I busted PHYSICS DEFYING MYTHS in Cities Skylines!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to City skylines and today we're going through all the comments of the previous video busting all of your myths that you've given me so the first one brings us to the tsunami map where we're going to be busting the myth that a spiral wall will stop the mega tsunami now first off I'm gonna I'm gonna come down to Lake that level there I'm just gonna flatten this entire map okay so I just want to make sure there's like there's no lip so can you see that the water should just go straight now so there's no uphill on this and next up we need like a tall wall so I guess we'll just pick like up there then we'll do the usual of just doing a line all the way along there all right so now we have a wall that should stop the tsunami but we have an opening here and this is where we're gonna do our spiral now I don't want to do this too large because I know it's sort of the tsunami it does reach the back but it takes quite a while so I guess I want to be like I want to give it some chance to do this so I'm gonna just slowly go over this direction and then we're gonna put something we're gonna put something like down in here that we want to protect all right so we've got those in there I mean they they were meant to be like testicles for like part of a strong shaped building but it looks more like my own McDonald's rip off like McDonald's anyway the theory here as the tsunami oh my goodness look at this boat it's doing a wall ride of what how those cargo containers staying up that is impressive anyway the theory is as the tsunami ends up here and sorts of wraps around I think because the game simulates it more like water we don't actually get the curved motion so it's sort of it will fling forward and then it will like bounce off in a different direction it won't like it won't curve around so the theory is the first ever branch of mcmatts will be completely safe yes I realize I can't remember the name of my own fast food restaurant anyway so you can see the tsunami is now approaching you can actually you can see how tall I've done the walls actually this is a mega tsunami and uh it's completely dwarfed by those walls so let's see what happens as it enters so as expected either side the big walls the wave should get reflected back yeah there it goes and then we've got the the test tsunami coming in and uh I guess if we if we watch this from above like time lapse we should be able to see like what I mean by the waves of light because you'd expect a wave coming in to sort of curve around the walls but it's sort of staying straight no actually it isn't it isn't it is curving around the walls I think oh oh I'm not sure this myth is going to be true then I think Matt Donald's might be screwed here I'd say the wave is definitely spinning around we've created a tsunami nados you know we need a t-shirt coming soon anyway let's zoom in and see just how tall oh my goodness it's still quite big oh man yeah I think you're screwed me I think you're screwed right workers stuff all the burgers in your mouth you can it's gonna be the last thing you ever eat because that is a lot of water coming your way though McDonald's will never get to eat the famous burgers like the matte rib or the matte Mac all we've got now is a soggy bun anyway that is that as myth well and truly busted a spiral ball will not stop a mega tsunami which I guess technically makes my previous attempts more impressive right for this next one we need a level with absolutely no water in it so I mean I'm not even sure it's possible to have no water is it alright well let's try the Desert Oasis because I feel like that's less likely to have like a sea or river coming through right so here we are I don't see any c on this so this is good so the myth that we're busting this time fire helicopters can work with no water on the map now you might remember my last video where we sent an army off we sent an army of fire helicopters to try and stop the mega tsunami they were the most successful but it proved that they do they definitely like water they've got a taste for it if you like but we need to remove all that from this map so we're gonna come to the water tab we're gonna come around and we're gonna delete all of these water sources so basically all those like blue cylinders that's where water spawns on the map and then I'm just gonna remove the Water by going to the super water pump oh South City Limits hang on I should probably go and buy every map or actually if I turn this bird into a super metal heavy metal Bird yeah I can literally I can build anywhere so that means I can build outside the city limits so I'm just going to shove these pumps and I'm just going to surround like all the Lakes basically so they all pump up the water nice and quickly as soon as I press play you'll see the water oh yes it gets sucked up instantly and that's most the water gone just some of these bigger Lakes I will need an extra one I'll just shove that there give it some pipe and then that's that sorted all right and then I think that's all the water gun from the map we just do a quick scan yeah I think I think we're done right okay next up it's the it's the fire bit and as we learned before in order to get the the fire trucks we do need some like basic necessities so if we if we just do a basic Road along there put some power lines in over to there then we can build our fire helic up to Depots so it will just literally go push push push so we've got a load of those then you can see they're complaining about lack of water I mean obviously we've pumped all the water off the map but what we can do we can we can shove some of these down large water towers and then that's all those people happy they are going to be they ought to be pooing so we need a bit of we need a treatment plant you can see they are complaining about pooing now but if we just connect that to the pipe Network everyone's poo will go into that building now we don't want to just just have like broad open sewage because as we looked before fire helicopters will pick up sewage to put out fires and they they even choose that over fresh water so yeah don't know what that says about them but anyway I think they're all operating normally now yep operating normally so uh time to make a fire and see how these guys get on now I've since learned that giant redwood trees although in this game they do actually burn in real life they're actually they've like evolved to not burn they're like sort of fire resistance so we probably don't want them we're gonna go with how about a sugar maple that sounds fiery we'll then up our brush size over here and then we'll just plop loads of trees down right so now we have a forest mountain over here I mean if we go back into the Fire tab you can see they're all red which sort of means like they're they're not in range it's like it's a fire risk but um basically these guys I don't think they'll do anything so what we've got to do first we've got to put these firewatch towers down right nice so if if we set us on fire now the fire trucks will see it and how are we gonna do that we're gonna come into the natural disasters we're gonna select the forest fire and we're literally just gonna oh man these Maples are very flammable look at that that burnt pretty quickly okay over here oh look they're out they're out where are they going so all the fire helicopters they have actually come out have I have I left water on the map somewhere where you guys go where are you going what are you doing there's no water there that's not water what are you all about they reckon they found water there hang on a sec hang on a sec let me pause this what are you doing because according to my records there is no water there what are you doing I tell you what just in case let's shove this down this will show you hopefully any water that is there will get pumped by this pumping station there's no water there what are you doing and I can literally I can hear water sound effects they can't be we've got we've got a pumping station here now as well hang on let's let's actually go see look there is water they're dropping what they're putting the fire out with water oh man so even if there's no water on the map there is actually water on the map uh so I guess that is myth confirmed fire helicopters can work with no water on the map because they can find water underground anywhere even when my pumping station can't still I don't think it was enough to put the fire out that's a fairly big fire unlucky guys all right on to the next myth and the next myth we will actually be staying on this map so what I'm what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna ignore that I'm gonna ignore that all the fires and stuff over there we're gonna come over this way so we're gonna clear a nice big area so delete everything in here and we're then going to completely flatten it and why are you doing this Matt what is the purpose well we're gonna bust the next myth the myth that tornadoes help evaporate water so this time we're actually going to be we're gonna be making our own Lakes uh we're just going to do two side by side so I reckon if I if I just go down a little bit and then I snap that level and then I literally just hold that's gonna make like a nice big area and then I can fill that with water and then I can do the same like next to it I'll do this other one over here right then we should have two identical Lakes well they're not Lakes yet we gotta fill them with water so we come down to this water tab this is a mod by the way in case you're wondering so we can place a water source and I'm gonna pause the game I'm gonna paste the Water Source there and then another one there exactly the same thing and then if we press address play we should see yet the water is rising on either side all right there we go although bloom in go away your knobs wait they're gonna ruin my test they're going to ruin my test hang on hang on all right sorry I'm deleting all of that boost you're gone you're all dead all right so I think they're pretty still I'm gonna pause time so that everything's exactly the same we're gonna come in there we're gonna delete each of those uh so now there's no water source so if these do evaporate uh the Water won't come back I'm then gonna come into the landscaping and disasters and I've never actually I've never used a tornado I know shock um I think we're gonna turn the tornado intensity up to 10 that may as well go all out here and then we're just gonna Target it on top now I'm not sure do tornadoes come from Lake aside or do they just appear like I don't want it to come from this side and like take out that water but uh let's shove that there and then I guess let's just play and see what happens so I guess the theory is this will make like a whirlpool and the water will all go into the air and then this this Lake will evaporate quicker than this one oh and it's raining it's blooming raining oh it's raining because the tornado's here okay so the tornado is coming whoa look at the tornado it's huge okay so it's coming from that side heading this direction I'm I'm hoping it will stop before it reaches this one otherwise this is not a fair test but yeah we just need the tornado to get to this Lake and then see if the water level goes down so I guess we'll see how look at that that's really cool looking I need to I need to play with these more you can see it's getting close to the water now so I think we'll just zoom in a little bit and then see does anything happen with the water level uh it doesn't really look like the water's affected at all with them on this and maybe when the tornado goes fully in it might but right so there's the pest does this evaporate quicker than this that is the question oh there's lightning as well that looked cool anyway zooming in I can't actually see anything I can go I can go inside the tornado I look looking straight off with it whoa oh um in terms of evaporation though just looking at the two water levels I think they look pretty much identical um oh wow you can see the tornado path as well that's proper rip to hold for everything I mean you can see it's not actually it's not going to affect that one as well so completely Fair test sort of and I think that is myth busted tornadoes will not help water evaporate no water spouts on this one sadly but yeah enjoyed that that was fun that was decent it sort of makes you wonder like what can and can't a tornado pick up maybe that's a myth for the future even though in the comments what what you want to see all right so for this next myth I've loaded up engine Topia look with our with our lovely engelantis finally dry uh very pleased to fix that last time now you're gonna see down here we've got a tiny weeny City growing oh it's quite cute down here actually but the reason we're here is pretty much because I already have the the infrastructure in place to test this next myth which is cars can travel up versus cool roads I don't see like in my my spaghetti like we've got some really steep broodage there um cars they don't seem to mind driving up and down those but we do we do have somewhere we come to the top of the bouquet you know we can whoa okay we can look down there that is a vertical road now we're just gonna have to convince Road users they want to travel up here um because at the moment there's only there's pretty much there's only architect Hill which I mean no one wants to do that if you want to see architecture or you just come on the boat Road don't you come on the boat tour so yeah how am I going to convince people to come up here I'll tell you what I might just just temporarily let's just grab a road let's say come off here and go up in the air and head over to there and then I am just going to delete that and I'm gonna delete that so now everyone has to come up my new weight while they were disappearing okay we've got cars we've got cars so let's just follow this road this is where they're gonna end up so let's just have a look here there you can see at the top of my screen there are cars coming the question is will they be able to drive up this vertical road service are they oh my goodness here they come they made it how did they what the cars can indeed drive up vertical roads even if the game can't generate them from every angle oh god oh goodness I just had to go at like moving the node just to try and get it in the light and look at all the cars yeah that's a bit of a better angle just uh but yeah that is that is myth confirmed anyway for this next myth we're on a brand new map never never been on this before it's quite nice and bright looking yeah and we're on we're on like a little a little island over here so essentially we're gonna come off here and we're just gonna build like a little residential area there we are that's got electricity and water plumbed in uh so people should be moving in there nicely now that is just residential so none of these people have jobs and of course they cannot survive without jobs they can't pay the bills all that sort of stuff so over this way let's see let's see here literally right next to it we're gonna make this industrial as well as commercial all different sorts of shops and we're going to put offices as well so basically if anyone wants a job they've gotta they've got to get over to here now you'll notice there's no way to get to this currently it's completely on its own which allows us to do a little test because this myth is drivers will choose toll roads over a long scenic route so here is a two-way toll booth yes we're going to charge people to get back to their houses as well I'm gonna plop that in there so basically if people want to get to work like look at all this lovely look at all these lovely jobs there's chimneys that need chimneying and ice creams that need serving yeah if they want to get over there they're going to have to pay the toll booth now I'm gonna I'm gonna wrang this way up gonna be two pound for a car four pound for a truck it's gonna be pricey we can't actually increase it any more than that now you might be saying well Matt that's pretty evil you're charging people just to just to survive so I am gonna put in a free different route so this is just gonna be literally just a normal road so we'll do we'll do a two lane road so people can go either direction we come off next to it and people can literally they can decide do I want to go toll road or do I want to go long scenic route uh so yes we're just we're just gonna build this so now residents here if they want to get to work there are two options they can either come up here and they can pay an extortionate amount of money and then they can get straight to work doing their job earning some cash to pay the bills alternatively they can choose to go this way and then that will take them through this scenic route again leads to exactly the same place it's just a bit a bit of a quicker Journey so let's let's press play and then let's see what happens we need to we need to try and attract some people first right so we should see they'll come around here and they should come off the motorway into their new homes are you coming in yes they are oh look at that look at that car proper Hippie Mobile fair enough where where are they gonna live and oh look they've all got out and they oh they live they live in that one oh there we go cool right so now people are moving in I guess we've just gotta we just gotta look at these two roads so are people gonna pick paying a toll or taking the scenic route and being cheap we have the first person he's paying the tool he's paying the toll oh look there's another one there's another three that's four that's five people choosing to pay the toll over the scenic route oh wow I'm starting to think that road and the background may have been a waste of money uh yeah I mean everyone's everyone's taking the toll everyone's choosing to pay so I guess that is pretty much myth confirmed drivers will choose toll roads over a long scenic route uh surprising I guess I guess you gotta weigh up like that cosplayed what is it four dollars or two dollars if you're a car uh how much fuel will you save by by not driving through this contraption of Roads um kind of sad though Rodeo I wanted to see if they would actually make it I wonder though what if we just made it a little bit a little bit longer rather than massively longer so so now you can see this is it's longer but not that much longer I mean surely you'd take that over paying a two dollar toll or four dollar if you're on if you're a truck like those all right we'll speed up all right we had one car go that way actually there you go okay we've got some cars going that direction um but it appears most people would prefer the shorter route even though it costs money interesting I feel like you could massively massively abuse that uh interesting but yeah okay so nice drivers will mostly take the shorter route depending on how much shorter it is obviously is is How likely they are to take it but pretty much I think people nine times out of ten they're going to take the toll road and pay the money to save a few seconds off their off their daily commute fair enough right so for this next myth we're back on the the tsunami map and this one is rather interesting actually if I say so myself what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna flatten the terrain to like that level I think so we'll try and do this as efficiently as possible Right nice so now we have now we have tsunami incoming we've got like a a beach sort of thing we've got well a shoreline essentially uh because this myth it's all about creating power from the tsunami now because the myth we are busting on this one is you can power a city with a tsunami so essentially we're we're gonna try and put a hydroelectric Dam the entire way across here and see if when the tsunami hits the back of it whether that can create power for a city that we're gonna build as well so first off I sort of I need to work out what level the top of the water is so I reckon for a bit of safety let's select that level and then we're just gonna put like a pad in there and then we're gonna do one on the other side as well all right then with these and hopefully we can we can draw a Dam from this side to that side I'm not sure that might be too high for a dam actually we'll have to see what it says no it says fight too high so we are going to have to lower it a bit so I brought that down a little bit we'll bring this side down as well all right so I can build a dam that direction that is the wrong direction though I need the curve to go the other way annoyingly that says height too high I imagine it's to do with the with Contours going like that it means that it's sleeping perpendicular so down there's deeper over there shallower I don't really want to raise the sea level but perhaps that's what I have to do if I grab a level that is still underwater like that one maybe and then what if I just do like a curve so you see still clearly underwater it's just you can you can sort of see that shallower that is gonna that's gonna cause like a tsunami as it is I reckon when I press play oh there we go there we go okay so that goes in cost me two and a half million quid and the estimated engine production is 48 megawatts which isn't a lot for a dam that big but uh the world's biggest dam you've ever seen oh oh oh dear that is that is Lumpy water so I think that's where I raised the sea level we've made we've made a little tsunami but yeah I guess it's nothing to worry about compared to the impending mega tsunami anyway in order to I think in order to get us to work I might have to like get rid of some of the some of the water in front of it yeah you can see that's like that's like the bottom level at the front I think that because it's underwater maybe that's not working I just make a trench like way in front that should get rid of most of the water right yeah water level dropping into that trench which means Lego there's there's the the electricity maker currently producing zero megawatts well the tsunami is incoming so we'll have to see look at the size of the dam it's huge I mean this is a good test as well just to see like Canada stop a tsunami I imagine it's not tall enough is it yeah not quite going to be tall enough but um let's click on that and then see if the power goes up at all as the the water hits the back of it or 1600 megawatts what 16 00 and then back down to zero well that was I think it was estimated at 48 megawatts I mean it's back down to zero straight away but like surely that could power a few kettles so people get some Cups of Tea on the go um and they're probably drinking out of a architect's tears mug from my merch store go check it out if you if you wanted if you want your tea to taste better so overall I'm guessing this myth is sort of busted is it I mean you can power a city with a tsunami for like a split second and in terms of if you did have a city here I'm pretty sure it's safe to say the dam didn't really stop the tsunami so I think it'd be doomed anyway anyway that was that was pretty interesting that one I enjoyed that how big that dam is I've never seen a dam that big I will not lie anyway we're gonna leave that there if you've got any more myths for me to bust in City skylines let me know in the comments below otherwise I'll say peace love and super ooper mega Giga damn bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 659,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities: skylines, cities skylines, citys skylines, skylines, cities skylines how to start a city, cities skylines gameplay, lets play cities skylines, city builder, city skylines, city skylines gameplay, cities skylines suburb, cities sky lines, real engineer plays, real civil engineer, rce, real civil engineer cities skylines, junction visibility splays, junction visibility dmrb, cities skylines road layout, city skyline, airports dlc, airport dlc, atlantis
Id: 3SWiB0n7LMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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