Cindy Trimm - Declare Your Home And Business Blessed

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welcome to today's program I'm dr. Cindy trim and today we're going to discover how to release the blessing of God into your home and business if there was anywhere we want God to be present and active it should be in our homes and in our business these are the places where we spend most of our time where we should be able to find peace and rest and where we should be able to feel safe we should be able to grow and be celebrated it should really be a haven of peace but you may be like so many other people I've counseled over the years who seem to find anything but peace in their homes and in their businesses one of the things I've discovered is that God actually designed these places to be more than just a pressure point in your life he designed them to be places where you can experience his presence his promise his provision and his protection as a parent or even as a single individual or even as a caregiver or a teenager whether it's in your business or a home do you realize that you have the power and the authority to actually determine the atmosphere in which you live and work one of the things we're going to do today we're going to give you the secret to transforming your home and your place of business into a dwelling place of God imagine waking up every single morning knowing that where you are living is the house of God imagine driving into your job on Monday or into your business on Monday knowing that you were not headed into a Viper's nest where there is just backbiting and all kinds of politicking going on but instead can you imagine driving and going where God was listen if I could just imagine I can just imagine my life being more productive more meaningful I would actually feel alive do you not know that you can be change that changes everything in your home and your business even in your car and guess what we're going to discover how to do that and we're going to do it together right here in the next few moments so call your friends and family I'll be right back in the book of Genesis 28 we read about an amazing story about a man by the name of Jacob Jacob is running from a very hostile environment in fact that environment was his home he's running from his brother his brother is just mad with him and his brother is saying when I finally get to that boy I'm gonna kill him his house is divided his father prefers his twin and his mother prefers him so you can imagine the type of environment that he lived in Jacob is running now he of course has the blessing of his father and he comes to this place called Lud's when he gets there he's exhausted so the Bible says that he sets up the stone as his pillow and there he sleeps the heavens begin to open in his dream and he sees angels ascending and descending and he sees these most amazing things and in the dream God is actually speaking to him and he awakens and he said if I only could have understood the atmosphere that was in this place and then he called the place he changed the name of the place from lusts to beth-el Bethel simply means the house of God when he recognized that this was the place that God dwelt he began to acknowledge God acknowledged that he was in a place that God actually inhabit do you realize that you have the power through the spoken word to change the environment that you live in so that that place can become your bath al the Bible said that he took the pillow which was actually a stone and he anointed that pillow and then he built an altar or he built a monument to God right there that means that there was actually a place where God was acknowledged and that was the place that became a permanent zip code for God this didn't just start with Jacob obviously the atmosphere had been established way before he got there so if you just go blood chapters back you will find out that his grandfather had an experience with God in Bethel now when it comes to the word beth-el Beth ow Beth al L is God Beth is house you have to understand that wherever God is is a place that will not only generate it within you a sense of well-being but that particular zip code can be a place of provision it can be a place of purpose it can be a place where you expand your dreams so that you wake up from your dreams and your dreams become a reality now when it comes to Beth the hell I told you that this did not start with Jacob it started with its grandfather let's fast-track this a little bit into the second book of Kings you will find out in the second book of Kings in the second chapter that in fact not only was that zip code bless the entire city was blessed we read how in second Kings Elisha and Elijah is traveling and they mentioned several places like Jericho and Bethel but let's just focus on Bethel for the moment when they got to Bethel we discovered that Elijah had actually built the school of the Prophet on that exact zip code that means that God was not only blessing them they were able to hear from God not only for their own lives their own purpose but for the entire city just imagine God blessing your home but all of the other houses in your neighborhood doesn't increase in value it's going to cause your home to be diminished in value can you imagine if every house on your street increased in its value your house will increase in value too can you imagine the equity that will be locked in your home not just for you to benefit from but future generations your children's children many of us grew up in the 60s and the 50s and we know what it's like to struggle can you imagine your children never having to beg for bread your children never having to be homeless I read about and I heard about the story of a woman who took these principles went into her neighborhood she not only declared her home blessed but she walked up and down the street on her neighborhood she began to pour oil they said this woman is out of her mind and in and because she took this principle so serious she said I don't only want my home to be blessed but my neighborhood is filled with drug lords my neighborhood is drug infested and if God can transform my home my zip code into a Bethel I'm going to push this a little further and transform my own neighborhood into al Bethel or into Beth hell now the most amazing thing happened a couple of months later they raided the area they cleaned up the area and today she is a living in an environment and a neighborhood that is drug free now this is an amazing story that I tell but I've heard story after story even in my own life how God was able to transform my neighborhood I want to give you one more story this is my story and it is a true factual story when I moved to South Florida I moved into a home and there was this one a gut store it was a it was a gas station and all of the questionable kinds of fellows used to hang out there and I determined listen I bought a home in this neighborhood and I decree and declare that the value of our homes are pumping up I decree and declare and you have to forgive me but I spoke to that business and I commanded it to shut down now that business had been there for 20-something years do you not know a couple of months later I saw a closing sign and they were closing permanently so the next time I drove by I said God not only just shut the business down but please give the employees a place of employment and give their owner another business so I wasn't just shutting it down in a selfish way but I wanted it off my corner the corner of the road that I lived in you got to go why because you are affecting the value of my home and guess what happened a couple of months later that business went out of business the business shut down and it's not there today this true story you can change your environment and if you stay tuned I'm going to show you how to use this concept in your own life to help you to gain a better sense of safety peace and fulfillment do not touch that dial call your family members because they should benefit too I'll be right back join dr. Cindy trim for these next slide appearances welcome back did you not know that every word that you speak actually just doesn't disappear into the atmosphere the scripture says that words that we speak actually establish or bore down somewhere and I believe that they're boring down in molecules molecules have memories the scripture says something that is so amazing that supports what I'm about to teach you it says thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established your life is taking on shape based on the words that you are actually speaking hebrews chapter 11 says that we frame our world by our words the reality in your life is framed by your words here's what Habakkuk says and it's a most amazing thing that supports this the Bible said for the stone shall cry out of the wall and the beam out of the timber shall answer it we're talking about stone speaking now a lot of you might say okay this is too amazing for me Luke chapter nineteen forty support stood it says if they should hold their peace the stones would immediately cry out let's see we could braid these two scriptures together and then abstract a concept that you can use do you not know that when you begin to speak out the molecules in that environment is holding those words waiting for the most opportune to find manifestation or to find expressions the scripture says that if the you hold your peace these rocks or these beams or these stones are going to cry out do you not know that the very beams of your house the stone that your home is made of do you not realize that they are actually playing back words that were spoken in that house in that apartment in that condo way before you showed up have you ever wondered why it is that you're able to pay your tithes give your offering or before you moved into that at home or that impartment your marriage was actually working out but now that you're in that apartment it seems like all hell has broken loose have you commended your mourning have you voice printed that atmosphere you don't know what kind of arguments were going on in that house you don't know the words that were spoken over there children before you bought or before you bought that a place of employment we don't know a whole lot of things all we do know is that the beams of our houses is able to play back words that have been spoken a hundred years ago two hundred years ago you might say oh my god dr. trim you are actually blowing my mind right now are you certain absolutely I'm certain that whenever you speak words if there were molecules in the area those molecules hold the memory and they wait for the most opportune time to bring that declaration to pass whether or not you are aware of it or not all right dr. trim this is too much for me show me in the scripture where it says that molecules have memories show me in the scripture that even if I use colloquial expressions or jokes that it can negatively impact my life all right turn with me to Joshua chapter 6 verses 9 to 27 here is Joshua he has overcome the barrier that prohibited the children of Israel from possessing their possession aka the Jericho wall he walks around the walls of Jericho the walls fall down from them shouting and then guess what that means that your voice has a frequency that even the rocks and the and and the buildings and the stones and the blade of grass can recognize okay you're blowing my mind one more time show me where scripture says that here comes Jesus walking into this city and he's showing by way of demonstration to is a proto Shaye's or his apostles that were being trained by Jesus how to bring Dominion or how to gain authority over an atmosphere so he walks into the city and he talks to a bush and he says die and he keeps on walking I can't imagine if I was hanging out with Jesus I would say did anybody give Jesus his medication because nobody in the right mind talks to trees and bushes but Jesus did 24 hours later guess what when the walking out of the cities the disciples said oh my God look at the tree it's dead at the root listen to me carefully every word that you speak I don't even care if it's a jest if it's a joke it is going to play back and it's going to be recorded somewhere in the city somewhere in a rock somewhere in a building now what happens if you walk in an atmosphere and people have done their bubble bubble toil and trouble and they've been releasing courses in the atmosphere this is where that scripture comes into being jesus said if you don't cry out if you don't decree if you don't declare whatever has been voice printed in these stones these very stones are going to begin to declare and voiceprint the whole atmosphere it was job that acts God the question I and I don't want to paraphrase it why are these things happening to me and guess what God answered him have you commanded your mourning since the beginning of your days to shake evil out of its place now if Jesus could decree and declare and the Bible says that this tree had dried up at the root do you not know that it takes a little while for the fruit to figure out that the root has actually dried up and so I want to challenge you as you learn the principles of decree and declaring you might not see the immediate turnaround in your life in the atmosphere but continue to decree and declare superimpose the promises of God over a words that have been spoken contrary to the will of God over your life over your children's life you can download into your life the night before some of the most amazing things that will explode the next day or even the next month or the next year watch your words because they're going to become your habit watch your habit they're going to become your destiny watch your destiny it'll become your testimonies do you not know when you speak that the words just hang remember molecules have memory they just wait until the time that that that is most appropriate for them to be fulfilled I got to tell you one more story and then I want to finish here Joshua is standing on top of this rock of the rocks and the stones and this is what he said whoever and he decrees it and he declares it whoever builds on this ruined foundation of Jericho using these stones they're going to pay for it with their firstborn and last born and first kings chapter 16 verse 34 we read about how a king actually loses his firstborn and it's last-born because he used the stones to rebuild Jericho this was not 100 years later or 200 or 300 it was over 400 years later those words were locked in molecules waited for the most apropos time to manifest but because he was able to decree it and declare it those words pay plane back and it affected his life could things be the way they are because you are the way you are and what one thing can you change that can change everything I want you to stay tuned so that we can further give you some instructions of how to change your life just by changing that one thing I'll be right back welcome back what is a strategy a strategy is a formula or plan of action used and intended to solve a problem or address an issue whenever we change seasons in our lives whenever we grow our strategy should change as well let me give you an example and you were growing up the strategies that you used to eat your food with your hands in your finger you don't use that strategy anymore we've moved now we use forks and knives likewise with our spiritual life likewise with our success and prosperity whenever you move into new realms of power and authority you got to change your strategy new strategies are needed when our basic response to life is challenging and that those strategies proved to be outdated or ineffective or inappropriate or a combination of all of the above so here's what I want to do today and that is to give you some practical strategies that you can apply right now I want you to go through your home just take an inventory and go through your office and take an inventory I want you to begin to cleanse the dwelling place by sanctifying it you can go out you can get a fresh bottle of olive oil it doesn't have to be a big great big can of Crisco oil as if you're frying french fries but a little small bottle and make sure it's 100% olive oil I want you to take that I want you to sanctify that I want you to offer that to God and here's a simple prayer that you can pray Lord Jesus I sanctify this bottle of oil I decree and declare that whatever the oil touches comes back into divine alignment just a very simple prayer what's the second thing I want you to do is to take that oil as you begin to take an inventory of your house and your business if you find anything that's there that might be causing the atmosphere that you're living in to not be as conducive as necessary it could be a picture it could be even a fraud pitch it out now any things that are in your office or even in your home might have been there when you bought a home or you bought the building or you showed up in the office like a television or a refrigerator or a washing machine hold on doctor trim what are you saying I need to take the new washing machine and the refrigerator and check it out no I'm not saying that what I want you to do is to use the anointing oil and come to great that consecrate everything in your house like I said it doesn't have to be a whole lot of oil a little dab will do and you're going to sanctify it and decree and declare that this is the God or this is the house of God and I worship the god of the house of God declare that place bath al now you might say okay we're in the scripture did they do that did they sanctify places absolutely in the Old Testament as the children of Israel we're going out to possess their possession they had to be delivered from the spirit of oppression coming from Pharaoh and what God said is this I want you to take blood I want you to anoint the portal so the doorpost of your home and when I see the blood I'm going to pass over hence the Passover celebration and so in effect what you were doing you're doing something prophetic I want you to go also to the doorpost the portals of your home the windows the doors and anoint it again it doesn't have to be dripping but you should anoint your entire house including your garage garage and I want you to decree and declare that when recession sees your house or passes by your zip code it's going to do exactly that is not going to stay on your zip code it's just going to pass right by any any individual any person who is not on assignment a divine assignment or who means you no harm I decree and declare that they're going to just pass by your zip code and that is not only people but again atmospheres environment situations circumstances like recession you want to go to your business anoint the doorpost and decree and declare recession when you see this cold when you when you pass by this zip code or this building you're going to just keep on going the next thing I want to give you instructions in or give you a strategy is in your home in your business to really begin to be more proactive about what you are speaking out of your mouth decree and declare I'm going to give you one or two things that you can decree right now from Psalm 112 verse 3 you can decree wealth and riches are in my house and in my business what I also want you to understand is this that if rocks can cry out and decree and declare and alter the atmosphere in your home guess what else your DVD and CD can as well so I want you to voice print the entire atmosphere by playing back CDs it could be music or it could be Prayer tapes or it could be tapes that are decreeing and declaring blessings over your home and off of your business I do wish that I had more time to continue on in this series but my time is just about up I want you to take control over your atmosphere and I want to hear back from you as you have your testimony that dr. trim I decreed and declared and I'm blessed don't allow the hurtful words and actions of others to define your life it's time to put an end negative self-talk and reverse the curse you're living under it's time for you to declare yourself blessed you don't have to live under a cloud of doubt to feed and despair any longer everything you need to take control of your life change the course of your destiny and experience peace in your home promotion in your career and unlock your highest potential he's available to you today from dr. Cindy trim what I'm gonna do is I'm going to show you how to take authority and re-establish the presence of God so that you can release the promise and the provision and the protection of God in your home dr. Cindy will show you how to use your words to take your home your business and your thinking to the next level I declared that health and prosperity were mine then I begin to see my life take a new form and today I'm a stronger man I'm a better man because of the words the doctor trim empowered us to speak over our lives break free from the patterns of negative thinking holding you back and discover true success when you learn to declare yourself healed and blessed this can literally turn a house into a home together I'll walk you through how to bless your business to cleanse the atmosphere of abuse of politicking and backstabbing you don't have to put up with the enemy's devices in your office any longer tap into the wisdom you need and put these principles to work for you today begin thinking greater speaking greater and living greater accelerate towards your ultimate god-given destiny and purpose with the powerful declare system your first step begins with declare your home and business blast tap into God's success strategy to effectively overcome every challenge lift the restrictions from your life by removing the barriers that have held you captive so your home and business can experience exponential growth and success in the marketplace next declare yourself blessed these prophetic words will stir up the fullness of God's blessing already on your life for abundant manifestation you don't have to wait another day activate the Living Word agree with dr. trim in this message and declare yourself blessed last but not least declare yourself healed speaking out declarations from the Word of God dr. trim praise anointed words over your life releasing the power of God for healing in every area God wants you to live without pain experiencing optimum peace and health take authority over your health and receive your healing starting today the entire declare system is yours with your gift of $35 but that's not all when you call today you'll also get today's complete broadcast message on CD as a free bonus that's the entire declare collection including declare your home and business blest declare yourself healed and declare yourself blessed for only $35 plus you'll get today's message on CD absolutely free gives you that support it gives you tools it gives you strategies so that you can be the best that you can be in what it is that you have been called to do take your first step to a better tomorrow when you call right now order today and let dr. Cindy lead you into a life that is blessed
Channel: Cindy Trimm
Views: 649,049
Rating: 4.8483768 out of 5
Keywords: Cindy Trimm, Declare, Home and Business, Full Episode
Id: HbFtfByvjVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2013
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