Coby jonesing for more INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE (1989) Movie Reaction FIRST TIME WATCHING

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how did you know she was a Nazi she talks and sleep [Laughter] [Music] hi guys welcome back to popcorn roulette don't forget to like And subscribe I'm Kobe and today I am going to get into Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade so this is my third film now in the series I watched Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark in chronological order so now I'm up to the third film which you guys also saw as the third film so for the full watch along head over to patreon and with that let's get into the movie [Music] I feel so familiar now you know what I mean I know the people I know Indie well only indie I guess nobody's nobody stays I bet we have a new girl this time I'm doubling up on my Steven Spielberg today well my uh lucasfilm and Steven Spielberg so I'm a little nervous because I feel like now that I've seen two and I really enjoyed them much more than I thought I would um so now I'm like this is the third one I'm not great with like series and trilogies and you know um so I'm wondering if I'll like be just as invested or if I'll be like ah yeah seen it what what River Phoenix what what it is Sean Connery I thought I said I thought I saw his face in something once ah and then I thought I was just making it out I was like isn't Sean Connery in in one of them different vibe to the others so far this is and we've never started in America before either from miles look at these little Scouts this is making me excited for my road trip across America later this year is that I thought that was Indiana Jones run it with a hat standing there but everybody's in a hat oh it's not I was like leather jacket hat I'm so confused hold on River Phoenix's baby and even this guy looks like Indiana Jones's outfit I guess that's just Explorer Adventure outfit wait wait it's only a snake he hates snakes maybe some maybe some big snake event happens this time because he already hates them in the others I love River Phoenix I don't even know what he stole I lost Focus I was getting so excited about it being River Phoenix playing young Indiana Jones but now I need to pay attention oh [Music] so I guess the guy dressed like him is just more of a coincidence that it's just you know a hat and a jacket but that did throw me it's 1989 so River would would have been maybe working out it's just a snake that'll do it ah oh that'll do it too blah that's so great to like go back and attribute it to this design I always wonder how hard that would be you see it in so many movies you know running across the top of a train then it always looks you know hard but not that hard I'm like can I do that oh this is funny I can't believe I never knew that River Phoenix played a young Indiana gem that River Phoenix hair is this his first time using one he's like I like this this is gonna be my thing grandchildren this should be in a museum alrighty Indy alrighty Dr Jones look at him [Music] oh but see the snake helped him then you think that that might put him a little bit more on side with them oh no [Music] that hat and jacket is still confusing for me it just feels too iconically his you know costume so yeah husky beautiful husky may He Who illuminated this Illuminate Me his dad is gonna is his dad is Sean Connery maybe yes it's just the man I want to say you still got it well yes sir you got witnesses oh man I had no idea his like Mission started so early he's been doing this for like when I started watching the first one I thought you know oh he's a professor what he's just gone off and done this crazy adventure but now he is used to it ah it looks so familiar at least I'm not crazy I was like that looks like his kind of hat looks like his jacket is this kind of vibe [Music] what same guy [Music] well so we're just cutting straight into the future where like he's gone after the same thing 30 something years later foreign [Music] sort of formula but already we got him as a kid we got him his dad the only Survivor they all just went down the whole ship just blew off and went down and that was that guy I know that crossfits in a museum back to his Clark Kent outfit he is kind of like him he's like he's got splash of Batman splash of Clark Kent he's a little superhero the craziest black spinners mystery and problems for the next hour stealing that shot from the other one is so funny from the Raiders where he she blinks and she has fluffy on the eyes [Music] he has a full-on part-time job saving history I don't think I've ever been like that excited or ear Keen or pushy to get my homework or my paper graded or my bike Oh look The Hat with the suit little combo like yourself Dr Jones I have a passion for Antiquities look over here is he gonna give him his new mission can you translate the inscription candy just off just off the bat like that I never looked up how many languages he can speak I'm gonna do that a cup that holds the blood of Jesus Christ resides forever the Holy Grail Dr the gift of Youth to whoever drinks from The Grail now that's a bedtime story I'd like to wake up to an old man's dream including your fathers I believe oh yes and maybe is was that his is Sean Connery gonna be his dad I thought that was his voice for a second but I now I'm two of these brothers walked out of the desert 150 years after having found the grill and began the long journey back to France who went in as an adult and walked out 150 years later so lived to like 180 200. as you can now see Dr Jones we're about to complete a great Quest that began almost 2 000 years ago I read The Da Vinci Code didn't they find it our project leader has vanished I want you to pick up the trail where he left off you've got the wrong Jones Mr does he ever go to work then if he just goes mission to Mission to Mission when does he teach your father is the man who's disappeared well if that's not motivation so we're definitely going to take the job do they have a relationship are they like estranged because they're so similar then if they're both um you know archaeologists and professors and stuff or are they they can't be that close or he'd know you yeah I don't know close enough that he would just go over himself into the house set up to then be like by the way your dad's missing instead of like hi this has happened and we need your help like the whole sales pitch came first and then other discovery that's what he got in his office but just didn't open it just put it in his pocket this is good I'm excited because like I said I didn't know I was gonna be different and then I thought it would just have his dad as a character and River Phoenix was a fun thing so now it's actually to go save his dad great don't trust anyone [Music] okay so we don't know who's taking him we don't know what's going on his dad went looking for the Holy Grail and then he has gone missing so we want the cup and the dad I want to go to bed because I haven't been to any of them it was India Egypt and now Venice and I desperately want to go to vedos let's find out why so just we keep it to ourselves is she gonna be a villain do we trust her he was looking for the tomb itself the tomb is somewhere in the library you said yourself it used to be a church three three he just comes in swoops in figures it out I mean she's probably trustworthy if she's gonna end up being his love interest for this one but maybe not I feel like she could be in on it and help them like steal his dad who knows yet too early to tell [Music] ah [Laughter] marks the spot the spot but he said X never marks the smart this is the exception I'm sure they're not going to be the biggest fans of you ripping up the concrete and the marble and the Whatever It Is Just Jack hammering the floor you don't disappoint Dr Jones you're great to like your father except he's lost and I'm not lower me down it's very different to uh okay Capshaw this this chick's like I'm in put me down there first that Marcus loves a skeleton all of these all three of them so far so many skeletons lighted on fire what are we looking for just another clue the Cup's not down here directly but this is just the next step so right so he's just following what his dad how far his dad had gotten and the next step was to That Tune come on see I think it's just the amount of stuff that's terrifying one rat again not so bad a thousand rats that's a fun [Music] hats off to the female characters in this that are always doing this stuff in their high-heeled shoes this one's Brave though she's good she's not squeamish she's got a couple Rats on her neck they can't all be just that can't all be petroleum though if he dropped that they would just ah it's a second Stone just like so it doesn't have any new information oh but it gets in the second half the rats scared to death yeah but you're scared to death of snakes and look how far you've come see that's what I mean about the petroleum did he get the etching already you got the full other half [Music] I don't know about that though because they'd come up and like the fire would have burned out all the oxygen there wouldn't be any air for them to breathe this would all be I don't know I like it sometimes you don't need to know every step of the way just like they made it [Music] beautiful little boats ah like little what is that like little Chris crafts [Music] wait and this is just to find the other half of that marker so we're still going to go off to find the actual Holy Grail right and Dad oh I don't even know his name what's his name Mr Jones but [Music] just fit it's just it [Music] gonna get squished more casualties in this beginning so far with the other whole ship blowing up ruining a beautiful boat look how perfectly it's just slicing it up like a loaf of bread she's doing some good boat driving she's great Brotherhood of the cruciform sword have been prepared to do anything keep it safe oh so they don't want to find it and steal it they're just protecting it so that like it stays secret I guess which is better I didn't come from the cup of Christ I came to find my father in that case God be with you in your quest but your father came for the cup of Christ across the desert and through the mountain to the canyon of the crescent where exactly yeah mother would know yeah they found them in Venice but where where is it even sending them nearby or the other side of the world Marcus get hold of Saul tell them to him what about you I'm going after Dad I guess if it is Sean Connery which it has to be now I it's he was probably already like super big so it's just a smaller part he doesn't need to be in the whole thing I'm grateful kihoi Juan was through the whole thing I still miss him let that be noted I miss him terribly maybe they can reference him now that this is after maybe they'll do like a little oh mention him please I love it she almost died today and her hair is back to looking fabulous since I met you I've nearly been incinerated drowned shot at and chopped into fish bait we're caught in the middle of something but that's a regular day for you I'm gonna continue to do things the way I think they should be done how dare you kiss me this is amazing [Laughter] he meets these girls and he's like yep and I hate arrogant men I don't like Fast women okay maybe she's she's not she's not corrupt she's not turned she's legit and they're gonna fall in love [Music] location wise this is my favorite like India and Egypt were great and like I said I still want to go to those in real life um myself but this this like these coastlines and these the waterways in Venice and ugh is this all through Italy and Spain and like Ah that's gorgeous what are you going to do no no think of something the whip profaning stuff was great that took me a second view that tapestries tapestries Scottish Lord then I am Mickey Mouse how dare he was a valiant effort but he didn't fall for his Scottish character oh no the Nazis again they're back I love her outfits this is nothing [Music] is he gonna be Dad yeah Junior Junior so does that mean his dad's name is Indiana too is that normally what they do you have to have the same name too I don't know let's see what's his name Indiana Jones senior yeah get your stuff we gotta get out of here yeah they come in through the doors so he's not being like hurt or tortured or you know kept in bad quarters and the tomb of Sir Richard he was actually there you saw him was left of him oh they're so cute yep Alexandra oh so they are really close so he would have been around in those other and like you know in his life and there's other films but then got written as a role for Sean Hari this is great yes you have the diary in your pocket you don't do you think my son would be that stupid um perhaps you didn't bring it did you did you well you did well downside in front of them and who's gonna come to save you Junior I told you don't call me that who's that is a professor like him and an archaeologist and all of that but he doesn't have the uh the soldier fighter superhero side to go along with it but she's one of them what trust me no I see where all right this is what I thought maybe potentially maybe yeah your shapes acting yeah she's a plant huh [Music] I knew it and then I changed my mind I should have stuck to it I didn't trust him why did you because he didn't take my advice so he is so Sean Connery as the professor archeology side and the ladies man's side it's not the the warrior side he's given them to Marcus Brody didn't drank for Mark so long did you he's not a challenge we'll find him the hell you will he's got a two-day head start on you if he sent him off to start with any luck he's got the grill already in at all the round glasses put me off like the other guy from Raiders like the other head Nazi just finished reading advice out run okay run run no was that I can't tell was that that wasn't a part of it that was an accident he shoved him in there I think he was trying to help him and then he put him in there and that was the Nazi truck but I don't think he wasn't on that tried to help take this diary to the Rice Museum in Berlin it'll show them our progress ahead of schedule oh she was on a step I was gonna say she looks about nine feet tall in that shot I can't forget how wonderful it was thank you it was rather wonderful that's how austrians say goodbye this is how we say goodbye in Germany wow he said he wasn't after the cup he was just after his dad if that's true he has his dad he would blend in disappear are you kidding I made that up you know Marcus you got lost once in his own museum hahaha pops no yeah give it more oxygen we have Marcus Brody more important we have the map to the fireplace oh and you know what oh my gosh uh when I was watching Temple of Doom and they had that whole opening scene in the Chinese restaurant and he copied the bonds look and I was like it's very bond in the white jacket and the flower that was a Sean Connery rebond right oh that's crazy and now he's in it as the dad and very on Sean Connery and unbond he's kind of like a little bit bumbly and not as cool as and composed as his son then no no no okay but this is still just getting out of here we're not even off to find the uh to find the the uh cup the Holy Grail but if I just sit down solution presents itself good job come on dad come on oh good idea to look like you went on the boat provided it keeps going it could just go across and then just get stuck on the they think they're on it they're very lucky that it's not varying just into the side [Music] and where's Marcus because they've captured him and taken his map and probably started their expedition to the Holy Grail [Music] it's so funny seeing Sean Connery as the you know the sidekick of sorts you know like he's so as Bond he's just so cool and and he's one of my favorite bonds but he uh he's got it together and seeing him drop his little bag and like nervous and hanging on scared on the in the sidecar it's very unbondesque [Music] he's like a little kid he's gonna stick it in the wheels folks half the German armies on our tail and you want me to go to Berlin into the lion's den Berlin it is oh my gosh what year is this set in 1938 right the first one said in 1935 then 36 and then yeah Temple of June 35 Raiders 36 and then this is 38. is she conflicted I just is she gonna turn is she gonna break away from all the Nazis she's the only female in it says she's got a breakaway and fall for it came back to the book I Believe In The Grail not this bus ticket let's see she doesn't want to be a Nazi Nazi with a heart of gold she wants to turn around her faith is in the Grail not the swastika is it meant to be the man himself Adolf this is gnarly ah I think he just thinks he wants his autograph he's a psycho I made it my Airborne was Germany behind us then I'll share that sentiment oh that feels like a foreshadow that something is gonna go horribly wrong before they get on that plane they're very cute together though as father and son oh man is he gonna recognize his face or he only is looking for Indiana okay but it's still cutting it very fine look at the tight little jacket that's hilarious Adventures is an interesting experience it's not always shared they're talking about sleeping with the same woman oh spoken for 20 years you left just when you were becoming interesting okay so they have in somewhat like estranged what do you want to talk about I love that did I tell you to wash your ears brush your teeth sit up did I parent you at all no turning around and taking us back to Germany are you gonna jump out oh they're gonna get in one of the little planes fly off from being from underneath d-e-k-v-y Delta Echo kilo Victor Yankee [Music] we got a little Top Gun action I mean I guess he's been doing it his entire life watch the fave women's loved it and seeing him make that little train crash movie was you know adorable and just showed you how long he's been creating like this it's insane beautiful Landing nailed it I'm slamming thanks and I was just about to say when I was talking about Steven Spielberg I was like one of the goats greatest of all time and then he lands and I wish I said it out loud because then he landed into a bunch of goats your experience for me it happens to me all the time what is in the bag because we haven't been able to let that go the entire time and it's inconvenient and awkward and he has to carry it he does not need the umbrella I'll tell you that much and what's in the briefcase because if the Diaries [Music] and Indiana has got his pocket what is uh Dr Jones senior caring that he can't let go of is it something that's going to be revealed later I'm like ah or is it just that he doesn't doesn't want to leave his little bit of luggage behind [Music] no no no I can't believe the plane gave it a shot what see the umbrella for sure leave it I can't I either I'm really in sync with it or Spielberg just makes it that way you know what I mean it's that good you're like he doesn't need the umbrella he doesn't need the umbrella you keep seeing it and I was thinking what is that for and then look at that I suddenly remembered my Charlemagne let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky that's funny go from zero to a hundred percent in 12.5 seconds and I even like that sometimes some of these older films I can't tell but that all looks completely green screen it's like all those hat outlines I think that whole building is just green screen what happened to Marcus Sala I believe they took Mr Brody with them now they have the right so they don't need the markers anymore the markers were just to find the city and uh and then the map takes them right to the spot x marks the spot compare the winter whistle Marcus she looks amazing we're well out of range [Applause] I thought he was like trying to shine a signal to Brody but he was obviously just reflecting off the lens of the binoculars or whatever and they saw him without transportation how did they get there then I got there somehow [Music] see the guys protecting the uh the Holy Grail I wonder if I mean because this is a fantasy fiction you know I um I wonder it could end either way which works too because it's you know not meant to be discovered either these protectors will win or uh or the Jones boys we'll find it Henry what are you doing here Henry it's not Indiana it's Henry Jones well this is a book I do think the junior senior thing was when you had the same name you know but obviously not Dr Jones Is Enough [Music] see it opened with River on a horse riding off and now we're back full circle back to Jones Jr on a horse that is not easy running with three horses tied to your horse let's hope that his streak of being missed and being shot at by people with terrible aim continues I mean we know he doesn't die but is that gonna do enough is that wedged enough it's a small rock is it gonna just obstruct it enough [Music] and he reloaded somewhere too because he was edible it's in that revolver right so he must have ammo on him see it's like neck and neck fighting it's got to get like dire again and then we hear the music and it'll be like the come up [Music] ha [Music] wait whose gun was that oh man there are so many people here now come on here hey what was his name Henry Henry Henry Jones it's not gonna shoot him like that not in the face it doesn't really get that kind of gory like nobody gets shot in the face but they do get shot and die see it's much more family friendly if he gets shot in the face he got ink in the eye stings for sure come on but we're not even at like the dig site right so we still have like a little ways to go [Music] what's he hanging on what's around it always whip no no what is that what's on him what's hooked him on he's saying closer to the wall closer to the wall he's [Music] a lot of liked his head bopping I'm done don't the whole Tank's going over again Thelma and Louise shot like in the uh life raft and then something else went over the edge too I mean there is so much action there is so much in these films [Music] I mean we know you don't go over but get off oh now he got off he's hanging right there but that was and then the guy dying was very Thunderbirds for a moment ah [Laughter] close I wanted to like you know oh I've lost you boy very sweet cute come on let's go she does see she looks she looks phenomenal there's just a random building in the canyon I mean not random that's where they're headed but look at that Marcus came on I was like everybody's in a different hat oh we haven't even done the three tests this is probably the first one only only pure of heart or God what was it foreign oh so that's it you don't even have to do anything it's literally like the uh never-ending story you know I mean it knows and if you are not pure of heart or in line with God or whatever the turn of phrase they used was it can only be indie I'm going to be drinking my own health when he's gone the way of the dodo who wants to live forever you're absolutely right huh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no just when you think that it's like Smooth Sailing hum is that a lion do you think one of these are gonna come to life for the uh the third and final challenge is something to do with a lion oh Neil Neil let me buy the skin of his seat though that was last minute I thought it was about the breadth of okay I'm just making wild guesses that would have been it that would have been him ever if he didn't hang on [Music] hang on it's when he um it's when he goes no one can jump this and that's and I'm like and then yeah I'm just gonna stay exactly where I was yeah you mean like just just jump blindly I'm scared hmm he's gonna jump and the ground's gonna appear oh my gosh oh he's not gonna leap he's gonna step oh but you can't see it I oh no you can I only had to do one and the whole path appears I wonder how much Faith like I wonder if you could just step off to the side and you'd also be caught there or now that you've done your leap of faith you still have to keep it very specific on the path you're still at risk of falling to your death the last of Three Brothers he's like hundreds and hundreds of years old [Music] I don't have time to explain it what oh because once he does it and sets them all off they can just follow so they just stepped off the cliff on the side that had no sand on it Choose Wisely true Grail will bring you life full screen or take it from you again every time we think we're done I have no idea what it looks like which one is it let me choose this is going to be her moment of redemption to help she's gonna pick him a bad one to drink and he's gonna die because she knows which one it is she knows because she's the historian too that's her asking for forgiveness and proving that she believes in the Holy Grail not the swastika he certainly is the cup of the king of kings I love that he just blindly trusts her but I guess he believes that she knows too so I've come all this way he's got to drink from one turning into the Crypt Keeper the tales from the crypts that is rough [Music] a finale skeleton whoo but Indiana Jones doesn't want to live forever he's not going to drink out of it right oh but he's gonna give it to his dad the rail cannot pass beyond the greatest price of immortal but the girl cannot pass beyond the Great Seal meaning what he has to go put it back I what you good you good it's ours Indy yours in mind right so where Sean Connery was was still within the perimeter [Music] so you can go there and access its power but you cannot leave and then I wondered does it go back up does it find its way magically back up to where it wasn't a little room with the Knight and all the other cups or or is it now is that it's resting place you know what I mean where it's just Fallen right now this is like the opening scene of cliffhanger the gloves living is the same it's exactly the same girl he called him he didn't call you junior he called you Indiana [Music] so why not just leave it there he was tired though he wanted to he wanted to die right he was like van Krishna is it all gonna implode and crumble and just be absolutely nothing even from the front what did you find Dad illumination what a day they don't even get it they don't get to keep it they can't put in a museum they can't keep the power they just he saved his dad's life that's his name Henry Jones Jr I like Indiana we named the dog Indiana his name oh he is that right see you are junior senior when you have the same name so Indiana's name is Henry too and Indiana it's just a nickname or the dog that they had and he liked it Henry follow me his name is Henry Jones they both are I thought so I got lost in his own museum after you junior Henry Jr [Music] foreign awesome did I just say awesome after Indiana Jones movie I'm converted I'm a fan [Music] oh man that was great that was so good and I think I had the lowest expectations for that one because I was already two in you know what I mean I was like how are they gonna do another one and I still have one to go I still have four to go um but let me just mute this so I can ah take these off that um that was so much fun like I said I didn't know how I would go and I just I enjoyed them all so much I uh short run still is my favorite I know I won't it's not mentioning him I love him um but that was great I am officially Indiana Jones fan like I wish I had seen them earlier and um and in the theater would have been awesome but uh but I loved it and that one was that one might be my second favorite I think so far my favorite is Temple of Doom then this one then the Last Crusade and then Raiders so I look forward to seeing the fourth one thanks for watching along with me don't forget to uh like And subscribe and we'll see you next time bye [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Popcorn Roulette
Views: 31,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reactions, Youtubers, reactor, reaction channel, reaction videos, react, reacting to, trending, popular movies, movie reactions, tv shows, tv show reaction, movie, film, film reaction, best reactions, best reaction, best reaction channel, new movies, cinema, movie clips, clip, reaction video, honest reaction, classic movie, movie review, indiana jones, indiana jones 5 trailer, Sean Connery, Harrison Ford, The Last Crusade, indiana jones and the last crusade movie reaction
Id: Qqs_OwkFeio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 43sec (2923 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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