Steak au Poivre / Peppercorn Steak Chef Jean-Pierre

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friends another fabulous recipe for you today is deco power pan sealed so roasted in the oven super easy pan sauce served with a gratin potato stack and buttered green beans you can try this recipe i know you're gonna love it don't forget to subscribe if you like the recipe gives us a thumbs up and don't forget to ring the bell all right friends i'm going to show you how to make the perfect pan seared steak it's actually not penciled all the way it's penciled and then we'll pop it in the oven because it's too thick to cook in a pan you know in a rule of thumb i always say if something is uh is about an inch and a half like this you couldn't really cook it in the fry pan you'll end up over cooking in the outside in order to cook the inside so you want to pencil it and just pop it in a water in a hot hot hot oven my oven is set at 500 degrees so i'm gonna cook it really really quick we're gonna say maybe four or five minutes depends how you like to cook right but i'm going to show you how to make a beautiful pen sauce and we're going to make a sticker puebla with a peppercorn sauce i'm going to show you how to do it it's very simple right we have our sticks and uh we got a fry pan going over there we're going to put a little bit of uh olive oil you can't cook steak and butter remember now you see people cooking steak in butter your butter will burn before your um uh your your meat or your chicken or your fish whatever you're cooking is cooked because milk uh a butter has milk milk has protein and they burn at 250 degrees so you can't really cook anything about it you get most out of the butter if you put it at the end that's all we're going to do we're going to put in the sauce so i want to make sure that my pan is hot and i'm looking at 350 375 okay i'll make sure my pan is super super hot i got a stainless steel pan so it's oven proof and we're going to pop it in the oven and we're going to finish it by making a nice pencil so we're going to serve it with a potato grater and a buttered green beans very simple dish okay for the potato gratin uh we'll give you a link for the recipe for the potato grated and they're right there they're ready to go and this is very simple to do we're using a green peppercorn green peppercorn and what's the difference between a green peppercorn and a black peppercorn yeah i can hear the smile alec over there saying oh it's there one is green when it's black it's the same uh uh berry it's from the pepper tree the green peppercorn i put into a brine and the black pepper corn are roasted so first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna prepare the steak and we're going to put heavy heavy duty peppercorn okay i'm talking about really really really heavy peppercorn let me just slow down on the heat for a second i'm talking about friends very very very heavy peppercorn okay this is cracked black pepper mediterranean sea salt you want to put less pepper in there you'll go ahead and put less pepper and it's your steaks okay but i like to put a lot of pepper in there i really really like to put a lot of peppers so we'll put a lot of pepper in there okay and don't be afraid it's a peppercorn steak yeah remember also one thing is the pepper when you cook it it gets milder it gets really really my roasted black pepper i mean you can still test you want to test it and um so mediterranean sea salt floral cell celery which i want to make you happy all right let's check it to make sure we have the right temperature in our pan we're not quite there because i slowed it down a little bit i didn't want to not be ready okay and we are going in in the oven in a second i want to put them in a pan i'm going to show you how to make the perfect steak by the way this is new york strip i removed some of the fat because it was too much fat on top of it you keep it in there if you want to sometimes you go to the butcher shop and man they give you like a thick little fat and if you like fat then you go right ahead remember now the secret friends of having a perfectly pen steel steak is very simple the minute you put it in the pan you do not touch it anymore until you're ready to flip it so you put it in don't touch it don't do nothing don't touch it everybody wants to play with it right have you noticed that everybody wants to play with it we're going to leave it in there let me get my wet towel we're going to it in there for a second and we do not want to touch it for at least two three minutes and i'm telling you i mean two or three minutes friends do not touch it don't play with it my oven is 500 i tell you that already the oven has to be preheated 500 see i'm all ready i'm all ready to go i just like it clean my uh is it now see that's when everybody wants to oh let me play with it no don't touch it have you ever noticed you put something on the grill right let's say for chicken let's say you put steak on the grill and uh and and a minute later you say oh let me play with it guess what happened it sticks right leave it alone for three minutes then you touch it the protein will release themselves but it's not gonna stick the secret is not to touch it not to play with it like everybody wants to do they constantly want to play with it so let me tell you what we're going to do okay we're going to in in a minute and a half from now i don't know i'm not looking at the time but we'll see it we're going gonna flip it on the other side and we're gonna take the whole pan and we're gonna pop it in the oven we're gonna leave it in there i don't know it's pretty thick four minutes five minutes we're not really gonna pay attention to the time too much we're gonna check temperature depends how you like it cook 130 135 medium rare or rare okay 125 for rare but let's say 130 35 get yourself a good thermometer okay and uh you know get yourself a good thermometer there's a bunch of thermometer we use this is really good it's called a thermapen i believe thermapen yeah it's really good it's expensive but it's good polder makes a really good thermometer instant read thermometer it really good so now what do you think do you think it's been about two and a half three minutes well we're gonna find out okay because i want it to be really pretty i'm what i'll tell you this is the prettiest steak look look look check it out look how gorgeous that is look at this look at this friends is that beautiful or is that beautiful that friends is a perfectly fancy steak opuama peppercorn we're not going to take it and we're going to go to the oven all right we're going to go in the oven and and then we're going to make the pan sauce in the pan because i'll have some mala reaction in the bottom of the pan and have some fond in the bottom of the pan then i can deglaze with cognac while the steak are resting i'm going to make a pencil so everybody can do this kind of like what you need though kind of like what you need what kind of english is that you're going to need a little bit of a beef stock now this is a beef stock that we make of course because we have a commercial kitchen so it's easy for us to do it right but it's um if you don't have a commercial of course if you don't have a commercial kitchen not everybody got a commercial kitchen but what you do you make a beef broth or you buy a beef broth and you add some tomato paste to it and if you have some extra leeks carrot celery and onion put it in a pot with your tomato paste and you beef broth then you bought already right watch for sodium right and then cook it for a while and look look see how beautiful that is that's going to be super easy to make a beautiful sauce with it all right so the green beans they're already poached remember when you cook uh most vegetables green beans um broccoli you wanna blanch them first you can't take a green beans and saute in a pan right so you want to blend them first blanch means just sautee them a little bit in advance well now we're going to take some butter wait wait we're going to use the butter don't worry see look at that everybody's always asking me why do you have such a big thing about her right why do i have such a big thing about it it's a mental support so look friends green beans are sauteed already right all i'm gonna do now i mean they cooked already all i'm gonna do is i'm just saute them in butter really simple they already cooked right so what i'm doing now is i'm coating them with so i'm going to put some floral cell on top of it just use a good mediterranean sea salt if you don't have floral cell a little bit of black pepper but little because because the um the stick is going to have a lot of that in there already right we're just going to saute them nice and pretty they cook remember there's a butter you could you can add some shout outs to it i got some right here look we're gonna add a little bit of sugar so you can cook them a little bit right while the steak is in the oven we'll cook a little bit of shallots a little green beans right there delicious simple you know what i do is i uh when i do the green beans i cut the ends then it's attached to the to the plant and i keep this it's it's kind of cute right what do you think i like when i ask you what you think or you you tell me in um in the um in the comments hey don't forget to subscribe okay we need some subscriber we just relaunched this youtube channel and there's a lot of cool videos out there we taped a lot of video uh the last couple of weeks so we have a lot of them we're gonna try to come out at least with one a week we're gonna try okay it's a lot of work folks but uh we like it so look we got these uh beautiful green beans we're gonna leave them here for a second my green peppercorn i open up you buy them in a jar okay in a jar in a can green peppercorn that's the way they come like that and what i do is i drain them out of there because it comes in a brine and it's usually salt water you know that brine is just salt water and maybe some citric acid or something i'm not really sure what the hell they got yeah yeah look green peppercorn water salt and citric acid that's usually how they and then i drain that and then i put it in a type of wet container and i replace the water with cognac so so and then i keep it in my fridge i don't know if you've ever used it uh green peppercorn but the traditional in classical french cuisine we use it a lot in in dishes and that's the typical that's a classical second problem i'm going to show you it's really simple right it's really simple to make i'm gonna make it i have totally demystified the whole recipe to make it simple but this is gonna be a crucial ingredient for you okay what we're gonna do we're gonna deglaze the panda who's coming out of the oven in a minute while the steaks are resting and we're going to deglaze it with a cognac and then we're going to put a stock and we're going to put a little bit of cream just a touch of cream in there and then we're going to finish it up with butter yeah you got our butter butter oh baby no margarine you know margarine is the molecule away from acrylic you like plastic yeah you eat your margarine yeah yeah eat your margarine i'll eat my butter thank you very much okay what do you think the steaks are gonna be ready you know what we're gonna do we're gonna check them let's check them it's gonna be smoky in there you watch whoo i'll tell you what i'll tell you now be careful when you're taking the pan out of the fry out of the oven always keep a rag on it because you know it's hot right when you take it out but then you're going to do something and you're going to forget the pen there you're going to want to move it you know in a commercial kitchen it's a rule you take something out of the oven you leave the towel on okay so depends how you like you stay cooked this feels pretty good to me it feels about medium rare rare and that's the way i like mine so i'm gonna take them out okay and i'm gonna let them rest oh yeah look look at beautiful daddy you see if you could be here and smell them we got to let them rest it's very important it doesn't matter what recipe we're making we are letting them rest and now what i'm going to do friends i am going to get rid of the extra oil right there the extra oil and the fat you can keep it in there if you want i rather replace that fat with butter because it'll give me consistency will it bring me creaminess trust me i like better that way you do however you want to do it but this is a simple preparation for this is no big deal okay anybody can do this all right so now we're going to get the pen super hot that's not not that it's not hot already it's pretty hot right and then we're going to flambe it no no i'm not going to flambe what am i talking about i don't want to flambe because i got a mirror here if i flambeat i'm going to crack my mirror you flambe it at home or maybe i can do it away okay i'll do it i'll tell you what i'll do i'll do it right there we're taking the the lighter we're ready oh yeah i'm gonna back up a little bit and then i'm gonna do it okay you watch all right the pen is hot take a little bit of cognac oh yeah baby you better keep that away from the flame otherwise you know what you're gonna have there you go that's what you're gonna have holy mackerel i'm glad i got it out of the uh i'm glad i got it out of the uh okay enough already done finished thank you goodbye wow nice some heat let me tell you that's a dangerous kitchen around here let me tell you all right enough for what you know so cognac look at that thing i mean holy mackerel sheesh little star hey yay little stock you see i put a little stock we're gonna deglaze now this is really a little bit more stock maybe now folks this is very very very important and you get this okay we're deglazing it you see right there this is a very simple pen sauce put a little bit of cream in here you don't need a lot just a little bit and i'm talking about heavy whipping cream man none of us none of that light cream that i see people using everywhere okay halo heavy whipping cream we're going to bring this to boil this let me tell your friends you can put a port wine if you want it in there i keep the towel so i don't forget right oh green peppercorn put the green peppercorn in there but as much or as little as you want you know you don't like them just don't put them in you don't have them don't put them in it's still going to be good all right so let me just get my potatoes i got them i just put them right here i got the little glass and potatoes i'm going to finish the sauce now i'm going to finish the sauce let me get the green beans hot all right look the sauce is starting to thicken you see you see you see you see right there friends the sauce is starting to thicken because it's reducing right so now here's what we do we turn the heat off and now and only now that i'm ready to eat i'm gonna put my butter okay don't put the butter before otherwise your butter separated become oily we don't want that we want it to stay creamy right look look look look look let me tell you friends this sauce is good enough to rub all over your body no really purist it really so yeah just wait until it's not so hot okay let me tell you oh yeah baby i know the professional cooks out there that are looking at this and going oh baby that's got to be delicious yeah and you would be right right uh a pinch of salt pinch of pepper there's already plenty of pepper in a steak i don't need that much pepper let me get myself a plate oh i use my plate let me get a plate all right we're going to make a presentation really simple so now i'm going to take my steak oh yeah baby right there now you see i know this juice is delicious but i don't want it on my on my um i don't want it on my sauce on my plate because it's not gonna look very attractive okay so that's why i'm taking it out right there and i let it rest it's perfect it's like you yes we're going to put some grating potatoes and we have a a recipe also for grating potatoes this is a simple recipe in the world folks to make okay then we're going to take the green beans all right and we're going to put them on a plate very simple i like to put them all in the same direction because like i said i'm a little anal sometime about some of the things that i do and you do it however it makes you happy and uh because they see trying to put them in the same direction it makes me waste a lot of time but that's the way i like to do it so anyway you do it however it makes you happy you know that's the cool thing about cooking you do it because it makes you happy and uh and it's delicious you know i say food has to look good to taste good okay it's pretty simple i mean see it's not like uh oh yeah those are also cooked perfect and they're beautiful right see that just gorgeous look at this right put it put two or three of them in there just like this you can put a little bit of the butter just a little bit of the butter that we cook them in but just a little bit okay that's all you need you don't need a lot right now you're to take your sauce right there look at the sauce look at that sauce look at that sauceway hey you can use that for a duck breast you can use it for a pork chop you can use it for a veal chop you can use it for anything lamb chicken chicken chicken chicken you're gonna make the same exact thing with a chicken breast look at this friends look at this i wish you'll be here and you could test this oh yeah baby this is perfect you see this is like that's the way i like it and you know what i like to do also i when i have extra sauce i put in a little pitcher like something like this but prettier than that right and i poured right next to i put it in a pitcher and i put it on the table so my guests if they like extra sauce they can have a little extra sauce right there friends stay oh come back over here you right there friends stacca puava very simple to make you can all do this okay that was just pencil beautiful right there look at this thing this is you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 966,431
Rating: 4.9228182 out of 5
Keywords: steak au poivre, steak au poivre recipe, au poivre, steak au poivre sauce recipe, pepper steak recipe, au poivre steak, steak au poivre sauce, peppercorn sauce recipe for steak, chef jean pierre onion, chef jean pierre steak au poivre, best steak aupoivre, peppercorn steak, chef jean pierre, au poivre sauce recipe, steak au poivre vert recipe, pepper steak sauce, best steak au poivre, peppercorn steak sauce recipe, peppercorn steak sauce with brandy, classic steak au poivre
Id: DUlKR0gjaX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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