How to Make Ghee | Home Made Ghee | Ghee Recipe | Clarified Butter | How to Make Clarified Butter

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hello and welcome to my kitchen in this video I'm going to show you how to make ghee which is clarified butter today I'm going to be using salted butter because I actually prefer the taste of the ghee when it's made from salted butter and my favorite brand of butter is anchor so let me show you how to make let's get cooking now today because I'm only using one packet of butter which is 250 grams I'm going to use a small heavy bottomed pan this pan is a 1 quart pan so you need to make sure that you're using a heavy bottomed pan because heat is very important when you're making ghee and also you don't want the pan too big because the ghee must sit like about an inch high in the pan so I'm gonna use a smallest ring that I have and I'm gonna do it on the lowest heat that I can so my setting is on 1 and the butter has come out of the fridge I haven't let it soften up at all I'm just gonna put it in the pan and let it melt alright so this has been going for five minutes and it's starting to bubble now the butter is melting nicely and it is on a really low flame so while the butter is melting and the ghee is being made you'll see bubbles and sometimes the bubbles will splash over and come up quite high so I like to use a spatter guard like this just to protect the stove from having splatters of ghee or to protect your face and hands while you're making the key all right so this has been cooking for a total of 10 minutes and you can see that there is some so at the top and McGee the clarified butter is in the middle and the milk solids are actually starting to settle at the bottom so I'm gonna let this continue to cook a little bit I'm just gonna move the top of the gear around using a rounded spoon I use around its room because I can get all the way around the edges via I'm not gonna remove this phone I'm just kind of stirring it around so that I can see the bottom it still needs to cook for a little while longer okay so this has been going for a total of 15 minutes and you can see you can see how the foam is starting to dissipate and the clarified butter is in the middle and you can see that that is very clear it's just because I have some phone in my spoon but the clarified butter is clear and the milk solids you can see settled at the bottom there that's what you're looking for so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add a teaspoon of water in here and the reason we do this is because once the ghee is done the water gives a really good like texture to the gear makes it into kernels like semolina kernels so I'm gonna let this cook for another five minutes or so and then I'm gonna turn off the heat okay so this has been going for four minutes since I put the water in and you can see the foam on top has almost disappeared so now I'm going to turn off the stove so this took a total time of 19 minutes and that's 19 minutes for one packet of butter if you're using more packets of butter obviously your pans gonna be a bit bigger depending on how many packets you are using and it will take a little bit longer but these are the key things you're looking for when you're making so you can see the clarified butter is right there we're gonna let this cool and then we'll sieve it all right this has been cooling for about 30 minutes and you can see now that the butter is clarified and all the milk solids are at the bottom so I'm just gonna carefully strain it into the bottle and there you have clarified butter or ghee now what you have left in this pan are the milk solids and because we use salted butter there is salt in here too you can just throw this away or you can scrape it up and put it in a bowl and use it to make your roti instead of adding oil and salt to the roti just substitute some of this for some of the oil so the key things to remember when you're making ghee is number one you want a heavy bottomed pan don't use a thin pan otherwise it's very easy to burn the ghee to make sure your pan is the right size because if it's too big yogi will lay out flat in the pan and again it will heat up too fast and you'll burn the ghee then you also want to remember to keep your temperature on very low so once you know you see it like coming up to a boil actually right from the beginning I would just keep the temperature really low and finally don't overcook your ghee so as soon as you see that the ghee is clarified and you can see clean and clear you know melted a ghee in the middle turn off your heat at the water let it cook for five minutes or so and then turn your heat off if you go beyond that period things will start changing and you'll burn the ghee trust me I've done it many times so I hope you guys enjoyed these tips and enjoyed watching my video and if you did please give me a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel and I'll see you again very soon for some more cooking inspiration you
Channel: Milhaan Home
Views: 462,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ghee, how to make ghee, clarified butter, how to make clarified butter, remove milk solids from butter, clear butter, indian butter, indian ghee, ghee recipe, why is my ghee burnt?, how do I make ghee?, how do I clarify butter?, why does butter burn?, clarified butter recipe, make ghee, make clarified butter, best butter, unsalted ghee, salted ghee, salted butter ghee, unsalted butter ghee, which butter is best for ghee?, should you use salted or unsalted butter for ghee?
Id: 6_-SSCrHLsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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