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hey man how many are glad to be here today say hey man hey man haven't you enjoyed yourself already i know i have i ain't even won nothing but i've enjoyed watching y'all win and when they started looking for stuff i was looking for my chapstick and then i had something in my pocket and i was like i could win and then i looked at how far of a run it would be and the least favorite thing in this life that i think is any type of fun is running so i just let some of y'all win so you're welcome what good preaching we've heard man alive by both by both men and man alive i'm talking about just straight bible preaching and i love it and thank god for it great job guys i want you to go to first kings chapter number 17 today first kings chapter number 17 and i'll try my best not to be long i guess y'all still got some stuff to give away to win and some food to eat but if you'll listen fast i'll preach fast so if y'all can if y'all can do that i can do my end and uh when you get to first king 17 i want everybody to stand and we'll honor the reading of the word of god and stretch our legs also at the same time and uh how many has got your bible hold your bible up good and high wave it at me if you got your bible boy that's a good number of bibles gathered together today praise the lord for that i want you to do me a favor i want you to look at the person on your left and say i'm going now look to the person on your right and say this somewhere let's try it again look to the person on your left and say i'm going look to the person on your right and say somewhere somewhere is anybody going somewhere tonight i'm going somewhere let's read the word of god the bible says this and elijah the tishbite who was of the inhabitants of gilead said unto ahab as the lord god of israel liveth before whom i stand there shall not be dew nor rain these years but according to my word the word of the lord came unto him saying get thee hands and turn the eastward and hide thyself by the brook cherith that is before jordan and it shall be that thou shalt drink of the brook and i have commanded the ravens to feed thee there to feed thee where there i don't know about y'all tonight but i'm going somewhere and that somewhere is there that god has designed for me and whether you know it or not this evening god has got a there for you you are going somewhere god has ordained this life that we live he has given us options i believe with all my heart we can take the good road we can take the way that he wants best for us you can take the hard road if you want to amen but there is a there for each and every one of us today that god desires for us to be father i pray in jesus name lord that you would help us lord for just a few moments tonight lord may you be glorified and pleased and honored with everything that's said and done and lord i pray lord if there's one that is among us today that does not know you lord since the very first message preached today and the second message they sat in their seat trembling they sat there in conviction they sat there just waiting for an opportunity to somehow get that trouble out of their soul today lord i pray lord that you keep them served up i pray that you keep them troubled and lord until we give the invitation and lord may they find out that jesus is the only one that can calm that trouble he's the only one that can bring peace to their heart and lord for that we say thank you and we'll trust that you'll do it and we ask it in jesus name and the church said amen and amen you may be seated elijah he is one of my favorite people to study after in the word of god this man shows up out of nowhere in first kings chapter number 17 don't get a lot of information on this man but he shows up and he shows up with a word from god he shows up with a burden to see god's people turn their back against the evil way and the wicked way that they've lived and turned their faces back toward god and the only way that he knew to do that was to beg god to turn the water off in the land god no more do in the morning time to kiss the flowers as they are rising up again to give you a glory no more rivers to run and may the sound of the waters crashing through the rocks down by the brooks no longer do what they've been told to do and lord may no more rain fall from the sky you say what was the significance of that it wouldn't take very long for you and i to find the importance of water in our life just like it did for the people of god here and they realized if there was one person that could give them what they needed it was going to be god so brother elijah prayed and asked god lord you're the maker of the rain lord you're the maker of the riverside lord you're the one that kisses the flowers with dew in the morning the lord turn it all off and let's prove to them that they need god in their life now i'll say this before i go any further god will do things and mine in your life to prove just how bad we need him sometimes that's the prayer of brother elijah but as you look further into the life of elijah he is one of those we was preaching out of the book of hebrews a lot this week that is the hall of faith and that's where what we would call the heroes of faith are listed he's one of those heroes of faith of mine in mine eyes and i guarantee you every preacher that you would ever ask who would be someone in the word of god that you look at their life and you say i wish i had something like what they had elijah's going to be at the top of their list every time you turn around elijah's doing something great for god here he is he's done stop the rain he's the first meteorologist in the word of god amen noah he wasn't the meteorologist he was just doing what god said was going to be done but now here elijah showed up he's asking god hey let's turn the rains off let's turn the water off he is he is forecasting for the next three and a half years no dude no rain and then all of a sudden you go down and there begins to just be miracle after miracle every verse you read is full of something that god is doing miraculous through the life of elijah matter of fact the bible says that it goes down to zarephath and there's a little woman that sustains him she takes a little bit of water in a vessel gives him something to drink or that she was going to use for drinking and all of a sudden he asked that she would bathe he would bake her him something that day when there was nothing left when she had no meal left when she had no ingredients to work with oh brother elijah said it like this he said give me a little bit of that oil he said and go borrow all the barrels you can find and he began to pour out that oil and the word of god said that the old wasted nod and it never ran out and honey i believe with all my heart that if they were still alive today there'd still be enough oil in that little peril that they'd still be parted out in this day that we live because god did the miracle you flip over another page in uh first kings chapter number 18 and this one of the most famous miracles we know of in elijah's life yesterday when elijah finds himself in a praying contest or should i say that the prophets of baal found themselves in a praying contest and they have entered it into into this thing with the wrong man you don't want to be in a praying contest with elijah the bible said that they prayed from the morning sacrifice to the noon sacrifice and all the way up to the evening sacrifice and the whole time with elijah sitting up under an umbrella somewhere amen in the shade drinking a glass of sweet tea and he said well what's wrong fellas maybe your god's on a journey somewhere and he said it like he said he might even be asleep i don't know he said but i know this y'all have prayed all day long he said and we ain't seen nothing happen around here and they said well if you think you can do any better then you take a shot he said all right take your hands off boys and bow your heads and fall to your knees and elijah begin to lift his voice toward heaven and he said just a little short prayer he said god of abraham god of isaac and god of jacob he said let it be known this day that thou art the true god of israel [Applause] the bible said that fire began to fall down out of the sky and burn up that sacrifice burn up the sacrifice brother zach burn up the wood burn up the rocks burn up the dust and before he ever asked god to prove himself he doesn't have them pour water on it and the bible said that it burned up the water as well god set something on fire that had everything against it to burn that's another message for another day but for the saved people maybe for a preacher i'm glad when it don't look like there's a way god can make a way [Applause] what hey i said all that to say this what a man of god yeah and i don't know about y'all but i brother cody i've got men in my life that i look at them and i think man alive look at what all god's done for them man look at the blessings i ain't gonna lie to y'all every time i come to this church amen there's more people than there was last time amen they shouting louder than there was the last time the choir is fuller than it was the last time every time i come i get blessed blessed blessed and i look at y'all's preacher i say man alive man what lord whatever he's got i want some of that amen lord the way you bless him lord bless me there's some times when you look at some christians and you say god i wish i had some of that in my life now i see that in the life of elijah but i believe that there was something very specific i believe that there was a matter of fact i'll just say like this there's a key note factor in the life of elijah that we all got to pay attention to we've already read it tonight in the word of god we found it in the verse number four where the word of god said and it shall be that thou shalt drink of the brook and i have commanded the ravens to feed thee where there i believe if we are going to read about this man that we've read about if we're going to see god use him the way that he's used it if we're gonna witness these miracles performed through the life of elijah by god first we better understand one thing that before any miracle was ever done brother zach elijah was willing to go somewhere with the lord before he could ever call down fire he had to go somewhere before he could ever see that with a woman sustain him he had to go somewhere before he ever prayed over that boy that had already drew his last breath and when elijah prayed over him that same breath came back into him he had to go somewhere with god before we could ever expect god to use us in our life before god will ever open up those doors of ministry before god will ever touch us that way that he touches your pastor young men if you want to preach like him you got to go somewhere with god amen young ladies if you want to sing in that ensemble amen and you see i want them to shout while i'm singing you got to be willing to go somewhere if you want to get in that choir and feel the touch of god in your life you got to be willing to go somewhere with god but if you want your marriage to work mom and daddy you've got to be willing to go somewhere with the lord that's why i've come to tell you tonight i am going somewhere [Applause] you say where you going i'm going there i'm going there where is there well sometimes i feel like abraham i don't know where there is amen sometimes i feel like i know where there is right now but there's some days i really just don't know where there is but i ain't gonna quit walking to get there i'm just gonna keep on following the lord amen and even if i don't know where my fairy is then honey i'm just gonna say lord even though i may not know i'm just gonna keep walking this way right here and if it's the wrong way correct me amen and when it's time to turn left tell me to turn when it's time to stop telling me to stop when it's time to keep going help me to keep going but my desire is to get there with god let me say it to you like this if you're willing to go there he'll help you get there how did elijah get there number one the directions that god gave him look in verse number two here's how you get the directions and all you bible holding and reading people along with me say that third word in verse number two and the word of who the lord came unto him saying first thing you got to have to get to where god wants you to be is you got to have god's word you got to be making sure that you're in tune with the things that god is saying to you in your life and not only do you have to make sure that you're listening to what god's saying in your life but now you got to act upon it now you've got to listen to it and now you've got to do it because sometimes god says some things that i ain't really a fan of sometimes he says something that i'm like lord now let's think about this for a little bit but elijah when he got the word of god when he got the word from the lord he obeyed what god said in his life the directions he got his word i don't know how others make it and can i go ahead and say it to you like this you are not going to make it in this life this world has got too crazy that this world is losing its mind it's getting worse not by the day but by the moment amen by the minute and by the second men shall wax worse and worse the word of god said it was going to happen and now we're witnessing it before our very own eyes amen and the only way that a young man can make it in 2021 and the only way a young lady can make it in 2021 is if they say something like this thy word have i hid in my heart that i might not sin against thee honey i've got to have god's word amen thank god for mama's word thank god for daddy's word thank god for a good friend's word but honey when their words ain't nowhere around you can always depend that the grass withereth the flower may fade but his word it'll stand forever in heaven gotta have his word you gotta have his way look in verse number three the bible said get the hens and turn the eastward and hide thyself by the brook chair that's before jordan elijah said which way we're gonna go i like how the lord does it they said east i don't know sometimes when i first read that when i first used to read that i thought well that's not very clear but the more that i'm reading it now the more i'm thinking how could it ever be more clear there was four directions according to the direction that god just give brother elijah what god did was eliminate all the other directions whoop glory hallelujah i wish i had at least three or four church people that like that you see because we ain't careful we don't think oh that's not very clear information on which way to go but if you'll just think about it with a little bit and don't try to get so deep into this the ways that we try to think sometimes we're trying to overthink god but brother what god just did for elijah is he eliminated every other possible way to go but he only left one way to go hallelujah and can i go ahead and jump forward about 2 000 years and say that god eliminated eliminated every other way to go and he said if you're going to come unto me there's only one way to go it's gonna be through the blood it's gonna be through my son but heaven and earth will pass away but you can trust that the shed blood of jesus will get us where we need to go hallelujah i like the way that he gave him the directions i i guarantee you in a crowd this size there's at least 150 iphones present at the moment before before i had an iphone uh i had one of them things when me and jennifer my wife was traveling when we first got married matter of fact before we even got married i was already traveling on the road and i used to have this thing this is a dinosaur y'all y'all probably won't know it so i'm gonna talk to all you mamas and daddies and your grandparents brother cody i know you probably used to have one when you traveled that it was called a garmin does anybody remember a garmin you used to have a little suction thing you stick on the window there and you punch in your address i mean you know ancient times before before siri came along now i i'll never forget that one day me and jennifer we was traveling i was preaching i'm sure y'all y'all know where uh banner elk north carolina is up there grandfather mountain there you know snow skiing capital i was preaching up in banner elk and uh or maybe it was elk park they're right beside each other anything with else got to be close i guess you know i need to i was preaching up there and i typed in the address on that garment by the way i had to name my garmin you know because i'm a rednecks we named everything we own you know my truck's got a name you know all my guns have names and the boots have got names so i named my garmin carmen carmen the garmin y'all got it i just make sure y'all follow along i typed into carmen my garmin put in the address hit that go button and there we came from south carolina and we was getting in about midnight that night and that thing got me up in the mountains of north carolina somewhere and all of a sudden you know you're watching it as it's dwindling down before you have to make your next turn and half a mile sowing so many feet and all of a sudden i'm slamming on the brakes and i'm hitting that right turn and my pavement ended and it was straight up one of the tallest mountains in north carolina i think there is old gravel road and i'm talking about at midnight it was dark dark dark and as soon as my tires hit that gravel road i knew it was just me and jennifer in the car but i felt like someone was watching me y'all know what i'm talking about i mean i ain't trying to say nothing bad about north carolinians but the last place i want to be at midnight is on some gravel road in the mountains where i don't know where i'm at jennifer said what's wrong i said well carmen said we're here she said arrived at destination and i looked at her or him i guess it's carmen maybe a girl named i hope there's no boy named carmen here today but i looked at my wife jennifer not carmen's looked at carmen i said carmen you're wrong we're not here jennifer said what you going to do i said well the first thing i'm going to do is this and i reached over to the door apparently hit the lock the door button i didn't need no long bearded redneck coming off the side of a mountain jumping in my truck what you doing in there i said all i know to do is keep on driving to the top of this mountain and pray and hope that there's a little cell phone signal at the top of this thing and we drove up there and i called that preacher and i said brother i've been led astray we finally got situated and i'll never forget when i got siri when i got an iphone and i got google maps i thought i got saved all over again because now i don't go nowhere where i don't first click into that address and bro then i turn the satellite mode on and i zoom in real good and i make sure there's a steeple on top of the building where i'm going to hey man i'm making sure that when they give me a hotel address that there's a real hotel there because i ain't thinking i have another experience like i did that day you say what are you saying brother chad i want to make sure that when i get my directions that they are clear and that they are getting me to where god wants me to be if you'll trust just anything that comes along it'll lead you out the wrong way your friends will mislead you they might even be a good friend but they care more about themselves than they really care about you and when it's all said and done they don't care what happens to you but honey when you can trust the lord and lean on his word he will never never ever lead you astray he'll always lead you [Music] where he wants you to be the directions that the lord gave him he gave him his word he gave him his way and then i want to give you just a few things let me let me give you this i won't preach it he gave him the description on what to do on his way there he gave him the hiding place and they gave him the healing place that that uh verse number three the bible said and hide thyself by the brochure i'm going to say this for the young preachers you girls may not get any help out of this but can i say it and i'll come right back to all to everybody but for just a moment can i just talk to the young preachers and hide thyself by the brook cherith do we not know that elijah can raise people from the dead do we not know that elijah can call down fire from heaven do we not know all the great miracles that elijah can do and not only that do we not know that there's another man by the name of elisha that is waiting on the man of god to come by where he is and show him the journey to take off on amen he's going to do even more than what elijah did honey if anybody needs to be pushed out in front and have their ministry started as soon as possible it's elijah but the first thing god told elijah to do was go hide somewhere oh me i told you i'll be right back and i'm almost back before we could ever read about the man that we've already read about tonight he had to go somewhere get along with god somewhere glory hallelujah you say why did he have to do that well because of what else he said he said hide thyself by the brook cherith that is before jordan hallelujah to god that's the place of fresh you know what a brook is that's moving water that ain't no steel and stagnant water that is something that's got some life in it it's a picture of the holy ghost and the word of god and what the lord was saying to elijah that day is he said come on son come down here by the brook and hide for a while with me and i believe with all my heart but because of what elijah did that day he got filled up with god and it got filled with the holy ghost and before you can ever be somebody like elijah you've got to go find somewhere and get filled with the power of god in your life that's great advice amen hide by the brooks that is before jordan then lastly and i'll be through not only was there directions to get there the description to get there but there really really is a destination for you're there i'll never forget i just wanted to preach esther whenever you get through come on head to the piano when i first started to preach i was going to a camp meeting and i mean i i'd surrender to preach in october this camp meeting's in february i mean i've been fired up about this thing for i don't know how long and i'm thinking man if i could just get there i've got something that i've got to ask as i got down there and i'm thinking here's what i'm going to ask him brother zach i'm going to ask him every preacher i know every preacher i don't know if they are wearing a suit a shirt and a tie and they look or smell like a preacher i'm gonna go ask them this i wanted to go ask them hey brother if you don't mind you suppose shake my hand when i hold my hand out thank you will you pray for me here's a here's here's a big thing that all teenagers they ask me all the time they probably ask you all the time brother i'm trying to find the will of god for my life that was the question i wanted to go ask them or or the petition that i wanted to go with and ask all these preachers would you pray for me trying to find the will of god i ain't lying to y'all monday night of the camp meeting the pastor stood up and he leaned over his pulpit i mean this come out of left field from somewhere i don't know he said i just want to say something he said i ain't understood this he said how come it is that all these young preachers is running around asking a question pray for me i'm trying to find the will of god for my life and all that who done told him about my mail yeah i said i can't did i'm looking at my friends i said you told him what i've been asking what i've been saying i said i ain't saying that i thought well i won't ask him i'll just ask all the other ones then he went on to say it like this he said young man you don't have to go around from meeting the meeting from preaching to preacher and ask that question and ask him to pray that prayer with you help me i'm trying to find the will of god for my life he said but in the morning when you wake up [Music] he said before your feet hit the ground he said why don't you pray this prayer lord help me to be in the will of god today help me to be the man that you want me to be if you're married help me to be the husband you want me to be if you're a father help me to be the father that you want me to be if you're a young lady lord help me to be the young lady you want me to be if you're a wife lord would you help me to be the wife that i should be and that you'd be pleased that i would be today he said it's not some little box out in the desert somewhere that we're on a journey trying to go find out he said it's not a mystical place he said but the will of god has offered to you and i every day of our life he said don't go looking for the will of god but tomorrow wake up in the will of god for your life he said just do what god's called you to do and be who god's called you to be and he said it like this he said one day you'll wake up he said and you'll realize i'm there he said one day you're gonna wake up young men and realize this is a term we like to use down in georgia i'm smack dab in the middle of the will of god for my life he said don't make it so hard he said just do it and just be it and i'll never forget me and jennifer we got married in 2013. she has just graduated college and now started teaching taught a semester our first year of marriage the lord worked a lot of those things i ain't got time to tell y'all about what god did there but she was teaching during this time and we lived this was our first house how many y'all remember your first house we didn't have not none of y'all talking about the married people your first house it ain't the mansion it ain't it ain't your pinterest list girls your dream home that you got selected out on pinterest crumble that up and throw it out the window when you get on i-85 this evening because that ain't how it works what you need to live is in an angle-wide trailer you said what is an angle wide that's a single wide that is so small the s doesn't fell off the beginning of it got holes all in the floor the roof leaks and the air don't work and the heat don't pump if it gets about 40 in the winter amen it gets about 105 in the summer that's the dream home still living mine no i i don't live in an angle-wide anymore i live in overwatch y'all know what an oval white is it's a double-wide so small the d doesn't fell off the beginning of the day but we just live in overwatch [Music] at this time we we didn't have nowhere to live we was a month away from getting married and had nowhere to live and finally a friend there's a neighbor of theirs still neighbors of ours we still live close he came to us and he asked me he said i don't know you he said but i know you your wife or the wife fixing to have her family they said they're friends of mine been friends of ours for years he said i want to do something to help her he said and i don't know if you've already got this worked out he said but y'all got somewhere to live yet i said uh matter of fact no he said well do you need a place i'm thinking yeah he said it ain't much he said but i got this old house here he said ain't nobody living in it right now he said and it probably ain't everything you ever dreamed of and everything you ever wanted they said but i'll be good to you they said are you interested in it and i wanted to say i don't have any other options i wanted i wanted to say well can i come look at it but before i could think of any of those things to even say the word yes was already flowing off my lips we'll take it walked in that place this old shotgun style house y'all know what i'm talking about originally it was one or two rooms and now it's five rooms and nothing flows it was a room built over there then they built a room off of that and then they got a room off of that and all that no central heating air had a windy unit in the kitchen had a wood stove and one of them rooms they added on that was two rooms away from our bedroom so needless to say in the upstate of south carolina somewhere around january and february we was freezing i had that wood stove roar and i'm coming out glowing red as hot as it would go had a box fan behind it trying to push the heat our way had a box fan in front of it trying to pull the heat our way had quartz heaters on both sides of the bedroom a man trying to stay warm had a mouse a man playing gymnastics amen he'd jump up in the air land on that cord slide around that thing and land in the closet somewhere before you can ever get to it that ain't a lie either you can ask my wife about it that's your first kind of home you gonna have it in the summer bro we say i'm talking about it would be so hot you just go and you'd stand in front of that windy and you think dear god i might as well just be outside so hot here i'll never forget it was winter time matter of fact the first year of our marriage it snowed about five or six inches that year power was out it didn't bother us nothing but we didn't have nothing in the refrigerator or freezer we didn't have no heat in there to run anyways matter of fact they was wanting to come visit us crank up that wood stove now go find your own fireplace neighbor you didn't want to come when the power was on you ain't gonna stay when it's off neither ah i mean we was freezing we had so many quilts on top of that bed it took you five minutes to get out of there [Music] and i remember one morning jennifer was getting ready to go to work i'd gotten in late so i was still in the bed and i finally peeled about five or six layers of those quilts off the top of my head and picked out the top i'd sat up in that bed and she was back and forth getting ready i don't know i don't know what it was i never thought i'd see her be more beautiful than the day that we set our vows and got married but for whatever reason that day she came around the corner of that little old house we was freezing my teeth was chipped i chattered my teeth all morning and she come around that corner and brother and something just welled up inside of me that means she was just radiating with her beauty i was looking around and i was looking at that little old house and i was thinking about all the things that god had done and i wasn't living in a mansion on a hill somewhere i wasn't having my my dream truck wasn't sitting in the in the driveway my bank wasn't full of money but that morning the holy ghost came along that day and he whispered something down into my soul and he said this simply you're there [Music] he said you're there ain't you i said lord lord my mind went back to that night but the man of god said one day you're gonna wake up and you're gonna realize i'm exactly where god wants me to be honey i might not have had what i wanted i didn't have what the world thinks they need but i had everything god wanted me to have and i was glad to be there with the lord matter of fact sunday morning when i sat down and that choir started singing and blessing my heart something welled up in me and the holy ghost said you're there ain't you [Music] and monday night the holy ghost said we're here and tuesday night he said and then wednesday night when i thought i was supposed to be somewhere else but the lord said no i was supposed to be here the lord said you're there when we was making laps around the building the lord welled up inside of me said you're there son and last night he said you're there and today while i was listening these young men preach amen and watching you all fill up in these halters the lord begin to sing and shout done in my soul you are there and whether you know it or not guess what in this moment right now you're there that's exactly right you are exactly where god wants you to be in this service in this church under the preaching that you've heard today under the singing that you've heard today in the presence of god that you felt today that's where god wanted you for today [Music] now there may be some things in your life that's hindering your everyday there to there to there but if you'll just get in that word and follow the directions that he's given say god i'm not listening to my friends i'm not listening in the third direction i'm not listening to his and her but lord i'm going to follow your directions for my life because i want to be there lord i'm going to do what you want me to do while i'm on my way there and this is what i want us to remember this evening is that yes there is a destination there really is a place called there and it took me 23 years to find it i felt lie but i thank god for the day but i realized i was there with the lord [Music] don't waste your years going looking for some mystical place that don't exist but before you leave this service why don't you make up your mind lord i'm going to be there i'm going to be there do i need to do i need to expound just a little bit more it's where god wants you to be today there is where god wants you to be tomorrow there is where god wants me to be every moment of my life i remember being a kid we'd go in a pile up in our plymouth van we had we graduated to a chevy astro i remember being a young kid and dad said we're going somewhere huh we couldn't hardly get out of the driveway hey are we there yet daddy are we there yet no we ain't there yet son you know it's funny i look back and i'm thinking why would i ask are we there when we ride it down i-95 we ain't nowhere at the moment but i'll never forget every time we got to where daddy was taking us whether it was a surprise a family trip it didn't matter time we always got there i knew we was there [Music] i didn't have to ask him because it was so special and it was somewhere that we normally might not go it was somewhere maybe i hadn't seen in a while it involved something i may not have been used to it was a new site to behold and because of where we went i knew that we was in the right place hallelujah to god so you say brother jerry what are you trying to explain to me i'm trying to explain to you if you're trying to ask god every day of your life lord am i there am i there then i seriously doubt you are but honey when you finally get there when you say lord i surrender all and you say take me and use me for your glory not mine but god for yours and when you get there you ain't gonna have to ask him now we're here you're gonna say lord i'm there i'm right where god wants me to be young people it's worth getting there i'm going somewhere and i want to go there i got about three and a half more hours of preaching in that text but y'all don't look like you own it i would never try you know there's a final there in our life jesus said in john 14 let not your heart be troubled you believe god believe also in me and my father's house are many mansions and if it were i would have told you we're not so what i told you but i go to prepare to pay a place for you and if i go i will come again and receive you unto myself watch out because here comes a word that where i am there you may be also oh there's a good glad day amen we heard about it while ago when jesus is coming back to get you and me and get us up out of here and when he gets us out of here honey we going to be over there and when the roll is caught up yonder thank god i will be there i'm looking forward to that there with him but before i get there with him while i'm here i want to be there with him we're standing all over the congregation tonight i wonder how many christians you say brother jared i know i'm saved born again i want to be sure that i'm there with god i want god's will for my life and i'm just going to make up my mind tonight that it's going to be i am there from now on i'm just going to wake up tomorrow and be there i'm going to lay down my head tonight and be there i'm going to go to town with my friends and i'm going to be there when i go shopping with my friends at the mall i'm going to be there and when i go hunting with my buddies i'm going to be there when i go fishing at the pond i'm going to be there when i'm sitting at home i'm going to be there when i'm sitting on the pew at church i'm going to be there where god wants me heads are bowed my eyes are closed i wonder how many would say but pray for me i've been looking for that there in my life and i felt like i can't never find the place that god wanted me to be god wanted me to serve but tonight my prayer is simply this lord i surrender all wherever my there is i'm just going to be there lord put me there use me there make me there i want to stay there how many would say brother jerry that's me i just simply want to be there with the lord thank you thank you hands are going everywhere even adults young people and adults alike thank you father i pray for these that are their hands lord help them lord to be there lord just total submission to god in our lives that's where there is in jesus name no one's looking around the preacher is fixing to come but before he does i want to ask you one question you say brother jared i know i ain't there i don't think i'm saved and you know my first there my first there was november 26 2000 when i called on the name of jesus and asked him to forgive me of my sins and to save my soul that's my first there and tonight if you've never had the experience of asking jesus to save you you've not been there but you don't have to leave today before you get you are there you can leave today with peace in your heart knowing that i've been saved jesus has saved my soul maybe you don't know if you are maybe you're confused about the matter [Music] i want to do something for you tonight i wish i could save you but i can't but i do want to pray for you if you'd let me brother jared i'm not sure if i'm saved or maybe you simply say brother i know i'm not whatever the case may be i wonder if there'd be one no one's looking around friends ain't looking families ain't looking mamas and daddies they ain't looking behind you i promise me and the lord brother jared i i know i'm not or i'm not sure if i am will you let me pray for you would you slip up that hand and say brother jerry that's me i just don't know if i'm saved whether it be one slip it up just hold it up in the air for just a moment brother jared i'm not sure thank you will there be another one i seen it young man thank you would there be another one how about it how about it boys how about it lady thank you young lady i see that hand thank you how about it would there be another would there be another how about it young ladies how about a young young man i want you to do this i'm going to pray for you i promise you [Music] but i can't save you but i want to pray that the lord will make this moment so real in your life you can't get away from it and satan can't never get you away from it and that the holy ghost of god will make this believing what he did for you as easy as possible father in jesus name i pray for these that have lifted their hands lord there are some others lord i'm praying for them as well lord they might not have lifted their hands but lord i can see it on them god i pray lord that in this moment right now lord we are entering this moment where god the hand of god will be at work once again and sinners will be plunged beneath the crimson flow lord in new names will be written down in glory lord sins will be forgiven and lord it's only by the grace of god and it's only through faith lord it's nothing we can do it's not even the prayer that we pray but lord it's the faith and believing of the finished work on calvary i pray that we understand that clearly tonight and lord that these will leave knowing for sure they've been saved i prayed for them in jesus name no one's looking now those of you that lifted up your hand will you look at me right now you lifted up your hand right here right here and i'm gonna tell you i'm gonna be real bold with you right now if you're looking at me you're telling me you need to be saved that's how serious i am about this if your eyes are looking at mine you're saying brother jared i'm not sure that i'm saved but i need to know for sure before i leave we're having some ladies come right now and there's some men with the word of god they're standing right here at the front and when i say to i want to know are you brave enough to come and let these people take the word of god and show you how easy it is you don't have to pay a dime you don't have to do nothing everything that needs to be done was already done by a man named jesus he already died for our sins and he paid the price all you have to do is believe on him today why don't you come come on come on man come on young lady come on young lady let somebody take the word of god come on zach right here take this bible and show this young man how to be saved come on young lady why don't you come let him show you how about it young lady you was looking at me while ago why don't you let him take the word of god and show you how easy it is to be saved there's still time to come this one's come why don't you come there's some more y'all want to come so bad don't leave like that and wondering and question am i going to be okay what that man preached about earlier the preacher said today no fairy tale it's really going to happen that way but you can leave today and have peace in your heart and know i want to do it again every head bowed and every i close preach i'll give it to you if you want it no one's looking absolutely no one is looking no mamas no daddies no grandparents no teenagers are looking right now listen to me very closely if you are saying this inside of your heart inside of yourself i'm not sure if i'm saved i want you to look up at me right now i'm not sure i'm not sure one two how about it how about it there was another one don't leave that way don't leave that way young lady i'm not sure young man is that you tonight you're not sure if you're saved you can leave here knowing for sure that you are saved would you like to do that can i have someone else take a bible and show you how easy it is to have that peace in your heart and to know why don't you come right now and someone take a bible give me another young man bring the bible this young man right here thank you boys young lady how about it it's the best decision in your life your friends would be so happy for you your family would be so happy for you i'll be so happy for you and if i could save you i'd have already done it tonight i'd have done it at the beginning of the service and we just gave prizes away that's not how it works the holy spirit has been working in your heart all night and now the opportunity to trust in jesus is here why don't you take it she's going to sing a song while these are being dealt with there's still some you want to come there's still time for you to do it someone will grab the bible and take it and show you how easy it is to be saved while she sings wants to mind him as soon as you take a stance as soon as you make that step you're gonna be so glad that you did how about it young lady come on come
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 1,023
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: du8e_ejt8BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 43sec (3103 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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