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g'day youtube turbo tristan here welcome back to the channel today we'll be working on the ek civic turbo budget build so stick around i've got heaps to do i've been doing a lot in the background since the last video so stick around i'll show you what we're up to so since the last video the dump pipes been made so here it is here the welds were nice and rainbow colored and you know pretty close to instagram worthy you know that's an all right one um but i've scuffed it right back i've cleaned it all off i just wanted to check triple check and quadruple check for any leaks or cracks or anything before i heat wrap this and put it on so i'm going to get that done get that ready i have put on the intercooler piping kit dummied it up got a hole saw drilled a nice clean hole through there so that's all going to flow nicely i do have to take the turbo off and put all the fittings on put the wastegate hose on there as well and then i can put that on for the last time take off the sump weld the bung on the sump and set up everything so i've got tons and tons of work to do today i have begun work on the intercooler bracket or began begun uh however you say it australia america whatever but that's going to go here and use these existing bolt holes where the horn is there's a second hole there gonna mount that up out of the road don't want to drill any holes in the car i'm trying to practice keeping everything really really neat not chop up the cars at all i'm going with the thinner intercooler which is what i recommended so that'll tuck up nicely behind the bar then i have to fit maybe an oil cooler if i can fit it in there but that's not super important but we do have a fuel pressure regulator to change that's going to be interesting because i don't know if i have a fitting that's going to go in there but we'll try and work something out and make it all fit and yeah stick around you can watch me work okay so turbo's apart on the bench with all of my crap and all my tools um as you can see i've really outgrown all this space and it's not worth cleaning up in between jobs so i'm just going to leave it all out for now what i need to do is put the fittings on the turbo and onto the manifold because it's going to be too difficult to put these on later on when it's all on the car there's going to be plumbing everywhere so here we have the oil feed inlet and there's a restrictor on the bottom there there's also a secondary restrictor inside the turbo so that's to stop oil pressure blowing the seals out of the turbo so we're going to stick that on there well when you look at that i found the gasket stupid me great seal though perfectly smooth gasket glue on both sides now so that actually worked out really really well over onto the bottom side i already have a gasket on that one but i'm going to put a bit of schmooze on it i just have that dummied in the car so we'll tidy that up now okay so time to put the turbo on to its final resting place gonna smash that on there these studs don't give you a lot of room to bite down on okay so these studs and nuts that came with this kit are actually pretty crap uh this is with the plm kit so i'm gonna get rid of these and put in some other ones because they're no good all right scrap that the whole thing's coming apart again bloody help all right take 400 uh finally got the right nuts and bolts on here had to swap them out luckily i had a set for another turbo kit that i was doing which i'll have to now replace but we'll get this job done and out on the road and boosting and then we'll worry about the other one later we could fit spring washers on this time which is a luxury and everything's nice and high tensile zinc plated looks good all this drama just for four nuts and bolts gosh another washer so one really cool part that this customer provided was a turbo beanie or a turbo blanket now these uh go around here like so and actually clip on looks like it goes maybe this way under the wastegate and it just helps keep a lot of heat out of the engine bay now i have the same one on my car and just due to the wastegate there i don't have all of the clips done up so it's going to be interesting to see if i can get this to work on here should do and then absolute beach but it looks like that's going to be all right there see how far this guy wants to stretch i'm tipping not all the way over the other side there i'm worried that's going to interfere with the wastegate okay that works let's have a look around so yeah it clears everything i'll just have to fight the clamp there clears underneath here and looks great on that side so that's going to work time to stick this back in the car all right here we go turbo in it's going to be fun getting that oil feed line on but i can get to it from the back there so that's all right so the turbo's on in its final resting place turbo beanies on everything looks great what i'm going to do though before i pull the sump off is i'm actually going to go and i'm going to borrow one of these 90 degree fittings look at me stepping up my game i've got a raceworks fitting holder for my vice i've got new tools to undo these so i don't damage them so very fancy now stepping up that game so i'm going to borrow this with that not a mark on anything no more scratching around in the dirt for me and just before i pull the sump off i'm going to dummy this on here it's going to sort of go like this very short and i'll probably put the bung somewhere over here so it's just a nice straight path downwards so i'll have to find something to make a scratch with on there because it's all filthy is going to come down and around there so i might put it over here and just point it there so i'll be very short run just the tiniest little bit in between there but i'll bang it right in here so i'll make a little mark bomb all right time to take this off dirty thing sumps off just about out of battery so i'm gonna go swap batteries and uh get ready to drill this guy out make a mess we're getting close uh oil absolutely everywhere though on this motor funny there's so much oil everywhere but check this out the cleanest d16 dipstick i've ever seen so either never had an oil change ever in its life which i doubt or that's a brand new one [Music] [Music] [Music] well i hope you enjoyed that time lapse of me absolutely struggling after i dropped the roll i was game over i just kept on persevering with it but that's all done now now this is the back of a d16 oil filter goes here right above there is an oil pressure switch that's where i've got to get up and over and under and put the fittings on so this kit came with a fitting that goes in here my fingers don't want to work and then we screw that onto there and then we can also then put the oil sensor on the end of that and off we go i may even use my one that i have from last time my first d16 a bit better than that one less complicated and less things to go wrong so i'm just going to tack the bung onto the sump at the moment everything's absolutely filthy greasy ugly and oily so this world is going to be a real dirty one but there's no point cleaning it up yet yep i definitely need two hands for this so sorry guys i'll show you after i'm done so it's the very next day and i'm just about to get started on filling up the intercooler and fuel pressure regulator i'll walk you through all that sort of stuff in just a moment i want to try something new on the channel and that's a bit more viewer engagement and to answer some questions uh that people have commented on videos or to address any issues or criticisms that i may have so um the first one which i wasn't sure that i did was uh my dixie wrecked uh commented why do you always speak with an upward affliction i'm not sure i always do sometimes yeah i probably do it's a bit of an aussie thing we sort of finish our sentences with a bit of an up at the end and it's kind of it's pretty dumb and i hate doing it so thanks for pulling me up on that i'll try not to do it uh in the future uh one guy that some of you may be surprised he's pretty big time he's actually a good friend of mine automotive anatomy comment commented the 1.6 liter motor like we're doing here needs a small turbo i couldn't agree more we've discussed that in the past and we're getting a lot of comments people are saying a tdo4 tda3 or even a t25 would be perfect on this this car and i couldn't agree more i'm looking into doing something with maybe a wrx turbo because i'm trying to work in with max peeting rods to get a kit with a good size turbo that's going to bolt on keep your air conditioning and get everything sorted at the moment i'm not quite there yet so we're just doing some packaging stuff and trying to work out what's going to work and fit best dananova commented hey bro if you use the y8 camshaft in a y7 head can i use a the skunk 2 stage 3 cam in my y8 or y7 head to be honest uh donna i don't know the exact answer however i did run a y8 cam in my wife forehead and everything bolted in absolutely perfectly there's a video of me putting vtec lock in a non-vtec engine exactly the same engine as this and i turned it into a locked v-tech so we got a high lift cam on the intake side went in drives fine didn't really make a lumpy idle didn't really do anything but i've just got a bigger camshaft on the intake side so it helps with better airflow i guess this one the next comment comes from chairs one a couple of days ago now this one i'm really taking on board and i didn't realize i did it so that's why i'm sitting down i've got a bit of a back problem and i like to wobble side to side take the weight off my back so some days you'll see me do it more than others other days i'm standing pretty still so i'm going to make a big big effort not to sway backwards and forwards the comment read please stop rocking back and forth dude i watch your videos late at night or high as and you're making me sick i love the videos but please stand still uh chairs one couldn't agree more mate i actually went back and watched the video that you commented on and i was rocking back a lot and it made me see sick so sorry mate so this is something new that i'm trying on the channel if anyone uh leaves a comment from now on ask me a question has some input has some criticism whatever it is i'll try and get to two or three of the best ones each week and uh respond back to you on film i respond to everyone who messages me and also comments on all my videos anyway so i just thought i'd go that one step further some of the big youtubers you know they never mention their comments or their fans or anything occasionally they'll like one or two comments in a video and it drives people wild which is awesome and it's great engagement but i want to be a bit different go above and beyond i wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for you guys so yeah anyway enough bs back to the build all right so here's where we got to yesterday manifold's on buttoned up oil lines done turbo beanie's on heat wrapped exhaust is on oil filter relocation is on intercooler cold pipe is on now all that's missing is i've got to fiddle around with the fuel pressure regulator so i'm going to be trying to do that today mount that up for the customer it's very important to increase your fuel pressure for every psi of boost that you're running so running a rising rate fuel pressure rig something that we're not doing that we could maybe do i'm not sure how to do it is to add a little um fish tank filter in the line here for the map sensor i'd have to run some kind of vacuum line and then a one-way valve there which will trick the map sensor into thinking we're not running any boost i don't know how you're going to get it to attach and stay there if anybody knows explain it in the comments because i'm not sure how you would go about doing that i know what to do i just don't know how it's going to stay in the air and not fall out and jiggle around so not sure about that one what i'm going to do is stick on the time lapse because we've chatted enough i'm going to rip out the fuel pressure reg and we'll get started on sticking that in [Music] so you can see here super gross on the injectors i'm going to give those a clean give them a scotch brite scuff them up make them look all nice and new again now just check down inside here that's pretty gross also so i'll see what i can really do there i'm not really sure wasn't really part of the deal to de-gunk the whole motor but hopefully a turbo is going to push a lot of that out hopefully everything's all good here we are all cleaned up and i've drilled and tapped a fitting on there for the fuel pressure rig so nice and simple time to install [Music] okay so i'm just about to do the first start everything's buttoned up fingers crossed i'm really concerned about oil leaks from the remote filter so i'll be double checking that haven't had the best of luck with these fittings down here either in the past so when you use cheap fittings anything can go wrong but intercoolers on piping's on you'll see here we've got a block off on the blower valve that is for maximum flutter so we're going to get heaps and heaps of turbo noises with a full exhaust the car is going to be nice and quiet and with no external wastegate it's going to be nice and quiet so all you're going to hear is turbo spooling turbo fluttering not good for the turbo to have no blow-off valve but when you've got a china turbo that's you know under 200 bucks anyway enjoy the turbo flutter sounds compressor chop compressor surge all day long all day and then blow it up put a new one on cheaper than buying a blowoff valve really which is kind of dumb and not the right way to do it but definitely gets you the cool sounds brings all the boys to the yard so let's do a first start it does have oil in it by the way it's got fuel pressure it's got fuel injectors that's in that's in that scene it's got fuel pressure maybe it's just got a flat battery i know it says the battery is good all right it starts but i'm leaking a bit of fuel here from this fitting so i'm going to switch it off put some um sealant around that and get back onto it i'll just let the pressure die down let it all sort of bleed back to the tank while that's happening i'll go trim the front bumper and slap that on ready for its first drive how tough does that look the intercooler tucks up nicely everything's plumbed and fitted i've given the engine bay a wash and i've gapped the spark plugs down to 0.8 of a millimeter given the cleanup with a wire brush i'm just about to take it on its maiden voyage now make sure everything's sweet but how good does it sound nice and quiet total sleeper so we're just heading out for a drive now onto the freeway i think that's the safest place to do some full boost testing uh initial testing though we're cracking five sometimes seven psi the car's not breaking up until you're really really high in the rev range so i'll just back off when that happens of course the car isn't tuned i always recommend that you get an ecu fuel injectors in a fuel pump when you're going to turbo your vehicle however not everyone can afford that straight away but we've got a running driving smooth quiet sleeper that's pumping i reckon double the power at around five psi so we're going to jump onto the freeway and give it a full send which is luckily really close to my place and we'll zoom in on the boost gauge here in just a moment and you can see for yourself uh it's nice and quiet you can hear the turbo spalling and you can actually hear the flutters when you back off due to not having a blowout valve so yeah it's it's doing its job the customer wanted about five psi and the customer got about five psi so i'm very happy with that i've given everything a full clean there's a bit of a smell um from the turbo beanie i guess that's cooking for the first time and and baking it's sitting right on the hottest part of the whole setup the turbo in the manifold and the heat wrap so there's a bit of a funny smell coming out of the car but that's whenever you do something new and fit new parts to a car they get hot for the first time but i'm really happy with it i'm sure the customer will be really happy with it so let's go crack some boost second gear zero psi no engine lights like the last time five pound perfect and that is a success that absolutely hammers i'm really happy with that actually i'm actually surprised and it's so quiet inside hear those flutters i think gapping the spark plugs definitely helped and turning the fuel pressure up just a little bit definitely help but still and i say this all the time you definitely need to get the car tuned you definitely have to get some new injectors you definitely have to do a fuel pump upgrade well that was a good first drive definitely a successful mission i can see the headers are all gold now gone through their first heat cycle uh still a bit of bad smells but they'll go away there's no leaks all the pipe work is on nothing's popped off so that's great the turbo being that it's so big doesn't always spin at idle they sort of tend to need some time to warm up my t28 did the same thing took a while to sort of wear in [Music] as soon as you give it a rev off it goes so there's the fan kicking on well that finishes up the series on this ek civic d16 y4 turbo uh operation turbo with aircon was a complete fail but operation turbo ek was a complete success we're getting exactly what the customer wanted which was around five psi boosts good feels great doesn't really break up you can sort of feel it a little bit but we've increased the fuel pressure i will be telling the customer don't cane it until you sort out an ecu or something but you can definitely give it a good flogging and compared to what he was used to uh he won't need to flog it so much anyway because it will be you know double the power of what he had before so i do have to say though this particular ek fought me every single step of the way not only was it freezing cold every single night during winter working on the car welding the sump was a massive fail i actually had to redo it several times because the oil was impregnated into the steel and it just would not weld nicely uh it's definitely oil tight and pressure tight so it's not leaking at all so that's a great sign new gasket that was a pain in itself just changing the gasket on the sump took forever i think i broke all my fingernails off trying to peel it off it was just so hard and brittle it was baked on there it was definitely leaking from there because there was oil everywhere underneath the car which is one of the reasons why i gave it a good cleaning so it's nice and smicker now i did a wire tuck on the injectors the simplest way you can do it i got rid of that stupid plastic thing so that's gone uh we've mounted the fuel pressure reg over here which is a great sas one same as what i have on my car so that's perfect aircon is gone the exhaust is nice and quiet so the cars very nice and compliant you'll attract no attention from the cops unless you want to flutter right in their window which is kind of asking for the bumper bar fitted up perfectly you can see the sneaky intercooler in there so i used the max painting rods intercooler max peeting rods turbo max peeting rods oil feed line kit so those all worked an absolute treat so thanks again to max feeding rods for helping the channel out i love these guys because they do look after us in the budget community people that can't afford big dollar builds honda guys max beating rods always come to the party and helps us out if you want to see more builds like this make sure that you like the video comment below because i'll be reading out the best ones each week and subscribe if you haven't subscribed already big big things are coming on the channel i've got tons of projects already lined up you won't even believe how far i've come in 18 months doing this channel the sky is the limit for the next chapter in the turbo tristan saga things are expanding and i can't wait to drop the bomb on you guys and show you what's happening in the future but most importantly you definitely want to subscribe it helps the channel grow helps me out so until next time make sure you spool up and subscribe see you later [Music] you
Views: 9,402
Rating: 4.9453926 out of 5
Keywords: honda, civic, ek sedan, ek civic, k24 turbo, boost, haltech, boosted, circuit, dyno, do it yourself, k20a, sedan, civic race car, jdm 90s budget sedan sleeper, cheap ricer build, jdm budget project, jdm project car build, JDM build project, honda civic build project, d16y turbo, civic street race, D16Y4, TURBO D16, sohc vtec, sohc, flutter, turbo flutter, spool up, maxpeedingrods, ebay build, d16 ebay kit, d16 turbo, turbo civic, do I need a tune after turbo, type r civic
Id: i3BL2-ylsDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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