Cindy Trimm - Success Skills

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well welcome back to our program I'm dr. Sheila trim and today we're going to continue our series on my core for life empowerment system last week we walk you through how to get to know yourself the real you and how to take the first step towards empowering your success that was just a little bit of what you're going to get with the core one of life empowerment system 365 days of personal professional and spiritual development and today I'm going to share a little bit of core two with you and give you the skills you need to achieve success in your life now listen success is a choice it is a choice to do something it's a decision so if you choose to do nothing you'll be successful at that nothing but if you choose to take a step in the right direction and you be much much closer to achieving your dreams so are you ready to take that step this first step today to transform your life into a victorious life if the answer is yes then let's get started right now hi we want to talk to you about being empowered but just before we talk to you about the empowered life I just want to tell you a little bit about me I grew up in an island called Bermuda and grew up in the middle of poverty in the midst of poverty and from a young age I always felt like there was something more I spent the first portion of my life reaching out not understanding that what I was reaching out for was already in me as a result of that I got really interested in that one word empowerment and I love that word because it presupposes that is not someone giving you something but actually turning something on that you already have so many people live disempowered lives because they're disconnected to who they really are and that was the first thing I had to learn that success was in something that was way out here success first started with self-knowledge we talked to you a little bit about that last week this week we're going to be focusing on for the rest of this session on success now empowerment is one of those words that's thrown around you have empowerment specialists people all over the place you see sides about living the empowered life very few people have explained to us what empowerment is let me give you the just simple definition of empowerment empowerment simply means that you are back in the driver's seat life does not have to happen to you you can happen to life here's the thing life comes at you one day at a time and if you can just learn how to live and manage for that 24 hours then 24 years will not be a problem when we talk about empowerment a lot of people say okay if I live the empowerment life what does that feel like what does it look like to me it means that when you wake up in the morning you already have a plan for the next 24 hours of the day and then you're also able to deal with those bumps in the road those turns in the road the times when you don't feel like doing what you know you should do empowerment comes in handy empowerment is like the word success success is one of those words that is very very difficult to explain but it's easier if you're successful to explain what it feels to be success than to explain the actual definition of success and that's why staying with us doing life with us is going to mean the world of a difference for you over the next couple of months because we get a chance to live with you and then give you some empowerment tools and strategies to help you to be successful I want to challenge you and you could take this challenge all week axe your friends your family axe even your enemy what does success mean and I bet you you're going to come up with 10 15 20 different definitions for success my definition for success is that success is the fulfillment of purpose so if you don't know who you are that means that no matter what you do you might have accomplishments here or there citations here or there or even people saying that you're successful but you will never be successful until you know who you are and why you were born the key to success is this number one and I have to write this down south' mastery one of my favorite writers one of my favorite authors is Shakespeare and one of the things that he said that really stuck out to me in I think it was Hamlet he said to thine own self be true know who you are know your strengths your weaknesses some people want to overlook their weaknesses and this is where the first mistake is you can always you can always bring people around you who complement your weakness but if you're not in the mode of really being true to you who you are looking at your strengths and embracing the very thing we don't want to talk about that's a weakness no man can have mastery over everything so the second key to success is find a thing that turns on your passion now I'm using this word because this is a word again that a lot of people tell you if you find your passion you're going to be successful and we always equate passion with something that makes us feel good but I'm thinking about mother Teresa because passion is not only the things that make you feel good but your passion is also generated with things that don't make you feel so good not good this is important mother Teresa did not feel good about the poverty in India about the sickness and the disease and that turned on her passion to find a solution for it and that brings me to my third point success really starts when you can find a problem and solve it I call this the pitch in peer you find your strengths connected to solving a problem cure it up and therein lies the secret of your success now I remember saying back in the day I just want to be successful I just want to be successful I just want to be successful and it felt like success was evading me have you ever had that feeling where you know you're wired for success but it keeps evading you I mean you get so close it's within your reach it's out of your grasp and you get real you really disappointed well to me success is not only about self mastery or finding your passion or identifying a problem and peering your strengths with solving that problem but guess what success is having the ability and I got to write it all the way down here having the ability to bounce back I love biographies and autobiographies and I've discovered that the people that I admired all of them borrowing none had to bounce back they had to bounce back from disappointment they had to bounce back from betrayal they had to bounce back from loss they had to bounce back from bankruptcy when it comes to success you've got to understand that you're going to have bumps in the road humps in the road you're going to have people that don't believe in your dreams you're going to have people around you that are naysayers you're going to have doors closed in your face you're going to have those times when you're going to want to give up because it seems as if your vision is great but your bank account is low and running alone it's during that time when you understand that success starts from within success requires you to master not only yourself but have mastery over the time time comes to you one day at a time and I talked about procrastination in our core for because procrastinators put off tomorrow what they should do today and this is why doing life with you and having someone in your life that motivates you or inspires you is important if you're going to be successful get the people from out of your life that are abortion specialists and I have to say that because having a dream having a vision is like carrying a baby you don't want anybody around you there is a naysayer that is negative negativity will abort the best and the strongest ideas you have greatness on the inside of you you are wired for success and many times we don't deal with the whole issue of relationships I got to go up here anyway but you've got to bring the right relationships around you why your life will resemble those with whom you assemble surround yourself with successful people and you will be successful talking about people I'm going to say this when the wrong people leave your life wrong things stop happening and many times we want the right people to come into our life we want people who are motivators coaches people who would give us the tools people who would just give us that oomph when we're down and sometimes we have the wrong people in our lives and if you let go of good then you can embrace great but you cannot hang on to the things that you don't want and expect the things that you want to come into your life success starts when you are able to answer the following three questions number one Who am I number two why am I here and number three where am I going if you can answer those three questions Who am I why am I here and where am I going you are on the road to success I'm telling you when I think of people like Steven jobs Albert Einstein I believe that these people were just like us knowing that there's nobody in this world that is better than you you will begin to stop competing with other people and you'll start competing with yourself and win it all starts with self mastery knowing who you are while you were born and where you're going see you at the top all right if life was a baseball game and you want to be successful at life you're gonna have those times where you're gonna have strikes and foul balls and you might even get hit this is not the time for you to stand on that diamond crime because the person that threw the ball accidentally hit you next the time to pick that bat up one more time and strike at it again and this is what the core four is all about particularly when it comes to core to success being able to find your rhythm being able to find your footing and to be able to when life throws you a curveball to pick up your bat and strike it with success principles life is demanding it's often demanding and we have to find ways to overcome the obstacles in order to be successful one of the things that I use is to remind myself over and over again that I was created to be a success here's hits the skinny of it 23 chromosomes from my father met together with 23 chromosomes from my mother and they came together and perfectly made a person by the name of Cindy trim by virtue of the fact that I am still alive lets me know that I was wired to be successful I've had to overcome a lot of obstacles all of us have had to be overcome a lot of obstacles and if you are living and breathing you've got to remember any day above ground zero is a good day to be successful some of us use our excuses as a reason why we are not successful and I don't believe that we're excusing ourselves from living in the realm of success because we feel that we're not successful we often ask ourselves the question Who am I to be smarter than someone else or brighter than someone else or more beautiful than someone else well let me ask you the question who are you not to be smart and bright and beautiful we have learned the art of dumbing down we have learned the art of blending in we have learned the art of giving away pieces of ourselves so that people don't feel as if we are full of pride this is a mistake I got to be able to learn how to pout right but this is the mistake as you begin to grow and become stronger and learn self mastery there is going to be a lot of people that are going to be out of a self-appointed job and that job is to make you feel so small so that they cover their insecurities around your greatness listen you should let people know that they should never get your confidence in who you are mixed up with their insecurities you cannot afford to allow people who are miserable with their life invite you over to their party misery loves company instead for the next couple of days I'm going to encourage you to take what I call me moments these are moments when you're going to begin to exercise your success muscles that's right you heard me your success muscles and that's why the core four is going to be important one of the things I learned from working out and by the way I haven't been all that successful with working out but I'm starting tonight to get back if I rhythm why because success requires a habit listen to me carefully 30 days is a discipline 60 days is a habit 90 days is a lifetime this is what I want you to understand that if you are going to exercise your core success muscles is going to be just like exercising to get back into shape now we call it the core four because just like it requires you to strengthen your core in order for you to arrive at your you know optimum weight to become successful at and trimming up the first thing a trainer is going to tell you is we got to strengthen your core how do I know because I have a trainer and so the key thing now is strengthening the core four we talked again about strengthening your self and today we're talking about strengthening your success muscles it means that if you understand how to build muscles muscles are built with resistance so here's what I want you to do all week long I want you to stop thinking of resistance as something bad I want you to think of resistance as something good and I want you to push back I want you to refuse to become a victim I want you to refuse to just sit down and cry and X why are these things happening to me I want you to exercise your success muscles and say why not us as human beings we have been trained in the art of using excuses but today I want to challenge you to write on your mirror to put it in your kitchen your living room put it on your laptop put it on your iPad this word no these words no more excuse get up and do it success is not about what you're thinking it's about what you're doing let me ask you a question and is a question that someone once asked me if you knew that you were going to succeed and money wasn't an issue what would you be doing with your life right now and that is the key to success finding out what it is that you want to do number two overcoming the obstacles and then number three telling yourself over and over again that I'm not going to give myself any more excuses some people say well I want to be an author but I can't right now adays you have people that literally can take things that you have recorded and make sense out of it I mean is your intellectual property there are some people that says well I don't have enough money well there is a very famous individual and I read his story of how all the bankers shut down his line of credit he lost his wife there was a series of things and he was almost he was on the verge of bankruptcy with no money and not not anything that looked like he was going to be successful and a week later he bought the Chrysler Building is this true story it's someone's story no more excuse people are not supporting me who are the people people don't think who are those people what do you think about yourself where are you going to go how are you going to get there is the key to success now let me tell you I do a lot of traveling if I want to go to a place in Europe I'm not going to get a brochure that tells me about the ten different countries I should visit in the Caribbean what is happening with a lot of people is this that they have mastery over the things they should not do but they have no mastery over the things that they should do if you want success don't read any books that tells you ten reasons how not to fail find a book that tells you ten reasons to succeed and so I want to challenge you one more time when it comes to success remember success starts at the top it starts at the top of you success is a mental thing god bless you join dr. Cindy trim for these next live appearances remember success is a choice and today I challenge you to make a decision make a commitment over the next year of changing your life permanently right now it's time to take charge and be successful in your life aren't you tired of failures and disappointment after disappointment obstacle after obstacle it's time to change so instead of you just going through that endless blandness can you imagine sparks of motivation things that will help you get up you'll understand your feelings and the feelings of others you'll learn the practical way to achieve the things you've always wanted you've learned how to develop and carry out the plans you have made you will learn to turn your dreams into a reality it's time to make a commitment a commitment to yourself and guess what it's gonna last you a lifetime aren't you worth it how different would your life be if you had more money more energy more time greater knowledge and better health all that worry is just like a weight that has lifted off of my shoulder you know financially emotionally just to really see my mom now truly she's recovered the deep hole that deep grief the deep sorrow that was in me was being pulled out imagine if you knew the exact steps to take each and every day to overcome any challenges in your life and exactly what to do to get ahead and achieve your personal goals you're gonna have to decide that where you are is not where you want to be and you want to go somewhere different adjustments must be made if you want to improve in an area of your life and so I but I'm ready for the change I'm ready to grow as a best-selling author renowned teacher mentor to major global corporations and empowerment motivator to some of the most successful people in the world dr. Cindy trim will reveal to you exactly what it takes to be successful happy fulfilled and how to reach your dreams doors opened in my life in a new level of understanding of information such principles about the Word of God about business about just over all aspects of life it wasn't an option because it changes your life dr. Cindy trim has compiled years of her proven strategies and building blocks through this innovative and revolutionary system called core for an empowerment helps you to find that core of you has our core force system going back to the core of this core for life empowerment system will help you to unleash the talents and gifts that exist inside you and empower you to experience the results you deserve no matter where you are in life no matter how far you need to go no matter how limited you might feel this life empowerment system is for you so the life empowerment program allows you to be able to move forward no matter where you are every day is going to be an opportunity to continue to pursue greatness here's how to get started for less than a dollar a day call and subscribe for a full year of teaching that will equip you to know your true self and harness the power within you with this life changing subscription you'll receive two DVDs every 30 days that walk you step-by-step through the life empowerment system including self-knowledge success skills significance and service that's a total of 24 DVDs in this complete system more teachings in a single program than dr. cindy has ever offered before that's 24 DVDs worth of practical instructions for all areas of your self improvement for about a dollar a day you'll discover something new and engage and ignite your minds vast potential every single day plus when you call to subscribe you'll also receive dr. Cindy's detailed guide books for each month study so you can have the practical tools to make your life change last and for making the choice to finally take control of your life for you and those you love dr. cindy also wants to send you a free gift for special teaching the empowered life on DVD exclusive to this offer are you ready to jump start your new life dr. cindy trim and her program has transformed everything that i do the way that I do it and isn't affecting everybody I come in contact with brother better and I've spent money around the world going to Singapore to Beijing China and they've all given me information but I didn't get revelation until I came to Cindy trained for a fraction of the cost previously paid by those who traveled across the globe just to hear her speak you can now join the thousands of people who have seen the power of the principles taught in this system and have already improved the quality of their life and positioned themselves for breakthrough growth and abundance and she has a way of challenging you and stretching you and then filling that new capacity with the vital information that you need to continue to grow to help you to live a successful life a life not filled with sadness and disappointment but a life of creativity emotional balance and boundless vision and just think about it happiness waking up every day and being happy that God made you you and not somebody else but there's even more if you're not satisfied for any reason you can cancel your monthly subscription anytime and keep the DVDs and guidebooks you've received what are you waiting for she's that person that's gonna pull out the greatness that's in you don't wait this is a limited time offer and will not last call now start to change right now to empower you means that you get into driver south
Channel: Cindy Trimm
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Keywords: Cindy Trimm, Success Skills Pt. 2, Full Episodes, Success Skills
Id: G0Nt8X97nhM
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Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2013
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