Indiana Jones Last Crusade was the father/son adventure film I never knew I needed (reaction review)

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just gonna have to jump dude  jump oh my god oh my god hello and welcome back to my channel if you're  new here i'm mary and i make regular reaction   and review videos so if you haven't already push  that subscribe button and don't forget to turn on   notifications so you never miss a video from my  channel and the uncut version of this video is   available on patreon link is in the description  bar below along with my new channel very cherry   where the content may vary but it's still the  same on mary cherry link for that's down below too   today we are watching indiana jones the last  crusade this is the third film and i'm really   excited because for me it'll be the last film  that i watch i'm okay i might watch the fourth one   if a lot of people are requesting for me to do  that but i'm not really interested in it but   just purely based on all of the negative reviews  everybody's telling me to skip that movie entirely   who knows maybe the comment section of this video  will uh be completely different and maybe people   will really want to see me watch the fourth one  i don't think so but we'll see now this one was   released in 1989 and i know that the fourth one  was released a lot more recently so that is the   main difference with the first three to the very  last one is that harrison ford looks like a young   striking gentleman in the first three and he's  a little bit older in the fourth one and i guess   it's not much of a vibe i don't actually know why  people [ __ ] on the fourth one so much uh do let   me know in the comment section below if you can  without spoilers this one was also directed by   steven spielberg story by george lucas the blurb  here says in 1938 after his father professor   henry jones senior goes missing while pursuing  the holy grail professor henry indiana jones jr   finds himself up against adolf hitler's nazis  again to stop them from obtaining its powers okay   so this is the sequel to the first film the second  film was the prequel so it was before world war ii   but it was during british occupied india but yeah  the thing that i really love about these movies is   that they're a blast from the past i'm excited for  this one without further ado let's get watching   indie what are they doing indiana oh  the young indiana utah 1912 half breed   run back and find the others tell them to have  luck that there are men living in the caves   oh god ah this must be the older indiana father  he's not afraid of snakes unless harrison   ford indiana wasn't afraid of snakes until a  certain incident there's always snakes in every film my god crocs and snakes maybe this is what makes indiana  so afraid of snakes this very moment   oh great maybe it is yeah yeah this would be it house of reptiles holy [ __ ] no way out of this oh don't tell me more snakes oh god oh no a lion oh god let's hope it's a  trained lion that is very scary passionate always passionate oh [ __  ] it's nice to see him as a young boy indiana's got magic we got the magic moves oh [ __ ] he's always getting away he's pretty  impressed by it as well like hmm this kid the female students are in love  with him so crazy that he's this mad   adventurer but he's also a university  lecturer this might interest you oh that's the cross to the temple where the cup that   upset or the cup that holds the blood of jesus  christ resides forever the holy grail the holy   grail the child eternal life dr jones the gift of  youth to whoever drinks from the grail now that's   a bedtime story i'd like to wake up to an old  man's dream including your father's i believe triggered triggered triggered i said let  me tell you another bedtime story dr jones   after the grail was entrusted to joseph of  arimathea it disappeared and was lost for   a thousand years before it was found again  by three knights of the first crusade three   brothers to be exact i've heard this one as well  two of these bro this is called the last crusade why don't you try my father we already have   your father is the man who's disappeared  oh [ __ ] stakes are much higher now venice italy is that where he's going   what is it he's dad i mean is that where he  is i don't know maybe you were afraid he would   be dead call donovan marcus tell him  i'll take that ticket to venice now i'll tell him we'll take two yes i haven't been to venice  since 2019 and ever since covered   i've been sad that i couldn't go back  to italy so this will be very nice   good luck i'll be very careful  don't trust anything trust no one doctor yes i knew it was you the female you have  your love interest and my mother's ears but the   rest belongs to you looks like the best parts have  already been spoken for oh that's right dr elza oh pretty i love old european architecture oh you see is that the roman numerals well now  we know the source of the numbers but we still   don't know what they mean after we find out why  so just keep it to ourselves find something no the tomb is somewhere in the library you said  yourself it used to be a church look three ah three seven seven ah oh my  god he's on to something this reminds me of the library  from resident evil 2 10. he is the coolest archaeologist that i have  ever come across in a film or in real life trying to be very just trying to be very discreet  lower me down oh sure thing   oh my god there's always skeletons aren't there  there's a night of the first crusade down here   that's where we'll find it now indiana's so smart  one secret passageways all the time without fail oh my oh my that is not good damn there honestly  like skeletons all the time everywhere oh my god very strong what's that bubbling down here and  retire but be careful oh rats oh my god   today i saw a dead rat on my driveway i kid you  not the first time i saw a dead rat disgusting   disgusting they're even more  disgusting when they're alive oh god they're making me feel sick oh oh at least they found the rest of the  script what's that it's rubbing dance nerd oh god who the hell is that oh no burning  the rats are they burning the rats oh my god   oh my god jesus oh they didn't deserve that oh my god oh my god oh god oh god yuck  yuck yuck well you know the   the rats have nowhere else to go everywhere  else is fire they're screaming the poor things are you crazy no no don't go between them jesus that is very tight   god damn very very narrow oh my god oh my god that was very  close oh [ __ ] oh my god [ __ ] hell i didn't come for the cup of christ i came to  find my father in that case god be with you in   your quest your father is being held in the castle  of gruenwald on the austrian german border jesus   being held right they've got a long  way away to go what do you think is   going on here since i met you i've nearly been  incinerated drowned shot and chopped into fish oh my god how dare you kiss me  oh [ __ ] she kisses him back i wonder if this man will ever settle down really he does like fast women  and she does like arrogant men oh my god junior is dad it is you junior don't call  me that please what are you doing here in   the tomb of sir richard found it found it the  inscription wants a richard shield alexandreda   he's such a kitty schoolboy junior you did it they wanted my diary yeah i knew i had to get  that book as far away from me as i possibly could oh we gave it to his son now they're after  his son dr jones yes they're both dr jones   you have to diary in your pocket you  don't do you think my son would be that   stupid that he would bring my diary all the  way back that face i came here to save you   oh yeah and who's gonna come to save you junior  i told you oh it's fun oh my god holy [ __ ]   and an arc an archaeologist that's a  murderer too you murdered all these soldiers but she's one of them what she's a nazi dude oh my god is she a nazi oh sorry oh no she gave oh no she is a nazi oh my god too  many times does he's let his dick   make the decisions for him this time it didn't  work out so well because he didn't take my advice uh not to trust anybody dr jones it's perfectly  obvious where the pages are oh really   he's given them to marcus brody he speaks a dozen  languages knows every local custom he'll blend in   disappear you'll never see him  again he's got the grill already   does anyone here speak english no no where  is he right now thinking he's like in a word from the first movie yay morning edition holy crap i can't forget  how wonderful it was oh god oh slept with her   own oh that is very awkward that's how austrians  say goodbye this is how we say goodbye in germany oh my god that's a lie it's chus or auf  wiedersehen i like the austrian way better   try and burn through the ropes  oh that's gonna be dangerous oh my god oh oh and it's very very dangerous  oh no oh no oh no this is bad this is bad   oh god oh god oh god oh god  the floor is on fire see and the trap oh god god oh my  god oh my god oh my god dad oh oh no oh my god there's always a secret passageway they just need to stay on  the other side almost free oh again okay now just shuffle shuffle oh my god there's a fire dude there's a fire on  the other side oh my god both sides are terrible then they're gone and they're gone oh my  god how did they escape from the fight oh oh oh oh oh oh oh the jones boys oh my god this franchise and secret passageways   yes get the nazis knock them down it's like hey dad did you see did you see dad oh my god is that supposed to be hitler   oh my god they're burning the  books they're burning all books oh my god [ __ ] off oh face face-to-face with the man himself oh my god giving him the  book straight up like that oh he thinks he just wants to he he thinks he  just wants a signature what an african idiot oh i miss germany so much not   not this germany but i just miss seeing  german words everywhere in germany tickets please oh [ __ ] oh my god that's so funny it's not always shared it's  disgraceful you're old enough to be her   her grandfather yeah that is  pretty cool i was the next man gross it's gross we never talked their childhood  you left just when you were becoming interesting i am here now oh my god what a shitty dad  i didn't know you could try a plane why yes yes well we've we've learnt  that from the temple of doom oh great they're being chased of course they are oh my lord but how beautiful are  these elves machine gun oh my god   o'clock oh my god what happened  to 11 o'clock are you serious oh [ __ ] it's a pretty bad shot oh my god he's ruining his own he's  ruining his own plane isn't that great no more or less well yeah you could say that oh oh oh that wasn't that bad  that was okay that wasn't okay ouch oh no oh my god oh okay oh my god   that's crazy that actually worked good  on you dad but rest in peace poor birds i'm glad i'm glad salah came back for this one   i do miss marion though i thought maybe i'd see  her in the third one dad we're well out of range maybe not oh yeah definitely  not definitely not out of range he has the map the book is useless and yet you  come all the way back to berlin to get it bye   bye what are you hiding oh my gosh oh rude that  jones is always getting away where's my father   they have them in the belly of that steel  beast right he knows he has to go back oh my god that poor horse jesus oh no oh [ __ ] it's got the upper hand yes i'm glad that horse is away from  indiana now he won't be targeted oh my oh my that sound effect so fake  that punching sound effect get the god get the gun oh my god oh my god oh god oh oh it just got inked oh my god oh my god oh my god just like just let go just let go  and run the other way this is very dangerous jesus oh my god i would literally oh my god um oh yes salah good old salah oh my god that was very close jesus yuck   that's just spurting out of his mouth just  gonna have to jump dude jump oh my god oh my god   oh okay indy's safe at least where's indy where is indy he's  probably hanging on to something surely oh my god no no surely not  oh he's not dead he's not oh there he is hey indie hey buddy is he gonna say something nice and sentimental oh look at salah's face oh oh my god oh yeah god that man's  traumatized he's so true oh no oh god oh god oh god the trail is mine   and you're going to get it for me shooting me  won't get you anywhere oh my god they shot his dad oh yeah cause she's [ __ ] his dad she  feels a little sentimental right now the penitent oh oh oh god where it's all happening and he's literally dying oh my god jesus that's grim it's impossible he needs to believe yes the holy grail is the only  thing that can save him now oh my god wow holy [ __ ] there you  go you know i was not really expecting   to see a religious film but you  know i'm not even mad about it wow maybe go a little bit faster dude  your dad's life is on the line after all wow oh sh oh my god steady you  couldn't even feel the sword you're strangely dressed for the night i'm from the future dude which one is it you must whereas choose true grail will bring you life  well that guy looks like he's been dead for ages which one's the holy grail i kind of think it's not the right one still did you get her the first try eternal life he really wants to live  forever damn that gonna kill him   is it the wrong one never truly know until  it like oh well that was the wrong one like he's dying maybe oh my god yo that's sick oh my god yuck jesus no wonder there's so  many skeletons all the time it's not that one any other volunteers testing  i'll test it out it would not be made out of gold   that's the cup of a carpenter you reckon that's the cup of a carpenter my way to find  that might be right to give it to his father   who's actually dying no don't  drink it yourself no oh my god you have chosen wisely okay  great now take it to your father he has to stay here pass a seal that mean his dad will live forever oh wow wow holy [ __ ] that is pretty amazing i guess shooting his dad gave him the  motivation to try and find the right grail they all ran away i'm invincible now you can't kill me does she want to live forever too we have  got it come on oh no oh no she's gonna   she's gonna stand on something oh no oh no don't cross the seal oh god  she's gonna die she crossed the seal she's an idiot oh isn't that great there goes  your holy grail there goes your holy grail   isn't that [ __ ] after all of that all of that i would have just let it go oh my god it's not worth it elsa your  other hand honey i can't hold you i   oh no you're gonna die you idiot  it's probably what you deserve man rip f in the chap for elsa junior give me  your other hand i can't hold on oh great he's   gonna try he's i can almost reach her dead oh  maybe it's enchanting him indiana oh my god   break break out of it better to walk away with your lives  run away with your lives more like it goodbye elsa never really believed in  the grail she thought she'd found a prize so weird that they sh she had the same woman  feels so weird what did you find junior   junior dad again please what does it always mean   is this junior what's his name henry jones  jr like indiana named the dog indiana you are named after the dog fond memories of that dog i always thought it was a interesting  name henry follow me another way   come on hi yeah oh my god settle down  brody oh my god sean connery died in 2020   i literally had no idea i'm just on his imdb  now he was james bond all of the bond movies he   was in i have never seen before but it was really  nice to see him play indiana jones father i think   they had really good chemistry as father and son  they bickered quite a lot but you know they're   a little bit similar to each other i mean they  both are very much into archaeology and as much   as indiana doesn't want to admit it he is quite  like his father um especially in the end where   we saw him reach for the holy grail i also think  that maybe the holy grail was enchanting him and   also elsa as well because they both said the same  thing i've almost got it i've i'm almost there i   can get it i can get it and they just had this  look in their eyes that made me think oh my god   they are being coerced by this cup to to choose  the cup over their own lives um and that was   probably the case the one thing that i didn't  expect from this movie is for it to have been   so religious i don't know a whole deal about  christianity um i have heard of the holy grail   though i think the first time i heard of the holy  grail was in the da vinci code i did see that in   the cinemas i was very very young though i did  not really understand what was going on but i have   heard of it and i've ever heard of the concept  before i just didn't expect indiana jones to go   that way and for him to have put his faith in  the holy grail and then a path was made for him   so that he could meet the knight um so yeah that  was a little bit different i did enjoy this movie   it was really lovely to see salah back as well  i didn't like elsa obviously i didn't really   i wasn't really attached to elsa the  only female that i really really loved   was marion marion is my absolute favorite and  i have heard that she is in the fourth film   which i don't know if i will watch just yet  let me know in the comment section below   whether you guys want me to see the fourth indiana  jones movie it was a pleasure to watch along with   you guys thank you so much let me know what you  thought of this film in the comment section below   do give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it  really helps my channel out and don't forget to   subscribe and check the uncut version on patreon  if that's something that interests you thank you   so much for watching take care of yourselves  and i will see you in my next one bye guys
Channel: Mary Cherry
Views: 135,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mary cherry official, marycherryofficial, mary cherry, millennial, australian millennial, australian girl, aussie girl, australian girl reacts to, aussie girl reacts to, reaction to, review to, review for, sweetanita look alike, sweet anita reacts to, natalie gold, alyska, for the first time ever, first time watching, empath
Id: Jxaqv-gyJLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 29sec (2489 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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