Steps By Step Instruction To Make Clarified Butter - The French Cooking Academy

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BFD attitudes and welcome back to the French cooking Academy for the one who have seen the recent video you see that we've been covering a few of the classic French sauces and yesterday I did something on butter the reason why is because before we can go on on make more sauces we need to learn how to make clarified butter now it's a term that you use maybe some time you've heard it before but what is clarified butter basically it is a simple piece of good quality butter I'm using an organic butter very important I'm gonna melt it very slowly and what's going to happen is that the milk fats and the milk solids are going to separate into distant portions we're going to use only the fat which is called the butter fat and this is what you scoop out reserve and we're going to be able to use this as a mix to make sauces like the hollandaise sauce the bareness sauce which we're going to see in the further video after that so first to start with a bit of a technical lesson today let's look how to make a simple clarified butter so let's have a look how do we like an easy and quick clarified butter now before we start let me tell you that clarified butter it's not something you would use a lot or widely so in terms of quantities as you can see here I'm not going to use like tons of butter okay always made just enough butter for whatever you're going to be using if you make one sauce or one dish that requires a clarified butter just make the precise amount now let's start step number one you need your butter and we're going to be using today a often proof glass container so we can really see what's happening then it's very easy you take your butter and you put it just in your container like that after that using a convection traditional often just set the temperature to around 60 to 70 degrees Celsius and don't forget to put your phone on convection mode only we don't want any fan force for melting the butter when you open is that the right temperature just take the butter and put it in from time to time just open the oven and check your butter and see how its melting obviously at this stage it's not ready the butter is not all melted and we can just take it out of the oven okay so how about is out of the oven and now comes a bit of the tricky part as you can see on top of the melted butter I've got all this kind of whitish pink this is something you don't want and I'm gonna try to very very gently using my soup little try to get rid of that skin that sits at the very top of your butter that's the first step alright so that looks much better now on this step this is the crucial moment where we gonna get the vital element which is the milk fat as you can see here on the top is the milk fat and at the bottom is the milk solids now you don't want what's at the bottom what you want is actually to scoop out very gently only the pure butter fat and you gonna gently so this is a an exercise where you have to be extremely gentle right you can afford having a little bit of the milk solid but ideally you want to keep on getting just the essentials so I hope you can see here so it's a bit of a difficult exercise with the camera bit long-winded sorry about that but it is if you mess this up you're in for a restart okay that will do it for now well done guys you've just made your first clarified butter and this mix can be used to make specific sources like beer Nestle's and all on theirs and if you look let's have a look how clear this is this is pure butter you can even cook with that mix so on next video we're going to explore how to make a hollandaise sauce using that same glide butter so if you want more video from the French Cooking Academy just subscribe on the channel and I see you soon bye bye
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 99,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: butter, sauces, clarified butter, sauce hollandaise, sauce bearnaise, tips, french cooking, Clarified Butter (Food), Butter (Ingredient), chef, cooking, recipes, french culinary techniques, Sauce (Type Of Dish), French Food (Cuisine), how to make clarified butter, how to clarify butter, Organic butter, Quality butter
Id: cpcwDDpNpgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2015
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