Buying a $500 VR6! Disaster or Great Deal?

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charles aka the humble mechanic and i drove to atlanta bought an all-original 84 sirocco drove it to florida swapped the engine then drove it home all in four days we have an awesome three episode series on that disaster of a week but this video is a disaster before the disaster to prep for our swap we bought a 500 2.8 liter 24 valve vr6 engine that came out of a running mark iv jetta we were under the impression it just needed timing chains but it needed a lot more than just that in this video watched charles and i build this engine before we shipped it to florida for the swap so today we are going to be tearing down our vr to put chains on it and also freshen it up so that it doesn't have any oh wait oh wait we forgot this part you can't put chains on a vr or any other engine without chain gang in it like this i got a little one i have my chain gang shirt on by the by look at that so i purchased this engine from a local friend of ours has a six-speed manual transmission on it and it came out of a mark 4 that was running this is a 24 valve bdf engine if you're you're familiar so it's a 2.8 with 24 valves as opposed to 12 valves 24 valves of fury yeah 24 valves of fury it needed chains when it came out of the car it was running so in theory we are going to do some inspection to verify that there is no damage or contact of any kind but in theory this should be just a time it up put chains on it freshen everything up and it should be good to go it never goes that way yuck what's wrong with that you get a bunch of goo the intake runners are just kind of goopy but they're not too bad take this gasket off too because we got a new one i hope well i said i hope while i was pulling it that's that's the time that's the time to hope but yeah it is kind of goopy and gross in there engines are gross that's what they do this is a fuel injector connector this is this is what happens when you get things that age if you take a look here the pieces of the connector that all the entire surroundings snapped off so not just the tab that i pushed on they just get brittle and old so plastic you're going to take it off and oh exactly like that you heard if you heard it you could hear the glory you're supposed to push on that tab and have it slide uh release now that that cylinder hole is filled with water look at that crusty so they they didn't do a great job i have a feeling at this current juncture every one of these connectors is gonna break yeah yeah yep yeah yep we're shooting for a hundred percent we're shooting for six out of six okay ready glorious right you got one more ready [Laughter] that's how you do so what's supposed to happen is this guy that little tab you push down on this part where my finger is and then it's supposed to release on the inside and instead this one just releases itself off off the housing all together here's how you know someone that does not work on volkswagens and audis has worked on this car recently all this rtv does not need to go on there to prevent it from leaking shockingly if you just do a good job installing it and put a new seal on it and don't put old crusty parts back on the car they don't leak until they do this is what's known as the crack pipe this one right here as you can see it's full of crack it is a pipe oh my god it's a pipe and then it has a like a carb like a crack pipe would have and so he sounds like he's speaking from experience listen i crack is whack in the words of whitney houston sorry i installed that oil this engine doesn't look particularly healthy it doesn't no i mean it's probably a 200 000 mile engine i think that's it was something like that one it would be a little easier if we didn't have a working with us that forgot the engine stand holder me um but it's super easy when it's out of the car even in the car really these aren't all that bad to do this is likely to be our car i believe yes can i purchase it from you she knew whip yeah yeah i'll sell it that's what i told him somebody here will probably want to buy it how much you selling it for we have zero idea how much what we're gonna do with this thing or how much it's gonna cost the only thing we know so far is this engine is 500 bucks so paul had that 500 engine workout so that engine ended up costing significantly more than 500 well you'll see later in this video all the other problems we had with the actual building of the engine but that doesn't even factor in if you haven't seen the series that we shot with the shiraco we had a bunch of other later problems that we ran into it got bad so we will link to that down the description where you can check that out so we complained about the tsi carbon buildup this is out of that vr6 all the yuck that's on the short runners the head has different length runners so you'll have a long intake runner and a short exhaust runner and a short exhaust intake runner and a long exhaust runner you use one cylinder head for it so the intake for the back cylinder has to come all the way from here to here to that cylinder so same thing on this sun and so that's why they alternate short and long is because they're alternating going to the back cylinders and he stepped on a duck or goose oh that's like that's like one of those where you feel like your guts fall out right before you have a really bad morning in the bathroom cardboard this is a to ensure you don't bust a hole in your block cardboard i'm sure i've talked about it i'm sure he's talked about it yeah i got a lot of crap because a real mechanic wouldn't use something like that a real mechanic wouldn't ensure he doesn't shut up oh hey this thing had green coolant in it fun fact uh you can see a faint tinge i don't know you probably won't see it on camera but there's a fake tinge of green coolant in this uh on this hose um so that's neat this is what happens when when you mix coolant can you mix oh oh uh oh it was clogged it was clogged and i've busted it it loose so don't mix your don't mix your coolant at home kids i love how we're using a 3 8 with a with an adapter when we can just use it a real half inch ah piece of cake yeah didn't even require any effort would you like to pump so i think we can get this water out of here this feels like it's going to be a disaster it could be i'm hoping i'm going to put my hand underneath it oh yeah you like that i can feel it i like well no like when you're trying off you can feel that um they didn't do a great job of changing oil look at this this situation here is crustastic yeah that's okay that won't uh hinder our performance too much we'll see how much horsepower this baby can handle with being poorly maintained with for 200 000 miles yikes there's still water in there apparently we didn't get that one out all the way i thought i had sucked it out all the way but apparently i had not sucked it out of the way this is the upper timing chain tensioner ooh feel that is is it feel kind of squishy squishy it feels like there's not a lot of tension on it but that's what it feels about the same 200 000 miles it's probably wear it out there we go there we go yucky that is do we have any rubbage no it might have just rubbed the crust a little it was early rubbage yeah here we have the original chain guide that came off this is the guide for the upper chain and this is a new one and these chains were wearing into the guide so this groove right here is actually caused by the chain rubbing it due to lack of tension or stretch timing chain this is what that guide should look like nice and smooth surface versus a surface with a groove in it i'm currently scraping with my fingernails the bottom of this oil pan it's producing quite a bit of contents and really what you can do more importantly is look at the area i've been scraping with my fingers and see oh this bottom of this oil pan is kind of what happened to it it's kinda i'm gonna go on a limb and say as we've seen thus far the oil change situation has been a little bit on the light side all right so i'm gonna take the cams out so that we can do a cylinder leak down test and make sure we don't have any leak down of the valves or the piston rings or anything unhappy like got that if this engine smells terrible it's been this thing's been torched wow this journal's really stained wow look at that one yeah these are really stained they're not really scored though but they're like really poorly stained so we want to inspect the health of this engine before we completely rebuild it and then put it in a car so we're going to use this boroscope to inspect each cylinder and then we're also going to do a leak down test to make sure it's not leaking well what's that right there that looks like wet crusty water it does look it looks crusty i don't know what that is though look at that is that unhappy it's kind of it's kind of on the side it could just be cooked from it spinning around yeah now we are going to do a cylinder leak down test we roll our gauge pressure up our pressure is at what is that a little over 80 probably 82 or 83. we have about 9 leak in the cylinder that's actually not terrible we're testing how well the cylinder overall is ceiling how well the valves on the intake side the exhaust side and the piston rings are sealing and this one's uh quite a bit more but i also don't think i have this piston up at tdc one of the advantages of pulling the camshafts out to do this test is that then you don't ever have to worry about whether you're at tdc compression or not because all of the valves should be closed [Music] oh that one sounds worse that one does sound worse i think that cylinder is kind of not good yeah and it would be ideal to know all the cylinders but if you have one cylinder the repairs essentially start to become the same an engine like this you wouldn't want to take one piston out and do one set of rings you would want to take them all out and we did confirm that it's not leaking out of the intake valves it's not leaking out of the exhaust valve it's coming down through the bottom so it's blowing past the piston rings so we're gonna re-ring it we're gonna put rings in it ring ring that one's that one's a big yikes yeah i believe that's maybe leaking there it seems like maybe we got a valve situation here so what you're seeing there is actually compressed air that actually comes from shop air and it's forced into the cylinders to check if it's holding all that air in there right so what you're seeing is the mist that we sprayed in there actually getting blown back out of the intake because it's not holding that pressure that we put into the cylinder which means we have a leaking intake valve and off to the machine shop it goes nothing like buying a 500 engine that you then immediately have to completely disassemble that is far more work than we had had planned it was not on the plan we were supposed to put chains on it and that was gonna be the end we were gonna chain gang it and then roll it it didn't work out not at all we're removing the cylinder head which requires phoning a friend when you have the engine block out of the car which because it moves on you yeah tag team situation [Music] hold on let me get a grip oh my god in a different way because apparently the way you're turning is not good for the way i'm turning yanking it like in the end it's the hall i am pretty strong he worked he went to the gym one time yeah yeah wow it's like easiest it stanks yep it does stank this is what happens when you mix coolant that's what happens when you mix coolant because all that crusty stuff gets in your cooling system over there too is that part of like a gasket it's a dongle no look at that doesn't belong in there what is that i don't know there's some duty in this hole too what the heck i bet you that's that dang silicone that was in the is that a coolant passage yeah these are cooling passages but like this right here uh-huh i bet you that's what it is um yep i bet you that's what it is so this is why you don't rtv a bunch of either it's all rtv that's stuck in this passage that's a cooling passage right there wow so when you rtv a bunch of and it goes inside of all your through your cooling system but this this is an rtv that's from mixing there is no way the proper amount of cooling is flowing through this thing what the heck is that dude that does not belong in an engine i don't know what the heck that is it's because there's no paper it feels like paper it's kind of squishy like a small amount of rtv that's really swollen i think that's what it is well i guess better to find out now yeah this engine's pretty gross it's disgusting it's broken i mean like sick can't believe how sick the gross that engine is because a normal engine stand would bolt to the back of the engine well we need to get access to that for the timing chain so euro-wise has this really cool mount that mounts to this back side of the engine back here these four bolt holes right there six bolt holes right there and i have one and it's really awesome and i forgot it what are you doing over there paul me well attempt to start to clean up our mess so that we can uh go shoot our podcast check out our podcast hashtag podcast hashtag bless owning the barbarian sword yeah they have i mean you think back in the old days look at how big this thing is swinging this as a sword you would kill you could we were too small to be doing all that i'm not man i am not a barbarian [Laughter] all right this is like 180 newton meters plus 180 degrees so after we figured out that we had major mechanical issues what we did is we tore everything down rip the pistons out and prepped everything so that we could send it off to the machine shop now we're back uh we have our engine back to the machine shop we had them do the block where they dunked it cleaned it up and then charles so kindly has done some work on that we have our cylinder head it has all new valves and valve guides as well as valve seals put in it and so we are ready to clamp the rest of our stuff and install our engine yeah you see these this amount of parts here on the table in front of us is really just a fraction of all the stuff we're going to be putting on a ton of bolts a ton of hardware a ton of other stuff uh i think though it is time to actually do work instead of stand here and talk about all these parts so let's just get this off a couple of things we're going to do on the bottom end we're going to re-ring the pistons and we're going to put new connecting rod bearings in it one of the things we need to do those we need to get all this crust out of our ring lands this is a piston after coming out of the parts cleaner looks really nice but what i do to clean these ring lands is i take one of the old rings i slightly file it down and then i just use it to clean all that yuck out of there so yeah we want to make sure that none of this yuck is on our piston before we reinstall it well fun fact when you use harsh chemicals it turns your gloves into what looks like something of like a weird balloon to mickey mouse hands looks like you've been in the pool for too long yeah it kind of does it does have that really pool uh too long in the pool kind of situation uh if you look here all of this gunk that's inside there it was all one solid sheet of black gunk uh and i've removed most of it as you can see uh and as you can see there's gross stuff everywhere this oil pan has a brown liquid in it i'm in the dirty area [Music] [Applause] okay time to put the crankshaft bearings in these are actually two different bearings an upper and a lower or as we're looking at it here this one's going to be a lower you can see that little cutout right there lines up with this oil galley right here to lubricate the crankshaft and of course the theme of putting an engine together make sure everything's clean uh me i'm mostly cleaning and then just reassembling this valve cover that i had to disassemble to clean all the because this engine is completely disgusting uh why did you buy such a well so at the time i didn't realize how nasty it was uh and frankly given the cost of rebuilding this entire engine this was a terrible idea this entire process did add say it just needed a fuel pump or an ac recharge totally just needs just needs a time a cam sensor because it's got timing faults that's all what i probably should have done before we got too deep into this was probably just scrap it and buy a three two or three six vr6 but um i make terrible life choices so here we are uh so i'm just cleaning up the crankshaft before we install that which is what comes next uh it's a pretty decent shape just want to get any old yuck off of it that uh that i possibly can also uh if you take a look our fuel line here is kind of dry rotted so that's a mild concern but we'll probably just run these and see if it catches on fire i like to live dangerously this is like really sticky goop that's inside the intake manifold i assume this is just carbon from oh my god the crank recirculation but it's like it's like really goopy we're gonna try to clean it the best we can for the time being we may have to try to get a different manifold for this thing some pieces coming out with it all right we're gonna drop in our crankshaft next i'm getting dirty well charles just took the clean job putting the engine together would be the clean part i'm like the custodian of the parts what we like to do is this is called composite material uh in the automotive world when we'd like to talk about things we call them plastic and then when we wanted to put them in a positive light we call them composite material how heavy is that plastic actually if this was made of metal it'd be very heavy plastic is not going to transmit heat so you don't have to worry about phenelic vanilla heat transfer whatever transfer between you need a phenolic spacer if you have too much heat transfer all right so got the new bearings in for the crankshaft now we're going to torque our main caps starting from the middle working our way out 30 neutron meters plus 180 degrees per bolt [Music] well right now i'm cleaning an oil pan partially because i dumped all the junk from the other things into this and partially because this thing was disgusting so all the stuff that i dumped from the other stuff is out of it but as you can see there's a a ring of grossness around the edge that i'm scraping off because we don't want any junk in our in our fresh new engine fresh new old engine now we are doing the additional 180 degrees so these are ones that haven't been done with the market 12 o'clock and then i know at a quick glance they've gone 80 degree or 180 degrees because our our marks are at six o'clock so quick way to look make sure you got everybody torqued i'm still over here cleaning we're about to wear out this wire brush that was brand new at the beginning of this it's uh the bristles are getting quite bent into the shell at this point these are high performance stage five i assume calico coated upgraded connecting rod bearings definitely a worthwhile upgrade on this engine even even if you're just stock this is a pretty good upgrade in this engine one of the very few weak points is the connecting rod bolts so we got arp rod bolts as well little a little excited there [Music] okay so we had a friend stop by and drop off a ring compressor because we were ill prepared one thing to note if you're pushing a piston in uh always is if it doesn't feel right to stop and uh reset your situation so you check and see because what happened is if you look right here this bottom ring has actually popped out a little bit from the ring compressor which is why we're having a problem and then we try again this is a valve cover gasket why do you want that right now well right now i'm gonna put in the valve cover because um because i broke one of the oil rings and charles is now it's a little gun child i'm a little gun shy and i'm scared so i've now handed the baton to him this shot looks so sad like you're just worried you're just sad and you're working on top of a trash can remember i said if you if you feel like you need to stop uh you should just stop well i didn't feel that but i still broke an oil ring that's all the all the carbon that came out of our intake together i rolled into a ball a new e-ball sometimes things get weird also when i was cleaning our dipstick this this is what happened so i went to wipe this end off and it completely broke apart as you can see here so this was what stopped it when you put it in the hole like this and now just goes right on in well charles has finalized installing all the pistons uh because he he took on the uh the the non-scared roll i laid on the grenade and uh so now we're spinning it over yeah just making sure it moves and everybody's happy and plus like this looks super cool so yeah vr6 this is a tip that charles gave for painting engine blocks which i had never heard before and i thought was really neat is if you put your tape on like this and then you take a hammer this is a rubber mallet and then you hit it you can just keep hammering it and then eventually as you see it will push around the circle and then you can get a perfect circle just like this and then you can just peel off the excess this one didn't work out as well this is what i'm gonna have to use a razor to clean up a little but it still made it easier because it's an odd shape [Music] so what was the torque spec on that 40 pound feet of torque what's the newton meters on that i don't know something like 55 or something in america in non-american but good thing this is america and we measure things in freedom units bald eagles the craziest part about the horsepower as a unit of measure is you would think that it's like one horse equals one horsepower in and maybe you could standardize in some way it's not that is not what a horsepower is a horsepower is like some sort of measurement of how fast something lifts based off of certain it's horse it is not a horse all right we got our gasket on we got our dowels on everybody's cleaned see how long he wants to hold on to that i'm trying to grab it lastly why don't you give it to me so i can help you wait a minute he's way too cool for school that was the the flippy guy no it's on my stud it's all right all right fire it up ready to start up uh fun fact vr sixes have two different head bolt sizes uh long ones long ones and short ones triple a vr has three different they do have three different ones which is super fun because they don't they have i think they have ones on the outside yeah on the outside edge [Music] that was awesome i really enjoyed that i'm gonna try and do uh another one you're not going to duplicate that so i'm going to try it again oh my god oh man oh that was a satisfying one beautiful crushed it nailed it absolutely crushed it okay rematch we got one more left three go oh that was pathetic let's do it again oh that was yours is pretty good all right so we got the 30 newton meters 50 newton meters now we're going to do all of them 90 degrees and then all of them again another 90 degrees that's fun uh he's gonna be pretty exhausted after all these 90s there's a lot of 90s 20 90s 40 90s oh yeah marking them in a specific spot on all of them helps with your 90s because you know at the end they got to face the same direction fun facts with charles and paul that would be a bad day if something if something happened here there should be nothing to see except for him double triple checking grunting and then double checking that he's on the right bolt next all right so these are just setting the cams into place uh we'll go through the timing process in a minute i'm just trying to get everything kind of laid out and uh prepped because we got all this blank stuff to do too so [Music] [Music] well it's 3 a.m we've had a day we've surrendered some victories mostly we have some more work to do in the morning to kind of level up for the next steps and um i you know what i'm just not gonna even mince words i'm not super thrilled about how today today sucked it pretty much sucked well we said the day sucked and it wasn't necessarily one or twenty five hundred giant things mostly a lot of very small small little things that delayed the entire process of building the engine and a lot of roadblocks we hit so that's why we're there so late and we had to solve a bunch of problems and then continue often those little hurdles seem to be way harder to to jump over than one massive one as long as you don't punch a hole through the block i guess yeah we'll move on and uh get this thing together tomorrow is another day and we'll we'll make it better [Music] since our engine didn't come with an accessory bracket we use this euro wise mini alternator setup which comes with a bracket to bolt to the block and gives us better clearance with the alternator okay so right now we're about to put our cam adjusters onto our stuff here and what we want to point out is right here on each camshaft right there and then right here there's a hole that actually corresponds with this this dowel pin right here this is an alignment to make sure that everything is lined up properly so the rest of these are all oil passages for the variable valve timing stuff so you have to line that up for it it's a good secondary check they're supposed to be pointing in a diagonal upward left direction here and then we can get them installed this dowel lining up with this opening here there's also a scribe arrow right here on the variator that when you have it properly timed will line up to this mark right here in yellow on the cambridge what can happen is you can get the cam on don't put that bolt in just yet you can get the cam on and lined up with that dowel this is because you have variable valve timing so it can move the cam both forward and backward and actually on the intake side you have even more adjustment okay so charles call this a scribe i call this more like sad christmas tree that is kind of like an arrow facing in that direction with a bunch of lines either way though whichever you prefer to call it another check that you want to do is to count the rollers between the marks so from this mark on the intake cam to this mark on the exhaust cam you should have 16 of the chain rollers in between so if you look at your sad christmas tree right here and go towards the exhaust side and then your sad christmas tree on the exhaust side it's 16 of the circles of the rollers between the two okay so when you're timing the chains the main stuff you're going to need is to get this timed properly on the cam side so we showed you the other marks on the other side there you also want to get this plate in place as a special tool that actually locks in because there are notches in the cams here that allow you to that are cut so that you know they're in time so that is like this locks in place and we know we're good up here okay so we're going to start our timing with our lower timing chain that connects the crankshaft to this intermediate gear right up here you need to set the crankshaft to tdc first there's two ways to verify that one there's a notch right here on the block that lines up with a tooth that has sort of a flat edge on it that shows tdc then what we do is we put the chain on and we come back up here this larger gear which also drives the oil pump has a small pointer on it right there in yellow and that has to line up with that line on the cover behind it or basically just point to 12 o'clock and then these two gears are keyed together so once you have the big gear timed the little gear is going to be timed as well and then this is what will drive our cam shafts so up to this point we've got piston rings everything's been cleaned head is on with new head gasket new bolts we just finished our timing set rotate it around twice to make sure all of our all of our timing marks lined up now we got to bolt a bunch of stuff on you know even it when you're experienced charles obviously way more than me because he does 9 million vr6 things he weighs more i mean he probably doesn't weigh more than me uh he does all this vr6 stuff he is used to this stuff i haven't time vr6 very often but regardless of that make sure it's in time again and double check your work to be clear you want to do two rotations of the crankshaft so you get one full rotation of both cams yeah so if you don't if you only do one over here on the back side here this timing mark in the back will be on the bottom that's how you know your 180 out or or would be 180 out had you done two row had you done two rotations on the crank so that's confusing probably also if you are the type of person that marks the chain and rotate it around keep in mind your marks on the chain will not line up for a whole bunch more revolutions you need to look at those initial timing marks like paul's christmas tree and the little notch here to make sure that those two line up and in this case anyway 16 rollers between your marks so just put a little bead of sealant around the lower cover and uh yeah then i'm going to install it said lower cover ah yes that's the sound of victory it's starting to look like something it is starting to look like something something that's going to be 200 horsepower as a fury all right time for the oil pan you expect it to be like super climactic and it's not yeah uh we're threading in the drain plug and it's pretty impressive because even though this engine has really high mileage the threads aren't destroyed on the oil pan which is really rare for high mileage engines but but this one's different because they clearly never changed the oil they didn't change oil that much so it wasn't used very often which is so to preserve the threads on your oil pan don't change your oil simple easy don't do that it's not a good idea we're just going to put a little bit of oil in it and uh because we had the whole thing out and apart we're going to prime the oil system so we can put some oil in it and then with a drill run the gear that drives the oil pump at the back of the engine fun fact these bolt holes will leak oil through them if you don't have bolts in there oh did you get that spinning the dowel that runs from this gear down to the oil pump will build up oil pressure in the engine and eventually you'll get it all the way up to the top end you do have to kind of go slow or what you see that just happened will happen [Laughter] all right so these old injectors they have really crusty seals on them so uh we're just gonna swap these over and as you can see they're quite hard and we get all new ones on there so they'll be so fresh and so clean this is a water pipe that runs from the water pump over here to a coolant flange with the engine coolant temperature sensors that we're going to install in a minute this is one of those fun parts that the community has a great name for i'm not sure why but they call it a crack pipe i thought it was because the pipe always cracked but i've been told that's because it has a carb oh what's a carb i don't know carburetor this is the coolant flange that goes to crack pipe this is an aluminium one from our dear friends at euro euro-wise here is their cover you can see with their logo on it so for contrast this is the plastic piece and someone did a nice job putting a lot of our tv on there that was an engine block oh my gosh yeah yeah this is not don't do this this is not don't do this this is not an approved situation yeah it's a bad time it's the last time you're going to see the inside of this engine because unless it's unless it goes outside the engine ready to put the vest valve cover on you didn't clean this thing well i cleaned it to the best of my ability okay yeah show before now after now before now after look at this it looks terrible but it looks less terrible yeah it's not purple and shiny like his oh mine is fresh his is fresh to death i'm just not that fancy or that cool or that interested in taking the time to actually do that all right so this is our flange we're going to mount up to our metal crack pipe this also has the thermostat here underneath it and a couple of coolant temp sensors we're actually missing one of the plugs because the we didn't want to reuse the plug that came out of that old plasticy one this actually just slides on like that and bolts up this is the old plug that came out of that disgusting engine that and you can see that there are parts of it flaking off which is why we don't want to use reuse this you say well why don't you just reuse it it's like oh well this degraded crap that's falling off of this is going to then circulate through this fancy new engine you used 200 000 mile engine remember when um we bought this engine and we were like yeah we're just going to take it apart and then it'll probably be fine and then we're just going to and it totally wasn't fine everything fell apart from there at all this this went completely sideways and this 500 engine turned into like a 1500 range to make this easier we are gonna put the flywheel on top of here so we have this so we're not fighting gravity the whole time because fly lows are heavy and i don't like doing work work smarter and harder yeah we have uh this is a black forest industries clutch kit with super fresh light and flywheel is they only go on one way on a lot of cars so one of these holes around here is actually offset just a little bit you can see this one here is closer to this opening than the rest of them are so it's got to be clocked and only goes on one way we're also going to clean this and make sure there's no like that fingerprint right there on it this is a stage five clinger right here that one did you hear what i just said to you stage five let's go i'm gonna start the car i'm serious let's go this is so clutch this is a clutch uh and we're gonna have some fun i'm about to have a lot of fun [Music] twerking those flywheel bowls i'm holding it that way it looks like i'm doing something so i just cleaned the pressure plate as well that's on a brand new part so there's no way that it'll be perfectly clean two minutes worth of time well spent you see that do you see it do you see it i'm gonna spray it again real quick just give it a couple more wipes next up we got the clutch disc this is a clutch disc alignment tool to make sure that the clutch is perfectly centered here at the back of the crankshaft and that goes in [Music] like that satisfied so now we're about to put this trans on we have our throw out bearing our new one installed here on our fork and we have our axle flange out so we're just gonna pop this on and bolt it to the engine all right one two three go [Music] alright there we go it may seem silly having made that cardboard thing all that time ago but that's why i do it so it doesn't matter how long it is you don't have to worry about forgetting where anything goes and these some of them if you get them in the wrong hole you can actually bust the block or bust a transmission like poke hole in a coolant jacket so uh two minutes of organization is definitely worth the the effort okay so this bowl right here i was as i was snugging it down i started feeling a lot of resistance which is why in these situations you want to hand tighten that so this bolt the original trans we got with this thing is was a six speed this is a five speed because for the swap it makes more sense to go with a five speed is easier bolt in this is definitely wrong so if we would have run this one all the way down i probably would have bust through this transmission case and potentially had a problem so we are going to find a shorter bolt to put in there this is fluid we have to drain but i don't have a lot of space left this is going to be a disaster it could be a disaster don't stop rolling 17 millimeter allen uh you probably don't have one has them no good news is that is that our website uh oh it is our website has better phone how about that you ready for this it's gonna miss the bucket dude i can see from my angles do i swear to you for my anger no you're wrong [Music] that was a little closer it was a little closer before it's filled like it's gonna catch it dude that's as far as it can go by the way that's way too watery yeah what's going on it seems like we've it's been raining rain water inside of our transmission this is not the consistency of transmission fluid without being able okay so trans is bolted up we got starter on we still got to deal with the axle flanges we'll do that in a second but before we get it on the little rolley stand paul's going to fill it with fluid in order to do that though the engine and transmission have to be level put transmission fluid in it until it starts to drip out the fill hole put the plug back in and you should be good doing this in the car really blows because the whole radiator and all kinds of other stuff's in the way oh there it is and that is how you fill a trance this is a 100 millimeter axle as you can see there this is the original axle flanges that came on this this is 108 millimeters this is the axle we need to use for this as you can see this is the incorrect size you'll often see on like swap pages and stuff like that someone's saying you have to swap from 90 to 100 millimeter axle flanges or bigger ones in this case so this is something important to remember and what paul measured he measured this inside diameter across the flange so that's what you want to make sure the inside is 100 or 90 or whatever your car or axle is going to require charles was talking and nathan was filming the axle flange that i installed and i didn't know where the bolt was and so while this was happening fluid was just leaking out of the transmission while he was talking i was trying you should have just cut your hand i just stuck a rag underneath of it so uh i didn't have the bolt i think he took out the bolt so i didn't have it in my pocket he couldn't have it uh we're gonna put the manifold and a harness on yeah why it's gonna look like an engine well this kind of looks like an engine but it's gonna look more like an engine so this is the shift tower that goes on top of the transmission this is where your reverse switch would go now as you see charles so kindly put a line here that's yellow this side's not very pretty this side's a little bit better this needs to be cut off because to clear the bracket for this that's designed uh we can't have that there so we're going to cut that off here we go so we finished cutting that off and then i used a grinding wheel to actually get it flush and then clean i cleaned up the threads a little bit because my plan is this is the reverse switch so i had to make sure that every all the threads went in all the way because my plan is to actually take buy a threaded piece that's just like an allen that's a plug that we can just lock tight and thread it in there and then block this off to solve the problem that we have here with this tower we have a hole we have a bolt that we have in a drawer that every technician or former technician or fake technician like me has so what we've done is threaded this into the hole it is the correct uh correct thread pitch based on this and we threaded it in and we make sure we were in reverse here and pushed it down to the end and then pulled it back so you've got to make sure because if you thread this in too far you're not going to have any reverse gear at all none so what we're playing is take it we marked it we're going to chop it off grind it down again after thread locking it in there so that our trans doesn't have a gaping hole and isn't out there letting dirt and debris fall into your transmission all right so part of what we're also doing is getting a couple of these bushings replaced in the shift tower this cup is actually what the shifter ball sits into and if you look right here it's actually super duper worn out for comparison this is what it should look like so actually a super affordable and pretty easy repair there's a bracket that has to pop up and then this just pops over the ball and slides down into place also there's some bushings right here you can see are just completely come apart those are the bushings for when you push the shifter down for reverse i'm going to pop this spring off and replace those as well and we also are having to replace one shift cable because this one is bent and sad and so it doesn't run through its full range of motion so that's gone and one freshy shift cable here is our engine room harness from pdc shop so we have our ecm side this really cool stage 100 starter button because surely the ignition switch is worn out so we got this side and then we got the actual engine so this connects to the ecm here with this big connector and this is all of our engine goodies coils and injectors among other things these two harnesses actually plug in together and we need to get part of this harness on and mostly the injectors plugged in uh otherwise when we put the intake manifold on we'll not be able to get the injectors plugged in these guys right here so yeah i'm going to lay it all out though and take a good look and make sure everything looks fresh so there is our engine build and this is a good lesson everything we dealt with through this entire process is instructive to show you why a things like leak down test and and pulling stuff apart is important when you're putting an engine in a car uh even if you're doing it out of a running car because allegedly this engine came out of a running car it just needed chains had we not done any of that testing slap chains on it and sent it we would have been toast we would have not completed this project forget about forget about the fact that the cylinder five had that leaked down issue and it would have ran poorly just because of that alone the coolant jackets were all clogged with uh that never would have been addressed in any other way uh that doesn't even bring into the fact that obviously our 500 engine turned into a 1500 engine plus just with machine shop work whatever else it doesn't factor in if you were to pay somebody like us labor-wise to tear down an engine so like you're getting to be a significant amount more money if you're paying a shop to do it and on top of that we had other issues during the build if you haven't seen the build or if you have seen the build you know we have injector issues this is just the tip of the iceberg a multitude of issues so uh making sure things are working properly uh beforehand is a good lesson vital also if you haven't seen that series where we experience a ton of pain and sadness you definitely need to check that out link in the description bye a big thank you to all the brands involved with this build most importantly us elite motorworks dave over at tdc shop was instrumental in getting us all the stuff we needed for this build euro wise for the engine swap parts solarworks coilovers unitronic for ecu tune and bfi for the clutch parts
Channel: Deutsche Auto Parts
Views: 132,400
Rating: 4.944365 out of 5
Keywords: vr6 engine build, dap scirocco project, how to build a vr6 engine, SCIROCCO build, turbo vr6 engine, timing a vr6, vr6 common problems
Id: nIiCn2-HSJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 36sec (2916 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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