Cindy Trimm- Breakthrough

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hi welcome to my program I'm dr. Cindy trim and thanks for being here with me again today I want to share with you some truths that have transformed my life and the lives of people all across the globe simple understandings that have the radical ability to bring about the changes you've wanted and to position you for greater success and achievement than you ever thought possible everybody wants something more something better in life whether you want to be happier in your marriage or have a better job or improve your health we all have areas in our lives we wish was better greater and even more powerful unfortunately like most people you probably feel like you're living in a rot well I've got great news for you you might say great news dr. trim you just described my entire life I want things to improve but I just don't know how to break the cycle I feel like I'm just stuck in it what you need is a breakthrough a breakthrough you might say yes a breakthrough let me explain what it is a breakthrough is a sudden burst of the anointing or awareness or revelation knowledge that will propel you past things that you thought was impenetrable those limitations whether there are things that we have imagined in my mind or the things that are actual I'm going to show you today how to receive your very own breakthrough and begin experiencing the light that God has purposed you for your life right now right here right now so are you ready so let's get started are you ready to understand how to get your breakthrough let me give you some steps step number one evaluate the Y the Y yep the Y have you ever asked yourself the question why haven't I done the things I wanted to have you ever wondered why others seem to get the breaks in life and you were stuck in a dead-end job a marriage that was over a long time ago a condition that is debilitating you physically emotionally mentally why haven't you realized your dream or why did you give up your personal power and why are you feeling as if you're a victim of circumstance and why do you consider yourself a statistic a demographic that other people are able to benefit from but you can't benefit from your own product a brand call you why do you stay in that relationship anyway that frustrates you and why do you keep eating when you know the steps that you have to take in order to be healthy I think there's one reason and that is because you or someone else has convinced you that this is as good as it gets why did you buy into that life that success and Happiness are are just for storybooks or there is no happy ever after and if it's not one thing it's another and why have you given up your dreams anyway and why have you given up your personal power so that someone else can decide your destiny why have you done this I believe that right now you could be closer to your breakthrough when you understand that I also am in the same position when I recognized that God was drawing me to a secret place Wow dr. trim really I mean I thought you were going to come out blazing with this big revelation it is big because if you do the same you're going to get the same sometimes you've got to center yourself by taking some mean moments most of us take those mean moments on the telephone with people who don't know where they're going and then you're asking them how to get to where you want to go if people don't know where they're going they cannot help you to find out how to get where you're going and so I'm going to challenge you today I'm going to challenge you to have a Jacob experience Jacob had to leave his family he had to leave the familiar it was for a short time he had to take some me moments and wrestle he wrestled with himself he wrestled with there why then you know I think also many of us are afraid of aloneness because we get a lowness mixed up with loneliness there is a difference you know loneliness is the absence of people aloneness is the absence of purpose and this is the big why if you know the why then you can overcome anyhow now in this place that I call the secret place you can't take anybody else with you you got to go there alone just like the patriarch Jacob in the Bible had to wrestle with his personal issues you know I always say could things be the way they are because you are the way you are and what one thing can you change that can change everything you could change how you think about the whole issue of being alone now when it comes to breakthrough there's a second step and that step takes you from the why to why not why not me and why not now listen if God can bless one and give one person a breakthrough and especially if you read the Bible like I read I see some people in the Bible that are not as bright as many of us here and maybe not as moral but somehow they got their breakthrough they had less technology they had less comfort they had less information they didn't have the internet for goodness sake but yet they ascended into a place in God where their breakthrough was secure my next step is why not ask yourself why not why not me why not now I want you to stay tuned because we're going to give you some tools that are going to help you to get your breakthrough I'll be right back welcome back let's talk about the word breakthrough for a moment have you ever heard these terms medical breakthrough an aha moment critical mass the light bulb came on overcame surmount surpass well those are terms we use to describe a breakthrough breakthroughs come when you continue to pursue a specific course never giving up a breakthrough Krum comes when you refuse to accept the status quo when you refuse to take no for an answer and you keep on knocking and you keep on pounding the pavement when you refuse to be a victim of circumstances a breakthrough comes when you realize that you don't have to be a product of your environment and when you realize that you have the power to change your life and that lightbulb goes off or you get some information and you said boy I should have had a v8 juice that's a ha moment the that comes when you realize that you know with God nothing absolutely nothing is impossible you can begin again you can believe God again you can trust again you can be successful you can overcome your addictions you can heal you can feel alive again this is when you realize that those things are possible you are getting a breakthrough so I want to encourage you right now don't give in go for it don't give up don't throw in the towel and even if your back is up against the wall even if you are on the ropes and you are receiving a rope but don't financially listen you got to fight back you don't get in life what you want you get what you fight for and when you decide that my future my health my marriage my freedom my happiness my joy my peace my children is worth fighting for you are securing your breakthrough breakthrough also comes through prayer you've got to be able to act and pray so let me just talk a little bit about prayer when it comes to praying you got to be able to fight for what you want to I call it putting prayer pressure on heaven keep on asking keep on knocking keep on a wrestling God has an answer and he wants to give it to you and it's going to show up it might show up when you're watching TV like now it might show up when you're listening to your favorite music and you might have that aha moment it may show up with someone just walking up to you and say hey you got to get this book call commending your morning or prayer warriors way something that Cindy trim wrote in hint wink week but I want to let you know that breakthroughs are not reserved just for the bright or the wealthy any one can receive a breakthrough Thomas Edison epitomizes to me someone who understood the whole concept of breakthrough Edison made this amazing amazing quote he said our greatest weakness lies in giving up the most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time and he qualifies to make that statement because he attempted to invent this lightbulb about ten thousand times there are some people that say a thousand some people that said ten thousand either way that's a whole lot of experiments to say I'm never going to give up on creating a light bulb and first he had to convince people that he wasn't out of his mind can you imagine when he said I'm gonna create a light bulb and all the voices are Atum saying what's a lightbulb we already have the Sun we already have candles we are they have lanterns what is a light bulb one of the things you have to understand is this that when God gives you a desire usually that desire is not just about you it's about impacting the world around you your family so take those desires seriously I don't know why Thomas felt like I want to be an inventor and create a lightbulb but thank God he did because you would not be looking at my face on TV today had he not persisted until he succeeded and that's what it takes to get a breakthrough and so I want to say Bravo Thomas Edison for pushing pushing beyond that feeling that says you got to give up where did that feeling come from anyway here's the next step pay attention to those things that we call desires a desire absolutely here is the power of the why why do you feel like you should go back to school and why do you feel like I got to write this book why you've got to understand that the desires that you had are given by God himself absolutely absolutely true the desire that you desire when you desire the desire is the desire that God desired for you to desire so that he can give you that desire can you imagine what the world would be like if the Wright brothers didn't desire to fly here's what they said about the Wright brothers I mean it'll be something if if God wanted to have man flying he would have given man wings do not listen to the naysayers if you are going to have a breakthrough you've got to be able to silence the negative voices that's the next step and that's the next secret many of us have too many people speaking into our ears I just call these people abortionists so you've got to be careful in your dreams your visions your desires especially those that have been god-given I want you to pursue them I want you to believe that all things are possible it is possible for you to go back to school it is possible for you to heal your relationship it is possible for you to go at like a loan it is possible when you learn the why when you are able to persist and till you proceed when you are able to find that mean moment that place where you and God have that conversation and trust me his minds and thoughts are far bigger than yours and when you are able to say look this desire that is on the inside of me I don't know where that desire came from and if it's bigger than life nine times out of 10 it came from God I want you to understand that breakthrough is possible don't touch that dial because I want to give you some more secrets to living a successful life I'll be right back join dr. Cindy trim for these next live appearances well welcome back what if I told you that your breakthrough is closer than you can ever imagine whenever we talk about breakthrough we talk about change and God changes us by changing our paradigm the paradigm is a word that we throw around but I just want you to think about it as the way we think about things the way we chew over information and spit it back out as application in our own life a paradigm is a pattern of thinking it's your context through which you are able to process information that you receive so if your context is wrong your conclusion is wrong so when we talk about changing your paradigm we're talking about you making the mental shift and when you change the way you look at things things begin to change the way they look including your life and so when your paradigm is altered so is your worldview I ask the question could things be the way they are because you are the way you are and what one thing can you change that can change everything guess what you can change your mind you can alter your paradigm and when you alter your paradigm you are able to change everything associated with you that is how you deal with situations you work your relationships anything that may be undermining or sabotaging you from fulfilling your purpose from progressing and realizing your dreams one of the things I've learned also as so many people give away to the pressure without don't give in to that pressure but give yourself time time to do what you might say give yourself time to think do you not know that you can think for a change and you can think through and out of anything that you're going through especially when you think the thoughts of God he said I know the thoughts I think towards you thoughts of good not of evil to bring you to expect it and changing the way you think allows you to align yourself with the blessings that God has already placed in your life it gives you the ability to access the empowerment that is present from within you one of the text from out of the book of second Samuel is just so provocative in Chapter number five David now is wearing the crown he's at years of fighting and he's also had years of break to him but here was his last major breakthrough as he was fighting a battle with the Philistines from the text you can see that he had to fight many battles to finally overcome one of the major things that I saw was this that there was something that was standing in his way but because he did not have any fear and he understood that his strength came from within and because he learned not to give his personal power away he was able to possess his possessing he was able to see the manifestation of the blessings that God had prepared for him and it lie just beyond the last battle this could be the last battle that you are fighting some people talk about the last straw but I like to talk about the last battle the last obstacle sometimes we give in too soon I found out and discovered that successful people start will fail your stuff do not stop do not give in fight one more time and then if you would just take this philosophy to heart that I'm going to do it one more time and all you have to do is do that every single day of your life and you will find out that you will prosper now the word prosperity is often associated with money and with things but prosperity is having the divine enablement to overcome obstacles I've always said that there are no obstacles except those that we construct in online and when we stop constructing those obstacles in my mind in your mind there's going to be no obstacles so prosperity is having the divine enablement to overcome and when you overcome you are always in a better state a superior state a more successful state and wealthier state then before you had overcome that means that your life can get better and better and sweeter and sweeter as the days go by as you apply the principles for over coming david had a breakthrough and he not only had one kind of breakthrough he had several kinds of breakthrough and these are the ones that i want to talk to you about today number one he had a breakthrough in his relationships right now I'm smiling and I'm hoping that everyone could see this word we listen many of you text and you called and you tweeted and you Facebook and you said dr. Tripp I want to say those words and so we did something about it and I hope you like it and keep your comments coming because we really want to do life with you David had to have a breakthrough in his relationship as you are where and some of you may not be but he came from a dysfunctional family he was the black sheep of the family there are so many other kinds of family dynamics that we have to overcome some of you are overcoming rejection some of you are overcoming even things like abuse or misuse or some of you are trying to figure out okay in my relationships whether it be my family or in my marriage or even the relationship that I have with other people how can I overcome my relational hurdles and how can I receive a breakthrough relationally well it starts with you when you have a good relationship with yourself and a good relationship with God what God is going to begin to translate into the relationships that you have with others here's what the Bible says love yourself and then others you're able to love others to the degree you're able to love yourself and so overcoming relationships first starts and having your breakthrough four starts with the relationships that you have with yourself secondly he had to overcome cultural obstacles and in his cultural obstacle you remember the three of David and Goliath well Goliath represents all the cultural and social and all of the economic barriers and boundaries that we have constructed in our minds that make us feel as if look I can't do any better than what I am doing today so what I want you to do is find though your proverbial five smooth stones and run towards the very thing that threatens to prohibit you from obtaining your dreams and your goals so that you can have a break through there and then he had to overcome things in his profession so these are professional so many people are working in hostile environments or where people are undermining you one of the things I want you to do is to understand that when we talk about breakthrough is not just one dimension you can have a breakthrough in all areas of your life how do you do that dr. cindy when you align your thoughts with destiny and with the will of god when you claim the promises of god you will experience breakthroughs not only in one area but you will experience breakthroughs professionally culturally socially economically physically psychologically in your relationships in every area of your life I want you to have a breakthrough I want you to awaken to the blessings that are already yours and once you do those connections to your past those things that have held you back we'll all be powerless over you God has so much more for your life than just merely existing or being stuck in a rut or simply following the same old path thinking the same old thing it's time for you to experience the type of life that God always had available for you it's time for your breakthrough breaking through those barriers that held you back for so long so that you can discover the abundance you were at four I want you to hear me you are unstoppable you are powerful now you might say okay dr. Tripp that all sounds good but I don't feel all that powerful and I don't feel unstoppable well that's because you haven't yet activated what I'm teaching you today you've been fed lies so often it's gonna take you intentionally renewing your mind and renewing your thoughts I've discovered it takes over 13 times or about 13 times to hearing and meditating on a revelation so that it can take hold and take root and shift your thinking so now you need this break room message so that you can continue the process you started today so that you can shift that paradigm you've lived with for so long that you call normal it's not normal it's abnormal you were created for prosperity and success and it's your time to break through you can have breakthrough power that comes from the revelation knowledge if you are ready to change and embrace it and if you are ready for that change to truly breakthrough in yet to the next level in your life then I want you to watch this do you feel like life is working against you as if you're boxed in on every side and no matter how hard you work you always seem to end up right where you started are you ready to escape the rut and routine that's to find your life and take it to the next level instead of spending hours and energy to maintain your life where it is dr. Cindy trim we'll unlock the keys you need to get your life moving again and to accelerate you on your path to destiny it's time for you to know what it's like to experience deeper relationships greater joy improved health and lasting satisfaction there are things inside of me that I didn't even know I had and when I'm around dr. she knows how to pull him out she knows how to empower me as a best-selling author renowned teacher mentored a major global corporations and empowerment motivator to some of the most successful people in the world dr. Cindy trim walks you through the process of promotion and identifies the key elements needed to unlock the breakthrough ability that exists within you everything you need is available today when you put these principles to work in your life instead of struggling to get ahead or simply making ends meet imagine tapping into the power to make everything around you work for you propelling you towards your destiny and a higher level of living but everything just worked together just started to fall into alignment and as part of this exclusive offer you'll also receive dr. Cindy's popular book the prayer warriors way since time began a defined conversation has taken place and it's time for you to join in in this practical guide to prayer you'll be empowered to plug in and talk with God like never before in the prayer warriors way I'm going to show you how to engage God just like Jesus did this is a practical step-by-step guide and I'll show you how to talk to hear from God for yourself and how to get the real results in your life through prayer let dr. Cindy trim lead you to a greater level of intimate and effective prayer by giving you the keys to join the most important conversation in the universe both this special message breakthrough and the indef book the prayer warriors way are yours with your gift of only $30.00 perfect for your personal devotion and study or for a loved one who's ready to get more out of life this power pack system will give you the tools to break every barrier and to remove every hindrance holding you back from all that God wants for you the first after your new life is simply picking up the phone call now and let dr. Cindy know you're ready to make a change and take your life to the next level right now to empower you means that you get in the driver's seat
Channel: Cindy Trimm
Views: 164,542
Rating: 4.8240213 out of 5
Keywords: Cindy Trimm, Breakthrough, Empowerment
Id: ReocEoopJG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2013
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