Climbing with Worlds Strongest Woman

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mr. Tom Boyden sir yes sir this is dr. Stephanie Cohen she is I would say  arguably the most talented female athlete I've   ever met I mean when you learn the backflip  I never saw anyone do it like you did that   was like so perfect okay I can't imagine  sucks about it I was like the only one   who can do a backflip but we're in his  home now you're in my home's welcome and   Steffi how many World Records do you have  we're talking about this earlier today Axl okay nobody not even record books but  you're gonna get her on the wall yeah   yeah welcome I had Judy and Devin they had to  guess how do you guys think Stephanie will do she'll get to a five I don't think she'll  get a six okay that's my prediction well   she probably do that yeah it's not your  first time though right you plan before   yeah how many times what do you say I mean  a few maybe under ten I don't you can get   be five does your YouTube audience know that you  are socks with sandals in very very cold weather I mean this is going to be in that you a what  275 right now oh you are okay nice set for you   how much do you weigh right now are you big  they're supposed to be blue you understand   me okay you're being way too stretched out all  right Liz Hayden Hayden is also power lifter   also incredibly strong and super athletic nice  and this is Alex's floor also a power lifter   not as athletic as the other team is good at  bench press though so that might translate   those are losers right there I mean you've got  like an extra cheek that forms from how tight   they huh that was way too easy for all of them  so we're gonna move up one grade this is gonna   require a little bit more problem-solving  you see beginners they will try to figure   it out on the wall and that will cost them  a lot of power to cost yourself power guys most important part of climbing you have to always   make sure to put enough chakra now  if you just race skip and a whole there you go spout do your left leg higher there  you go yeah yeah all right that was good but that showed that you can just  you can skip things and still do it you can do   it every way you want to do don't find Matt watch  Magnus for the most efficient path yeah there you   go there did they're strong magnets it's like the  first one was dead lifting 1:30 ok find me this   is like that lifting 130 that's like more than my  man you know you're Max's are right around there   okay but that's very under there max yeah  I know I know drive is yellow next that's   be three to be for everyone except one the last  it's great I don't think it's gonna be the same   this time watch Magnus's hands they do magic  he's in Norwegian magician in this trade okay yeah yeah my director Oh Oh God who's a lemur next one is good eat up coughs which catch me so what you can do is you can try it   we can find a less scary one but  this one is pretty tall come on in yes can you put up right foot  up right up right foot up Oh okay Ian's had enough time to problem-solve  there's 250 pounds of man Ian if you if   you aced this this is a big step for a large  mankind he is not wearing these shoes right now I gotta say these guys are doing really  well for being especially for being so   heavy yeah really strong I'm gonna try this  yellow one yeah let's see how terrible it   goes for me don't forget to chalk up Tom I  know I know hi I have to take off my shirt it's okay what what rating would you give  that 10 or 10 out of 10 oh yeah thanks yeah   look there's that's not actually true because  Russians never rate anything 100% you haven't   announced your citizenship yet hey we  haven't announced us on Magnus's videos   ladies or men out there if you're needing  of a Russian mate that you could get a visa   for anything for green card comm private  lesson 4 - meet Bo how to take the shirt on   more efficient oh you take it here yeah and  just go around yourself like this from here hey what sure was that you just took off oh okay  that's I don't make sense wait are they available   no they're available now where can I get them  you can get them at Ronny calm oh yeah and eighty   percent of profits are being donated to orphanages  actually the biggest one is the Norwegian tree   foundation where Magnus is actually bringing  children out you haven't done this one yet okay feeling out my balance guys okay this one is going   to be a lot more technical than  the other one okay okay Magnus Gobekli being I know spirits did just ears it's more effective if you have  better shoes I'm just using this blue thing just always tried nothing with your I Spit full of love nice magic yeah yeah there you go yeah yeah I said Oh you're pumped as hell  right now that was good though let's try that's a flex the  only flash legal in public get your feet up yes yeah there you go Heights yes yes stop it what did Magnus Susan stop them  it's their [ __ ] man doing this so magnificent shoes are much much better than  ours yeah switch the right arm to push right   arm push like a dip yeah yeah I was the best  at I was really good oh yeah you're you're   up there like a pull-up and like you were  saying to him it is a muscle up you just   got a funny yeah you put my right foot  on the bottom once that's gonna be hard yeah get the next hole you  have to get the next hole first that's hard I stomata switch the grill yeah yeah yeah come on oh yeah get out there the power of me do you think rock climbing could be beneficial  to you yeah I I preach movement variability I   think it's so important to get up out of your  comfort zone and move in different ways and   kind of especially because if I'm spending  time here I means I'm spending time away   from the barbell which in situations can be  good but at the same time I'm still you know   improving my flexibility improving my body  awareness brewing my conditioning so I think   there's benefits to trying or doing all sorts  of sports especially in the offseason like I   said you know as my main sport its powerlifting  I wouldn't be doing this in the middle of a prep   right or like a week before a competition but my  second videographer is super into rock climbing   boys yeah she's always inviting us to go see is  that she saw that we were rock climbing she's   so funny I think enjoyed this a lot more than  with harness yeah yeah more social yeah do you   figure out stuff together even though I mean  you would do it differently than some of the   taller guys but still figure it out together  that's what they said magnet stick away from   paying price of the nicer yeah find something  very strength oriented the stuff that you're   good at like you're not very technical  like if there's a FIFA his would be 65 no you guys are gonna do this with feet after my  guess is just showing you guys were canvassing it Safiye do you want to do that I want  to yes can i realistically do it no   am i embarrassed by that yes you're  embarrassed no no stuffy if you do   this now you guys could have hybrid  rock climbing yeah give it a go give   it a gander okay Stephie something says Lena  oh nice okay so watch magnets do the leg feet using his toes so that was easy to follow right nothing there you   go yeah yeah you do dude yeah  yeah this is good nice okay now's the fun part   all will be Magnus give them something easier  bro Judy and Devin did this green one right here the winner you French over here I don't  want to go up sister router people I don't like yeah yeah yeah you playing badminton  now yes two hands to answer oh my god yeah that was a world record for two minutes  and 30 seconds of ones problem come on yeah easy you guys there's some aggression  no I'm so nervous I have butterflies in my   stomach it was severe disadvantage  because they were height that's   okay that doesn't matter do it a little  bit differently get your people to hire but get the right foot up yeah you can move your left  foot that one liar - you're   doing all this right yeah yeah like that movie guys that's a hard one yeah I feel like  that was an unusual way of doing it yeah   it was a lot harder for you through the  few put Devin's side by side with stuff   less that would look really weird okay  so while they are resting a little bit   I'm just gonna find some bowlers to try  why are you shaking your pants because   it feels good bro okay yeah b7 b8 looks  very slow P so it's more viewed right next one okay really hard what about the small one on the  top of that I think you have to use a small one   actually yeah you have to cross to that one okay  I thought the small ones were just for fun but   okay you actually have to use the small ones oh  my god sorry YouTube sorry eh - he's not a flash okay you found a bait on that one as out  of you're welcome yeah thank you need more   boulders yes Oh what about like are you  asking me before that's right so I made   a bowler like your campus full of phantom  cuz he prefers doing campus bouldering well   while I see and it's a very strange bowler I  didn't try myself so now I'm gonna try it it   might be really hard I don't know because  I haven't tried it okay if you do it from   the first of them I quit bothering for really  gonna hold you to that really I was thinking   that you my friend you'll say no if I do some  the attempts you will be in Boulder forever nice thank you for let me stay in bed Nikhil  I mean how was it that was good you do go wash   in deep pain right now I think it's always fun  to end the session off we'd like you look at   a campus sing and stuff and for you is probably  really good I mean this is much more relevant for   the Ninja Warrior stuff that you do so yeah I'm  gonna try it one more time though the hard part   here is like you stopped the first one and then  as soon as you like yo of the right zone you have   to match it and you can't touch the blue one that  is kind of in the way then you have to go come on was it so close to having to quit climbing there  I'm impressed actually I'm impressed yeah this is   a more just a technical campus bowler can you feed  me if I do something yeah come on come on I done   how you live it how did you like push yourself  can you do follow join Isis this is more time a   missus ninja where stuff man I can't feel that I  like even fold this but it's also about to swing   so you grab the first one and then you have to  make a little swing again and as you swing out   so you start matching when you go yeah you  did it like so easy I like I have nothing to   just nothing to fold yeah you filming yeah  you feel me because I have no idea of how   you did it damn I was so close to quit  ball game I'm actually not bowling I do   all these stupid things here so you hear  then you go left right match and go yeah come on aah I'll put in some replays of like Devon and  Georgie but I'm pretty sure you beat them   yeah I I don't think you lived up to my  expectations or the viewers expectations   and I think you have a high potential that's  stung by a jellyfish miss my flight partied   with college kids got drunk went to sleep  before a.m. slept on the floor woke up early   filmed 1700 billion videos and now I'm here  now I just got stung by a jellyfish too and   the wasp I'm actually going to know I am  I swear to god he is it's Miami of Ohio it's a girlfriend vacation thing but we can make  a video yeah that's fine oh yeah Spicer birthday   it's just a birthday doesn't Stephie who doesn't  do you have a week-long birthday Stephie where   can they find you if I may ask the big boy on  instagram or is everyone at you on make sure   to also check out Tom Gordon on Instagram right  tom Magnus if you mentioned you gotta mention   my only fans who talked about this you need to  mention my only fans and and that's it that's it
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 1,740,542
Rating: 4.9050646 out of 5
Keywords: Magnus, Anton, Climbing, arms, Viral, Strong, Muscle, Midtbø, Woman, Stefi, Stefi Cohen, Cohen, female, powerlifter
Id: PCCYYxxzv7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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