Homemade Fish & Chips with a Professional | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends another fantastic recipe today fish and chips with a delicious remoulade remember if you like the recipe give us a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring the bell stay tuned I'm going to show you exactly how to do it well let's get to it right away let me show you how easy it is to make this fabulous fish and chip with a remoulade sauce delicious let's do it I like to use a Yukon Gold potatoes I find them creamy I find them wonderful you can't get one of those get a baking potato I don't know how to say it but get whatever potatoes makes you happy okay it doesn't matter the secret is to make sure we make perfect fries and a perfect way to do it you peel it you keep it in the water because if you don't keep it in water uh then it's going to oxidize that it's going to turn brown on us right so we uh we we clean it we dry it and the first thing to do whenever something moves we got to make it where it doesn't move so we cut one piece out and now we got a potato that doesn't move and we're gonna make a box and then we're gonna back this is a classical way of making it make a box so so it's fairly straight all right I'm going to take this and get rid of it and let's get rid of these two now you don't want to make a perfect square fries then don't worry we're going to figure out here we're going to make about three so we're going to make them pretty big you see we're going to make them pretty big but it's really sticky so here we go and that's it now we're going to cut them into perfect square so one two one two one two all right and then what you do now you rinse them and you Ransom and you rent them a few times until your water is clear and when the water is clear I mean it's not like this this is cloudy you see it's cloudy water so you want to rinse them and change the water and rinse them again and change the water again however long it takes probably two or three uh water bath if you will and uh and that cleans them up that cleans the water gets rid of the extra starch okay so to save some time I already got him because after you do this you want to put them in the fridge you want to put them in the fridge at least for an hour or two you want to make sure it's super super cold you see super super cold and uh and and that will air dry them in the fridge the first frying because what we do we we double fry them whenever you do a good french fries you want it to be crisp the first thing you do you do one fry a 280 285 a night I Know Jack is going to put the uh temperature in celsius and then we're going to give a second fire the first fry could think of goods be careful when you do it I have a thermometer here so to make sure the temperature is good always when you do this with do it away from you from um from yourself so it doesn't Sprout or told you and this is going to take a little time and we're going to keep an eye on it while we start getting ready with the butter okay we're gonna put this aside and we're gonna get the butter ready all right so in here all you have to do really is don't play with it just make sure that's it you don't put too much I like to put as little as possible as I can okay let me put this over there so I rather do two or three fries at the two or three batches instead of one big batch if you put too much of it I will keep an eye on it okay so now we're gonna make the butter it's very simple we got regular flour and I am going to sift everything to air it up to make it lighter then we got rice flour I like rice flour and then I add a little bit of cornmeal a fine fine fine fine cornmeal and then I have a maybe a cornstarch and baking powder cornstarch and baking powder if you don't have that you can use tapioca powder also and I also add my famous Creole seasoning you got to put some kind of a seasoning in your lips if you don't have Creole seasoning use whatever makes you happy and of course Salt all right we got a nice amount of salt right there in my uh Creole seasoning I have uh uh already cayenne pepper in here so I don't need any more heat and a spoon I think will make me do this either easier and that's it all right so this is ready to go all we have to do now is put a beer I like to use a a light uh beer do whatever you want this is a light Hill the summer health for Germany it's actually it's got a little lemon flavor in there it's really really wonderful so we put be careful don't put too much you want to basically the texture of a pancake batter you know thicker pancake butter that's what we want okay be careful however you add a little bit at a time instead of having too much because you can't take it out the minute it's in there you can't take it out so be careful right see so let me continue this is too thick obviously that's why I got another one ready to go and you just do that you put it in as you need it don't go out there and put too much yeah this is too thick and that's okay we're gonna get the consistency of a nice uh uh pancake butter you'll see it's looking good this is still too thick but that's okay we're gonna get there you see let me keep an eye on my fries while I'm doing this yep we stood it too thick but that's okay that's why I always got a couple ready and then you do it you'll do it by looking at it you see here you make sure you don't put too much you want it to be thick enough so it sticks on top of the fish all right we're looking good a little bit a little bit more just a touch more maybe and then our fries should be ready to take out let me keep allowing them I don't want to do it too much but they still got a little while to go let's look at it let me show you so you can see see we got a little bit a little way to go see it's getting there it's getting there all right let's see how we do with it better yeah we're doing really good with this friends we're doing really good with this maybe just a touch more you see now I'm going to show you the consistency so you see just like a pancake batter a little thicker maybe than a pancake batter we're almost there look you see with the spoon friends say look you got an idea right there how thick it is you see you see it right there right all right my friends I think we're good maybe just a touch touch more I'm telling you no more and then I keep adding more I think we have it right there that's perfect all right let me check the fries I think the fries are gonna be fine to take out and then what we're gonna do we're gonna refreshuate him at least another hour so that's something you want to make in advance you want to get ready in advance if you want to do it you got to do it right right you're going through all this effort of doing this you want to make sure you do it right they need to be just a little bit more Brown so we're going to wait just a second I'll tell you what I'll do while I'm waiting friends because I got another minute I'm gonna make a quick little remoulade we're gonna make a remoulade and the lemonade no I already got a recipe online for this I already got a recipe we did a video of mayonnaise homemade mayonnaise and we already made one in the old kitchen but just in case you didn't see it I make a quick one I put a little red onion put some chives in there put a little garlic a little too much garlic in there Capers small Capers baby Capers and Cornish French pickles if you don't have Cornish don't worry they're still gonna be good it's still gonna be delicious French pickle a little sour pickles and you see right here we got a remoulade all we need now is salt and pepper salt and pepper you can put a bit of hot sauce also in there let me check out the potato now because I don't want them to be over down and then we'll finish them up at a farm park it was good you can put a little hot sauce in there matter of fact you know what I'm gonna do it because I got some there we go friends I got a little hot sauce in there just a little bit oh measure carefully and here we have it all right so we have our remoulade done keep it in the fridge now remember if you're gonna make your own mayonnaise you don't have to make it on mayonnaise um unless you really want it to be good all right taking the fries now friends and uh you see the little um they're a little golden blonde but not much that's all we want you see we're gonna put this aside and voila we're gonna put them in the fridge one more time for about an hour and then we're gonna finish putting the fish frying the fish and finish the fries so we're gonna wait an hour and I will be right back so we finish the dish okay friends the fries have been in the refrigerator for a good hour hour and a half they've got to be really really cold and then we'll punch them again in a minute let's talk about the fish I use cod cod I think is actually the perfect fish for fish and chips but you can certainly use halibut you can use perch you can use whatever fish whatever white fish you can find locally then it's fresh but uh Alaskan car or or um card for Maine is fabulous whatever you can find at the fish market the secret friends is flesh no odor okay all right look at it look it's gorgeous so what I do is you cut however you want it I kind of like to cut it in uh in in in bite size if you will not gonna eat it now um so instead of having to use a forking knife I like to go and just up bite it and and when it's a smaller piece like this I find it Cooks better it's up to you however you want to do it now what do we do well one of my tricks is to push it put put it in I'm just going to do a couple of them for now uh is to uh put it in uh tapioca powder you can put cornstarch you don't have it you can put it in flour the secret is to make sure it's super super dry you see friends let me put this in the fridge for now so then we don't keep it out right and you'll want to make it super super dry that's the secret before we put the butter on it you see very very light tapioca powder is like a a it's it's uh very very light you put very like cold stuff should works the same sometimes as a thickener I use cornstarch as a thickener they work wonderful so now that I got a huge mess in here let's figure out how we're gonna do this and what I got to do now is take my butter mix it up before I do it and I'm gonna take my fish and I'm going to put it right in there you see and then I'm going to put it in there and then I'm going to go directly in my bar in the oil the oil is at 365 degrees that's really important you see I got a thermometer here and I'm checking you want it to be at 365 degrees which is by the way the perfect temperature for us to do the second Fries over the fries the second fret second fry of the fries all right so here we go friends we take it right there you want to let it drain a little bit the excess the excess let us drain the excess a little bit and then you take it and you put it away from you remember okay let it drain a little bit and put it away from you okay all right maybe we'll put three I might be pushing the pot is not that big I'm Gonna Take It Now drain and push it away from you okay so so far so good right pretty easy and then when it comes out I'm gonna put it on paper towel just to dry a little bit I'll show you a little trick that I have all right so we don't want to do too much we just want to let it get golden brown by the time it's golden brown the fish is cooked to perfection and and like I said I like to cut them in little pieces so that you can actually grab it and bite it like you do the fries same deal right we use a uh a pure vegetable oil to do that you can use a canola or you can use whatever oil as a high smoke point it's really important to have at least 450 degree high smoke point so if you are not paying too much attention to the thermometer you're not going to burn you're not going to catch the house on fire be careful this is always very dangerous so we're looking good and they're going to take another probably a couple seconds I want a nice and golden brown not too brown but Brown enough so so they're nice and then we're going to serve that with dipping with a remoulade let me tell you this is delicious just another couple minutes they're looking really good you see and the uh the corn meal gives it a really uh extra little crunch in there so if you go to the big filet by the time your bottle is golden brown it fits too big fillet the inside of your fish is not cooked but it's nice and small like that cooks perfect I think we got it right there friends all right so we're going to take it out we're gonna put it right here oh yeah I'm gonna put it right here right there beautiful and then I just kind of like a roll them a little bit oh yeah they're crispy listen listen oh they smell amazing smell amazing you want to put them on here right there oh yeah oh yeah oh they're beautiful all right gorgeous now let me take the fries out of the fridge and we're gonna finish the fries they're gonna be nice and cold okay a good hour and a half right and now we're finishing them so remember but I'm away from you friends away so you don't hurt yourself okay super super cold now you see super cold all right we're good we're gonna put them on Peppa Peppa like we did with the fish so we can kind of like drain him a little bit and uh the remoulade sauce by Nature so it's a dipping lemon you gotta put lemon you got to put a little squeeze of lemon on there but folks I love a nice squeeze of lemon little greens and make it look pretty real simple nothing fancy here nice and simple beautiful there you go look at that possity boy that looks beautiful there you go all right very simple presentation how are we doing with the fries let's check them out we're getting there we're getting there friends you see the second the second fly takes no time at all you see second fight no time at all just probably uh two minutes so bear back shoe when you're ready well you're ready because you just cut the oil at the right temperature oh yeah baby we're almost there you see now I like a nice and golden potatoes there's nothing like making your own they're more elegant to begin with if you make your own then you know you got clean oil you do it at home it's some restaurant the oil is not so clean a lot of great restaurants out there though so I'm gonna pick on a restaurant that's for sure otherwise I'm in trouble so look guys we're looking good we're looking good we're wanting beautiful golden brown we'll put salt on it immediately when they come out this is when they'll absorb the most all right here we go there it goes look at this look how beautiful there gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous oh yeah yeah look at this all right beautiful now we're gonna take him we're gonna dry him a little bit stay come back over here you dry him a little bit oh yeah you hear him see look how beautiful they are so right now yeah so right now and then we'll organize them a little bit right there friends make a little Mount right there there you go beautiful haha beautiful there you go right there friends that is it oh now all we're gonna do friends oh um ha ha huh they are too hot for me um I love them but they're very hot so so let's look at the fish friends let's get a knife and let's look at the fish let me take this out we'll do this later I want you to look at the Fishman look at it oh God can you hear oh yeah look at it look at it look how beautiful that is look at this look at this friends you see flaky gorgeous look at this oh yeah I gotta have to try some of this oh you know sure thing no thing one you got to give it a squeeze of lemon gotta give it a squeeze of lemon yeah and two you got to put our remoul out on there friends and now oh baby heaven oh it's so hot I hope you enjoyed it remember subscribe to the channel give us a thumbs up and don't forget to ring the bell you get a notification when we do a new video every Thursday thanks for watching we'll see you next week [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 559,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fish & chips recipe, best fish and chips, Fish and Chips, chef jean pierre, cooking show, easy recipes, how to make fish and chips batter, beer batter fish and chips, beer fish and chips, easy fish and chips recipe, how to make fish and chips at home, how to fish and chips, homemade fish and chips recipe, fried fish and chips, how to cook, chef jean pierre onion meme, How to make the best fish and chips, easy gourmet recipes, how to make, how to make fish and chips
Id: rgVdloVnAl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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