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I'll do bats and snakes but the bug thing she's covered [Music] hi guys welcome back to popcorn roulette I'm Kobe and this is my sidekick cash we are excited today because I am starting the Indiana Jones films so I have never seen them I've gone this far in life without having seen any of them although they have been in my sort of periphery forever so I'm super pumped um I am going to watch them in chronological order though so I'm starting with the Temple of Doom so it came out in 1984 I believe which is the year I was born um and I'm I'm just really excited I mean all I really know is I've been on the ride at uh Disneyland um and that's about it so uh I think that I've seen probably all of Steven Spielberg's movies you know I mean I was even lucky enough to see jaws on the big screen this year at uh Universal CityWalk which was amazing and so this is something I've been putting off for a really long time so with the fifth Indiana Jones movie coming out in June this year I thought what better time to finally get into it and catch up so for the full watch along head over to our patreon and with that let's get into the movie I'm so nervous already [Music] okay this for a second that looked like a spaceship and like oh why does this look all futuristic I don't know why I was expecting it to be all kind of like caves and and you know historic okay Capshaw is in this that's Steven Spielberg's wife right ah I wonder if they met on this movie so far I like it oh that's right 40 years and now the Oscar winner for everything ever all at once amazing I'm looking forward to seeing him as a little boy I have no idea how this is gonna fit into the store in my head I had this like predisposed idea of it literally being like Egypt or something so all I know is he is a teacher he's a professor archeology Professor I'm gonna sound so so stupid um when all of this is wrong but that's what I feel like I feel like I've seen the imagery you know I know the jacket the Hat um and then I see him like with the glasses teaching right standing at the lectern but that's it so now he's uh now he's at a now the Showgirls I don't know the connection I'm excited to see Shanghai hey is this gonna be him is this the man himself yes oh it's very like um it's very James bondy so young did he just do a reference to the song anything goes great foreign I'm still confused as to how he you know is a teacher and then a sort of moonlights as a spy but I'm sure the situation will be revealed inside are the remains to Dynasty okay so that was like his job he went on the quest I guess to find out and bring that to this guy antidote oh boys it looks faster well we know he's gonna be okay so let's see how he gets out of this look at the diamonds wow oh he didn't even drink any poison he had a safe drink oh no his little buddy followed you on Many Adventures today this is like this is starting off like you know Bambi Land Before Time is always going to start with the little friend or sidekick dying great I thought for some I thought the waiter was gonna have like switched out the drink so he wasn't poisoned but he is we need the antidote and the Diamonds preferably [Music] so he is still like a fighter like he still threw that steak Spear and killed that guy he's not like a you know goody goody where he's you know doesn't shoot back or fight back oh this is great though fight scene in the ballroom the balloon drop all of it I'm in already five minutes in honestly did I just say Club Obi-Wan Like a Star Wars George Lucas that was the first time I heard the little music you're so much more excited than I thought I would be where's my gun I know [Music] it's his plane crash [Music] oh oh no I thought that was funny until I realized he might have a plan I'm allowing you to tag along so why don't you give I mean is there something wrong with the plane is it bomb are they gonna jump out [Music] it's so cool so he's he's like blonde he's like Adventure Bond uh-oh I can't get over kiwi Quan oh what's their plan oh they're gonna jump out and leave them in there without any yeah they're jumping out they [Music] I tell you this much I don't even fall asleep on a comfortable plane I would never fall asleep on this thing no okay sexy Jones there's an aqua song called Dr Jones I wonder if it has anything to do with Indiana Jones fuel fuel fuel they dumped the field baby shorty that's insane the very lucky the plane went down gradually so it actually kind of like [Music] if that's not an image that I'm sort of familiar with even without seeing the film that looks that was very cool Thelma Louise no way I mean I know I'm watching a movie suspend reality suspend belief for a minute but okay cool sequence but out there that they haven't flipped at all that was wild I haven't forgot on the map where they were when that happened and here I thought we were headed back to the States and headed back to the University campus but nope Straight Into The Second Adventure India [Music] are they all palm trees in the back I don't think this is shot in India [Music] this little Yankee hat what is that thank you it's a lovely sound you want to hear when you're about to eat just flies buzzing that's more food than these people eat in a week they're starving I'm sorry you can have disrespectful I'm not hungry you're insulting them and you're embarrassing he's so cute not as cute as him he's loving it they came from Palace and took shivalinga I was gonna say took what twice you have brought you here see they are answering my questions because I was gonna say like how's him he's just trusting this random stranger but he believes he was brought there for a reason so you are who made you fall so you will go to Bangkok Palace is the stone like an egg like I feel like you know how there's like images that you sort of remember from whether it's like just over the years or posters or I feel like it's gonna be like an egg shape right going very smooth like a says they stole their children Stone like we haven't seen it right I guess just in his archaeological uh experience because he knew it well he's like flat smooth with three lines even I mean he that was great even all these little small bit part extras everybody I'm so impressed do I like Indiana Jones I think that somebody believes the good luck Rock from this Village is one of the Lost Sean Cara Stone [Music] where's Capshaw I like it commitment to the look she's holding the sequins and still wearing the heels girl we're not going to Delhi though we're going to Bangkok Palace I think it's funny that this all works like it's silly and she's backwards and it's slapsticky but it it's all it all works what she's like oiling him oh we complaining perfume a little Chanel number five on the elephant's head all tied down you big baboon you know what you really need he's gonna Splash her she's great though like I don't even know what else I know him I know her as his wife is Spielberg's wife but I can't even think of other stuff that I would know her from I wonder trouble with her is the noise [Music] well she's definitely getting the short end of the stick oh but so he just met them they just met each other in Shanghai so I thought maybe they had like years and years of history but I guess he just met him before that last job sleep closer if I were you for safety's sake cut it out um I was gonna say but then I started talking I wanted to hear that uh kihui Quan I guess isn't in any others because he couldn't have been in the first one when I get to that because he would be Aging in the wrong order right like if this is before he can't have benefits he is you know damn all the bats very fear and loathing don't come up here there's blood there but was there a body I could see like what looked like fingers and stuff but I can't really see there was like dead animals [Music] she does not want to part with the sparkly dress Ed Palace she's excited she's like no more camping we're to Palace I'm more at home we're good look at her It's Not Over what do they call the maharaja's wife His Highness is not yet taken I'm guessing her and Indiana Indy in Indiana do they call him Indy no one's called him India I thought they did call him Indy um I'm guessing they like get together at the end but I don't know no she's not interested at all but there's got to be a moment oh he's a child has he taken a wife hahaha [Laughter] kid Maybe [Laughter] boys what perfectly well what part is the edible part where what which part's the meal what now it's like scarabs I mean I don't want to turn my nose up at culture Delicacies I'm telling you this soup's a bad idea come on come on chilled a monkey I mean people eat brains in like you know Western culture too and just it's more the presentation here I think that it's really next level yeah well Seafood here we go he brings her some fruit and it's on and the maharaja's eight that also contributed or maybe not oh I thought for a second he was kind of just playing but nope five minutes in five minutes she's saying you'll be back in five minutes but she's the only just kicked him out too I love that she hated him the whole movie so far and then all it took was an apple he sets are phenomenal I love every part every prop all of it foreign fall asleep separate that they don't they don't see each other tonight let's see they're both gonna fall asleep they've had huge day she's gonna fall asleep like that he's gonna fall asleep like that blue she's not coming whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh [Music] go in he doesn't need you actually hook it out of this time so whoa come on my favorite [Music] see did that kill him okay it did well you don't know you did it he's just not out there like killing people like killing person after person after person it still always like Bops on the head and yeah see he's fine nobody here I'm here oh he thought she could have been being attacked as well at the same time looking for Breeze because there's like a fake wall or door right or just feeling up a sculpture [Laughter] footsteps of Shiva that's the picture that was on his little map so where they have to go is inside the palace like underneath they're gonna go down there I mean for the for a um for a 40 year old movie like this is um that's great I thought maybe all the effects and fights and would just not hold up necessarily but this is a lot of fun don't touch anything or not or not the fairy tales of the crypt keeper that was weird step-by-step I touch nothing Indy was that our first Indie I knew it was called Indy touch our boobs to get it to open oh yeah I thought they were all gonna go down there together that droppings huh roaches what are they I would take bats any day over all of those Critters bats are cute Oh see it's like a that was like the same disc at the beginning at the Chinese restaurant at the ballroom to the when the gong rolled off very similar little foreshadow to this moment I can't you can't help it he's not helping every time the room is getting smaller and smaller oh so she is going in can she hear him what oh it's all I was like the bones were just on the ground that was moving and all the spikes I thought that skeleton was about to stand up and walk what is this this is also um star warsy right like with the shrink like the walls coming in and [Music] this is so gross to me this is my War this is This Is War I'll do bats and snakes but the bug thing covered I'm on the other right your other right all right I can't do it oh my God you're already covered in bugs does she think they're just being impatient she doesn't understand that they're about to literally be skewered and crushed and turned into pulp [Music] see all the things happening at the last minute I've even without even seeing any of the Indiana Jones films I've said like Indiana Jones it when a door is like a garage door is closing or something like this without any uh context see Indiana does it go this this is garage door stuff go wait so they're just deeper and deeper I guess they didn't go back into the palace bedroom so where are they going and why is there such a huge World underground under the palette nobody's seen this for a hundred years but who's that that's someone else this is not the Maharaja this has nothing to do with him he doesn't that's not the little kid no no oh yeah yeah yeah okay so they are all involved he's a he's a baddie well you know worshiping these spirits [Music] oh they're gonna sacrifice this guy oh he is a he is a bat little margarita they're gonna save him or are they just gonna let this happen and then I don't know because they can't interrupt uh he's gonna go I can do that you can't just push through the like breastplate and ribs and I don't know about that oh or that we're dealing with with extra you know spirit Power you're still alive see Indiana Jones is used to it poor cake Capshaw has has had a big couple of days [Music] ah [Music] well that answers the are they gonna save it he seems to be doing pretty well without a heart this is maybe the most like horrific image so far [Laughter] dark I wonder how often they do this so this is like a weekly affair foreign [Music] are they the stones [Applause] or at least three of the five or is they are see they are eggy and bigger when he described like a smooth little stone with three lines I was picturing like a pebble you would like skip a you know Skip on a river okay so they have three one they stole but there are five altogether Jordy you keep an eye on her why where are you going down there not leaving here without the stone you can get killed chasing after you're dancing this reminds me of The Wizard of Oz when they're like up there watching and they're like oh and they're like marching down in the castle you know [Music] I love that that's his weapon or his main like tool his whip [Music] maybe I misremembered I thought there was five total and so if he says bring them all together they light up he's only brought three together well they've only brought three together and how does he know which one is the one that was stolen from the village or it can any will anyone do [Music] so he just wants one to take it back to them [Music] he seems pretty chuffed let's take them all it's not just the souls of the people they sacrifice screaming or it's those people up there hung up gosh this is so much like creepier and darker than I think people kind of remember I don't know what people remember but this scene particularly I just looks like a weird behind the scenes behind the set for a second [Applause] he's always like lit perfectly like even when he's looking down seeing what they're doing he's got this like warm glow back at him Kali is the one with all the arms right you drink blood you not wake up from Nightmare when I hear that bit of music though I feel like that's when he's gonna like things are gonna be okay what a vivid imagination don't believe me so they've only got the three now I wonder if the stones will continue into other of the Indiana Jones's or if every film is like completely standalone [Music] and strangling with his pearls slaughtered then we will overrun the Muslims and then the Christian war will be cast down then forgotten foreign don't do it come on Indy it's very pretty with all the candles [Music] so is that what they're mining for no looking for the other Stones is that all they're looking for other or this is just a separate business [Music] protects us ing tan still looks like his hair is still all perfect he's been through the last few days it still looks like that and vlog is he faking or did he turn Ed oh no he's faking he's not We're Not Gonna boil her no no no no to the heart thing no he's gonna get try and get Harrison Ford to do the heart thing and this is his moment of snapping back out if he is faking he's doing a very good job so archaeologist and spy and actor Andy can do it all right he can't be faking he doesn't know all those words so is he oh maybe foreign 's Gonna Save the Day somebody maybe he's not faking and short round's gonna like say the code like say whatever he's gonna snap him out of it [Applause] glad he wasn't just in the beginning [Applause] I think it's because like during Oscar season and like uh just award season in general they kept showing that same picture of him and Harrison Ford hugging and because it kept being the same one um I kind of just thought he was maybe in like a scene or two not you know supporting after the entire time oh so she's going in straight she's not getting the heart pulled out so intense really evil and we're running out of time I mean she's basically in there where's he where's kirik one is he lower so he he can help her I'm I love you [Music] oh my gosh India I love you you're my best friend I can't now he's faking now he's now he's awake and he's yeah India I love you you're my best friend and it worked [Applause] [Music] she still looks fantastic by the way even you know being slowly lowered to her death [Applause] [Music] now they've heard Jewels have fallen off none of her outfit has been affected by the torture apparatus [Music] this guy that welcomed them into the palace Willie wake up willy willy it's me that was such a sound effect punch I was supposed to say [Music] oh not just one now we're taking all three great they don't deserve any tell him you love him too thank you that's the hug that's the picture that's the Oscar you know that's the one that I know and then they reenacted it right all of us I just love how much this chick commits to the outfit like back in the beginning when it was the heels and the glittery dress she's like nope I'm sticking it out and now almost died but that headdress is staying on this part feels like the ride so the ride that I know at Disneyland is like feels like this it feels like a mine so maybe this is it and the ball is gonna come rolling towards him I'm so excited [Music] or maybe it just reminds me of a roller coaster because of the tracks today it has nothing to do with this part the ride I mean [Music] you don't know he has a knife through his heart effectively but so then why would the guy pull it out he's enjoying that way too much evil little dude yeah I feel like that that little water um track thing is like I feel like that all looks familiar [Music] she's gonna pull it out though pull it out [Music] [Music] he's like gonna Isadora Duncan himself for a second I thought he's even trying to save him no this is like Who Framed Roger Rabbit is being like crushed moving flattened pancakes [Music] oh cause he just had the bad spirit in him he's not bad he's just a kid a little bit of fire and kihoi Quan is bringing everybody back oh she finally lost the headdress but not by choice this is it I've been on this I've done this part well he left that a little bit late oh man this is exactly what it feels like this is fun even just on the screen oh my God this is so cool for me because I I've never seen this so it's like I know it exactly now but I have contacts for the entire ride experience and it's identical feeling but the other side the other tunnel was the way out so we don't actually know like if they're just going deeper and deeper and deeper down if there's any way if anything happens to him I'm turning it off it doesn't even cross my mind it can't it won't it's an it's an 80s no he can't kihoi Quan's gonna be fine oh all right we got the threat of the flood and now we have the threat of the fire attacks on them it's like speed we're gonna have to jump the track and they did except in speed the bus goes up which is always interesting it like what's he gonna do fix the brake by hand laughs water water now asking us our receive [Music] oh man so good and the effects are great like you can totally see but I mean it's it's fun and it's I'm impressed well not there as soon as I say the effects are good the worst one yet comes on hahaha there it looked weirdly green screen but other than that [Music] [Applause] that I've seen somewhere that like five seconds like either reappropriated into like a meme or something that just seemed I knew that there was gonna be when he screamed and ran I knew a whole bunch of people were gonna run the other way at him welcome this bridge is coming down one way or another either the baddies are gonna do it to try and get him or he's gonna do it to save them but one way or another this bridge is this bridge is coming down for sure hang on tight did she said hey I mean she's okay are they all on it everybody even like the head guy yeah yeah amazing but he's in the middle he's at the cut right so he caught it so he has like a hell of a climb back up not easy but I guess he's Indiana Jones that's such a huge ask of her and I mean she's gotta just keep climbing up I don't think she had that far to go but still [Music] okay oh no they're not climbing they're just stationary they're just waiting to be rescued I get it God thank you what oh he's making them burn up themselves by the words ah so he's just got the one and now he can take it to the Village that's all they needed one and he's not gonna care about the other two leave them for whoever [Applause] thank you who called the Cavalry like when did they where did they all just come from foreign just like a rock when it's not you know activated [Music] and The Villages all come back to Greenery and house look at everybody I wonder if that yeah there he is he knew [Applause] so does he take Short Round back to America like is that like his son now what what happens all right he's the superhero I love it we saved the whole village they got water they got healthy children they got other kids back that were working in the mine we know you are coming back when life begins to our village oh I was gonna say they don't even have the Rockets but it all it happened before they even had it in place The Rock just had to be on the way and the village started to recover or the rock had nothing to do and the whole mission was pointless no thanks no more adventures with you doctor I'm gonna marry the director instead if you think I'm going to Delhi with you or any place else after all the trouble you've got me going to feed you snakes he's gonna turn around and kiss her excuse me [Music] her elephant that's all so cute [Music] huh oh my gosh that was my uh that was my first Indiana Jones experience and it it surpassed All my expectations I do have to say either I don't know if I was just heightened nerves from the pressure or uh super excited I'm gonna take these off so I don't hear the music so loud for a second um I am so pleased I enjoyed that so much I can't tell you I mean I have so many questions about what happens now because I guess the second one the next one if kihoi Quan wasn't isn't in it then where did he go what happens to him um I just want him to become Indiana Jones's child and then live happily ever after all together um that was great look I don't know you know it still fell into all this like action I mean Adventure like tropes and things but it was it was Spielberg it was like a big Blockbuster and as a child I would have adored it and because as an adult I had a blast so I was nervous I didn't know what to expect and right now I'm looking forward to sitting down and watching the next one next time could have gone better although now I have my now I have high expectations so we'll see but um but that was so much fun and I'm so glad uh won the Oscar I'm glad he was in the whole film I thought Capshaw was great I'm gonna look up what she's done since because I know she's married to Spielberg but I can't think of them that might be shocking she might be in something I do know but I can't um I can't think of anything what a um what a fun ride and speaking of ride yeah I know I went on and on about that but that was like that was the biggest thing I had a connection to so without seeing any of the films my whole life but going on that ride multiple times as a child and as an adult and as recently as a month ago um that was my that was my big tie to Indiana Jones although I thought a big ball came rolling towards us in the ride not water but like a big so we'll see maybe that's in another one or maybe my memory is just incorrect so I will see you guys for Indiana Jones two but which is one right so raid is Raiders Raiders is first Raiders of the Lost Ark next time thanks for watching on popcorn roulette make sure you like And subscribe and I'm Kobe and I'll see you next time [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Popcorn Roulette
Views: 15,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reactions, Youtubers, reactor, reaction channel, reaction videos, react, reacting to, trending, popular movies, movie reactions, tv shows, tv show reaction, movie, film, film reaction, best reactions, best reaction, best reaction channel, new movies, cinema, movie clips, clip, reaction video, honest reaction, classic movie, movie review, indiana jones, indiana jones and the temple of doom, indiana jones dial of destiny, indiana jones trailer, indiana jones 5 trailer
Id: rK0XAIzxEkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 20sec (2720 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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