How to Make Clarified Butter | Easy Recipe

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Hello and welcome to in the kitchen with Matt, I am your host, Matt Taylor. Today, I'm going to show you how to make clarified butter or how to clarify butter. A long time subscriber of mine suggested I make a video on this. So here we go. That's what we're going to do. It's really easy to do. If I can do it, you can do it. Before I move on, make sure to subscribe to my channel and hit that notification bill so you don't miss out on any of my new videos. First of all, what is clarified? Butter clarified butter is butter where the butter, fat or milk fat has been separated from the milk solid and the water. And you're just left with this wonderful almost like an oil that has a higher heat point or higher smoke point than normal butter, but still has that same awesome buttery taste. So my. Why might you want to use it? Well, you can use it for Sartain, you can use it for frying. You can use it in a variety of dishes. And so anywhere where you may not want your butter to burn, you would use clarified butter. So there's a lot of uses for it and you could store it in the refrigerator for a really long time. So it's pretty awesome. It's very simple to make. Let's get started. So to begin, I have a soft spot here and I have some butter. The amount of butter really doesn't matter that the same technique is going to work with whatever, however much better you use. I have about a pound of butter here, so four sticks here in the States and then I'm going to take this over to the stovetop. You can also do this in the oven. Just put the butter in an oven, safe dish and put your oven on, locy it around warm temperature. So I'm going to set my stovetop to low heat and we'll just let this butter reduce and allow the butter fat to separate from the milk solids or the butter solids. And we're not going to stir it at all. We're just going to let it be and do its thing. It will take some time. Just be patient. Depends on how warm your butter is. If you take it right out of the refrigerator and it's cold, it'll take longer than if it was already room temperature. Also, another trick, if you want it to melt down faster, is to cut up the butter into small little chunks and they will melt down faster. All right, once it's completely melted, you may or may not have quite a bit of foam here on the top and we want it whatever is on there. We just want to skim that off. And use that spin. But that's pretty good, as is, and now we want to separate the clarified butter from what's on the bottom, you can see all the milk solids that are on the bottom. We're going to take this off the heat. And let it sit for about five minutes and then we will go on to the next step now to separate the clarified butter from the milk solids on the bottom, you could. Use like a ladle and we can come in here and ladle that, I think. Drop it over a sieve that I've lined with cheesecloth and I'll catch anything extra and I didn't skim off the top or just come in here and pour it. Very gently. So we don't get any of that milk solids in their. You'll see the solid coming to the top, coming to the front. You don't want to get any of that. Well, it's OK to get a little bit because the cheesecloth will catch it. Just squeeze that out and there you go. We have some wonderful clarified butter looks fantastic. And now you have a bit of milk solids left here. Some people throw it out, but I recommend you can put that in like mashed potatoes. You can put it on spread it on some toast if you don't want to waste it. You can use it. All right. I normally will use it on other things. And I don't throw it out because I don't like wasting food. And now I'm just going to pour this awesome clarified butter in my Mason jar here. For easy storage. And here is our clarified butter, and you can use it the same way that you would use oil, fry with it, saute with it, use it in sauces, you could use it as a dip, as is dip some shrimp in there, dip some other seafood in there, whatever you want to do. All right. Clarified butter is done. Turned out fantastic. Really easy to do. If I can do it, you can do it to store it, put it in an airtight container with a lid on it and put it in the refrigerator and it will last several months in. They're pretty awesome. And then when you want to use it, just scoop some out with the spoon and put it in your pan and then it'll melt down and turn into the liquid again. I'm Matt Taylor. This has been another episode of In the Kitchen with Matt. Thank you for joining me as always. If you have any questions, comments or requests, put them down below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thumbs up down the corner. Push it. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel and check out my other videos. Take care.
Channel: In The Kitchen With Matt
Views: 126,001
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Keywords: how to make clarified butter easy recipe, how to make clarified butter, how to clarify butter, clarified butter, clarified butter recipe, what is clarified butter used for, what is clarified butter, milk solids, butter fat, separated butter fat, butter, ghee, in the kitchen with matt, clarified butter uses
Id: 6l7fma_5n-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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