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oh stay retired paul you're a better commentator than fighter oh does it make you feel good saying that now would you say that to my face man to man uh nope you kick my butt that's why i said it on twitter oh fair enough this is how real men fight out everyone my name is jake and welcome to clever comebacks where we're going to be looking at big brained people using big words and big sentences and stuff like that in order to put someone else down and make them feel really sucky but it's funny to watch so like the video and enjoy it uh hi aoc not sure who you bought my email from but i assure you i didn't sign up for your mailing list also you offer no way to unsubscribe please release me okay so i assume yeah you've been put on the mailing list oh this is the official congressional press list not a supporter mailing list our apologies as someone must have mistaken you for a journalist that'll be fixed right away she's the one that played among us right yeah i'm pretty sure i saw her on like a live stream people that walk fast are reported to be less happy the faster you walk the more unhappy you are yet damn right i'm unhappy because i'm trapped behind a slow walker now moved you're not wrong though if i'm stuck behind someone who's walking at snail pays like oh like come on just move or i'm gonna start crying i'll just start crying and then you'll move won't you you will address me by my husband's rank well i don't know ranks off hand because i'm a normal person mrs two red chevrons oh it resembles both the navy and the coast guard petty officer second class but it isn't either oh got it i'll refer to her as petty and second class easy women get a better night's sleep next to their dogs than their partners according to a study in the journal of international society of anthrozoology oh i find this hard to believe because my wife can barely fit in the dog's kennels nice one dennis yeah this is a very boomer joke but it's good my little sister is getting made fun of at school because she's adopted this is what she responded with well my parents chose me but your parents are stuck with you she's not wrong though i support people's choice to street race because it's a victimless crimes yet until they t-bone a family van full of kids hurting the entire family no no no no that's street crashing which i'm very against just just the racing part he likes jesus matters uh no all gods matter yeah come on not just jesus what about ra and zeus and hades there's loads of them titanic replica could set sail by 2022 following the original rue oh yeah well it should survive this time considering we've melted all the icebergs i mean well yeah welcome back children we've all had fascinating summers i was the maitre d at the springfield country clubs and jimbo says my dad says you were a bus boy oh you mean your dad the raging alcoholics wow principal skinner not holding back as barack obama left a voter mobilization event in philly a young man asked him what do you think is going to engage the youth in our community obama responded you are get to work yeah i took these pictures of a fish i saw at petsmart today and i can't stop laughing it's so ugly ah why were you gonna say that about the oh wait fish at petsmart jokes on her lonely butt walking around petsmart crying about how she's lonely and can't get any because she's got the clap yeah that's right i have ears i think taking a picture of a random fish at walmart or petsmart that's just doing its own thing and then calling it ugly it's just way out of order that fish deserved to call you out for what you did because you're a horrible person right chick-fil-a says per usual we will be closed on super bowl sunday no exceptions burger king don't worry everyone we will be open per usual yeah awfully bold of you to assume people actually care if you're open on sundays or not lol you have never screwed a pretty girl ever yeah that could be said about any dude whoever screwed you though old why are you so full of hate for people you don't even know what these are actually people like this which addiction is yours our instagram yeah facebook uber apparently photoshops god i just love uber too much i cannot stop ordering ubers to my house and having them drive me to the nearest bus stop and calling another uber to go to the next one true yeah i'm addicted to photoshop as well i just love making thumbnails for videos oh my girl looks so cute caught off guard whoa she looks like she's probably texting annie to see if she's okay come on come on annie respond are you okay annie are you okay i love masks i can't believe i let you all just breathe on me before yup masks no force smiling six feet away no hugging i'm never going back and no more handshakes i never want to touch another stranger in greeting ever again i feel the same way about grocery lines like always stay six feet away from me forever it's not really a comeback but i have to agree i don't like it anymore i poisoned one of our glasses but i forgot which one well the way this dinner is going i hope it's mine ah poor guy really they did the man like that hey o2 please get your sms working i sent this girl 246 texts last night asking her out and none of her replies have come through yet what oh hi james that's a lot of texts maybe next time you should try sending one text to different girls ah that's actually good advice hey y'all so i really need money and i'm low-key wet at crocheting so if you want a cute top or something hit me up i'm too scared to talk to girls so i had to model this myself hey looking good man uh can i have a hat yep sure fifteen dollars uh i could knit it myself though then do it who's stopping you well if it takes five women to do one job maybe equal wages is wronged uh you're a douche did you come here just to comment your opinion on all these posts yeah this dude is a douche okay only three more ladies need to comment and you'll have a complete insult holy man that replied i agree with those guys that guy is a douchebag a very sexist douchebag but still it was funny it was a funny reply you've got to admit it oh women won't date me and won't tell me why well have you considered trying men well i mean maybe if you could have a sick sense what would you want hmm to sense if someone is attracted to me yeah wait plot twist you already have that sense it's just never had a reason to activate oh this guy has a small peepee look the arrow's pointing this way wait a sec arroga's there air goes there are points up no y'all won yeah yeah they really did was trying to think of the least scary thing i could be for halloween so i became the measles oh would you like to accompany me on my rounds you can tell our measles and viral sepsis patients the ones in comas and seizures and high fevers that their suffering isn't all that bad and it's just being exaggerated by big farmer and clueless quacks who haven't done their research like me you can even assist with the spinal tap read your favorite vaccine insert to them while they sobbing fear and agony very cool and very fun in case you haven't noticed by my sarcasm you're a horrible person and possibly a sociopath how i wish children suffering in the infectious ward could dress as fake diseases for halloween like the privileged idiots who put them there oh that was murdered by words more than a clever comeback jeez they put them down today i asked my dad to throw in a pizza for me and this happened dad you can't even make your own pizza it's me i don't want to well maybe i don't want to ah should have thought of that before you had kids well i expected more yeah me too oh my mom was me for halloween ha ha wait uh which is the mother is is it the left the right this picture is really confusing oh she tried her best to help and i get the feeling you were probably a witch about it i hope they don't fire this young lady because you're impatient and expect perfection from a fast food restaurant i can't imagine how you act in a nice restaurant ugh barbara do your teeth fall out when you're eating barbara replies oh i would say ask your man but i just went through your photos and it looked like he left you after he knocked you up god barbara what is with you oh we got rudy this is uh trump's lawyer i think number one the bore up video is a complete fabrication i was tucking in my shirt after taking off the recording equipment at no time before during or after the interview was i ever inappropriate if sasha baron cohen implies otherwise he's a stone cold liar are you saying this is a case of erection fraud the guy that said that just has a lispy election it was yeah if you haven't seen the movie already and you're off age to do so then you should watch it it's fun aids disguise toe says why do people like feet i'm not shaming just wondering what about feet makes them so attractive to some people oh this must be something from the united states here in europe we're more into meters and here on the yjk channel we're more into clicking another video and subscribing one day one there you can click it click click and watch more that's that's really fun and stuff thanks enjoy
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 247,200
Rating: 4.9579082 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: IwOrf2JmDQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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