Trying the best rated climbing gym in Miami

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what should we do today should we find the worst  or the best rated climbing gym in Miami I really   feel like we should go for the best just because  it's more fun and also I don't want to bash any   winner for like almost a week now yeah we have  and actually we just went to Muscle Beach and   you did a PR and pull-ups seven bucks but  I feel like if you do seven pull-ups in 30   degrees Celsius you should be able to do ten  in like normal weather probably I don't know   but I wasn't tired though it was we didn't  I didn't do anything before that no I feel   like the but definitely this training has been  pulling off so thank you for that good so this   is this is kind of unusual for you though  to have a travel vlog like this yeah it is   very unusual to do something outside of the  gym I don't know we should do like a do like   a typical travel vlog you know I hate the beach  inserts on like kygo music or some tropical house hold on take over when I pull up they  all along me like at once think of God   watching people of your freaking son  you have no idea how hard Magnus had to   force me to do this I was on the beach  any - was like you promised to do this but if that's what you like you guys if  you want to see more travel logs like   that comment below swipe up whatever I  guess we're trying to Google slobbing   dims around here and literally it seems  like there's nothing there see is all   the best rating I know Jim we're going to  it's the old school crimes by now how few   sessions I've had I've been to very many  different old those cool I mean Jim's a lot of old school chips we just went in  the side and looked and it looks pretty   old-school yeah definitely like yeah yeah but  it's good for you I think it builds character like you don't like you  don't have character enough what's about more we go start doing attack  the hardest ballers you're gonna try to do   the 6p + or 6b 6b plus yeah I think I could  do like a V free I don't know about us and   French is it French grading the ones that  we use back home yeah grading what's it be   three that's a good question oh yeah we  just really humid do you are you seeing   something that you find interesting right  now or something some flack from side look   okay some of the Polish we tried warming up on  feel pretty hard for the grade so on this one   it actually looks like you have to start with  the doubled I know have you ever done a double yeah that makes it easier okay oops ways or when you're doing it I don't  do any try it right away sure I mean why not absolutely sweating right now it's a super  one do you think you have to jump on the   first move doubled I know what you're  gonna try this that okay well I think   I don't just come try to static I know  I don't think it ever JAMA Dino before   have I no I don't think so either  to try and I'll think or not yeah well it looks like you have to jump it about that if  you jump I think you have to jump with two hands   yeah you can it's I think it's supposed to be  a photo but if you want to use it yeah go ahead I come out yeah yeah you got it the big holes  is so close to the ground that it would I feel   like it'll be easier if it was higher up I just  absolutely hate when I start with a boulder that   I can't do I feel like that removes the entire  cellphone honestly it's okay or never have I   but we should okay let's go down one grade to  yellow okay so just to give you a little bit of   confidence before we start yeah that's it yeah  and then we we come back to this one yeah yeah   so what do you think about this one because  I lost my confidence I just still feel like   this is just as hard yeah yeah is it pretty  old yeah okay that's that's why okay I know   it's very humid Oh stomach sway bar sleep grill  yeah no but they're all very round and flat and   we have to use even more shocked than usual well  I have for me you don't really need to take a   choc shower before do you feel a little bit of  pressure sending this on the first try since   you know it's like v1 v2 yeah I really do but  I know like you've told me so many times I like   do not worry about the grades yeah because it's  up to the person who makes the Bolar to decide   what grade it is but it's still I don't know  it's good to put a little bit of pressure on   yourself I think so too sure I try to flush this  one once this might be the last bit anyway now if you want you can also use the  edge I don't know if that gonna   help you I mean I haven't tried this  forward but it's coming about that yeah yeah get your feet up  right foot up right foot to balance yourself up come  on match foot and then right   foot up yes like that perfect come out come on nice perfect oh [ __ ] Master  pretty Bart it's really really   hard hello this blue one looks fun what's  up because of the start hold you see that Joshua nice warm up I've actually seen a  lot of questions about like what language   we speak when we're not going ham pop cam yeah  so what what do we speak what is all that South   Korean we speak Norwegian off cam okay so  it actually it takes a little while to find   the Bullers but I'm gonna try this yellow holds  so that's orange that's the second horse great it was not a good heal I just need to go for it okay having fun for a week a my fingers feel  like jello okay well maybe we should I don't   know I don't know if you warmed up enough  or I think no should have worn off more so v3 v4 right yeah just a blue one let's  see greenholtz we know this the one looks   a little bit weird yes I'm just again  the whole look slippery and I should   not think this before I start bothering but  I really kind of it looks hard and whenever   you want I can try to show you how to  do and just they give me instructions   you need to remember to close the child back  when I'm talking I've already told you not to   close this yeah that's all from me sorry sorry  Jim yeah comment below do you close the chalk   bag come on Bluff again I'm just gonna try and  then now understand what to do are you trying to   put some of the pressure off by saying that I'm  just gonna figure it out first I'm not gonna try   to flash ya at the climber you hear that all the  time so that's not a valid valid excuse come on come out yeah nice that was good that was hell  I was good but to riff my finger   off really good disappointed in myself  for it I hope you for not was that the   right way of doing it yeah to put  my foot up and then yeah okay yeah yes come on a little bit higher yes perfect no  you yeah you don't have to don't don't put your   foot up just cross-match your foot and put your  right foot out right foot out yeah come on yes   and now I'm actually put again come on Master  foot yeah nice come on and I match and then go   down to the Gaston yes nice get your feet right  foot down right foot down a little bit maybe yeah   yeah perfect come on No wow that was really good  you can find so well like sweating off your feet   moving them down moving around whatever what to do  no but still you climb you like you climb so much   better in every video and me it's like almost  like I think that you sneak out at night in   the morning when I like money so I'm just gonna  give some coffee yeah actually go climbing no   but it was fun piss at the top I did not think  I was gonna get that hold ya weren't just like   anything b9r harder this one looks very pinchy  though so I like the fuel I pinched my life in   just slowly finishes like this this size is  perfect for me rocky hit my thumb on this and   this pretty similar very similar there are two  different colors so this is orange this is red at and I I look super easy a lousy better I love this [ __  ] you think you're the love a good pinch but it's   like a hundred really human - but I mean that's  how it always this so start taking your pants off yeah these more powerful boys at some point right yeah  it was really slippery yeah I might have touched   a few other holes with my feet but I didn't  use them yeah okay you know what I think I   think you should go back to the double die no I  want to see you at least stick the first doubled   I know that would be a personal victory for you  actually this is the part that I hate when you   like flashed many black boulders that I'm gonna  go back to the negative you know quite a crowd   like always when we go to a gym we have to  be careful not intentionally filming them   so we don't want to film the crowd but you  have quite a bit of a crowd yeah it's a wee   word - bouldering on the other side of this  mushroom yeah people and we'd switch this I   everyone decide you follow along but they didn't  realize that I was gonna bother so you think   you're gonna do better or worse with a quick  titters I thought I could do better actually   yeah sometimes yeah but the problem is that I  get really like so embarrassing I can't do it smelly clothes bag alright so one hand two  hands boys just commit it's about commitment   it's about commitment yes Oh God yeah yep come  on yeah dang it yes the middle part that's the   best part yeah but what do I do next step just  focus on getting the Dino just still won this   one we've ever done okay it's not your style  not my great no but you did that you just did   that one just one more time and then you can  try that yeah come on yeah Oh just focus on   getting both hands at the middle part yeah it  hurts yeah one last try that's right go on try   to get your right hand a little bit further  into like the middle part come out come in yeah that was not gonna the nose part okay   this is V 9 plus okay could be anything  could be benign or could be V 15 I guess 15 very low start on this one okay so now actually we have one left I'm  about to try this whites problem it looks   tiny I've been told that no one's done  this this looks very technical though   it's definitely not my style but maybe  I'll pull out some magic and then we're   gonna go and look at alligators  we want to see while alligators that's the way that's tiny okay so they're playing my latest blog oh  it's from New York it's embarrassing this   is like Inception like you see me here you see  me on the screen that's all like in the past oh Jesus I can do something in between so  you get the break yeah so I think we've   dreamt why something else but  I do want to try a blue one I'm   absolutely sweating it right now and also  I'm just yeah but people watching you know now yeah get it no no yes come on you  get the foot up yeah watch it nice   come on big move yeah come on how about yeah you can use the volume there's  a little one on the volume but it's   gonna probably feel pretty good that's good come on okay I think I'm okay a little more breakfast come on back yeah come on man I'm sitting away the crowd is getting figure about this one big  pool come on come on get into the corner more   into it like yeah your body in the corner  I'm afraid of for smashing my head though   yeah the difference between what we're doing  right now and all who come the boulders what   we're doing wonders you're trying I'm doing  your really weird one box yeah but yeah don't   feel embarrassed I can see in your face  that you're a little bit embarrassed a   crowd is just getting bigger and bigger yeah  you're getting more I know there to watch you   though but it's still just like here I come  you know doing the easiest of easiest but yeah from me I'm grandmother come on yeah get  it get your feet up the big foothold and now   I'm probably not gonna do the next yeah you're so  focused in that movie you forgot if you completely   forgot what to do after a lot really hurt on  the toes smashed it so strangest problem I've   tried in a while that's fun though I don't think  I've seen you throw so much for the boulder yeah don't like jump smash the feet it's precision  think honestly I just have a few tries Amy you   have to try couple more times yeah what's  the biggest practice though on this one I   think the biggest box is going to be  to like and at the end is going to be   really hard from the beginning because  they're all like really tiny holes yeah so specific it's like those  like tiny three finger crimps I come on that's a heartbreaker that's  really operator T okay I lost   Troy that's right D on the screen behind you this time I let it go whenever this   see what I do and first into this hurricane  yes I know yes I know and I let it go easy   come on yeah just like that come on yeah  you want to try warm it up yeah what a noise   means I feel like it just looks easy I always  struggle with the ones that I think look easy madatha come on yeah get yeah yeah and then  I just pull yes let me hire come on come on   sorry okay you are right though I really feel  like I'm not aiming high enough just what are   you laughing at I'm talking okay Oh sighs it  look like me the thing is though you're a lot   more tan actually see the chalk yeah you know  that you never see the talk on you cuz you're   something okay so didn't do the white one but  actually there was a there was a local kid who   did it we didn't film him because we promised not  to film anyone else but he sent the white one I   couldn't do he said it project that it for a few  days and that my profess my presence gave him the   extra power he needed well yeah I he sent it and  then I can do it I think that's inspired to see I think I've never seen you so excited before  I'm so excited but also so kind scared in a way   I'm just like looking each way we're because  now we're at Everglades National Park yeah so   this is not like a sanctuary it's not like it's  not protected by humans or if that makes sense   though it's not like a zoo is not a sanctuary  what can i animals do they have though alligators   crocodiles I think there's two hundred thousand  alligators here it's the only place on earth   where they both have crocodiles and alligators  who live along like together yeah and just off   there's so many dangerous animals and it's on you  know your own responsibility when you walk around   yeah so it's so typical me though you remember the  like that I'm always like I want to see animals I   want to see them but as soon as I see like a tiny  little gecko when I'm a lizard I get so scared and   just scream saying well we haven't seen a gator  yeah but it's coming at us coming towards okay or how you'd we've seen an alligator check yeah Wow we just  need to see a panther a Python a shark and a snake   but I mean I'm happy just seeing alligators but I  just want to see more of them like out nice you've   been so tough the whole time we actually saw one  she looks like not - don't film it yeah aren't   you getting scared at all nope I feel like I'm  in control I was scared before coming here more   than when I'm actually here oh but it's I feel so  because there's so many people here with children   like really aren't you know walking close to the  river and stuff yeah waiting for alligators just   come out and grab it yeah after I was screaming  like man I had to move there was just probably   like oh look at this alligator tiny little kid  was standing like 30 centimeters from it even   though they've built this like thing everything  seems very untouched what's that like it's just   a national park just like Rocky Mountain National  Park yeah yeah I just don't want people to think   of this is like a zoo because then it's not as  exciting you'd be like oh look at that tiger when   it's behind a cage yeah the most yeah there are  no cages here but there are some species species a   species species species B species species B there  are some animals but you need to like there are   some animals here that are ruining the ecosystem  they remove like what like thousands of Python   snakes yeah I feel like we're turning into the  National Geographic Channel right now well what   if we actually saw Panther oh that will be so  nice because they're so cute I feel like I mean   I'd probably just scream and scare it away but  I don't what do you do if it's a walk tour suit I'm actually the most surprised about sharks  that they actually have sharks here I didn't   even know what they were in but I thought yeah I  thought so but they're tiny though they're lemon   sharks yeah they're small like this one this big  yeah I just read an article from last month about   someone being bit in their leg an alligator but it  turned out fine though I feel like as long as it's   not like a huge alligator yeah nothing will happen  I'm just so focused on the filming part yeah right   I'm like getting bitten my leg yeah you're really  not paying attention to other things when you're   filming I mean it's a good thing for the video  but it's always like you're just looking at that   what do you prefer this or climbing this oh no I  just I love animals I want to see you yeah I want   to see everything that's that's all what about  you no I prefer this to you do I've never done   this before I've never seen alligators in real  life and yeah oh no this is really cool to me haven't seen animals in a while yeah we need  to look for more copy else yeah I don't know   I think that one thought we saw right now  that was an alligator right I have no idea   I think they're I don't know I think they're  smaller and more narrow or I have no idea you get scared by seeing it or is that not  really they seem so calm so usually I read   that the reason they lay so still they can  lay there for several hours because but it's   because they take so long to get warm yeah  they get energy from the Sun yeah just like   snakes I think as babies and then the mom  is behind the babies she was shot oh yeah   she's oh she's going into the water if they  open their mouth you're supposed to wave okay so this trip has come to an end we're  ending it I just have to do okay - sorry
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 806,614
Rating: 4.9625325 out of 5
Keywords: Climbing, Bouldering, Magnus, Midtbø, Best Rated, Best, Gym, Miami, Florida, Marte, Girlfriend, Viral, USA
Id: SX3jSfO7ZYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 23sec (2003 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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