How to Make The Perfect Shepherd's Pie/Cottage Pie | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends a special dish one of my favorite shepherd spy we made two servings we made an individual serving and we made this beautiful lasagna pan stay tuned i'm going to show you how to make it remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and ring that bell let's get cooking well let me show you how easy it is to make this recipe friends i have some beautiful short ribs so i gotta cut them up i'm gonna cut them up in little pieces and i'm gonna grind them myself i like them much better than buying meat already grounded so what i got to do is just turn my guy on and voila [Applause] this is dead my friend i'm going to do all this i'll be back when it's all grinded up and we're going to start the recipes i'll be back in a few minutes after i'm done because we don't want to hear that machine for the next few minutes i'll see you in a minute all right friends now that everything is ready let's get going i love making this i grew up on it my mom used to make it in french we call it so uh and i don't know where the shepherd's pies come from and i'm not gonna worry about telling you because i don't know hey you go online and you read it's like 17 different opinion away comes from so we don't care we just want to eat some good mashed potato and ground beef or ground pork or ground lamb however you want to make it it's good with me as long as you're happy i'm happy hey guys i got clarified butter you don't have to use clarified butter you can use a good cooking oil but clarify butter i don't have to worry about burning it and i love the flavor of butter so if you don't know how to make clarified butter friends there's a link down there in the video it says show more click on it and we'll have a link about how to make clarified butter okay and it's better than the milk protein has been removed like i said i got two two and a quarter pound of short ribs you can do ground beef you can do ground lamb you can do whatever you want uh the short rib are perfect they got the perfect amount of fat we're going to saute them here and get some malala reaction okay you could do everything in one pot i like to do it in two parts so it goes faster we got some diced onion we got some sliced portobello mushroom we got some diced carrots and and and then we got some tomatoes i got a can of 28 ounce tomato i use lava tomato crunch tomatoes i got about a quarter cup of tomato puree i got some thyme i got some rosemary and i got some garlic and i got some peas for those of you that don't like pea just don't put them in don't worry about it i'm not gonna be there you're gonna be just fine let's check to make sure we have a good 365 degrees we don't so you know what we're going to do we're going to wait for a second until we get there because uh i don't want to bore you to death with too many stories i got a little bit of beef stock here just in case we need it so we're going to wait a few seconds for the heat to be hotter because it's not hot enough so i wait you got to make sure you're hot you got to make sure you're hot for if it's not hot enough of a temperature it's not going to work so we're going to caramelize the onion right here you know the onion always number one huh oh my regular here it goes again no no no i'm just going to say it one time that's it always always number one in the onion and um and then the beef the beef the pork the lamb whatever it is you're using you got to make sure your pan is hot otherwise you're not going to create the mala maya reaction maya maya maya reaction what is my reaction it's a combination of protein right there folks we're going to get some extra flavor we want to get a golden brown okay i see too many recipes friends when people do this even when you both do a bolognese sauce you want to get some caramelization that's flavor it's called maya reaction we're going to use a garlic salt i got an amazing garlic salt this garlic salt is fantastic we're going to put it everywhere because we need a garlic salt we're going to put some coarse black pepper of course black pepper and let's put it here through the cauliflower right we're going to caramelize the onion so yeah i see too many people that do this recipe and and what happened is their meat is stewed stewed the meat it's kind of like you took a new york shrimp and and you're cooking in boiling water yeah yeah it'll cook you know what i mean right so we wanna get some color caramelization so we're gonna get this okay and then the onion same thing so this is going to take a few minutes before it happens so i'm not going to bowl you to death we're going to continue doing this when this is golden brown this guy's going to bump we'll come back and we'll put the whole thing together we're going to wait because we cannot rush this if we rush it we're not going to have any guys call it a nice collar when you make a bolognese sauce you got to do the same thing all right so we'll be back in a few minutes golden caramel and and go on brown meat all right friends it's taking a little long time for the uh for the meat to caramelize but it's okay we got a little time the onion of caramelized i'm not gonna put the mushrooms because i want the mushroom to release their water so we're going to do that we'll put the mushroom in there we're going to put it on salt and we're going to wait for that to happen so it's kind of like a um take your time kind of dish to make we want to make sure everything is cooked want to make sure that mushrooms are cooked takes a little while to cook want to make sure everything is done correctly the meat is not caramelized yet and i want to wait until it caramelizes before i put more ingredient in there i don't want to put more moisture if i put more moisture then i'll do it like everybody else does i'll stew the meat instead of getting the maya reaction which is so important remember it's very important so we're going to wait a few more minutes for this okay and then we'll continue adding more ingredients all right so we'll come back in a minute okay friends check out the meat you see we got some nice color in it and uh the flavor of it is amazing you see we got some nice color not big caramelization but good enough for us to continue cooking the recipe the mushrooms have released all of their water we are now going to put the carrots in here and continue cooking this until the carrots are tender until the cows are tender and right here my friends we're gonna add the tomatoes we're gonna add our tomatoes right here we're gonna add a tomato puree in here and we're gonna cook all this down we're gonna put some rosemary and thyme cook all this up let's check this it's a constant i mean to mix everything friends we want to constantly mix everything so you got to be there and doing it you got to really mix it this is like a a really important thing to do now is to mix everything we're going to let this cook slowly i'm going to put a little bit of flour just a little bit of flour and a little bit of stock friends so i'll show you i'm gonna put just a little bit of stock this is my beef stock you know big stock you can use beef broth uh i'm gonna put a little flour so i got a little bit of uh and i have a little nest right there we're gonna put it right quick just gently a little bit of flour on top mamma mia mama mia put everything on the side there we go just a little bit of flour we're going to mix all this up let the flour cook it's got to be uh this is going to dry up a little bit you see what a mess i made don't do like me and we're going to cook this up friends and this is going to take a few minutes to cook so the carrots and the mashed potatoes we already made some mashed potatoes and i already made the mashed potato friends well let this cook and we'll put just a little bit more flour very little this time i'll kick it i'll keep it in the on the uh there you go that's what i was trying to do the first time [Music] there you go friends and we're gonna gently cook this we're also going to gently cook this until the cows are tender and when the cows are tender let me tell you with the short ribs this is going to be amazing my friends it's beautiful we want to lose all moisture and that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to cook that slowly we'll be back in a few minutes and then you know we're going to add the peas right here and the peas i use frozen peas makes it easy frozen peas and we're going to cook all this up and we're going to blend all this together for a little more garlic salt because at this point i put so many ingredients there you go so we cook this gently until the cows are tender and then we're going to mix all this and we're going to put it all together so we'll be back when this is dryer and the carrots are tender be back in a few minutes friends i forgot to put the garlic you know i had to forget something it was right there okay we'll continue cooking we'll be back in a minute okay friends the meat has reduced it's very big so it's uh i'm putting it in two pans friends uh no a third pen mamma i'll tell you a dirty a little more panned than we like sometime mixed the whole thing up it would have been difficult to do it all in one pen especially the quantities i got i got a little big i got a lot of stuff in here friends maybe a little but you know i always like to cook for the neighbors okay because the chip spied is something that the neighbors are gonna love look at this friends check this out does that look good or what oh it's look amazing it's look gorgeous my friends so now you see what a lot of people do they do they put this and they put the mashed potato on top and then they put the cheese on it and and it's beautiful but i like to do it where i put a mashed potato first then i put the meat and then i put more mashed potatoes you see i think you're gonna like it i think you're gonna like i think you'll come back for more okay mashed potato first let me tell you what i do i like to keep my mashed potato warm okay so you know what i do i put it in a bowl like that and i put a plastic wrap on it and then believe it or not i keep it in a warm oven 250. i got an x12 and 250. so i put it in there and it's warm i mean it's not super super hot see i can't handle it with my hand and and what we're going to do we're just going to put it in here like this now this is the bottom row right so bottom row i'm not too concerned about it because i'm going to make a nice no matter what this is a yukon gold mashed potatoes that i made i made a video on it okay so you have a video on this friends so this is going to be a crust you see this is going to be the crust that we're going to do and you got a video or not it's just beautiful you can go mashed potatoes with butter and if if the if they if the two the thick you can add a little bit of milk i rather put tons of butter so if it's up to you my friends but i think you should um put a little more bottle okay it's a lot a lot about it look at how creamy that is look at those mashed potatoes they're beautiful right so this is gonna be a crust so we're going to take it out of here we're going to make sure it's nice and flat okay we're not going to be too concerned about it because we don't need to be too concerned about it you know what i mean it's you're not going to see it right we just want to make sure it's evenly flat this is a beautiful lasagna pen that i love because you can put this on the table i mean you're going to use a regular lasagna pan this is just kind of like cool it's got a nice handle to it right so let's just do that now for for now let's put it right here i think i'm gonna need this in a minute right so now we're gonna take this the the meats part of it and we're gonna put it on top here okay all right now we don't want to disturb the bottom row too much oh mamma mia mamma mia i forgot to put the cheese oh suckerless friends sacrilege sacrilege sacrilege 9-1-1 9-1-1 hold on one more one more minute 9-1-1 you cannot forgot the cheese hey don't tell anyone okay ah yeah yeah yeah we're not gonna i said don't disturb the bottom row that's what i said first right ah mamma mia i always gotta forget something i tell you friends live show i got some beautiful english cheddar we're going to put a little extra on this part right there right little english cheddar put whatever cheddar you want friends beautiful cheese you can put push whatever cheese you want okay that uh the french people putting gruyere in there and we're also gonna put a bit of parmesan cheese on there look you never know i made a i made a mistake don't tell anybody okay i'll deny it we're going to continue here we go wow i tell you what to make a mistake i always make so we screw up something that's okay we're among friends we're mount friends you know the other channel they hide everything no it's not true some of them are very nice we love it there's a lot of great channels out there all right so here we go friends we're going to continue maybe a little more what do you think i wouldn't want that corner right there you got nothing so put everything in there oh yeah baby smells amazing i'm telling you tell you really really that use whatever meat you want if you're going to use meat also a good good ground chuck good guan shark 80 20. uh try to do it yourself if you have a meat grinder it's better but if you don't don't worry about it not everybody got a meat grinder right not everybody got a meat grinder gotta tell you what do you go and you meet one time my friends you grind your meat one time you'll uh you'll um you'll never buy that crap they sell you at the store i promise you that there we go all right we're looking good all right not a mashed potato to go on the top mashed potato to go on the top um you know i wanted to show you also some something else if you want to make an individual portion you take one of those metal rings metal rings like this spreads take a little bit of the mashed potatoes go on the bottom right put a little bit in the bottom just a little bit make sure it goes right in the bottom mashed potatoes right and take a spoon of sauce right there and put a little bit in there that's individual portion if you want to be fancy about this another reason no reason not to be fancy right right well go back to that so now on the top it's this is kind of soft while i put the mashed potato i i mess it all up so what i do is i put it in a pastry bag i got warm potatoes and i keep it the same thing i keep it in there in a warm oven it's not gonna burn right and then i go right in there and then i put it on there and that what that does friends that makes a cleaner job you see so then you don't mess up the the bottom layer too much you see you don't mess up the meat too much like i did earlier it's a pastry bag it's a redisposable pastry bag it makes it a lot easier it's more professional some people are like look at it i'm not a professional don't worry i'm not we are here to have fun my friends see just enough mashed potatoes to cover the whole top right so we good oh don't forget this guy right there the the single dude right and then what we're gonna do don't go anywhere we're gonna go and flatten this just a little bit flatten it and then we're gonna take a fork and we're going to create some ridges so it's more going to make it nice and flat and then we're going to take a fork and create some ridges to create some nice colors okay see right there that's it just like this friends perfect amount maybe a little too much there you go thank you right there we're in good shape come to papa right there delicious take a paper towel clean up the edges clean up the edges boom take a fork create some design nothing fancy here you see okay come back over here you oh we could do this what little design right there nothing fancy see the audio is not fancy all right all right then we take a little more of our cheddar and then we're going to top it with some parmigiano vagina and let me tell you this my friends this is the shepherd's pie it's gorgeous like put a parmigiano-reggiano be generous don't be afraid now okay same thing with this guy right there the little guy that's a cool if you want to make a little fancy see the cheese would be not too long we're going to pop both of those in the oven right there my friends i got a cookie sheet it's going on the cookie sheet it's going in an oven at 375. i would say to get a really hot maybe 30 minutes welcome back in 30 minutes we want the internal temperature to be 145 degrees all right 145 150 so we'll be back when it's the right temperature smells amazing friends look how beautiful we're gonna put a little chopped parsley in there just a little bit just to uh finish it up and and then i'm gonna let it rest a little bit friends because it's too hot and um and i don't want to burn myself because i do that all the time so we're gonna let it rest then i'm gonna cut it and we're gonna have a piece together all right so let it rest a few minutes you remember if after 45 minutes it doesn't get you that golden brown color you don't turn on the blower and don't forget it how would that happen to me once in a while i will be back in a few minutes okay when it's cooled off so i don't want to burn myself okay friends we're gonna cut a slice because i'm hungry so the first slice never really looks so good i hate to cut a first slice in front of you guys but it is what it is so we're gonna go in and i'm gonna see if we can get a slice that looks pretty cool um like i said i don't expect the first slice to look really really really good we're gonna try to scrape it and see what we can get my friends see what we can get at the first slice you cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut all right here we go here we go my friends there we go here we go here we go well it's not looking too bad for the first slice but it's going to look a lot better as it cools a little bit but it is hey it is what it is it is what it is let me get a fork and test this guy and i don't think it's too hot i think i'd be able to handle it um it looks pretty hot but not not too hot my friend i love it we can feel a little bit of the crunch on the on the couch and the peas that's beautiful it's fantastic i love it i hope you make it let's try to see what the single dude is doing over there let's see um now i'm not sure i didn't i didn't think i was gonna put a handle because it's pretty hot so let's do this yeah but if i lift it it'll come out so you know um all right all right all right all right all right uh operation rescue come over here pull right there and we're gonna take this guy right there and we're gonna poop it open and voila we got ourselves a individual serving of a shepherd spider fabulous my friend i hope you make the recipe in a lasagna pan or individual serving thank you for watching it was fun to cook for you again remember thumbs up if you liked the video subscribe to the channel and ring that bell thank you for watching we'll see you again in the next few days for another fantastic show we are back 24 hours later i wanted to show you look how beautiful it looks if you give it time to rest a little bit before you go ahead and cut it like i did at the end of the video it looks a lot nicer you can see the bottom the top and the middle much better it's kind of like a lasagna when you make a lasagna you gotta let it rest and then it's much better when you cut it the next day or a few hours later and you reheat it slowly in a warm oven like 250 275 until the center is 145 and that's what this is going to be fantastic i hope you try it [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 1,875,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shepherd's pie recipe, shepherd's pie, how to make shepherds pie, homemade shepherd's pie, shepherd's pie with vegetables, shepherds pie recipe | dinner ideas, easy shepherd's pie, easy shepherds pie recipe, best shepherds pie recipe, shepherds pie, shepherds pie beef, homemade shepherds pie, homemade shepherd's pie recipes, Hachis Parmentier, comment faire un Hachis Parmentier, Pate Chinois, cottage pie, cottage pie recipe, cattage pie, meat pie
Id: r9iAB_d8tT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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