Head vs Heart or Knowledge vs Understanding

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all right welcome back I'm a breaker here and I have a Bible study prepared for you today that I hope will be a blessing you better have your Bible there ready to go to these verses because I have a lot a lot of versions to go to today and it's quite interesting to me there's something in the news it's all over the news and what's in the news lately is that this fella Billy Graham died I've got a stack over here my file cabinet about that thick on Billy Graham a lot of people think he was this great man of God early Billy Graham stuff you know in the 50s is pretty decent pretty good but later Billy Graham and I'm debating on whether or not I'm going to do a video about Billy Graham or anything like that I don't know if all I care about was hits and getting clicks I would probably do that but I'm more interested in in the gospel and the truth and I'm giving people the Word of God than I am talking about other people so I don't know yet if I'll do anything about Billy Graham but that's been interesting the last couple of days all they talk about on the news is all this great man Billy Graham this great man is he always preach the gospel he went everywhere preaching the gospel he preached the gospel and over somebody's different hundreds of countries and I'm just sitting there going and the gospel is you're gonna tell me that he did that but you not tell me what it was that he preached and it's just like silence on what the gospel is well I'm not afraid to tell you what the gospel is it's first Corinthians 15 1 through 4 read it learn it study it know it and get singing as you study the life of Billy Graham later on in life he even denied the existence of Hell one of his famous quotes is hell is just separation from God so I have some problems with Billy Graham but old Billy Graham I do hear the gospel preached like we're talking 50s maybe 60s but older Billy Graham I I find that he's no longer preaching the gospel and I'm thinking to myself if his legacy was a man who preached the gospel how come the people that report on them and say how great he was won't even mention the very gospel that he claim to preach if they won't I will first Corinthians 15:1 sore for I meant read it get to it so I got a message here today and I think it's quite interesting it that Billy Graham died because I'm gonna be talking about salvation to be preaching and this might go a little bit into some things that that are important but I wanted to mention that the important something obstacle they'll talk about a man who they say preach it but they won't even mention it so we need to mention it well a lot of things go on behind the scenes here I wish I had time to explain and tell you everything that's going on in our lives and everything but it's just been an amazing to me how something you you did 10 15 20 years ago that you forgot about that you suffered and you struggled you went through some things and you just said Lord I got to give this to you and then they come back later and it's a blessing God blesses it maybe someone said something about you that's not true and then later people see that that was a lie then they understand well that guy's a liar and you're not and and there's these things that happen behind the scenes and that's why it's so important to me the Bible says we should be very very careful with what we say we shouldn't say something we shouldn't by your words we shall be justified by your word you shall be condemned and so it's been interesting to me to see how the Lord working and he's just a blessing God has been blessing our ministry and I believe it's because I'm faithful to teach and preach the Word of God I'm not on YouTube to talk about myself I'm here to exalt the Savior Jesus Christ now with that statement lately we met somebody someone introduced us to a guy and and it's it's it's a blessing to have Christian friends that believe like you do oh you don't know how much of a blessing it is I get email all the time for people mostly in Europe and other countries brother baby there's no church here there's no Christians here I don't have any other people to fellowship with in the Lord and so it's a blessing to be able to have friends and we do have some friends and it's a blessing to have other Christians that we can get with and talk with and fellowship with and I appreciate that and that's something you need you really do need that you can't live off-grid out in the woods somewhere on your own and be a good Christian do need to interact you need to interact with people but by going to lost people witnessing doing of interacting with them and then you need to interact with other Christians Bible says iron sharpens iron you need fellowship with other people so they introduced us to this guy and he was a group blessing we had him over the house and enjoyed speaking with him a really nice guy and we were talking about one church versus another church and you know the Bible says we're not supposed to compare one another or whatever but it's in front of us to compare ourselves to others that's not wise but we were talking about this one church and he says well he said that pastor preaches to the head and he says but that's why I like this church better because this pastor preaches to the heart and that's something that I mean I just couldn't stop thinking about that it's been a couple weeks ago probably been a month ago that we talked and he said that and I said to myself that's so good that is so beautiful and I started thinking about that and you know what that is that's that's the difference between preaching and teaching I am a Bible teacher that was the gift that God's given me and everybody that's I've ever talked to you that know me they tell me brother breaker God has given you the gift you are a great Bible teacher and oh come on I'll show come on but I'm more of a teacher than a preacher and you know you ought to know your limitations your abilities your gifts and I understand that I'm more of a Bible teacher than a preacher I almost can't preach unless I can use a marker and draw up here and then so I'm more of a Bible teacher than a preacher but when it comes to the head versus heart what teaching is teaching is more for the head we do teaching and teaching is so that in your mind you'll know something so teaching is more for the head preaching is more for the heart and I want to be a preacher and I try to have that balance of when I come to you every week on a Sunday you know have a teaching one time preaching next time I want to preach I want to pretty preaching is supposed to go to your heart and make you I guess feel bad if you're guilty of sin and give you that that want to do right and turn your heart back to the Lord teaching is more for the mind it's things that you need to know and you need to know certain things so there's a difference between teaching and preaching but yet in the Bible we're told to do both the Apostle Paul did both the next chapter 15 in verse 35 Paul also and Barnabas continued to name the op teaching and preaching the word vellore with many others also so your teach and you preach it's both go to Acts chapter 28 verse 31 there's a balance to I've been in some churches and many pastors all they do is teach they never preach been to other churches all pastors do is they preach they never teach there's got to be a balance you got it you got to do both and sometimes you do both at the same time and that's how I looked at many of my youtube videos there preaching and teaching at the same time but in Acts chapter 28 verse 31 we read this from the Apostle Paul preaching the kingdom of God and teaching those things which concerned the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence no man forbidding him you see this theme in the Bible about preaching and teaching in it's both there's a balance there but teaching is for the head so that you'll know something many people go to a secular college and that college isn't interested in their heart the college just gives them information from their head and then you graduate from college you get a degree in the degree basis that says well you know all this garbage and your head to hell you got a degree that you learned that but you see you go to church to hear God speak to your hearts and that's the difference so there is a difference between head knowledge and heart knowledge I like to say it like this the head is more of the mind okay when we're talking about the head what's in the head your mind the heart a lot of people say my brother breakroom when the Bible talks about the heart what is that a lot of people get this idea in their mind that the heart is this thing right here that's your physical pump and that's a part of your flesh that's not what the Bible is talking about when it talks about this this heart it's talking about yourself it's talking so it's not this they'll be confused with your heart you know a little kid one time his mom said that he want to be safe he's a sneeze in your heart he said oh geez come in my heart and he went to school he close friends Jesus is right inside there right here every time it beats that's Jesus knocking on my door he thought that in besides you're not saved by asking Jesus in your heart that's not in the Bible but his idea was he thought well that's a heart so I've got a heart it's like a little cage that I keep my Jesus in now that's not what the Bible is talking about in the fight with your heart is your being your psyche your very self everything that you are which would be what your soul it's what lives for all eternity you know when you die if you're saved you go to heaven your soul goes to heaven and all that you not believe and know is in you and you and you have that as you go well if you die you go to hell your soul goes to hell and everything that you believe everything that you know your very being you should they'll remember that that's why in hell there's people that went to hell and their son or their daughter went to hell and they're in hell they're screaming right now how they look overnight and they remember that's my son or that's my daughter and they curse each other why did you tell me about Jesus it's a sad thing that's why it's so important to understand but the thing that I see within Christianity today is there are very few preachers that will explain the head and the heart and the any difference between the two and the importance of knowledge in understanding you see I call this teaching or this sermon today head versus heart or knowledge versus understanding and what I want to show you is the importance of knowing something and understanding something with your head you get knowledge and you must have knowledge in order to be saved but according to Bible you're not saved unless you believe from the heart so the belief from the heart comes from an understanding you have to understand the gospel before you can believe I've run across many people that claim to be Christians and all they have is with their heart cried out to God they said Oh God save me but they never heard or understood the gospel I've seen many of them - the other way around they understood the gospel in their head but they never believed it in their heart that's quite common that's very common in churches today people go to church and hear the gospel but it never seeks into seeps into their heart and they never with their heart trust Jesus but you ask them well you know what the Bible said yeah I know what the Bible says I was in church hall every day of my life I was 18 when I turned 18 man I left I went out now to give a whole thing and I don't want Jesus they have a head knowledge of what salvation is but they don't follow Jesus they don't trust him you've got to know the gospel in order to believe it that's the knowledge part that's the head part but then you have to understand and believe with all your heart and it's the belief from the heart that saves according to Romans chapter 10 if thou believe without heart then that we're saved and I skipped a little bit of that verse I didn't quote it correctly so turn there if you would read that Romans 10:9 and 10 I believe it talks about believing from the heart with for with a heart man believeth unto righteousness so you've got to believe from your heart it's not enough to just know with your head but you've got to know in your head what to believe in from the heart does that make sense it's got to be both and the problems today you know I'll talk a little bit more about this as we go through the scriptures he's often today people don't there's a lot of people don't care whether you believe from the heart or not they just go round to the head repeat this prayer after me or presence sinner's prayer do this and they want you to do something with the mind but they don't take the time to take you through the scriptures to show you what you're supposed to trust in from the heart and so they have a lot of false converts that I like to say have said something with the mouth but they never done anything they've never believed from the heart and that's a false convert that's someone that's come to God with their lips but as Jesus says in Matthew their heart as far from him that's a false convert all right so let's go to this I've got a lot of verses I want to get to today now look at the lost people how does the Bible talk about lost people in their mind first about the head the mind and the knowledge part then I'm going to talk about the understanding in the heart part I'm going to show you how both of these are essential for salvation you have to with your mind under hear the gospel know the gospel and then you have to from the heart believe in the gospel it takes both to be saved just one or the other isn't enough so in Ephesians chapter 4 if he's in chapter 4 I've got so many verses to go through so I think there's a space bar if I remember right if you're watching this on youtube you hit the spacebar I think that's pause if not there must be a button somewhere that you can pause this you can look up these verses and then you can unpause when you found them and we can read them together features 4:17 says this I say therefore and testify the Lord that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind all right we're looking the word mind the lost people are in the vanity of their mind what does that mean they only think about themselves what is vanity vanity is self so the lost person their mind is only on themselves and the things of the world their mind is not on the gospel of salvation visions two three Ephesians two three sets of the lost among whom also we have had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind that were by nature the children of Wrath even as others so lost people all they think about are the flesh and the desires of the flesh and their mind is given holy unto thinking about those dirty things like pornography a lot of people watch computer a lot of people watch pornography on the computer same place where you can find the gospel YouTube it's a place where you can find the truth it's a shame that a lot of people look at that screen and see something good it's something bad same time if you're not guilty of looking at evil things you shouldn't put that kind of stuff in your mind what's Colossians said Colossians chapter 1 so there's the sinful mind of man in man who's not saved while his mind is sinful in in Colossians chapter 1 verse 21 we read and you that were sometimes alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works yet now happy reconciled this is a a safe person is now reconciled but before they were safe this is what they were like they're mine were enemies of God and they had many wicked works they were an alienated from God they were enemies in their mind they didn't want God Romans chapter 8 talks about the carnal mind and a Roman maybe I did too many verses I'm gonna have to be turning so much when I was in Bible School my old pastor used to say he said this he said every sermon that a preacher does ought to have at least 50 verses in it and the man gets up to preach to you it ought to be all about what God says not what a man says I always thought that was good I don't know if all my sermons have at least 50 verses and I try to get at least 20 I don't know somebody might go back and count up who knows we're always chapter 8 verse 7 because the carnal mind is enmity against God what does that mean it's an enemy of God for it is not subject to long gun neither can it be the carnal mind the mind if the unsaved man is not on God and things of God it's on himself and he's thinking of pleasure he's thinking of evil things and what he wants to do Titus 1:15 under the pure all things are pure but under them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure but even their mind and conscience is defiled so here's the mind of an unsaved person their unpure they're unclean they need to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus but they're not that corrupt they're evil they're wicked and it says their conscience and their mind is the file's first Timothy 4:2 talks about someone having their conscience seared someone can go so far into sin then it will divert them completely from thinking about the things of God and they'll never think about things about go to a Romans chapter 1 we have in the world the people that are called reprobates and I'll have time to read the entire passage of Romans chapter 1 but it shows you the mind of a reprobate of a wicked sinner it tells you what their heart is like as well but look what it says in Romans 1:28 and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient so there are people who are lost and lost people in this world don't have the knowledge god don't want the knowledge of God they kicked God out of their minds and they want nothing to do with God they don't want to think about God what do they need they need to come to God let's go to Acts chapter 17 the first thing a person needs in order to be saved is to have a mind in which there's a thought then there's their head a min maybe there's a hell and maybe I'm going there maybe I need to search after God and it's with the mind first that you must receive you must receive what let's look at acceptor 17 yes you must believe from the heart but it's got to come from the mind first Acts chapter 17 verse 11 these were more noble than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the Scriptures daily whether those things were so the the word is the scriptures the Bible they received the Bible you see the scriptures with all readiness of mind so your mind must receive something what must your mind receive before you can get safe the scriptures you've got to come to the Bible you better look you must receive the Word of God in your mind first before you can get saved there's got to be a time in your life where you came to the Bible either you've heard it in church or somebody witnessed to you or you sent down and started reading the Bible and then you start reading it and it's from the Word of God that we get light and then the gospel is light go to second Corinthians chapter 4 like I said this is going to be more of a Bible study than then we're going to go to verse after verse after verse and I want you to see these sacred these you had before verse 3 and 4 but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost now verse 4 whom the god of this world a notice that's a little Jesus and that Satan have blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them so the devil blinds the mind of those who aren't safe who are lost so that they don't see the light of the glorious gospel so they're in darkness basically and what do they need they need the light of the gospel in their mind we're told distinctly it says here what God mine blinded the minds so it's the mind that the first thing that devil tries to close is a person's mind and if you could close their mind to the truth then their heart will close to the truth so we need to attack with the gospel the mind so that a person understand okay all right so that's the gospel they have the knowledge now what it is now we pray to God that that would seek into the seep into the heart and then they would believe the gospel from the heart so I guess you could say there's an order it's got to go to the mind and then to the heart that's salvation you've got to first have in your mind the light of the glorious gospel that means someone's got to preach to you in other words faith go by hearing hearing by the Word of God you've got to hear the Bible preached before you can get sick go to Romans chapter 10 verse 15 16 and 17 something has to be preached to you before you can get say you got to know something before you can believe something so you got to know what the gospel is in order to be safe Romans chapter 10 verse 15 through 17 says and how shall they preach except they be sent as is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace so preaching needs to take place preaching of the gospel and it says but they have not all obeyed the gospel for Isaiah say it's going to believe our report so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God how can you hear the word of God how can you believe the gospel if you haven't heard it the best way I like to say it is how do you believe in something you've never heard you got to hear it first will you hear with your ears and when you hear with the ears first place it comes to your mind so the mind has to understand the gospel light has to pierce into the mind of an unbeliever and then once it's in a mind then you need to believe from the heart I'm just teaching what the Bible says not only Hebrews chapter 11 Hebrews chapter 11 number 6 but without faith it's impossible to please him for he that believeth God must cometh to God must believe that he is and that he's reward of him diligently seek Him you got it first with your mind believe there's a God then see after God and then God will bring a gospel to you the gospel portrayed these nifty ones before they'll be preached and you believe that gospel on your head now you've got to believe it in the heart sometimes we we say I believe that and we have a head belief but the true belief that saves is the heart belief and what I see all too often in Christianity is there are people that will believe something in their head but they've never believed it from their hearts a lot of times we see people that say they're Christian they say they believe this or they believe that and then they fall away from the truth and they don't come back to God well you can lock her down that's someone that might have believed in the head but they never believed from the heart let's go to a first Timothy chapter 2 verse 3 and 4 first Timothy two three and four for this is good and acceptable the sight of God our Savior who will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth you must know something in order to be saved and that's what I'm trying to show you here today that you've got to hear the gospel preached and you've got to know what the gospel is before you can believe what the gospel is all right does that make sense this this is the no part and this is the belief we believe from the heart we know in the mind so you need to know what the gospel is in order to believe the gospel now I've heard people go out and I've heard pastors say this and I just scratch my head and go that guy even read the Bible but I've heard people say well you don't have to know what the gospel is to get saved what do you say are you telling me you can get saved without ever hearing or knowing what the gospel is you heretic you liar you deceiver the Bible says you've got to know there's a saving knowledge of the truth there's something you've got to know before you can get saved I just read you the verse 2nd Timothy 2:4 who will have all men be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth there's something you got to know before you can get sent what do you got to know you got to hear the gospel know what you got it you've gotta hear that gospel being preached it's got to be put in through the ear into the mind because it's the devil who's blinding the mind to the gospel but the gospel is alight and that lights supposed to go into the mind and illuminate you you're like wow that's the gospel that's the way it's always that's the knowledge of the truth who did preaching Bible today what so the Bible says say it to me 3:14 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 14 and 15 but continue how the things which thou has learned and that's been assured of knowing of whom thou has learned them okay so learning what we learn with our knowledge verse 15 of that from a child thou it's known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus he says to Timothy that you knew something from a child what did he know the scriptures he says the Scriptures can make you wise unto salvation through faith so we must go to the Scriptures to find out how to be safe and we're saved by trusting in what God says in the Bible so knowledge is key to salvation you have to know something in order to know what to believe in before you're safe oh look at this Romans chapter 10 verse 2 Romans chapter 10 and verse 2 here Paul was talking about Israel he tells us why Israel is lost because they refused the knowledge that God gave them Romans chapter 10 verse 2 for I bear them record that they have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge the Jews run around and say world god we're up to home but we are up the true God out of nine we are Oh God and Jesus Christ showed up and said I'm he Here I am he that cometh unto me I will save all no wise pass out come to me I'm the Messiah and the Savior and I said no we don't know that we don't believe that we and they refused the knowledge of the truth so they were presented knowledge but they chose to close their minds and not accept that knowledge that's why they didn't believe in their heart you have to know something before you can believe it you must have that head knowledge before you can get saved there's something you must know before you can get saved what is it well the thing you have to know to be saved is the gospel remember I read it to you with the light God had the god of this world Satan has blinded the mind of them that they believe in the high so the gospel is found in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verses 1 through 4 let's go to 1st Corinthians 15 1 through 4 and read it because I want you to know I might be speaking to somebody here in this little tape here or video or whatever it is I grow up in in an age of cassette tapes everything now is on laserdisc or or on the cloud or something but you got to know this before you can believe this so for those that might not know the gospel is 1st Corinthians 15 one through four and there we read moreover brethren I declare it to you the gospel which I preached unto you which also ye have received and where you stand by which also ye are saved if you keep everyone appreciate even less you believe in pain what does it mean to believe in pain what we just saw that verse that the mind of a lost person is vanity what is the empty themselves thinking and thinking that it's what they do that saves them focusing you know well I think I deserve heaven because I do this and I do that that won't save you according to verse 3 or 4 it's what Jesus did that saves us it says for I delivered to you first of all that which I also received how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures so salvation is how Christ died for our sins was buried and rose again how did Jesus do it by his blood atonement so salvation in the gospel is by blood atonement without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sins the gospel is all about Jesus Christ shedding his blood to pay for your sins now you need to hear that you need to know that I wish probably Graham would have preached that he just died and everyone wants to go round and say that he preached that but he must not appreciate or else they'll say and what he preached was first refused it no they won't tell you what he preached it's like they don't even want to retaining their mind what the gospel is I'm not afraid of it I'm gonna tell you what it is the gospel that's how that Christ died for our sins was very rosy in 30 and that's how you're saved by trusting by believing in that but just knowing that in your head doesn't save you just knowing the gospel in your head isn't enough you must understand in your heart there must be an understanding you see we can know up here what the gospel is well you're not saved until you believe it with all of your being with all of your hearts you ever heard someone say I believe such-and-such with all my heart well that's salvation I believe this gospel with all my heart I'm trusting relying with all that I am in what Jesus did that take me to heaven it's what he did not what I do let's go to proverbs proverbs is a great book I recommend people go to the book of Proverbs and read one of the Proverbs every day there is a thirty wasn't 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs a lot of people what they do is they'll read one of the Proverbs a day and they will read this a day and before the day of the of the week or the day of the month so you start the first day of the month you read verse one of chapter one if it's thirty days only and not 31 when you just go ahead and read 30 and 31 and start over the next month and start one and you read one chapter for every day in that month and you do that every every month yes the Bible says that the book of Proverbs is given to us to help us to have some understanding and so it's a good book to read I just want to read you a couple of verses here in Proverbs that talk about understanding and the book of Proverbs chapter one verse one talks about this is the Proverbs of Solomon and it says why we have the book of Proverbs it says verse two to know wisdom and instruction and to perceive the words of understanding so it's given that us for wisdom to know something the Bible is given us so we'll know something we need to know the gospel but then it's also to help us to perceive the words of understanding it's to help our understanding chapter 2 and verse 2 just a couple verses here so they've found a client line here into wisdom and apply thy heart to understanding God says what we need to do we need to focus in on understanding from our heart certain things jabber 2 verse 6 where the lord giveth wisdom out of his mouth come into knowledge and understanding knowledge and understanding comes from the mouth of God what is the Bible it's the words of God what word what come out of your mouth words so the words of God are here written down in a book on the earth and the Bible tells us that we need to read it because it gives us knowledge and then if we work hard and reading and studying why we'll have understanding from the heart let's go to chapter 4 verse 5 of Proverbs let me read this one real quick problems 4 5 get wisdom get understanding forget it not neither decline from the words of my mouth you need to get wisdom and you need to get understanding where do they come from from the words of the mouth of God from the Bible there was a well actually verse 23 and I've got it right there highlighted in my Bible might as well read it keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life it's all about what do you believe from your heart so with that stated let's go to Matthew chapter 13 and here's the words of Jesus and when it comes to salvation the Bible is very clear salvation or conversion being saved being born again is a heart matter it's not enough to just believe with your mind something in the Bible to be saved you must believe from the heart and what I see in Christianity today is people going around just saying out with your head do this believe this with your mind but they never instructs you to believe in the gospel from the heart or I hear people say the opposite we'll just come to God with all your heart just say Oh God save me but there's no preaching or teaching of the gospel so people come to God Oh God thank me they've called on God from the heart but they've not believed they're believing in their calling they've not heard the gospel or understood how can you be saved by believing in the gospel if you've never heard the gospel how can you believe in something you've never heard so you see it takes both the preaching must be done first the teaching part so people understand and know what the gospel is then the preaching is now call on God and how do you call on God we call upon the Lord by faith and matter of fact I wasn't gonna go there I wanted to preach on this but you go to the book of Romans chapter 10 rubbish a person says whosoever shall call upon the name of Lord shall be safe many people think that that means you just call with your mouth so you say Oh God save me and you're safe but they don't read the context in that same context of Romans chapter 10 we see very clearly where it says and the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise say not in my heart faith speaks to God so that's the context of calling so when you call upon the Lord for salvation it's by faith from the heart and that faith calls on God and God says that's a believer right there he said now because he is heard and understood the gospel and he's believing in it with all his heart you see someone could call upon the Lord in vain I read that to you in a hymn book in a past sermon how in one of the hit books it says watch out that you don't call in vain call me by the name of Lord isn't just with the mouth it's from the heart that you believe in the gospel if all you've done is called from the mouth you're still lost if you believe from the heart you're saved well what if I said a prayer well if you believe from the heart and the gospel the same time you prayed you're saved it's not the praying that saves you it's whether or not you have that knowledge of the gospel you know what the gospel is and whether or not you believe it from the heart you gotta have both well let's go to a Matthew chapter 13 here's Jesus matter chapter 13 verse 15 Jesus says this he says find it here in a second for this people's heart is waxed gross and their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes have they closed less than anytime missions they should see with their eyes hear with their ears should understand with their heart and should be converted and I should heal them so there must be a hearing first than an understanding with the heart and then the Bible says when you believe you're converted sompop so Paul well I say Paul because Paul quotes this again in Acts chapter 28 but Jesus here is saying look you got to hear something preached first that's some knowledge that you've got to know and then salvation comes from believing in the heart it's got to be both that's just all the Bible says but here's what I hear and it's kind of sad well actually let's go to Matthew chapter 15 first mark of Christianity's day they leave out the hard part a lot of your so-called pastors and preachers all they'll do is run around and quote Romans 10:13 and they don't explain what I'm explaining you today and many people think oh well if I just with my mouth say Oh God saved me then I'll go to heaven and they're thinking that what they say what the mouth will save you now you've got a false convert who thinks I'm saved because I said something and that soul winner never asks them now have you believed in the gospel from the heart so it's just a head thing but not a heart thing I am a true minister of the gospel I want your heart to be given to the Lord how by completely trusting in his finished work the gospel I want you to be believing completely on what Jesus did none of what you do now I'm not against prayer lately somebody told me that some of my I guess you'd call them enemies I love them they're not mind me but I guess they think that I'm their enemy but they say well Robert breaker preaches that that prayer is a work and he is against prayer nothing could be farther from the truth I pray every night I am a YouTube video called how pray I believe in prayer I just don't believe that the prayer itself saves you because that would be you with your mind coming to God only and thinking you're safe no when you pray you must believe you can believe in be saved without prayer it's the faith that saves you after with the head you have the given been given the gospel the knowledge of the truth so I want to make sure you're saved last week's sermon was something to the effect of is it biblical to question people's salvation and I do I worry about people's salvation I want to make sure that they are trusting completely in the blood atonement of Christ from the heart I want to make sure they haven't just said something with the mouth I've given this illustration before but one time I I met a Muslim and I talked to him probably for an hour and he tried to come across as a Christian he tried to say yeah I believe in Jesus and I believe it and I just kept asking him you know something you're saying doesn't sound right tell me more what she really believed and he finally came out says look I'm a Muslim I said really see Muslims believe in any prophet if a man says he's a prophet Muslims believe that they believe Jesus was a prophet but if you ask a Muslim if Jesus God they say no and you ask a Muslim what do you believe about Jesus they say well I believe he's coming back but when Jesus comes back the Muslims say he's going to come back to the earth apologize for lying to people that's what Muslims believe I'm not a Muslim but this Muslim invited me to his mosque I said you know what I'd like to go so I had a pastor friend there that I think I was in Rhode Island at the time and I said pastor I ain't going there by myself uh-huh I said will you come with me he said okay so we went and we took a tour of this mosque and as we were touring this mosque the man that was giving us the Torah says now this is where we do this this word would pray five times a day this is where we circumcised the girls don't know I'm sorry he didn't say that but this is what we do this and this we're do that and then he says now just say my let's just say all of his God and they go huh he says no no and this is what we do here didn't you say all his God and the whole time he's given me this loose little tour of his mosque he said he kept saying now say Allah is God he says and now we decided a couple people like you white people people was this guy racist or something but he said we have some white people to come in any uh he says we we we just had them convert to Islam I said really and he's showing me around he says we just had some other people come in and convert to Islam I said where are they well they're not here but they're converts now and he said now just say all that it's God and he kept saying say Allah is God say Allah it's God and I finally just stop this and look why are you trying to get me to say Allah is God and it became very clear that to him to it in Islamists to a Muslim the way you become a convert to Islam is with the mouth you say Allah is God and if you say that they'll they will mark it down what we accept that confession now you're a Muslim I could have said that I didn't but if I'd say that with my mouth I wouldn't ruin out and rounds Jesus because I didn't believe it in the heart and what I see today within Christianity is a bunch of dare I say it Muslim Christians in a sense because there's a lot of Christians that go around and what they want they want you to say with your mouth something and say Jesus is God and how would they word it they say oh god please save me O Jesus and then they tell you well if you did it with your mouth then now you're a convert and they don't care if you've believed in the heart does that make sense that's what I see is the problem of Christianity today is that they want people to make a profession vocally and they don't care if that person has possession by trusting in the blood of Christ well I do care I believe in the biblical way of salvation and it's got to know with your mind but salvation isn't what you do or you say are you thinking your mind salvation is whether you believe in the heart with you believe in the heart where were we Matthew chapter 13 or 15 Matthew chapter 15 verse 7 you hypocrites well did Isaiah prophesied you say verse 8 this people draweth nigh to me with their mouth and honoureth me with their lips but their hearts heart is far from me verse 9 but in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrines and traditions a man that's modern and Christianity right there people say come to God and just repeat this prayer with your mouth and you know they get you to try to come to God with your lips but they're not telling you that in the Bible it's all about believing in the gospel from the heart because that's what makes it your Christian so I think there's a lot of false Christians false converts out there that have as this verse says come near to God with the mouth but they've never trusted from the heart to be converted there's something that I hear preachers say nowadays and I don't know where they got this from this isn't in the Bible even my old pastor dr. Peter ruckman used to say this from time to time and I think he just picked it up because he heard some other guys say it but I've always questioned this and I said why did you say that sometimes at the end of a sermon or something like that you'll hear preachers say now if you're lost come to Jesus Christ the best way you know how and I think to myself what why would you tell someone to come to Jesus the best way they know how what if they don't know how or what if what they're thinking is the wrong way but that's the only way they know are they saved no I don't understand why people say come Jesus the best way you know how that's not Bible the Bible says come to Jesus this way and there is a certain way that you must know to come to Jesus is called the saving knowledge of the truth and the way you come to Jesus is faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God you hear the gospel preached you understand and then you believe with all of your heart in the gospel of salvation that's the way to know how and that's the way to be saying it's not the best way you know how because a lot of people don't know how it's got to be the Bible way or no way at all God set up the way of salvation and it's through blood atonement and through trusting in what he did and that's how you're safe you must first know before you can understand and be safe by believing Romans 1521 I have a whole list of more verses here and I'm doing my best I just want to give you Bible verses amen I want you to see it's not Robert breaker speaking it's a Word of God speaking I can stand up and give my opinion about all this but I don't want to only give you what the Bible says Romans 15 21 but as it is written to whom he was not spoken of they shall see and they that have not heard she'll understand I call this the order of salvation first someone must come preaching the gospel then someone must hear they've come out hearing hear by the Word of God and you can't get saved until you understand and believe so that understanding is from the heart and that understanding is understanding hey it's not what I do or I say that saves me it's what Jesus did and it's by believing with all of my heart trusting in the finished work of Jesus Christ it's got to be from the scriptures there was an old man jealous one time matter of fact I remember that in Bible School the pastor there said that this was the greatest evangelist to ever come out of his Bible school and I've had dealings with that fella and someone gave me a tape that he made years ago about how to go soul-winning and I watched this tape you know what that fella said he said when you go knocking door on door winning souls he said don't take your Bible with you and I was just shocked my jaw dropped to the floor huh how do you go tailor to door and when people do the Lord without a Bible if faith come by here here by the Word of God you're leaving the very thing that they need to hear how are you bringing them to Jesus in will his answer was have them repeat a prayer after you and say ask Jesus in your heart and I just went wow wow I don't see that as the greatest evangelist to come out of I see that as a guy that is focusing in on just giving somebody something in their mind but not showing them to believe from the heart and that's what the Bible's supposed to do the Bible is the Word of God he's supposed to work in you once the Word of God the Bible says the Word of God is a double-edged sword and it's supposed to penetrate and it's supposed to work in the heart and bring you to a place to where you can believe and I'm not a Calvinist but I do believe the Word of God is powerful and works on the man's heart amen it's all about what God says Luke 24 45 look what it says here then open he their understanding that they might understand the scriptures this is Jesus Christ well he shows up after he rose again from the dead he said he took the scriptures and it was the Bible the scriptures that he used so that they might come to an understanding I don't see how it's even possible to win somebody to the Lord without a Bible you need to take them to the scriptures they need to understand an understanding comes from the word it's talking to a missionary a long time ago about all this and told this missionary I said man that's all you want nowadays it's so hard to win people to the Lord because most people have a false teaching and false doctrine of false denomination traditional teaching many of them are in a cult already that have been taught wrong on so many things I said it's almost like you have to do a deprogramming session with people before you can even get them to the point to show what the gospel is in and I told him that and then this missionary told me this now this is what he said he said you're right brother breaker he says I am convinced that you can't lead somebody the Lord in less than 45 minutes he said there's so many things they need to see in the Bible and so many scriptures that they need to hear he says I don't see how you can just go knock on somebody's door and say now repeat after me and get sent in like five ten fifteen minutes he has no no he said I've one people to the Lord and he said it took me at the very least 45 minutes of going through the Bible with those people to win them to Jesus now I'm not saying that I'm just saying that's what that missionary told me in a while because he was a true missionary who saw the emphasis of the scripture is the understanding part and he wanted to get them that knowledge of what the gospel was and then help them to understand you're saved when you believe and you must believe from the heart so that was a good missionary now the Bible talks about the importance of understanding Ephesians 1:18 says the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling what the riches of the glory of his inheritance is in the Saints in the Saints what God watches us is our understanding to be enlightened now I know this is in context talking to Christians after they're safe and their understanding certain things after they're safe but certainly it wouldn't be wrong to say that before you're saved you need to have some understanding and your eyes need to be enlightened because we just read earlier and second Corinthians how the gospel is like light and a person that's not saved is in darkness and so they need the eyes of their understanding enlightened so that they may believe oh I wasn't going to say this but I might as well in Honduras there's another brother there and one of his favorite songs with some new song by these new Christian artists I don't listen to this new Christian music I like the old hymns I like the old country songs back in the backwoods country that the people sing on guitars and violin I like I like just just old spiritual music I don't like this modern new music with drums and electric guitars and things like that but that's just me but one of his favorite songs was a song entitled open the eyes of my heart Lord and every time I'd go visit him he'd always sing that and he knew that I didn't like that song because I kept saying they're not wearing a Bible to say there's eyes in your heart and he'd see open the eyes of my heart Lord open the eyes and I shut up I don't want to hear that and because it was a modern artist and I'm just I don't like anything modern to be honest with you but uh but the more I thought about it the more so you know at least the messages that you're understanding and yes it is scriptural to understand with your heart and you need to understand some things from the heart the eyes be understanding being enlightened so I'm not gonna go so far to say there's a I in your heart I think that's doctrinally unsound but at least it's it's halfway doctrinal because there's an understanding that needs to take place with your inner heart you need to understand some things where John chapter 5 verse 20 says and we know the Son of God has come and have given us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his son Jesus Christ this is the true God and eternal life even John says there's a knowledge and there's an understanding in order to be safe why you have to know they've come by hearing hear by the word know what the gospel is hear it in your ears in your mind here with the gospel and then you have to understand and believe from the heart so it's all about that heart in so often in Christianity today they don't talk about the importance of the heart belief they only go right on and say I repeat this prayer after me hey a sinner's prayer say the sinner's prayer hey that's Jesus in your heart hey do this with your mouth and it's like but where's the faith in the heart now we're in the last days we are very close to the coming of Jesus Christ and the Bible says the last days perilous times shall come and we're about to find out who the true Christians are and who the false ones are we're about to separate the men from the boys I believe if the Lord tarries much longer and the rapture doesn't take place they're gonna go around killing Christians just like they did in World War two just like they've done all throughout history an early Rome killing the Christians we're gonna find out who the real Christians are the true Christians will be the ones that have believed from the heart and the gospel and that when they come and they say well you renounce Jesus Christ they'll say heck no I'm saved and I know it I'm going to heaven so and they'll be the ones that are killed first and the false Christians who will they be now let's go oh no no no you know I'm animated profession years ago but I don't know those are people that aren't believing from the heart it'd be really easy to find out who a true believer is whether they believe from the heart or not anyway and I hope the God that doesn't happen if the rapture comes first but you never know Acts chapter 8 and verse 30 Philip ran hither to him who's this Ethiopian eunuch and he said understand this now what thou readest why would that be the first thing Philip said why didn't fill up go that Ethio McEwing say hey what you doing no you won't get saved will repeat this prayer after me nobody said what you're doing oh you readin hey do you understand what did the guy say verse 31 how can i except some man should guide me so Philip went up and began to read to him and what happens he says he says here's what does hinder me to be baptized verse 37 now verse 37 by the way is taken out of the NIV and other versions of the Bible that's why you should always stick with a King James Bible because it's so important so important verse 37 says in Phillips said if thou believest with all thine heart thou mayest build is saying look salvation isn't you just say something with your mouth it's not enough to just believe it in your mind whether or not you believe with all your heart proverbs chapter 3 how's a kid wake up every morning and go sit down at the counter the kitchen counter mom would make me cereal sometimes eggs I remember there was some times when we were so poor as a kid that we couldn't even afford milk and I remember a couple times in my life having to sit down and eat my cereal and rather than milk I had to use apple juice that was gross have you ever had Cheerios and apple juice for shredded wheat and apple juice our raisin bran and apple juice that wasn't that good but I remember sitting there at the counter same counter where I got saved I've shown a video of my testimony I said this is where I said when I got saved my mom used to have a picture it was in a little frame and it was a Bible verse and it was proverbs chapter 3 and verse 5 and 6 every morning as a kid I would look at this verse and read it it was right there in the wall right below where I said it says trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy path that was the first verse of scripture I've got every morning since I was like 4 or 5 years old all the way up till what 13 14 years old that's a beautiful verse you're supposed to trust in the Lord with your heart you see salvation is by trusting we're saved when we trust Trust is another term for belief believe is another term for faith we're saved by faith we're saved by believing we're saved when we trust what from the heart maybe I should say it as the Bible trust with all your heart when you trust from all our your heart when you trust from the heart completely in the finished work of Christ that's when you're saved it's whether you believe it's not whether you called on the Lord with your mouth only and that's great that you did but when that took place did you believe from the heart because I run across people all the time who tell me brother breaker before I got saved I didn't know this I was confused I was instructed as the way to heaven was through a prayer and then if I repeated the prayer that I would be saved and I didn't know I was saved so every night I would pray the prayer o God please save me next night before bed o God please save me don't let me die and go to hell next time they called on God every single night because they thought that's what saved you and then it was the mouth nobody took the time to show them from the scriptures that salvation is by understanding and what you need to understand is that you're saved by faith from the heart and that your faith must be in the gospel when they understood that they got saved and I said well did you ever doubt it no I never doubted after now I know I'm saved now I don't have to pray and ask God to save me because now I know I'm saved why don't preach is preaching this why didn't it Lee Graham preached this hello maybe you did in the old days we got older he didn't he focused more on politics than anything else well Ephesians 1:13 look what the Bible says and whom he also trusted after that ye heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in law so after that she believed she believing and trusting same thing you're sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise salvation comes by hearing the gospel first when you hear it then you know what the gospel is now you've got to believe from the heart a lot of people hear the gospel and it goes in one ear and out the other other people hear the gospel yeah first goodness oooh yeah I know that I know but they don't believe it from their heart you've got to know it and you've got to believe it that's how you're safe that's not a a Robert breaker heresy that's Bible and I showed you from the scriptures and I hope it was enough to convince you I want you to have understanding and that's what I'm doing today I'm teaching so that you might have this knowledge but I'm also preaching in the hopes that they'll be an understanding and you'll understand and be converted and be saved first that's only means two verses four through nine pasa Paul and his ministry was all about the importance of preaching the gospel and then people accepting it by faith first Thessalonians 2:4 but as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel even so we speak not as pleasing man but God which tries our what our hearts Paul said if I preach the gospel I'm giving that to you so you'll know what it is and then Paul says now I'm trusting God we'll take that gospel and try your heart so that you'll believe it see I can't save anybody all I can do is give you the knowledge of how to be saved and now I pray once you have it up here so that knowledge then God will help you to understand in your heart and believe and I'm trusting him to do that says here verse 5 for neither at any time used we flattering words as you know not a cloak or covetous of covetous goddess witness 6 nor of men sought we glory neither of you nor yet of others when we might have been burned somewhat as the apostles of Christ verse 7 but we were gentle among you even as a nerve nurse church cherishes to her children so being affectionately verse 8 desirous of you we were willing to have imparted it to you not the gospel of God only but also our own souls because you were dear unto us the Apostle Paul is writing to these people that got saved by knowing the gospel and then believing it with all their heart and he's saying I love you people ask me rubber breaker why do you preach what you preach because I love you and I want to see you get saved I don't even want to see my worst enemy go to hell I want people to get saved and so to me the gospel is important to me the knowledge of how to be saved is the most important thing I want to make sure you know for sure how to be saved I don't want to leave you with just some head knowledge and then not explaining now what saves you is when you believe from the heart and I want to explain that you have to understand what you believe in is the gospel the blood atonement of Christ well verse 9 for you remember brethren our labour and travail for labouring night and day because we would not be chargeable unto any of you we preached unto you the gospel of God you see we don't charge to preach the gospel we don't tell people now if you want to hear the gospel you pay me a certain amount and I'll preach it to you now if God lays on your heart to send an offering to someone who preaches that's great Bible says we should live of the gospel because if that's what God's called us to do then the people should support us to do it but I am not telling you pay first then I preach now I'm gonna preach and I'm not gonna ask for money and if someone sends it will praise God for that praise God for that anyway first and for we are witnesses and God also how holy and justly and unblameable who behaved ourselves among you that believe as you know how we sorted and comforted and charged every one of you as a father does his children verse 12 that she would walk worthily worthy of God who have called you into his kingdom and glory now verse 13 for this cause also think we God without ceasing because when you receive the Word of God which you heard of us you received it not as the word of man but as it is in truth the Word of God now watch this which effectually worketh also in you that believe I believe that if I am faithful to just preach what the Bible says and I give you enough Bible then it is God that's gonna work on your heart through that scripture and eventually you'll come to the knowledge of the truth and so that's what I tried to do today I've tried my utmost best to show you how to get saved according to the scriptures and to show you from the Bible what salvation is and notice it's not what some man says it's what God says God says you've got to hear they've come by hearing here by the Word of God and know there's something you need to know you need to know first Corinthians 15 1 through 4 and then before you can get saved there's got to be an understanding you've got to understand oh you mean it's not my church attendance oh you mean it's not my water baptism oh you mean it's not what I did you crossing my fingers thinking I'm a good person maybe that's enough oh now I understand jesus paid it all Jesus did it and by trusting with all my heart and what he did then God saves me now again it now I'm safe because I believe from a heart the gospel must be preached and people must hear it know it and understand it and that salvation is by believing or trusting in it and that's when you're safe it's that simple I'll close the second Timothy 3:14 and 15 I think I already read these 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 4 I did but I want to close with this 2nd Timothy 3:14 but continue thou in the things which thou has learned have been have been assured of knowing of whom thou has learned them and that from a child thou has known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus so we are saved by faith but our faith must be in the scriptures we have to go by what the Bible says what does the Bible say I declare unto you the gospel by which you're saved it's what Jesus did now salvation is by hearing that knowing what it is and then believing with all of your heart trusting from the heart with all your heart trusting in the shed blood of Jesus Christ Romans 3:25 says through faith in his blood I trust the blood atonement of Christ and I know that I'm safe because I'm trusting and what Jesus did to get me to heaven and the Scriptures tell me that that's salvation I don't have a vain religious prayer repeated with my mouth that I'm trusting in to get me to heaven yes I did that before yes with my mouth I asked God to save me many times but that's not when I got saved it was when I heard the gospel for the first time age 18 understood and believed that I got saved July 29 1992 so I hope if you're safe you'll pass this on to people if you're lost pray you get safe today I'd love to rejoice with you if you got saved through this teaching please send me an email I'd love to hear from you god bless you hey I seemed like after you're done preaching you always think of the best thing to say right after and happens almost every time I preach it's like as soon as I'm done I'm like oh man I should have said this you ever do that humor talk to somebody then after is like oh man I should have told him this so at the end of this sermon what I should have said I thought I'd just go ahead and make this little video attack this on the end of this sermon what I should have said was this what if you're lost what if all you have done is come to God believing something in your head but you haven't believed from the heart there's a lot of folks like that they they are Christians because they think they are but they have a belief from the heart and they're not safe or what if it's the other way around I've met a lot of people over my years in the ministry who've told me their testimony their testimony was well and I realized that was lost and I got down on my knees and I cried out to God said Oh God save me and they came to God with their heart but then you ask him so when did you hear the gospel when did you believe I don't know what's that so they come to God with a heart but they didn't even know the gospel they haven't believed they came with a heart but they didn't have the saving knowledge of the truth at the time so were they saved I can't tell you if you're saved or not all I know if remember our sermon from last week examine yourselves find out you see salvation isn't an either/or I can either come to God and believe the gospel in my mind or I can come to him with my heart and not know the gospel no it's both you must have knowledge and understanding you must believe in the head and believe in the heart faith cometh by hearing hearing by the word of God you've got to hear the gospel first and then you believe it so that's what I wanted to say I come across many times people that claim to be Christians and when you look at their testimony you pull it all down they're still lost because either they've not heard the gospel and they're thinking they're safe because they ask God to save them and they say yeah but I call from the heart or they know the gospel and they put it up here in their mind but they never believed it from the heart my testimony is both I heard the gospel for the first time preached from My Father July 29 1992 I said man I didn't know that man why didn't anybody tell me in 18 years being in church and yet every night I'd ask God to save me over and over and repeat the sinner's prayer I had done all this stuff with my head in my mouth and my mind but I didn't know the gospel in the head and I hadn't believed from the heart well my dad showed me the scriptures that broke my heart and from that day on I've been a believer July 29th 1992 I heard the gospel dad gave me the knowledge and then in my heart I believed my dad said once you get saved I said right now because from the heart I believe completely and totally in the finished work of Christ I trust and what he's done for me I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ in the gospel in the blood atonement and I know that I'm saved a lot of people email me and say brother breaker I don't know if I'm saved or not I say well first of all do you know the gospel and second of all do you understand most of the time the problem is they've never heard the gospel or they were always holding on to something that they did they were always thinking yeah but I gotta do this too or do this also and so they didn't understand the salvation is by faith alone in what the Jesus did it's grace through faith in the finished work of Christ plus nothing - nothing III dad used to always say this way he says you can't come to Jesus with any works you must come by faith he said if you come with one drop of your own self-righteousness one drop of works you're still lost because that shows you haven't understood the gospel yet you're still thinking I've got to do this no salvation is when you realize not what I do it's completely wholeheartedly trusting and what Jesus did and I just felt compelled to add that on to the end of this video and hopefully that will help bring a better understanding amen a lot of people have called brother breaker you know I believe first Corinthians 15 once before but I don't know do I believe from the heart well I can't tell you if you do but I know one thing I do and I know that when that happens to me that I have never doubted my salvation since I was talking to my wife just the other day she told me she was honey I just want to tell you something I go what's that she goes all my life I doubted whether I was saved or not she said tell that night in 2006 that I got saved she says you know what I've never doubted it since I said come on honey have a juice yes no because I know jesus paid it all all to him I owe sin had left a crimson stain but he washed it white as snow and I just believe that he did that with all my heart so that's salvation I hope this has been a blessing to you thank you for watching we'll see you next week god bless
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 30,854
Rating: 4.8641644 out of 5
Keywords: head vs heart, knowledge vs understanding, trusting Christ, biblical salvation, eternal life, how to be saved, trusting with all your heart
Id: tyfffKZVn7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 42sec (4182 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
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