Clarifying the Trinity

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okay welcome back I'm Robert breaker and every week I come to you with a new sermon in English and in Spanish and this week I've been trying to prepare the sermon and I've been so busy had so much going on my wife and I have been running around like a dead chicken with its head cut off with so much to do this week it's now March and many of you know that around March or April there's a certain thing you have to do every year and there's a lot of paperwork that the government demands that you do as you go and you you take care of that thing and so we've been doing that and it's been fun we've been having a good time but it's just time consuming to go through and do all these things and so this week I've been so busy with that I've been praying and asking the Lord Lord what would you have me to preach on what would you have me to talk about what should I touch upon usually every week - Lord lay something on my heart and give me what to preach and and I get a lot of time to study well this time this week I haven't had an opportunity to study as much as I'd like to and so I was praying and saying well Lord what should I talk about the Lord says we'll just just just talk about what the Lord's laid on your heart what's going through your heart right now what are you doing you know what we're supposed to do is speak and preach from the heart well preacher told me one time that the preacher is supposed to give what God laid on his heart and that's preaching from the heart and that's where perching kid should come from and I said you know you're right so let me I don't really want to give this sermon but I feel like this is what the Lord's laid on me this week this is what's on the heart this is what the Lord would have me to talk about so turn with me if you will to Romans chapter 1 verse 20 in joke chapter 33 and verse 3 Romans 1:20 and job 33 3 and what I'm gonna do today is I'm gonna preach a message on this subject that I have preached quite a few messages on already I think I've preached too so this will be the third it's quite interesting it's a message about the Trinity but it'll be the third time that I preach on this subject and it's a subject that I thought I dealt with enough but obviously I did not so I'm gonna have to go through and explain this again because there's been a lot of folks emailing me and saying brother breaker guess what there's a lot of people talk about this subject and asking questions about it and so they said would you please explain it again and I said sure sure that's what it's all about it's about edifying it's about explaining things to where you can understand it it's about clarifying making things clear that's what the word clarifying means let's begin in joke 33:3 my words shall be of the uprightness of my heart in my lips shall utter knowledge clearly so clearly it's about preaching from the heart like I said earlier and making things clear so that you may understand knowledge clearly it's the title today clarifying the Trinity trying to make it clear what the Trinity is today that's what I'll be talking about now go to Romans chapter 1 verse 20 the Bible says from for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen no you want to see things clearly that's how we should look we should look clearly are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead why the Bible never uses the word Trinity but it uses the word Godhead and the Godhead is the Trinity his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse so there should be no excuse for anyone to not understand clearly the Trinity for it is clearly I believe presented in the scriptures and I believe we should understand what it is now we are in the last days today we are in the very last days I believe the rapture is coming very very very soon maybe even this year maybe even within a few months and so I believe that Jesus is coming back very soon and it's very very troubling to me very sad to me to see the behavior of other people that call themselves brothers and sisters in Christ of so called other Christians you see YouTube for me isn't a platform where I can go and make a video and just air out my anger and and just just be mad and angry and put others down an insult and attack I don't see YouTube as that platform for a minister of the gospel I don't see it as a place where you just go and vet out all your frustrations and speak against people you don't like I don't think that's right and so I do my best not to do that rather as a minister of the gospel I see this as an opportunity to edify to preach the word to teach the Word of God and to instruct and educate on what the Bible teaches and so that's why I have chosen YouTube as the platform for that well as I was working this week I've got some emails and I get so behind on my emails I'm usually 5 to 10 days behind in emails every Monday I try to catch up usually it's 13 14 hours sometimes during the week I'll spend several hours not that I don't like getting emails I do I appreciate all the emails that people send me but it's just I get behind because I get so many and I'd be getting some emails lately of people asking me about the Trinity and what I think about it and my answer is always the same well what does the Bible say about it and there are some people that have emailed me and told me we'll brother breaker there seems to be a controversy about this teaching of the Trinity and they said that on on YouTube there are some certain King James Bible believers or so they claim to be that are saying some things about the Trinity in there and there they're wondering if these things are true or not and several people have sent me some criticisms I guess is what you call them some videos of people criticizing Robert breaker and saying that Robert breaker believes wrong on the Trinity now I welcome criticism I do I appreciate I grew up being criticized left and right I'm from a family of critical people my father my grandmother my grandfather were the most critical people always picking out the things you did wrong and you know it's not a good thing but I look back on it now and I see and the reason they did that wasn't because they hated me it was because they loved me they were trying to get me to do right they loved me so much they were trying to make me perfect and I appreciate that they wanted me to be good and do right and they didn't want me to do those wrong things and so I appreciated that but I'll tell you what I didn't like it at the time and looking back on it I wish they would have had a balance I wish the balance would have been okay here's all the things you're doing wrong now let me congratulate you for all the things you're doing right and you know you never you never get that usually all you get is the criticism you don't get hey I'm really glad you're doing this I'm really glad you're doing that and so I'm not the type of person that needs praise please don't praise me I'm not the kind of person that goes around just looking for people to pat me on the back and tell me how great I am I'm not that kind of person I have a person that my whole life just been criticized left and right and so I can take it and I've actually grown accustomed to it I'm almost like well no one's criticizing me what am I doing wrong I need that I appreciate that but the way that people do that today just ain't ain't right it's not right you don't as a minister of the gospel go to YouTube and make a dirty filthy mean angry hateful video about someone and call them names and put them down and say things about them that aren't true that's just not right so I've always said forget it I'm not going to look at these videos I'm not interested in what people say about me but someone said well brother breaker how about this one how about that one and and well I looked at one of these videos because it was a man that I really thought was great and I appreciate it and someone who I care about I pray for them daily and something they said in that video was a little disturbing and I said you know that's the sad that they would say such a thing and so I looked into it and I studied it and I wanted to make sure and so basically in an in a nutshell as quickly as I can here's what happened there are people that are making videos against Robert breaker and I'm noticing a theme in their criticism now again I welcome your criticism email me tell me you think I'm wrong in this place I want to hear it if you're going to make a criticism of a video of criticizing Robert breaker how about making it only for Robert breaker and only for me to see why are you throwing that out to the whole world what if you're wrong then you're making yourself look dumb to the whole world you better you better be careful so I appreciate this but what I'm seeing is that these people that are criticizing they have assumed they have assumed that I am guilty of something and they've labeled me as that kind of a person have you ever looked at the word assume that's an interesting word as soon kind of divided it up a little bit into three different words ass you me the word assume makes an ass out of you in me if you assume something without knowing for sure and then you go and talk about someone and say well that person believes this that personally and you call them names and you haven't contacted that person to see if that person really believes that or not you have just made an ass of yourself and of me now everybody in YouTube thinks Robert breaker is evil because you said something that's why I believe in discernment and I preach people have discernment when you listen to a video always discern that video whether it's true or not from the scriptures so what I want to do today is present to you a clarification of the Trinity and what I believe about it because I've made two videos so far on the Trinity and I thought you know I guess now is the time to make one more because um because mine is meltin let's have a Trinity I mean a trilogy amen of videos and I want to make sure that I could I present this so there's a man out there to made a video and again I don't deal with the man I'm not interested in who the guy is I'm interested in the issue and the issue that this person has brought up is that Robert breaker is a modal list you say what is a modal list they said Robert breaker preaches modalism and I'm like huh I remember them talking about that years ago in Bible school but I don't go back to the early part of the church and dredge up ancient heresies and then try to apply that to people today I've got better things to do so I don't like to talk about things like that so basically what they say is that Robert breaker preaches that the Trinity is only three parts and they say that this teaching of modalism is a false teaching to say that God is three parts they say that's a heresy and they say what God really is in the Trinity really is is three persons and so unless you say three persons well that you're a heretic in other words unless you say it the way they do then you must be a heretic and I think they went so far to say that Robert breakers not even safe and he's not going at the rapture what did they do they assumed that I don't believe that the prince is three persons but you know what I do and I always have believed that the Trinity is three persons one God in three persons in my other videos what I did is I went to the Trinity and I was trying to show you what the Trinity is this video I'm gonna show you who the Trinity is you see what I tried to do in my other videos will show you how God said he made us in His image and so how God has three parts so we have three parts that's what that video was about I didn't say three persons and because I didn't say three persons why I'm a modal aesthetic and I'm adhering to a 2000 year old era see which is the teaching that Jesus is only three parts but not three persons no God is three persons I've always known that I've always believed that and that's why I want to clarify that today I remember in Spanish um whenever we have Church in Honduras what one of the the hymns we used to sing holy holy holy Santo Sandow song told ye oh so nipple painting yo simply spare so nas bandida granny the holy holy holy Lord God Almighty God in three persons Blessed Trinity that was one of the hymns that we used to sing in church so I find it very sad that a person would make a video attacking Robert breaker and saying Robert breaker doesn't believe that God is one God with three persons because he never used the term person's what is that that's assuming that I don't believe that because I went out of my way in my other videos to show that God is a God with three parts because he made us in a person of three parts so I think it's interesting so what I wanted to do today I wanted to clarify that I want to show you what the Bible says about that and I just think it's so sad a big man don't people have better things to do than to talk about others it's just so sad have you ever had chickens when we were in Honduras we had chickens we've even had them here at the house before and I love chickens I love having chickens I love getting the eggs and eating the eggs but you go out there and you watch the chickens after the chicken has been sitting there for a while and usually it's 18 to 21 days if I remember correctly if he if she that hand is sitting on those eggs those eggs begin to hatch and boy those are the cutest little things in the world those little chicks when they come out and they're all wet and then eventually they get dry and they're so furry and that little down that and they're just so fluffy you just want to pick them up and play with them and they're just so cute and so beautiful and so you have five or ten or maybe even fifteen of these little chicks running around and all they do is they peck peck peck peck peck peck peck and they love to peck on everything and what we do we throw them rice and then under missiles lot cheaper to have the feed to feed them but baby chicks when we like to feed them rice and so usually cut up rice you know that's been chopped up into smaller pieces and so we've had chicks and I used to watch those chicks and all they know how to do their babes all right it's like their babes in Christ their babes and all they do is they know how to go around a nitpick is just peak peak peak peak peak peak pick and you watch those little chicks if they go and they see a little dirt on another chick they'll start pecking at that dirt why it just might be a little spot it just might be maybe it's just a little bit of mud but all those other chicks will see that on that chick in the packet and they'll Peck it and they'll Peck it and they'll peck so hard that they'll break the skin and once they see blood come out of that little chick it's game over that little chick is dead because they will come and they they taste that sanguine salty flavor of that blood and they will literally pick that chick to death and kill it by picking it to death and these last days of apostasy in which we live you know what I see I see a lot of people that claim to be Christians and they're a bunch of babies and they don't know how to edify they don't know how to teach the Word of God in edify others and build people up and educate all they know how to do is pick people to death and I think that's sad and if that's you you ought to be ashamed all right now that's all behind us let's move on let's learn something from the Word of God today what I want to do is I want to talk to you about the Trinity and then I believe the Trinity is one God in three persons Amen I believe he's one God I believe he's a God made up of three parts but those three parts of three distinct persons he yet he's one God not three gods I believe in this one God of three persons and I believe who those three persons are we're gonna look at that let's go to the scriptures first let's go to Deuteronomy chapter 6 and verse 4 and I cannot make it any plainer than what I'm gonna make it plain today I'm gonna clarify the Trinity of it make it clear to you what the Trinity is there is only one God that one God is made up of three parts which are also the three persons of God okay just because I use a different word doesn't mean I don't believe that it's one God with three persons and this one God is one God who can manifest himself in three different ways three different persons three different places at one time now we can't do that but it's only one God Deuteronomy chapter 6 and verse 4 in the Old Testament we read Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4 here o Israel the Lord our God is one God what made Israel so much different than all the other pagan nations during that time was that all the different pagan nations had many gods but the juice Israel the nation of God was the God that says no we don't have many gods we are a people of the one true God and we only worship one God Jesus Christ showed up on the scene and Jesus Christ quotes this verse did only six for to Israel in mark 12:29 and Jesus Christ tells them that this is one of the first come in this is the first commandment and that you're to believe that there is one God so I believe in one God I believe that one God is called the Godhead in the scriptures and we today use the term Trinity because we see that one God made up of three distinct persons or three parts and who are those persons we will see that here in a minute but I want you to go to Isaiah chapter 44 I want you to see that it's one God in three persons and this is a hard thing for people to get and yet it's so simple and I think it's interesting how there are false denominations out there there are many different denominations that don't get this the Jehovah Witnesses don't believe in this they believe in only Jehovah they don't believe that Jesus Christ is God they don't believe in the deity of Jesus and that's the problem then there are people that go to the opposite extreme and they believe the Trinity doesn't exist that only Jesus is God and there's nothing else we call this the Jesus only movement and so they don't believe I guess and God the Father as a separate person and yet still one guy Isaiah chapter 44 we're gonna look at why those are false teachings today and we're looking at the true teaching of what the Bible teaches Isaiah chapter 44 and verse 6 thus saith the lord the king of israel and his redeemer of the Lord of Hosts I am the first I am the last and besides me beside me there is no God so God the true God says I'm the only god there's only one God look at verse 8 fear ye not neither be afraid have not I told thee from that time and have declared it you're even my witnesses it is there is there a God beside me yea there is no God I know not any so this is the testimony of God himself he says he's one guy isaiah chapter 45 verse 5 and 6 now look at this i am the lord and there none else there's no God beside me i goethe d though thou has not known me now look at verse 6 that they may know from the rising of the Sun from the West that there is none beside me I am the Lord and there is none else Gosselin dogmatic about that isn't he we're in verse 45 let's first let's look at verse 21 isaiah 45:21 tell ye and bring them near yea let them take counsel together who doesn't have declared this from ancient time who have told it from that time have not I the Lord and there's no God else beside me a just God and a savior there is none beside me who is the Savior Jesus Christ in the New Testaments of Jesus Christ must be God amen but also God the Father is God and also God the Holy Spirit of God we're gonna look at that so let's go to Isaiah chapter 5 and verse 7 so the Bible teaches that there is one god there's not two gods there's not three gods there's not seven gods there's not a hundred thousand gods and I think someone told me the other day that in India they have something like 20 million gods if you were to visit in India there'd be a little Idol for all the different gods all throughout the world that they worship that's so so sad Bible clearly teaches there's one guy now I'd like you to go to first John chapter 5 and verse 7 first John 5:7 the Bible says for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the Holy Ghost and these three are what 1 so there is one God and that one God has three parts or three persons and that one God is made up of God the Father it's also called the word which we are gonna look at and see that that is clearly the Son and then it says the same Holy Spirit Holy Ghost it says the Holy Ghost well we know the Holy Ghost is the Holy Spirit but it's it there and I'll abbreviate hg for the Holy Ghost so one God the Bible is very clear it says there's three that bear record in heaven it says the father the word and the Holy Ghost and it says these are what so it's only one so somehow these three make one one God with three different distinct percentages or persons three parts if you will but those all three make up one God that's what the Bible teaches and I believe it's very clear so one God in three persons or one God in three parts now this is what the Bible teaches now as soon as I say that people will be running out of the woodwork coming out of the woods screaming now that shouldn't be in the Bible first John 5:7 shouldn't be in the Bible wine first John 5:7 why all the other Bibles leave that out because they say that that that was an addition to the Bible and that shouldn't the oldest manuscripts don't have first John 5:7 bull hockey there are so many so many witnesses that first John 5:7 should be in the Bible had the book here by a guy and I was reading this the other day and he talks about first John 5:7 it says in this book that you can go way back 200 years after Jesus and you can find ancient fathers quoting here's 250 AD 250 years after Jesus you go back in time and you find a guy quoting first John 5:7 they tell you today well the oldest manuscripts don't have it you say oh yeah what are the oldest manuscripts you're talking about Vaticanus and city Atticus and you look those up there 400 to 600 years after Jesus here we have a quote from a church father two hundred and fifty years after Jesus and he's quoting first John 5:7 this guy goes on it shows you a lot of quotes and if you take what he's looked up and you do study and many people don't study he says we have six eighty six thousand quotes of Scripture from the ancient church fathers 32 years after Jesus birth to 325 he says that all these guys quote first John 5:7 he looked 215 years after Jesus we find first John 5:7 quoted by one of the early church fathers and so I could go in into more and more and more but I want but you have 200 years after Jesus someone is quoting this verse so don't you give me that garbage that first John 5:7 shouldn't be in the Bible it's been in the Bible since the Bible is written another thing if you know Greek and you don't really need to we've got a Bible in English but I studied Greek in club in college and do you know if you were trying to read 1st John 5 in Greek and you took out verse 7 it dramatically becomes incorrect in the Greek language it only works with verse 7 included in the text if you take it out it changes the Greek endings and everything and it completely goes Wow who is he saying what does he say I don't get it because it changes the Greek grammar so first John 5:7 is a Bible verse that should be in the Bible and it is there for a reason so the Bible teaches that there is one God and that God is made up of three distinct persons and these are the father the word and the Holy Spirit the Holy Ghost the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit this is what the Bible teaches now let's go to Genesis chapter 1 if you're a Jehovah Witness you don't believe this and so I'm hoping if you are and you're watching this you'll continue watching till I'm done because I'm going to show you nothing but scriptures today this is not going to be Robert breakers opinion this is going to be Bible and boy do I have a lot of verses to go into Genesis 1:26 this is God speaking and God is speaking in Genesis 1:26 a notice wakes sense and God said let us make man in our image who talks like that why would you say let us if you were one God you would say I will make man in my manage why would God say let us because God is one God but he's three persons so when he talks he talks in the plural even though he is one God he says let us make man in our image so now let's go over to first Thessalonians 5:23 now part of this is some of my other videos we've already seen and I'm trying to get through this quickly so I can get to stuff that you probably haven't seen amen in my other videos can't wait to get to these verses there are so many verses 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 and verse 23 the Apostle Paul is speaking to us we just read a verse that says that we man are made in God's image so God is made up of three different parts which we see in other verses in the Bible are the three personages or three persons of God then wouldn't that mean that we man have three parts so let's look at that what is man made up of first up first Thessalonians 5:23 says and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ so the Apostle Paul is writing and he's saying to us guess what you got three parts you are made up of three different parts you're made up of a spirit you are made up of a soul and you're made up of a body so you man are made up of a body soul and spirit so you have three parts just as God is made up of three parts God made you in His image and you have three parts now God can do something that you can't and this is the mystery of the Trinity the Bible calls it the mystery of godliness God can separate his three parts into three very distinct persons with three different jobs and he can do that whenever he wants we can't I can't take my soul out of my body and then put my spirit somewhere else and separate myself I am one person made up of three parts God is one God made up of three parts or three persons he can divide himself into three separate personages and yet in his mind God's he's not three gods he's still one now you explain that that's why many people can't explain it but that's what the Bible teaches and I'm gonna show that to you God can divide himself up into three persons and he does but he is still only one God no I got out of the book here by Peter ruckman this is Peter atmosphere studies it's a really good book I'm right through this over the years and I can't remember when the last time I read it was but I did do a lot of highlighting as I read it so I went back to look at this and see what ruckman says about the Trinity and as I was going back looking at it I said wow there's some really good quotes in here I like this let me show you two of these really really really good quotes about salvation real quick and I was just like wow praise the Lord for that here's a quote God will not acquit sin it all overlooked the sins of the sinner they have to be paid for in some way God does not forgive apart from substitutionary atonement what is that that's the blood atonement of Christ so here Peter ruckman is good old ruckman saying that it's all about the atonement the blood atonement for salvation here's another one I love this one this is one of my best favorite quotes you know I went to Brooklyn's Bible school I remember ruckman always talking about the blood he says here you cannot find salvation in this age apart from a completed perfected blood atonement so it's about the blood atonement of Jesus Christ salvation is through faith in the blood atonement of Christ now Rockman wrote about the Trinity here and he's talking about this and he's he's telling us about how it seems like there's so many people that get deviated away from the truth of the Trinity and fall into false doctrine and here he talks about you know we deal with the Trinity the Trinity of course is not a Roman invention as you hear falsely presented by the Campbell i'ts nor is the Trinity the half accomplished thing taught by the followers of Judge Rose Burton pastor Russell nor is the Trinity some Jesus only doctrine picked up by many charismatic groups all of these groups have trouble with the word of God and none of them are sound in doctrine nor can there and hear and study the Bible prophet prophet properly therefore they get in all kinds of trouble yes they do there are a lot of people that you missed up on the Trinity it says here well if you've seen Christ you've seen the father therefore the father's name is Jesus which of course is known says Jesus is the name of the human being a man God is the spirit on the other hand when the followers of Russell and judge rubber again in the same mass they would not think of calling the father Jesus so they've been over or the other way go clean overboard and make it's bad a mess and trying to pretend the father is one God and the son is another guy this ancient heresy was called arianism and on and on and on he talks about how there's all these different heresies and people go into heresy when it comes to this and I could continue here reading from him but I'd rather not you can get this book from the Bible Baptist bookstore online I believe and so he goes into talking about the Trinity and how it is by God in three persons what I was taught in Bible School here it is they got head I like how he says it let me read this to you really quick I like the term manifested in two so neither let's see where was it here okay here it is there there is only one God however careful study the Scriptures will show that this God exists in three persons that is the Godhead is manifested in three persons so the Godhead is one God in three persons I made several videos before where I was trying to show you that he's one God in three parts and that wasn't wrong there's three parts to God that make up the one God and these three parts are the three personalities are the three manifestations of God and inner three persons so God is one God in three persons so doctor rukmi talks a lot about this and there's a lot of good stuff here in this book I'm going to show you a little bit more here later so we have a teaching in the Bible of one God in three parts I cannot believe for the life of me how someone would make a video and say Robert breaker doesn't believe that that God is one God in three persons even though that's what I believe they assume that because they didn't hear me say the word remember what an assumption is well let me show you this in the Bible we have the word person applying to to God one time I wish it was there three times I'd be cool but in second Corinthians 2:10 it says to whom ye forgive anything I forgive also for if any if I forgive anything to whom I forgave it for your sakes forgave it I it in the person of Christ so Jesus Christ on this earth was one part or a person of the Trinity who is here on earth and I'll show you some verses later how God the Father was in heaven while God the Son was here on earth and then God the Holy Spirit came to God the Son I'm gonna show you how this one God can exist in three completely different places at one time as three different persons and yet he's still one God there's a lot in the Bible that talks about that so let's start out in Matthew chapter 3 remember there are extremists and in this world there are people that go to one extreme or another and many of them all they want to do like that little chick that baby chick is just pick pick pick pick pick they want to criticize they're just looking for things to peck you on and I'm not going there that dog don't hunt I'm not the kind of person that will criticize another person I don't want to do it I believe in grace I believe in going to the scriptures to find what did they say I don't care what you say mister and you shouldn't care what I say what you should care is what does the Bible teach the Bible teaches one God in three persons and those three distinct persons or and we can use the word parts or the three parts of God because God made us in His image and we are three parts we are a tribe part being just as God is only God can do something we can't he can divide up his parts into different persons I can't do that that's why I'm not God now in Matthew chapter three I want you to see this here we see the Trinity in three different manifestations and it's still one gun now watch out for people that try to make God one there are a lot of people out there say that God is only Jesus and Jesus is the father and so only Jesus there's no Trinity what then what are we reading right here in Matthew chapter 3 verses 13 through 17 Jesus Christ shows up to John the Baptist in verse 13 says then come to Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized of him but John forbade him saying I am need to be baptized the Dean comes down to me and Jesus sending him suffer it now suffer it to be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness then he suffered him verse 16 and Jesus when he was baptized went up straightway out of the water and lo the heavens were opened unto him and he saw the Spirit of God what would that be that would be Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him why that would line up with the Holy Ghost which is God God has three parts God is three persons in one so there's Jesus it's part one as one of them then the Holy Spirit is the second one the second person and then we hear a voice looking verse 17 he lo a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased well who would have spoken that and said this is my son that would have been God the Father so we see the three persons of the Trinity here God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit God the Father says from heaven this is my beloved son and whom I'm well pleased God the Holy Spirit descends from heaven it comes in Jesus and Jesus Christ is there being Jeb baptized by John let's go to Matthew chapter 28 here we see another interesting thing a lot of people have emailed to me about this lately and have asked me this Matthew chapter 28 verse 19 going therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost and they said brother breaker well this is weird because in acts 2:38 says he baptized them in the name of the Lord in the babe and let's see let's read that real quick and they say so what is the name it's the name of all three and I said well that's pretty easy even druckmann says it here in his book the name that would apply to God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit well that goes back to the verse we just read he's Lord Acts chapter 2 and verse 38 what is the same it says then Peter said to them repent be baptized every one of you the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins you should receive the gift of the Holy Ghost so baptize them in the name of Jesus what is the name of Jesus well Jesus is the Lord this right here is Jesus by the way in the Old Testament it says there's only one God he's the Lord so the father is the Lord Jesus is the Lord the only way that the father can be Lord and Jesus can be the Lord at the same time is that they are both personages or persons of the Trinity and that's God God is the Lord Holy Spirit is also the Lord the Lord of the whole the Lord the Holy Spirit is also so the name that applies to all three would be Lord baptizing them in the name of Father Son I'm here in the book I want you to see that yourself here all right so here we go let me zoom into this and let you see this as well here we have on this page the verse on this right now there's only one name that will match the Father Son the whole goat and that one name that will match the Father Son Holy Ghost is the Lord and then over here he says Jesus is Lord the Holy Spirit is Lord the father's Lord Jesus is God the father's got the whole experience God the name Jesus never replied the father now it's true that Christ said he is who and so on and on so he's saying that the term Lord applies to God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and it's one Lord okay so with that stated let's look at this and I've got so many verses I just can't wait to show you and get into so we have one God who made man in His image but he can do something that man can't he can divide himself on the three into three persons at once so we are made in God's image we have three parts as God's made up of three parts but we're only one person God is one God who can do something that we can he can divide himself up and he can divide up each one of his parts into a separate distinct person and yet God doesn't look at himself as three different gods now he says they all make up me which is the one God so one God in three persons so let's look at this let's go to John chapter one and look at God and when we see the creation we see all three parts are all three persons of God active in creation John chapter 1 verse 1 through 3 in the beginning was the word now the word is Jesus capital W in the beginning was the word so Jesus is in the beginning and the Word was with God and the Word was God okay the Word was with God and was God what is it saying there the word Jesus was with God the Father and the word is God so Jesus is God so it's saying in that verse that Jesus Christ is God and God the Father is God that's what it's saying verse 2 the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him without him was not anything made that was made so Jesus Christ is God just as God the Father is God they were both there in creation now go to Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 first three verses we see God the Father we see God the Son we see God the Holy Spirit here in Genesis chapter 1 in the first three verses in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters what is the Spirit of God well that's the Holy Spirit and then it says in verse 3 and God said let there be light and there was light all right earlier we saw the verse where God the Father spoke down from heaven and he said this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased so verse 1 in the beginning God created that of the earth who would that be Jesus because Jesus created all things we're gonna see here in a minute when I show you that verse and we see the Holy Spirit in verse 2 moving upon the face of the waters and then verse 3 God the Father said let there be we clearly see the Trinity in the very first three verses in the Bible one God with three persons let's go to Ephesians 3:9 now you say well why do you say Jesus was there why were you saying that Jesus was was the one that created all things well because Ephesians 3:9 says Ephesians 9 3 9 says and to make all men see what is the Fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world have been hid in God who created all things by Jesus Christ now if you have any other Bible in the King James Bible you probably are missing those last three words by Jesus Christ and so your Bible teaches that God the Father made everything and it just leaves Jesus out my Bible tells me that God made all things through Jesus Christ so Jesus Christ is a part of the Trinity God the Father as part of the Trinity and God the Holy Spirit as a part of the Trinity and they were all there together working together at the beginning making all things now the Bible teaches this thank God for the New Testament that when Jesus Christ showed up he showed up as God manifest in the flesh verse 23 16 tells us that Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh also 1st John 5:20 go to 1st John chapter 5 verse 20 tells us about Jesus Christ first John 5:20 says and we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we were in him that is true even in his son Jesus Christ all right so his son who God's son so he's talking about God the Father and he says God the father's God and we are in his son Jesus now knows the rest of the verse he says about Jesus this is the true God in eternal life who is the this he just said before even in his son Jesus Christ this is the true God so he's saying Jesus Christ is God God the Father is God God the Son is God and God the Holy Spirit is God there's only one God it's not three different gods but somehow that one God can manifest into three separate persons we can't do that but God can now go to John chapter three verse 16 John 3:16 notice what the Bible says and it is so clear if you just read it John chapter 3 verse 16 notice what it says most people know this verse for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life alright so God the Father loved the world so God the Father sent God the Son do you see it there two parts are two persons of the Trinity are mentioned in this verse now go to Matthew chapter 1 in verse 23 who is Jesus Christ Matthew chapter 1 and verse 23 clearly tells us that Jesus Christ is God Matthew chapter 1 and verse 23 behold a virgin shall be with child shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Emmanuel alright what does the manual mean white tells us there which being interpreted is God with us so Jesus Christ is God with us so God the Father sent God the Son Jesus Christ into this world it gets even more interesting go to Luke chapter 1 and verse 35 he said well where's the Holy Spirit at long buck show yeah so when it comes to the Incarnation or Jesus Christ being born in this earth he was sent by God the Father and He is God manifest in the flesh and how did he get born well Holy Spirit played a role in that in Luke chapter 1 verse 35 look what it says and the angel answered and said unto her what did she ask verse 34 Mary said Mary unto the angel how shall this be seeing I know not a minion verse 35 the angel answered and said to her the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the highest shall overshadow thee therefore also the holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God so what happened is the Holy Spirit of God overshadowed Mary implants the seed of God of Jesus in her womb so God the Father willed it mandated it sent him the Son and God the Holy Spirit was the one that was active in planting God the Son into Mary so that God could be born God with us Jesus Christ so God the Holy Spirit God the Son and God the Father are all active in creation they're all active in the Incarnation are in God being born here on earth of a Virgin Mary they're also all active in salvation when it comes to salvation God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit all work together remember one God three persons three parts so what we have here let's go to John chapter 6 and verse 29 what I'm doing here is I'm showing you what the Bible says so that you don't get sucked into a cult or a false heresy and there's two extremes one heresy is oh gods only three parts he's not three persons all right and some people want to lump me into that that's weird and the other extreme is oh there's not three parts there's only one god oh job witnesses say it's only God the Father there's no other part of God other people the Jesus only people say no only Jesus is God that's it there's no Trinity in just Jesus Jesus is the father and it's the same so you've got these two extremes which one's right neither we should be in the middle with the Bible we shouldn't go to an extreme that's what happens when you depart from the Word of God you become an extremist and you need to go to the far right or the far left when you ought to be right in the Word of God John chapter 6 and verse 29 the Bible says jesus answered and said to them this is the work of God that you believe on whom he had sent so this is the work of God the Father that you believe on him who he sent go to God the Father send we just saw Immanuel God with us God the Father sent God the Son Jesus Christ's name is Emmanuel Emmanuel means God with us so God the Father is gone God the Son is God God the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost is God now let's go to Acts chapter 2 Jesus Christ died on the cross sure you know and I'm I'm not gonna forget I'm gonna get to the gospel here in a minute but Jesus Christ died on the cross and He shed his blood what he did he was buried he rose again the third day according to the scriptures so Jesus rose again welcome to show you some verses that say that it was God the Father that raised Jesus from the dead Acts chapter 2 verse 24 whom God hath raised up having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be holding of it so God the Father raised up who who is he speaking of here Jesus of Nazareth first 22:5 3:15 X 315 they're all talking about this Jesus who died on the cross acts 3 15 says and killed the Prince of life whom God had raised from the dead we're on we are witnesses so God the Father raised God the son from the dead acts 4:10 be it known unto all and to you all and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom you crucified whom God raised from the dead even by him that this man stand here before you hold chapter five and verse 30 you getting a theme here God the Father raised God the Son Jesus and God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom you slew and hanged upon a tree so this is Acts 5:30 God the Father raised him up now let's go to 1st Corinthians 6:14 first Corinthians chapter 6 in verse 14 I'm giving you scripture that's what we're supposed to do go to the Bible to find out what it says 1st Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 14 and God hath Bose raised up the Lord and will also raise up us by his own power now who is God in this verse God had Bose raised up the Lord you know what this verse is saying it's saying God the Father raised up Jesus Christ the Lord but you go to the Old Testament it says there's only one God and it says that one God is the Lord so Jesus must have lived in the Old Testament Jesus must be the Lord just as the father is the largest of the Holy Spirit of the Lord there must be one Lord one God but he has three persons three different ways that he manifests himself go with me now to John chapter 10 now are we in agreement if we read enough verses here that we agree that God the Father is who raised Jesus from the dead do you agree with me in these verses that we just read that says God raised him from the dead speaking about Jesus would you agree that that's God the father that raised him from the dead alright let's go to John chapter 10 verse 17 Jesus Christ is speaking john 10:17 therefore doth my father love me because I lay down my life that I may take it up again and notice what that says Jesus Christ says that he lays down his life that he Jesus can take it up again these other verses we read said the father raised him from the dead here Jesus says I'm gonna raise myself from the dead I'm gonna lay me out of my life and I'm gonna take it up again now look at the very next verse no man taketh it from me but I lay it down of myself Jesus is of his own free will died on the cross for our sins and the next part of verse says in verse 18 I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again this commandment have I received of my father Jesus Christ says God the Father gave me the power to raise from the dead the other verses we read said God the Father raised him from the dead this verse says Jesus raised from the dead who raised Jesus from the dead God who is Jesus God so Jesus is God just as the father is God and so he rose from the dead let's go to Acts chapter 20 verse 28 if you get a hold of this and like I said to some people it's confusing to me it's not when you see there's only one God but that God has three separate persons or three separate parts and you see them all working together then it makes sense Acts chapter 20 verse 28 says take heed therefore unto yourselves into all the flock over which the Holy Ghost have made you overseers to feed the Church of God which he have purchased with his own blood now you know what you just read look at it which he hath purchased with his own blood who is he and what's it talking about when it says his own blood well the right before it is the word God God purchased the church with his own blood God with his own blood purchased the church so that blood that was shed on Calvary was God's blood who shed his blood on Calvary Jesus so Jesus must have been God God died on the cross for my sins he purchased me with his blood God's blood God died for me Jesus Christ is God God the Father is God God the Son is God God the Holy Spirit is God let's go to Isaiah chapter 53 many people over the last 2,000 years have gotten saved reading Isaiah chapter 53 because there's so many good verses in in this passage in this chapter it's all speaking about Jesus but it's talking about Jesus and God the Father and so I say in chapter 53 you start there around verse 4 surely he hath borne our griefs who's that Jesus and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted it's speaking of Jesus Christ bearing our sorrows are bearing our sins on the cross and then it says he was smitten of God but yet Jesus is God how is that possible unless God the Father was in heaven while God the Son was on the cross he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we were healed verse 6 it's a great verse about how the Lord led laid on him the iniquity of us all but yet Jesus is the Lord because God the Father is also the Lord God the Father laid upon God the Son the iniquity of us all and it continues there let's jump down to verse 10 yet it pleased the Lord who's that it's gonna be God the Father there to bruise him he hath put him to grief when he shall make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed he shall prepare his prolong his days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand verse 11 he shall see the travail of his soul shall be satisfied by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many so who is he as you're reading through this passage you're seeing God the Father in heaven looking down on God the son dying on the cross and the God the Father saying I accept that for the sins of the world God looking at God one God in three persons go to John chapter 15 verse 26 you say well it's God the Holy Spirit called God in the Bible yeah yeah John chapter 15 verse 26 no doubt John 15:26 we have the Holy Spirit of God Holy Spirit of God is part of God it's a person of God John 15:26 says but when the comforter is calm who I'll send unto you from the father even the Spirit of Truth which proceedeth from his father he shall testify of me now who's me Jesus speaking so Jesus says when the comforter of the Holy Spirit comes whom I will send unto you from the father Jesus says I'm gonna send to you the Holy Spirit from the father so Jesus when he went up to heaven said to thought God the Holy Spirit now go down there because the father tells you to go in Jesus sent him so it's so confusing no it's not not if you see one God in three persons and that's not three gods it's one God but it can manifest in three different ways three different persons and so he says that he will be sent let's look at the verse here he shall testify of me what's the work of the Holy Spirit testify of me Jesus is speaking so the Holy Spirit Romans chapter 1 so many verses and I'm running out of time Romans chapter 1 I'm trying to show you that the Bible clearly teaches a Trinity that Trinity is one God that has three different parts and were made in His image so we have three parts but that God is one God that can manifest himself as three separate persons and still be one God he's not three different gods that you explain that I can't all I know is that's what the Bible teaches in Romans chapter 1 verse 4 the Bible says this and I think this is an interesting verse and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead Jesus Christ is declared to be the Son of God who declared Jesus Christ the Son of God God the Father declared it and it's according to God the Holy Spirit and then it says by the resurrection from the dead when Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead it's like it's saying the Holy Spirit was what helped him to resurrect from the dead it was through the holy spirit of holiness that he was able to resurrect from the dead that's interesting you see all three you can't go to the Bible without seeing God the Son God the Holy Spirit and God the Father Oh and over again one God in three separate persons Hebrews chapter 9 2 verse 14 Hebrew 914 look what it says here in Hebrews 9:14 how much more shall the blood of Christ who's that Jesus Jesus Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God alright now let's look at look at this verse again how much more show the blood of Christ that's Jesus who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without spot the Eternal Spirit is the Holy Spirit - God - who took who God the Father so Jesus Christ when he died on the cross somehow the Holy Spirit went up after and said to God the Father well here it is father it's done it do you see what I'm trying to show you is that there's verse after verse after verse after verse in the Bible that proves the Trinity and the Trinity is three separate persons but yet that's still one God who is able to manifest himself into three persons at once Romans chapter 8 when you get saved you are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise Ephesians 1:13 the gospel of course is first Corinthians 15 1 through 4 and the gospel is is all about what Jesus did on the cross I would like you to go read that I ask you to read the gospel look at it I try to mention it at least in every sermon that I do and once you trust the gospel you're sealed with the Holy Spirit what's the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God so you have God's Spirit in you when you get saved and that's what Paul says in Romans chapter 8 verses 9 and 10 Romans 8:9 so they above scuse me but ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the Spirit of who the Spirit of God dwell in you if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his the Spirit of God is the Spirit of Christ so the Holy Spirit is God just as Jesus Christ is God and then it says in verse 10 II and if Christ be in you the body is dead because of sin but the spirit of life because of righteousness when I'm saved I have the Holy Spirit of me the Bible says that's the Spirit of Christ another place Paul says Christ dwells in you how does Christ dwell in me through the spirit his spirit so I have God in me it's God's Spirit it's the Holy Spirit of Christ now look at verse this is amazing now look at verse up 14 through 16 for as many as are led by the Spirit of God well that's the hook spirit they're the sons of God 15 for you to not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry what Abba Father all throughout these verses three separate personages of God are mentioned but yet they all make up the one through God and here it says when you get saved you have the Spirit of Christ in you you have Christ in you the hope of glory and the Spirit of Christ is the Holy Spirit so you have those spirit in you and and Paul says that's that's you having Christ in you and then when you get that Holy Spirit when you're saved by the Holy Spirit Christ father it cries out that God the Father says look he's one of ours because I'm inside of 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 12 how someone could go to an extreme and say that there's only one and it's Jesus and that Jesus and the father are the same I don't understand how someone could go to an opposite extreme and get messed up I don't understand I'm a Bible believer I don't want to be an extremist I want to choose to follow what the Bible teaches in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 12 the Bible tells us that when we get saved we get the Spirit of God verse Corinthians to 12 now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things which are freely given to us of God so what do we have when we get saved the Holy Spirit what spirit is that that's the Spirit of God that's God's Spirit so the Holy Spirit is God the Son is God because the manual means God with us and the father is God father's refer to as the Lord in the Old Testament the New Testament the Lord is Jesus Christ so same guy just three different personages another verse that shows that the Holy Spirit is God is Acts chapter 5 Acts chapter 5 let's go there I might be giving you too many verses I don't know I hope you take notes amen hope you look through this hope you understand this X chapter five verse three and four but Peter said Ananias why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost and to keep back part of the price of the land okay so this verse Peter says you lied to the Holy Ghost who's that the Holy Spirit now look at verse five max livers for whilst it remains was it not thine own and after was sold why is it in thine own power wasn't why has thou conceived this thing in thy heart now if it's not light unto men but unto God so verse three he says you lied to the Holy Spirit then in verse four he says you lied to God so the Holy Spirit is God Jesus Christ Emmanuel God with us Jesus Christ is God and God the Father is God that's the one God remember there's only one God that's what the Bible says there's not three so somehow that one God is able to divide himself up or manifest himself in three separate persons and how he does that I don't know but I know he does and then though God the Father is God I've got the son is God and God the Holy Spirit is God and it's one God in three separate parts or three separate persons now let's go to oh do I have enough time to go there I'll go to Ephesians chapter two I mean I might go long today but I want you to get a hold of this because this is so important this is so important I don't want you to fall into heresy and I don't want you to go out and and attack somebody without knowing what they believe always find out before you say something Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 18 here we have in Ephesians 2:18 all three here we have one God and all three persons of that one guy in verse infusions 3:18 for through him who's him he's talking about Jesus Christ for through him Jesus we both have access by one spirit was the Spirit the Holy Spirit unto the Father so through Jesus Christ we have access to the Father through His Holy Spirit there's all three in one right in one verse Jesus says in John 1:18 let me show you this now again there are people out there that will tell you that if you believe in the Trinity that is one God in three persons then you are heretic I've showed you the verses that that proved no no that's what the Bible teaches but these people say that God the Father and God the Son are one in the same and so they'll say that Jesus is God the Father and yet as you read the scriptures the father is very distinct from the Sun and the Sun is very distinct from the Spirit yet they make up one God but yet they're three separate persons with three separate workings or jobs and they're able to manifest in three different ways and you've got to understand it well these people will tell you no no I don't believe that I believe that's a made-up Roman Catholic thing it's just funny ruckman says no it's not the made-up Roman Catholic as some people try to tell you but anyway John 1:18 Jesus says these words no man has seen God at any time the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father he hath declared him so people will say Jesus is saying no man has ever seen God all right what is he talking about there he's talking about God the Father so Jesus is literally saying no man has ever seen God the Father all right now go to John chapter 6 and verse 46 John 646 not that any man hath seen the father said he which is of God he hath seen the father so Jesus says remember when I said back there no man has ever seen God I was talking about God the Father and here he says now no one has ever seen God the Father except he that's all God the Father you know what Jesus is about to say he's about to say and I'm that guy that's all God the Father look at verse 47 like saying to you he that believeth on me hath everlasting life so he's saying I'm the one who has seen God the Father I am the one that has everlasting life now look at John chapter 10 in verse 25 John chapter 10 verse 25 all the way down to verse 30 jesus answered them I told you and you believed not the works that I do in my father's name they bear witness of me but you believe not because you're not of my sheep as I said unto you my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me now I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand my father which gave them to me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand I and my father are one that doesn't sound like Jesus Christ is saying there's no such thing as the Trinity me I'm the father and father's me and so there's only one what it sounds like to me is Jesus Christ is saying the father is God and I'm God and the Holy Spirit is God and we're all one God in three separate persons and that's what he's saying that's what he's saying let's see page 75 years old Rockman's book again page 75 the attributes of the Trinity boy I don't have time to go here even but in the Bible God the Father is eternal God the Son is eternal God the Holy Spirit as a terminal Oh God the Father God the Son God the lost spirit are all omnipotent God the Father God the Son God always greater all omniscient God the Father God the Son God little spirit at all omnipresent they're all holy they're all truth they're all goodness huh and I'll just let you look at that page and you can look up those verses you can pause this let me start down here the Eternity of God God the father's eternal God the Sun God will experience it gives versus they're both on there all one God but with three persons so if you get a hold of that and you understand that you won't fall into heresy like many people do I don't want you to be a heretic I want you to be a Bible believer I want you understand there's Oh God he has three separate parts just as he made us one person with three separate parts were one human being but yet we cannot call our parts three different persons but God somehow can manifest each of his parts into a personage he is one God with three persons oh there's so much more I had a lot of verses listed here again some say that Jesus is the father only and they go to Colossians 2:9 and let's look at Colossians 2:9 and I want you to see from the scriptures that that's just that's not right that's a heresy and I can't believe that someone would claim to be a Bible believer the King James Bible if I'm to even follow Peter ruckman Peter ruckman ever taught that and yet would teach such a silly thing Colossians chapter 2 and verse 9 says for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily so in Jesus dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and so they say so in Jesus body is the father and in that is the son you look that go huh but then you go to second Corinthians chapter four and verse four and when you go to second Corinthians 4:4 then you understand second Corinthians chapter four verse four says in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them Jesus Christ is the image of God the Father so Jesus Christ is the image of God the Father in a body God the Father I guess would correspond with the soul and got the holy spirit with core funds because so God made us in His image and so God the son would be the body he's the image of God the Father that we could see down here on earth so much more I could like to go into but there's like I said people that say no there's only Jesus there's no Trinity Jesus is everything so Jesus is God the Father okay well what do you do with the verses of Scripture like Acts 755 where Stephen looked up into heaven and he says oh I saw Jesus Christ standing on the right hand of the Father where's Jesus standing on the right hand of himself that doesn't make sense you go to Hebrews 1:3 1:13 8 1 10 12 12 22 it says that Jesus Christ when he rose up he set down on the right hand of the Father see there's people say Jesus and the father are one in the same there's not three separate persons okay so when Jesus rose from the dead he went out then up to heaven he set down on the right hand of himself no if you were to go to heaven right now you would see God the Son sitting on his throne and I'm not good at Thrones but here's a throne and here's God the son sitting on the throne that's God the Son and you would see God most likely you would see him I don't know if you can see God the Father but it sounds like it's possible and so God the Father would be sitting on the throne and you would look up there and you say man I swear there's two different people well there's two different persons but that's part of one God one God in three parts one God in three persons so Jesus Christ set down on the right hand of the Father you went up right there and you see it you say no you wouldn't well what do you think Stephen saw he said I saw Jesus Christ standing at the right hand of the Father at 7:55 so can Jesus be God only and the only person of the Godhead well if he was then Isaiah 53 wouldn't work how does God the Father please with God the Son looking down from heaven how would Matthew chapter 3 work with God the Father calling down from heaven saying this is my beloved son in Matthew chapter 26 and verse 39 Jesus Christ is praying and he says hope father was Jesus Christ praying to himself you see people want to make God the Father God the Son the same and then say now there's no Trinity it doesn't work the Bible clearly teaches one God in three persons let's go to Ephesians chapter one and I'll close here with a couple more verses but Ephesians chapter one in verse 23 the Bible says which is the body the fullness of him that filleth all in all it's talking about Jesus Christ it says that Jesus is the head in another passage here and he is over the church and he is all you know now let's go to first Corinthians chapter 15 first Corinthians chapter 15 now I can't tell you that I understand all this but I understand enough scripture to know that I'm not going to become a heretic or fall into heresy when I believe that the Bible teaches a trinity of one God with three persons that's one God that has three different parts and he made us like him so we have those three parts but he calls each of his part a separate person and it can manifest itself it separate itself and do different works at the same time Ephesians 1 osya first Corinthians 15 27 first Corinthians 15 27 for he has put all things under his feet who's he he God the Father have put all things under his feet who's his Jesus but when he that's God the Son but when he sayeth all things are put under him that will be God the Father it is benefits that he that's Christ is excepted which put all things under him who's that God the Father verse 20 is he's a little confusing in it verse 28 and when all things shall be subdued unto Him who's that God the Father then shall the son also himself be subject unto him who's that the father they don't put all things under him who's that Jesus Christ that God may be all in all all that does is showing you that there's two separate personages that are mentioned God the Father God the Son they're not the same they're not the same let's close with Ephesians 1:17 and Corinthians first Corinthians 2:9 there 16 features 1:17 when a man gets messed up on this doctrine of the Trinity my first question is is that man even saved because a lot of this has to do with being saved and knowing the Scriptures and reading the Word of God and the Holy Spirit guiding you reasons 117 says that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give it to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him again we see the Trinity in one verse that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is God who would the God of our Lord Jesus Christ be if it wasn't God the Father so may God the Father who is the father of Jesus who we know is God given to you the spirit of wisdom who's that the Holy Spirit so may God the Father through Jesus Christ give me the Holy Spirit that you may have the knowledge of him done my best today to try to clarify to you what the Trinity is and how it is one God with three persons and how that one God uses all three parts of himself all three persons in a way in which the only way to get saved is through Jesus Christ then when you get saved you get the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit brings us to the Father we go to heaven when we die to where the father is and that's what the Bible teaches now we're going to close with first Corinthians chapter 2 but it's all about having the spirit of knowledge did you know this if someone is wrong on this subject then they just don't know and oftentimes the reason they don't know the truth about the Trinity and what it is it's because they're not saved now I'm not going to in this video say no this guy's saved it this guy's lost and this guy's save is like some people do in their videos I don't know if you're saved or not but I do know this let me read to you first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 through 16 first Corinthians 2:9 through 16 says but as it is written I have not seen or you heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God had prepared for them that love him but God had revealed them unto us by his Spirit for the spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God so the Holy Spirit is what teaches us and God reveals to us the truths of the Bible through the Holy Spirit verse 11 for what man knoweth the things of man save the spirit of Man which is in even so the things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God verse 12 now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we may know the things which are freely given to us of God which things also we speak verse 13 not in the words which man's wisdom teaches but with the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual things I have gone to the verses today compared verses with verses with verses and I'm hoping that the Holy Spirit of God is teaching you what the Trinity is it's one God in three separate persons and how he separates himself that's the mystery that's what I don't understand what he does he's one God in three parts and it says here verse 14 but the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto Him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned you have to have the Holy Spirit of God in order to understand this book and understand the Trinity if you're out there preaching a heretical teaching about the Trinity and you're not teaching what the Bible says that makes me wonder are you even saved and continue here verse 15 but he that a spiritual judgeth all things yet he himself is judged of no man she I'm Robert breaker I'm nobody I'm just some guy in the backwoods of nowhere just preaching the Bible every week but I'm safe I have the Holy Spirit of God inside of me I'm trusting the blood of Jesus I have God living in me through the Holy Spirit Christ dwell in me through Holy Spirit and I know one thing I know I believe right about the Trinity I believe he's one God with three parts and I believe he's one guy that can manifest himself as three persons and I don't care if you try to judge me Bible says I'm judged and know me all that matters is what does God think verse 16 for who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him but we have the mind of Christ are you right about your teaching on the Trinity or have you fallen into a cult are you a cult leader yourself are you someone that's gone to an extreme it's not too late to come back it may be that you don't have the Holy Spirit and you're lost that's why you're off on a tangent or it could be that you're saved you're just carnal and you like to attack people and say mean things when you shouldn't it what I think we should do is just go to the scriptures and here it is an hour and over an hour and 20 minutes it took me to go through this to show you what the Trinity is in the Bible and the Trinity is one God only one God with three distinct persons somehow he can manifest and separate himself into these three persons and it takes all three salvation was through God the Father sending his son God the son died on the cross god the holy spirit rose him from the dead well Jesus really had the power to raise himself but it was through the spirit that he did it and through the spirit it's how we get to heaven where we'll see God the Son and God the Father someday so I hope it's been a blessing to you I hope you enjoy it I can't get out of the way all the way today so I'll just kind of go to the side here if you want to take a picture or whatever I appreciate your watching I'm sorry I went a little long and yes I'm not angry at these people that attacked me I'm just sad why don't they get it right the Bible will cure anybody that's off so let's just go to the scriptures and look up what the Bible say let's don't assume something let's find out for sure what a person really believes and let's don't attack people because what a horrible thing to attack someone and say they're guilty of so-and-so and they're not when they did it when they believed the truth I don't know anybody who's a Christian that wouldn't agree with what I just told you today I don't know any safe man it would would say rubber our breaker top today was heresy know everybody I know that save would say hundred percent I agree with you brother breaker Jesus Christ is one God with three persons those three parts that make up the three persons of God or what God made in His image when he made us in His image what God made when he made us in His image and we have three parts and so we're made in the image of God but God can do what we can he can separate himself manifest in the three different persons thank you for watching I'm sorry again that I went long but uh I got off my chest they meant I preached from the heart and I got it out there so I hope it's a blessing to you thank you for watching see you next time
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 52,147
Rating: 4.7835293 out of 5
Keywords: Clarifying the Trinity, Trinity, Godhead, Divinity, God in three persons
Id: 8CmntcV1V2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 19sec (4939 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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