Cities: Skylines 2 - "Public & Cargo Transportation" - Dev Diary Deep Dive #3

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hello everybody my name is biffer and this is the third of 13 planned Dev diary deep Dives coming every Monday all the way through until September where we take an in-depth look at every city skylines to update including the Colossal order Dev Diaries Dev insights and more this week we're diving into the topic of public and cargo transportation and once again there are so many new and exciting features and again features from City skyline One mods that have been added and lots more to get excited about we've also made sure this week that the volume on the background video is adjusted correctly to save all of your ears and speakers next week is zones and signature building so be sure to subscribe and be here this coming Monday for that Dev diary deep dive right let's Dive Right into looking at public and cargo Transportation right here we go let's see what this has got in store for course transport networks set the Rhythm of Life in your city as they move people into cargo they can create Harmony and Discord this finely tuned Orchestra of ships Vehicles planes and trains is you we just have to go back and look at that that view again just look at that view doesn't it look fantastic even with the rain the models of the ships the city yeah love it love it love it ships Vehicles planes and trains is yours to conduct to create a thriving Metropolis maintain a steady beat to keep your city in motion now see what you did there keep your city in motion very clever colossal order very clever tracks no runways I'm hoping this sort of this sort of camera effect that we've got going on here um where it where it goes through remove it I know the removing has probably been recorded at different saved games but we had cinematic camera didn't we in City skylines one so are we getting some other sort of cinematic camera that enables us to keep our shots the same like this so we can do this sort of thing fantastic if it is because for Content creators like me that would just be amazing creating these and other Transportation networks is a crucial first step after that improving and integrating them paves the way for expansion when you establish your city citizens can take the bus or a taxi to get where they're going so we've already seen bus taxis trams and boats for cargo and stuff as well so yeah lots of things in the base game which is great these are the first transport options you'll unlock okay you just want to have a look at this one and we've got down here so this is what I'm assuming is the bus station not quite sure what that is although a bit later we're going to talk about uh electric buses so maybe that's what that is stops we can put in shelters we can put in Lanes we can add to the road this is for one on our line this here I think this is a taxi Depot because then we've got two symbols for taxi I don't know what these two are um I'm assuming taxi stops and something else so if you know I think you know what they are let me know in the comments below but we've still got the European and the American options here as well um so that'll be interesting if they change the style of the building or is it just like the stops and the vehicles we'll find that out I guess as we continue they're reliable cheap oh there we go look it's actually Depo that's this one but can it be upgraded so again we're seeing Modular Buildings all the time extra garage Dispatch Center and electric taxis as well oh I've noticed that in my preparation for this video I'm assuming uh extra garage is for the maintenance which we'll talk about in a bit Dispatch Center for more taxes I'm guessing and electric taxes where we know what the benefits are of those less pollution and what not okay let's continue and easy to Route Here There and Everywhere ah now look at this what do you see on the screen right here insert a new Waypoint so for me that's different from adding it in to the stops traffic conditions because when you go into there then we're adding a stop positions are there a new route drag away I think yeah we're going to talk about waypoints a bit later but I just want to just point that out it's no bigger let's just knit back again it's no big deal in a new Metropolis but it is for a growing city that's when you'll level up okay so talking about trains and things here very quick sip of tea what do you notice in this picture here so we've got a single train line here we've got this double train line which seems to be built in with this so sort of like a bypass and then the internal one we've got a double stack train which I think is the external Intercity train coming in just because of the size of it we've got what looks like Metro we've got stairs going down so is this like a modular upgrade or is this like a Metro Place down here and we've got little signs up there which I'm assuming the metro parking so is this another modular upgrade for perhaps see him for public transport I think trains trams and Subway oh and this stop it like at every single thing let's go back uh on this one coming up here we can see look at the way the roads are sort of this offset this looks like a normal uh two-lane road or one two oh this is like a four-lane road isn't it well that one is as well one two three four counting the trams but the fact that it's offset like this you wouldn't normally be able to do in vanilla City skylines one without mods um is that a Dodge Charger there something like that but yeah I'm liking this so we can see this new sort of additions so the way we can set our roads up I think trains trams and Subways car stopped there for the tram did you notice that I'm not gonna go back and watch it again you can't even like pros and cons they're all expensive to build and complicated requiring Depots tracks and stops where passengers can buy tickets and get on and off that means they can't offer okay spoke about Depots and Depots Depots we'll come back to the meaning of those a little bit later I like this little view here that we've got of our of our line with all the different vehicles that are on it we've got this one highlighted so it's highlighting this one there's nobody in it as we can see Zero passengers and there's no little dots we've got these little dots in these ones here reminds me of mini motorways mini Metro games uh where they have the vehicle this is the game isn't it this line here it'd be like that but showing you how many are in each one a nice quick visual representation of how overloaded they could be or unused great information there the far-reaching service of a bus line or the door-to-door service of a taxi u-turns on the other hand they're more efficient not least because they and this one here as well what is this going on in the back here these purple lines shooting up into the skies like a disco going on the light show we'll find out about that in a minute so stick around again we've got our line so we've got the lines that we can set up for I'm assuming taxi bus train tram Metro Ferry plane so we can set up lines for our planes and then cargo so we've got planes and ships trains trucks I'm still not sure I've never seen this have a number in it can we set up cargo lines with trucks that I want to know so if you know or if you've seen it anywhere let me know in the comments below hearing more people in cargo and reduce Road congestion let's start with Subways they're fast so again we've got our underground Metro that we can easily add in our Subway as they're called which is fantastic that that's in the base game of course high capacity in the ground so we've got this one here so I'm assuming this is either a Depot or an overground Metro station so the Metro's always got the yellow lines and the whites whatever they're called thing is on there on the track um but yeah Depots Depots Depots they come up a lot and we're going to talk about those if they operate ah there we go overground subway station again included in the base game and not including this parking I think this is parking that they've added separately because when you highlight this you can see what makes up that model so yeah great great use of all the parking than the things that we've got above ground you can run them on elevated tracks so they don't get tangled up can you feel there as well trans they're more flexible than trains so you can more easily add lines to service new again we've got so we've got this little symbol here which is showing the actual vehicle by the look of it taxis get their own symbol I think this is the stop by the look of it yes it is isn't it I know we've got the schedules here day night day and night that is gonna be huge and we'll talk about that a little bit more in a moment as well and expanded neighborhoods build tram tracks on existing roads or run them on dedicated tracks if that's the best way to keep the hustle and bustle down oh there we go add in a stop in and it looks like the way that sort of moves along that you can just literally add that anywhere so we just watch this little bit look at that it all the way along this little section here you can add it anywhere now before we could only add them in certain points do you remember we'd have a node here say and a node there and it would only let you put it here if you wanted it up here no it would be the next Road segment now it looks like you've got real finite infinite control over where uh these stops can go which is a thumbs up for me trains carry loads of people too and not just suburbanites they can bring visitors from outside your city in large numbers yeah outside this is why I think this is a an external train going between cities because that is a big looks something like a double double decker train trains play another critical role okay so again I think now we're getting the depot look at the size of this thing one two three four tracks down here um and there's a lot it's got this little symbol here yeah I think this is a Depot we're just gonna jump back and run that bit again that's the best way to keep the hustle and bustle dialed up I like that I always carry loads of people too and not just suburbanites they can bring visitors from outside your city in large numbers trains play another critical role as cargo transport build a cargo train terminal um where businesses can receive ship and store incoming and outgoing Goods so that remember what she said there about storing incoming and outgoing Goods so there's warehouses now built into the cargo train stations which is another interesting thing so whether they can be upgraded to add more warehouses or warehouses for different items or you know stuff like that like we've had in the industries DLC I guess we'll find out water transportation is another beautiful passenger travel and moving cargo it's another high capacity Network the water transports real potential lies in imports and exports you see cargo ships might be slower than trains but these bad boys can carry 1 000 tons of stuff to and from your city so we've seen already that we can create lines for these things so again something that a lot of people wanted in um City skylines one was the ability to create Inner City Line so you'd have cargo from here go to another cargo Hub over the mountains around the back to another Island so is that something that's going to be possible to do or is it just so external uh lines that we have I'm hoping that we'll get both we we will okay keep saying we will find out I mean there's a lot of things that we need to sort of learn and until we get the game We're Not Gonna Know for a hundred percent unless they're mentioned in a future Dev diary I suppose so now we're going to be talking about trading with other cities so we'll just listen to this yeah that's right you can trade with other cities so you'll need somewhere to house all the goods and resources coming and going amazing like cargo train terminals cargo Harbors double as cargo storage facilities so what can we actually trade so we know about trading electricity so we've seen that or selling electricity I mean I think it's been confirmed you can buy it if you need it but you can sell it if you've got excess what about other Goods as well so other things that the city makes um can we trade that in and out and make money that'd be good like all of the other networks air transportation has drawbacks planes carry fewer passengers and less cargo than ships model of this airport is brilliant look at that astronomically expensive and have the footprint of a small town I mean just look at the size of that airport I'm sort of assuming that all of this I mean you've got the end of the lights of the runway there it goes all the way down over here somewhere and compare that to the size of your city so this might have been a sort of a medium-sized City perhaps and then you might have built a bit of land out here and put the airport on it and add all your planes ghosting through the buildings when they take off and that would have been the size look at the size of this thing and apparently astronomical in costs so yeah I'm hoping and we got trains here haven't we look at these are train lines seems to be very wide thinner goes down to I think we see this better in a picture coming up in a moment a bit of the video but these are going to be good I tell you and they make outside connections incredibly easy the transport next in your city will become complex look at how much transport's going on I'm assuming these are all buses buses buses busted buses we've got tram stops we've got the Depots that's like the depot we had before tram stops we've got boat lines is that fairies or is it just sort of cargo boats coming and going we've got I'm assuming this is some sort of train but it's like a cargo type train here doesn't it oh there's just so much going on all the vehicles over there as well ah this is the view this is the view let's skip that complex and intricate okay I'm gonna go frame by frame so we don't miss this one there we go look at that this is what I was looking at I think this is train lines coming in here so maybe that's the cargo module upgrade question mark or there was mentioned there was cargo trains we've seen it in the little info views that we had maybe that's attached to the side here and then goes down to a train line into the city so yeah but this that thing is just look at it ah Majestic Transportation overview to review passenger and cargo Transportation Network separately we're going to go into this in a bit more detail later these lines about individual lines and toggle them on or off use the transportation info view to understand the impact of your Networks plan and manage Transportation networks carefully to find the right tempo and I'm liking the look of this as well so we've got the Metro coming in here I think that's the overground metro station we saw before at the parking light behind um that road layout looks familiar so maybe that's been added in next to the airport and then this building here would be the train with the train lies but you've got like cargo stuff here so and the fact it looks so connected maybe it is an upgrade upgrade part added on there okay yeah very good very nice the movement of people in cargo conducted perfectly and every citizen Trader and tourist will March your city toward greatness with the King cargo trains as if Hospital there's definitely a hospital you've got a little hospital symbol there with helipads oh helipads hospitals confirmed for ambulances confirmed for the base game so we're getting something from the DLCs brought in early on which is great got a lot of Waterfront stuff going on down here trying to see whether that's some sort of Harbor building or not I mean it's a car park I don't know without a boat or something coming and going it's it's hard to tell but oh there we go so so much to look at and learn from oh all of this and we're going to come back to a lot of the things that we've mentioned a bit later but now we're gonna just take a roll back to the dev Insight that came out on Thursday managing traffic and there's a lot more secrets and things that we can glean from that so let's take a look at that right here we go Dev Insight managing traffic let's dive into this one let's talk about traffic AI it says that game footage captured in beta builds I think in this little bit here is just stunning and then realize it's a real life shot of uh Finland home office is brilliant I'd love to go one day that'd be great meet everybody the agents chose their pathfinding based on how close they are to something where they want to go you see this kind of Stew the agents actually calculate the pathfinding cost and that bad funny cost is based on multiple different factors that finding consists of four major factors the first one is time the agents all agents be it citizens or trucks or anything in the city they will always calculate how long it takes to travel from one I want to just look at some of the uh the chirps that come up over here uh such a nice balmy weather perfect for enjoying the outdoors so we know there's going to be weather we get uh Seasons don't we've got summer down here I think we see that well I think we've had Autumn show up but we know what the four seasons are hopefully um so is the weather going to affect people leaving the house and then affects the traffic and traveling just a little questionnaire to think about that one place to the other then over here we've also got job level so we know we've got their education which they'll work through as they get older and we know we've got their wealth now as well um which is something slightly different but job level manager so depending on their education and wealth they get different job levels is that how that ties in and we've seen this down the side here as well where we've got the household how many people in the household that seems to relate to this so we've got two people in the household this one and this one then we've got this individual person in this case Jennifer Mourinho then we've got this little plus down here have we spoke about that before what are we adding that person into or we're following the person with this are we adding that person to something like a list which again would be a mod that we've had in City skylines one is anybody keeping track of all the mods that being added and if we look over here we've got this same symbol this little person down there so are we adding them to a list that is something like to know we've got this list here what is this list we've got the chirps something to do with people and then is that like just a note-taking app in the game because there's so many new things that are going on that we need to take notes okay let's continue and this can be uh here we go building bonuses the in case area I think that's where they're going to work um giving us bonuses in the city so office efficiency City Wide plus five percent interest in University education so they seems to be rolling some of the policies into placing buildings that give these benefits a plus one graduation chart plus five well-being so an area of effect of this building now next week we are talking about signature buildings so is this like a signature building that gives these bonuses rather than every single different type of building um attractiveness we've got we probably understand that and we've got this here requires and produces is this some of the goods that we've been talking about shipping in and out so we've got software produces Financial is this another game Loop in the game where we can make these different items and try and balance them to make other Goods which we then sell so some more things perhaps being picked up there let's continue feed off their Road or the vehicle or uh just down grade in the road there to get the different speed and this is the major factor in deciding which way they want to travel another important factor in pathfinding is Comfort which means how many turrets they have to make a couple foot how many turns they have to make so they're showing a turn here so we had that mentioned in the main uh Dev die we're talking about traffic AI uh the Monday one and they said simpler intersection so if you're making overly complicated intersections or it's a lot of left turns right turns over around about through an intersection more turns more turns rather than a straight through fast road that is less comfortable to people so something to keep in mind there only at the parking is is there something else that affects their comfortness of the road because obviously parking availability too nice models Dodge Viper is that all the motorcycles looking exactly the same we know this is beta gameplay it says I'm sure these sort of things are going to be sorted out because we had motorcycles of nobody on for a while didn't we um so all these little things they're going to be tweaked along the way I'm sure is also important factor in the past five money is usually about fuel costs for Citizens and it can also be it's a fuel costs and we've had this mentioned a few times now I think there's been a bit of a discussion going on about this so do we get petrol slash gas stations that we need to keep stocked with fuel that people can then purchase can we adjust the price on that which then affects all of this AI calculation that comes into it or is it just a hidden game mechanic we have seen some sort of petrol stations gas stations I'm sure in some of the other videos sort of in the background I'm sure people have like sent me screenshots of those sort of things so yeah more questions if they use public transportation again we've got that how full each line is over here thing which we mentioned before ticket price which can affect things how many vehicles now that is worth keeping in mind because we're going to talk about Depots in a bit more depth after this video but the assigned vehicles to the line we can use up how many vehicles a Depot has which is something worth keeping in mind yeah and then last but not least is the behavior most agents in the city follow all their normal traffic laws right on the right side of the road and don't make rash decisions in traffic but certain vehicles so I thought at first here this ambulance was driving on the pavement but this is obviously the medical facility so they're just going up there to drop their people off emergency vehicles there we go but this here look we can see this traffic is all stopping so this ambulance can do a U-turn here which is great because that is what we want to see people giving away to emergency vehicles more dangerous decisions in traffic such as making u-turns and thus cutting their travel time to their destination if they are responding to emergencies and sometimes some citizens can go now watch this watch this yellow car here these lights have turned yellow so they shouldn't have gone necessarily I mean it depends how quickly they turn yellow oh there'll be these ones over here hang on they're going this way so they'd be looking at the lights facing that way we can't actually see I'm assuming they're possibly red but traffic lights on there old greens yeah so now they're going red there so that would be the lights for these people here wouldn't it I'm a bit confused about the way the lights are facing here because normally they're straight opposite you but anyway the point they're making is that people try and jump light to save a bit of time which I think is interesting and we've seen people running across uh what I would call zebra Crossings uh pedestrian Crossings as the lights change as well so nice little addition trying to sneak in on the last second before the traffic turns the traffic light turns to red in-path funding different age groups value different things for example team value money because they have none adults value time because they have so little of it and seniors prefer the Comfort because they are inter Leisure Time of the Year we see them using all the lanes which is great that's what we want to see still a little bit of stacking up going on here but I bet these are all turning left so we'll let them off road Lanes yes they are still in City skylines too now the vehicles will use all the lanes available hey so if you have a traffic light intersection where one lane is filled with cars now the other cars will pick the open lanes and then fill that intersection evenly so using all the lanes plus the little additions that we've seen where we can say you can't turn left or right here in this lane or that lane I still haven't seen a straight on one which would be great although I'm pretty sure that was confirmed on Twitter that they're not adding the ability to take away straight on uh whether you can do them by lane or whether it's the whole Road you'd say don't turn right on this one I think that's yet to be confirmed or denied so be interested to see if that comes up at all at any point or traffic accidents traffic isn't that so cool feature I showed this little clip earlier because it was on City skylines Tick Tock I'm not on Tick Tock but somebody pointed it out to me and so I didn't leak anything early but as you watch this if we go back we'll watch it in in normal time then we'll go back and watch it that's so cool feature these can be caused by poor road condition there we go so as we go through this we see I'll go back a little bit more we see the yellow car loses control getting excited about tracks there we go yellow car loses control hits the blue car which then gets the physics and loses control and then I think it's the blue car hits the next yellow car which knocks it into the yellow car and the second yellow car knocks the part blue car in front which then bobbles up as well it's a little bit less of reaction as it goes along so we're decaying sort of you know otherwise cars will be bouncing around Forever This pedestrian narrowly missed out on being hit um but I think that is fantastic addition to the game which then you can see the little traffic accident symbol pops up so that then needs to be cleared by I'm assuming maintenance Vehicles if anybody's injured that would need to be sorted out as well so great addition to the game and lighting condition weather and natural disaster accident there by the look of it another one there the corridors which can also attend lead to bigger traffic Champs very small accidents the players can add traffic lights and also keep the roads in good condition foreign views again we're going to dive a little bit more in those that we're getting these two different types of info views which which I'm enjoying those I like those and it's going to be great seeing how they work I don't think you can show them both at the same time though by the look of it I think we're going to see this oral state of the city's traffic which sort of make sense you know follow the traffic volume of the city etc etc the road interview itself is kind of like two-parter the one interview is about the whole city then you can also select individual individual load traffic View and again as pointed out we've got the time over here so it changes I mean maybe not this road particular it seems pretty okay all the time but the volume is going up and down so we've got like a six in the morning bump and we've got a six in the evening bump so is that like on the way to work on the way home from work real-time mods as we were talking about before I'm loving that edition if that's true with their own Road in for you and all information about that in more in depth you can also see traffic flow and volume of that particular Street or Road there are different types of service Vehicles some are responding to a call like ambulances for example and then there are some service Vehicles which are spectral City like police cars or corporate Vehicles which are collecting garbage players can choose from the district info panel with service buildings are working inside the trees so again a mod added selecting districts so they're now going to take this police station and they're going to put it into certain districts to work which is great and also we've got patrolling as they said and then you've got one like garbage that are going around and we learned before that they will if they're already in the middle of a route they will be given information ah that we need to go over there and collect some rubbish now as well so they won't go and collect and go back home half empty they'll go out collect collects collect oh water collect and then they'll go back home which makes much more sense and this District thing as well with the map sizes I think we're talking about and the way things are all spread out like here before you'd have a police car call from over here to all the way over here and it'd be a nightmare now you could say just stay in this little District which would be great um there's been a chirp that I've been waiting to come up on the screen but it hasn't come up yet if I might spot it it's something to do with gas stations keep your eye open for it the service building can work in multiple districts it's also very good feature because that was also requested in City skylines one fence it's one of one of my favorites and it also helps manage the city a lot better because you can control where the city service is actually affecting yeah and I think that is a great thing to add as well anything that gives you options and control over how your City Works is a great fun we've got an upgrade down here as well possibly adding more uh Vehicles we've got vehicles in use four maybe that's what it is for example if you want to have other side handled by the whole police and the other side of this D has different Services you can control where they are affected just like in City skylines one city skylines 2 also features traffic between other cities so we've got these outside connections and which are fantastic if you look at this here power line connection point for enabling electricity Import and Export so yeah definitely confirmed we can Import and Export electricity um I think we've missed the chirp that I was looking for so let me just run back and find that this is it running out of hashtag fuel visit our new gas station at this address um that looks like it's clickable or maybe it's just highlighted so you can see it and what's this star up here what does that mean so that's an interesting little addition that you don't always got get on all the uh the little chirps that we get out here so again thinking we're going to have gas stations we'll find out right back to the outside City connections that's one city skylines 2 also features traffic between other cities in the form of traffic traveling from one outside connection so this one is right up in the air and I think as they click on it yeah that is an outside connection point for creating passenger airplane lines and cargo airplane routes so it's looking like now what you do is you make your own routes and lines even for planes cargo and passenger which I think is fantastic again I'm hoping that that's also internal in the city so I want a plane going from this side of my city to the other but definitely going to the outside of the Cities we can see here this one's right up in the air isn't it brilliant Edition these vehicles can contribute to the traffic in your city if they find a route cheaper and faster through the city instead of one of the highways If the previous city is exporting certain citizens vehicles that also collection the player can get monetary income from that exporting service on the other hand if the player is lacking some City service they can import it from the outside collection but for our videos of course yeah there we go so export and importing making money giving a cost help if we need it so yeah how deep that goes I can't wait to see that and what does that include and we've got electricity he says services so water and sewage as well so people seriously processed and water excess water as well as excess electricity nice I like this one we've got like a key wall sort of going on here not on this side but we have on this side which I think is really nice I think we've seen these sort of key areas sticking out a few times from different angles overhead views and things but key walls confirm then for in the game or perhaps this sort of cut and feel that we've had mentioned a few times so I'm liking that looks looks beautiful as well doesn't it looks beautiful foreign people have got their lights on and you can almost see inside the building here I'm assuming that sort of some outside picture I don't know the technical terms that's put on there rather than actually seen in the building because goodness me that would blow your PC up wouldn't it snowing or raining thanks for watching Remember to like And subscribe smash that like button love it so now we've got the written Dev diary that goes into so much more information about all the transport options so let's take a dive into that okay so let's dive into the dev diary for the public and cargo transportation from colossal orders website and looking at our first picture here we've got the lovely colossal order buses I'm really liking the look of those fantastic but confirm transport for City skylines 2 is bus tram train ship plane for passengers and trucks vans trains ships and planes for cargo and also they say that every land-based public transport type has a Depot for maintenance and providing the vehicles and we'll talk a bit more about these Depots as we go along so yes first of all we've got buses we've got standard fuel buses and electric buses are all in the game from the start we need a bus depot to provide the vehicles and the maintenance um again modules are confirmed because you'll need to upgrade your bus depot to maintain your Fleet of electric buses so it looks like you'll get the normal buses first then you'll pay for an upgrade which I'm sure will come with some initial costs and then an ongoing maintenance cost and then you get your electric bus option as well and as we saw earlier a big change to the way lines work inside and outside your city so it looks like we have to make any external lines that go to the cities that we don't see um ourselves and we'll talk more about that as we go along but definitely for inner city buses we create the lines that then um go around our city but Intercity buses they can also come and connect to the bus station or to bus stops which again is a new thing for City skylines too and talking of stops you can place your own stop signs or shelters so we've got some shelters we can see on the left there for picking up and dropping off and again that's a slight change to how we make our lines because we place the stops in the shelters first then you place your lines afterwards so next we have taxes and we already know that pocket cars are a thing of the past so as well as helping your citizens move around internally in your city taxis will help people come from external cities into your cities if they don't have a car so that's how that's going to work so some people are going to turn up with no car um you know by train or ship buy a taxi by plane and then they can move around the city so whether that means they'll be able to buy a car or just rely on all the public transportation which I'm sure is possibly the thing we've not had any car dealerships uh pop up as part of the game so I'm sure that's how it's going to work again for taxis you need the depot for Fleet Maintenance and modules that allow you to upgrade so you can pick up passengers not only from taxi stands which you will probably place around the city but then from anywhere in the city someone can flag down a taxi if you've got that upgrade module and also electric vehicles are available with the bonus of less noise and air pollution I'm assuming again from another upgrade module that you can add to your taxi Depot which I think this is probably what we're seeing here in the picture so we've got a couple of different pictures uh here when we're talking about the train so we've got confirmed inter-city and local transport trains um this is a a Depot or Rail Yard we can see all the different lines coming out either side all sorts of things going on here a cargo attachment or upgrade or or a cargo train station there because we've got all the cargo piled up out the back and again this is needed to provide maintenance to your Fleet of trains so I'm not sure whether trains will get to a certain point or any of the vehicles where there's sort of Maintenance counter hit zero and they have to go back to the depot for maintenance or is it something they just sort of get upkeeped up kept automatically um I guess we'll see about that also when placing your track we've got the new cut and fill mechanic which we spoke about previously where it automatically adds if you're building and the the land sort of goes down to the side um you know it's cutting through the land it will sort of fill that in if it needs to or if the land raises up to the side of the network you're placing it will fill that in with sort of like a concrete barrier that's basically what it is but tracks come two-way double or one-way variety and also confirmed that all whale transport so that's trains and trams are reversible so that's another mod that's been added reversible tram AI it was called wasn't it but we've now got that with trams and trains and also confirm that train stations can be upgraded again with additional modules that provide more platforms and connections to other forms of public transport so we've sort of spotted it we in the earlier video it looked like you there was a Metro added onto the side of it um so whether things get added later on that we can an upgrade add the modules on but that seems to me perhaps there's like a bus looking like on this picture here maybe a bus sort of set up out at the front or built-in taxi stand something like that so we will see we will see the exciting stuff for the trains so then we have trams nice looking tram here in this picture we know it's very easy to add tram lines to any road I say any road I'm assuming highway road you wouldn't necessarily add them to those that wouldn't really make much sense but any other Road inside the city I think we'll probably be able to add to those um you will need um of course a Depot for uh giving you the amount of trams that you have and also the maintenance that they will need and also you get one-way double tracks again with this cut and feel so with all these Depots that we keep mentioning I foresee people building huge Depot areas in future cities which is quite exciting looking forward to that so now on to Subway or Metro as I would like to call it um again above and below ground available we can see in this picture here just a nice little simple uh subway station which is going to lead people underground with the steps going down again you need a Subway Depot or yard to provide the trains and to maintain them you get one-way double tracks and again cut and feel is on the cards again which obviously if you're placing them below ground you won't need that above ground and we'll be able to do that but just to see how that works because we've seen it in a few pictures but not actually seen it in practice with somebody placing a network I don't think anyway so yeah maybe keep your eyes open for that then we have water transportation so we have passenger and cargo options here with Intercity ships uh on the Harbor and some sort of cargo ships as well which we saw in the video again we're told we need to make our own connection so it looks like visiting tourism outside the city won't automatically turn up just because you've placed a harbor and then a ship turns up with them for a lot so it looks like maybe we need to draw our own transport transport lines again to the edge of the map to enable that function which sort of makes sense with what we've seen earlier on with the video drawing those lines to the edge of the map just looking at this Harbor here it looks like maybe on the right there by the water's edge is that some sort of cargo Edition or is that maybe a bus upgrade module or something like that um to sort of Link these things together and of course we've got trams out there on the street as while so yeah linking the transport together great job and air transportation as I mentioned in the video the one thing that strikes me here is the size of the airports the international variety apparently being the size of a small town in the words of the dev diary video that is huge and again we need to create our own transport lines to the outside um I'm assuming for cargo and for passengers because both are supporting um or is there different types of airport for those I don't know we've sort of maybe sometimes see like in this picture little cargo thing stacked up by the front of the airport so maybe again that's upgradable modules or maybe there's two different sorts of airport like we've seen before um is there Depots for planes or is the airport going to count for that I don't think that was mentioned so that would be interesting to see also it's mentioned that there are zones that are shown when you're placing these airports and which will then limit the height of the buildings in the takeoff and landing area so adding that little bit of realism to the airports because we're all remembering City skylines one you place your airport down not quite sure which way the planes are going to go particularly if you're in vanilla and can't see where the transport lines are in the air that are already there and your plane then takes off and flies straight through a load of high-rise you know building so that'll be getting rid of that and yeah as I said adding more realism fantastic so now we're on to Cargo uh we know that Cargo is obtainable and movable in the vanilla game via truck train ship and plane uh we've got the train cargo uh terminal set up here they also have a built-in warehouse and act as a distribution center for storage and incoming and outgoing cargo and also cargo lines are mentioned again so I'm I'm hoping we're given the option of where to send our Cargo in the city we've had the lines shown on the screen before with the info View and the one for the trucks at the moment always seems to be blank and whereas you can set up your cargo lines I'm assuming again going outside the city you'd need to set those up like we've seen for other things as well um but the truck traffic can we tell that where to go to other distribution centers well once it's picked up does it then just go out to where it's needed um but yeah truck traffic's still going to be a thing I reckon around the train terminal so maybe I'm not going to be out of a job of fixing traffic in people's cities hooray and then of course we have the cargo ship so the cargo Harbors also store cargo and goods and again will be a source of traffic so a comeback of the cargo traffic sponge anybody that we all know and love from City skylines one well we'll find out won't we um a train module is available for the cargo Harbor hopefully that's not with the train line sticking over the water and I'm looking at this picture here and it looks to me like the train line is to the right of the little setup that we've got here with all the containers so that would be fantastic and then with our cargo train lines can we have the majority of our cargo perhaps arrived by ship then be moved around the city by train and then locally picked up by trucks stopping that old AI issue of everybody using the nearest cargo train terminal for everything and clogging up the city would never end in traffic maybe hopefully that's the way it's going to work and then cargo plane so it perhaps seems like cargo airports are not necessarily a separate airport but more a module you can upgrade your main airport with which you know that makes more sense to me you've already got all the the runways and everything there so you want to make sure you get the best use out of those you can again we need to attach manually to the outside connection so giving us more control over what comes in and what goes out which is great so big changes to the transport line which are very interesting to see more info on the Depots were given that each one has a set number of vehicles it can manage which can be upgraded with additional building modules again we're seeing that wondering how much space we're going to need to leave around our place buildings and to be able to add these modules in that'll be interesting to see and a change to how we lay out our transport lines now so stops are placed first and then the line is added separately and also a new feature which I think is absolutely fantastic and that is the ability to add waypoints oh thank you so no more will buses take the weird way around our road system we can see in the picture here perhaps you could work out where the bus would normally go straight across that busy Junction at the top but the blue line has a waypoint being inserted on bus line number eight on the lower line on the lower Road I should say missing that busy Junction and keeping the buses flowing so things like that is excellent help us to keep our traffic flowing anything that puts more things under our control is a big win for me also something else that's mentioned and a huge change talking about development points used on a development tree so we can choose which Transportation options we want to unlock ourselves again more Choice equals more fun in building our cities that's a big win for me will this development tree also let us unlock other things because it's speaking about just the transport but maybe Building Services I'm other items because I've spoken about this before that was one of my biggest gripes with City skylines one was how easily you can be overwhelmed as soon as you hit a milestone which we do in our videos quite often suddenly you've unlocked 50 new items and loads of stuff from a content creator pack and new services and now we've got the citizens wanting all of these things immediately and it's just like ah but now if we can choose where we're going to spend our development points on this development tree again that keeps things under our control more and we're going to see different types of cities not all sort of going along the same route we're now we've got buses we're now we've got trans um everything could be unlocking differently so that is absolutely brilliant and if you want to see how that works we'll find out on the August the 28th Dev diary I'm guessing because I haven't seen it yet of course that's called game progression so subscribe and we'll find out together if it's under that one and then talking about our transport lines here we have the airport outside connections that we've been talking about flying all up in the air so that I don't think that was a laser light show disco that we saw before was it it was these and we can see where the little blue dots are in the sky that you can connect to so maybe we can choose which direction we want our planes to go how many are coming and going whether we even connect them all up at all you know just Passenger not cargo that sort of thing I guess we'll find that out as well but again lots of things under our control I'm loving it so now we're looking at our transportation info View and overview and in this one here we've got our lines listed on the side in the transportation box so as always our public transportation we've got all the information there um but the cargo one we're interested in so it shows the roots and the cargo again the trucks are we gonna get that granular control over our trucks with lines or is it just the trains the ships and the planes well I guess we'll see that but we get information how much cargo's being carried so that's more information is good for making good decisions in our cities and then we've got our transportation overview and now night and day lines make more sense and we've had those the option to turn them on and off for night and day in City skylines one I think in vanilla am I thinking of a mod I think it was in vanilla but now it makes more sense because we've sort of almost confirmed that real time's in because we've seen traffic can go up and down on different times of the day we've seen on those info views so if that true then line adjustments for at night would make sense for different times of the day when there's more or less traffic you can have different lines set up more buses larger buses perhaps in the day and at rush hour smaller buses less buses at night to save money so again more granular options to help us in designing our transportation and of course we can change the color turn the lines on and off look at the details which we've seen in other pictures and the nice usage figure as well that is always helpful so you might set up bus lines train lines tram lines Metro lines and find that the usage is only uh higher at certain points of the day so that can help you decide how you're going to set up those lines and look new dolitan's making money lots of people point out how it's never making any money it can make money look at that and then the detailed line view we've mentioned how you can sort of see how many uh passengers are in your vehicles which is great we have ticket price which we know goes a long way into the traffic AI that we spoke about last time um at this traffic AI for everybody for the people as well not just for the cars is it going to be too expensive and it's going to mean that people with lower wealth can't even use it we've seen that on one of the pop-ups or is it going to be available for everybody how many vehicles have assigned and that's going to need balancing because it sounds like our Depots will give you a certain amount of number of vehicles and then you've got to assign those among your lines so I don't know whether it will let you like it says on here assigned Vehicles fall out of 14 is that 14 because this is tram line two and they're both coming out of one Depot and that only gives you 28 Vehicles so 14 on this line and 14 on the other line something along those lines we'll see won't we um then you've got the schedule day or night or both and the color and all that sort of thing so some excellent information there that's going to help us um with our lines and tweaking it to really optimize your city so there we go which additions to the new public and cargo transportation of City skylines 2 are you most looking forward to let me know in the comments below and if I missed anything or there's any other news that's come out drop a comment so I know and then don't forget to subscribe so you can be back here on next Monday as we take a deep dive into zones and signature buildings Dev Diaries have a great day thanks for your support take care bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 101,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, cities skylines 2 dev diary, cities skylines 2 dev diary deep dive, cities skylines II, cities skylines 2 trailer, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines II gameplay, cities skylines 2 features, cities skylines 2 release date, cities skylines 2 leak, cities skylines 2 first impressions, cities skylines 2 trailer reaction, cities skylines 2 gameplay trailer, cities skylines 2 reaction, cities skylines 2 xbox showcase, Cities skylines 2 trailer breakdown
Id: C_TtnRlWs8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 15sec (3195 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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