Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) First Time Watching! Movie Reaction!

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[Music] thank you hey everyone welcome back to the channel my name is TBR Schmidt this is my wife Samantha hello and today we are watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom what do you know about this movie this is the second Indiana Jones film we watched the first film a couple weeks ago Raiders of the Lost Art just Raiders of the Lost Ark yes guess it was changed later on to include Indiana Jones the copy that we watched did say Indiana Jones and the Raiders the Raiders yeah so we got a lot of comments on that but I'm really excited for this one I loved the first film I'm excited to check out the second and third as well as we said in the intro to the first one we have already seen the fourth film right we have some knowledge of Indiana Jones now we have even more after seeing the first film we had such a great time with that it was just such a fun adventure so many great things about that movie I know from the comment section that this one is considered like the weakest of the original trilogy yeah I mean some people don't even count the fourth film um but it's Indiana Jones I think I said in the last video like we had fun with the fourth one yeah so if we can have fun with the fourth one I assume we're gonna have fun with this one even if it doesn't stack up against the Raiders of the Lost Ark yeah always we try to go in with just pretty neutral expectations just have fun with it so I like to watch this and I'm really excited for the third one that seems to be one that most of you guys are excited for is the third as well so yeah I'm excited to get into it yeah more Indie is always a good thing so if you'd like to see the full length reaction for this as well as everything else that we've reacted to the link to our patreon is in the description if you'd like to interact with us on our twitch Instagram or Twitter all those links are in the description as well and with that let's get into the movie foreign a much different start than the last Indiana Jones [Music] oh this has a short round KEH Juan Juan kehu k whatever sorry [Music] back to such a small stage [Music] okay he liked it [Music] all right we're in Shanghai careful earlier than the first film right oh I did see some comments yeah that this goes back in time yeah because the other one's starting like 40 something that's what I thought I thought archaeologists were always funny little men searching for their mommies mummies [Music] put the gun away Sonny does he care about the girl the deal was for the diamond had a bunch of gold coins whoa you're a very good health yeah I wouldn't drink that smellages are real Dynasty dang homo boy oh why'd you just chug something that they gave you rookie move come on Indy it's possible wow [Laughter] oh back up that's not a waiter wuhan's an old friend game's not over law oh oh no oh and you lost the gun followed you on Many Adventures into the great unknown mystery I go first Indy wow damn oh my God don't break that oh yeah you just take the diamond oh oh no oh my God someone get this antidote and the Diamond oh you just suck her [Music] this woman kind of looks like Elizabeth Banks oh kind of where's the diamond s cheese oh oh oh the antidote jeez so I think she got the antidote but I don't think she got the diamond no cheese [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] that was high who are you [Music] oh wow there he is [Music] hold on to your potato es gotta reach the pedals oh no hey no it's time for love we with company oh don't get lit oh you gotta run faster [Music] oh poor guy oh my god really lady why don't you just stay there and why are they still in the end of Jones he doesn't have a diamond I think they're just trying to kill him nice try loud [ __ ] oh my God you caught on his plane ever since you got into my club you haven't been able to take your eyes off me going to sleep [Music] I wonder whether taking him yeah right well they're just leaving they're gonna hear the door open [Music] maybe wake up [Music] what a heavy sleeper you know how to fly don't you no you how hard can it be there's a steering wheel now he just needs to know how to crash land a plane oh [Applause] second inflate oh there we go oh immediately dead [Music] oh my God that was a deep you yeah it got a lot calmer [Music] I mean at least they stumbled on a civilization pretty quickly true could have been lost in the middle of nowhere you know like immediately have guns or anything pointed at them okay sweetie's dinner God I'm starving this was nice that's more food than these people eat in a week yeah right I'm sorry you can have it don't be disrespectful indeed well don't eat that fly you will stop at Bangkok the palace has the power of the dark light power of the dark light it was Shiva who made you fall like I was just copying him so they just kind of stumbled onto a problem it happens to be the be the person to be able to resolve it three lines across it representing the three levels so he already knows he says they stole their children they took all the kids [Music] he made it back damn did he just like make it back with a clue you brought something little boy escape from the evil what we do Dr Jones that's cool fortune and Glory kid [Music] they all get their own elephants quit monkeying around on that thing [Music] oh my God we're not going to Delhi doll we're going to Bangkok Palace why don't they just leave her in the village I'm gonna just leave her in China [Music] it's an animal what do you expect you really need a bath good where did you find your little bodyguard I didn't find it I caught him trying to pick my pocket didn't I short stuff oh this trouble with her is the noise agreed [Applause] hi Kelly are just still playing she's just going through it [Music] [Laughter] the entire place is crawling with living things that's why they call it the jungle sweetheart yeah just stay by the fire hey lady you call him Dr Jones yeah it's pictograph represents Sankara is that some kind of writing yeah elephant's great let's leave closer if I were you Dr Jones I'd be safe oh I said cut it out I hate that elephant it wasn't the elephant did you just think you like ripped off his trunk [Music] I see it shorty it's huge I didn't know that bats came out during the day yeah pretty hardcore statue yo what is that on it oh those are fingers or toes well I think they're fingers don't come up here this is our guide piecing out yeah they're done they're stealing our ride we walk from here it's a lot of bats I'm shutterlau prime minister to His Highness the Maharaja I've Enchanted thank you very much this is a nice welcome yeah considering there's severed fingers on the way up here oh okay a literal child that's the Maharaja kid maybe he likes all the way way older was the center of activity for the thug sneaked more snakes what was that I thought it was like slugs snuggy he was an obscenity that worshiped Carly with human sacrifices okay the eels what is that panko Palace was growing powerful again because of saying with ancient evil Fiat folklore I mean a village is pretty messed up in our country it's not usual for a guest to insult his hosts I thought we were talking about folklore yeah it wouldn't be insulting if it's just folklore a sacred Rock a rock no [Music] because you just get some bread it wasn't it the Sultana Madagascar who threatened to cut your head off if you ever returned to his country penis I thought the stories were told to frighten children I'm ashamed of what happened here and I assure you this will never happen again okay and I am sorry ah said oh monkey brain chilled a monkey brain oh like jello [Music] did she fell back yeah and that forward straight into the brain nocturnal activities what position I like to sleep in making Customs primitive sexual practices wanna shut the door I'm not that easy I'm not that easy either you'll be back over here in five minutes I'll be asleep in five minutes who's the most stubborn [Music] I'm gonna wait till 501 well they have the same routine for a short round I thought it was in Andy's room [Music] looks like we're just going to bed tonight I'll tell you in the morning oh there it is he's not coming she's not coming thank you [Music] hopefully she comes Short Round wake up help me Greatest Adventure thank you oh [Music] oh [Music] damn yikes [Music] with me there's someone in there right sort of like a closet or something nobody here no I'm here laughs hair hey I'm Bryce here oh that's what he has right shorty go get our stuff so much for going to bed and who is that guy with yeah right someone sent out to kill him don't touch anything touch I touch nothing I wonder if that one does anything I step on something there's something on the ground I feel as different Fortune cook is the ground moving it's not fortune cookies oh is it like beetles or something [Music] crickets Locust oh just bugs in general there go oh [Music] well Short Round how many matches do they have look just stand up against the wall we God dang it Short Round [Music] Crush trouble what sort of oh my gosh [Music] uh you're really running out of time it's a lot more than that [Music] oh room of bugs [Music] oh my God lady [Music] you are so slow that's helping do something oh other right your other brunch you can do it feel inside Why I oughta [Music] are going to die oh my gosh oh nope [Music] oh damn wow this is impressive they're worshiping Gully nobody's seen this for a hundred years an intense ceremony this guy about to be sacrificed or something I think so I think they were talking about sacrifices at the dinner table so the little kid little whatever king or Emperor or whatever is in on it if he's just sitting there watching he looks terrified I wonder if this is his first time maybe whoa he just pulled out his heart I mean it is called the Temple of Doom [Music] jeez [Music] man that's hardcore bringing him back up there's nothing left just a box yeah who's next we got the stones that's the rock they took from the village there's so many heads in this place yeah you can get killed chasing after your damn portion of Glory not today also the village they keep saying fortune and Glory but a whole village is destroyed this is the whole reason they're there to begin with do you want to take all of them or just one I don't know you might as well take them all [Music] enjoy it later get him and go [Music] it's not a real snake moving though [Music] that's skin yeah it's like skinned bodies oh oh my God kick Short Round kick whole operation yeah oh that's right all the kids from the village oh [Music] what'd you think was gonna happen oh okay [Music] well at least they're together again yeah geez yeah right I guess cutting those kids knew English also what are the chances a loyal priest hit the last two stones down here in the catacombs oh so they're looking for him soon we will have all the five shankara stones oh true Behavior I mean you just watched him rip out a man's heart and stay alive oh made a little Indiana Jones doll oh some Voodoo stuff just kick the Maharaj oh is that his own Whip too I think so oh man they're both getting whipped oh jeez and then the Christian God will be cast down oh soon rule the world oh he drank it [Music] in an antidote for that yeah right [Music] well that was quick maybe true love's kiss will set him free there you go another sacrifice so soon Kalima protects us we are her children oh it's her that's going down I guess I thought he was the sacrifice yeah [Music] oh he's not taking her heart or is he gonna make him do it [Music] Short Round better do something oh he's free [Music] true love spit he didn't take her heart though no everybody shut up see you later oh damn [Music] I am really concerned how she's gonna get out of this maybe she will and that's okay oh there you go Short Round [Music] oh that worked I'm all right kid oh [Music] oh it's getting pretty hot [Music] there you go sacrifice done two sacrifices [Music] come on Short Round oh okay back down oh I'm gonna be moving yeah did they get the guy out of the way it's gonna be so hot yeah you did a short round you saved the day now let's get out of here all of us oh yeah all the kids [Music] what a punch there we go mutiny [Music] now he has his own little army [Music] why not help him [Music] he needs some help [Music] where are they going I don't know oh this guy [Music] he's getting the [ __ ] kicked out of him someone get this [ __ ] kid [Music] oh getting real close [Music] oh no later oh man [Music] Oh I thought he was just a piece of [ __ ] yeah good job Short Round [Music] what a rope [Music] get down oh nice punch him in the face Scotty or whatever the hell your name is Willie [Music] Oh No track [Music] don't slow down yeah you're gonna need to speed up foreign you're about to have a lot of water water Destructor oh why are there allocators or crocodiles it's like my boating ship problem no gun nice watch the hole [Music] God dang it they're on both sides you want the stones let them go and she's like yeah that will be found yeah it's just a little river I think they can just get the stones back pretty easily how does he get out of this there you go kill everyone oh there you go he's crazy [Music] oh geez [Music] okay baby don't fall [Music] there you go Indy [Music] just chucking bodies at him there you go do something oh [Music] okay [Music] damn sliding them up gonna help somebody gonna help him no everyone's just gonna watch him got a stone I forgot about all the kids now you can see the magic of the rock I understand it's power now I need a guide Swiffer [Music] that's good [Music] all right that was Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom what'd you think I thought it was but I will say it is maybe a significant step down from Raiders of the Lost Ark yeah so so honestly Willie was like a huge disappointment for me yeah we saw some comments that were like oh you really liked Marion right it was Marion I think so you're not gonna like the next one or whatever and I was like oh I mean I'm sure it'll be fun still yeah no she uh pretty much did just kind of scream and run around unfortunate for the actress I mean that's not her job like she's just told what to do by the director Steven Spielberg and the script yeah so I'm sure she did exactly what they wanted her to do but the only thing she really did was like throw one punch I think I mean it was an important punch very important but uh the rest of the time yeah there's nothing in common like I mean we came from Raiders the Lost Ark with Marion she was a badass also and she was an Explorer and like her introduction is literally her like in a drinking contest and then she fights with Indy in the bar like there's that scene of her like mowing down like 10 dudes with a machine gun on an airplane she was in it with Indy whereas this it's like I feel like this movie was just a lot of coincidence versus the first one was strategic and everything unfolded because of what had happened whereas this it's like even the story in general is just like oops we stumbled on this random Village in India so now on to an Adventure yeah I enjoyed the film I did have a good time with it I feel like obviously Indiana Jones is such like an iconic character so to watch him again and like all the kind of fight scenes and all the in-between adventures and stuff it was still a lot of fun but yeah Willie wasn't great um Short Round I loved though Short Round was a highlight the relationship between Indiana and short round was also a highlight yeah so yeah I mean absolutely I had fun I had laughed throughout I was smiling it is a great time game but just if you compare it to like the first film it has pretty glaring weaknesses yeah unfortunately wasn't as great as the first film but but a good time for sure wait okay we're looking at the cast list here I did not realize that Dan Aykroyd was in this when they were getting on the plane the voice of like the guy kind of sounded like Dan Aykroyd okay I didn't say anything so I can't take credit for that but I guess it is confirmation so I don't know maybe he was just like a huge fan or something and they were like yeah we'll give you a quick little roll or something yeah huh so that's cool yeah although it did feel a little bit random like why we were going on this adventure yeah I feel like once we arrived did the palace everything felt a little bit more put together yeah at that point it did feel like Indiana Jones yeah like we were on an adventure but yeah obviously just from the get-go I think that you had even said we were like wow this is starting really differently like we had a whole like dance and singing number it also felt different because we're back in time or like this takes place before the first movie I don't know why they did that but they did it so Indiana Jones felt more like a novice the fact that he just drank the poison in the beginning yeah or like going through the beginning stages of like the temple or Palace whatever you want to call it short round was just like knocking everything or like tripping everything whereas like we start Raiders of the Lost Ark going through that Temple and he's like very aware of all of the booby traps and everything and he like stops the guy from triggering anything um so it did feel like a novice Indiana Jones that we're dealing with so true the whole movie just kind of felt a little different from the start obviously right I do have to say I feel like one of the like biggest gut punches was in the very beginning when his partner is shot and dies yeah that was brutal yeah I feel like we got 30 seconds of that guy and I was like heartbroken yeah he was like I've followed you my whole life Indiana and then just dies in Indiana Jones arms yeah that was is really sad and then we just like brushed right through it through that like I would have loved to have seen more of that relationship it had a lot of fun and a lot of adventure and a lot of intriguing story lines I also feel like it went for the spectacle like I loved the whole tunnel or like track with the mining carts and stuff like that was awesome set piece and like a great adventure but it's almost like they have all of their budget for like the end of this movie when I think of Raiders of the Lost Ark remember so many different set pieces throughout starting from the very beginning throughout the entire movie whereas like this movie other than the first like Escape there's pretty much nothing right until they get to the booby traps in the palace I guess they fight the one guy with a ceiling fan yeah that guy got it good uh no we we did spend a lot of time just like getting to the palace and then obviously they have that like full dinner which is was just a lot of animals and insects but yeah no I think you're right it was pretty heavy on the end yeah it's like they had the whole action adventure for the ending part of the movie which I did really enjoy yeah uh I mean having Indiana Jones be like in a trance or something obviously that increased the danger especially for Willie having Short Round again I think Short Round was like the MVP he was so fun in this movie but he essentially saved the day snapping Indiana Jones out of it and then from that point on the last like 40 minutes of the movie was this crazy adventure and it was it was cool to see how it tied in with the village in terms of not only the stones but saving all of the children yes uh there was that moment where the what is it the maharaji Maharaja Maharaj Maharaja anyways I thought he was just evil blood I mean I mean all it was explained to us but I think in that aspect we should have kind of known but I absolutely was like damn like this kid seemed really cool at the dinner no he he was under a spell oh yeah I wasn't anticipating that I think it's just like the fun he was having with that voodoo doll I just was yeah I was like dang this kid's brutal I mean again we're talking about like how Indiana Jones and Short Round were the best parts but I really loved uh how many times it like focused on Short Round kind of repeating what Indiana Jones was doing is so good I really liked that I loved the way that they shot it too so you could really see like both happening at the same time yes simple stuff like one of the first times I noticed was Indiana Jones like crossed his like fingers and kind of like went like this or something yeah and then Short Round of the back is like this uh but one that was really cool is when short rounds fighting the Maharaja and it's like cuts from him on top like punching and then it like goes over to India Joe's and he's on top punching so they had just such a great relationship I don't know if short rounds in the third one I don't remember him in the fourth one and the fifth one that's coming out I don't know if he's in that one or not yeah but it's a bummer because I love their relationship with each other yeah and I would imagine he's not just because this is supposed to be before yeah so there was like no mention of him in Raiders right obviously it's hard to kind of predict that they would have that planted but right so I would imagine maybe we're not gonna see Short Round again but I loved it I loved that relationship yeah and I would have loved to have seen more of him less of Willy sorry Willie it's not the actress it's just I'm not saying Les Kate Capshaw saying Willy but yeah that was like a true Damsel in Distress it's just honestly the screaming I was like enough they they had some fun with it like I did like the scene where she's screaming and like running in like from animal to animal and short rounded Indiana Jones could not care any less they're just there playing cards and she's just like having an absolute nightmare getting terrorized by the elephant the elephant was like a highlight as well it just slapping her in the back of the head that was great um little moments like that were great it was just like the annoyance of her being like needing to save them and she's just like Oh My Nails damn lady they're about to get impaled here like Marion would never be like oh sorry indeed my nail so sorry another thing with like the first one it had the hardcore like traffic scene once the uh the Arc was open this one like they went heavy into like disturbing I mean like bugs snakes and monkey brains literally just like severed heads everywhere everything was made out of a head ripping out the heart yeah ripping out hearts and having people engulfed in flames and the Heart Is engulfed in flames like human sacrifice like it was Hardcore yeah and I think uh we had mentioned that we thought the first film was part of the reason there was a PG-13 rating and I think a lot of the comments had mentioned that it was more so this film oh okay and I can see that there was a decent amount of violence in this one and a little bit more on the gore side so I could see that I mean he was drinking blood out of like a severed head so just the the context or the imagery I mean it was intense yeah but once this movie really got going it was awesome I mean you had the you know set pieces where you like have time limits I guess with the whole conveyor belt and like crushing on the Rocks like you have just this very cool setup in terms of like not only is he finding this big giant guy which that seems pretty common but he's about to get killed by something outside of that which that's pretty common and then you have like someone else in this case it was Short Round trying to like save the day also so how they tie in multiple events into the same like fight action sequence is always so enjoyable to watch yeah and it does a great exactly um you know if it was just maybe one of those things you'd be like oh Indiana Jones he's got it um obviously we know he's not gonna die but something bad could happen right so adding all of those different elements it kind of puts you on the edge of your seat it's a ton of fun if anything I would have someone watch this one first because if someone like enjoys this movie then it's gonna be like oh just wait until you see Raiders and I mean my memory it could be pretty bad but again I I liked the fourth one I would maybe say my order goes one four two and we haven't seen the third one yet so I don't know where I'll slot that one yeah I don't remember the fourth one enough yeah um to be able to make a comparison obviously we did get a ton of comments about Aryan about like how did you not or how did you think she was dead when she's in the fourth one like I literally don't remember that even being the same character right yeah I think I picked it up as we were getting through the movie it was like oh wait this person's being a little familiar but then also I knew that we had two movies in between yeah and it's like okay I know there was aliens spoiler in the fourth one like I don't know if she dies or comes back to life or something like that so now watching Indiana Jones so much I feel like I really want to go back and watch the fourth one because there has to be so many callbacks or references that I just didn't understand or realize yes like maybe I saw it and I was like oh that was funny or cool but I didn't really realize the significance of this yeah like with this one there was that moment where like right before they were on the bridge and like the two guys with swords and like Indiana Jones is about to go for his gun and then he doesn't have it it's like I know that's kind of like a call back to the first movie where the sword guy was out in Indiana was just like screw this bang so I feel like I was able to appreciate this one more for sure so hopefully the third one unlocks more I'll revisit the fourth one and then the fifth one I'm excited to watch that one also yeah so we haven't seen or heard much in regards to the fifth film no I haven't even watched a trailer for it I don't think no but um I'm really excited to get to the third and I think it would be worth a revisit for us for the fourth yeah um probably not on the channel but just take another watch yeah it's just on a personal time yeah but I did see in the comments that um as much as I love the first one a lot of people say that the third one is their favorite yeah so I am very excited for the third film just with like all the hype that we've been getting yeah but as always we try to go in relatively neutral but I'm just excited to see like the continuation of Indiana Jones in general yeah now this was a great time MVP for Short Round in Indiana Jones so I can't wait to watch more Indiana Jones yeah me too so if you'd like to see the full length reaction for this as well as everything else that we've reacted to the link to our patreon is in the description if you would like to interact with us on any other types of social media all those links are in the description as well and with that peace everyone bye bye thank you foreign foreign
Channel: TBR Schmitt
Views: 71,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, movie reaction, film, tv, first time watching, first, time, watching, reaction, movie commentary, tv commentary, movie review, tv review, movie discussion, tv discussion, tv reaction, Samantha Schmitt, Daniel Schmitt, The Schmitts, tbr, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, indiana jones, indiana jones reaction, indiana jones movie, indiana jones movie reaction, indy, temple of doom reaction, Harrison Ford, Ke Huy Quan, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, indiana jones 2
Id: E6EjxfM-zAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 43sec (2803 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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