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I hate how this guy talks.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/evanvolm 📅︎︎ May 11 2016 🗫︎ replies
when it comes to oddities on the Internet we've seen a lot of things that can easily be explained but sometimes we find things that are not so easy to take apart this is working the mysteries that refuse to be solved welcome to the night mind Case Files I've run into a lot of strange things on the internet a lot of them are new a good amount of them are recent and some of them are old most of the older bits are only a few years stale not much more than five or six but this one this is the oldest oddest thing I've encountered yet two parts creepypasta one part alternate reality game one part long-form storytelling and altogether a twisted logic defying mess that remains to this day without a legitimate owner or true explanation the Wyoming incident is much more deserving as a piece for my cabinet of curiosities than I expected going into it and so far this is the ultimate case of pulling one end of a wire to find a horrific tangled mess on the other side just to give a frame of reference for how old the story is beyond just naming the year began a quick history lesson for you YouTube was graded in February of 2005 and purchased by Google in October of 2006 at the time of the purchase school already had their own video upload service which was of course named Google Video our very first pulse of activity for the experience known as the Wyoming incident occurred on August 9th 2006 on Google Video nearly 10 years ago the video description read as follows the Wyoming incident or the Wyoming hijacking is a lesser known case of television broadcast hijacking and hacking a hacker managed to enter a broadcast from a local programming channel believed to serve several smaller communities in the county of Niobrara and aired his or her own video the video contain numerous clips of disembodied human heads showing various emotions and poses the camera position changed often usually every 10 to 15 seconds and the video was often interrupted by a special presentation announcement this clip is taken from one of these intervals the video is mostly locally well known it would probably not even be that popular if it were not for the effects it had on the few residents who watched it for an extended period of time complaints included vomiting hallucinations headaches and more while some believed it was paranormal specialists have determined that the cause of these afflictions were frequencies played regularly throughout the broadcast in this clip the frequency being played is somewhere between 17 and 19 Hertz this range of frequency when played for long periods of time causes the eyes to subtly vibrate sometimes inducing visual hallucinations this video is significant in that it is one of the most recent television hijackings such actions were rare even in the 80s search for the Chicago Max Headroom incident and are even more rare today the hacker has not yet been caught and all attempts to trace the video have proven futile because the Internet's always had a good habit of saving truly bizarre media the Wyoming incident video is reloaded several times though the original upload didn't last long after Google's merge with YouTube don't worry about that special frequency mentioned no one has reported experiencing actual effects from watching the video and just as a precaution I've tampered with the audio a bit here is the broadcast not exactly terrifying but still unsettling especially during the advent of major video sharing online still this video didn't exactly make the kind of rounds that future visual creepypasta entries did there wasn't any real talk about the Wyoming incident until January of 2007 on the unfixing forum when a user supplied the link and asked if anyone knew exactly what this was responding users going to provide a proper answer with several citing the Max Headroom incident and the ring as what the video reminded them of it wasn't long until a new lead dropped On February 6th a user named library in the dark who had joined on February 4th posted a link to a second video saying I found this on YouTube this morning that video had been uploaded On February 5th so well over a week after the initial thread started we have a user who signed up on February 4th a second video uploaded on February 5th and a post from that brand new user on the morning of February 6th saying that they just happened to find this new video right I'll buy that coincidence it's also fun to take a look at the title and video description weird video I found by a user name to give me a number the description reads somebody left this video file on a DVD they left on my doorstep it might just be a prank but it's pretty creepy so I guess I'll just upload it here if any of y'all recognize who made this video just tell me thanks the Chad for helping with tags watching this one isn't necessary it's the same video as the last with a few different head images and a new set of phrases why do you hate you are ill we just want to fix you users on the unfixing forums responded with immediate recognition for the username behind the new video it's a gimmick from a character called the boogeyman and Neil Gaiman's Sandman series more specifically part 5 of the doll's house at the serial killer convention the boogie man's gimmick is give me a number to which he could then proceed to tell you what was special about that numbered person he killed a few days later another convenient drop-off occurs on the forum courtesy of a brand new user named you can watch now who signed up the very day they made the post and only ever made that one post this edition was uploaded to Google Video and titled Danny's collection 3 the description read as follows my brother had quite an interesting collection of underground bizarre videos this video which he only called 3 was his favorite in his entire collection despite running only about a minute he never wanted it uploaded to the internet because he was sort of selfish when it came to his rare videos he liked the idea that he was one of the few people who had seen this I found it a year after his death I had pretty much forgotten about it in a box filled with videos of his I guess he just recently burnt to DVD I have no idea who made the video and only a vague idea as to where it came from my brother came back with it one summer after visiting some friends up around Yellowknife the video presented is the same as the previous two but again has changed his maids of statements between shots of faces what hides in your mind we have already seen it a day later a guest user going by the name viral detector 77 mentions that someone wrote an odd comment on the video this person I like to read posted a link to a year old blog written by a man who apparently was the owner of the original video titled the Wyoming incident in the blog this man going by the moniker Gregory Miller mentioned Daniel Cable as the potential new owner of a different video users visiting the blog found it to be the personal diary of an obsessive man driven insane by ownership of the fourth video at the height of his madness he mentioned human lampreys which feed off of our essences a figure named videus Paulus and two men one named Donald Wilson and another named Robert Royden all associated with Daniel Cable media spaulos was apparently a friend of the ancient Roman Emperor Augustus who owned many slaves and had a pool of carnivorous fish known as lampreys on his villa property whenever slave angered him videus would have the slave thrown into the pool where the lampreys would eat them alive users who investigated the Donald Wilson lade came up with an obituary from Niobrara County Wyoming the very same area reportedly affected by the initial Wyoming incident broadcast he had done on January 1st 2006 seven months before recording of the broadcast was first uploaded to Google Video Donald Wilson had been living in the town of Casper Wyoming at the time of his death where he and his family had been since 1979 a search for Robert Roy Dental the vital name on the blog brought up a man by the exact name living in Casper Wyoming and a phone number despite their collective fear a user on the forum named st8 called the number and recorded what he heard as state said it best when he described his experience after the call it was after that when I realized I had just listened to a recording of someone flatlining viral detector 77 comes back just over an hour later informing the threat about a new blog post which had a link to an old message board the happy cube nothing had been posted since 2004 but recent activity had shown a new user had joined that very day I like to fix what is the happy cube and what are the members talking about in regard to their favorite activity cubing the clues are everywhere begin with the first post by administrator Jack Q Pembry on August 28th 2004 Jeff posted a new topic the grand reopening of the happy cube he welcomes everyone back by issuing a new set of rules as a result of what happened in April please don't advertise for your videos Jesus it's one thing to partake in something a whole different thing to enjoy seeing someone else do it please please don't post about how much you think ICP Slipknot or Marilyn Manson are the composers of your work I'm going to start filtering the naughty words that you've never been supposed to say but I've always posted anyway words will be filtered into their safe versions but a tag will surround it saying it had to be filtered do not leave your email in your profile this is very important after what happened in April and finally no more pictures Jack then begins to describe what happened in April to cause the new set of rules to make a long story not so long Johnny divers started having second thoughts about cue con 2004 the bailout which was okay with just about everyone except old boy spaceman Jeff and oxen i03 who have had a weird one-sided rivalry with Johnny for some time a huge thread Johnny diver man or meet was started by old boy which non-leaf lame Johnny for not attending Q con but threatened him and his family space man and oxen I soon joined old boys antics posting pictures of what they were planning to do to him Johnny diver was not happy what does he do go to the fucking police a huge investigation is launched and even more incriminate evidence is found against the three flamers information about a relationship between spaceman Jeff and WPW is found in WPW hell he just disappeared the police think the happy cube is a place where this is rather commonplace and we are shut down for a while now we're using a different message board system and a different free website server a better idea of what cubing is begins to emerge in another thread tools of choice I like to use hammers or screwdrivers whenever possible everyone says that the more um advanced tools have a certain feel of omnipotence to them I think they're just pussy weapons but that may just be me what's your tool of choice I like to use different tools each time which is a lot safer than using the same one or a pattern I've dabbled in using tools like you use but they are a bit too messy and can put you in pretty big danger sometimes the advanced tools are necessary tool tools are for the athletically fit and good with their hands only I've always been fond of the chainsaw though it's only safe if you and your friend are away from other people putting asinine in salads is a clever way to surprise a friend coming over for dinner ass tonight happens to be a type of poison with a well documented lethal dose for human beings taking this information into account and the discussion about what tools are best you may well have figured out what the happy cubes for if not here's the definition from urban dictionary posted in 2005 a sporting activity revolving very much around the short story the most dangerous game often played with a very small group of people if not alone who meet on the Internet in a very anonymous fashion in which they tell stories of past keeping adventures and plan in a very vague manner so is not to draw attention to the actual actions of cubing for future cubing events cubing is considered in all places that murder the happy cube is a forum for serial killers to discuss gatherings where they can hunt victims in a pack an activity they refer to as cubing and Jack might be upset about the previous keep Kahn failure but he's not letting it take away their fun Chicano five will be either taking place in Indiana or Tennessee in Indiana we have the city of Indianapolis and Tennessee has Nashville Knoxville and Memphis we can't go to all three remember this and yet things don't go too well for the second happy cube site on September 5th 2004 Jack Q Pembry shut down the board telling everyone there wouldn't be any posting until Monday September 6th aside from I like to fix joining the boards that was the last bit of activity on the forum things picked up just after discovery of the happy cube viral detector posted a link to a new blog entry that apparently had Gregory Miller telling his new audience which he was very much aware of that he would choose a volunteer to receive his Wyoming incident video a comment is made about this person becoming a vessel the choices made a day later with our early adventurer st receiving the prize it came along with a very special message from G Miller providing background information users had been digging for Dani the uploader of the third video had bought it with the expectation from the seller that it would be uploaded to the Internet Dani refused to do so and was driven insane before killing himself leaving only his brother to own the video which he then put online jack Pembry was a lifelong psychopath who hadn't done anything about his homicidal urges until buying his copy of the video driven mad by his ownership he gave it to Donald Wilson but that didn't help he's gone now he got to be it for a while and that Wiles up Gregory Miller was described as the perfect target vulnerable arrogant with an interest in the strange he could never even hope to overcome he kept the video to himself for too long and it destroyed his mind like the others he too gave his copy to Tom Wilson but was already ruined Gregory Miller now lives as a vegetable cared for by his mother which leads us to the next revelation the blogger going by the name gene Miller that had been interacting with users was not in fact Gregory Miller after Gregory's mental collapse the being who sold the original videos took over and moved everything to blogger for a bigger audience as state is instructed to upload the video and watch it until his heart stops beating he's also given the task of telling everyone that the next would be coming out soon so far the videos had been sold given found and one next time the video would be shared G Miller's blog changed immediately after this all of the relevant posts detailing his descent into madness and the videos were deleted replaced with meaningless copies of bits and pieces of random blogs only one last round of communication occurs on the blog with members of the un-- fiction forum with the user behind G Miller's account inviting him to ask three questions with an additional fourth answer that he gets to choose the first question shoots right to the heart of the matter where do the videos come from the reply was quick explaining that what we think of as a series of videos has always existed in some form they've been carving in stone scrolls pamphlets and books a while back the user behind G Miller was given a task of updating them to a more modern form of media he contacted a young man in Canada he convinced to make the videos they spoke for 23 hours G Miller describing what needed to be done and the accomplice taking notes after discovering G Miller's videos weren't a part of some art project or internet game the young man became irate and refused to work on any more in G Miller's words he's gone now I sold the first three videos myself you already have heard of three people who bought them though there are many connections you may not have made and being asked what exactly these videos are for G Miller replied what I am updating serves various purposes for one it inspires many of those who view it in small subtle ways and those who own it in very strong ways modifying people in such a manner helps the gun society down the path that my people believe is the best they also serve as a very important part of our belief system they help to strengthen us and keep us healthy they are the most sacred objects in the world they are the winning card in the game we play with humanity for the final question they were allowed to ask the board inquired about what connections in the story they hadn't put together yet G Miller isn't ready to answer that fully but does come forward with some much needed information first of all the man who took the moniker Jack Q Pembry bought the second video I went in Charlie getting in touch with him he's gone the Robert mentioned on Gregory Miller's blog is not Donald Wilson stepson he is Danny's brother so here the three people who bought the videos from me personally Jack Q Pembry using an alias Daniel C and Gregory Miller you have yet to discuss how the second video got from Pembry to Donald Wilson to Jaime the uploader of the second video who put it on YouTube titled weird video I found Donald Wilson wasn't himself when he began his little collection as his obituary seems the hint of course researching old Donald will just lead to a dead end literally for you which causes me to wonder why no one has investigated the others yet I'd be following Jamie's YouTube profile for the next few days the first chance you get to contact him do it I never figured him into my equation so his presence is to put it lightly slightly aggravating to me and even I don't fully understand how the video got from Wilson to him though I have some ideas there may be a group of interlopers trying to get my videos to people I would generally consider unworthy if you want my help I suggest you stop them follow my advice about Jaime and eventually you'll know what to do in the end you're going to end up helping me take care of Jaime no matter what it is you truly want to do don't make it difficult for yourself by trying to misbehave the interlopers may be my sisters I would elaborate about them further but that wasn't your question a hint topic the recurring theme of duality in mythology soon this blog will be nothing but variant of the post that preceded this good luck in a following post avid user sly fingers brings up a shocking discovery while reviewing video three it had been uploaded on March 6 2006 making it technically the first video online predating even the Wyoming incident from here the game takes a long twisting curve that led to so many turns it required hours of reading and documenting to keep track almost all activity moved over to the happy Q forum where a new board opened hack job Johnny named after the title used for the fifth video which was uploaded to a file-sharing platform called Ares by the newest user I like to fix again nothing significant about the new video except for its change of phrases you cannot hide forever we stand at the door through the next topic duality players discover that I like to fix with somehow involved with the 9 dark muses the evil brothers of the mythical 9 good muses of humanity and Greek mythology I like to fix then uploaded a few short stories that bored users were required to read which all involved people being haunted by other humans with pitch-black eyes and an otherworldly air the purpose for this was soon discovered as a grand harvest of negative emotions from the humans reading the stories I like to fix revealed himself to be a child of the muse of insanity paranoia and irrational fear the muse of stories detailing forbidden knowledge the unknown and the mentally unstable who stalked HP Lovecraft and whispered to Aleister Crowley there annoys children where his eyes so that they may see the world as he does in dark and obscure shades they are the paranormal phenomenon known as the black-eyed children who followed the living and where the skin of the dead their only wish is to terrify and their only joy comes from feeding an absolutely relentless marathon of lore and role-playing comes on the heels of this revelation the shaded priests known as I like the Fix continues introducing stories of paranoia and fear to the readers tells them a legion of black-eyed children will be joining the boards in stocking players of the game in real life and ask players to express their feelings about the experience they're undergoing I like to fix his replace by another priest I love to fix after one of the black-eyed children under his care ends up devouring a player of the game I love to fix continues the work of father paranoia in the quest to feed on human emotions and push back against the good muses whose campaign to bring humanity to its peak of perfection will then in the words of the dark muses bring about its immediately following downfall as they firmly believe that what goes up must always come down players are asked deeply personal questions in order to probe their personalities inside gates while I love to fix and his cohorts attempt to track down Jaime the uploader of the second video to YouTube who was never supposed to be involved Jaime is eventually found and a pole is given on whether or not the board wants to hear an audio recording of his final moments the answer is an overwhelming yes prompting the release of the track which sounds remarkably like poor acting and is entirely unconvincing to the board the narrative is revealed that Jaime's death was faked for the sake of appearances but it doesn't matter his mind is already too far gone after previous ownership of a Wyoming incident video Lauryn role playing continuous I love to fix describes issues between the muse of paranoia and his brothers who are now aware of his personal campaign someone has offered the chance to receive hints about finding video 6 by answering a pay phone and a username detector 7 has chosen he somehow fails to get a proper recording but does take notes of the event leading to the discovery of video 6 on google video this is followed up by I love to fix introducing a need for the community to engage in a mass ritual to summon an aspect of the muse of paranoia this involves being alone with eyes closed playing music that disturbs you and doing some things that we're not going to talk about because what was suggested as part of this ritual is legitimately dangerous on many levels and I'm not joking about that even the followers of the game who had been on board up to this point reacted with serious opposition and even though I loved effects added a note of warning to those who weren't mentally prepared to go through with that the mass summoning thread was opened on schedule and an appointed time for everyone to know about so they could engage in it together this is approaching another topic entirely but ed and Lorraine Warren career-long demonologists who have literal hundreds of cases on file where innocent games turned into living nightmares would have a whole lot to say about why this is something that should not have happened and should never be done beyond the paranormal aspects of it and those potential consequences the steps outlined in the ritual are enough to cause major panic and anxiety attacks in people and generally bring someone to a place that they should not go with full intent and mental focus fiction is fun doing this and expecting people to go along with it is not I'll also skip ahead in the timeline to mention that this not only happened once but twice in the course of the story regardless of the sudden drift and player pinions of the game the ritual did go forward and the appearance spirit of hack job Johnny was introduced into the thread to work with I love to fix it was shortly after this said everything came completely off the rails on the 1st of March several new threads were opened under I love defects all expressing the same sentiment this entire game from beginning to end had been one giant prank in the making by the members of the something awful forums in particular a member named senior bambo behind it running the show and making things up on the fly grabbing whatever sources he could to throw in and make some kind of lower out of he had made the videos he had use done fiction as an incubator viral detector who help push new discoveries and leads forward had been a plant working for senior Bamm bose and another Something Awful member osee James had helped craft the story and falsify information after seeing interest in the game Wayne and sharp criticism begin to come in from on fiction signore Bamm Bose gave aural detector the keys to the I loved a figs account and told him to drop the bomb reading copies of the original confession on the happy cube board by senior bambo stirring the shake up it also becomes apparent that there was a failed item retrieval mission someone behind the curtains managed to screw up resulting in a backpedaling by I love the fakes and character about the situation pressure from other members of something awful didn't help their decision some members of that form had caught wind of the project and figured out who was behind it forcing senior bambo and the others to cave the players on the unfixing forums were understandably upset about this and more than a little bit perplexed why go through all of that trouble all of that writing and upkeep and story development just for a prank it turned out that it may not have been that simple a day after the revelation threads someone else with moderator powers over the form appeared going by the name of Harry spy it isn't actually known what the thread they first posted was though it was very official sound again spread the message that this board was coming down someone from unfixing sent Harry spy message to see if they were here to help the reply was a bit startling I hate to tell you this but I do not think that this was ever a game to begin with we have reason to believe this was an extremely unethical sociological psychological experiment performed by an amateur group possibly located somewhere in the United Kingdom the boards will not be reopened all the original staff accounts have been indefinitely suspended and I suggest that you ignore any videos posted from this point on the unfixing user asked if the investigation was real or a continuation of the game if it was hijacked by something awful and what was actually going on another response came through I regret to inform you that the investigation is indeed real the federal government has also launched a small investigation though they are mostly examining if any law has actually been broken if not I imagine they will quietly dismiss their investigation I was hired by a mother of one of the players she found the whole thing suspicious and her son had been acting erratic throughout the course of the game the ritual seems to have pushed him over the edge we have spoken with the Something Awful members who we believe to be behind the hijacking no charges will be pressed against them as the administrators of the board have intentionally tried to remain anonymous and Pro Board's does not want this sort of publicity we do not believe them to have been very involved with anything that happened prior to the night of the hacking we will leave the videos to have been produced and distributed by an amateur psychology group situated somewhere the United Kingdom we have yet to confirm this however the forms will not be reopened the staff accounts have been suspended indefinitely and I suggest you do not watch any more of the videos if they are released every spy also replied to a message inquiring about a mentioned suicide in the wake of the ritual the information stated that it was a player of the game that had been following along for quite some time and an unfinished document that had been found on his computer detailed children with the black eyes in the doorway of someone's bedroom he allegedly took his own life after engaging in the first ritual hairy spiders peered shortly after this leaving in his wake only one new bit of activity a topic titled we win by I love to fix children are gone representative is gone observer is gone never should have trusted the brothers most vile the book shall be ours to this ends here just over two weeks later the game started again with I love to fix entering a new thread clarification and revelation he tells a much different version of the story than senior bambo stead apparently using a hint dropped in a thread send your bamboo if something awful was able to brute-force the password and login as an admin from there he could change the information for pretty much everyone and since I loved the fix was out at the time he got away with it send your bamboos gave credentials for one of the accounts two viral detector and together they stormed the board and dropped all of the threats proclaiming it was one giant joke later send your BAM bows comes in again as hairy spy to pull off one last laugh with a detective angle I love to fix Ritz a whole series of bullet points on why senior BAM Bose was completely false in his claims to ownership of the project on both happy cube and something awful he would dodge questions ignore arguments and provide weak answers the evidence was insurmountable from here I love to fix announces that the person typing this most is not the same one we've been dealing with he is in fact now the last living shaded priests from a temple of father paranoia during the something awful takeover paranoia's brother sent black eye children that had turned traitor to kill everyone in the temple the original I love to fix was killed hack job Johnny was killed everyone was dead except for this one priest who had dodged a bullet by taking care of some business away from the site of the disaster from this point on the story continued and it seems the intensity was just ramped up the lore became heavier there was more text material than ever there was no hunt for any videos new characters and events were introduced and it was all done through the board 33 topics some of them several pages in length were introduced from the date of March 16 to April 29th a new blog was introduced as well for readers to follow the story of a new character because at this point they were much more readers and actual game players I couldn't tell you what happens in the storyline for the sheer depth of written material and expansive lore there is involved with the revival effort it would have taken me another week to make a full video just on that lower loan what I can tell you however is something nobody saw coming in the wake of all of this in the very last topic from 2007 he wants something the figurehead of the board stopped responding to messages post and all activity things began to slow to a sudden crawl and then stopped moving altogether On June 16 signore BAM Bo's comes back under his own username and delivers a confession many of you may remember me as the guy who claimed to have made the video on something awful I was lying though I was the one who first posted links to it and uploaded it online that was pretty much my entire purpose distribution I had posted on another forum that I wished I could become involved in some sort of viral marketing arg or hoax a new member p.m. est me if I would like to take some videos he made and upload them around the web and link to them I asked him why he didn't do it himself and he told me that he wouldn't know where to start he sent the videos to me via email and explained how he made them I think he lied because I have attempted to replicate the videos and have only produced mediocre look-alikes the only thing that worked were the audio tips he gave the video stopped appearing simply because he ceased to make them I think only he knows how to properly produce these things he gave me the basic video descriptions I figured it'd be best to display them to something awful the largest website I was active on at the time and it snowballed when this message board was opened he gave me the position of moderator and asked if I could oversee the boards when he was unable to a jackass friend of mine the detector logged into my account one night and basically did everything that almost ended the game embarrassed but amused by the excitement going on at something awful I tried to play it off as a joke reveal this attempt to play it off was thwarted when the real puppet master tried the detective thing and then restarted the game the spiteful post he made about me some time later was probably meant to discredit me for almost ruining the game and I suppose I deserved it I thought I could trust my friend as he had acted as a plant several times during the game the puppet master always decided when a plant would be used and we did not always use one the PM told me that he just wanted to tell people something but he knew certain parts of the story couldn't be pulled off by the average player I don't know what the motivation behind all of this was he's never revealed anything about himself to me and all locations save Niobrara County were chosen by myself whatever he's doing is flexible he hasn't spoken to me in some time I feel rather guilty because a large percentage of something awful believes me to have been the sole creator and I'm even given full credit in the Wikipedia article in the end I know jack shit about what this is I don't understand his motivations I can't make the videos they creep the hell out of me personally I know nothing about the origins of this website except that it probably served as an important prop in an earlier project he worked on I think he may be the Ossie James guy who apparently has links elsewhere I just don't know I was just along for the ride users who were still active came by to ask Sandra bamboos what else he knew from the line of questioning we learned that the first private message sent by the true puppet master didn't come until a month after senior BAM Bo's posted asking to be involved with something he also tells us that they've spoken over email before but not recently at all this guy constantly changed his email during the course of the project the only message he sent me of decent length excluding all video description outlines and similar things was the very first message he sent me it didn't really explain much about the Wyoming incident but he seemed to believe that if talked about in the right places it would catch on like that first message was almost like a sales pitch or company trying to get some sort of celebrity to endorse a project which is strange as I was a relative nobody on the internet before this all happened he does not post on something awful he found my original post on a coast-to-coast referring to the radio program message board I posted once after some big mystery was revealed to be viral marketing I was one of the few people not extremely pissed off and I was actually quite interested in doing something similar a couple of people chewed me out and I pretty much left the site immediately afterwards the fact that I went back after leaving it was pure luck I just remembered it one day a little more than a month afterward and decided to just casually browse the latest topics had I not done that I more than likely would have never spotted his little proposal further questioning reveals that it was the puppet master who was most active on the board most of the time he was the moderator character and like mentioned earlier send your BAM Bo's truly doesn't understand his motivations at times he seemed to treat this as some sort of social experiment sometimes he treated it as a story sometimes he treated it as a game and often times he treated it as a job it seemed almost as if it was something he absolutely had to do as far as I know he's made no money from this and his anonymity deprives him of any real fame I think these videos have a definite effect on people most people are at least unnerved by them but a small number seem almost obsessed with it speaking for myself I feel a lot about these videos I feel remorse for being partially responsible for the death of this project and upset that I will more than likely never get closure it's been months since I was involved with this and I still find myself lurking on this web site at least a few times a week the lack of closure is what gets me the most as for why this is all coming out so long after the game seems to have stopped bamboo says I've been following this board even more intensely since the embodiment the latest moderator character disappeared and I was growing tired with the unexplained absence I figured now would be a good time to interject offer an explanation for myself and the situation itself to an extent and talk with people as myself without fear getting banned right off the bat and still the course of the wyoming incident doesn't stop there in May of 2009 two years after the previous thread a new board was added to the happy cube the Joseph bright helps enter a bored moderator sent emails to previous members of the forum citing a serious issue that had arisen requiring their attention again it seems the board is under investigation by authorities with little detail to explain what's going on in the same post following topics did thankfully bring up the point throughout most of early 2007 a man claiming to be named Joseph bright was a participant in the Wyoming incident alternate reality role-playing game that used this board as a headquarters of sorts bright is unstable and may have irrationally acted on things that he saw or read about on these forums and in the game there's reason to believe that he has continued to play the game despite it ending almost two years ago we do not know how active the off-site community is but we have heard that there are or were IRC channels and other websites where details about the Wyoming incident were discussed if any of you knew and converse with anyone from a chatroom or forum who called himself Joseph bright Joe bright Joe bright Jay bright b37 copper fist or a min please message me whatever details about him you can useful information would include details about where he is currently living even just the state would help what his current occupation is whether or not he's abusing drugs possible alternative names he may be using and so on there are some details I can provide while living alone he was supposed to be kept supervised he'd received weekly visits from his doctor that would in time turn into monthly visits he'd have had complete independence by the end of next year if he had behaved himself at some point during his obsession with the game he stopped taking his medication a month ago his apartment was found abandoned he left a letter for his doctor that stated he needed to sort things out since then several of the people behind the wyoming incident have received threats from hem the man who ran the game had made the video's senior ban bose i love to fix seems to be his made focus of attention somehow perhaps off of another form he got a hold of his phone number he's called him several times threatening his life each time he seems to believe that the admitted puppet masters didn't actually make the videos or write some of the stories posted here of course all evidence points to the post and the videos featured here being completely and totally the work of this forms administrators unfortunately he can't think about these things sort of rationally we think he may have also been involved in the assault of some men in the state of California details about that are sketchy and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with this board or the game Joseph bright is soon discovered to have a blog with a good number of posts that date back to April it's clear that he's looking for the rest of the Wyoming incident videos which the shaded priest claimed were part of a set of nine Joseph manages to find video seven and eight and uploads them to YouTube as well as an odd video called back story about a child left alone on a bus the board moderator after his exposure to the videos goes noticeably mad on the forums and later claims to have found video 9 himself it still uploaded the Joseph brights channel and the video contains an advertisement for cash-for-gold comm followed by several prank posts about indie alternate reality games needing sponsors so the Wyoming incident has partnered up with cash-for-gold and yet the very next day Jack Q Pembry arrives with a new topic titled there is still reality this is actually Joseph bright using the account and he's found the real video 9 he needs us to watch it and remember it and the names that he's learned as a result of his fine Robert in Alexandria Franklin remember those names no matter what anyone tells you it doesn't end here I'm beginning to doubt it ever ends I will be back just need to rest a while don't believe what they tell you and keep that link save that video nothing occurred on the happy cube forum for over three years then one last pulse a final mysterious heartbeat On January 12 2013 Jack Q Pembry added a single threat that was posted to the top of each and every board and so his final message the children awoke that year nothing has been heard from the happy cube or the Wyoming incident since no real closure no explanation no reveal of a true mastermind this is in effect still an active game and as such this makes the Wyoming incident the longest-running alternate reality game on the internet stretching back over the course of ten years to the true first upload Danny's collection number three in March of 2006 and considering it began circulation as video creepypasta this might also be the world's first creepypasta Arg the Wyoming incident is an anomaly I haven't seen anything as odd twisted up and cloaked in lies and mystery as this thing how many reversals did we experience over the course of this timeline four five the road had so many turns during the course of my studying it that I felt whiplash what even is the Wyoming incident was it always meant to be a game within a game in the case of Joseph bright in the sudden detective angles was that all just course correction after hijacking sand hitting brick walls was the dark muses versus good muses set up the initial plan who really did make the first video the true puppet master or Senor Bam Bo's why would the puppet master feel okay with subjecting people to a dark ritual not just once but twice when it all comes down to it after you've waited through this entire mess you find that the only questions you can answer are those of opinion the Wyoming incident as a game or long-form storytelling project just doesn't hold itself together after the first few videos and interactive events my main issue with this entire project was the very reward system set in place the driving force of this experience was gaining more videos out of a set of nine these mysterious dark videos with supernatural forces behind them but those videos turned out to be pretty much identical each and every time and the small changes to them weren't meaningful enough to even bother working for the prize the narrative around the videos once explained flatly by our moderator characters became so much less a mystery in just more of a matter of lore piles and piles of lore that's all I could think of as I went through thread after thread after thread of this it's not advancing the experience it's not really moving the story the mystery is blown it's just lore it's Lord everywhere and as far as the forum posting format goes it just doesn't feel right for an experience that stopped being interactive so early in its lifespan this became a vehicle of roleplay where one player sits and tells everyone else how things are going on in the story and they all just respond with opinions and questions the sentiment isn't just something I feel either as I went through the infection forum I found more and more players dropping off saying that they just didn't feel it like they did at the very start quite a few even began questioning if this had stopped being an Arg at some point and I have to agree that it really did an alternate reality game does so much more than just role story at people in text form and expect them to keep reading and it doesn't just stay in one place like this I can give some praise to adding another blog during revival periods but due to it being just more world building and description I can't commit to my applause the best thing the Wyoming incident has going for it is what it started with intrigue we don't know who was behind this we don't know why they did it there's a lot we don't know even the puppet master we knew was kept in the dark and he doesn't know who he was speaking to and even when it seemed the true puppet master was back in control operating the Joseph bright event we got hit with cash for gold and then were taken right back into the mess a day later then three years after that another subtle knock at the door accompanied by a message on the ground that leaves us wondering so many important lessons can be gained from observing all that happened with the Wyoming incident it's as much a cautionary tale as it is a mystery but as far as closure goes ten years into this game's run we don't have much and that's why the Wyoming incident will until the muses return and the puppet master comes out of hiding remain as an enigma in the night mine Case Files if you've enjoyed this long twisted trip into the Forgotten halls of internet history with me hit the like button and tell me what you thought below in the comment section make sure to subscribe for more on tease and horrifying tales and if you haven't seen my first case file you're going to want to check out the brightly colored horror show known as hey kids just as crazy just as mysterious but still in a whole different class of weird thank you for joining me again in the dark this evening once more I'm Nick Nocturne and like a puppet master who just can't tell when the story's really over I'll be seeing you again real soon sleep tight
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 1,856,346
Rating: 4.8360467 out of 5
Keywords: 333-333-333, wyoming, incident, wyoming incident, hijack, arg, alternate reality game, creepypasta, mystery, explained, happy cube, creepy, scary, television, hijacking, case files, night mind, nightmind, nick nocturne, nick nocturn
Id: UghBGvPepSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 0sec (2640 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2016
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