First Time Watching Temple of Doom! More Indiana Jones Content *Commentary/Reaction*

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um I got all four of my wisdom teeth taken out four days ago I'm in no pain literally the recovery Pro process has been Swift I mean like L what recovery process no nothing like my gums are healing but zero pain zero swollenness lucky or lucky anyways Temple of [Music] Doom [Applause] welcome back what's up guys it's an and today we're going to be watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom I had so much fun watching Raiders of the Lost Arc and I had so much fun watching with you guys in the premiere I I just had a good vibe about the movie when the movie is like really good and and super entertaining I feel like that helps with like my commentating and my reacting to it and then like seeing you guys react the same way with me and being all nostalgic together it's like my favorite part of doing this job so thank you for for those of you guys who are in the premiere chat right now hello hello to you guys I hope you guys enjoy this reaction never have seen this before so it is a first time watch all I know is that um kii Kuan is in this Wayman from everything everywhere all at once and he's just a we little lad here so I'm really really excited to watch him because I've never seen him in this or The Goonies I know that he was you know those were his like first roles in Hollywood would so uh I'm actually really really excited to watch that and before going into this I made a mistake of watching his acceptance speech um again at the Oscars last year and I got a little Tey a little emotional so watching this is going to really hype me up now seeing him in this movie I don't know how prominent his role is but you best believe once he comes out I'm going to be screaming anyways before we begin make sure you guys hit that subscribe button if you haven't yet already so you say Do not all my content I post two times a week follow me on all my social media all my handles will be in the description be below and follow me on Twitch I live stream every Monday and Thursday if you guys want to check out the full length uncut commentary to this movie make sure you check out my patreon page we can gain full access to that and future movies TV shows that I do on this channel and some patreon exclusives now um we have only like a couple of movie commentaries and a whole Percy Jackson series now exclusively on patreon full lengths so yeah check those out if you want to all righty y'all let's jump straight into the commentary oh hello there did you just come out of a dragon's mouth oh I love a good dance number was not expecting it in Indiana Jones but I can do all of this I used to tap fun fact for like 11 years 12 years oh and we have props what a beautiful number this is giving me like Hollywood studio era Vibes it's making me so happy Shanghai 1935 35 that's even earlier than the last movie unless this is just like a little flashback you never told me you spoke my language doctor I was about to say since when did you know Mandarin or canones actually I'm not entirely sure which Chinese he's speaking there's multiple Chinese languages you know what I'm not that surprised you seem like a man of many gifts Indiana Jones can anyone tell me if you guys are a Chinese viewer how is his his Chinese I find it really funny when I when I hear people who don't when actors don't know Korean but they kind of nail the Korean inside are the remains of muaji first emperor of Manu Dynasty welcome home old boy that's cool I guess you give me the diam that's not the deal what is that antidote the poison you just drank up oh my gosh good service here wuhan's an old friend game's not overlow I'm so confused an old friend oh my gosh followed you on Many Adventures I go first Indie a poor Wuhan o he literally got shush kebabbed oh my gosh Mayhem and Su in the entire restaurant I love it more chaos more Spielberg said who are you wow holy Okie doie Dr Jones hold on to your potatoes hold on to your potatoes oh my gosh he so cute and he knows how to drive a car you can like barely see over the wheel like just his eyes make it it's amazing where's my gun I burned my fingers and I cracked a nail I'd be pissed off too you know how how expensive these could be [Music] sometimes later and comes in the score oh that's awesome he he stole his plane I love how this kind of is like the first one where he also got into a getaway plane and that's when you first hear the score here we are again another getaway and then we Crescendo into the main theme score are you jumping off the plane both of you guys they're both eating off the plane those poor chickens I understand that your objective was to get rid of these guys but what about those poor chickens they don't deserve the death sentence Mister you didn't catch my oh yeah Dr Jones that's what I'm saying I was like you didn't catch his name in that entire encounter you've had with him Dr Jonesy Dr parachute shorty get our stuff how are you guys going to alleviate this problem honestly oh my gosh that's crazy at just enough time to inflate that explosion though can you add a funny sound effect to that plane [Music] crashing break breaks really lady all right now you're just playing a little bit too dumb I was on your side a little bit I hate when I crack a nail but not catching on his name and breaks on a raft ma'am now you're being a little bit too stereotypical that blond type cast you know I'm saying oh my gosh give him some room please come on he's just a boy leave him alone I love how he has a little like New York Yankees cat on it's so cute you're insulting them and you're embarrassing me eat eat it yeah eat it what he said the fly who paid the fly can you provide us with he's so adorable how old is he here I literally can't but but actually who who paid that fly to be a paid actor finding and bring back to us bring back to us oh look at Shorty following inie I think that somebody Leeves the good luck grck from this Village is one of the Lost shanara Stones what is Shan fortune and Glory ah two of your favorite things I assume oh he's got a little baby elephant ride on P I can't go to pank I'm a singer is [Music] there I hope she gets a big learning curve so ignorant and oblivious where did you find your uh little bodyguard in the Japanese bomb Shanghai on the street since he was four oh since he was [Music] [Laughter] four I'm very little you cheat very big I'm very little you cheat very big you owe me 10 cents look at this He Cheats too I love that oh I love they have such good chemistry he's adorable oh my gosh it's so cute that they're just playing poker by the campfire and they're both freaking cheating yelling at each other in chines Dr Jones I'd be safer sleeping with a snake I said cut it out that is a snake literally you what do what do you think you pulled on an elephant's trunk that easily and I love how Indiana show is super scared oh gross I can't even imagine holding a snake like that it's mainly like their ability to just like retaliate super fast just go like you know and their ability to like squeeze and they don't have any bones or anything just uh horrible hate it the worst and the fact that can just like swallow a deer I know not all of them can but some them can what are we looking at o are those fingers that's cute hello I love how short round's bag which I'm assuming might be Indiana Jones's bag or both of their stuff together is like half his size that bag is literally half his size where's my Razor what' you do with this razor shorty I could watch an entire movie just on Short Round what do they call the maharaj's wife His Highness is not yet taken away how interesting she's like oh he's single good to know is he a little boy you want want to marry him now the center of activity for the thug e sneak surprise no I physically got woozy from that I think I'll just check on Willie that's all you better do that's all you tell me later what happened AMS AMS did he just say scram in pig latin that's so funny that's all you better do he said wear your jewels to bed princess yeah and nothing else oh she was just angry now she's flirty and what sort of research would you do on me he's such a Playboy getting all the ladies nocturnal activities primitive sexual practices straightforward please don't tell these details to short around he is much too young for this and you're just too proud to admit that you're crazy about me Dr Jones if you want me Willie and where you can find me oh they're both stubborn they both want each other so bad I'm con seeed a tell you in the morning both of you guys are come on she's not coming oh who were you what the heck from the wall where did you even come from that was crazy popped out from the Shadows the glare on the lens was amazing I could have been your Greatest Adventure okay this is a little bit bold wait till the one that you see in like uh 10 years I don't remember sometime in the 40s draft hey I'm right here nice found the draft she's like you'd prefer the wall got the real thin right here to think if you guys did it he wouldn't have found this I'm I'm all I'm saying is Destiny is on Indie side yeah there's something on the ground few different fortune cookies that's good it's not fortune cookies crunchy [Music] bugs Spielberg why what's with you and these bugs man and snakes spiders in the first movie snakes in boat both movies and now we got creepy Critters no okay that's good stand up against the wall will you oh you told me to that one wasn't me that was all you I what you say yeah Willy's got to save them oh my gosh that's literally my worst nightmare oh my my God claustrophobia to its fullest there are two dead people down here there's about to be two more oh I broke a nail faster you move faster you get away from these Critters go girlfriend first movie they did the thing with the snakes but this is truly my worst nightmare that shot of Harrison Ford was so good through the little people oh my gosh took you long enough again oh my gosh go run run not the hat that hat is going to get you killed Jones leave the Hat behind next time the caves are you kidding me are you kidding me they what are the odds as I was telling you guys in my first freaking commentary that I legit have a I have claustrophobia caves are a nogo for me panic City descent that movie that I was talking about that I reacted to uh-uh oh now you're telling me they're trapped again in another confined space Oh my God and there's a bunch of other people in here are you kidding me scary but also a really cool set what are you doing to this poor man you got some strong fingertips bro what [Music] [Applause] magic what are they doing to this poor man is a human sacrifice I guess oh my God and you're just hold and it's on fire and you're just holding it and it's what how did this guy even have the ability to just dig into his that's not possible either oh and he fully disintegrated what's that a potato three potatoes okay just kidding they're oh these are the rocks with the three lines across it okay the lighting was a little off before all [Music] right well don't get caught they'll just shove you down the lava [Music] pit okay no time to be mesmerized just go 3 2 1 one go hurry up and go screaming in the distance who sh around who is screaming like that where is he going my gosh how did you guys catch us get your paws off me oh my God are those the kids they are the kids and they're crying and SC screaming and of course their crying and screaming is going to drown out Short Round And Willie screaming you were caught trying to steal the shankra stones and what about it you guys stole that actually and I'm just trying to steal it back for this Village who clearly needs my [Music] help e e is it the blood blood what's that oh my God is that like a voodoo doll he has the same hat as you yeah yeah get him Short Round oh no that's so sad no you're fine you're fine it's just a myth it's a lie it's all a lie so many candles in this shot oh my gosh gosh Harrison Ford acting the is out of this I didn't talk about that enough first of all last movie and this movie great acting he's killing it we pledge our devotion to her with an offering of Flesh are you doing oh Willie she's the offering snap out of it Indie unless he's like playing along I really hope he's just waiting for the opportune moment the same shot being used for this is so good okay also no wonder why I've never seen this movie as a kid even though I had the DVDs this is scary as heck help us okay he's definitely playing along right come on reveal it hurry up unless Short Round is going to save the day cuz that would be a huge play too I wouldn't be mad if that was the script save the day Short Round you got you're going to be the hero of a century I already know it yeah get go for it little dude yeah oh my gosh so good bye guys you're going to be all those kids hoping hero crazy oh my gosh get her out of there wake up Dr Jo wake up how dare you lay your hands on me oh he's crying Indie I love you my yeah burn it out of him I I like that idea you're my best friend a did he snap out of it so a little bit of fire does it I love that I'm all right [Music] kid saved me yeah K yeah get hit a short round oh gosh later bye convenient [Music] ditch where the heck did he yeat off to a little escape hatch hopefully she's not cooked being that close to Lava she's probably burnt to a crisp not going to lie roasted like a turkey on Thanksgiving wake up yeah you deserve that slap him in the face do it again good thing there's a Chasm between you and the people the mob on the other side oh giving each other back the hats oh a that's so [Applause] cute now let's get out of here oh she is burnt to a crisp I like that detail cuz like the first thing I would think of is you know she's probably frying against that lava all right one form a line one at a time I love how they're dropping the chains on the guards him down nice nice him down get him I'll kill you he said [Music] ow who does this kid think he is the Maharaja the kid with the voodoo doll you can take him on you got him Short Round you win that easy so violent for a kid and not in like a cool badass way like short round but in just like a really evil malicious weird creepy way close call is crazy nice yeah elbow him Short Round is 20 that's a horrible fate for [Music] you his favorite choice of self-defense the torch man got to use your surroundings oh and the curing method I guess so now the kid's not evil anymore quit fooling around with that kid get down the cart nowe listen to get out you must take the left tunnel thank you's so cute nice nice he just one V4 fully adult five six nice seven oh my gosh Short Round deserves an award look at that that's crazy oh that shot is so good of him going this way the camera kind of backing up as he's swinging that's so good who would have thought that I'd be watching a little M cart action sequence right now let go of the break what let her go our only chance got run oh gosh oh my gosh come up here and take the break watch it on the curve to fly right off the track oh now you want me to hold the brakes I'm like locked in right now Temple of Doom man I'm so curious as to how they film this crazy oh crazy wild and they have The High Ground now what the heck your ballsy for jumping off of your card onto mine nice let's go now that's on growth nice what are the odds of that oh lat losers oh your poor foot nice that's going to hurt tomorrow water water water water water water ask and you shall receive my friend oh my gosh okay that's why how did they film this like I'm so what oh oh yeah jumping on it is probably not the best idea oh my God and of course it's crocodile infested waters kid get your break this seems familiar oh he doesn't have a gun this time though that's a great call back to the first movie he yelled at him with the weapon that's amazing oh my God and there's a billy of the that moment is so good Let Her Go mam you are in a position unsuitable to give orders you want the stones let him go oh yeah who's unsuitable now H lady we for oh my [Laughter] [Music] God he know NS he's crazy he's not nuts he's crazy oh what are you doing nice oh so cool later [Music] goodbye crocodiles are waiting on the bottom like a it's raining snacks nice yeah yeah kick [Music] them you betray sha sh this oh [Music] wow nice later oh out oh out dunzo had a day and a half and he's got the stone the only one that he really needs too a it being super sunny and everyone wearing more colorful colors here just a good practical way to show that there's a difference brought all the kids back good shot coming them like running up the hill so you didn't see them before a what a sweet moment this a great scene no thanks no more adventures with you Dr Jones after all the fun we've had together fun excuse me sir I need a guide to Deli if you could show me the way go get your mens you had a great time come on oh elephant yeah always ruining the moment very funny me too key I'm with you Short Round oh what a great ending oh and roll credits look at that oh my God what a cute ending I'm obsessed these are just way too good dang what the heck so good all right well that was Indiana Jones Temple of Doom I my just face hurts not from the wisdom teeth removal from just the pure joy and The Smiling that just like happened in the last hour of this film so good so action-packed like nonstop I swear for over an hour I feel like they get the setup done they get the story out of the way they get you following along really quick and then they just like dive you into the action and the fun and the H my goodness great plot great story fun times entertaining all around such cool stunts and action sequences like that Minecart sequence and like oh everything everything the bridge the draw the the the the the Rope Bridge um Short Round was such a awesome addition to the Indiana Jones crew Willie Scott since the first one we got a really badass lady that knew how to take care of herself the second one we got a whole different type of character she she's a performer she's a singer she she's a material girl we love it she is such a different character in a breath of fresh air as well for this one even though she's kind of like unlikable in the beginning you really warm up to her and she's really goes through it and it's a lot of fun to like kind of see her her spot and all of this and trying to help out where she can you know and something that I didn't mention in the first one but I have to mention after seeing this one the acting is just top tier I love it Harrison Ford killed it Ki um Quan killed it the chemistry between the two of them first of all 10 out of 10 so good what else oh just great set design such a great set design and camera work as per usual but I think one thing that I want to say that's different from the first one at least so I'm not being super red redundant is the acting and the performance of this it was just top-notch so good thank you guys so much for watching if you guys enjoyed that commentary make sure you leave it a big thumbs up subscribe if you haven't yet already so you can stay tuned to all my content and don't forget to check out my last video if you guys want to check out the full length uncut commentary to this movie make sure to check out my patreon page we can gain full access to that and future movies shave that I do on this channel all right y'all have the bestest day ever and I'll see you guys in the next one bye okay bye okay bye okay [Music] bye
Views: 43,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1hhGEOo94P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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