Amelia loved THE PRINCESS BRIDE (1987) Movie Reaction FIRST TIME WATCHING

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[Music] what is it you have six fingers on your right hand someone was looking for you that was the six figured man are they going to D it out I'm curious [Music] now hey guys welcome back to popcorn roulette my name is Amelia um before we begin as always don't forget to like comment and subscribe and click the Bell icon for notifications every time we upload to this Channel and today we are going to be watching and reacting to The Princess Bride I'm very excited to see this movie I know a lot of people love it and um I know it's about a grandfather who just tells his grandson a story and um I'm honestly ready for it to surprise me so um I'm very excited let's get into it and if you want to do the full watch along as always that will be over on patreon without further further Ado let's get into The Princess Bride the Metro Goldwin Meyer lion like logo used to terrify me as a child The Princess [Music] Bride oh vintage video games makes me think of Oregon Trail put down in the comments if you played that as a kid you feeling any better oh he's sick grandfather's here Mom can't you tell him I'm sick that's why he's here he'll pinch my cheek I hate that because he loves you what is it open it up a book is this where it all starts I was your AG television was called books I'm pretty sure they had television when they were your age my father it wasn't the same as it is today and I used to read it to your father there got any sports in it are you kidding fencing fighting torture those are my favorite sports too all right the prince's bride the prince's bride Royal Credit sting raised on a small farm her favorite Pas times were riding a horse tormenting the farm boy that worked there oh so green looks pretty nothing gave Buttercup as much pleasure as ordering Wesley around F boy you was all he ever said come boy fill these with water okay now we're getting a bit demanding please As You Wish okay please that day he was amazed to discover that when he was saying As You Wish what he meant was I love you a can't wait to see where this takes us truly loved him back that's me that picture oh oh the gaze into the eyes as you wish but that looks says everything cute oh that's a beautiful shot is this a kissing book wait just wait when's it get good keep your shirt on let me read he's been talking for like 90 seconds had no money for marriage so he packed his few longings and left the farm to seek his fortune across the sea it was a very emotional that's a beautiful shot I'll never see you again of course you will but what if something happens to you will it or will it not I always come can be sure this is true love I'll admit I'm a bit of a sucker for these kind of scenes Wesley didn't reach his destination his ship was attacked by The Dread pirate Roberts I've got a funny story about the name dread pirate Roberts I'll talk about that in the end 5 years later the main square of foren City hear the announcement of the great Prince Humperdinks bride Humperdinks my people a month from now our country will have its 500th anniversary I shall marry a lady who was once a commoner like yourselves you will not find her common now princess [Music] Buttercup oh but Wesley is still on her mind I'm sure or at least I'll find out she did not love him despite hum's reassurance that she would grow to love him the only joy she found was in her daily ride makes me think of Gaston and Bell there is nothing nearby not for miles and there will be no one to hear you scream oh what is that you're ripping it's fabric from the uniform of an army officer of Gilder who is Gilder the country across the sea the sworn enemy of Floren if the horse reaches the castle the fabric will make the prince suspect the gild darians have abducted his love I just don't think he's right killing some girl am I going mad you were not hired for your brains you hippopo land bass that's an interesting insult unemployed in Greenland I would choose that over dealing with him at this point you sure nobody's follow us as I told you it would be absolutely totally and in all other ways inconceivable I wouldn't count on that and no one in Floren could have gotten here so fast see why do you ask I just happen to look behind us and something is [Laughter] there why do you ask if there's someone following us because there's somebody following us who is it get after her I don't swim I only dog P well you'll learn today those are the shrieking eels they always grow louder when they're about to feed on human flesh that's a big eel she doesn't get eaten by the eels at this time what I keep forgetting he's telling the story he started to charge her and then put her down just put her down the clips of insanity hurry up move the thing and that other thing move it did they have have that rope up there already fard well I'm killing three people I'm just going to have to find myself a new giant that yeah honestly could you carry three people I don't know if you're going to be able to cut that in time oh okay [Music] maybe Spider-Man slow going look I don't mean to be rude but this is not as easy as it looks it's not as easy as it looks I swear on the soul of my father Domingo Montoya you will reach the top alive throw me the robe oh I would still be kind of wary to trust it but okay you're ping hope that means you're going to be good on your word but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand you always begin conversations this way my father was slaughtered by a six man I love those comments that just kind of break the fourth wall like when they say what the audience is already thinking six finger man appear and request a special sword my father took the job he a year before he was done I've never seen a SE it is very pretty it's finger returned and demanded it one10 his promised prize and refuse without a word the six-fingered man slashing through the heart naturally I challenge his murderer to a duel six fer Man live me alive but he gave me this oh my name is yya you kill my father prepare to die mhm I cannot find him it's been 20 years now I started to lose confidence I just work for f to pay the bills to pay the bills you seem a decent fellow I hate to kill you you seem a decent fellow I hate to die thank you Alliance I am not [Music] offended oh curveball you're amazing I ought to be after plent of years there's something I want to tell you tell me I'm not left-handed either [Music] surprise doing the stunts for this had to have been fine kill me quickly I would soon destroy a stained glass window as an artist like yourself however since I can't have you follow him either no TXS no weapons SK again SK WR you mean you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword and what you wearing a mask were you burned by acid or something like that oh no it's just terribly comfortable I think everyone will be wearing them in the future masks everyone will be wearing them in the future pandemic fighting do we only have to be I do not envy you the headache you will have when you're awake but in the meantime rest well dream of large women oh for a split second there I thought he was just playing dead I was just like don't turn him over I'll connect all the dots but clearly that's Wesley right there in The Mask so trying to to figure out who it is that he will be and I will all right where is the poison the Battle of wi has begun it ends when you decide and we both drink and find out who is right and who is dead I choose what in the world can that be what where I don't see anything all just strick in the book that's what's so funny I switched glasses when your back was turned ha you fool you fell victim to one of the classic blunders or did he never go in against a sicilian when death is on the [Laughter] line mhm reverse psychology clever to think all that time it was your cup that was poisoned they were both poisoned I spent the last few years building up an immunity to IE po huh life skills he can track a fulcon on a cloudy day he can find you you think your dearest love will save you I never said he was my dearest love and yes he will save me that I know he's not my dearest love but he comes in handy he knows I do not love him nobody did back in those days I know who you are your cruelty reveals everything you're the dread pirate Roberts admit it you killed my love it's possible I kill a lot of people you should bless me for destroying him before he found out what you really are and what am I faithfulness he talked of Madam your enduring faithfulness now tell me truly when you found out he was gone did you get engage to your prince at same hour or did you wait a whole week out of respect for the dead I died that day you can die too for all I you wish oh my sweet Wesley what have I done that's when you should have figured it out must have seen Us closing in which might account for his panicking into errorless I'm wrong and I'm never wrong they are headed dead into the fire wouldn't be so sure can you move at all no you're alive a told you come for why didn't you wait for me well you were dead or so you thought true all you can do is delay it for a while I will never doubt again there will never be a need big Pi is too late few more steps and we'll be safe in the fire swamp I need to see the fire swamp oh okay that makes sense well one thing I will say last swamp certainly does keep you on your toes fire swamp I keep thinking like fire forest or fire Woods that's what it was called but when shik on on fire I was just like oh okay the fire swamp that's why they call it that I was Lear to fence fight anything anyone would teach me Roberts and I eventually became friends Roberts are grown so rich he wanted to retire told me a secret I am not the dread pirate Roberts he said my name is Ry the man I inherited from was not the real dread pirate Roberts either his name was Kaman the real Roberts has been retired 15 years and living like a king in Patagonia then he explained the name was the important thing for inspiring the necessary fear you see no one would surrender to the dread pirate Wesley H all the time calling me Roberts once the crew believed he left the ship and I had been Roberts ever since quick sand I've only ever seen quicksand in movies and on [Music] TV what about the us is rodents of unusual size okay I don't think they exist that's what that [Music] was oh oh I believe you girl you can fight it off there we [Music] go even with those struggles the struggles came in handy and they used them to survive he is a sailor on the pirate ship Revenge promise to return him to his ship I swear it will be done I cannot bear it if you died again not when I can save you both willing to die for each other now I'm curious to see how all this plays out what is it you have six fingers on your right hand someone was looking for you that was the sixf figured man are they going to duel it out I'm curious now where am I the bit of this SP don't even think that's that's the pit of despair I thought it was just like a medeval hospital oh she looks gorgeous but sad the king died that very night and before the following Dawn Buttercup and Humper dink were married my father's final words were hold it hold it Grandpa she doesn't mean hum for dink my father's final words were hold it hold it Grandpa wouldn't be fair life isn't always is fair I'm telling you you're messing up the story now get it right do you want me to go on with this they're so good at getting you engrossed in the story that you forget it's a story being told to this boy by his grandpa Queen [Music] Buttercup treated it like garbage and that's what she is the queen of refuges so bow down to if you want bow to [Applause] her was 10 days till the wedding okay they weren't married yet I love Wesley I always have if you tell me I must marry you in 10 Days please believe I will be dead by morning you um return this Westley to his ship I feel like there's a condition here we simply alert him no I don't think it's going to be simply we'll run up the white flag and deliver your message if Wesley wants you bless you both if not please consider me as an alternative to Suicide where is that secret knot it's impossible to find maybe not really that's all this is except that instead of sucking water I'm sucking life you're sucking at life want the thief's forest emptied before I wed it won't be easy sir try ruling the world sometime this guy's vicious will not be moved hold on I don't know bu keep your H keep your so is the beginning and now you're staying till V you fruit noo of bini's death and the existence of K rugan the six-fingered man the new surprising well I wouldn't in Black obviously well you don't know what he is don't bother me with Trifles after 20 years at last my father's soul will be at peace There Will Be Blood tonight bloodthirsty you never sent the ships you're a silly girl that you were nothing but a coward with a heart full of fear I would not say such things if I were you better to be silly than to be a vindictive sociopath just saying think no man in the human Century will suffer as greatly as you will Dr [Music] 50 even the guy with the machine knows not to go to 50 he through love is Maring another tonight so who else has the cause for ultimate suffering excuse me pardon me it's important everybody can I find him alone you to guide my sword powerful least in your heart it was that's right the pit of despair is not so secret now is it nobody kills him he lives you mean he wins Jesus Grandpa did you read me this thing for I might kill whoever you wanted meet to Miracle he's already dead he is H I'll take a look bring him in need to know what kind of Miracle now mostly Dead He's slightly alive now all dead true well with all dead there's usually only one thing that you can do what's that got through his clothes and look for loose chain the old oxygen tank what you got here that's Worth Living For Love true love is the greatest thing in the world I wasn't expecting someone like him to say that but that's not what he said he distinctly said to blave and as we all know to blave means to Bluff HH so you're probably playing cards and he cheated Liar Liar Liar get back witch I'm out witch I'm your wife ever since Prince huming fired him his confidence is shoted why' you say that name you promised me that you would never say that name humy hum quite the lovers quarrel this is B's true love if you heal him he will stop Humper dink wedding I make him better Humper dink suffice that's a miracle pill chocolate coating makes it go down easier a spoonful of sugar makes some medicine go down in the most delightful way byebye boys have fun storm in the castle than it the work it would take a miracle byebye good luck you're going to need it how long do we have to wait before if know the Mir walks your guess is as good as mine I'll beat you apart I'll take you both together I guess not very long that seemed to work instantly but cup is Maring Humper dinking a little less than half an hour so all we have to do is get in break up the w steal the princess make our Escape after I kill kugan and it is I'm starting to wonder now how much of Tangled was inspired by Princess Bride if any at all cuz if some small details were I would not be surprised and good movie to draw inspiration from too go what that is also a beautiful shot honestly A+ to the cinematographer the angles the shots they're all just so beautiful stand your ground I'm the great part robberts no not yet my man are here I am here no light him the TW power Robert takes no Survivor all you wall nightmares I'm about to come through they are right there so treasure Your Love skip to the end that's not how this works I killed him myself then why is there fear behind your eyes [Music] oh I have no VII physic 30 times off Oh you mean this gate oh Oh you mean this one scort the bride to the honeymoon suite I'll be there shortly nope you didn't come there's got to be a small area that that doesn't fall through that they didn't say something that doesn't make it official my name is yigo Montoya you kill my father prepare to die we meet again please let this go well for him [Music] [Laughter] thank Girl Gotta Love [Music] fic yeah there we go sorry Father tried must be that little Spanish brat I told a lesson to all those years ago you must be that psychopath who loves torture there's a shortage of perfect breast in this world it would be a Pity to damage yours Wesley that H to have come from Romeo and Juliet why won't you Hold Me Gently and there was the drinking the poison earlier go ahead and comment below if you ever had to act out a scene from Rome and Juliet in high school and before you guess yes I had to play Juliet good Heavens are you still trying to win oh he's still hanging on we've got an over develop sense of Vengeance it's going to get you into trouble someday one to talk projecting much he did do this for 20 years stop save that hello my name is all that I have more he left the same marks that he has and that's how you do it never happened but it did I was there this old man said men and wife did you say I do oh no sort of skipped that part we sort of skipped that part I'll use small words so you'll be sure to understand you warthog faed buffoon be the first time in my life a man has dared insult me but not the first time a woman has insulted you I'm only lying here because I lack the strength to stand then again perhaps I have the strength after all a lot of power comes from words he's weakened him with words already time up it was clear from the beginning like I mean as always the villain's ego is the most important thing to him help him what does w need helping because he has no strength I knew it I knew you were bluffing I knew he was bluffing and I thought there are four of us if we ever find a lady hello lady you did something right oh wait I wanted it go to my head F like is the hero everybody needs but not everybody deserves I figured he was going to catch her have you ever considered piracy make a wonderful dread pirate rits CL swept over him and as they reach for each other what what now it's kissing again you don't want to hear that I don't mind so much okay get on with the kissing Grandpa it's the invention of the kiss there have been five kisses that were rated the most passionate the most Beau this one left them all behind a maybe you could come over and read it again to me tomorrow as you wish oh that was incredible I will be watching this a million times over again I know there's definitely a lot of things I didn't catch but I will catch them the times that I want to watch this again cuz when the boy was like maybe you could read it again I was like I will definitely be watching it again I feel like I recognized Wallace Wallace Sean from somewhere the grandson I didn't never realize he didn't have a name Robin Wright yep I knew her I knew of her I want to say I was familiar with Carol Kane too that was really fantastic all right everyone that is a wrap on The Princess Bride feel free to start a discussion with me in the comments below uh let me know if there's anything you think I should catch on the next round and I've been turned on to this movie now I really love it I see why so many people have hyped me up towards it I see myself watching this a thousand times over again but anyway don't forget to like comment and subscribe and click the Bell icon and with that so long catch you next time [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: Popcorn Roulette
Views: 48,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reactions, Youtubers, reactor, reaction channel, reaction videos, react, reacting to, trending, popular movies, movie reactions, tv shows, tv show reaction, movie, film, film reaction, best reactions, best reaction, best reaction channel, new movies, cinema, movie clips, clip, reaction video, honest reaction, classic movie, movie review, The Princes Bride, The Princess Bride Reaction, Romance Reaction, Princess Buttercup, Princess Buttercup Reaction, Amelia Reaction
Id: uyp-2mL5tEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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