Cities: Skylines, No Roads.

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in this video I'm going to build a city that doesn't rely on roads and cities skylines everyone knows that cars are polluting hunks of metal that destroy our planet hypothetically could we design and engineer a town that's completely walkable eliminating the need for the maintenance and upkeep of expensive streets and highways which crack and require maintenance year after year so it was christened pedestrianism I decided to set out with the limited array of tools available to me in cities skylines so it began with the first city pedestrian tin in City skylines I always start my cities with water and a power plant unfortunately the standard Coal Power Plant requires well a street to be built so instead I used wind turbines which require no Street access in order to generate electrical energy but in this first city with Power and Water going I still had one problem you can't actually Zone any residential commercial or industrial building zones without a street seeing as this is a no streets challenge you can see how this would get in the way so I decided I'd rely minimally upon streets in this first city then take the lessons out with me to the next city so that I could improve upon the design since streets would invite cars I decided to just create roads that were utterly pointless and led in circles to nowhere and also ban combustion engines so that anyone caught driving in a car on the road would be under arrest for violating the law I also separated the residential zones in their own circle from the commercial and Industrial zones in their own circles unintentionally beginning to exhibit a pattern like alien crop circles that I joined them via dirt walking paths from one District to another to encourage walking well not really encouraged but just force people to walk or even take the bike pass which went shooting overhead but there was still yet one more problem despite my combustion engine ban and pointless Road design people were still driving from house to house in electric cars thereby using the roads again so I decided to make the streets not even streets anymore but just a little dots of concrete making for a truly bizarre place to live but at least the roads were no longer being used just the dirt paths ah a city that no longer relied upon streets the only problem was that no now no one could get their garbage taken out because there were no roads for the garbage trucks causing a mass buildup of trash and everyone's disgusting house and the lack of police cars and Roads meant that the cops executed the law via helicopter which was admittedly both excessive and expensive so I decided that the only possible solution was just to destroy people's houses whenever they had too much trash in there then let someone else build another house instead after all the man was roaring then when they had too much garbage the cycle repeated and I also destroyed their house unfortunately all of this drove us into massive bankruptcy this first city which relied on all of the vanilla game Parts was a failure okay but that's all right this was all just a practice test for this Second City pedestrian tin 2 realizing that the garbage situation would not and could not ever be fixed I looked for answers elsewhere and while I think you should save up your money uh the only solution I found was the only solution I found was uh to literally buy the DLC for pedestrian towns which I admit was rather naive I didn't start uh this whole challenge with that one to begin with this allowed me to replace the traditional roads with brick paved pathways on which to accommodate the foot traffic and still allow for the zoning and construction of residential commercial and industrial buildings along the footpaths and so I got to zoning admittedly a very boring city of grids to start with but I had to test out how we would collect garbage at The Pedestrian checkpoints then deliver that to only one little road that led to the town via the highway see the road isn't in the town so it doesn't count I know what you're thinking AAA doesn't that seem kind of against the spirit of the challenge to still have one Road in a totally roadless Blazer but hear me out this road is different cars just disappeared for some reason then pooped out people at the end of the road and then the vehicles drove into the side of the building never to be seen again alright so to be fair the main part of the city shouldn't have roads otherwise I just keep having to bulldoze the houses for literally any issue pile up of garbage will be right on our way to destroy your house you need the police a team of men are coming right away with sledgehammers to knock in your walls no more problem over there the city was good except for the fact that it was losing buckets of money every day you see pedestrian areas are extra pricey to maintain it seemed like a Utopia except for the fact that it was losing millions and millions of dollars and was horribly unsustainable a shame the third City pedestrian tin three okay so maybe grids weren't the best idea too many roads to maintain had made the Second City expensive and all the trash was gathered in a lopsided way on one side of the city before but what about a set of concentric circles with the dump at their Center it was a brilliant and efficient design an underground highway pooped out the garbage from the city and the trucks could get anywhere by a short path from the center I surrounded it with residential then commercial and then industrial zones to create a separation a gradient of zoning only issue is that well there was an impressively unsightly dump right in the middle of town to which everyone had a front row seat but as long as we surrounded that with parks and enough dirt roads you'd create enough of a buffer you see this city also too though was expensive maybe not as pricey as the last one but I tried raising taxes to 15 to fund it until everyone complained then slightly lowered them by just barely enough so that people didn't leave but were trapped and still had to pay them then we ran out of money again so I tried making all of the districts tiny so that we could save half our budget but that also didn't work I had failed for the third time but it was no less enthusiasm and a plethora of knowledge for my failures I embarked on the fourth city the culmination of all our failed efforts here to forth ultimate pedestrian tin the city of the future in the previous City dirty industry had ruined everything since it was too close to the center of town so this time I decided to create a bunch of different circles for each type of zoning the central node was the residential Circle a series of concentric rings once again or we could take advantage of the short radius from the center to provide services like garbage men education and corpse removal which became more and more problematic since I resisted funding it at the beginning and couldn't figure out why all the cemeteries weren't enough to house the dead at first until I funded it that is farther away to the South but still barely in walking distance we kept the dirty industry area where factories coughed up smoke from their warehouses making sure to keep it far away from our homes and children but still in walkable distance and on the east side of town I began preparing the financial district since almost all my City's pedestrian areas were too expensive I decided it would be a good idea to rely on scammy money making techniques as alternate forms of playing around with taxpayer money to just barely cover our bills while we expanded toward legitimate Financial stability unfortunately the city never actually reached legitimate Financial stability you see The Pedestrian districts are just so expensive to maintain that I had to resort to more and more outlandish methods to make two dollars out of one so instead we collected taxes then invested the money which just wasn't enough to pay our bills into the death and funeral industry which turned out to offer highly reliable Returns the rest we invested in cryptocurrency somehow making enough to generate a profit every fiscal quarter mainly by buying the dip and especially since we as the state didn't have to pay capital gains taxes on volatile Insider day trading that helped us Finance the creation of more helicopter police stations which we used to just bulldoze the locations with crime to get rid of the crime of course and since people had to walk bad people had a more difficult time escaping from our helicopter police state so as the months went by our financial district grew and the people got less and less stupid as we used the gains from our insider trading to tax them more to discourage people from being poor we raised taxes on the poor and small business that way they'd become rich and have more money to give us in taxes and then they wouldn't complain about it oddly enough having to walk around never really affected the city since it was designed so well most of our financial district where everyone worked actually didn't even need in-person employees so everyone just worked from home instead of walking to work but ultimately I'd be lying if I told you that this city was independently sustainable there were glimmering moments when we were barely breaking even but most of the Bold exciting city of pedestrian tin is made possible by horrible state-run Shadow Banking and Market manipulation and this city sustains massive negative cash flows every week but thanks to the precarious fun of compounding fiscal returns citizens are relieved of a life of inhaling the deadly fumes of dangerous environmentally destructive vehicular transport I think it did a lot of net overall good for society a population of over 26 000 and it keeps making money despite the fact that it's losing money every week if you want to congratulate me for doing such a good job you can do so in the congratulatory section of the video but for now a big thanks to my patrons who as far as I know haven't committed any crimes I'm ambiguous amphibian until next time my friends
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 1,214,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities skylines gameplay, cities: skylines, cities skylines mods, cities skylines ep 1, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, lets play cities skylines, cities skylines plazas and promenades, cities skylines financial districts, financial districts, plazas and promenades, cities skylines game, ambiguousamphibian cities skylines, cities skylines ambiguousamphibian, cities skylines 2023, cities skylines challenge, cities skylines no roads, city skylines
Id: 8zsbyO0bd4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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