Cindy Trimm - Moving In Divine Timing

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well welcome to today's program if you're ready to reach your truest highest potential then stay tuned because I'm going to show you how to maximize your potential and all things and accelerate in the full calling that God has for your life today I'm going to show you how to move forward in your life with divine timing and when you understand this concept there is nothing that can stand in your way so are you ready then let's get started the Bible tells us clearly in the book of the ptsds that there is a time appointed for every purpose the challenge for most of us is to learn to flow in sync with the seasons of heaven in my years of ministry I've seen so many people who have for a lack of a better word aborted their purpose there their giftings or even their anointing because they were just not in sync and in harmony with what God was doing in a specific season you have to be able to discern and embrace the season you are in once you understand that season you'll be able to respond appropriately and get everything that God has for you in that time it's difficult for so many people because we want to move faster and we want to run ahead of God in many instances because going through difficult times seemed as if it's a waste of time but God has a process he's working in all of our lives and he makes beautiful everything in its time God is the one that created time and God created time to follow a specific sequence life is to time what wet is the water and heat is to fire we must be vigilant in conferring with God concerning the timing of everything David recorded a prayer he said so teach us to number our days that we can apply our hearts to wisdom God is a strategic God and he wants to give you wisdom for life and living wisdom is gained over a period of time based on experiences in order for us to really live life on purpose we've got to be able to understand divine timing and understanding divine timing is going to help you to master the ability to balance conflict to eliminate distractions and to gain God inspire priorities it's not just a matter of it being from God but it's a matter of it being for us so when we think about timings a lot of us think about timing as a clock in a calendar and something that we manage and all those things are man-made but when we talk about divine timing we're talking about things such as sequence and syncopation and synchronization timing is everything I can tell you this that I catch the airplane a lot of time and there are one or two times that I miss my flight and I missed it because the airline works with timing and it's all syncopated it's not only the pilot that I'm concerned about are the people that are working behind the counter that are taking my tickets while we have the air traffic control as well and there are so many things that have to be synchronized that that in order for there not to be collisions and action accidents in the air they have to be synchronized syncopated but here's the important thing there's got to be sequenced and so they can't hold up a flight yes for me although I want them to and there are many times I have argued I'm a billion mile but guess what there they have to deal with sequence it has to be syncopated and there has to be synchronized this is what God is talking about when he talks about timing he's not talking about a calendar he's not talking about our our our to-do list he's talking about all of the other things that are happening in the big scheme of things and he wants to get us synchronized because what we do by way of purpose and assignment is not only just about us and our life and our success and our prosperity it's about all of the other things and moving parts that are going on in the big scheme of God's unfolding plan in humanity let me give you an example of this in the Bible it talks about Moses Moses becoming a deliverer of course we know the story of how he was adopted by Pharaoh's daughter after being dropped in the water and we know the whole story but Moses received a prompting that his timing had come and and and it had come for him to rise up as a deliverer of his nation this happened ten years prior to the statue of limitation for their bondage in Egypt which was approximately four hundred years so there was no one there to help him to understand these promptings so he acted for sumptuously and killed a man he ended up in the wilderness for forty years thus the children of Israel you take the four hundred minus of forty and you do your maths you're going to end up with them being thirty years past the prophetic statue of limitation and this is how we get the fact that it was ten years prior if it was 430 minus 40 we end up at the 390 mark now this is very important because back in those days they didn't have clocks like we had they didn't have calendars like we had but how was Moses to know that his time had come there was an inner prompting and this is why as we pray we're praying for the timing of the Lord as well so that we can match the inner prompting with the sequence of the unfolding of God's events in the bigger scheme of things so that means that we have to learn how to move in sync with God's timing based on the promptings of the Lord we have to learn heavens rhythm through prayer most of us never take the time to ask the Holy Spirit to teach us but when you talk about timing we've got to be able to say Holy Spirit teach me how to learn heavens rhythm and to pick up Heaven's frequency time and place are inextricably connected so if I asked you to meet me for lunch at one o'clock but I don't give you a place or a zip code you can fulfill my request so when we talk about timing we're talking about prophetic zip codes as well listen to this Adam met God in the cool of the morning in a place called Eden so time and place are inextricably connected I call this a prophetic grid there is a prophetic grid in which his will for your life has to be carried out here's the caveat it a lot of time we are pushed out of that place because we want to get out of a situation of circumstance that sometimes may be God but we think that it's not for instant Joseph was in a prison and many of us would have been praying God move Joseph out of the prison because he is innocent many times God has allowed things to happen in our lives because he's preparing us for something big and something great the preparation for your destiny began even before you were conceived listen to this the Lamb of God was slain before the foundation of the world God told Jeremiah before you were born in your mother's womb I ordained you to be a prophet this is exciting because when we deal with time we usually deal with it as if is this empty space within a parenthetical moment in history that we are just going into but time is like a womb time and space actually has already been eclipsed by eternity by the time you were born you were born into something that was in motion every morning you wake up time is already in motion one of the things that we have to do therefore is that if God it is a mission knows everything we've got to trust the process that God has placed us in just showing up if he has a scheduled I call it a bus for you to show up at three o'clock in the afternoon don't be hanging around in the restaurant taking your last sip of CAP coffee or your last sip of your favorite drink looking at your watch knowing that you've got five minutes to get from the restaurant to the bus to make it on time don't sit around and say I'm gonna see if I could make it in two minutes and what I'm doing now is so pleasurable that I think I can I think I can and then end up showing up like I did a couple of minutes late and I literally mean it was a couple of minutes late I saw them close the door and the airplane was still on the runway another 10 minutes and I kept saying why can't you let me in they said this is the procedure I have to follow isn't that interesting a lot of us want to jump over the procedure that God has described to us sometimes when a season ends some of us want no matter how good it is we don't want that season to end and we don't want to make it into the next season for many reasons and we miss our prophetic bus God has a plan he has a procedure and he has a process but our individual processes are different from God's this is why we talk about syncopation get syncopated to heaven's rhythm concerning your life don't try to keep up with anyone elses the devil will make it seem as if you are out of rhythm with everyone else but listen to what Henry Thoreau said he said if a man loses pace with his companions perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer let him step to the music which he hears however measured or far away each one of us have to keep up with heavens rhythm for our lives you will not always see the benefit of what you were going through or what God has called you to because you are seeing through the eyes of a child seeing it through the eyes of a child simply means that you're going to trust your Heavenly Father that he knows best God is a God that is going to announce your coming at the right time he declared this about Jesus that this is my beloved Son in whom I well pleased and that declaration did not come until he was being baptized in the water and so when we talked about time and place being inextricably connected when you get in that place according to the divine timetable of God and you were doing the right thing at the right time with the right people for the right reason God is going to announce your into so stay tuned because it is time for the smartboard so I'm gonna be right back so welcome back I want to give you some pointers that you can use in order to move in the divine timing of the Lord the first thing I want you to do is to begin your routine with respect to your understanding of God's will for your life so we're to start with routine making sure that you stick to a routine what are you doing Mondays what are you doing Tuesdays what are you doing Wednesdays and Thursdays and Fridays stick to a routine the second thing I want you to do is to build an altar where you will talk and hear from God I just say that taking me moments and make sure that there's a specific time and place when I take my me moments my me moments are 8 o'clock in the evening this is a time that I have dedicated to talk to God hearing God finding a strategy and when I go into that place I not only take my Bible but I also take a notepad and a pen whenever you begin to talk to God and hear from God you don't want to just believe that you're going to remember and recall everything there are so many things that God has said to me when I found that place when I found that spot and when I was talking to God sometimes he gave me the most amazing revelation or the most amazing mandate to do and I said to myself well I remember this after a couple of minutes but when I got out of that place I couldn't always recall so whenever you stick to a routine and you have those --my moments where you make an appointment with God and you keep that appointment make sure you take your Bible your notepad your iPad something that you can record what God is saying so that you can recall it and remember it when you get up from talking to God do something now a lot of us have a habit of saying well I'll do it later or do it next week and then life happens and we missed a sequence and the syncopation of what God has for our life you've heard of the saying a day late and a dollar short that's what my mother used to say Cindy if you don't stick to routine you're going to end up being a day late and a dollar short so we don't want you to be a day late and a dollar short when it comes to sticking to a routine and sticking to the timing of the Lord now here's another thing that I want you to do is to start your day at the feet of Jesus so when you get up in the morning you're going to start your your day with good morning Holy Spirit and then you just take some time before you get on the telephone most of us you know the first thing we do is roll over we pick up our telephone we start texting and faxing and tweeting but what is if heaven had a tweet that they wanted to give you and you're so distracted and God is like hey trying to get your attention and then you miss a sequence or you miss doing something that could have positively affected the outcome of your day so I want you to start every day start every day with God roll over and say good morning Holy Spirit and ask him is there a strategy is there a plan that you have for me and listen before you pick up the telephone or before you get on to your day-to-day routine the next thing I want you to do I want you to have an ear throughout the day listening to the Holy Spirit and being sensitive to the prompting of the Spirit I want to give you an example of this when I trouble from my house to my office in my office back to my house I follow the same path there was one day I was in the same aisle or the same Lane driving the same speed and I heard the Holy Spirit say cross over in your lane us over in the like your lane I knew it had to be the Holy Spirit so I crossed over and when I crossed over I get around the band and there is a three-car pileup and I would have been the fourth listening to God to the promptings of the Spirit is going to help you as well now here's another important thing never get other people's urgencies and priorities mixed up with your urgencies and your priorities make sure that you understand that everyone is moving according to the timetable that God has for them and just because it's urgent for someone else it doesn't mean that it's urgent for you so know where you you start and others finish remember just because people have plans for your life it doesn't mean that it's synchronized and syncopated with God's plan for your life so as you hear the promptings of the Lord as you get your instructions day by day as you take your me moment now comes to the most important thing and this means that I gotta erase it so stand by I want to go back to this word routine what you consistently do holds the secret to what you end up with in your future this speaks to me as a big word cold preparation when it comes to preparation preparation determines your performance in the future so whatever you want to prosper in you must be prepared for that in your future and you've got to make this an activity that you do on a daily basis similarly whatever you want to eliminate from your life you must intentionally choose not to do it on a daily basis this practice builds the habit that you will become that that eventually will become the foundation of your success and prosperity in the future now I want to I want to challenge you with two quotes one of the quotes is from Lord Chesterfield he said this know the true value of time snatch it seize it and enjoy every moment of it no idleness no laziness no procrastination never put off till tomorrow what you can do today one of the things that King David said he said so teach us or teach me to number my days that my I may apply my heart to wisdom when you follow these steps you're going to be able to apply your heart to wisdom and you're going to have the competitive advantage over all of the forces that attempt to knock you out of divine timing when it comes to living life within a specific time frame there are activities that God is downloaded into your life long before you were born it's like catching a bus and knowing the schedule of that bus the one thing that you have to do in order to catch that bus you got to show up and you got to show up on time this very gives me back to the three most important words when it comes to divine timing the first one is syncopation the second one is synchronization and then the last one is sequence this is important what do i do first what do I do second what do i do third what do i do fourth this one is about being synchro synchronized it's not just about you but it's all of the unfolding of God's plan throughout humanity who should you be synchronized with there might be another person there might be another organization there might be another ministry getting the synchronization right is important and then syncopation heaven has its own rhythm and being able to keep syncopated two heavens a heavens rhythm means that you pick up heavens frequency this is all about staying in divine timing when you move according to God's divine timetable you will stop giving your personal power away to things that are going on on the outside of you you will start to begin to understand that greater is he is that is on the inside of you than he that is in the world he's going to empower you and once you start moving according to his divine timetable things on the outside no longer will be dictating to where you end up pick up yourself begin to talk to God get synchronized syncopated to his will and begin to move according to his dictates and get things in a proper sequence and I promise you you will be living a life beyond your jury stay tuned join dr. Cindy trim for these next live appearances I want you to see God's great plan for your life to become a reality but don't short-circuit the process don't get frustrated if it seems as if things aren't moving in the direction you think they should remember trust God in the process and also embrace the process that he brings into your life that will lead and guide you and commit to regular life of routine if you put these things into action you're going to find a fruitful place today I want to equip you with some powerful resources that will help you to begin to discern the timing and season in your life if you felt lost are simply going through the motion then it's time for you to begin to take action to build the life you've always wanted maybe you feel stuck right where you are and you need to find a way to begin moving forward again let me tell you if you are moving with divine timing God will open doors for you that you could never open yourself so call me right now take advantage of the special resource offering if you're ready to take that next step into destiny this collection is vital I'm going to send you my complete message entitled moving with divine timing discovering your prophetic grid in this message I not only share some of what you've heard today but I also revealed the crucial link between destiny and intercession and how you can begin to move things in the spirit when you pray I also identify roadblocks to your breakthroughs things you may have realized that are holding you back but you never had the tools or skills or ability in order to surmount them I promise you you'll never see the life you want if you don't start preparing for it right now I'm going to walk you through the process of mapping out and constructing the life of your dream together step by step we can help you to begin to move in divine timing and into destiny and let's start doing it right now are you tired of feeling out of sync with God's true purpose for your life are you ready to see your life move forward again and define your fruitful place renowned life coach and success guru dr. Cindy trim wants to show you how to live and operate in harmony with the timing of God when you discover how to move according to god's personal prophetic timeline for your life you'll find open doors of opportunity where they once were unavailable and inaccessible commit to God's timing and process and everything you need to succeed in life can be yours it completely changed my life because I tapped into my purpose and my destined for my life so she really helps you to tap into your authentic self developed over years of coaching training and teaching and her latest personal development series moving with divine timing dr. Cindy shares life-changing principles that will show you how to live and sync with God's timing learn how to revoke the legal access demonic forces have to your life and the lives of your loved ones as well as releasing the power available to those who are faithful in the development process remember when we talk about timing we are not talking about our calendar we are not talking about a clock we are talking about heavens rhythm we are talking about the sequence of events that unfold or should unfold in your life God is calling you into position so you can be in sync with his divine timing your enemy the devil will no longer be able to kill your vision destroy your passion undermine your direction erode your identity or dampen your expectations it's time to partner with heaven and change the course of history call today to order dr. Cindy's complete audio message moving with divine timing and when you do you'll also receive the atomic power of prayer this CD will equip you to pray with greater authority and empower you to overcome any obstacles in your life you'll be equipped like never before to take action on your dreams and activate them into reality but that's not all when you call today you'll also get today's complete broadcast message on CD as a free bonus this complete teaching collection is yours with your gift of only $25 the future you want for you and your loved ones today with a simple phone call order today and tell dr. Cindy you're ready to get your life moving forward with divine timing start to change right now to empower you means that you get into drivers compete
Channel: Cindy Trimm
Views: 204,870
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Keywords: cindy trimm, moving, divine timing, Full Episodes
Id: iCa-I8Z2wbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2013
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