Cities Skylines Beginners Guide - Overcoming Early Game Challenges | Ep. 2

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Hello everybody welcome back to another episode of City skylines today we are continuing our beginner's guide and we will be going over early game strategies and how to avoid certain pitfalls in this game but first we need to talk about how this game works there is a delicate balance between all buildings within the game commercial requires deliveries Industrial Supplies those deliveries both have the ability to import while an industrial can export residents require places to work shop and relax be it Parks unique buildings concerts Etc all of this movement requires roads and paths if you have an extensive path Network your Sims will choose to walk more and more this also goes for bike lanes and bike paths though we don't have those yet every time a person or car enters the city or leaves a building and has a predetermined path based off of a combination of shortest distance and time it takes to travel because of this you need to be careful about overzoning commercial and Industrial I will show you my strategies on how I scale my city while maintaining those balances but the first we are introducing two DLCs Industries and the Art Deco content creator pack I have decided it would be better for the series and the city to introduce DLC and Order of use so you can see how each DLC can be utilized in your CD in a natural way rather than forcing them so let's get started the first thing I want to look at is our road layout and I'd actually gotten quite a few comments on this so one of the things to keep in mind with this couplet is that it is a Highway like road so you want to treat it like you would a highway you want to have Road Crossings you want to keep no zoning you want to connect collectors to it so what we're going to do is go ahead and jump out of this View and the first thing we need to do is upgrade some of our roads and this is going to be super important I want to create a freeway entrance right here but I also want to come up with a pattern here because this is how you can keep your cities looking good so I think what we're going to do is choose this road as our first one so we'll go into the upgrade tool and we're going to come all the way down here and upgrade this road all the way down and the reason we're doing this is because it's going to provide access to that couplet and also to the freeway up top once we connect it the main purpose of these collectors is to get people off of the arterial and spread them throughout the city in a timely manner and so now let's go ahead and jump over two more and we're going to upgrade this one as well it does look like we have a service building on this one so what we need to do is jump out of roads and go ahead and move this over just a bit even though that's not an incredibly realistic move it is something that we need to do to upgrade the road I think in real life what they do is um on roads that are designated to be upgraded in the future they'll actually leave a space on either side so that it can be upgraded and so now what we want to do is jump over to again and do the same thing here and the reason we're doing this is because we are creating a pattern within our city this is really going to help us to establish that pattern as we extend out another thing I want to do is jump into a two unit Road and we're going to go ahead and go to these one with trees so the roads with trees do have an effect on land value and so it is a way for you to uh not only help your city run a little bit better but also make your neighborhoods look look a little bit better and so you'll come through and you can kind of see all these smiling faces it's because of the effect that it has on the land value and so we're going to go ahead and change the whole commercial strip right here to this road and so now what I want to do is go ahead and change this outer road and I initially had plans to change it into a four unit collector but because of all the buildings we put on it it's just not gonna be the easiest of transitions we may do it in the future as you're going around if you have any bus stops or anything you'll kind of see these pop up what it is is the bus trying to refind its path most times you're not going to have an issue with this like you see they disappeared it's because this road actually has little bus stops that will appear once you have a bus stop placed there or if a bus stop is already placed there and so the the path units end up figuring themselves out those little alerts disappear and all is good if you ever find yourself where those those don't disappear you may have changed something within your road layout that makes it so that the bus can no longer reach the station and so you want to kind of watch out for that you normally see that in areas where like if I were to change it to a one-way well then the bus would try to find another location so say we moved this to a one-way so the bus would be really confused until it found out that I had to turn around and then go this way and then turn back and continue on the same direction it was going and so now let's go ahead and move over to our freeway entrance over here so what I want to do is first delete this I don't want to have our grade A Little Too Close to the freeway so we're going to bring this back and I'm going to use a four-lane road we're going to make sure that snapping is on we're going to go out about one and then what I want to do is have this on the smallest step and I want to have it about three above and if you can't make it across this with three above it means your grades are a little off so you want to maybe go to the fourth step we have to do it for some of our Crossings so I'll show you guys in just a minute and so now I'm going to show you guys a little trick that I use for these Highway off ramps to make them look good but also keep them really usable and so I turn off snapping I grab my ramp I go to the freeform tool and one of the things that you really want to make sure is that your nodes are in the correct spot the way you can adjust those is by adjusting where you end up placing the road so like this one's a little close so I'm going to show you guys so if we bring this back and then jump back into that road wherever we have this road end on the other side and it looks like it's not really going to give us a lot of room is wherever our node is going to be so our node is going to be on that left line and then our node is going to be where the pointer is and so we're going to go like that just because it's not going to allow us to do anything else it's because we're going at an angle if you're going at it straight on then you'll have a little more leeway so you can come in here go through and you'll see it allows you to go a little bit further so wherever you land as wherever your note is going to be is for you to build your next Road and so let's go back into our ramps turn back off snapping go into the freeform tool and so we will start off right here and we're going to go off a little bit and I want to make sure that it stays parallel with that Highway and so now what we're going to do is go down to I want to be one above the ground and then we are going to curve this in and the reason we're doing that is because it's going to help us capture really even slope this is something that is pretty difficult to capture in this game if you find that your curves a little off like maybe it's a little to the side just go ahead and right click and retry it so we'll go like this go two down one above the ground and then have it go into the highway and then we're going to go ahead and do the same thing on this side we do have a little bit of a curve so I want to make sure and follow that go two down put it into the highway and then we're going to do the same thing here and now that we have that what we can do is jump into the upgrade tool hold that right Mouse button and change the direction of these and then I do also want to jump into our Junctions tab which is this traffic Roots icon in our little info panel and the reason I want to do this is because I want to go into Junctions and take away the lights for these so I want to jump out of Roads first go back into Junctions turn this off and what we can do and what would be more realistic is to actually put a stop sign and so while we're in this this is a fantastic tool that you can utilize within your City to make sure that people there's not just unnecessary stops all over the place and this is something that we can see on our arterial we have a bunch of stop signs in areas that aren't really necessary and so what we're going to do is go ahead and turn off those stop signs and tell people coming onto that road that they need to have a stop sign because this is the price priority road so we're going to go ahead and go all the way down we can take this one off as well we'll go like this and so another thing you can do is go to a just Road and go ahead and grab this grab your road and then set priority Road and then have this go once this loops around we can actually have it go all the way around and this way it actually goes through and puts in stop signs as well it's a really neat tool to use so we're going to go ahead and grab this row and do the same thing priority Road and so what that does it just tells the game that this road has priority off of other roads going on to it because this is an arterial within our city that is something that we want to do and so now that we have created that other connection we're going to see a couple things so all of our trucks over here the majority of them are now going to start choosing to take this path and so one of the things you really want to avoid with industrial areas is doing making them too large and this is something that I did when I first started this is something that a lot of new people do whenever you're building at your city you end up making really large commercial areas really large industrial areas and really large residential areas which really don't matter as much the problem is is you'll end up generating way too much traffic so we're not going to make our Industrial Area any bigger than this and the reason for that is just because the amount of trucks that are going to need to come in and out so what we're going to do is actually extend this out and create another industrial area over here using the industries DLC and the reason we're doing that is because in pretty much every city now my early game strategy is to plop down an industry's DLC industry as quickly as I can and so this little area right here if we jump back into our info panel go down to the Natural Resources we can see that this is all fertile land so we can have farming this is a little more realistic as well so one of the things I like to think about is why a city would be forming so most cities when they start off are birthed from some sort of Industry so right now we do have heavy industry over here we have like various you know this is a fish stick Factory we have ready where's this like a clothing Factory but we really want to Branch off into agriculture or if you have Sunset Harbor DLC you can do fishing or oil something like that because it's really going to help expand the city in a much broader way especially you once you start diving into unique factories and stuff like that and so now that we have that what I want to do is go ahead and create a couple little Crossings over here so what we're going to do is turn back on snapping we're going to come down here go out one and then because I know it is on a little bit of a grade we need to go up four and we're going to come across and we're going to have this come down and these are not going to be freeway connections these are just going to be connections across the highway and this is really going to help people to get across without having to deal with these service interchanges and so we are now at a place where we need to either purchase a square or start expanding this way in the last episode I had identified that this was going to be our downtown and so I think what I want to do is have a larger interchange funnel this way and that way we can start expanding out the problem is if we expand out and then do the road later what we're going to need to do is delete a lot of stuff so I'm going to show you guys a little trick on how to make some interchanges and this is actually a pretty fun one and also also an easy one so what we're going to do is make a trumpet interchange so we're going to go ahead and go three up and once we're three up we can turn off snapping and what I want this to be is about straight in the middle so you can kind of see we're a little off so we're gonna come up like right here and then let's go ahead and turn back on snapping and I want it to be literally right next to that so now we're going to come all the way down here we're going to have it Go parallel with that fantastic let's go ahead and jump into our upgrade tool and go ahead and switch the direction of this road trumpets could be kind of tricky I mean doing Curves in this game in general can be kind of tricky so one of the things you want to do is you want to have your road parallel with the middle of your curve so if we kind of visualize this we want this to curve around so we want this to be on the leftmost portion of the curve and so now what we're going to do is jump into a two unit Road and go to this two-lane Gravel Road and so we're gonna grab this point we want this to go out as far as we want the curve to go so I think we're going to go about right there and what we're going to do is we're going to go down one and then what we need to do is go into the middle and we need to go up about as far R is the circumference of the circle we are not going to change the elevation on this one because it is the highest step and then we will go over here and what we're going to do with this one is actually bring it down to the ground so we're going to go like right about there and what you want to do is make sure that this is level so you can kind of see this one right here is a little off what we can hope for is that maybe it levels off with that highway so let's go ahead and check this out so we're going to go into here jump into our ramps we want to keep snapping on so we want this to be curved perfectly so we're going to come down here and you know what that actually worked out really well to just have this one a little bit longer since now we will go ahead and turn off snapping and I want this to come down here and wrap along the highway so we want this to go like right about there and then we want it to go parallel with the highway so we're going to go ahead and go like this we want to check that out because you can already kind of see that that curve is a little off right there so I think I'm going to go ahead and redraw that in so if I grab this and go ahead and grab our free form tool again and we'll go like this and then we should be able to go straight now and this is just going to help us capture a little more realistic of a look this is something that I really prioritize with my cities is to to have them look good you know I don't want to have any sort of weird curves or anything and so that actually looks pretty good depends to know what we can do is go ahead and get rid of that little X in there and it is going to kind of mess up your curve a little bit but honestly that still looks pretty good it is a little tight we could have maybe made it a little bit bigger that probably would have been good and so now what we want to do is grab that freeform tool make sure snapping is off and go ahead and follow this just a little bit we want it to be right next to it but then we want to curve this this way and then have it drop down to just one one above the ground again and then we want to have this dump into the highway and so now we have the back side of a trumpet and this actually looks really good these are really hard to make in vanilla a lot of times your curves just end up looking really weird like this one is kind of a little blown out on this side because we were a little too long on this side but I think it looks good and it actually provides a little more of a straightaway so as they're going around maybe they don't have to break as hard and so let's go ahead and upgrade this road now and so if you're ever in a position where it doesn't want to upgrade the road it's because a of the pillars above the highway so what you can do is jump into the bulldoze tool go ahead and get rid of these and then go back into your ramp and just go across we want to make sure that we're turn on snapping so we can have that angle we'll go like that and go ahead and connect it up and then let's go ahead and do the same thing on this side so we will go like this and then go ahead and connect it up and so now let's see if we can flip that around since we were on the wrong side of course we can't so let's um let's go ahead and try that again from the other side so we're going to go ahead and turn off snapping for this because it's a little off on that one side and so I want this to be level with that and then if we go across perfect so one of the things with these trumpets as well is you need to have a same side connection so what we're going to do is jump into our freeform tool and I'm going to bring these back like I just did and then I'm going to jump over to the side and one of the things with this is the terrain's a little off and so if we go like that it tends to look a little like you see how it dips down a little bit so what I want to do is bring that up just a smidge so that we can keep it level with the other road so I'm going to go ahead and bring it up and then we will bring this around you want this to be kind of swooping and then we're going to to go ahead and drop it down two to bring it a little bit closer let's go straight just a smidge and then we will dump it into the highway so we'll go like that and so now we're going to go ahead and copy that on this side we will bring it out one let's go ahead and go up and then we will curve this around and then dump into the highway and you know this actually looks really good let's go ahead and check out those those slopes though just to make sure that we're not all over the place with this so This actually looks pretty good let's check down here as well this you know what it it actually looks pretty good none of our slopes are off none of the angles it looks really nice and this was you know we just threw this together pretty quickly so this is an easy interchange for you to do without having to really just get crazy with it and so what we do want to do now is have our couplet come around so our downtown is going to be all high rises a ton of residents and we have a large possibility of generating a ton of traffic and so what I want to do is have our couplets straddle this highway so we're going to come down here go ahead and turn on snapping and we're going to go go like this because I want to get in the middle of this so we're going to go ahead and grab this go like right there and I'm going to come down here and turn on snapping and I want to go out one and I want to make sure that it's level with that road so we're going to go like that and then we're going to come out one again and we're going to go ahead and turn off road guidelines so that we can get that that perfect line and we are going to get rid of some of these runes but I really want to uh really want to keep some of them as maybe like a museum or something that we'll do later I think that that'll end up looking really fun and so let's go ahead and jump into our one ways now and let's go up this way we'll probably go about like right here maybe we'll make that curve a little more pronounced so we'll go like that and then we'll come up here go like that and then let's bring this forward just a smidge we'll go like that and then let's come and do the same thing here and then now let's jump into that freeform tool make sure all of our snapping guidelines are on bring this out until we get that those three little dots come out here bring this up go like that and then connect this up and then I'm going to go ahead and do the same thing on this side but we need to be careful of this highway so you see how it's giving that red line so what we need to do is go into the bulldoze tool and go ahead and bring this back and then what that's going to allow us to do is connect this up and then all we have to do is just go back through the highway and kind of refix it so we do want to make sure that this is level I'm going to go like this and then go back into our straight tool connect that up and then let's go ahead and reconnect our highway now so we're going to go in here snapping is on we are good so we can go all the way up to that road and then go across just making sure that the the pillars below it don't go on the road that's why it's giving you those red signals because the supports are landing on the road and so it's creating a problem that's kind of funny it allowed us to build that but look how close this is those trees are like just crazy so I think what we'll do um because this is on a slope we're kind of dealing with some weird grades here I think we will go ahead and phrase this up just once we're going to go ahead and delete this all the way down and this is just going to help us capture a little bit better of a look I don't want the highway being that close so we will go ahead and go straight let's go ahead and bring it up by one and let's see how this looks over the road you know that looks a little bit better it's still pretty close but I don't I don't think it's as bad so because we are going downhill I'm just gonna do short segments at a time one of the things you really got to want to watch out for with these is uh so your slopes can get pretty weird in the game so you want to do short segments that it follows that ground a little bit better and you know that actually looks pretty good it's nice and smooth we do have a little bit of a bump right there and then we have this as well and so one of the things you can do here is just go ahead and delete those two segments and then come back in here and reconnect them up it's just going to help you capture a little bit better of a slope in there we still have a little bit of a bump there but it's not not the end of the world and so now let's go ahead and flip this around and then we need to go back through and make sure our cuplet is facing the correct direction as well we'll go like this and so the ideas we'll probably have another little service interchange somehow wrapping into this I don't think we're going to focus on it right now but I want to start working on this residential and I want to start working on this industrial what I'm thinking is we are going to expand our residential out this way because our residential demand is pretty high at the moment and then what I'm anticipating is as we grow our industrial demand will begin to kind of balloon and so we will probably unlock this square and then we will end up building out our agricultural area and so what we want to do is expand out our road Grid in a way that's going to make sense we're going to grab this we're going to go ahead and go straight and what we can do is actually turn this into a tunnel so we'll grab this let's go underground and the reason we're doing this is because it's going to allow us to continue that grid but also create some great access so now as we expand on this side these people are going to be able to cut across without having to kind of bypass the highway there and so now let's jump into our two unit Road and let's figure out what we're going to do we're going to continue using those dirt roads and so I want to follow our same path which was five units out and it looks like we're a little off so let's go ahead get rid of this draw this across and then we can come back again so we'll come out three four five and let's go ahead and turn off road guidelines so I can get that fifth one and then we're going to come down here and then we're going to have it curve into our couplet and the reason we're doing that is because I want to follow this grid over here so now if we come up over here let's go ahead and go up one and a half come all the way across have this follow again and of course we're hitting that Highway fantastic and so we'll go like this go all the way down and connect this up and so I do want to create a couple larger areas in here for future use like um Transit centers or something like that and that's something that as you're building out you want to kind of leave some little patches in there for you to kind of expand on later so that's one of the things that I pretty regularly will use within my games and so I think what we're going to do is go ahead and create a little crossing right here probably about right there I think that that's good and then we're gonna change that into a a Transit Center in the future once we unlock them because I don't think we have any bus stations at the point at this point we don't and we don't have any of our Hub Hub tabs we'll end up getting them um I'm not too worried about it and so now let's come over here and we're gonna have to change the orientation of our grid again and the reason we're going to have to do that is because as we get into our downtown our grid is going to want to go this way and so I think this is actually going to work out pretty well we have some areas for us to do some offices we're gonna lock them high density here soon so I really want to get some offices in their offices are super realistic for cities and something you definitely need we'll go like that let's check out our slope again yeah it looks pretty good I really like it when you have grids that kind of go uh below a highway I think it looks cool so I'm going to go ahead and hook up water pipes for this real quick okay so we have water pipes in while we're in there let's go ahead and check out our water availability so we're in about half but as we expand we're definitely gonna need some more so I think what we're going to do is grab this go ahead and bring this right over here by our highway so we will place this right here and then go ahead and connect that up it doesn't have power at this moment but I'm not too worried about it let's check out our power as well so our power is definitely getting low and what I was thinking is for us to consolidate these areas we're going to be kind of blowing some money here so we let's go ahead and unpause because we're going to be just wasting all this money moving these around but I think it's just gonna look better um I don't like having these kind of random buildings just placed everywhere so now we need to unlock this which is of course is 50 000 so we need to let the game Run for a little bit go ahead and start zoning some of this out and then we'll end up reaching that uh that goal here soon so I think for this area as well I'm kind of looking at this road I think this would work really well as another um kind of collector road so I have this connect up and it could even just funnel into this other one but it's going to help people who are over here just kind of get get back there which I think is fantastic so we actually have some pretty good pretty good accessibility this road goes all the way down there connects up to this collector these collectors over here these roads connective to our arterial as this goes down it's going to fun went to our downtown I think this is actually really good so we need to identify a couple areas for our schools we need to identify areas for services and so if we jump into our schooling tab we can see that our elementary is really over overused at this moment this is our only Elementary so I think honestly if we could placing two of these would probably be the smart BET our capacity is only 300 and you can already see we're like 160 below and that's even before our expansion so if we identify two areas for elementaries maybe if we come up here place an elementary right there and then come down here place in elementary right here I think that that would be smart so let's go ahead and at least Place one because we still need to be mindful that we need a power plant so placing it up here would be pretty good it definitely would be better if it was a little more centralized I don't want to have it in this commercial area though so I think maybe just placing it off of this Road would probably be smart because then it's at least a little bit closer for that other side so then we will come in here go to the small playground go ahead and place it right next to it and then that should be good enough for this area let's check it out for right now yeah so we bumped it up to 600 in capacity which is fantastic and it leaves a little bit of room for us to expand which is good so let's go ahead and start zoning out some of these I think for most of these we want to be mindful of our paths because that's really how you can kind of regulate on traffic in your cities in a big way another big thing that I like to do is go ahead and just remove zoning off of the collector here so that there's no homes on the on the street so like you can kind of see this one right here all these homes right off the street just kind of looks weird so I like d-zoning those a lot of times um sometimes like if we're a little farther back like right here I don't tend to bother with it because you're almost in a neighborhood but in a setting like this I think you would be a little more fitting to leave that d-zoned I don't know in my opinion I wouldn't want to have a house right off of this road like your driveway just kind of an issue like having to pull in a lot of time times you would have big setbacks but we can't really do setbacks in this game it's just not something that you can do so let's come in here and extend out our path and you know this is already looking pretty good this leaves a room for like another little Park area in there which would be nice and let's go ahead and jump on this side now so we don't want to do any residential near this highway if we go into our info tab we can go in here to noise pollution as people start driving down this it's going to become like this so any people who live near this noise pollution will become sick as more DLC is introduced later on this becomes a little more pronounced so what we're going to do is go ahead and jump over to this side so we're remember we're going to turn this into a collector so we're going to go ahead and leave zoning off of that one road and then let's go ahead and go like this and I do want to do the same little path thing in here so we are going to remove strip of two right in the middle and let's go ahead and bring this in the middle as well and then I think we are going to do just a small stretch of commercial off of that one side I think it's really going to help us to just have that like Neighborhood Market vibe in there that was something that people in mentioned in the last episode as well and it is something that I do utilize in my cities so like right now all of our commercial is in the middle well what you can do and this is you know way more realistic as well is just come in here d-zone like little Corners like this so we're just gonna come in here and just do like that and then we'll come up over here as well let's go ahead and just Zone in this little smidge right there we have this one up here so we'll probably do like just a little four by four slot and what this is is like your little neighborhood markets for people to just walk to without having to actually go into the whole mall area and so this actually looks pretty good already we you know what this area looks pretty good too so we'll go ahead and just fill in this whole square and so now that's right off a bus line as well so now we have that area this area that area let's go ahead and add in one more over there and then as we expand out this area we'll probably do even one more over here somewhere so now we've just created you know just little convenience stores maybe you're grabbing some milk or you need some sugar or something for dinner maybe some vegetables you're not required to go down to the big city mall you're just gonna go down to the neighborhood store which is fantastic and so that is something that we want to do over here so we are going to uh probably zone out this whole little middle stretch let's actually upgrade this road first before we have to just demolish stuff which would just be terrible and then that way as we expand this will remain in arterial and then same with this um it does look like we need to go back through and adjust our zoning on that I would really like this to terminate into the couplet so I wonder if we can delete that have this go straight you know that actually looks kind of cool with it turning right there maybe we'll keep that like that and then what we can do is just um have this cut across just to provide that that accessibility for people down here they can kind of come up here get to The Collector because this is one way so they'd be kind of trapped I think we'll end up probably doing tunnels here as well maybe even um funneling them both into one road as we get up here but I think this is already looking pretty good I do want to come back into our zoning and fix this road so we want to remove one row of zoning just off of this we don't want homes right on that road then we do want to come in here and remove two for our pass we got a path right there path right there let's go ahead and do some homes right here and then let's do some homes right here's well I want to remove four units of zoning right there let's come up over here do homes and then let's do a path so if we do a path like right here and then let's do a path like right there so we have the path come up and turn and then we will go ahead and remove this as well let's remove that too and then let's um come back in here turn that into a home turn that into a home and actually you know what we can do is have a path go behind our commercial I think that would look good so let's remove this remove that remove this remove that and then let's um square off this zoning just to make it look a little bit better so if we come in here remove that what it's going to do is provide a little more space for us to do some walking past behind the commercial which I think is really nice and it's something that I've utilized in my cities um quite a bit actually we can go ahead and Zone that in man we're really just chugging along here let's go ahead and unpause so we need to do our other school now we actually have 80 000 so let's do that power power plant first so I want to use this oil power plant and we're going to go ahead and put it across the street so what I'm going for here is just a cleaner look and so since we didn't unlock Industries DLC we we do have access to fences now so what I'd like to do is go into this little Landscaping tool and we will go to walls and fences and I'm going to go over to this ore fence I'm going to go ahead and turn off snapping I just want to have this fence go around I just feel like it's going to make it look a little more secure safe like it's a whole compound it's probably just one company who owns all this so they would probably want to keep people out so one of the cool things with the industrial roads is they kind of look like little small parking lots in a way so what you can do in the vanilla game is actually just stretch them across and then connect this up it uh doesn't look great but it looks like a small parking lot just because it's on that Hill a little bit it actually doesn't look bad so let's go back into that fence now and we're gonna have this go all the way around this little compound so now there's a little energy compound over there which looks fantastic so let's jump back over here and see what we're looking at so we know we want to turn this into a Park area we know that we need a school we need a high school over here as well I want to get a library I think we're going to do some more libraries over here too so maybe right here right off the park so if we go ahead ahead and place this right here can we fit that small part next to it so let's um let's move this we're gonna go like that because I want to get the playground next to it so if we go like that how does that look you know that actually looks pretty good we are going to have power issues um let's go ahead and drag power over here right now before we forget so we have our elementary school let's check out our high school so our high school's not bad we're definitely at capacity we could just go into the budgets tab though and bump that up um but I don't think we're gonna worry about it that at the moment we do need to get some Services though so I want to get these Services just off our collector not necessarily on The Collector because you really wouldn't want people to have to turn into them and so what we're going to do is place that right there and let's go ahead and do our fire department across the street and then we will do the police department like right here you know that looks good and then this actually leans into our whole little Park area that we can do and so I think for our Park area what we'll do is you can kind of meld a bunch of these Parks together and it really helps you to capture just a fun look so if we go like right there and then let's just drop in a couple of these small playgrounds so we'll go like that right in the middle of building our park we hit big town and so we have unlocked another Square we've gotten taxation policies we've gotten some more unique buildings and more importantly we unlocked Metro which is fantastic I don't really know if we're gonna mess with any policies in this episode but we will here soon this industry's 4.01 is pretty good it increases production output by 50 reduces workplaces by 30 this you can kind of help if you over Zone industrial a lot of times if you place this policy it can really help but more importantly we got high density which is fantastic and so when we got a ton of new buildings too so we got the incineration plant we got the university we got oh the post sorting facility I forgot that I think that came with the industries DLC the the post office let's go ahead and finish this and then we will move on to some of our newer buildings so we got the small park there we got a big Park here let's go ahead and do a dog park across the street from our small park right there and then I would really like to get something bigger in here oh you know I think that actually looks good so we got three three parks in there and then what we can do is do some Light commercial zoning just to do some more of those little neighborhood markets and also to kind of split up the the park a little bit make it look more interesting so if we go like that and just kind of let it grow in what we can do is do paths in here and then some trees and just make it look and just make it look really fun do you want to do just some some small commercial in here we're only going to do that little bit because I want to do that path off the back side and so now we do need to do paths in here we haven't really messed with pass at all so let's come in here and I want this path to go straight we're going to come back through and decorate this so we'll go like this and then go all the way down go like that fantastic so now let's come in here and do our pass all the way across and I'm going to go ahead and get the paths in for this whole area okay our paths are in and so now what I want to do is create some office parks in here since we have unlocked our office zoning and so I want to come in here and do some spaces for them rather than just zoning them in so we're going to go ahead and go all the way across we're going to come up here and do the same thing and the reason we're are doing this is because I really want to capture a Cool vibe in here and so if you're ever having an issue with your zoning like this what you can do is go ahead and just delete a couple of the roads and then draw them back in and what it will do is favor the road that was already there let's go ahead and do another one on this side we'll go like this go like this and then let's do that same thing we'll delete this road and then drop back in so we'll go like this all the way down we do not want that to connect to the freeway what I'm thinking is we will do some office zoning so we'll grab this go down to our little Marquee tool and I want to leave some space for us to do Plaza and also some Landscaping on the sides with some paths just really turn it into a nice place so we'll go ahead and go like this and then we'll do the same thing over here grab this go across go like that and then what we'll do is jump into this park some Clauses Tab and we're just going to use this standard Plaza with trees I really like the look of it I don't tend to use the same plauses and areas repeated like this but maybe it's all like one developer that purchased it all and I think it's going to really help us to capture cool look in here I want to now go into paths turn off snapping and I want to make some connections in here so that we can keep that walkability we really want to make it so that people choose to walk as much as possible that really is the trick to helping you manage your traffic that's probably the biggest trick all right so I think this looks really good now what I want to do is just place down some trees we're going to come in here and go and do some young lindens along this front you know we could actually do some of these but real ones so if we go all the way down and then what I'm going to do is go ahead and just place these in all of these little entrances real quick and you know what I think that actually does look pretty good and so I do want to do the young lindens on the side so we're just going to go ahead and place these young Linens all the way around and what I'm gonna do is probably just fill in the rest of this area I want to do some foliage I want to put in a couple trees just really make it into a nice area all right and so here is our office Park and you know what I actually really like the look of this I use some of these purple kind of bushes in here to just accentuate a lot of the paths and then the roads and then I did the Young Linens around the outside and then I used some of these like horse chest inside I believe leaves if we come in here yeah these horse chestnuts just uh you know put some trees around really tight all in together and this just goes to show how easy it is to just make a place look so much better I really didn't get crazy with this just kind of did some bushes along the paths and and you can already tell it looks a lot better especially with little pauses and stuff and so now what I want to do is go ahead and jump over here and so I'd really like to get a public library in here somewhere I think it would just be a really good thing for us to have so what I'm thinking is we will go ahead and move this and then what we can do I hate to do it let's let's remove this and then what we'll do is go into a path we're going to make the path go right there since it's right at the or we're going to go into a road we'll make the road go right there next to the path and let's go ahead and turn this and then let's jump into our library oh man look at that we're just like so slightly off so maybe if we delete that we can go yeah we can and there we go and so now we have created our little uh library and I'm just gonna go ahead and throw some trees around it real quick just tie it in nothing too crazy just some young lindens and then some trees is around the outside okay and I feel like that's good I decided not to do the bushes around the outside just because this would be like a public facility and I still think it looks really good I like it it's kind of funny I didn't decorate this I was waiting for the buildings to grow in to just kind of see what we got so we got like a little gas station kind of some smaller commercial buildings over here we got our police station which I think is good so we could do just a small bit of commercial right there as well and then let's go ahead and look on the back side and see what we got so we got like a little drugstore convenience store which I think that looks pretty good I think this one looks pretty good too um I think this is like a little also organic foods nice and so I think this is actually good for us to decorate now so what I'm gonna do is probably just go in here place down some of these I don't want to get too crazy with it but then I do want to go into our flower bushes and hit those paths up a little bit and we'll probably do some small bushes as well so now I'm going to switch over to that Chestnut come in here and just go all the way around we really want to try to hide some of those um the ruinings of the the road and the paths and the buildings and and stuff because those really are you know just make your place look a little less realistic so let's go ahead and get rid of this bush and then what I'm gonna do is go into this wild hedge and I'm literally just gonna follow our paths all the way down and we don't want to do this everywhere because it's just going to make it so that people can't walk into the grassy areas so what I'm going to do is probably just do the offshoots from the road so that people are just kind of walking into the park and you know enjoying the scenery and everything all right and that already looks pretty good and so now if you jump into the parks and plazas tab you can go to this props Tab and here is a bench that you can just come in here it actually does allow you to place it within the park too which is fantastic so what we're going to do now is just go ahead and place these all the way around this really just helps your perks to look a little more realistic alright and so I put in some benches and you can kind of see them down there it definitely cleans it up I really like this a lot it does look like we're starting to have some trash issues over here so now if we jump into our new garbage and Industry tab so it looks like they're both full we should have probably checked this sooner so let's go ahead and have this road come back and I wanted to go back here the the goal is to have it come up over here and you know what we're going to end up building that industrial area so let's go ahead and purchase this Square so if you come down here to areas it pulls up this whole Tab and if you grab onto them it actually will show you which natural resources are in there and especially with the industries tab this is super helpful within the base game I think I said in the first episode you are limited to nine tiles which is incredibly unrealistic but in mods you are able to unlock them all which is nice but you can still get a pretty good City within the nine tiles so I don't want you to feel discouraged but if we come over here we can kind of see the price so I want to choose this one and it only has Road access and plane access it does not have ship access or rail access we know that our real access point is actually over here so you can kind of see it unlocks if you grab that one we're not focused on that right now that we're gonna grab this we're going to go ahead and purchase it we do have more squares available to us but I don't want to get I don't want to just get crazy with purchasing squares I do want to create another little Trash compound in here so we're going to go ahead and place two of those and then let's extend this out and then have this go down and and then we don't have the recycling facilities right now but we do have the incineration plant which does help with managing garbage and so let's go ahead and go like right here and then let's do one across the street so this is like our whole little garbage compound now so let's make sure that they have water nice and so it kind of looks like our whole city was starting to have garbage issues so what we can do now since these are full a lot of times I'll just leave these full because I think it's not the most realistic for landfills to go through like an emptying process but we'll go ahead and dump it out and let these basically maneuver them to the other sides what we want to do is get them to about 50 percent we don't want them to just dump them into the other landfills because then those other two are just going to kind of fill up and so I really like this area I like that we got this going let's see if we have another buildings that we haven't placed yet so we have Metro I really don't think our city is big enough for Metro just yet so we have power we are going to play around with Industries in just a minute we could do another child care and elder care so this is way over here we could do a child care elder care right here let's go ahead and check out that area of effect you know what I think this is going to be a good location so if we grab this let's go let's build a road off so if we go like right here build this off and then go sideways yeah you know what I think this is going to be a pretty decent little compound I don't know if it's gonna be big enough yeah it should be big enough for both nice and so let's see if we can get a small Park in there too I really like getting these playgrounds around these yeah it's just too small so let's actually um we're going to move this over and then let's um slide this one over just a bit too just one so we can get some trees around it and so I'm just gonna go ahead and throw in some trees real quick just tie this all in together real fast okay and I think this looks good another thing that we can do is do a fence around we don't have any of the park light fences but I think even like doing one of these would be good so like if we come back here just do a fence along the back side because then it just allows these people to kind of enjoy the grounds without being hounded by anybody or having to worry about them wandering off or something you know and I think that looks really good I like that it's got this patio back here too and so now they can kind of roam around here maybe sit down maybe there's some benches and stuff and really enjoy the grounds and so now we have given this whole area another boost in land value so let's go ahead and check out our land value so our land value is definitely going up it is Def it is tied to your education levels so if we go in here and check out our education so we're in dire need of a high school as all these people become more educated the area becomes higher in land value and so let's go ahead and place down a high school somewhere so I'm thinking back here this could actually be a good spot so what we're going to do is grab a road and we're going to make this a bigger one too because I want to get some sports in here in the future as we as we start to unlock them so we're going to go ahead and go like that and then we're going to connect this up so we'll go like this and we'll go like this and then let's go ahead and jump into our tab go to high school let's go ahead and do the high school right in the front I am planning on unlocking the European theme which will give us the tennis courts but for right now all we have is the basketball courts and so I think what we're going to do is go ahead and put in just a big park over here so if we go like right there here let's see how that looks I mean I definitely wish there was more Sports than just one basketball maybe we'll do another basketball so if we go in here and just put in a second basketball I think it's just gonna make it look a little bit better yeah you know what it does it definitely does and so it gives a boost to that area too and so I'm gonna go ahead and place down some trees for this area real quick all right and here is our new school and you can already see a lot of these buildings are upgrading so if you go into the buildings um I showed you guys on the last one here but it says educate more citizens to allow the building to be upgraded so as you satisfy these demands you'll hear these little dings and you'll see these little arrows that means that the building is being upgraded and so it actually becomes the next level for that building and it helps to increase land value it helps to get more people in the homes and if you're ever interested in what you can do for your City to really help it grow this is a really great place to start I think this area looks really good I was kind of hoping we were going to get to 10 000 population but it looks like we may be cut short because I really want to start focusing on this industrial area so I think what we're going to do is jump into a four unit Road and we're gonna go ahead and go straight and so one of the things you want to be mindful of with industrial areas is the area in which the resource is so this whole area and this whole area it's this kind of lightly colored area what I'm thinking is we are going to create some agricultural homesteads we go down here to this districts and areas tab you will have unlocked with the purchase of the industry's DLC this paint industry area so we will then come in here and go ahead and paint it all and you want to get some area away from the resources well for like production facilities or warehouses stuff like that maybe even factories what we're going to do is go ahead and use dirt roads and I want to kind of loop this around just to create a little more of a natural kind of flow here so we're going to go ahead and follow that that tree line we're going to go all the way around and then what we're going to do is have this loop around nice and so now we have created our agricultural area and one of the things you really want to be careful of so we only have three Connections in here really want to get some other connections or get something going to allow more trucks let's actually extend this out just a little bit further because I don't want to have a four-way stop for that so let's go from like right here and then we'll just go back we kind of ruined that tree line a little bit but I feel like this is going to be smarter with industry areas you really it's a huge risk for traffic and so you really got to be careful I think that looks good I think it definitely looked a little bit better with this connection but having the three-way interchanges is going to kind of help us out all right so now what we're going to do is go ahead and place down our main building and I don't want the main building to be on top of the resource so much like right there there was a little bit but I'm not too worried about it I want to have these facing the other direction so let's go ahead and check this out we're about like one two three six seven eight like it's seven or eight units out so if I delete this road and then bring it back to about like right here we should be good let's go ahead and check that out you know that's pretty good it leaves a little bit of buffer room on that backside too which is good so we'll go ahead and place these all the way down oh that looks good and one of the things I like doing with these fruit trees is actually switching in between greenhouse and pastures I think it just looks better like maybe these are processing buildings for these areas or something and so now let's go ahead and grab a road but let's have this go straight what we're going to do is create our little home right in the middle of all the fields and stuff so we'll come in here go to low density let's do a little four by slot so we can get a home in there and then now what we're going to do is go ahead and fill this up with agriculture so we're going to come down here fill this up and then let's do the same thing on this side and then let's go ahead and do some more coming across this way so we'll go like this and let's see if we can fit some more off this back side we can't but what we can do is start looking at some of our other buildings so I really like kind of moving around the the workers barracks and then also the farm Maintenance building and so once this upgrades will really be able to start getting some fun buildings in here and stuff so we do need to get some water I'm going to go ahead and throw this in real quick the main reason that I do agriculture so early on is because of money once you get this going you really start generating a lot of money for your city and it makes it so that you just don't have to worry about things like Road types or city services especially later on like your medical City service ends up being like pretty expensive and so they're definitely things that you want to pay attention to we will wait for this to upgrade period once you have an industry area if you click on any of the buildings within the industry area it'll pull up the information for that building but you'll also have this little tab down here industry area info and so if you come in here it's going to tell you your overall production for the area whether you are importing Goods which is the resource or whether you have enough of the resource extraction buildings to supply your own Goods so then as we get like the animal pastures and the flower mills we'll start to generate a little more money down here I do like to jump into policies and turn on improved Logistics so this increases the storage capacity of extractors and processing buildings by 20 and it also increases the upkeep of the industrial buildings by 10 I think it's worth it though so then Advanced automation as well increase production output by 10 percent increase building upkeep by 10 again I still think it's worth it especially if you don't have a really large area it really helps you to just kind of generate some more money and so we do need to get some animal pastures in here so if we go in here and you want to make sure not to put your animal pastures above above the re resource because they don't need it so we're actually going to bring this back a little bit and I want to have them across the street so if we go ahead and place just a row of these and I don't really like the overall look of these that much I don't find them to be incredibly realistic let's go ahead and check that out so we got a little bit closer to the road right there for some weird reason so if we go ahead and delete that and try that again okay so I ended up finishing off our animal pastures and because my recording lost a little bit of its audio I had to kind of backped a little bit so I put these flour Mills over here and then I put in these fields back here kind of mixing in some Barns and some of these workers Barracks to just make it look a little more realistic and then I did a cattle shed back here just because I wasn't really sure what to fill the space in but I think it looks really good and this is one of the ways that you can capture a more realistic look for your area it's kind of funny I had built out this whole area and so we actually already upgraded a level four but I wanted to rebuild it so that everybody could kind of see so what we're gonna do is jump into roads and we are gonna pump down that speed just a little bit because we don't need it to be that high let's go ahead and do a rotocraft across like right about here and what I'm thinking is we are going to go back into our agricultural Tab and we are going to do some fruit fields in here we don't want to do those big ones what I'm thinking is some of these smaller ones I think these are going to work out really well so we'll go like this go all the way across and then what we're going to do now is use these medium fruit fields and I want to go one and then we're going to do one about in the middle and we're going to come all the way down to the end I think this is going to help us capture a really cool look in here so if we go ahead and turn these to pairs let's turn these to Pairs and then we're going to turn this one to a greenhouse because I really want to go for that kind of mixed look in here and then now what we're going to do is jump back into our road go ahead and turn back on snapping come out here go along the back side of this and then we're gonna go straight so we're going to go like right about there and I want to have another Crossing so we're probably going to go like right here and then we'll curve it in to that row just like that and so what I'm thinking is we can utilize some of our other buildings in here so maybe like the flower Mill we could put right there just to make it look like a more industrious area and I do want to do another Homestead in here so I think what we're going to do we'll go ahead and do a road off like right here and we'll go ahead and go either either side and then let's um delete this back road again so we can get that full zoning off of this like we did on the other side and then we will go ahead and Zone this in and then let's bring our road back all right so now what we're gonna do is jump in here and let's go ahead and do some more Fields across the street so we will have this go there and let's see if we can fit four and it looks like three let's go ahead and use the workers barrackses to fill in this space let's do a barn in here too so we'll do a barn like right there and then I think I believe we got the maintenance building as well yeah we did so Farm Maintenance building let's go ahead and place this right there and then it might be smart for us to connect this up going the opposite way too so if we go ahead and turn on snapping and bring this this way we gotta really be careful because we're getting a little too many turns in here this is uh definitely conducive to us getting some some pretty big traffic issues so we got to be careful so I want to come up here go ahead and connect this up now and what I'm thinking is we're going to get some more fields in here but I want to do some of these bigger ones again I really like the look of these so if we go ahead and place two of those right there what we can do is go ahead and bring a road off the back side and let's turn off snapping so we don't get that weird kind of angle out of there let's go ahead and connect that up as well and then let's do a couple little more Fields back here so we'll do this one do this one do this one do that and then turn the corner and it looks like man I really wish we could fit one more in there but looks like it's a little too tight so let's go ahead and change these all to the same ones now maybe we'll do we'll do wheat again back here I don't really want to mix it up too crazy and start doing like cotton and and other things like that I think doing two types of crops and then maybe some fruits could be realistic because we already got some empty space in here that I want to come back and fill in so we got to really be careful if we want it to look good so we're going to go ahead and fill in this back side as well as best we can it actually looks like it's gonna be a little too tight so I don't know if that's gonna look the best so I think what we'll do is go ahead and put in a couple of these little cattle sheds just because this is going to help us capture that you know industrious look like little sheds back here I think that looks good and so let's um see what else we can fit in here let's see if maybe we can fit a couple more of these fruit Fields let's go like that and then let's drop down to the smaller ones and so now we have man this I mean it's looking really cool I like these areas a lot and so I do want to do some fences around this let's jump into our fences we're going to go to our agricultural fence and we're going to go ahead and draw this up and we're going to go all the way around this house we're going to go ahead and do the same thing on this side so we're going to come up over here let's go ahead and do a fence all the way to the road we'll go like this and then come back so I actually really like that I think that looks awesome I think this whole area looks awesome okay and so I think this looks pretty good before we move on I did want to drop in just a small Factory to give you guys an idea of what we're going to be doing so what I'm thinking is we're going to turn this into a warehouse slash factory district and so what I want to do is go through and delete some of these paths as some of these are going to be pretty large compounds so the first thing I want to do is do our bakeries we're going to place a bakery then we're going to go ahead and jump into our our warehouses we're going to place two of these down so we're going to come in here so we need animal products crops and flour and so it looks like we need to do a barn or a grain silo as well I don't really know if we need as much storage as a grain silo is going to afford so I think what we're going to do is go ahead and place it back right here the reason I didn't put it right there is because any trucks that are turning onto this road are going to try to enter this Silo and it's going to block this intersection but so by putting it back here we actually help out our traffic a little bit and so now we'll jump in here go ahead and turn this to animal products and we're going to turn this one to flower and so one of the things to keep in mind with these warehouses is there's two two different selections so you have storage mode it gives you a nice little breakdown of it right here but my understanding is that you know balanced is most likely going to be your best option in most settings fill is if you want them to actually import the good so you can run import businesses for like oil or or just by plopping down their respective storage units and then you'll just begin to spend a ton of money to import that resource into your city which actually is a big benefit a lot of the times but it's always better if you can make it yourself and so um I do also normally bump this up to 150 it just makes a little bit more money for you and then you also do need to place another Warehouse which we're just going to do a small one across the street actually we'll do a bigger one since this is going to be our warehouse district and we will turn this into our unique Factory products and those are the products that are produced by these warehouses and so you always want to have one of these warehouses nearby before we jump into the detailing time-lapse I want to place down a couple more warehouses in here so we're going to go ahead and place these let's go ahead and place them on the road and then um because we didn't use this curve let's go ahead and get rid of this you know that still looks pretty good I think that this curve is kind of uh interesting we could probably straighten it out a little bit so if we just curve it the other way we'll grab the free form tool go like this and just curve it that way just make it look a little bit better so if we go like that hey you know what it doesn't look bad there's a little bit of a bump there but we do need to turn these into animal products and flour to service our area since that's what we are generating here so we're going to go animal products in flour and this area should start making a pretty decent amount of money here soon so if we jump into the industry area tab we can really see so we're already leveled up to level five which means we've unlocked all of our buildings we are a little short on workers so the goal is 1992 with how many buildings we have and we only have about 1115 and we are turning a profit of about 5 000 a week and so this is actually pretty good especially for starting out city and then now with that Bakery we're really going to start generating some good money another thing I normally do with this I go ahead and turn it to empty you can turn this into commercial Zone Goods so like if you start to have Goods issues within your city go ahead and keep it on balance but I normally will just keep it like that you can already kind of see we're generating a little bit of traffic it's because we place down a bunch of these new storage areas already and so these just put out a ton of calls right when they're placed and it actually does look like we possibly need to place a couple more so if we jump in here let's just do a couple smaller barns maybe we'll do one right there and then let's go ahead and place one back here as well just because you don't want them all right next to each other having them all spread out is just better for your city once this plays out a little bit this traffic will subside a little bit but we do need to definitely make another connection at some point we'll probably connect it up over here as well like you can kind of see what what's happening over here what are these people doing they're like stopping okay so let's check this out is there like a what's happening here why are these people stopping why is there a stop sign on these ramps that just doesn't seem seem like a good thing to do especially with this we'll probably have to upgrade this at some point because this is like not great you want to normally have two lanes like this feed into a dual lane and then you can drop it down to a single so we'll probably play around with that and so I'm gonna go ahead and jump into a detailing time lapse and I hope you guys enjoy foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] okay and so I am finally done and so the first thing you're going to notice is that I extended out this road layout I think we're going to end up using this as more of an industrial expansion especially as we expand out more for right now we're just going to go ahead and leave it empty and so I ended up doing some trees some really low foliage in there I didn't want to go too dense with the trees in a lot of places then I did these taller reels with little purple bushes in the front just to kind of clean it up like maybe an entrance onto the land and I really like the look of this I think it looks fantastic I like that we didn't just do trees all the way around it's like little clusters it really helps to capture a more realistic look in here rather than just getting crazy with the trees which I sometimes do but overall I think this looks really good and so on this side I did something similar to what we did before I accentuated the pass with some bushes and then did some pine trees I really wanted to just make it into a nice little walking area for the residents here one thing that you'll notice I do and I do in all my cities is leave spaces so don't be afraid to leave open undeveloped land in your city this is this is very realistic this happens in cities especially newer cities as they're growing because what happens is developers will purchase off little plots and and then there'll be plots that have gone unsold or maybe the city doesn't know what it wants to do with it and so what we're going to be doing is saving some of these for future uses so like I know we're using this for a Transit Center we could possibly use this for another Park if we wanted to same with these over areas over here it really just leaves a lot open for you instead of kind of bottlenecking yourself like constantly zoning out new stuff and just having this all filled in and so the key takeaway of this episode is to make sure not to overdo your industrial and you see how we separated these why separated these because now we have traffic on both sides so even by putting in this Factory over here what we're doing is we're splitting the traffic up so that they're not all taking the same road at the same time and so that's another big thing for this so whenever you're doing industrial areas just make sure you don't put all your little barns or your grain silos right next to each other if you spread them out throughout the whole area it just delays your traffic enough to where they're not all going down the road at the same time and that's really the key here the biggest problem that I see and the biggest problem I've had when I first started was I would make out just huge industrial areas and then I'd be like man what's happening with my traffic and it's because everybody's trying to take the same road at the same time in the same direction and it's just a nightmare so just that little tip if you can just separate all your little areas separate anything that generates traffic it will do your city wonders and so I think this is fantastic on the next episode we are going to be exploring some common issues that we have in terms of not enough Goods not enough workers and how to resolve them in your city as well as expanding out this area doing some more residential if you guys would like to see anything in this series go ahead and let me know thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this episode you will definitely enjoy the episode on your screen and I will catch you guys on the next one foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: CityZilla
Views: 374,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city skylines, cities skylines beginners guide, city skylines beginners guide, how to play cities skylines, starting a new city in cities skylines, cities skylines starting a new city, beginners guide, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines series, cities skylines lets play, closed captioning, cc, city zilla, cityzilla plays, cities: skylines, cities skylines how to play, how to start a new city in cities skylines, cities skylines how to start a city
Id: 5m2DPCXFr1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 10sec (3550 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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