Click explained by an idiot

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welcome to click clickity clack with Adam sendler who plays Mike an architect family dude who has two kids a hot ass wife and a terrible boss and he complains all the time about having too many remotes and he doesn't know which one belongs to TV saying whatever happened to the good old days when you pulled the knob and on came the boob too you know TVs still have physical buttons on them right you stupid [ __ ] anyway he wakes up and goes to the ship boox cart that already has his windows open for some reason I don't care who you are where you live leaving your windows open overnight is simply [ __ ] he drives over to work makes it to a meeting his boss is having with hypocritical Arabian royalty who are displeased with mics designed for a restaurant that they want to build for having a very distinct lack of a Long Bar and a big drain for wet t-shirt contest and then his boss who's most famous for being SpongeBob surfboard puts him on a new job for Japanese company he's going to make some designs for them and that will have him miss a lot of family activities he had promised his family he was not going to miss but homie stuck in the rat race and his boss is kind of forcing him so he goes back barely makes it to his slow ass son's swim thing spends the rest of the night busy on the phone then when they all get back home he takes a swig of cough syrup cuz he might be getting kind of sick and then breaks the news to his wife that he can't do all the family activities he promised them he would do on the 4th of July and she gets mad at him but then he's like the you want me to do [ __ ] I'm trying to provide here then he turns to switch on the TV to watch some Japanese architecture documentary for work but he reached for the wrong remote control device and accidentally flies an RC Chopper into his face a helicopter remote control seriously this whole not knowing which remote belongs to TV or having too many remotes and it's confusing is an absolutely ridiculous and [ __ ] premise cuz it's not that difficult to differentiate between all the remotes or at least Mark the TV remote with colored tape or some [ __ ] also drinking directly out of a medicine Bott like that is not only disgusting but there's no way to accurately measure how much you actually drank whatever he decides that he's had enough of his ridiculous remote problem and goes off late as it is to find a universal remote from somewhere his gluttonous ass drives down the street looking at and driving by all the closed stores then he finds Bed Bath Beyond open parks there gets in asks a smartass store clerk if they have any universal remotes bu ass only gives in sarcastic answers and he gets mad over that what the [ __ ] do you expect [ __ ] you went into Bed Bath and Beyond to ask for electronical device I've never been into one I know that might be hard to believe but I'm pretty sure they won't be selling any electrical devices if they do it's probably like a blender or ceiling fan or some [ __ ] anyway he finds the Beyond section walks into it and it's like a long ass hallway with a back room section at the end with a workshop and a Rick Sanchez type dude [ __ ] around in there who was called Morty huh so Mike tells him he want wants the universal remote Morty tells him that he's got a new arrival and it's just a thing for him cuz it's pretty sick takes him to go into the way Beyond section which is just a big ass Warehouse they get the really new stuff part and he gets a remote out of there it tells him it's super easy to use he just point and click and S learns your preferences it's like a self- teaching AI or machine learning thing Morty hands it over to him and tells him it's for free but it's not returnable so Mike happily takes it goes home and chugs some more cough serup like an idiot then uses the remote to turn on the TV yay him what an achievement then his wife comes down to naging about the cancellation of the Fourth of July stuff and he paused the TV and accidentally pauses her along with it but doesn't notice this in my opinion the wife shouldn't have been paused because he only aimed at the TV but whatever he says some stuff Unos them both still oblivious to what he's done and goes on to work through the night on the Japanese Oshi Tiki ugawa project whatever but then his dog starts busting for his [ __ ] and barking at him to let him out so he sarcastically loads his volume down and it works and his brain becomes a big question mark confusing the list a dog out who is taking too long to do his business so he tries to speed him up and that works too now he bring his exclamation mark a double question mark runs up to go to bed and comes down for breakfast next day with his wife and her hor friend who's complaining about how the bad consequences to her bad actions are not her fault and he rightfully calls that out for being [ __ ] and [ __ ] she gets mad and yelled around a bit so he mutes her and overl plays a baseball game picture and picture over her and his wife then the [ __ ] leaves and he undo all that to talk to his wife wait a minute who can see this stuff like the actions that the remote does I'm pretty sure if he plays a TV with the remote then anybody can see a TV that has been played by the remote but what about muting people do they hear themselves speak is the picture and picture always aimed at the remote or the holder of the remote do other people see the back of the picture and picture I have so many questions about this [ __ ] every time he uses the remote on something I have a million questions but I'm going to try and K to myself as much as I can and move on he d off to go meet Morty and ask him if he's on some sort of prank TV show or something but Mor's like nobody's laughing at you Michael you wanted a un remote that controls your Universe it tells them to hit menu on the remote and they go into the menu of his life and they can visit any moment in the past of his life like his birth from inside his mom's [ __ ] embarrassing childhood moments etc etc they get back to Bed Bath and Beyond Mike suddenly has a twink in his hand then Mor gives him a card tells him to give him a call if he ever needs some help or has some questions or whatever then Mike goes off to work to meet his womanizer boss who hints that if he does a good job on his next project that there's a big promotion in store for him then Mike over here says his boss is going to be alone without female company on the fourth of July so he offers up his wife's whole friend Janine for him can you just take one of your secretaries that clearly don't mind being objectified you [ __ ] stupid mans [ __ ] also there's a continuity error on how he's holding his glasses a second also anyone who holds their glasses this way with such carelessness risking sponging them up with their fingerprints and [ __ ] [ __ ] those if you're one of them [ __ ] you he goes home after work and then skips through hang out with his family using the remote then skips through an argument with his wife then sex with his wife the one pump chump gave her barely 90 seconds of action and she's hella disappointed then she reminds her of something that he said on the dinner table but he doesn't remember it actually he has no memory of any other parts that he skipped SL fast forward through so he calls up M to ask him about this problem then Morty instantaneously shows up at his front door and Mike only ask him one question about this matter then let's it go where'd you come from you don't want to know no yes he do wants to know how's he not more worried about this it's a complete stranger that you barely know that knows exactly where you live and where your family lives what's wrong with you dude whatever he tells my that he doesn't remember anything from what he skipped Mor tells him that he doesn't remember anything because his body was on autopilot and his mind was not there therefore his mind does not remember [ __ ] and they go back in time to check what he looked like through the dinner he looked like a single- cell organism with no [ __ ] brain at all just a zomb boy sitting there nodding along and eating go through some more memories than more he leaves and cuz Mike is getting a little bit of a cold he immediately decides to fast forward through his sickness and get to a point where he's all healthy and good which is like a couple days later or so and he skips through a cold shower and mutes Cruz was sing in a car which is a cardinal sin SKS through traffic goes through sexual harassment meeting that his whole company's having shape shifts his boss into weird shapes and changes his language and [ __ ] seriously no one is [ __ ] seeing this or hearing this at all why is he the only one surprised that he's speaking in Spanish too why is his boss not surprised why is everybody else not surprised what the [ __ ] stupid ass moving gimmick anyway he then goes to dinner with his boss and the Japanese people he's doing architecture [ __ ] for and listens in on a private huddle they're having by upping the volume and changing the language to English and finds out that they're talking [ __ ] about his designs and they want to change some certain things and go to tji Fighters afterwards so when they come back to the table he tears up his design and suggest the stuff that they were talking about in the private H and they're super impressed and happy with them now so they close the deal or not close the deal like go into a contract to work with him or whatever the I don't know he goes home super happy gets his kids new bikes and his wife a gift telling her that he made partner I still have no idea what making partner means but I've seen it in so many movies it must be important [ __ ] goes to work next day and finds out that he isn't partner yet because Hassel cough told him he promoted him if he closed the account but he didn't mean right away he's like I'll promote you when they commit the bulk of the funds you finish most of the work blah blah blah total move of mic is kind of stupid for jumping the gun if I'm honest but what really annoys me here is that the glasses on his face disappear between shots probably to makes this next part easier to edit SL film cuz he pauses his boss slaps the [ __ ] out of him and farts in his face making him get a huge headache and taste [ __ ] in his mouth aren't the assistants desks put in directly out his office how did they not see him get on the desk and fart in the boss's face or did they get paused as well man [ __ ] this remot whatever it's an Adam Sandler movie who cares he thinks about skipping way ahead till he gets a promotion and asks Morty about advice for that but Morty tells him skipping that far ahead is a bad idea m is like okay and when he goes home and is forced to return the gifts he got for his kids and wife and tells his wife that he did not get the promotion he can't take it and fast forwards it and wait till the day he becomes partner which turns out to be one year later in which J has been dating his boss for that whole year his assistant has now left him and become trans he's like what the [ __ ] and his relationship with his wife has got so bad that they have to go to marriage counseling and at this next session where she complains that he's like he's not there when he's home and he's always working and what not there he can't have proper conversations he tells her that it's not his fault cuz he's on autopilot like she's supposed to know what the f that means then something weird happens starts beeping and automatically skips this argument he's having with his wife to a time later that day when they're having dinner all as a family together and his kids are a little bit more gr up he's surprised by that and founds out that his old dog died they got a new one he gets super duper sad about that his wife is super super D's confused but supportive he apologized to her telling her that this is all his fault and he's going to fix everything but then they get turned on by the horny ass dog go to have some schmecks upstairs and it gets automatically skipped over again by the mo so she once again is left disappointed after [ __ ] two pumps and he's annoyed by the mo for skipping the gift of sex so he does m but halfway through doing that more just shows up in his house and Mike is super surprised by that yet he still does not question it too much and just goes on to tell him that the remote is malfunction and skipping over [ __ ] he didn't want to skip over but more he gives him the classic line of it's not a bug it's a feature see the mo learns from what you skipped before and automatically skips it again whenever comes up so arguments sex with his wife traffic road to a big promotion [ __ ] Terry cruising in the car all gets skipped muted fast forwarded all that stuff automatically so he tries to get rid of the remote but as formerly stated it is a non-r returnable item and it just keeps appearing somewhere on him every time he tries to get rid of it Mor he leaves and only then do we get the only instance of the stupid asking this question how do I get it to stop fast forwarding that's it you're not going to open the door and press him on the answer to that question or call him again you know why this loophole is actually annoying us cuz if it's a feature you can probably turn it off in the menu [ __ ] d dumbass schmuck unless there's no way to turn it off but my point still stands he didn't even try properly moving on he goes back to bed in the morning wife he asks him if he wants to take a shower and he immediately Springs up into action saying no cuz then I'll skip forward and who knows for how long I really want to explain to you what's happening but that would lead to an argument and that would lead to skip so he leaves in a bathrobe to go to work and figure this out on his own he uses a bike so he technically doesn't have to get stuck in traffic and Skip forward and look man you can totally explain to your wife what's going on without arguing it's called just having a normal conversation if you're really worried about that you can write a [ __ ] note explaining the situation then give her the remote to test it out for herself and prove that you're not bullshitting it's really simple this guy's over complicating [ __ ] way too much anyway after he guess to work and meets his boss and swerves the what the [ __ ] you wear in question really well his boss Pros him because he wants to step away and go to live in Morocco so his position is now open for someone else to take and that someone else's position is open for Mike to take cuz he's a really hard worker blah blah blah I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up CE one day and Mike's response to that is wow I'd love that but no no no no no no no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait theal interprets that as another promotion journey and skips through another 10 whole [ __ ] years into the future where he's now CEO and a fat large heavy obese mother goes home and finds out that his kid is also so a fat ass [ __ ] his daughter's a dumb [ __ ] they got a new dog again equally as horny as the last two and his wife broke up with him and is now dating his kid old swim coach he tries to fight the speeder dude Donna starts yelling up mik the remot starts beeping ready for another skip but he uses it to pause situation avoid the Skip and yell out to Morty why did you do this to me then Morty shows up telling him I didn't do [ __ ] you did this to yourself dumbass but you still have time to win her back so he writes her note and hopes of doing just that kicks the other dude in the NZ a few times unpauses to try and give her the note but then a dog jumps up on him knocks him down and he knocks his head on the wall Thal interprets that as a sickness and skips all over it six years into the future where he got cancer a heart attack and had the Pacific Ocean of fat sucked out of his [ __ ] gut leaving him with a flabby tongue thing of loose skin on his gut his now ex-wife is there to see him when he wakes up and she tries to have a conversation while he's playing with his flabby flabby he let him to stop he heels back isn't this technically an argument that should have been skipped over or was it too short to Warrant that whatever homie [ __ ] these Lucy goosey movie rules moving on he goes back to his job and finds out that he's not only the CEO but also the face of the company his son is now a hot shot architect working there too and has lost a lot of weight he goes up to his office and finds out through him that his dad has died and is devastated by that and tries to go back with the remote to the day he died but he wasn't there to see it so so he goes back to the last time he saw his dad where he was completely dismissive of him cuz he was in Zombie autopilot work mode he also made him cry too what a [ __ ] so he keeps going back and rep playing the part where his dad kept telling him I love you son pretty sad moment dude died in 2021 too which is Prime co time L what a quinky think he gets back to his dad's grave with Mor there saying I'm sorry taking him was not something I want to do reveals to him that he's the angel of death and the first thing this spret tries to do is attack him correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't full Clore or something say that touching the angel of death aka the Grim Reaper kill you as a matter of fact I'm pretty sure Morty touched him a few times before this so how is he still alive anyway Mor shs him then reappears and Mike does a complete and irrational 180 cow rang away in fear about whatever emo people do irrational [ __ ] sometimes and yels out to the remote to skip him to a good time in his life skips him over to a wedding where he's giving a speech and he finds out it is his son's wedding gives a halfast super confused speech he's happy and trying to make the best of the moment and dances with his ex-wife then hears his daughter call spear torpedo dad and that gives him a heart attack which immediately gets skipped by the remote cuz it considers it an illness and skips to 36 hours later when he's in hospital a bit better his kids by his side they are there still in wedding clothing and his son telling him that he canceled his honeymoon to go on a money mooon AKA a very urgent business trip that cannot wait at all Mike doesn't want him to do that and prioritize work over family like he did he wants him to put family first but his kid does not listen and they are forced to leave because that conversation is getting his hard way up so Mike Forces himself out of bed and the nurse stops giving what looks like a gay mix between David Goggins and John Cena he spongebath to stop him from leaving using a stive but Mike reverse cards it into him and slly makes his way out of the hospital with Morty showing up periodically telling him to stop doing this it doesn't have to end this way but Mike's like I got to go talk to my boy gets out of the building into the pouring rain tries to run over to the horrible looking futuristic car they're getting into but falls short luckily however his kid hears his faint screams and runs over to him the rest of the family is there too so they run over as well he tells his son Ben that family comes first and to go on the honeymoon [ __ ] work bro work never [ __ ] ends tells his daughter he loves her flips off Speedo Bill and then apologizes to Donna tells her he loves her too then more tells him it's time to go and takes his life we get a shot from above showing us that every single person holding an umbrella is a [ __ ] autist all Shing one brain cell because not a single one of them used their umbrella to cover the sick dying dude's face from the rain that can barely talk let alone breathe anyway he dies but not really because he wakes up playing in a bed in Bed Bath and Beyond with the annoying employee staring at him it was all a dream and now he has a new found appreciation for life goes over to his lovely ship box drives over to his parents house and wakes them up gives him lots of love and lots of kisses goes back to his family a changed man I'm not going to detail everything but basically he's going to prioritize the family more forget about the promotion and live in the moment and all that type of [ __ ] he gets his dog a girlfriend that turns out to be a dude but it's a thought that counts also how the did he find a pet store open this late whatever he tells his wife to go up for sexy times and he finds the remote on the counter with a note saying I know you'll do the right thing this time then he throws away in the trash and it doesn't appear anywhere on him it's a real Miss opportunity I didn't check his ass as a not to the joke in the beginning of the movie but other than that the ending is kind of confusing cuz it's another one of those was it a dream or was it not type of deal but who cares this movie gets 10 tangerine seeds out of eight Chanel makeup [Music] [Music] bags
Channel: High Boi
Views: 1,699,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: click express, click express recap, click explained, high boi, funny, haha
Id: 8r-6IALzyYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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