Smokey and the Bandit(1977) 10-4-the fun!

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that's all that Bert Reynolds Smoky and the Bandit about a truck driver Smoky and the Bandit daring Sally Field the only other movie I've seen about a truck driver is over the top from the trision tell the truth the truck is the most important thing for me oh wonder if he knows how a double shift and Jackie Gleason is Sheriff Buford I missed that as usual it's got a good turning radius do you ever Palm it I love doing that in my car paling it I can't get out of my head The Bert Reynolds from Celebrity Jeopardy nor McDonald an oversized hat it's funny yeah I found this backstage oversized hat funny take a look at that so good if you haven't seen it you got to watch it hey Kirk how you doing all right ankles how are you what what was his name it's your IGG son open her up let's see the Manifest oh CS dumb cowboy you know truck and Kors beer east of Texas is bootlegging just a friendly bet big and little Enis bdet make that same bet with every gear Jammer they can't gear Jammer is that a nickname for you truck drivers Texas Mr beg oh oh drag rayon Optimus Primes I love it find the Bandit I ain't seen look at their outfits is that his nickname I'm the guy paying him $25 a day so all his loyal fans can look at him I'm buying your attraction make rain buddy Truck Rodeo see the legendary Truck Rodeo King Bandit Bandit that's his hat that's the Hat I get it now from Celebrity Jeopardy oh I love your suits it must be a [ __ ] getting a size 68 extra fat and a 12 dwarf he's a bit of a meanie what's he get if you wins this truck rodo thing R $5,000 Dy chicken [ __ ] money that's what the hell you want anyway you to get out of this dumbass rodeo and accept a real challenge what's the challenge now get the Tex Arana and back in 28 hours that's no problem it ain't never been done before o look at those flares those are tight tight jeans that he's wearing so that's uh that's F like you I believe you're just a little bit scared that's great psychology why don't you just say something bad about my mother your mama is so ugly that comes to about 3 Grand an hour if you make it 28 hours I bought that for a challenge why do you want that beer so bad because he's thirsty dummy well let me see your cash big en's word is gold is it I don't trust that I also don't trust that roller coaster in the background well let's see there's uh 400 cases of fear I'll need the cash for that no problem go ahead boy this kid just has all the money lock for the truck you know okay go ahead boy like to kick his ass just once why is it calling everyone boy speedy car go ahead what why did he make a horse sound hello Don H Bandit he literally goes by the name Bandit you can't have him well obviously you can you guys leave us jail once leave us how many kids does she have always you keep me right in the ball no I will never ever do you wrong again a big chance to make a run oh this must be like his best friend must be tired from driving all night what are we going to do get after to pop or something we're just going to run over to Tex Arana and pick up 400 cases of Coors and bring it back in 28 hours that's called bootlegging an S against the law this say a smokey who gives a turkey when the Snowman and the Bandit are running the booze oh snowman sure ask me what for the money for the glory and for the fun for the fun by way how much money did you say it was $80,000 now B I'm telling you get here ain't going to be no problem there a hound dog that ain't never been done not no R of course we can make it we ain't never not made it yet have we no yeah I see I see all right Bert Reynolds is a total Vibe I think I've only ever seen him in buggy nights look at this car well God Mighty what you look today don't put the dog on the car you're going to scratch it I'll be driving this one he yeah blocker blocker you'll be driving the truck this is Bandit one and that is uh Bandit too now you know them Smokies they got them CBS in the car now you know that I know that I know I haven't worked that out yet what are those radios or something if I say go to channel 21 forget it we ain't going to 21 we're going to 19 oh he's got a plan on the odd channels right switched every time and started in the basement that work too let's all that oh it peeled out of there holy they're doing it w this is the Bandit is a snowman out there I hitting you son I'll be within ear shot you keep it wound up to around 90 well they said it couldn't be done well that's the reason son he's got to prove something prove he can do it what a hell of a way to see the land and the countryside than being a trucker truck driver you just get to see so many things uhoh the Poo the banjo that's my impression of the banjo are they going to be able to do [Applause] it attract a lot of attention to you well hello there SMY oh the cop Smokey so Smokey and the Bandit is he going to be able to lose them o look at those turns whoa slick like a glove helps that your car is black oh I think Smokey might come back after you uh-oh [Music] uh-oh he broke the fourth wall that was so amazing that was so Charming little pesky little devil isn't he that Bandit welcome to the city I don't know what that said but Texas did you guys ever do that as kid meaning like did you say it like a UNT and pretend you were an air horn cuz we used to do it all the time oh there is CS uhoh it's a little too quiet yeah we know what to do around here for excitement probably drink we're about our head SCH you let's keep it that way huh what are you going to add breaking and entering oh hey want a beer well H Redneck Heaven how we going to loan all this stuff though you can't drive no Fork label I can drive any fork and you need a ticket for that that's how he solves problems he's like whatever let's just do it oh no idiot what an idiot funny very funny I thought it was funny you just leave a note tell the folks to send the bill to Big Enis berett he's he left without him no man looks like we about 28 minutes ahead of schedule I say I told you so oh don't get too cocky now you might not make it now put the pedal to the middle I'm 10 10 on a side [Music] sorry I don't want to get married terrific did she just leave her husband does this thing move oh yeah is she a Runaway Bride this is looking a little sus woo look at this Duo though they know how to cruise that's for sure where are we going no don't tell me let me guess we are a bride in search of a wedding no there is a wedding in search of a bride right away bride think of it as a wedding posy in search of a bride do you understand that cowboy I haven't seen Sally Field in any younger stuff I've only seen her in like four scump and the Robin Williams one Mrs Doubtfire steal Magnolia last time I saw legs like that they had a messy St to these are great little legs I'm a professional dancer oh now Cowboys love fat CS God he just has Burns and burns and burns and burns he hasn't said anything nice about anyone yet oh he's ripping are we really going 110 no idea when I bought this wedding going to be so hard to get out [Music] of what no wipe that look off your face buddy oh he's got one of them big hats too who is this is this the [Music] groom oh it's before Justice hold up on our car wash gentlemen Miss son you punks look tuck it out too oh he's wearing a CO shirt n a lady in a wedding G yes sir God he's a sweaty mess get in a car yes sir see who driving no sir license plate yes sir uh Georgia plates think he really has photographic memory like that and remembered it hands on a car until one of my associates arrive and don't play with yourself it wouldn't look nice on my highway don't do it he just nodding his head I'm definitely not afraid of bord he's just kind of gross and creeps me out a little bit not afraid of him like kicking my ass or anything these kids are like whatever he's gone let's let's get out of here you know what you want I I'm staying right here8 years old oh goodness what's this I tuck it right in nobody walks out on a pretty wooden ey set up to get that girl set up street is that his dad she insulted my son yeah it was a quick engagement she didn't want to get married get over it I love that Julia Roberts movie Runaway Bride I've seen it a million times happens every time one of those dancers start Pont tanging around with those show folk FS it's like literally the amount of times in the recent reactions I've heard pun Tang is like it's epic she's literally the most cutest thing I've ever seen in my life don't you no I don't think you're crazy I picked up three Brides yesterday come back back Bandit Bandit is this your name or your profession what's he wearing now come back his laughs are so cute tell me what that one's got on [Laughter] man these boys be wild who he going to leave me in no church oh are you embarrassed knockers bouncing all over the joint the go that way he grabbed the steering his dad why so fast you late for a big bowling date cute no I mean uh what do you do besides drive fast have fun driving no driving talking to me well they're both a challenge got a great profile yeah I do don't I it's too good I love the banter uh-oh all the cops be taking peas in this movie as he drives by he's taking a 10 100 well at least it's better in a 10 200 oh they shared a giggle Smokey got to hit the pedal to the metal now U-turn this movie is basically about him outrunning the cops right I forgot to tell you I'm uh running blocker for 400 cases of illegal she got in the car holy [ __ ] the hell did that happen I'll be back on on the highway in a second all right good buddy she really is impressed she liked that super slide I think I just went 10 100 that's 10 200 oh they're falling in love Quick aren't they nothing like a little banter and a little flirting going 110 miles per hour I'm about four out here to you turkey not for long you got trouble coming big big trouble Smokey Bear and I'm tail grabbing your ass right now oh oh he is right there it's a Texas mounty what the hell is he doing in Arkansas I don't know let's just see what he's got under the hood but you know who that is byebye baby bye-bye baby smoke watch I just started literally just started definitely got some all coming traffic be careful be careful I love this correspondence that they have between them you're not going to be able to this moving CV radio show and I I don't even have a handle put your seat Bel on are you crazy he I'll think one up for you just a minute here I see what oh God I thought he was going to hit that pole you done good didn't you fre what a joy ride frog cuz you're always hopping around and you're kind of cute like a frog oh she's so so cute I'd like to jump you nobody makes Sheriff buet te Justice look like a bom's Bea the lines in this they're so good there was a Texas bubblegum machine on your back door oh oh he almost put him into a tail spin oh well yes now they've lost him for good this is County M doing an Arkansas I don't know she knows well who the hell knows I don't know cough it up lady with here is a complete lack of respect for the law I'm in Pursuit Of a Black Transam oh it's a TransAm I don't know car names this is Sheriff dup justice of Tex Texas God imagine that was your dad no wonder why she ran away from you on fact that you are a sheriff is not Germain to the situation the goddamn Germans got nothing to do with it she's not going to want to come back with you so there's no point uh my handle silver tongue devil and I'm here to tell you your fellow C beers are Mighty proud of you out there come on I love all these handles a county mounty roadblock down there you are a silver Tong devil but you keep your wheels spinning and the Beavers grinning in huh I'm out classic guy classic guy he's not going to be able to outrun everybody forever but it wouldn't be a movie without it did you see that they went right through a roadblock you some [ __ ] just couldn't close an umbrella I've never heard that before all the stunt men in this are probably so amazing all the stunt drivers listen I don't care if your daddy is the mayor you wreck this car it's going to come out of your pain yeah but sure he's getting away son he's not going anywhere the mberry bridge has been dismantled for the past 6 months oh oh it really has he's going to jump it though why don't you just drop me off here I'll catch a cab how you going to catch a cab White Knuckle o yeah we did it oh oh two in the hole no it's like rock it back guys rock it back I wreck sh uhoh you're going down idiot we did that did you say what we did yes I did it would be a kind of a turn on you get into this car it's the handsome dude driving fast running away from Cops you're into that thing you sound a little tall on radio oh whatever boord get out of [Applause] here his son just looks so useless he seems like he doesn't even have a personality no wonder why she didn't want to marry him snowman yet there son I'm up here doing what I'm supposed to be doing trying to make the Run in under eight hours I think she's getting high from those cigarettes or sick I'm going to drop the little dolly here off at a choking puke and then I'm going to get right back on a job what's a choke and puke how about bringing me a hamburger for Fred here I'm getting to worry about him he looking a little thin in the skin no he does not look thin in the skin that's where I'll get off right no they want each other don't let her go you know you ought to give up smoking that's bad for your help but I enjoy it so much okay so this is a choke and puke I guess you can get your ticket over there hey thanks he can go back and find her one day please it was nothing I see you around no do not part you're going to be all right yeah I'm always all right oh they're never going to forget each other now you got to catch up dollar and a half a dollar and a half let me have a Diablo Sandwich or Dr Peppa make it fast I'm going to goddamn hurry you want something dad he doesn't realize he's right there he must be in a hell of a hurry huh Sheri bet your ass on that boy let me let me help you out here like karate chopped him off him I produc my goddamn Maniac all the way from D flick off his food spit God he's insufferable he's disgusting I can't even look at him I'm going to have a heart attack oh ew where again I got to dick squ all right back there just and now he is gone is she going to be in the car hey hey what are you doing in my car he's letting her drive sh Justice is in there I know I know Ew with that food breath cleaning his glasses no thank you oh he's walking with toilet paper on him oh she's very kind say he's not even embarrassed oh his son is asleep he didn't see anything Tru is I didn't want to be dumped at any old truck stop I wanted to stay with you oh why didn't you ask well you might have said no and I have a hard time handling rejection oh no big accident whoa look at her go I don't think that's that easy to do unless you get trained gas and break at the same time actually want to go out to one of those training facili and do that okay turn around again he better be driving now unless she's pretty good at it was that was a guy Stunt Driver for her we're gaining on him I think it'd be a good idea if we change places Don't You O ooh this is going to be good I just going to slide oh you got my hair sorry I love this ooh she's going to be sitting on his lap how cozy come on it's not God damn it I do it movies are they going to be able to fit under this oh my god oh I was going to say they're going to get sliced convertible now that car is taken a beating no man how your vocal cords crawling with B where the hell are you I'm still trying to get rid of that Texas County Mountain I don't know what the hell he wants no he doesn't know that he wants her oh a hearse is's holding his hat for him oh no now that's the procession for the funeral what the hell was that a left or half of you Bandit this here is the grave robber put the pedal to the midle good buddy and we'll hold this County mounty as long as we can he has everybody on his side he's known on the roads this would be so frustrating it's like a train crossing and you're just like no offense to the deceased but if you're in a car chase it would be very very annoying just give up bord just give it up I could have been kicking up Mr Bandit's ass around the Moon by now too bad you're so dumb you didn't realize you were talking to the actual Bandit I'm coming over I just love imagining them like being towed obviously cuz they're not going to be doing this for real and just the shooting of this would be so so much fun why does he have to hold his hat just take the hat off I like a see better anyway yes have a smoke it seems to help oh The SAR ASM so pure eyes on the road [Music] girl into the baseball game I'm actually in shock End of the Road copper can you say anything yeah it's a football game can we watch daddy I think he doesn't oh I think he doesn't care that she left him I'm at M marker 85 son of a God so mine he took a shortcut is he going to throw him his Burgers I guess they're ahead of schedule so they can finally make a pit stop I love how they've been leap frogging each other this whole time lus yeah this is frog she has her own call sign now hey Bandit nice ass than a she knows how to handle herself she does have nice legs come on come on Fred I'm damn tired of picking you up I got to to Fred oh no this is not going to be good the delivery time well I used to do some crazy things I used to and you still are doing a few crazy things now cuz you have a lot of fun I just go from place to place and do what I do best show [Music] off yes oh yeah you do do that well she said do do what a cute moment so do I almost 12 minutes oh shut up they're adorable adorabl literally what chemistry they're so cute get over here friend you bad doggy bad doggy well he's been stuck in the truck this whole time he needed to have a little bit of fun he's going to have a stinking wet dog in his truck Mr Bandit Mr Bandit welcome to Mississippi Sheri he's sleeping again you some [ __ ] don't you curse on this your radio now here it is you tick turd I'm going to get you how come you're following me oh he's going to find out now do the letters fo mean anything to you no oh like f off right have a smooth ride Mr Bandit they were right there the whole time is he an idiot looks like we got a clear shot all the way to the Bama State Line get back in that godamn car what's the relationship reminding me of it's it's not hitting me yet holy [ __ ] we got a lot of company up there uh oh Serge he comes yeah I got he's good at getting away so just make them chase you and outrun them Roy I was born ready I was born [Music] ready oh he went around he went around the building classic they always fall into a little river of water sge you okay you see me moving don't you the on Liners in this are too good want to do a little Pond hopping frog swell hope he's got the right tires for the job how is he able to get through cuz he drives so fast he's still holding the goddamn hat I can't he has like no love for his son I mean this is all about him now it's not even about getting his bride [Music] back he caused all of this AB Bandit and he up people love him they all want to be the Bandit another chunk off the car I got to barbecue your assy glasses oh he can't catch him so I don't think he can soon as I get home the first thing I'm going to do is punch your mama in a mouth what so much violence against women for no reason he's mad at the mother for birthing him Bandit honey this is the Good Witch of the North speaking you'd better not come this way there's been a little fender bender I love how everyone's helping them out lady don't you know you're supposed to Signal oh oh it was a play by by the north witch oh they're going in the back country little off-roading they kind of have the same outfit on she just needs a hat up I love full surf oh this is very romantic was this planned do you think we have anything in common your sass your sarcasm it depends on what part of the United States you're standing in as to just how dumb you are Mr Bandit you have a lyrical way of cutting through the [ __ ] nothing wrong with just good oldfashioned liking someone for the way they are only smile that looked like an awkward walk down the hill the way they were holding each other it'll never be boring I can tell you that I don't think it would be take your hat off cuz I'm going to kiss you oh he's going to touch her face kiss her that means he really likes her look at his lips oh my God it's like an open mouth kiss kind of smushed his face into her I don't know I don't know this your goddamn mut what did he just say yeah that's my dog yeah he just bit me what Fred absolutely don't like GRE oh god oh snowman oh no those guys were just looking for a fight I think oh he's not going to be able to drive don't tell me the truck's gone can you see straight Snowman want tough mofo what wait is he leaving the dog I'm sorry what oh thank God how did the dog get out oh he's not going to be able to make it in time they got to make it in time though a lot of burgers oh R over the bikes yes payback oh Baby that would feel so good he didn't give a f get off of there is the horn busted how can he even drive that would be so annoying [ __ ] like that on the highway they don't give a [ __ ] who you are one of the most highly respected law enforcement agent in the United States of America and you suck I hope you'll accept my apologies for my profanity [Music] no he's going to regret that one later he's going to be like damn it I should have like stood up to that guy more copy this snowman come on I got got you son come on back are they doing what I think they're doing we're going to really have to cook is that a 104 that's a big 104 cool place to put his hat one day I came home and found him in the shower with a girl and her mother at least he kept it in the family e e it's a good joke though you have a wonderful way of putting things so did he I need a smoky report and I needed bad son this is foxy lady Bandit why don't you come by and pay up in person I'll catch you on the on the flip side darling I'm too poop to pop I'm smitten with another woman right now so I can't come in lucky this get Alabama this is also dedicated to Noel red punch buggy no returns ah can we slide right into your convoy there welcome Ed is out and your coming home they are all tricky tricksters um out running the law baby and this intricate system that they got I love them I love them yay hot that's why I used to love to drive those trucks darling spot those beavers safe is in your mother's womb here darling is that right they're just so good at running everybody off the roads camo look at all these tricks they run they're so good his laugh this whole movie's been so good oh they don't see him yeeha I you Mr B thanks guys you can thank me by not getting cold hey Bandit this is Little Beaver oh she's Little Beaver I thought he was making a joke about a beaver giving everybody the thumbs up hi I have just apprehended the Bandit you just apprehended my C he's like literally the worst cop ever the worst sheriff in any town it's a shame your last name is Justice welcome to Georgia the state of Adventure you know who that is that's Mr evil Canal hold on to Fred son here comes the calry woo oh so he can distract him he'll like speed by him and then he'll get back on his Spike time you truck is learn these roads don't belong to you boy she's a saucy [Music] lady good teammate coming back to help them out don't take your foot off of that Hammer sign and B about to fall over you like Maple sh you're toast you're not going to make it unless that thing's a Scrambler oh oh again in the water every time I guess it's like a safe stunt maybe to land in that I just made that up don't you notice I said thanks a lot I'm really good at that in Mario Kart I'll take you on the inside got even my SS and there goes another police vehicle disregard my last transmission this music the chase reminds me of Yoshi Island in Mario Kart it's like one of my favorite levels my favorite is Grumble Volcano but I love Yoshi Island it's definitely got that twang he just got picked up what a landing you you let me off with the next acent imagine that was your line in a movie damn he's been stirring up trouble oh big trouble cuz they're on a timeline Chop Chop the bandits coming oh he's popular is that hot pants Hillard I hear yacking out there is abandoned darling well where are you you bodied up smooth talking thing going to come screaming by there in about 5 minutes with a herd of smokies on our ass you're going to owe me one I owe you a big one favors and favors and more favors all right gang we're going to go for a big Smokey red 22 you sure we ain't going to get in trouble I've done it before don't be such a goody tou have a little bit of fun o look at that Ford Brun 10 hot pants we coffee let go of the button oh that's like literally my dream car oh no now they have the chopper is this like literally 2 hours of just a car chase but it's so exciting and fun oo how are they going to lose them now I don't see it happening no every time I see this site I go mad did you count on this no I didn't I didn't put that into my equation lus talk to me my boy God damn it son we gave it our best shot we're going to hang it up whoa n it's me there after they don't even know clean of snow exists let him finish the run so move over a little bit good buddy because the Snowman is coming through hold on your ass B I call Frank it's Fred it's not a movie reaction without me messing up someone's name at some point hot damn we're going to make it hot damn here they [Music] come that's going to cost you it's going to be a huge pile up now here it come all for the beer and all so he could prove that they could make it you're a fantastic Duo that is F show drop the load and get out daddy you're about to have your evening Ru oh my God look at these outfits now that was a close call God damn we're 10 minutes ear in trouble we're in I know we're in trouble look we need two things we need a way out of here we need the money yeah how about the money how about double or nothing no you to Boston bring back some uh clam sheler for me and my daddy you're on in 18 hours you're still on you're you're crazy and I'm divorced oh that was awesome super smooth 20 to1 I break the son of a [ __ ] this time they just keep testing them and testing them give me 500 on the Bandit a ass for reckless PR do what I tell you you pile of monkey nuts you're the monkey nuts Sheriff T justice please who there he's oblivious to everything that's around him where are you you son [ __ ] you must be pardon I've been chased by the best of I was giving him some props yeah that's true he really was dedicated as the pursuer may I see you at a godam pursu I have a pursue now that's a tongue twister where are you you son [ __ ] I can't lie to you Sheriff you're too good a man look over your left shoulder peace no hard feelings [Music] Junior wait for me who's going to hold your hat thank you guys so much for watching Smokey and the Bandit with me that was high octane fun it was wonderful I love getting to see Bert Reynolds in something other than Boogie Nights and I just loved seeing Sally Field younger she is so charming and they had incredible chemistry I loved all the witty on Liners in this the slapstick comedy the freedom the simpler times I loved all the themes of like rebellion and the freedom and the camaraderie from everybody I just loved it I loved how everybody banded together to help the Bandit and in doing that they all felt like they had succeeded and they had won and he yeah I just thought that it was such a fun fun fun movie I can see how this movie is incredibly nostalgic for people who grew up with it can definitely Captivate audiences because it's it's a fun one it just nothing but fun and I think that the humor in it really resonates with people and I think the actors were they just felt so real they they felt it felt like you could be one of them and they felt so grounded and real and truthful and I just think there's so many quotable lines from this thank you guys so much for watching with me if you love movies don't forget to hit the Subscribe button hit the like notification Bell so you never miss a video and I will see you guys in the next reaction video ciao [Music]
Channel: Hold Down A
Views: 44,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0ZULa_QvMNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 27sec (2247 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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