before moving away the point of all this being that's my house does not have any extensive history since my family has no more or less being the only people to ever live but I must admit though that I've never really liked living here we moved in at the end of my sophomore year of high school and since day one I've always been just uncomfortable my home is a breeding ground for negativity there to avoid airing out all the details of my family's personal issues though I'll just say that attention is always high in my house that people are constantly fighting and mental illness runs rampant in my bloodline - the air is just thick with aggression and suffocating amounts of stress all the time it's no surprise to me that paranormal stuff happens here so it started out with small things like hearing someone call my name when no one had a finding lights turned on when they were off seeing things in the corner of my eye items going missing and then appearing again suddenly or feeling a sort of cold chill on the back of my neck like someone is behind me but nobody's ever there truthfully I didn't pay too much mind to that stuff sure I found it odd bits not creepy enough to keep me up at night or anything but then 2013 happened I started having these sort of insomnia episodes all of a sudden I've had bouts of insomnia before but this was different it was as if my body just wouldn't let me sleep like it was waiting for something it started to be that's late in the night I would also smell something burning and like that campfire smell the aroma of cooking but like something was actively on fire the first time I smelt it I jumped up immediately and ran throughout my whole house to check and make sure that it wasn't burning down with everyone unaware it's a small single floor home with no basement and only a crawl space attic so I got through it pretty quickly checking every single room I touched the walls and I touched the ceilings to feel for any heat but there was nothing I looked outside to check neighboring houses in a shed all the while with the intense smell of fire lingering in the air but still I didn't see anything but the smell was so strong I felt like I was choking on it until suddenly after a few minutes it just disappeared this continued to happen for weeks straight as well every night the smell would come to me and every night I would begin my routine of checking my house again I got so paranoid in fact that something was actually going to be on fire that's I wouldn't allow myself to just ignore it I began doing nightly walks around outside of my house to check every possible place for a fire but I never saw a thing now about two weeks into my nightly walkthroughs I began to notice these sort of small sparks of light on the ceilings that would follow me through the rooms the light was like a dying spark small bursts of brightness that would travel above my head as I walked well I didn't appear every night and I only manifested when I would smell the fire the light also would never follow me into my room and I completed my nightly rounds but during this time the frequency of whispers that I would hear during the day and things going missing increased and then I began to hear like soft sighs and whimpers outside of my window at random times of the day not uh identifiable as an animal or a person but once again I would check with no discoveries these activities though weighing heavily on my mental well-being grew mundane and somewhat predictable the things however grew worse in time when I began seeing the people the first was the little girl in my kitchen but one night I'm headed out to grab myself a snack and as I turned the corner to step into my dark kitchen the clear figure of a girl stepped directly in front of me in the doorway although there were no recognizable features I knew straight away that she was a child with long hair and wearing a dress from a silhouette I'm only four ten and she was at least a full foot shorter than me she approached me so closely and so suddenly that's I sort of gasped and I instantly reached for the light switch to my rights and not breaking my eye contact with her dark shape I watched as she vanished right before me when I flicked the light on another was the man that stood in the corner of my room I only really started noticing him after the little girl for many nights I kept him in the corner of my eye never daring to look directly at him he wasn't there every night though and he wasn't there all the time he wasn't there until well he was and he was there until well he wasn't what I mean is that there was just no continuity in his appearances he was only over there when I was laying in bed and always only in the far right corner of my room eventually I got the courage to look directly at him once again no distinguishable features other than a masculine build roughly 510 if I had to guess and he wore a hat which was weird when I'm laying down my feet are sort of in line with the door to my room directly in front of me but his body was always angled perpendicular but facing the door rather than me and although his presence did make me nervous he never really moved truthfully the only one who terrified me was the man at the end of my bed he frequented more than this little girl but less than the man in the corner one strange thing too about this one is that I always was able to feel him before I saw him looking at him made me dizzy so I tried my best to keep my eyes closed until I felt like he was gone he was tall slender and most distorted out of them all he always stayed at the foot of my bed though it's very diffi was directly in front of me or nods occasionally he would lean over sometimes a little sometimes a lot that's he was always just sort of staring at me I I really don't like to think about him it makes my stomach sink and my chest sort of heavy yeah but for months in the year of 2013 my nights consisted of variations of all these events a few times all three even appeared to me on the same night and only once did the two men appear to me at the same time but just as quickly as everything had begun eventually it just stopped I didn't see them any more I didn't smell the fire or see the lights on my ceiling I always have and probably always will hear the whispers though but it's obviously 2020 now and my life has changed a lot since then I put myself through many years of college I established my career got a great job and I've been saving for my future but something has changed over the last two months you see during this pandemic I've been laid off and have spent the last month and a half almost entirely at home about three weeks ago I saw this little girl again but this time she was in the reflection of the mirror at the end of my hallway the mirror is floor-to-ceiling in length and although it was during the day the hallway was dark and she was just sort of standing behind me in the reflection but when I turned around she obviously wasn't there twice last week too cool shiva was running down the length of my spine and it worked me instantly for my sleep occasionally I'll feel this presence at the nape of my neck when I walk through my house and just three nights ago I saw him again when I sensed him at first I thought that I was going to pass out my stomach turned in my vision blurred again when I finally allowed myself to look he was only this time not at the end of my bed where I thought that he was going to be but on the side of me and this time a lot closer I honestly wanted to cry so badly but was so frightened that I could only really hold my breath what seemed like an eternity and when I had felt that he was gone I quickly rushed to turn my lights on and again there was nobody there I'm filled with nothing but dread and anxiety every night since then I sleep with my lights on and even though I'm doing everything in my power not to see them again I just can't help but notice when they are around I don't know why they came to me last time and I don't know why they're coming to me now but most importantly I don't know how to make it stop do any of you guys have any ideas [Music] as a child I think kindergarten age I love to talk if anyone had a question for me how would gleefully give them way too much information most people found it endearing and would praise me for being so smart which often encouraged me a lot but some people found it annoying obviously now my mom and I normally shopped at the market just a few minutes away from her house my mom had been shopping there for like 20-some years at that point and was friends with most of the workers there so I was friendly with them too and always was happy to talk with them whenever my mom got distracted talking to someone I with the intention span of a six-year-old would wander around the aisles just looking at things my mom would keep an eye on me to make sure that I didn't go too far but if she was distracted one of the employees would usually be around and gently guide me back over Monday though we went to a different market that's I couldn't remember having been to before and we didn't go back for nearly a decade mind you we were walking around the house when my mom ran into a friend they started talking and why not realizing that I no longer had a store full of adults keeping an eye on me that is started wandering around the aisles my eyes caught some colorful display I think flowers or balloons or something it's I went over to look once I was satisfied with my inspection I turned back to the aisle only to find that my mom wasn't there huh that had never happened before I looked around a little they're not moving from my spot near the colorful displays since it was right near the registers there was a decent amount of people nearby which I'm thankful for now but as I was looking around an employee came up to me he was older than my sister she was 12 or 13 at the time and younger than my dad in his mid 40s which was about the only way that I could gauge the age but nowadays I would say that it was probably in his early to mid 20s if I remember it correctly hi there he said sweetly in that tone that you normally speak to kids a cheerfully said hello actually stepping a little closer hey are you looking for your mom I say yes happily explaining that I last seen her talking to a friend and that's I could normally find her easily when I wanted away so I wasn't sure where she could have gone does she leave you alone often not really my older sister was normally with me if my mom wasn't she was 12 or 13 and she was super mature so if my mom had to leave me for a little bit she knew that I would be okay plus she never really left us alone in public just at home if she needed to run somewhere never for very long - just the length of time for a Pokemon episode or something my dad was at work a lot and didn't come back home into late usually anyway just if you guys were wondering but then he said where do you live well well didn't you know it I had just learned my address we just learned how to mail a letter in school even took a little class trip to the mailbox in high school corner to send them out I knew had a ride my address now and I knew how to say it said I want to hear of course you do I know kids are naive but I was downright dumb at this age I was diagnosed with color blindness two years later otherwise known as red-green color blindness that makes sense as I was totally blind to all the red flags - so where do you go to school and who picks you up well they go to the local elementary school I don't know the address though sorry I tell him but I know what street it's on because I wait on the sidewalk for my mom or daycare Syd depending on the day so I see the street sign a lot since I'm usually waiting for a while to be grabbed hey do you like animals like puppies a dopes Cammy cats Cammy pigeons gave me fish scare me fly scare me you know what doesn't scare me though Turtles I have five Turtles no dogs at my bark or bite if somebody drops by the house like our neighbor does those dogs are always behind the gate so they don't scare me that much but at this stage it's only been a few minutes since I last saw my mom even with how much information I was dumping you I was a very fast talker that's I was starting to get a little bit antsy no because I was uncomfortable talking to a stranger but because I had skipped lunch that day specifically took on my mom into letting me get a bagel from the store next door which was exactly why we were at the market in the first place my mom was holding on to the bagel to make sure I didn't try to eat it too fast and choke which might done several times in the past and quite frankly I just wanted my bagel well I like to talk to this grown man who made me feel smart and was also interested in my life I liked bagels a lot more plus if I called my mom when we were near the bakery section I might be able to use my charm and cuteness to get a cookie so I got to find my mom now oh well how about I'll walk around with you and help you find it you want to lead me through the market that you work at where you can easily bring me to the backroom the meat locker or any number of places yeah sure sounds good I thought Ozzy look around to see my mom that relieved look on her face slowly changing into something more anxious I smile happily and my Waiver over she immediately grabs my hand and I can tell that she wants to try at me probably for leaving the aisle but she seems more occupied on the man in front of me before I can even open my mouth to introduce him or remember that's I never actually got his name he quickly says that he's glad that I found my mom and he needs to get back to work and practically runs to the back of the store my mom puts her hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eye her expression a lot more worried now what was he talking about to you she asked her voice more serious than I had ever heard can I have my bagel my mom opens her mouth pauses and goes into a purse to hand me my bagel between bites I haven't Lea tell her about the conversation and everything I remembered my age and grades my pickup schedule likes and dislikes my literal address and mum gradually became pale then became red with anger she brought me over to the manager and I don't really remember much about the conversation but I got a cookie I remember that pretty well because it was shaped like a watermelon which was apparently far more important to me than paying attention to what was being said I do remember though that the police weren't called we went home and my mum told me that I wasn't allowed to walk around the store anymore like that no more talking to any strangers even if they worked at the store that we were at unless she was with me that was if I ever was to see that man again I was to run away find someone that I know and ask for help and if all else fails scream at the top of my lungs just like when a fly lands on me by the way I still hate insects I agree pleasantly not really fazed by anything that she's saying I know that some people are bad of course but the bad people look bad right they talk mean and look scary and try to grab you this man he did it so he wasn't bad to me but if my mom was saying it's that I guess I had no choice but to listen and I better enjoy that cookie because we apparently weren't going back to that store ever again tears incoming in exchange they away can get a doughnut once a month from our usual store tea is canceled when I was around 12 our school had a safety assembly and was talking about the shady things that adults do to get close to kids and very very watered down version of what they most likely wanted and I'm sitting there listening and suddenly realize oh if my mom hadn't have found me something really terrible might have happened if not in the store then in front of my school and if not in front of my school then perhaps even at my house a little over a decade now I'm 18 now and I've never seen the guy again not even at that store which is odd because we went back there a couple of times and I don't think he actually worked when I was 9 my parents bought a derelict or abandoned farm deep in the woods of Sweden this wasn't the first time my parents had done this either my parents had just sold the first farm after they made the farm livable and I must admit that I was sad to part with it but I did look forward so a whole new world of adventure and discoveries on the new one nothing spooky ever really happened on the first farm I was never really scared of the old house or the woods around it I could be alone for hours in the woods in fact just playing and making dens for picnics with my imaginary adventure team and all that sort of stuff but something changed though when we bought the second phone the first couple of times we came to paint and build on the house nothing ever happens I was just exploring the different buildings in the woods around us this farm had like four buildings the main house my garage a stable ones we never found out where the fourth building was it was badly damaged after her to be burned down or something but at the time I was really into horses and I was always in the States and I think that we had owned the house for about a year when the first thing happened so I was playing in the stable just with some hay when I suddenly felt like someone had to hands around my neck and squeezed I couldn't breathe and I instantly ran out of the stable and as soon as I saw my mom I could breathe again but I was coughing and wheezing it I just couldn't stop I tried to explain what was happening but my throat hurts so much that's I just kept coffee my mom rushed me inside the house and got me some water I was still coughing in gasping after 15 minutes so my mom decided to drive me to the hospital while my dad's statement my brothers eventually stopped coughing of course and nobody could really understand what happened just for your information - before the next parts up until I was 14 I've never had any allergies and I had my first asthma attack when I was like 13 the reason I mentioned this is because the next episode was written off as just an asthma attack looking back and now knowing what an actual asthma attack felt like I just called bullcrap on this one but anyway after that whole thing I stopped playing in the stable and I opted for playing in the woods with my brothers and the next thing that happened was when I was about 11 I had woken up in the middle of the night he is somebody walking around I stood up from my bed and walked past my parents who was sleeping in the same room I went to the kitchen and I saw a black figure just standing in the middle of the kitchen and I know it looked closely I probably would have just walked by and thinking that it was my dad but I sort of just froze because something came over me and I turned around and walked straight back to my bed I couldn't sleep though and to be honest I felt like somebody was staring at me on lines that's all my parents the next day that I saw a man in the kitchen but they told me that I was probably just dreaming I probably was dreaming but after seeing that figure I always felt like I just wasn't welcome and always felt eyes on me at all times one occurrence they left me just terrified of this house and I begged my parents to leave me with my grandparents whenever they went to the farm after this so one day I was just on my computer chatting with some online friends and playing a game my parents wanted to go grocery shopping and asked if I wanted to come too I declined being really into my game at the time and they asked me if I was short one but I noted and they left me with my brothers and immediately I regretted not going as soon as that door slams shut because a feeling of just Terra I became I was scanning the whole room that I was in scared to find something that I shouldn't have the car had already pulled onto the dirt road and out of sight by now the sound of the car drifted away and I was left in terror and just in silence the silence somehow grew louder and louder until it was deafening and all of a sudden I felt a pop in my ears I was shaking and my teeth were chattering I was so scared but then I heard a tap and then another one and another one the taps were in a predictable rhythm and I knew it was at least two hours until my family came home since the grocery store was miles away and I had to endure it but something sent me running out of the house because in the doorway to the kitchen I'm sort of figure sort of stalking towards this time I knew that it wasn't a dream to my lungs felt like they were being crushed and I began getting an instant headache I stand at the figure for a good five seconds then in pure shock I sprinted out of the back door in towards the dirt road I was thankful that I was still wearing my flip-flops after eating breakfast outside and I ran up the dirt road aiming to get help from the neighbors who lived about a 20 minute walk away I didn't expect to see how a car come down the road but I walked to the side of the road and my parents hopped out and asked what happened I burst out crying and so they put me in the car I refused to go inside the house again but my parents thought that I just made it all up and they told me that I was parent wait but I stand by what I saw and years later I still hate that farm I've only visited once since after that but never again because whatever is on that farm specifically hates me I just have one thing though that has been bothering me a lot how long was i frozen in place because like I said it takes hours for us to go grocery shopping and it felt like what happened was in the span of maybe five or ten minutes to be honest though I I don't even know if I want to know I'm just happy that's I don't ever have to go back to yeah again [Music] so I was 15 years old but there was some stuff that I was going through my parents were recently divorced depression problems but nothing truly awful I guess it was late I was dealing with some pretty bad insomnia too I was texting my best friend who might don't talk too much anymore partially because of this I think - I can't remember what we were talking about but I remember looking over at the corner of my room and just seeing a tall shadow there about six to seven feet tall I freeze obviously and I'm thinking to myself okay shadow tree shadow but there's a tree outside there must be I slowly turn my head to look at the window and there's no way the tree can be casting this shadow but there's just too much wind I look back over it it's and it's still a very still shadow I text my friend Lynn there's something in my room and I'm very scared I'm getting really bad feelings from it directly after I sent the text the shadow just dissipates like kinda just fades away as does the feeling of dread to Lillian text me back and there's something here - a really tall shadow in the corner of my room and I'm freaking out a bedroom and no windows so there's no way that she could mistake it for a tree shadow and a few minutes after I get the text I feel that sense of dread returning there is the shadow again standing at the foot of my bed this time it was way too dark to get a photo and I honestly was not thinking about pictures at that time I was completely terrified my breathing gets super labored and I feel a panic attack coming on when all of a sudden my phone battery drops from 80-ish to zero and dies panic attack comes on strong at this point and I jump for my phone charger next to my bed I plugged my phone in looking for the shadow that I took my eyes off her for maybe a second but it's gone the phone comes back on and jumps right back up to where it was before it died I keep it plugged in just in case and I text Lin I think he killed my phone battery what the hell I'm scared about ten minutes later she replies it was standing next to my beds it was all black and I'm scared it killed my phone battery - but it's fine you know it's going to get though so I start putting it together there's a few minutes between jumps it seems to be following the text or something I start texting anyone and everyone that I can just ran a bullcrap how are you been a while you okay etc maybe I can confuse it or stretch it out or something but holy smokes that was a terrible idea my bed instantly starts shaking violently my headboard is banging the Worland my blankets get ripped straight off the beds I can see it's standing tall at the foot of my bed and I have a fight-or-flight reaction at this point then jump off my bed towards my bedroom door and the light switch as I'm leaping over to the door I feel that really cold head touch my ankle almost pulling me back towards my bed I yank open my door then turn my light on at the same time and it flickers for a moment temporarily blinding me and the bulb just shatters everywhere I scream and I run across the hall to my mom's room with my starts sobbing and she has the audacity to just laugh at me I'm freaking out scared of this a demon wants to shadow thing in my room that blew my light bulb and she laughs at me I get angry and I tell her that I'm not sleeping in there tonight in this I get a new bulb she promises to buy me a new bulb the next day and gives me the Maglite and tells me to sleep in the living room so I creep into my bedroom to grab my phone charger and then just run to the living room and turn the lights on after a few days I start sleeping my bedroom again but I had to get a new bulb and sleep with the flashlight for a long time after that so yeah the Lynde refuses to talk about it nobody else experienced it nobody ever believes me it's horrible - but I still can't walk to my bed in the dark without feeling at hands on my ankle [Music] this happened about two years ago after going to see a movie with a group of my friends so I live in a small town the nearest decent movie theater is about 40 minutes away I think I'm always the driver because my car is the most functional for those long distances and I'm also kind of a softy when it comes to doing favors for others this also means that I'm always the last one to get home for the night and it's usually very early in the morning when I finally do get home so this specific night it was pretty late when we got back like I said it's a small town so when it gets late the roads are pretty much dead there's an order that I drop everyone off in the furthest from my house to the closest logically we're pretty spread out there from each other if you've ever been to a rural town then you'll know that there's a lot of twists and turns on back roads like that but I dropped off one of my sad friends and there was only my boyfriend left I drove towards my boyfriend's house and stopped at a t-intersection along the way the road in front of us was lit with street lights but the further you looked down on either side of the road it was dark there were no cars anywhere as I expected so I turned onto the road and headed towards my boyfriend's house not even a minute down the road I saw headlights in my rearview mirror I don't know when they'd shown up it's I remember noticing them because the headlights looked like the ones that a friend's car but they're before lights all around and arranged like the corners of a trapezoid for a moment too I thought it could be my friend because the lights were so distinct but the vehicle looked a bit larger and I just brushed it off and continued driving we were on one of the main roads it didn't surprise me he went they continued to follow behind us as we went after a little while I turned unto a back road that was pretty hilly bits it was the shortest way to my boyfriend's house and the vehicle turned onto that road as well it still wasn't that weird I mean my boyfriend lives on one of an assortment of ranch houses we've had a lot of people follow behind us to that section of the town and then eventually taper off into separate driveways they were pretty far behind us as well again I just didn't think much of it sure enough though they just kept taking every turn that we talk the closer we got to my boyfriend and I even began to joke about how long they'd been behind us and it was only when we turned into his driveway that's we finally grew concerned now here's a long driveway that goes up a hill I reached the top and could see the vehicle slowing down at the end of his driveway and then it turned in and began to slowly drive up very slowly to my boyfriend and I said in my car looking at each other because we didn't know what the hell was going on as I got closer though we went through every possible person that it could have been we even considered my sister who could have recognized my car and wanted to scare us it was a reach since no one we brought up owns a car that looks like that but I was praying that that was the answer they reached the top and parked maybe 10 feet behind me and then they turned off the headlights and just sat there it was too dark to be able to make out what kind of car it was I kept telling him I see trying to see if someone was walking around or if I could catch a glimpse at their vehicle we sat there for a long time to trying to figure out what the hell was happening that we didn't dare step out of the car and I kept the engine running in case I needed to make a break for it although they were parked directly behind me blocking the driveway I'm not sure how long we sat there for but there was a good while there just nothing happened and then I heard a creaky door open it shut I instinctively pressed the look button on my door even though my car was already locked and I watched as a middle-aged all the man came into view on my side mirror as I watched him step closer I leaned away from the window towards my boyfriend in the passenger seat and the man walked up to my window he had a pretty big gut and his silver hair was pulled into a ponytail underneath the red cap he cupped his hands and peered into my car and I still remember him looking right at me so vividly his expression was blank and I couldn't even move then he stood up he pointed back towards his vehicle said something that I couldn't hear and then just turned around and left he didn't turn his headlights back on until he reached the road and when he turned I could see the dark outline of a truck bed my boyfriend and I sat there stunned for a long time my boyfriend and his stepdad drove behind me to my house to make sure no one followed me there either he hugged me before I went inside and said that he'd give me an update the next day no one really could explain it's all knew who he was I haven't seen a similar truck since then but if I notice a car that's been following me for a while no matter what it looks like make sure to take an extra few turns away from my house until they've turned on a different road these days I really can't help the sneaking suspicion to that things may have gone a lot differently if my boyfriend wasn't in the car with me so I'm 19 and have lived in several different houses in my lifetime but there were two places that I've lived where you could tell that something was just very clearly wrong one was a trailer where I had a few encounters involving doorknobs forcefully jostling and hearing strange noises I was also plagued by nightmares and hallucinations but I'm going to be talking about the worst house that I've lived in the one that still fills me with anxiety thinking about it even after I haven't lived there in like five years this is the only time that's I've ever seen the full manifestation of a spirits or whatever you call them and I hope that's it's the last time too so we moved into this two-story house when I was nine years old ever since arriving I could already feel that something just wasn't completely right well the trailer was filled with a very heavy some ultras energy this house was just the complete opposite it was just bleak and still it was an unnerving quiet in any room that I walked in made me anxious to escape though the bottom floor was definitely far worse I spent most of my time in my room on the second floor at the end of the hall and I only felt safe downstairs when it was daylight and even then I was nervous if I was completely alone on the first floor while living in this house I slowly devolved into one of the worst depressive states that I've ever been in at age 12 I stopped caring about school my health sleep pretty much everything in fact I would frequently find myself waiting until the night before to write essays our family computer was downstairs in the dining room my parents room was right beside the staircase I wasn't able to turn on any lights as I snuck down I just used the flashlight of my phone I can remember being paralyzed with fear descending those stairs into the dark first floor but I couldn't run out of fear that might be caught by my parents I completed my papers as fast as I could with only the light of my computer to see in the dining room and I just remember feeling like I was going to die down there sometimes I would also hear the occasional noise and I would whip around to figure out if it was my parents or something else and it was never my parents I don't really know why I kept procrastinating schoolwork just to end up forcing my body through such extreme anxiety I just wasn't in a good place that's for sure but somehow though it was harder to get back up the stairs and it was writing an entire paper downstairs I really don't know what was so different about the landing of the staircase but I absolutely hated crossing that threshold in fact I would walk up stairs backwards with my phone flashlight pointed down the stairs so agonizingly slow that I'm surprised I managed to clean the threads of my sanity that I had and I'm really not sure how old I was when I saw the apparition of the house it was when I didn't have school though so I was allowed to stay up at this point I was downstairs with my sister playing video games until it was around midnight we had all the lights on my sister said something about going to a room and for some reason I thought that she was going to come back downstairs I played alone for a while before I realized that she must have left me alone I was hit with that familiar anxiety and I decided that it was just time to go upstairs now let me describe the layout of our first floor there weren't any doors down there and the openings in each wall so you could walk in a circle around the staircase which was in the middle the living room was the biggest room and had an open floor where you could see the landing of the staircase across the room on the other side of the staircase was a den that you could also walk through to go upstairs the kitchen in the dining room were connected to each other and separated from the staircase there were multiple light switches to form each room so before going upstairs I would usually start at the den and circle around the kitchen and dining room to the living room turning off each lines then I would turn off the last light and just make a mad dash through the living room for the stairs this night wasn't there much different to I was trying not to make myself scared because I honestly just wanted to go upstairs and go to my so I did things as casually as I could started in the den turned off the light in the kitchen and the dining room then the living room and walked around in a circle only this time when I turned off the living room lights and looked ahead I swear to you that I saw a woman it was a faint light coming from a cause decal that my stepdad had hung up at the top of the stairs she just looked so solid and real the light created shadows on her face and there she was just standing on the landing of the staircase I mean what looks like a nightgown I think the core sign made her skin look blue she had short shaggy black hair but her face wasn't obscured I could see her eyes but they were heavily sunken though the dim light probably didn't help her nose was thin and upturned but I'll never forget her smile it wasn't a big toothy grin with bloody fangs or anything she just had a slight upturn to her lips but I couldn't tell if it was smug or kind the thing I remember most though was that I could see the space that she occupied I could see a standing behind the railing of the stairs and I could see a swaying slightly in a place I was completely frozen to the doorway obviously in between the dining room and the living room my hand hadn't even left the light switch before I saw her I was afraid to make even the smallest movement it felt like it all happened within an instance who I was terrified of what was about to happen to me if I looked away even for a moment and somehow I mustered the bravery to move my finger and flip to the living room light back off and at that moment she disappeared with the darkness I can remember continuing to stare at that spot that she had been in looking for some sort of shape that I could have imagined was her I was just cemented to my spots while at the LightSwitch it's in the dining room lie back on and feeling a little safe in our glanced at the clock and apparently I had been standing there for a full 30 minutes I absolutely panicked and I turned all of the downstairs lights on even the laundry room but the whole time I knew that I would have to turn them all off again and I would have to go back upstairs that's where I knew that I would be safe I knew I had to go there but to do that I would have to pass through the landing with a woman had just been standing just thinking about it absolutely terrified me too I spent nearly an hour just pacing downstairs going back and forth between the living room and the den to glance at the staircase I kept wondering if there was another way that I could get back up the stairs but there just wasn't I finally just said screw it though and decided to push through I wasn't going to spend all night trapped down there with her malevolent spirit or not I did the same as before turning off each light in a circle before stopping at the living room I took a deep breath before turning off the living room lights and she wasn't there I made a run for it thinking to myself just get through it just get to the top and get through it the landing was absolutely freezing - and as I got closer I felt like something was reaching straight through me and trying to steal the life from me or something well that's 1/2 the rail and swung myself around and onto the stairs with such urgency I'm surprised that I didn't fall on my face i clambered onto the stairs and crawled on my hands and feet as fast as I could I didn't care who I woke up at this point I needed to escape I got to the top faster than I thought I could then sprinted to my room and just slammed the door and locked it - for ghosts precaution I suppose violated my bed trying not to picture her in my room but she was behind my eyelids every time that I tried to go to sleep I moved out of that house when I was 14 and into the trailer but there was a different kind of haunting experience their butts nothing will terrify me as much as that house anytime that's my begin to question my beliefs I remember this moment too and I trust myself and my experiences and I know what I saw that night was absolutely real it was such a powerful encounter and it immediately erased any doubts that I have regarding the existence of spirits and to be quite honest I don't think that's I'll ever forget her so I have a friend who has just recently been getting into these in toddle parents stories on redheads we eventually started talking about them and would laugh at the sheer stupidity of Darwin's failed experiments and so last week that is she began to be more more quiet and eventually I'm finally pressed and she revealed that she's been coming across some of the stories of attempting kidnappings and they reminded her of a night years ago after telling me what happened - I was still not sure if this is the right place for it but it's a story that if someone would ever find themselves in a similar situation they may get some ideas to protect themselves so anyway many moons ago in the early 2000 my friend Sarah was going to the local State College now while the college was in the city she lived out in the country with her father and would use the bus system to go to and from school one afternoon after class her and her friends went to one of their apartments to study for some exams well being the young and responsible young adults that they were studied for maybe ten minutes tops before things turned to a more festive gathering after a few hours though Sarah happened to glance at the clock which caused her mind to snap hey what time does the last bus run screaming profanities and prayers warding off her demise by her father she quickly ran to the bus stop just in time to catch its final trip of the night but with a huge sigh of relief she flopped down in a seat in the back and through a headphones on lost in thoughts of what elaborate tales to tell her father she hadn't noticed the little boy walking up to her until she noticed movement out of the corner of her eye as he sat down beside it she somehow managed not to recoil at the sign of the child because well the child was completely filthy and reminded her of someone from deliverance it was his creepy smile that she remembered most he just sat there to smiling at her until she slowly sort of headphones down and the following began hello hi hello you're pretty well thank you what's your name now Sarah had this policy of never giving any personal info to strangers the kids were usually harmless in her opinion but every alarm was going off in her head so she said my name is Katie that's a nice name well I like it and then the kids you sat there smiling at her after like a few minutes of smiling the kid finally said you would make a great mom you know and hop down and walk back to an even more dirty and unkempt monster of a man whom she could only assume as the boy's father because just like his son he was just smiling at her when she looked at him he nodded politely and just kept smiling - she put her headphones back on and don't get a book to pretend to study but she kept looking back and noticed both of them just smiling right at as each stuff came up and went she prayed that they would get off but as the bus began to empty of other passengers she soon found out that it was just her some middle-aged woman and those two the bus was beginning to slow now for its next stop in a small town that had a series of restaurants she couldn't take them anymore - and decided that it was safer for her to go to the McDonald's and wait for her father there then sit on the bus any longer so she gathered her things and prepared to disembark as she followed the woman's a party notice the man was gathering their things as well and she thought hell no she didn't want to make it out like she was trying to avoid them so she moved to the seat near the front and sat back down to her horror she watched as the man and his son took another seat and sat back down to still smiling at her and not he yeah her anxiety was through the roof at this point is she watched more stops come and go until her stop was coming up I mean what was she going to do her mind was racing but as the bus came to her stop she gathered her things again and watched in horror as the men gathered their things as well and instead of getting off she sat back down again behind the driver this time excuse me how much further until the end of the line three more stops Zahra then leaned in and told the driver about the man and his son and asked if it was possible to have the police there when they arrived the driver looked in the mirror and then told her that he'd take care of it Sarah glanced back and her heart jumped into a throat as while the little boy was still smiling at her the father wasn't any more she described it as a look a parent gives their child when they've done something wrong and wait till we get home kind of thing now sarah was usually a very strong individual bits she was in tears at this point and she took out a phone and tried to call her father and there was only voicemail who else could she call well she finally decided to call her ex he may have been a disloyal piece of crap but she could always rely on him when it counted most as quietly as she could she poured her heart out about what was happening and asked if he could meet them at the last stop I'm at Rodgers right now and it's about 20 minutes to get there but I'll get there as fast as I can all right please hurry okay she begged finally they came over the hill to where the final stop was frantically she looked for something anything that could help her but there was nothing finally the bus pulled in and the door swung open the man glared down at her waiting for her to get off first now hold up miss I need to talk to you about your bus pass the man stood there for a moment until the driver told him that this was the last stop and he needed to get off I'm waiting for my sir you need to get off if you're waiting for her she'll be along shortly but I need you to get off now all right angrily the men stopped off with his child in tow as soon as they got off the driver shut the door - what the the man began yelling and banging on the door and Sarah was scared that he was going to break the glass until she noticed two police cars pulling in followed shortly by the little piece of crap Jack drove the police ordered the man away and she couldn't hear what was being said but Jack later revealed that the man was claiming that Sarah was his daughter and he was taking her home once Jack asked him her name and he said Katie you that was all she wrote in the end the man got into a fight with Jack and the officers but was finally arrested when she got home and told their father what happened he tossed her the keys to his old 82 Ram and she was never to ride the bus again and while that was loud and a bit of a pain to drive she never felt safer but she did ride the bus one final time after that when she delivered a plate of cookies to the driver who clearly saved her life [Music] about a year ago I was working at a local credit union as a call center and basically my job was to answer phone calls that came from the outside and mother perform a banking service over the phone after asking a series of identifying questions more direct the calls to where they needed to go I wasn't really fond of the job as it came to be incredibly tedious and more often than you would think there were definitely creepers on the other line looking to entertain themselves if you know what I mean I'll tell you just for context to that though being a call center rep sounds easy it's not usually especially when working for a financial institution you're expected to identify a person in very particular manners over the phone perfectly each time then you take about 80 to 100 calls a day you're expected to pretty much know every answer possible with little to no help from management's or other departments even if the questions asked had nothing to do with the call center department's skillset often - your handle requests from members that can potentially put accounts at risk so you need to be diligent and on your toes on every single call it's also important too that I know that at the call center I worked at it was not accessible to the public ever we had to swipe special badges to get in and out of the building and there were multiple door points that you had to enter or leave for the building through but anyway one particular winter day I had been scheduled 11:00 a.m. 7:45 p.m. it was a long and grueling shift especially because most phone calls came in between those hours the lucky ones would have left for the day at about 4:30 p.m. just when the calls were beginning to pick up I had made it through all of my shift with little to no issues other than the usual nonsensical calls say for some incredibly stressful wire transfers that I had to make over the phone 7:25 p.m. rolled around just as scheduled and I was getting ready to place myself in the research auxilary to signal then I was done with my calls for the evening when my phone rang rolling my eyes I picked up the call hesitantly and as soon as I hit the green answer button I remember feeling my stomach drop with a regret like I should have just let it go to the answering service or something on the other end I was immediately mess with the sound of heavy breathing I remember hearing my pre-recorded greeting play over my headsets hello thank you for calling the contact center this is Brits with whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with today and as soon as my recorded greeting ended I was hit with rapid-fire questions by a man at first there were normal run-of-the-mill banking questions how much is in my checking accounts did this bill come out of the account today is my payroll scheduled to come into my account on Friday I answer all of his simple questions as quickly and politely as possible but then the questions just got weird like what is the interest rate on my checking accounts if you know anything about finance you know that the interest you accrue when you're checking it's pretty much slim to none the pennies a month if that so it definitely was not a question that I was ever asked even after working there full-time for a year at this point taken aback by the question though I gave him the answer there was a long pause and the next question is er still haunt me to this day because I have no idea why he would possibly need to know these things what is the temperature right now outside I asked no of the room you're in right now to which I respond I'm not sure standard room temperature he made an annoyed sound and then asked another invasive question where are you located are you located on any names the correct road the call center was actually on and at this point I was definitely feeling a little bit freaked out I'm a paranoid person in general but these questions they just didn't feel right it I tried to convince myself that he could just be maybe multitasking or even under the influence of something my paranoid self tried to professionally throw him off the trail that I suspected that it could be on oh yeah that's where the call center is located but it's not accessible to the public if you'd like I can direct you to the closest branch to you based on your address he ignored me and asked me this last question what time do you employees leave the building I replied we stopped taking calls around 7:30 p.m. but I can't actually tell you what's on the employees leave sorry he ignored my answer and again asking descriptive questions rapid-fire like that's hauling you how old are you what's your last name startles I began to say that I couldn't list that information for security purposes but before I could get my last word announced he just disconnected the call I remember shutting down my system and telling my cubicle neighbor about the conversation and just explaining that it felt off unfortunately my co-worker dismissed what I had to say it's just another loonie member of the bank and we get a little bit about it but I was still panicked and had trouble catching my breath as typically we are required to stay another 15 minutes to help manage his clothes shop if necessary I use that time to go to the restroom and take a breath is I still didn't feel put at ease when I went back to my desk to get my things to leave my parking lot buddy was waiting for me luckily we had a bit of a buddy system in places it was pretty much pitch-black outside and my job had one me lamppost that barely lit the parking lots my coworker and I headed for the door between the outside of our area that the call center was on there are five sets of secured doors it sounds excessive but it's because financial institutions need to be incredibly secure especially the center point of the bank the call center was where everything was kept which was again whether public was not allowed inside I was just about to swipe my badge through the last set of doors and step outside when one of my supervisors came running behind us and slammed into me startled my coworker asked him what he was doing he blocked the door with his body not allowing my coworker all right to leave with a frantic look in his eyes he said do not leave we just received a call from the police that there's a man in tattered clothes walking around the building with a knife looking into the windows I have them on the line and they'll tell me when it's safe I don't remember saying anything else but bringing up the call to my coworker and saying that I knew something just didn't feel right after a solid 45 minutes of waiting for the coast to be clear the suspects was taken into custody by police on the way to my car I walked by the police car that held him and I could clearly see him through the window as the police car windows went tinted I don't think I'll ever forget the look on his face to is I passed him because he gave me the creepiest grade his eyes were just so dead and it was as if his mouth was trying to make up for the lack of emotion his eyes had it still gives me chills to this day just thinking about it the next day I talked to the manager who had frantically stopped us from leaving the night before and he told me that I had been arrested with the intent of kidnapping basically when the police looked into the guy's background he had said that the bank that I was working for and repossessed his car and his house and his wife had left him as a result he was charged with the intent of kidnapping because the cops found questionable items on him when he was arrested in the trunk of his car were three bundles of rope the box of medical-grade gloves a hacksaw and duct tape which was parked in the back lot of the call center he was also building a six-inch knife when he was arrested reflecting on it Abids I don't think he was directly intending on coming after me specifically but it sounds as though he was looking for any call center employee to take hostage and who knows what else immediately after this I brought the weird phone call to my management the risk mitigation department and the security team too unfortunately the call wasn't really taken seriously about my job though I don't even think they looked into the call even though I feel them I got my phone call and this situation were definitely connected I wonder a lot about what would have happened if the police had been tipped off about this guy running around the building with all those items in his possession I still have a lot of unanswered questions but I'll never forget the bad gut feeling that I got that day it's important to listen to those no matter how ridiculous they can seem at the time this is pretty recent and happened last Friday and it's still rattling about in my assistants mind and I can't blame her obviously I'm still thinking about it as well we have a client who we set up with one of our more seasoned caregivers considering it didn't take long to realize that she needs more help than most this client is an overall sweetheart really she's a pianist with a rich history my favorite story of hers is how she hitched a ride across country to go see Jimi Hendrix live in CA however that she has the kind of anxiety that's difficult to handle the song con that leads to for Avalon calls in a day of panic sobs and screams because she wasn't sure when she could get thus up in the past month she said the fire in the police department visit her roughly nine times as well not because she fell or was hurt either but because she needed reassurance apartment management was not happy about this obviously and this client refuses to even entertain the idea of assisted living so sirens it is because of this I am my assistant have been keeping a close watch on the client through the reports our caregiver types I've been her documentation at the end of a shift and we noticed that things seemed to be getting worse for the clients mentally I feed Alzheimer's one report rate of how the client would complain about a blind man living in her apartment she was upset because well she had not agreed to share her apartment I remember thinking this this was the mark of the end she was just getting worse last Friday my assistant was covering the shift for this clients caregiver since the caregiver was out of ten I was already home on call when I got a call from my assistant hey sorry to bother you but I got a question if you have a minute sure go for it I said so I meant the clients house and she buzzed me in right but when I got to the apartments and knocked on the door no one answered it's locked and totally silent what do you want me to do that kicked me in the gut I was positive that she fell the few times that I went over there and knocked on the door she'd never panic and scream on the other side for me to just hold on a damn second okay go find the landlord and have them get maintenance to let you in she might have fell the main office is empty but I'll look around for them all right call me back with an update though if you don't find them we're gonna have to call 9-1-1 to be safe my hope was that she just fell back asleep or was so panicked that she couldn't bring herself to the door anything but a for an hour or so past when my assistant finally called me back with an update it was a form it was found in a bathroom pantless and covered in dry hard feces my assistant found her in a state of delirium she didn't know where she was who she was the paramedics were called immediately according to them judging by the state that she was in and how old the feces were she'd been down there for a few days they told my assistant that's had the client not being found she would have been dead the very next day my assistant offered to clean the mess crap was everywhere in the bathroom but the apartment management had people coming in to take care of it and I couldn't remember the details of their part that's when I can't seem to forget is what my assistant told me that she did next she was confused she was wondering how she was buzzed in to by someone in you need to answer the connected phone and press 0 that's there were no phones near the clients she listens to the other line ring for a good 15 to 30 seconds before she was buzzed in but how my ass tariff management let her up sometimes they take pity on us and just ring us in but no they weren't in the building she said they were literally just walking in as I was walking on the elevator on the first floor to find them she told me she found the phones though all three of them lined up on an end table in the clients living room next to the clients favorite chair my guess is that's it must have just been a glitch in the tech my assistant thing says it was fate pulling strings a higher power that letter in that day we've discussed it every day since my assistant told me that she hasn't stopped thinking about it since it happened and she's baffled as to how she even got in even with her believes I didn't care for a Y anymore in this instant the client is in recovery and my acceptant I'm grateful for that and that's the end of this story she is alive my cousin moved back into town a little over a year ago I want to say maybe April of June of 2018 she has three kids and the youngest is a five year old girl after they had moved into their new place and were finally settled in after a few weeks I went to visit along with some other family members we had an overall good time a lot of good food and whatnot and after dinner I remember my little cousin it was four at that time wanted to play that cootie game it was in a room upstairs and she needed someone to go with her because she was afraid of something I put it up to her being in a new environment and still getting used to the house so naturally as an adults I prepared to fight off any escaped monsters inc characters so she could get her game we got to a room and she refused to even set foot in it and I asked something along the lines of is there a bad thing in here she nodded and pointed to the game and I went to grab it and she told me to be careful in that corner of her room I asked why and she says that's where the screaming lady is she's on fire and screaming a lot I don't like her hearing this makes my heart drop into my gut like a lead anvil I quickly grabbed the game and we just went downstairs at that point missing as we were back in the living room my cousin returned to her normal cheery self and we played some cootie later on that night I asked her mother my first cousin if she knew about this screaming lady that her daughter told me about she said that her daughter refused to sleep in her room until they make the lady go away and has come to sleep in her parents bed just about every night since they moved in no one else has had any weird experiences in the house it's moving in but this four-year-old girl is beyond terrified on a nightly basis well a month or so passes and I don't really hear much more about any spooky experiences I eventually come to the conclusion this my cousin was simply having very specific reoccurring night terrors or something like that got to yesterday evening though it was the birthday for another one of my cousin's kids over to bring him the new Fire Emblem game for the Nintendo switch I usually stop over a few times a week so hanging out since it's not far from my workplace so today being my cousin's birthday didn't make my stopping over a rare occurrence or anything like that we ended up playing some of its we played some Mario Kart and played some Super Smash Bros and everything just went pretty well that is until later on in the evening we were waiting for a pizza to arrive and I was in the kitchen grabbing some soda with my cousin whose birthday I was when out of nowhere we both pick up on the very distant smell of burning my cousin and her husband came out of the living room in the kitchen thinking that we had cooked and burned something but obviously we hadn't and the house just filled up with this smell and if I were blind I would have guessed that I was right next to a massive bonfire minus the heat during this time my youngest cousin now 5 was taking a nap on the couch in the living room she suddenly starts yelling for a mom who goes in to check on her everyone else follows and she's inconsolably crying and screaming saying I can hear the screaming lady in my room I hear her screaming so basically everyone had that same lead anvil heart dropping in the gut moments that's my head last year we went up to a room with a mum staying with her but when we got there we saw nothing but the smell of burning had changed from that of a bonfire to only what I can guess a person smells like when they burn a heavy waft of just burning hair smell followed by some other burning smell that I honestly hadn't experienced in my entire life thus far we quickly went back downstairs and told their mother what we had experienced and she decided for us to we'll go outside to the front porch or patio area until the pizza arrived my little cousin was still hysterical saying that she didn't want to hear the lady screaming anymore we tried to calm her and eventually she seemed to settle down a bit I'm still scared but not screaming and crying we continue to sit there maybe 10 minutes my two other younger cousins and I were comparing at Pokemon go collections and my youngest cousin and her parents were watching some kid-friendly YouTube stuff to distract out of nowhere everyone is the most blood-curdling terrifying and loud scream come from inside of the houses second floor it must have lasted for maybe 15 or so seconds straight just multiple long horrible screams and after that moment everything just went dead quiet my five-year-old cousin went back to throwing a fit and everyone else was visibly shaken I decided that it was time to leave at that point it was about 9:30 p.m. and while Pizza would have been very tempting I was not hungry in the slightest anymore after that I thank them for ordering a pizza even though I wasn't going to have any and they wholeheartedly understood I wish my other cousin a happy birthday and told him not to spoil them to fire him live game for me and I just went home I couldn't sleep at all last night though and I didn't even turn off my lines I was a tired mess at work today and I'm still fearful of going to bed tonight I texted my cousin a few times today and this evening - and she said that the burning smell didn't go away until around 4:00 a.m. and no one slept there last night either and looking into getting some kind of help so that they can feel this terrified about their heart I feel terrible for them honestly and worse for my young cousin who has been actually seeing this screaming lady in a bedroom and I haven't been able to get the smells coming from her room out of my hand I also have been getting hints of them on and off as my day has gone on and I'm hoping that it's just a residual smell memory and not something more ominous I still don't think I want to try and sleep tonight especially not with the line off it was just such a crazy and scary experience and I knew that I needed to share it with you guys I have never experienced something like this in my life ever I've had some spooky things happen over the years and the homes that I've lived in sure and maybe a few weird things and another family members home or a friend's place or whatever but nothing's at the point where I've been this terrified I really hope my cousin and her family can figure out the situation and make their home somewhere that they feel safe again do you guys have any advice that I could give them in order to guide them along the correct path in seeking help whoever felt like someone was watching you or worse have you ever not expected someone to be a spirit as you've just seen them in plain sight well this story starts basically since I was 11 and last through the years till I was about 20 or 21 of course not completely consistent but I think there were multiple spirits as I believed my apartment was just a catalyst for energy I lived across from a graveyards it was no shock that I saw things when I was still a kid the first memory I have was when I was 11 life was okay but plenty of trauma had happened a couple of years prior so most vulnerable Lynn's open mind it is I wanted to escape my reality but little did I know that these people or spirits would not be shy with me at all some of them were of being attacked somewhere if I was being violence or witnessing a murder I was so young to this I didn't really think of it as just dreams but anyway my first memory was when my mother's boyfriend and state denied I was so excited because I felt protected and I didn't want to stay in my room I was always scared of this particular corner that you turn to face my bed to I don't know why to bits I just felt like people would peek at me during the night so this night was great like I was sleeping in the living room and my mom's boyfriend offered to watch TV with me but me fell asleep as well and I remember waking up to his obnoxious snoring and I was like well crap it was dark the hallway was much darker my living room is right next to my room but you have to turn the wanted to face where I was sleeping and anyway I think people could probably have a good idea of what happens next it was probably about two or three you know the usual I was watching that corner with all my - my heart was pounding and I was trying to face my fear people tell you to be brave when you're 11 and close your eyes but for some reason I just couldn't all of a sudden these really pale green fingers start to literally wrap themselves over the corner of the doorframe I'm honestly getting goosebumps even just thinking about it it was a hand but the fingers were just so so long they wrapped the entire doorframe in fact and it looked like a baggy cloak like sleeve but burlap was attached to it I don't even know but then they vanished and anyway that was pretty much the end of that encounter so the next one happened a couple of years later I remember this night like it was yesterday it's a chilling one to think about - I remember having awful dreams and waking up to a scream in the middle of the night my eyes opened wide as I was stuck in a position and I was remembering the dream a minute after and then started to get just cold sweats from fear I had a dream that there was a white humanoid very terrifying creature crouched in my closets and it just had the worst smile like it just had bad intentions as I was recalling this like I'm reliving it I was so paralyzed with fear that all I can remember was just tears tears and tears until I could pull the blanket over my head I fell asleep like that because you know screw it but it doesn't end here I was in high school having the whole depression thing going on I was the only gay guy in my whole school and I wasn't doing so hot I always had the arts that help me express emotion though and I hadn't had any ghostly things on night terrors going on at this point well one day after school I remember being so fed up and I just went into my room I was being bullied and I felt so isolated and I was tearing up and not sad tears but tears frustration lonely in empty ones my was kneeling me my closet after I had a good little cry and all of a sudden I heard a soft woman's voice say are you alright it was so light and breathy and I said yes but softly in case someone came in and thought that I was crazy but I definitely heard a voice come from the closet that day no cut something being of clubbing age at like maybe 20 and I really got into my art and started performing in nightlife I loved costumes and makeup so you know I became a gay clown another known as a drag queen but trust me this relates but one night I was practicing my makeup because I had gigs and competitions my mom was a great supporter always wanted to see my work when I was done I was just putting on eyelashes and saw my mom walk past my room into the living room but she looked funny it was just a profile that I could see she was wearing a white nightgown with like that floral lace tie pattern on the collar and it touched the floor my mom has black hair and I didn't really think anything of it because I was just feeling myself I wanted to show her so I jumped up and started to walk out of my room I said hey mom what do you think and before I could finish my sentence I noticed nobody was in the living room and it was dark besides one little light so obviously that shook me pretty bad like I'd never felt that shock before but maybe my mom just went into a room again really quickly so I went to check on her and show and I expected her to be up since the light was on but she was asleep in bed and she had Winnie the Pooh pajamas on not an eye count - and I woke her up though you better believe that I said but were you just in the living room and she obviously had been sleepy I had trouble getting to bed that night I mean to see something like that's in the flesh just like a person walked past my room and I didn't even second-guess it whatever these things are they're smart and know when they can and can't show themselves I haven't seen that lady since but it was definitely not my mom and I hope that the apartment was haunted and not me [Music] I lived alone on the fourth floor of an on-campus apartment building when I was in college early one morning around 3 a.m. I was awakened by a knock at my door I got up half-asleep and went to the door and peeked at the people and a large guy I was standing on the side of my door I lived in the building for a while and knew my neighbors but this guy was unfamiliar to me I didn't open the door but called out to the guy in the hall what do you want can I help you yeah I need to use your phone he answered it's 3:00 a.m. I told him I know but my car is broke down outside I need to use your phone the guy said I was still bleary-eyed and foggy headed but something just seemed weird about this whole thing so I refused to open the door the guy got frustrated saying that he was in need and so I was not being neighborly or something I still refused to open the door and he proceeded to call me some choice names finally after repeated refusals to open the door he left and I just went back to bed I honestly didn't think much of it till the next day when I was sitting in class going over the whole event in my head it struck me as just very odd that it's go I would choose my apartment to go to and ask for help after all I lived on the 4th floor in the middle of the hall he didn't knock on any of the other doors just mine when he left my apartments he didn't try any of my neighbors he just left the building I realized at that moment that's he had likely targeted me if I had lived on the first floor any of the doors I might have let it go but on the 4th I mean he had gone up four flights of stairs and halfway down the hole just to ask to use my phone right the thought would have called lump in my stomach though especially when I remembered that it was actually a payphone in the lobby of the building even now I get chills whenever I think about that nights and what might have happened I had actually opened my door I actually started doing that - a couple of times because I was a naive [ __ ] who always needed to be liked when I was that age fortunately for me my God instincts won out that night and I'm here to tell the tale [Music] to preface this story I've always been wary of this house a couple of friends and I had actually broken into it before this family bought it and poked around the stairs leading to the second storey on the far right side of the house just inside of the front door they lead to an open loft with a little divider to a smaller sitting area in a short hallway with the door and the side leading to a bathroom and then on the back leading to the bedroom of the far side of the house that bedroom was situated directly over the master bedroom downstairs which would become his mother's bedroom in the loft area just on the other side of the banister is a small door that leads to the attic I always got an uneasy feeling around its even well after they moved in so I'll list a few things that led up to this final encounter - so every night sometime around 2:00 or 3:00 the attic door would open my friend would often sleep on the sofa in the loft area and there was a light on just inside the attic door that splashed light across his face waking him up when he was in his bedroom the scent of the door slowly creaking open would often wake him up - and it was always standing open in the morning - one day when he was downstairs in the kitchen he saw a small white thing that he described as probably a foot and a half tall white humanoid in his peripheral vision when he looked over at its it ran into the front room by the door he didn't go looking for it but his mother would later tell him that his father had seen the exact same thing and ran after it he threw the couch to the side thinking that it was hidden behind it but it was gone there were no other exits in the room - one day his mother had a friend over and they played church music and prayed it turns out that her room had all kinds of crazy stuff happening in it noises mostly but the clothes in the closet would sway back and forth randomly - that's probably what the praying was about because you see my friend didn't want to tell his parents about what he was seeing because he assumed that they think that he was on drugs or something his father didn't live with him and confide it and his mother much later but mostly he didn't experience much until well after they'd been living there the mother didn't tell the others about her problems because she had finally found a good home for her kids and didn't want to scare them so the praying starts one assumes as a way to cleanse the house or something will find some kind of divine protection I don't really know but that's what makes sense to me given all the facts but anyhow wide as they begin praying the music stops and that footsteps stomp across the second story leading to the bedroom and then the door slams incredibly loudly the mother's friend left the house and she called the father from a car and after that she was never in the house alone again soon after she had to leave the house but didn't know her sons were seeing stuff too she took the younger son with her but offered to let the older son keep the house for free and as a 19 year old he was like hell yeah despite the attic door being weird fast forward a year or so and various things led him to invite a lot of people to stay with him rent-free eventually though Moore would leave for different reasons and one nights he found himself in the house alone again and sometime around 3:00 a.m. he would be banging on that door begging to let him stay with us that was over 20 years ago and this is what he told me yesterday about that night he was now sleeping in the master bedroom his mom's altar he had been experiencing the noises and the swinging clothes and basically it just tried to ignore it but that night he heard the bedroom door open upstairs then that footsteps moved slowly towards the stairs at this point he thought someone might have broken in and was trying to figure out what to do whoever it was had stopped at the top of the stairs from what he could tell so the front door was out he said that he just considered making a run for the back door and he heard the stairs start to creak one by one like someone was walking down them and he basically froze his bedroom door was open so he could see it in the hall but not the stairs themselves and the next thing he knows is a dark smoky presence in the hallway mostly formless it moved towards the room along the wall moment Cheerilee disappearing to the right of the door and the next asset of what he described as talons like from a giant eagle grasp the doorframe then a second set below them then a head appears all smoky butts almost white with pure black where the ice should be he said that when it saw him it visibly frowned and he jumped through the window to get away I can verify the timing man that he was indeed very scared his window was broken out too and his bushes were all jacked up where he'd pushed through them but quite frankly I've never heard of anything like what he said that he saw before does anyone have any ideas this story happened years ago when I was six or seven maybe eight I think so my mom and dad went to go visit family for my reunion I think it was located at a beachside park and there was a playground nearby it was a fun day with swimming and barbecues but the day was coming to a close my parents were chatting with the other adults and I went to the playground because I was bored I didn't think to tell my parents too because I was a dumbass at that age I assumed they'd seen me so it was fine right as I was playing a couple approached the playground they were both Caucasian with the lady having wavy red hair and some blemishes she wore a faded overcoat and boots the men was much taller than her and he had a bald heads and was wearing a blue tracksuit they both look like middle aged parents in their late 40s or something I didn't care about them until they walked up to me he then waved at me and said hi I said hi back I didn't come down from the playsets but then they asked me hey where are your friends me being stupid said that I didn't come with any and just came with my relatives I pointed in the direction of the beach they went far enough that I couldn't see them probably a hundred feet or so away the couple then tried to make small talk about stuff I liked where I lived my home phone number all red flags that I'd run from today but I was blind to them back then I think whoever's out there - that's I didn't remember my home phone or address back then then only answered questions about the things that I liked I started coming then the play set - when the lady of the couple asked that question the question that I'll always remember we can be your friends you know don't you want a friend who will never let you go my response wasn't the most normal to the question and instead of screaming for help I hopped down the other side of the playset towards my parents and called for them to come over I believe I called out mama papa look I made some new friends you know for the past seven or so minutes I guess my parents and relatives were looking for me frantically since I had wandered off when I called for my parents my mum heard and started to run over I'm guessing that she saw the couple the couple looked at each other for half a second realise my dumb ass was not worth it and just ran off towards the parking lots my mom then came to me and gave me a big hug she then asked what happened and I told her about the friends that I'd made what we talked abouts and how I was sad as they ran off my mum just sighed and called the cops and my mum told them about what happened and they asked me what the couple look like being a kid at the time my descriptions were vague and basic the cops left and we decided to pack up and just drive home on the way home my mum gave the stranger danger talk to me and this time I actually listened I don't know if there were ever chords I hope they were for the sake of dumb kids everywhere like me or that at least this deterred them from nabbing kids ever again because they were almost caught I'm really not sure where to start with this because there's just so much that has happened I'll try and clarify as best as I can without making this too long but I should first say that's I've always been sensitive to these kinds of things it's something that's hard to explain without sounding oh absolutely crazy I picked up on things sometimes it's only ever a feeling or a physical response to a place or a person there is a long history of abuse over many generations in my family's home and it caused a lot of really horrible experiences both paranormal and non paranormal - it was just a very old-fashioned family that's held horrid ideals of how women are treated I think a part of my past and maybe the environment has allowed me to pick up on subtle changes in the air - but what I mean is that I pick up on the emotional state around me very easy I could just tell when my father came home because of how heavy and oppressive the house felt I could tell when I needed to hide or stay outside most the time because it would feel like the air was full of hot electric pins maybe that would just put you on edge you could tell when he was mad before you even saw or heard him it was like you're waiting for something to fall and shatter at any second and nothing good will come of it there was a lot of death and not just in the home but the entire town so there was no getting away from it until I was much older so I grew up in an old mining town that didn't become a ghost town after the gold rush I'm not going to give away too much but the big mine is still in operation today but most of all the others are now closed the part of the town that I lived in was one of the original buildings from when it was first built a lot of which is in native territories - there are some homes in my old neighborhood that's I confirmed to be built on an old burial grounds and some that are built before there was a town even there there was also a lot of deaths from TB along with all the other stuff my family is also part of some of the first miners that worked there during its open and who still live in this town we have had five generations in this home and so just recently when it was put on the market by my power and hopefully is never bought honestly I hope the place burns to the ground before anyone else lives there and I'm horrified at the thought of someone else state if I had the money I would buy it and keep it empty forever like I said it's hard to start somewhere with just so much going on so I'll start with the very first memory that's I have of anything paranormal when I was four years old I woke up to a woman in my room singing to me like she did every night she would sing to me in this beautiful language that I had never heard before except this was in the morning and it seems sad and like something was wrong for some reason I had this feeling like I had to follow her and I did so I had no to all the rooms connect to the open living room or kitchen as it was heated by the stove and cooled by the root cellar that was connected to the kitchen pantry it was like a giant rectangle separated from the central point being the kitchen directly in the center left of the building and the front door being bottom left so when we reached the kitchen living room she waved and smiled like she was about to leave the thing is to is this I thought that she was as real as any normal person I don't remember her actually saying anything to me in English or Spanish I was in a multi-language home and we spoken often I just remember that she loved me so much and was always there for me when bad things happened she was always there to see me to sleep and was there when I was scared I was so upset that I started crying and asked her not to leave I remembered to this day the look on her face after 30 years - she smiled her sad smile and then turned to the door and instead of walking out of the door she just walked out the wall where the door used to be before the additional rooms were out at all which I didn't know about until I was in my 20s I never did see her again and I never heard her again singing after that - I still get really sad sometimes thinking about that morning I don't know where she went but smoke that I get to see her again someday my mother found me after a while I was still crying I knew that it would be bad to tell her the truth I never told her about what happened and probably never will it was after that day when all the really bad things just started to happen little by little it was like a small hole that appeared in our home and slowly things were just leaking through my uncle became so very sick shortly after this and died in one of the rooms that I slept it we switched rooms every few years I was still young but I remember him very clearly when he died it was a very traumatic death and was not peaceful I don't remember everything from that time but I remember him coughing up blood and trying to pretend like everything was fine I just remember that I woke up one morning and grandma told me that he had passed in the night man was already with the morticians after this point he was seen a lot by family and visitors to Grandma was heard on more than one occasion crying and telling him to move on and that's me was supposed to be in heaven I remember her telling him you'll make the angels cry if you don't move on on a regular basis maybe a few months after he passed I moved into his room and we were very very poor so I had no choice but to take the bed that he passed in or sleep on the floor and that's very bad because of the cold so the first night I was in there after moving back I remember not being able to sleep because of the shadow in the room that just wouldn't let me sleep it wasn't supposed to be the errand was something new this I was really scared about it wasn't my uncle and I at some point finally fell asleep and was woken by me being dropped onto my bed from at least a foot of wall it was enough of a height that I bounced more than once I open my eyes and saw there's black stuff just all around me it wasn't like smoke but moved exactly like it but it was just black like the absence of lights I remember jumping from the bed too scared to do anything but watch it disappear into the center of my mattress I went and slept with my brother in his cot and then on the floor in his room when he became too big I never slept in that room again after that and from then on I could always feel this evil darkness watching me every time I walk past that room I could never look into the doorway anymore it's like when someone is just so oppressive that you can't help but look at the floor and don't dare look them in the eyes it sometimes felt like it would day to look even sometimes it through things and it would rush you and scream things there were many nights where dishes were thrown from the kitchen and into a room sometimes my own and sometimes the other kids rooms only grandma's room and the bathroom had doors it soon became a rule that nothing could be left on the countertops and all cupboards were locked with front door latches the ones that would Hawken much closed and could not be opened without a bit of effort the fridge was also locked for some reason we would wake up to milk or other things being thrown into the living rooms and in the bedrooms it got so bad in fact that grandma had the priest come over every weekends up until she was too old and sick and was taken to a nursing facility when he stopped coming and grandma passed it was like a dam burst and everything just went completely crazy now I'm not religious at all but I feel that that priest was stopping something really bad that now had full control again there were far more things being broken vases and cups mostly and when he stopped coming it seemed like that was just more traffic and it's surrounded the cellar and the kitchen pantry this is getting long and there's still so much more that I haven't even touched on I'll post later and try to tell one or two more stories at a time I'll answer as many questions as you guys have in the comment section and thank you guys for listening it's hard talking about this because well I know that none of it seems real but there was a lot that happened there and some of us I don't think I'll ever be able to talk about because there's just some things that you can't put into words everything sounds fake maven to me but had there not been so many witnesses in my family I wouldn't believe it was real and that I was just crazy or was having hallucinations or something like that I'll stop here for the night but I'll be back building that I used to work in had two security guards Mihama saw a guy and a younger guy my age who was not so harmless over time he became friendly and he asked me on a date I said yes I had already mentioned that I was moving out of country soon so obviously nothing will come of it but hey if he wants to come and buy me dinner why not mistake one though was giving him my address to pick me up I mean his security at work and I'm leaving the country since it all seemed like a small risk I told office mates that I agreed to dinner with him I mean what's the worst that can happen he arrives on time with two dozen roses he then tells me that he's bought a brand new suit and had his car detailed for the occasion yeah it was a bit much but so far he seems nice and harmless so I thanked him say that I forgot something and I'll be right back I wasn't about to let him in to put the roses in water or anything but we get to dinner at a very nice restaurant we've not even had our drink order taken and he drops this on me he is a 27 year old virgin who was never even kissed anyone this is his first date and he's super nervous and I mean really dude you know who else is really nervous now this chick here what am I supposed to do with that negative info so needless to say dinner was very awkward I did my best to be polite and kind but it just got weird at the end of the night he'd lunged for my face and stuck his tongue in and out of my mouth I was not expecting that but hey he's now kissed a real-life girl and had his first date so good for him I suppose not looking forward to breaking it to him later that's my I'm really not interested and also moving but why rain on his parade but before I could break it to him it got really weird like how dare you not return my call the next day or the day after and not that it's his business but I spend that Saturday and Sunday visiting family I come home to a full box of voice messages the last of which was angry and when I got to work on Monday I found a lovely letter at my desk it basically said that he knew where I lived what car I drove and some other info showing that's he'd been taking notes of my coming and going but why wasn't i home that weekend and what not which obviously was pretty creepy here and this is why you're single dude he got angry and stalkery I'd see him out on occasion when I wasn't working and in the end I just said screw this and gave early notice and I just got the heck out of there I wish that I could tell you to this moving country was enough but no he somehow found me online I don't use my real name because of work but he proceeded to harass me online followed friends to find me and whatnot and the dude is acting really aggressive I hope that I can shake this guy soon because this seems to be taking a turn for the worse in 2012 I was just a regular college kid might had a couple of paranormal experiences but despite this I had a skeptical attitude toward the paranormal but then I found out that I was pregnant my boyfriend and I decided to get married and started looking for a place to live amazingly we found a duplex just a block from my parents house that allowed dogs and was super cheap if you've ever watched a haunting then you probably know where this is going but at the time we were just relieved to find a place that we could afford the only strange thing was how many people had quickly moved in and out of this particular units while the same guy I had lived downstairs for over a decade we had only lived there for a couple of weeks when I asked my husband if he'd moved something of mine when he said no I gherkin Lee said maybe we have a ghost and my husband froze my asked him what was wrong and he said that he hadn't wanted to scare me but the other night while we were getting down and dirt here he looked up to see what looks like a man standing in the other room he said that he'd got enough to find no one there yeah I was a little creeped out by this but since I hadn't seen anything I told myself that it was all in his head the next few months were busy with getting ready for the baby and but we didn't notice any activity in October now some was born and we were too busy adjusting to Parenthood to think about ghosts my iPod went missing but we assumed that it had just been stolen on Christmas morning I put the baby on our beds and went to help my husband with breakfast we heard the baby cry and both rushed back in to check on him he was an extremely fussy baby who never stopped crying on his own so we were shocked when he suddenly just stopped crying we were both standing in the doorway and watched in awe as we saw him interacting with something that's we couldn't see he was looking at something and then started laughing and reaching toward it we watched this go on for a couple of minutes to around the same time we had to get a new mattress when we took the old one off we found my stolen iPods in the middle of the boxspring I still can't think of any explanation for how it even got there we things started happening more often after this - I became terrified to be home alone because once while I was home alone I was sitting in the living room when a rock was thrown at me and now I checked everywhere but I swear to you that there was nobody there once my ghostly hand reached around the doorframe - as my son got older he started to talk about someone named boo as well someone even asked him whom he lived with and he replied mama daddy Papa and boo sometimes I may even see him trying to hand toys to someone that's why I couldn't see and then get upset when the toys fell to the ground on one occasion I was giving him a bath and he looked up and excitedly exclaimed boo while pointing up I stood up trying to see what it was pointing at only to find nothing but a pocket of cold icy air and the otherwise steamy bathroom the things would constantly go missing - in that house only to show up in places that we'd already looked it drives us crazy and added to our already strange relationship we started to argue constantly and my husband became paranoid and accused me of all sorts of things this house had a basement - and we kept our washer and dryer down there it always creeped me out so I like to have our dog keep me company when I did the laundry here and one night I was putting clothes in the dryer when I heard my dog growl I looked up to see him growling at the dark corner of the basement when all of a sudden he was knocked backwards and yelps he gets up and runs whimpering up the stairs and so I ran after him my son and I moved out of that house where my husband and I decided to get divorced thankfully we have an experienced any paranormal activity where we live now interestingly though after my ex moved out of that house relationship just improved a lot but we went from barely speaking now being friends and successfully co-parenting I still scratch my head at some of the things that happened in that house but I'm sure glad that we're no longer living there
Channel: Be. Busta
Views: 308,390
Rating: 4.7851014 out of 5
Keywords: scary stories, true scary stories, be busta, true horror stories, scary horror stories, scary horror story, true scary horror stories, scary storytime, scary stories to tell in the dark, scary true stories, scary story, true scary stories to keep you up at night, true scary stories reddit, true stories, horror stories, Chilling true stories for a long dark night, Reddit horror stories compilation
Id: TTGC5-3eOwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 16sec (12136 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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