Becoming The Blessing | Dr. Cindy Trimm | The Blessed Life

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we want to welcome you to the four points broadcast with dr. Cindy trim I'm Pastor Ryan and if you clicked on this video you didn't do it by accident it's because God has a word for you this is a divine appointment and you came at a good time cuz tonight we're starting a brand-new series dr. trim is gonna be talking about the Beatitudes and it's gonna be incredible is gonna be transformative so much so that you're gonna want to hit that share button because when you're transform you want to make sure all of your best friends are also transformed with you you're only as fast as your slowest person who you surround yourself with is very important go ahead and hit that share button right now and make sure you comment when you get a nugget of revelation just go ahead and type it in that comment button if you're at Cindy trim ministries or go ahead and hit that prayer button if you feel like you need prayer one of our intercessors are standing by in a private chat room ready to cover your name it's gonna be an impactful night we declare that the heavens are opened up not only over this space but it's opened up wherever you are right now whether your kitchen your living room wherever you're listening to this from the heavens are open and the Lord is getting ready to speak to you so get ready and take notes as we welcome to the platform dr. Cindy trim amen thank you Pastor Ryan we are so excited to do life with you this is my life group and we are beaming alive from Atlanta Georgia some of the best and the brightest are resident here in Atlanta Georgia and we are so happy to have the opportunity to be sharing with you and to encourage you I'm excited about the new series that were preaching on out concerning the Beatitudes and in particular we are gonna be teaching and preaching on for the next couple of weeks living your best life living your best life and living your blessed life and if I were to choose a an overall topic it's just the topic of the blessed life the blessed life the blessed life let's pray our Father God will you be praised and honoring glory we thank you for what you have done for us and what you will continue to do for us for heed that have begun a good work in us shall perform it until the day of Jesus Christ it was Peter that encouraged us to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and we are growing up into the fullness of the stature of Jesus Christ and a part of the life that you have called us to live is a blessed life you taught your disciples through the Beatitudes and tonight we are introducing your sons and your daughters hallelujah to just some basic principles for living a blessed life not yesterday but now not just tomorrow but now and we decree and declare now father that the heavens will be open over us that you would think through my mind speak through my lips that there will be none of me and all of you bless our time together open up the word of God encourage inspire motivate reveal yourself as the mighty God in our midst let no wanna leave this this teaching without having a an encounter with you let your presence be felt rearrange our lives give us breakthrough empower us so that we can live life father according to your original plan and purpose and in advance we give you all the praise all the under all the glory in Jesus name Amen turn with me to the book of Matthew chapter 5 verses 1 to 18 and as you were turning there it's imperative to understand that we're talking about one of a quartet of writers or there were four writers that wrote the gospel Matthew Mark Luke and John of course the books are named after them when you read the book of Mark we're talking about it really focuses on relationships and and then Luke speaks about Kingdom economics biblical finances and and John or John speaks about leadership and so it's it's imperative or mark speaks about servant leadership excuse me and so it's mark speaks about servant leadership Luke speaks about Kingdom economics biblical finances John speaks interestingly enough about how Jesus actually led and and he led through relationships all together but when you get to the book of Matthew the book of Matthew is about the king and his kingdom what the kingdom looks a lot what the kingdom looks like the privileges of citizens if you are citizen of the kingdom of heaven this book is going to talk to you about Kingdom citizenship and so it's interesting when we talk about Kingdom citizenship we look at the quartet again Matthew is about the king in his kingdom mark is about leadership or servant leadership in particular Luke is about Kingdom economics biblical finances and and and John is about relationships so if you want to know anything about relationship read the book of John you will see Jesus epitomizing relationships how he he moved in and out of relationships and how he bless them and edit value' to their lives when you back up to the Book of Luke it's all about Kingdom economics biblical finances and economics is of course the science or the study of resources and how resources are used distributed and how they actually enhance the lives of individuals we understand that there are no limited resources in the kingdom of heaven but if you want to know anything about kingdom economics biblical finances then you read the book of Luke if you want to know about servant leadership how to lead according to you the biblical standards of leadership you look at the life of Jesus and throughout that book of Mark you're gonna see how to be become an impactful transformational leader and then you back up even further and you look at the book of Matthew the it's all about the king and his kingdom we recognize that we serve a God who views us as his sons and daughters you there's no adopted child in the King then gone there's no stepchildren or I should say there are no stepchildren we're all adopted but there are no stepchildren in the kingdom and you know very seldom do you find that once a parent or a person adopts a child that that child actually looks like them but it's interesting because everyone that is adopted in the kingdom eventually looks like Jesus the Bible said that we're going to be transformed into his imminent image and into his likeness we pick up his DNA and then in the RAM of the spirit we're gonna be transformed to look like him so the king in the kingdom out of the book of Matthew but in the book of Matthew chapter 5 verses 1 to 18 from which we're gonna extrapolate our tax the blessed life and your blessed life is gonna be your best life but to extrapolate the principles we're gonna take our time and we're going to begin to really escalate this taxes it's so pregnant with Revelation it's it's it's it's imperative to understand that that this text is going to set the tone for your attitude now when we talk about attitude you refer to airplanes having an attitude and the attitude of an airplane determines its path and its altitude so if the noses attitude is pointing toward earth you know it's going to go towards there but if the attitude of the airplane is going up or pointing up it's going to go higher and so this is your attitude the attitude determines not only your altitude but the path that your life is going to flow on and we are decrying and declaring that God is going to begin to tweak your attitude until it is in perfect alignment with his original plan and purpose you are not gonna be out of sync in this season and I am decreeing and declaring that even as a computer hallelujah is is is tweaked and the viruses are removed I decree and declare any demonic or satanic virus that has been planted in your attitude it's being removed right now in Jesus name you don't sound that excited to me oh yes you're gonna have a change in your attitude your attitude towards a life your attitude towards God the attitude towards yourself the attitude towards the world the attitude towards people and not only is your attitude going to be adjusted people's attitude towards you is going to be adjusted to I've discovered that when I can no longer change the things around me I can change myself and be the change I want to see whenever you begin to adjust yourself whenever you begin to change and allow the Holy Spirit to change you people may not immediately change but they're going to be forced to change based on your change they're gonna have to accommodate who you're becoming not who you where I decree and declare the people that rejected you last season is going to be forced to celebrate you this season because God is going to give you an attitude shift someone shout shift lay hands on yourself and say shift yes everything your attitude your attitude towards money your attitude towards the leadership your attitude is going to change because if you change your attitude you change your altitude if you change your attitude you change the way your life flows and if it's been flowing in the wrong direction we'll get ready is getting ready to flow in the right direction and not only is it gonna flow in the right direction only good is going to flow towards you you are going to live a blessed life and it starts right now someone shout I decree it and I declare it and it is so in Jesus name yes not just for some of us the blessed life is for all of us is for all of us in the book of Matthew chapter 5 verses 1 to 18 you should have gotten there by now the Bible said in seeing the multitudes he went up into a mountain and when he set his disciples came unto Him usually you have depicted the B in the Beatitudes a traits where artists have portrayed to be attitudes and you usually see Jesus elevated on a rock or elevated on a mountain with throngs of people millions of people are thousands of people are hundreds of people standing and listening to the Beatitudes this is how its depicted but according to this scripture it doesn't say that there were millions that followed him and we could trace this all the way back to Matthew chapter 5 Matthew chapter 5 it's the Beatitudes and then you're going to see Jesus just giving us an understanding of what the kingdom looks like what to expect in the kingdom seeing seeing the Bible said seeing the multitudes he went up into our place and then of course his disciples followed him but if you would turn with me to Matthew chapter 8 verses 1 that that that portrait that artistic portrait of Jesus speaking to multitudes and multitudes that that points right now is is totally destroyed and it's destroyed because scripture is very specific with the words and Matthew chapter 8 verses 1 it says when he came down from the mountains great multitudes followed him so it's interesting in chapter 5 verses 1 it says that when he was sat down he the disciples followed him but when he came down the multitudes followed him in other words God is going to share secrets and principles and strategies with those who expend the energies in other words if you are lazy and you're lazy as a Christian you're gonna miss some nuggets that can revolutionize your life that could revolutionize your finances that can revolutionize your ministry that can revolutionize your marriage that can revolutionize your business God wants to share some secrets with you but he's only going to share it with the disciples I've discovered that most people follow Jesus but they're following him for the miracles the signs the wonders and the multiplying of the bread if he's not turning water into wine if he's not multiplying the bread and the fishes if he's not healing the sick if he's not walking on water very few people want to sit at the feet of Jesus to become a disciple to mean the word disciples comes from a root word discipline in other words this is a season of discipline i decree and declare you living an undisciplined life is over I decree you are going to be a disciple of Jesus you are now officially been accepted in the school of the Spirit you have been accepted in the university of Kingdom living I decree and declare you are going to graduate from this University with a PhD in Kingdom living with a PhD in Dominion with a PhD in a blessing with a PhD in success with a PhD in prosperity because wherever the kingdom is healing as their successes their prosperity is their Dominion is there your days of living outside of the realm of Dominion is over your your season of miracles is here oh yes you're gonna be a student and you're gonna be a good student the hands on yourself and say I have capacity you see the day that you got saved God didn't tell you to check your mind out at the door that you cannot come in you know with your mind he said let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus and so the gospel is preached to build capacity in you not just spiritual capacity but intellectual capacity you've got to think differently you've got to be able to think like a leader you've got to think like you're the head and not the tail first and not last above and not beneath and not only should you think like it you should act like it you should have the attitude of someone that is going somewhere shut one that has something to say someone that has a reason for living in this earth and you learn these things as a disciple of Christ the hands on yourself and say teach me Lord I want to learn I want to learn I want to know what it means to be a Christian I want to know what it means to have authority I want to know what it means to have favor I want to know what it means to walk with signs and wonders following the preaching of the gospel I want to know what it means God teach me I have capacity teach me Lord make me a disciple make me a disciple seeing the multitudes there's a whole bunch of people that sit in church but how many of them are coming to church because they want to be a disciple I want to learn never stop learning that should be your lifelong pursuit life's Alone's pursuit should be learning more learning more about God the Bible said those that do know their God shall be one strong and do what great exploits your your days of doing little and insignificant things are over your days of doing big things aren't here you're gonna you're gonna do big things for God and you're gonna do you're gonna do great exploits for God no more small thinking the hands on yourself enlarge my territory the days of thinking small is over your days are being satisfied with where you are is over this is good enough no it's not no especially once you learn what God has in store for you glory to God you're gonna get your ability to dream again you're gonna have visions hallelujah that is gonna blow you out of the water and you're gonna wake up with huge faith to begin to see those visions and dreams coming to pass I decree and declare the season of just dreaming is over I decree the season of living the life of your dreams are here I establish it i legislated i decreed i quicken it I call it to light by the word by the blood by the spirit and it shall be so let the church say Amen glory to God give your neighbor high-five say that's for me that's for me oh yes I'm gonna live my blessed life I'm gonna live my blessed life actual neighbor when you're gonna live it tell them now glory to God ask the person behind you when you gonna live it right now I'm not letting another moment cold if there's such a thing as a blessed life I want it and I want it now and if the devil tries to get in my way I just will have to run him over you've been struggling you've been crying you've been mourning but God says you're gonna live a blessed life in spite of the laws in spite of the morning in spite of the persecution in spite of the setback you are going to live a blessed life and there's nothing that double can do about it I'm not giving up another blessing the devil could go to hell I'm going to say that blessing belongs to me I'm not going to ask you to give it back the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth words and I'm gonna take it back that blessing belongs to me that blessing reach up and pull it down that blessing belongs to glory to God glory to God turn to your neighbor and say I'm blessed I'm blessed I'm blessed I'm bless ask him do you want to know what a blessed life feels like ask them say rub shoulders with me this is what a blessed life feels like you're rubbing shoulders with a blessed person I'm blessed in the city I'm blessed in the feel I'm blessed in my town setting I'm blessed in my uprising I am blessed going out coming in after a war before a war I'm blessed blessed ain't nothing you could do about it I'm blessed wake up every day I'm blessed I'm blessed seeing the multitudes they just wanted the miracles the signs the wonders they didn't want to discipline themselves this is a season of discipline this is a season of discipline if you're going too fast fast now if you're going to go in a consecration go on a consecration if you're going to pray pray pray with all your might this is a season of discipline if you have a vision you're gonna have to wake up every single morning and you're gonna have to take action you're gonna have to stop your wishful thinking and take immediate action take take big steps and if you cannot see the whole path put your foot out and we'll the first step will reveal itself are you with me take the first step and the next step will reveal itself to you are you with me you don't have to have it all together you don't have to have all the money you don't have to have written all the book you don't have to have all the capital to start your business if you don't have the capital to start it at least write the name of your business what is your business name if you don't have the down payment for the house at least figure out where you want to live if you're a married at least figure out the day you want to be married if your boo hasn't come figure up the day go and pick up your wedding garment pick all sueance ain't you gonna be in my wedding get your bridesmaid figure out the menu for the reception are you in me tell her my y'all can't come now only hundred of you this is a wedding I'm not trying to feed the poor are you with me take some definitive steps towards it take action are you with me living a blessed life requires attitude and action attitude and action just don't sit there pick yourself up do something engage your energies make sure that your focus you know wherever wherever your focus flows energy goes so so so if you don't want energy flowing in the direction of the disaster you got to figure out where is God working and focus on him in the midst of it and when you're wherever wherever your focus goes your energy flows what are you focusing on are you focusing on what he's saying about you and saying to you or what the devil is saying about you and the devil saying to you wherever your focus goes your energy flows and so the more you you spend that the longer you spend in the presence of God with him teaching you the more energy you're gonna have I decree and declare let me prophesy I decree God is restoring your energy you are not going to be tired anymore you're not going to be someone is being delivered right now I rebuke the spirit of heaviness I rebuke the spirit of suicide I rebuke the food of depression I command the spirit of heaviness to go you are gonna have energy you are not gonna be lethargic you are not gonna be tired you are not gonna be sleepy you are not gonna be overwhelmed you are gonna have the energy of a two-year-old oh yes you're gonna have the energy to pursue purpose you're going to have the energy to serve god you're gonna have the energy to pray you're gonna have the energy to pass you're gonna have the energy to worship you're gonna have the energy to start your business you're gonna have the energy to write your book you're gonna be energy to preach i decree energy is flowing someone shake yourself shake yourself i see deliverance I can see it coming over you that heaviness is lifting that depression is lifting that despondency is a lifting raise your hand and show them blast and I'm blessed right now oh yes my mind is blessed my eyes are blessed my ears are blessed my nose is blessed my mouth is blessed my heart is blessed my feet are blessed my hands are blessed my relationships are blessed my ministry is bless my pocketbook is blessed my bank account is blessed I decree and declare my children are blessed my wife is blessed my husband is blessed my pastor is blessed the choir is blessed the members of the church is blessed everybody associated with me is blessed you're going to be a blessing to this world you're going to be a blessing to your family you're going to be a blessing to your pastor you're going to be a blessing to the church you're gonna have blessings running over you yes in fact I decree and declare a season of scandalous blessings oh yes glory to God everybody's going to be talking about it like a scandal did you hear that Cindy trim was blessed with a fill-in-the-blank what's your name what's your name what's your name what are people gonna hear tell your neighbor they're gonna hear did you hear that fill in your name what do you bless with did you hear did you hear verse number two verse number two and he opened his mouth and taught them saying you gotta be taught I've learned you know I knew how to navigate the realm of poverty but I had to learn how to navigate the realm of prosperity and to be taught you see a lot of times we remain where we are because we don't have someone in our lives to teach us I've also discovered this that most people keep trade secrets to their chests but Jesus never keeps the trade secrets he's gonna tell everything and I'm here to tell everything and the first thing I want you to know is it's possible for all of us to be blessed oh yes when I discovered that God wanted to bless me with abundance what you mean my days of lack is over yes and it doesn't matter who God uses to bless you I don't get caught up whether the Muslim or black or green or blue or whether they hate me I decree and declare your haters will now become your blesses they're gonna say I don't like you but I just feel like I need a bless you don't be caught up stop crying they hate me God can turn things around and cause even your haters to be a blessing to you you're gonna be so blessed you're gonna you everywhere you go blessings is gonna avail itself you're gonna be tapping into the source of blessing which is Jesus Christ himself God Himself these are all blessings and the Holy Spirit Jesus opened his mouth and taught them saying blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness but they shall be filled blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake but theirs is the kingdom blessed are ye when men shall revile and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake but Joyce and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted they the prophets which are before you ye are the light the salt of the earth but if salt have lost its savor we're with it shall be salted it is thenns forth good for nothing let me just say this parenthetically because I'm gonna do a lot with the blessings two points the Bible says the word shall shall shall shall shall in the Beatitudes you notice that that is a refutable word of promise irrefutable that is an ear refutable word of promise it is an ear refutable word of promise it is an ear it cannot be reversed it cannot be revealed revoked it cannot be changed when you see the world shall it means that God will move heaven and earth on your behalf to make that happen do you understand that when he said I shall you could take that to the bank in other words circumstances don't dictate to the blessing so wherever your focus goes your energy flows you're putting too much energy into fixing what is wrong too much energy too much energy in negativity where is your focus my focus is on the blessing so guess what that's where my energy is gonna flow where energy wherever my energy flows my life goals where am I wherever my focus flows my wherever my focus goes energy flows wherever energy flows my life goes so why would I focus on somewhere that I don't want my life to flow in I don't want my life to flow into poverty so I don't try to and eliminate poverty what do I want I want wealth so what do I spend my energy doing building wealth I'm not trying to eliminate sin I'm trying to live a righteous life so I'm not sin conscious I'm righteousness how can I live for you God how can I please you God not how can I eliminate I don't know sinning why cuz that's not what I'm focusing on I'm focusing on my right standing with God God what pleases you I don't I don't I don't preach the messages about the ten compartments of Hell I want to talk to you about heaven why cuz I don't plan to go to hell I want to know how to go to heaven show me the path of what righteousness so what I want to know about more whatever you focus in focus on increases in value in your life whatever you focus on increases in value in your life I want to focus on Jesus I want to focus on giving I want to focus on serving God I want to focus on touching the mother that the homeless and they destitute and their widower and their orphan I want to focus on those things I don't know what half the church is doing I know what God is doing ask me about God people call me and say did you know no I didn't know why cuz I wasn't interested I could tell you about what God is doing do you are you always that deep always that deep always I had such a great time yesterday the first day of my consecration among consecration for 24 days I had such a revelation I was up until 6 o'clock in the morning pulling down that revelation this morning having a great time and what God was revealing to me I was just executing it woe be unto my staff you up yes what time is it 3 o'clock in the morning I need you to do this really yes wake up why God never slumbers asleep try to be like him you are the salt of the earth but if the salt is those to save you with shall it be salted in other words we don't have a soul problem in the world there's salt all over the earth there's Christians all over the earth but what makes soul salty it's its nature so what the what this is saying is that the believer has lost touch with their nature they're not salty anymore we got solved but the essence of who we are as believers and Christians as problem solvers and change agents as moral agents of as visionary transformational leaders where are the transformational leaders where are the visionaries well there are Christians were are they where are the Christian in the Christian doctor the word Christian is not a noun is an adjective an adjective describes a noun it's just a description of who you are so when you say Christian Christian what I'm a preacher I just want to know if you're a Christian preacher I are you with me are you born again are you a born-again Christian I'm a Christian and how you born again that's the first question I asked I'm a Christian are you born again because the hot thing is to be a Christian now all right you get these recording artists high high on whatever the high on right and they say first of all I want to thank the Lord my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ what I just saw you bump and grind I just saw you seeing anaconda I just and your way I think the Lord we want salty Christians we want the proof of your Christianity now part of that is God blessing you part of that saltiness is God blessing you and then you being a blessing to the world being a blessing to your family being a blessing in your industry you should be carrying the wisdom of God to your industry listen Christians should not have the worst jobs within their industry they should have the best jobs I decree in declare you will no longer work in the and the worst jobs in your industry from today on what you're gonna rise to the top is going to be meteoric and you're gonna have the best jobs within your industry stop saying that I gotta leave the secular world cuz I want to serve God but what have you been doing all this time turn to your neighbor and say stop playing wherever God plants you he wants to prosper you you can serve God within your industry you could serve God as a lawyer you could serve God as a politician you can serve God as a doctor listen right now we need medical breakthroughs we need medical miracle and we're best to look for a matter of medical miracle than a surgeon or a doctor who's anointed with the gift of healing the pharmaceuticals can heal you and I'm gonna what I'm gonna do I'm gonna stick to the protocol but I can't lay hands nobody's gonna know it cuz I'm gonna rush up wash up and scrub up are you with me but I've already sprayed for you before I caught you are you with me so when I go there my hands are anointed ben Carson had anointed hands i decree upon every doctor every Christian doctor that your hands are anointed can you imagine that Daniel went was given a scholarship to the best university in the world the University of Babylon and he rose up and he graduated Magnum laude the first in his in his class and and and God raised him up through the political ranks to become a president hey listen he he took political science and put it on steroids i decree and declare upon every politician that is a Christian that God is going to download wisdom that it's going to heal the social ills and you are gonna pass legislation that is going to bless the masses are you are you with me no more salt less salt wherever God has friended you I decree and declare you are going to effect positive change until the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ you are going to be the best in the industry you're going to be the best film maker the best videographer the best doctor the best lawyer the blessed secretary the best truck driver you're going to drive trucks so good that you're going to own the whole truck iving industry you're gonna start out with mom-and-pop and then God is gonna give you the ability to create a monopoly say hey man God is gonna take your your mom-and-pop set up and make it Wall Street friendly globally scalable until you have a monopoly you are going listen you are going to go public people are going to be buying shares in your company I see people buying and trading your brand on Wall Street while you just got to sell knockoffs that's the best you could do it looks real but everybody knows that you know Gucci is not the Gees backwards there in Tula we could tell that's not a real Gucci why Christians only want to sell knock-offs why can't you really on a bonafide Gucci store and why we only want to sell to one another why can't you legitimately take your goods and your ears and your services because it's only Christians that will buy mediocrity so your mediocre you got to keep it in the kingdom not if it's mediocre I don't I want leather I don't want pleather I want the real thing I don't want to look alike I don't want to knock off God didn't give you a knock off anointing a knock off salvation he gave you the real McCoy we've got to get our saltiness back you got to be the best in the industry you are blessed to be the best turn to your neighbor say she's talking about me you're the salty earth but if the salt lost its Savior we're with shall it be salted watch this it is there for good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden under the foot of man my god you know what means to beat running on the foot of man it means people perceive you as the worst in the industry they don't even see your worth you you you have no voice around the table they will not invite you around the boardroom you should take they don't see your value they just discount your voice your discounting your gifts are discounted your voice is discounted people ignore you even if you're talking they ignore you that's what what it means to be trodden underfoot but your days of being ignored or over shout I'm blessed you are the light of the world a city that is set on the hill cannot be hid so who knows you I know you know a lot of people I see it on the Facebook they you took a pic a lot of pictures with a lot of people but let me go under that person's facebook do they have a picture of you see you got a picture of all these people do they have a picture of you you got everybody's number but do they have your number you call them but do they call you back hi can I speak to Bill Gates Kent could you leave your number thank you very much he's not available you've been waiting for 10 years hi he's not available hi he's not available hi he's not available I decree your days of dropping people's name and taking photo ups to prove your worth is over I decree your days of people dropping your name and taking photo ops with you is here that you yes sounds suspicious no it sounds suspicious to me dead hallelujah one person said hallelujah I don't know if you're in a state of shock or what I'm talking to you turn to your neighbor say she's talking about me turn to the heart there and say she's talking about me - you're not the only one take a picture with me now I'm telling you you're the light of the world you're a luminary you're bigger than life he put you like a city on the hill you are not gonna be missed he's gonna make you bigger than life your name is gonna be bigger than life and your name is gonna be in lights you're gonna be a headliner your city that is set on the hill that cannot be here neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candlestick why are you dumbing down what what's up with this false humility when someone complements you you look pretty oh you know I didn't put on my makeup my weave it's just ten years old but you still look pretty with your 10 year old weave can't you say thank you learn how to say thank you take compliments your dress looks nice this is Oh your dress looks nice this is tight but it still looks at night nice old and tight [Laughter] you lost weight no I put on weight I'm 50 pounds heavier than when I was at six we're all 50 pounds heavier than what we were at six say thank you then you wonder why nobody ever complements you because every time you say no I ain't you are saying people you don't have a good judgement and people are insulted by that it may not be conscious but it's subconscious so the next time they see you they don't compliment you why because something says I don't want to be insulted turn to your neighbor say you is kind you is smart you is important and say thank you blessed convincing people that they're blessed in spite of their circumstances takes a lot of negotiation because when you cannot change your circumstances change yourself and the circumstances will change to accommodate your change you can't change the dynamics and your relationships change yourself the people in your relationship will have to change to accommodate your chain I am change I'm not the girl I used to be I'm change I can sing at least I think I can I haven't got a recording contract but they're gonna catch up I hit notes that they never heard before you're gonna change by the time we get through the teaching on the Beatitudes your attitude is gonna alter your altitude which is gonna alter the trajectory of your life and the force of favor and the flow of blessing is gonna collide with you on a day-to-day basis the Bible says let your light so shine before men be brilliant be all that she thinks she's all that plus a bag of chips and the dip on it uh no I don't think I know it I leave the thinking for you I'm letting my light so shine I can't do everything good but I could do some things good and there's some things that I'm good at I'm good at and I'm not going to lie about not being good at it now I may not be able to sing and good at that but I can preach and I'm good at that I'm good at something you're good at something what are you good at what are you gonna you go to talking and you're good at cooking are you good at smiling are you good at preaching are you good at dancing you may not be good at everything but you're good at something and whatever you're good at let your light shine but man might see your what good work and do what glorify your father which is in heaven you see when you don't shine like you should shine you cannot bring glory to God you gotta be able to essentially do what God has called you to do anointed you to do and do it to the best of your ability girl you better shine bright like a diamond shine bright like a diamond let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works glorify your father which is in heaven think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets I am not come to destroy but to fulfill it for verily I say unto you till heaven and earth pass away watch this not one jot or tittle what's a jot or tittle the dot on the top of the eye and the cross and the team not one jot not one tittle shall in no wise pass from this law till it be fulfilled what sit again for verily I say unto you till heaven and earth pass us not one jot or tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till it be fulfilled what are you saying what I haven't come to destroy it but to fulfil fill it full or give it back it's true meaning why because the teachings of Christ have been bastardized they've been contaminated they've been twisted to control twisted to divide and conquer but he said no more dividing conquer no more you me big chief and you Little Indians all of us are big Chiefs no more I'm highly favored but you have no favor as if favor is for some of us and not all of us what the devil is a liar favor is for all of us we are living in a dispensation of grace wherever you find grace you find favor because the words are interchangeable and the synonymous so that means if grace is being dispensed in this dispensation so is favor reach up and pull it down oh yeah some favor I'm favorite wherever I go and not only am i favored wherever I go I favor people I extend favor to people I was I spent my birthday in where was I Dubai I spent my birthday in Dubai and so I was leaving Dubai and I saw this woman and her son just sitting there and every single day I do a kind act to towards someone who can never return the favor like I'm not expecting anything back from them but I am expecting something back from God giving it shall be given you where does your future come from it comes from your past impression present actions and attitude where does your future come from where does the future blessing come from it comes from your past actions and attitude so I did something oh I thought something that's where it's coming from so I wanted to set into motion blessings in my life so every day I'm a blessing to someone every single day every day of my life I do it consciously and deliberately cuz every day I want a blessing so I I well I bought first class and I almost have three million miles on Delta almost three million miles trouble home is almost three million miles that's not with a bone not that doesn't include American and all the other airlines so it's coming back home going through Paris coming back home and I said I'm gonna do a kind act so I'm looking around figuring out who I'm gonna do is kind act so usually smile at people I compliment people whoever serving me a compliment them and some complimenting them I'm giving them a prophetic word but it looks like a compliment are you with me I'm not that deep I don't go like ooh all of that I just stand hey how are you doing yes you're a very important person you know I see that you're gifted I see that you're talented and you're gonna go far do you have any dreams or any vision yeah I dream well that's gonna happen you're gonna begin to travel and really you know and they get all excited so after I do all of that I find someone that I can be kind to this is gonna be important because we're gonna talk about the blessed life so I picked this woman and her son and I walked up to them I said your son looks exactly like you what's your name I said it was a pleasure to meet you my name is Cindy Cindy trim it's a pleasure to meet you so then they started calling and I turned back and I said listen I bored first it's hundreds of people I bought first where are you sitting we're sitting away and seat number 42 or something like that I said good why don't you come home with me can I do that absolutely so I waited for them to get their bags I took them on first I said when when I get off look for me and I take you into the launch we've never been into a lunch well you'll go into a lunch with me it's first time I'm meeting them so I take them into the launch and when I took it them into the launch I said and we began to chat and they said oh I see you like designer bag as I said I love it what's your favorite all of them so I said you know yesterday was my birthday and you know I'm here and she said well you know my cousin actually does XY and Z so she says to me my cousin actually buys and sells for Gucci and um I get 80% off of Gucci bags and any bag you want from now on you have 80% off honey I had a picture of the bag I wanted I said in fact I just came you know we just left Gucci and here's the bag and I had it and it was some kind of skin and it was pink and I gave it to an estimate that I want hint we are family I got all my sisters with me hey hey hey are you with me one kind act activate it a kind act and even though I didn't know her cousin her cousin knows her she knows her cousin she knows me and the rest is history are you I'm talking about the blessed life start by being a blessing to someone it doesn't have to be tangible you can smile you can the lady that cuts my the lady that does the roast turkey roast chicken the rotisserie chicken in the grocery store that I serve in she always tells me when there's a specific roast chicken is done and then I asked her for special privileges like I want her to cut it in a certain way and she does it and you know just little special things so Christmas I took at this big gift I took a Cologne I took at this I took a dad I took it the other now when I walk in the store guess what she just sees me do you need anything you wanted a huh and now all the people that work with her do you need anything do you want it I got you what they heard about the what the what let's see so Christmas is coming around and they want a blessing it's interesting when we look at the blessed life we usually look at it from the perspective of what I want but what about what God wants you to become in other people's lives not just what you want but what he want you to become in the midst of your circumstances what he want you to become in the midst of the trial in the midst of the setback I'm going to bring this to a conclusion and we're going to begin our study on the Beatitudes how to live the bless of life there were 400 years of silence that was broken when Jesus pronounced his benediction of blessings he pronounced him upon his disciples here we are introduced to the curriculum taught by Jesus to his disciples it was a curriculum it wasn't just off the cuff it was leading somewhere the Beatitudes are nine statements made by Christ in a sermon that we often hear spoken about but don't often think about and we don't think about its meaning because each one of those statements is like a proverb with a cryptic message it is precise and it's full of meaning it's pregnant each one of those Beatitudes or blessing each one includes a topic that forms a major biblical theme so you could spend a whole lot of time or even a lifestyle lifetime studying each one of those beatitude but in this message in this series we're going to examine each one of them we're gonna pull out the principles so that you can apply it to your daily life the Beatitudes is their form a form of benediction so what is a benediction a benediction is a pronouncement of death blessings according to the principle of decree and declaring job 22:28 says this thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto you and the light shall shine upon your ways in other words you might be in darkness in an area but soon as the beatitude or the blessing is pronounced the light is going to begin to eliminate illuminate things in your life and that was hidden God's gonna begin to reveal those things that were hidden and it's done because a decree has been made I remember growing up and when someone prophesied they made a decree and they said to me God is gonna use you in your young age you're gonna travel all over the world and you're gonna be a blessing to people or before that all I knew was poverty but as soon as that benediction or blessing was pronounced it is shine a light on my way the word way is the same thing as lifestyle in other words there's a way that seems right unto man but the end thereof is going to lead to what destruction right so that word way there's a lifestyle that people live that will only lead them towards destruction so when you see the word way you can always say well he's talking about a lifestyle are you with me and so God wants to make sure that your lifestyle you have in sight what should i do how should I do it what are the core values that I should live by if Jesus was here what would he do in this situation so a benediction is a short concise statement given in the Bible in the form of a decree which gives hope and assurance to the beneficiary the bent but the B attitude is a form of benediction so the word benediction is a compound word Benny diction Benny good well diction to speak benediction to speak well of benediction hence that means that God is going to speak good over your life I am decree and declaring only good is going to come to you in this season you're gonna live a good life you're gonna live a blessed life I pronounced it over your life as a benediction and I establish it in Jesus name from today onward no matter what circumstance or situation you were in no matter what is going on with you right now no matter what's going on with your health no matter what's going on with your sons and daughters no matter what's going on with your finances no matter what's going on with your ministry no matter what's going on with your relationship no matter what's going on with your profession no matter what's going on with your job only good can come out of it are you hearing me I pronounce it as a benediction that no matter what you are facing right now only good is gonna come out of it only good only good no matter what you're concerned about no matter what you're worried about no matter what you're faced with no matter what the challenge no matter what the hardship only good is coming out of this I don't know what your this is I don't know what you're facing but I pronounce this benediction upon your life today now unto Him who is able to do the exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or think according to the power that worketh in you and that power is the blessing is the blessing I decree it I declare it I establish it and it is so in Jesus name Amen amen come on give him a praise in the room today if you receive that I know you're probably shouting at home as well we could just feel the change already happening in the room right you walked out at you you're walking out of here a blessed man you're walking out of here a blessed woman hallelujah hallelujah this is a great day what a powerful word we want to thank you for joining us online and you know the Bible says it's more blessed to give than receive but it's also impossible to give and not receive a blessing as well because it sets in motion cycles of blessing and we want to partner with you to be a blessing to this world Cindy trim ministries reaches out like dr. dr. trim talked about her personal experiences of doing good but we as a ministry do good from missions around the world to adopting he's doing a thanksgiving drives feeding the home hungry all of these amazing ways that we bless the community we want you to partner with us to do so all you have to do is hit that give button now you can give one-time or you can become a partner and give monthly but go ahead and get that give button now if you're on Facebook or Twitter go on over to our website all you have to do is hit Cindy trim com /give and it'll take you right where you need to give we want to invite you back every first and third Thursday to the 4-points broadcast where it's live it's prophetic and it's all God we'll see you then [Applause]
Channel: Cindy Trimm
Views: 61,183
Rating: 4.8915915 out of 5
Keywords: cindy trimm, cindy, trimm, dr. trimm, the blessed life, cindy trimm sermon, cindy trimm preach, preaching, kingdom, cindy trimm prayer, atomic power of prayer, cindy trimm atomic, cindy trimm atomic prayer
Id: awJTofi8JEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 25sec (3865 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2017
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