Veteran Built this 1.6 That blows us away!

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this little hot rod can be a blast to hold on tight all right so the first thing we got to do is power it up we're doing the free air cow on the innovative wideband so we just have to power it up with it unplugged that's gonna tell it that we're getting ready to calibrate it hi Brent you want to power it on real quick we got to leave it for like 30 seconds What's it saying error and flashing you want to key it off all right and so now we just gotta plug it back in unplug your tux real nice oh there it is all right just plugged in it's in Freire turn it on [Music] so I should say HTR and then it should say kal so now it's full lean all right now you can kill the key now we can unplug it hook it back up and plug it back in we just can't power it up with it unplugged so give me just a few minutes here single jingle time we got Papa Steve ratcheting it up pop it bong checking it out all right so this heater hose for the turbo was running right between the manifold and the up pipe so far I ran a around to get it away from it and we'll just definitely need our little filler try to make sure we get oh yeah this would be a point of air for sure yeah [Music] take it off and flip it around the bend was Nordic that term the bit that kicked up in this way though huh yeah all right so I got the lines all flipped over the other direction it's not everything's low we don't get air pockets bongs been burping it here so we'll just leave our leave our burping filler in it and once Brent starts it we can let it warm up make sure it doesn't mean to suck any more in yep fire it up [Music] hey Jamie I just lost the budget pedal yeah we're full of fluid for you peddle right I did you have I just pushed it in and I felt all up hop [Music] found it Jamie so you lost the clutch pedal yeah and you just jumped down there the pin fell out yeah come he'll pulley up on it okay I'm totally jumped in here stole my spot this is Jamie straightened out that bracket just leave that door open yeah man he's been pretty good when it [Music] [Laughter] because getting the Coronas mixed up he can't Denton you're gonna have to carry around a paint marker and there's a lot of movies about that [Music] [Music] I go all the way back when 7.6 turned all the way back that's why it's starting kind of funny and stuff right - da so we've got it turned all the way back and I'm going it's got an ATI damper so I'm going off TDC in the crank mark it's a why though that's what's weird the whole thing's weird cuz it's a why gonna check the yeah we might as well check the timing real quick just to make sure it was set yeah you're not gonna chase our tail don't single cam timing so the holiday Dean has yeah down start putting overtime I need the wet one pulled attention L want a welding will get weld and water hook the tensioner spring lift up on it pretty good and then nose with it so why not a whack so much out of whack hey yeah that looks way better here like zero for a half the pedal then yeah yeah yeah that was the problem yeah it's instant no the dead spot it was really hard when you had a timeline on there and find happy spot where I went hunt yeah but it had no idea that you were touching the pedal okay okay yeah I'll track as soon as he's done with timing here I'll check check line yeah you want to push the you want to floor it real quick Brent yep zip tie forever half anytime anywhere all right that's good all right so it was going from one side of the manual boost controller to the top of the gate nothing to source or the bottom so I just sourced it and then if we want to add the mangaboos controller in we can do it on the source side that way we know yeah let's start to figure out what the spring is and then we can switch over if we need if it's correct you get any sort of aftermarket distributor the guts are moved a little bit yeah you probably pull the distributor's apart and rearrange the guts and everything I was just yeah we'll see what it see what it does first sir we're ready for you let me make sure we don't have Y nothing's on the crank yeah yeah it's we've all done that before we can't call anybody an idiot we've all done it alright you were the first idiot you started this trend that even set up that started better [Music] it sounded better [Music] Yeah right on you want to unhook this for me our time yep it timed out great we'll roll it we'll check the straps it come here No I was 228 how much boosted it trying to make there you didn't sound like you were all the way there okay Bodhi thinking it will probably be about an eight to ten pound spring probably okay um you want to crank the wheel all the way to the right and kill it real quick so we can get that dust shield shut up okay nice come around I'm not sure why the it freaked me out that the yellow is staying oh is the mouse on it that's why get the mouse off that day there we go it's freaking me out man and I was like what's going on here [Music] yeah one little you heard a little misfire right there oh man he missed the good pole 244 that rich spot in there we're kind of on the Oh me okay because I heard one little hiccup in there you can see it on the graph how much boost was it he ate Batman I called that pretty close [Music] maybe twice ok good templates will get you [Music] [Music] oh yeah or [Music] so that was just fuel pulling it down right there 2:54 you gain ten by pulling that fuel out let's try a little more a little more Oh and barely ever see that evening of a number look at the number two sixty point oh oh nice I'm gonna give it a couple hundred on the rev limiter okay and these guys Springs and retainers and cams so yeah yeah it does it has Springs and retainers and camps yeah a cam cam Model T 16 Y engine you just really have to be careful on how [Music] se6 he just ripped yeah why you gotta be a little more you know yeah but it just so you feel better it does have Springs retainers in a skunk camp it's about to roll over anyway yeah it's like almost there all right so we hooked the manual boost controller up basically comes in here and we can fool how much is actually going to the bottom of the gate for the source we've never used this brand we tried blowing through it I couldn't really get it to open so you just make sure you have this cut set real good we can test it out [Music] we're all hooked up make sure you have a cut on I've never used this brand I tried blowing through it I don't know how much I trust it okay so it's it's turned all the way down so it should be as close to gate as it can do but you know how usually when you blow through them you can feel it it was barely with it turned all the way out give me some of that all right my mam duck single jingle is rocket goes a little bit to get here but we're here so it actually work all right maybe I'll trust it yeah maybe I'll trust it yeah so I said now what were you do start turning it in some it's an 8-pound spring and these these manual boost controllers like that there's a tipping point there's like where it doesn't do anything doesn't do anything and then it does all of you so you got to find that point all right we turned in some not all of it hopefully something you know manual boosts controllers like I just explained to them there's a dead spot and then there's a tipping point yeah so we're we might be pasty or we might still be in the tipping point so have fun I gotta cut [Music] like I wait - what my bad I swear Fong told me to keep turning it do that okay how much did you put in it would you say I don't know to turn three turns five turn just trying to turn four okay four to six she took two turns bowed out yeah okay yeah I hit the gut at 6300 oh yeah he's definitely honor he's going up yeah look at that graph I mean their main to 61 where it was making 210 the break 15 you guys gotta wait all the way how the screen up there to the moon as the moon tune yeah blue tuna goes off the screen alright you know Jamie he's a little overzealous it gave me a little too much boost so he gave me half of that now we're gonna try it again 3:45 it's up 14 pounds man I turned it just right poverty I like flirt yeah dial that in and you can up the cut for a load on let's spray the tires too cuz it was ride knew it was riding the tires so while we're in Tucson we had some friends bring up some real genuine coke from Mexico so long and I got to share it bottom up man that coke is really big while either it's perfect be 20-block a to borrow a pair yeah that's a be 20 block that's how much air we're moving oh yeah got that genuine coke going down smooth it does it is better [Music] so everybody's always trying to figure out what Dino sauce is they send us other stuff to try so we're going to try this trim Tex 8:47 see what this is about I think it'll work so I was like I need to practice spray here laughs at my practice spray [Music] [Music] 3:39 3:39 it came in a little harder there I realized right now is I never saw long gap [Music] yeah okay hey fungus pull these plugs back out did you gap them or do you just put them in and get put him in he's already gap go check all motor fun I'm on phone numbers gonna lose little bit learn some boost all motor phones gonna learn some boost today he gonna learn his boost numbers today yeah sure gap for all motor them down Wow the clothes got gap it's funny how you think about that stuff later you're like you know I never put my hands on it or I never saw this happen he's gonna show us his new method to gap in spark plugs you ready fine won't even look at me when I talk about turbo spark clubs are fixed we gapped and I'm ready to go [Music] there we go whoo we go reported five salut that is now I'll smooth it way the hell out I mean I'm down with another pound or so I'm not male 14 which I ago was 15 what clique Jamie just one oh that's where he started for you liking that what was your goals what you want okay I gave it a touch more do up your cut my cut is up okay you're ready to rip it we got a good cut at hunter oh come on it's only a 99 throw a ratchet strap or two around the motor to hold their together Hey there we go 69 yeah look how flat that is up there man shup flap that is up there no more how part are you comfortable with you is so solid I'm kind of comfortable so I'm like I don't like it greedy though either though yeah didn't go to more power I go for yeah so that was what were we at before 14 and that went to 16 okay what's all your build on this one internalize it's the real pissing your eyes we came here [Music] and it's the yh7 or whitehead whitehead what about crank same thing alright so Jamie gave me a little more boost I'm gonna put a little temperature in it there we go 408 and that's pretty more 408 oh yeah bad drew for the win holy crap man 19,000 fell to 18 on the back he left at 19 and then you can see the gradual yeah became but it's not much that's awesome she's gonna be potent stripping thank for that are you ready for that the 400 then nineteen Felda eighteen it should be percent duty cycle is going to ask I knew 15 degrees timing the a five or six recipe [Music] [Music] like it yeah yeah it's amazing I was thinking 350 today so this is awesome hahaha I was thinking it was like 3 or 50 she's a good build feels solid that's why it's like it's comfortable you know especially being a why a lot of times the Y's a little on the scarier side just different you know you know this thing's just it feels so solid it's good really good build it's really good building all right so we've got an encore pull yeah he wanted to see 20 pounds so find out we turn the little dial can't say I don't want to know [Laughter] computer give me 20 pounds and make it last all right here comes the Encore bring it back okay [Music] turbo single Kamath that dancing up [Music] odd car for the win those rubber band tires were man holding me skatin oh no they're tight that's just skating on the tires and then it came back this way 21 one blowing one pounds and a Jew yeah dog thanks for making me do that that was awesome haha so you saw how its skated on the time dancing that's how it's gonna drive all yeah I put some good tires on it good [Music] it'll be a ripper it's just really hard lower to do it fourth gear on this oh yeah on the dyno especially that's something I would dial in at the track or somewhere else but we it should be right there so wow wow wow wow you guys say my adrenaline is going wow that was fun that was so much fun I'm glad you guys are all hanging in there watching us we had a blast tunas single cam so you guys hanging out thanks for watching I'll see you guys all tomorrow
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 455,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra
Id: fz1tPLRtqC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 16sec (2116 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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