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my husband runs a sawmill and look at these he cut today oh anyone else see a dog uh no i feel like i see more of a sad pig oh you gotta turn on your monitor and then you'll be able to see it hey everyone my name is duke and welcome to clever comebacks where we're going to be looking at people who literally just stated their opinion and thought oh i see this and then they get come back for absolutely no reason and just destroyed it's kind of sad really but it's fun to watch if you like the video like the video thanks and enjoy kind reminder the x chromosome contains 1098 genes the y chromosome only has 78 genes the x chromosome is over five times larger than the y it's science female a superior by far hence hundreds of years of chauvinism to try and suppress her good night yeah but onions have more dna than humans so uh i don't think that really works also which person thought oh how many 78s can i get in a thousand and ninety eight at least five there we go mercedes says hey team we made this gif of a pit stop we think it's cool hope you like it hey can someone make a gif of the germany 2019 pit stop yeah but gifts have to be short so uh for context by the way the german one took like a minute to do and usually it's like two seconds serena williams did what every other black woman with terrible weave does get a rich white man happy for her and her little family yeah but her husband's net worth is 9 million and her net worth is 150 million you tried though boys have literally zero excuses for not having communication skills because i've seen your play video games together and you describe where you're at like it's life or death yet that's because our teammates actually communicate back it wouldn't work as well if we said hey jason you pinned down and he responded with don't worry about it it's fine you should have been over here anyways but whatever i'm not upset or anything why is this so accurate it's one thing to report an additional staffer in the white house has tested positive but revealing their name seems like a violation of hippa and then this person replies well that's not how hippa works i should know i wrote it oh yeah you can't really mess with someone who made a thing men fall asleep so quick bro what's the secret uh we don't create fake scenarios in our heads that keep us up all night actually no he's wrong we do yeah we definitely do not all heroes wear capes some wear scrubs ah yeah that's cool but it took her four episodes to do my x-ray please can you just finish already wait you'll argue with people who eat steaks like this mmm no we can't they still chewing how do you eat a steak like that i don't really like steak that much but just that's that's awful in 1954 betty white was criticized after having arthur duncan a black tap dancer on her show white said oh i'm sorry live with it and she gave duncan even more rare time her show was canceled soon after betty white replies what can i say i'm one badass witch how it started okay you got puppy relationship and how it ended oh big dog now yeah bro turned into a christmas tree like what happened nothing is scarier than disney world in the 1940s oh yeah jesus uh well maybe germany in the 1940s actually now that i think about it that was probably scarier yeah all right who pays your man has 50 dollars you have 200 dollars you'll go out and the bill is 46.78 who pays hmm uh the real question is why am i dating a dude with only 50 ah because the guys with money all go for the hot ladies ah there was no sound she just died tammy says to target backing black lives matter no more shopping at target for me target corporation replies ah sorry to hear you're leaving us tammy to memorialize your time as a target shopper we've set a tombstone in our halloween section tammy from facebook target shopper from 2012 to 2020. michael replies oh really target uh screenshot this goodbye professionalism target corporation replies to michael oh a new tombstone has been added professionalism from 2020 apparently to 2020. yeah i feel like long ago probably when twitter came about companies just decided you know what no more professionalism only professionalism in emails and now it's just you hire a troll to to respond to people without saying anything too bad to get your company completely destroyed but just just on on the edge you know cows are friends not food says peter oh well name one cow you're friends with your mum i know this is fake because peter would never say that b is just awful are you today's date cause you're a 10 out of 10 haha laugh now wait but today's 9 out of 10. no i live in a place where we don't shoot children enjoy tomorrow though this feels like just a america bad uh europe good tweet but sure and actually wouldn't americans say ten out of nine isn't that how you guys do it ah you cut him out so people really out here putting hot sauce in the fridge the back of the bottle literally says refrigerate after opening and you'll still put it in the cabinet y'all don't follow the directions and that's why you all keep getting pregnant wow i don't know who this was like tweeted at but yeah i hope mrs johnson is at the reunion she was the best teacher and my favorite of all chs yeah i had her too larry says what that lady was your favorite teacher she was a witch because of her i had to take summer school and then mrs j replies oh sadly i will not be able to attend but thank you all for inviting me to the group larry i am sorry you feel that way obviously my grammar lessons didn't stick too well oh bird go mrs j yeah whatever i couldn't say it n-h-s so i say it now you are a biz larry you can barely say it now also you could have said that in high school because b isn't a real word i am going to use my context clues and assume you are attempting to call me a witch in that case i will point out that your facebook information lets me know that you are currently single and unemployed who's the witch now god she i mean she can say it now but yeah at wendy's where is the nearest trash can wendy's replies oh okay just start typing in google maps m c and then it usually pops up there you go perfect do centaur babies suckle from the horse nipples or the human nipples though hmm centaurs aren't real do you understand that yes that is why i made a tumblr post about this instead of just asking a real centaur they've got a point in it isn't male and female sex uh yes uh stupid gender is same well i don't remember having gender with your they're not wrong they are different words disabled parking should only be valid during business hours nine to five monday to friday i cannot see any reason why people with genuine disabilities would be out beyond these times well we're disabled daniel we're not werewolves what does he think happens after five like disabled people just stay inside you know you'll go out after five no no no that's when the rush happens it's like what dude get rid of that damn hat you look like a tool uh maybe spend less time looking at the dude hey you never know why he's watching that video you might want the dude you know the us is built around paying people richer than you to achieve middle class at best you want a good job pay a private school 50k a year the knowledge you gain is probably pretty irrelevant to the job you want you want to stay healthy to do said job pay 15k to an insurance company per year still end up paying 50k out of pocket if stuff hits the fan you want to be respected at said job get a car that you can't really afford wear clothes that you don't want to wear and those clothes are 400 a pop and you need several then some random tuesday the boss's nephew walks in takes your job and you get screwed bye you really really want to succeed be that nephew whoa damn bro you okay oh yeah i live in finland this guy was really like oh yeah look at all these bad things but i'm fine i'm in finland hmm immediate turn off if a girl's mobile network is tesco mobile tesco mobile replies whoa jay are you really in a position to be turning girls away gee i don't know even tesco mobile was the summit uh 2013 are they still this i've been recreating family pictures with my dog and slowly replacing them around the house to see if my mum would notice and she wasn't amused hey you on your way back yep stop doing that with my pictures whoa i don't have any idea what you're talking about i know it was you i keep having to explain to company why we have five sevens of dixie everywhere i know you laughed well her graduation picture came up better than yours hey you get what you deserve right and if you think i deserve a sub then that would be nice because only like 20 of you are subscribed so you can always unsubscribe just just if you want yeah and you can click another video one there one there two videos right there you watch more wow
Channel: WhyJake
Views: 930,767
Rating: 4.9100418 out of 5
Keywords: twitter posts, facebook posts, reddit posts, tinder posts, funny, comedy
Id: 3nCH8lcVs6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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