Cindy Trimm - Significance

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well welcome this is another great day for you and I to engage and what life empowerment is all about welcome again to my program I'm dr. Cindy trim and today we are diving into one of the most important parts of my life empowerment system we're going to learn some of what you'll find in core 3 of life empowerment system called significance how can one really become significant and how can you as an individual make your significance less listen there are some people that begin their significance by looking at the meaning and believing that it has to involve something that is big doing it ostentatious all the time but many of the most important contributions ever made were made by people who simply had enough courage to act it didn't matter and it doesn't matter even now if what you're doing seems to be by men's knowledge and understanding to be big or small what really matters is that you have enough courage to do it do you have the courage to make a change in your own life first before you try to make a change everywhere else do you have the courage to discover new possibilities if the answer is yes then you have the ability to become significant and today I'm going to show you how have you ever asked yourself that question why am I here and does my life really make a difference have you ever felt that knowing paying on the inside like I should be doing more with my life are you employed on a job that doesn't stir that passion your life really does matter you know and you have to understand it matters because God Himself put you here and he put something incredible in you something that you should share with the whole world it may not be as grand as inventing the next great invention but everything we do really does make a difference your life matters so stop for a moment what has God put inside of you that needs to find expression is it a book is it a song is it a medical breakthrough is it raising the next generation of leaders or preachers or doctors or humanitarians as a single parent or is it just to say hello to your neighbor next door who might had committed suicide had it not been for your smile significance is the word that comes to my mind and when I think of the word significance the first person that comes to my mind is Jesus though crucified for standing up and standing out from the rest of humanity his death was not in vain I'm standing here today because he did something significant I'm standing here right in front of you because of his death his burial his resurrection I'm standing here unashamed to embrace and align my life with his teaching I'm unashamed to preach his gospel and to call myself his follower why because I want to make a difference - how do I do that by empowering and encouraging you to dare to make a difference as well I'm encouraging you to do something so significant that it will change your destiny positively impact your family your community and an industry and ultimately the course of humanity what would history be like if it wasn't for the likes of people such as Hans Christian Andersen and Abraham Lincoln Nightingale Christopher Columbus the Wright brothers Marco Polo George Washington Carver what would this world be like had it not been for the likes of Einstein Beethoven Harriet Tubman Joan of Arc jinking a Winnie Mandela chorus Scott King these are the people like Steven Biko who dared to make a difference Madame goo young and Bishop TD jakes then go Steven jobs and Walt Disney what would this generation be like had it not been for the likes of Martin Luther King Nelson Mandela Mohandas Gandhi Mary the mother of Jesus these individuals refused to sit insulated within the four walls of a building or a church or a synagogue just praying and wishing the world was different they got up and they became they changed they wanted to see these are the people that refused to see themselves as victims of circumstances or products of their environment you know one of the things I found out is this that these people were just ordinary in their own eyes they did something different something on Orthodox until they became extraordinary in ours and that's what it takes you cannot have extraordinary without the ordinary and it takes that to do something significant when we come back and I'm going to come back in a few moments I want to show you exactly what they did to make a difference but welcome back many of those individuals that have impacted the world to such an extent that although we don't always recall their names we nonetheless could never think of our world as modern had these individuals not followed an inner prompting that made them significant they had the prompting to do something different to produce something different to change something to invent something to write something to discover something there was that prompting to build something or engineer something to leave something or dream something bigger they dared something that other people dared not to do they confront it something they engineered something they planned something these are the people that broke molds and barriers and cross boundaries and thought outside of the box they even had the nerve to think that they could create new boxes they push proverbial envelopes these are the individuals that defied odds they refuse to embrace the status quo and like many individuals such as me they took off their high-heeled shoes to break glass ceilings they did all of this through the faith in God who created them to be Jay who purpose them and then they took that purpose and activated them that that purpose and they accomplished things beyond their wildest belief and imagination simply put they were the defiance they defied the odds they challenge the status quo they refused to wear the armor of an old regime they stood up for their rights they challenged outdated legislations and laws that marginalize whole groups of people they had the nerve to slay their Goliath in their time these individuals marched around Jericho walls they did the unthinkable they did the unusual they did the unorthodox one of the things they never did though was to ask permission to do it if God has wired you to do something you were given permission at conception why do you believe that you've got to ask everyone what they think what they think about what you're doing you could tell that they don't think the thoughts lie with you these individuals had what I call the three P's and the three C's of significance so when I come back I'm going to show you how to know what these are and how they can change your life forever stay tuned join dr. Cindy trim for these next live appearances welcome back we promise you we will give you the secret to understanding significance and I call it 3 squared 3 squared because there were three P's and three C's to living a significant life the first of the three P's is purpose this is a word that is thrown around everywhere we know that there's a scripture that says in Ecclesiastes 3 and 1 to everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the heaven in fact proverbs continues to talk about the whole aspect of purpose and the concept of purpose when it says in proverbs 20 18 every purpose is established by counsel and with good advice make war I want to marry that with proverbs 19:21 that says there are many devices in a man's heart nevertheless the counsel of the Lord shall stand now this is important to understand purpose why because purpose is determined by God but it has to be discovered by you everything in the universe is purpose-built there's a purpose for rain there's a purpose for trees there's a purpose for water nothing exists without purpose so let's just say that purpose is your reason for being if nothing in this universe is created without a reason then your purpose is your reason for being that's the first P the second P of significance is passion I say that you should make your purpose your passion and that is so important make your purpose your passion but also make your passion your purpose marrying it because your passion and purpose is like whet is to water you cannot have water that is not wet you cannot have fire that is not hot and so they're inextricably connected so many people go through life and they have great jobs they make lots of money but yet they feel unfulfilled whenever you talk about passion it's that thing that makes you feel fulfilled you wake up in the morning and if someone doesn't pay you to do it you would still do it you find your passion and your passion is always connected to your purpose Isaiah nine and seven says of the increase of the government of peace there shall be no end and upon the throne of David and upon the kingdom to order it to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever more than watch this the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform it when it comes to performing anything whether it is a skill or a talent or even some of the bigger loftier things that we want to do like solving world hunger or bringing about world peace I'm going to tell you you'll come against a lot of obstacles a lot of resistance but guess what the thing that is going to help you to overcome is the zeal and that zeal brings me nicely and just so conveniently to the next P and that's persistent a very important word persistence one of my world models is Winston Churchill and he said in 1941 he summed it up so articulately when he said never give in never give in never never never in nothing great or small large or petty never give in except to convictions of Honor and good sense never yield to force never yield to apparent overwhelming might of the enemy just never give up and that is persistence Romans 8:34 239 says who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword as it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter nay in all things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us never never never give up so those are our three P's so let's look at our three C's so here we go we're talking about three squared and I'm using that just so that we can conceptualize what it means to live a life of significance we gave you the three P's and now returning to the three C's the first C is courage and all of us can use a big dose of courage courage is basically to me how you seize the power of God within to build a better relationship without whether it's with people or individuals or even connecting to your purpose Martin Luther King said this the ultimate measure of a man is not where they stand in the moments of comfort and convenience but where they stand in times of challenge and controversy to me this is the epitome of courage in the book of Joshua chapter 1 verse 9 God speaking to Joshua he has this huge huge challenge that lies ahead of him leading 1 million to 6 million depending on your theology across into the Promised Land they're faced with what seems to be an impenetrable wall and the old leader that the people had gotten accustomed to had died and he's rising up now into a position of a leadership it takes a lot of courage and God spoke to him have not i commended thee be strong and of a good courage be not afraid neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with thee wheresoever thou goeth now that would actually not only bring comfort to me but it will get my courage revved up the next scene is a big sea and that's commitment I mean find me a person that loses a hundred and twenty pounds and I show you a person that is committed me I struggle with losing damn pounds and perhaps I need to preach this particular one to myself Psalm thirty seven and five says commit thy way unto the Lord Trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass everything rises and falls on a commitment but we do not have to journey alone in being significant we have God Himself that we could trust in so that he can help us and empower us to bring it to pass and my third word when the see is confidence huge word sometimes when we are confident there are going to be people that are going to say that you're arrogant and sometimes we shrink down and we hide our light because we don't want anyone to believe that we're arrogant one of the things that marianne williamson said is this that our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate but that we are powerful beyond measure it is our light and not our darkness that frightens us we ask ourselves Who am I to be brilliant or gorgeous or handsome or talented or fabulous and let me say parenthetically or a leader or someone who does something significant in the world she goes on and says actually who are you not to be you are a child of God you playing small does not serve the world there is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you we were all born to manifest the glory of God within us it is not just in some of it it is in every one of us and as we let our own light shine we consciously give other people permission to do the same and as we are liberated from our fear our presence automatically liberates others just think about that for a moment letting your light shine doesn't mean that you have to do it boastfully it means simply that you have something significant to give and you should not shy away because small-minded people and insecure people get their insecurities mixed up with your confidence if everyone could get that revelation we would live in a different kind of world when we are able to turn our thoughts our goals into actual manifestation because we have the confidence to do so this is going to give you the wherewithal so that you can find the strategies to negotiate where you will find out that know is never final and all things are negotiable and here is the caveat you will have the ability with these three P's and these three C's to manage your boss listen to that because this is what I promised last week that we would talk about how to manage your boss Albert Einstein said something that I thought was brilliant he said great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds the mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly these great spirits are often called arrogant and accused of being proud in gym Velvets article entitled the defense of arrogance he states that arrogant is what people call you when you're not as good as you and both of you know it when they are not as good as you and both of you know it that's what people call arrogant and so people don't fight what they don't fear at all Philippians 1 in success that we should be comforted and it ends with this being confident of this very thing that he which had begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ and so I'm standing here and I want to challenge you today accordingly to do something great to leave your footprint to leave your voiceprint to leave you thumbprint behind so that the next generation knew that you did something beyond your comfort zone Jo Jude 121 and 22 says keep yourselves in the love of God looking for the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life and some have compassion making a difference listen when you are able to walk a mile in another person's shoes you're able to say to yourself perhaps I can leave a legacy by firstly understanding what the others are feeling and helping them to do something about it you were born to make a difference you were born to do something significant rise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you what this has done for me is gave me a naked view of Who I am and what it is that I've been doing and I got an opportunity to evaluate my own self and to determine and to discover that I'm nowhere near where I need to be there's even greater greatness in you what you've done in the past is great but what does your future look like can you see yourself in your future even greater than what you're doing right now Kent does your life experience look greater and I can sense that it is there so I am in heavy competition with myself right now I know that I know that I'm pretty certain about that as a creation of God we're all a creation of God God never created anybody without the innate ability to accomplish what he called us to do however many times we've been deceived into thinking that we don't have it so the first thing I would tell you is that you do have it and courage is the ability to do what you've been called to do in the face of adversity so it's not a fact to say well I have courage and there's nothing around me you'll never know whether or not you have courage until you're challenged I hope you enjoyed yourself I enjoyed myself just sharing with you here's what I want to do and I want to challenge you it's time for you to stop blending in and start standing out you are significant and you have the power to change not only yourself but the world around me you have to understand that it just takes courage courage is not the absence of fear you feel the fear and you do it anyway I believe you can I believe that you have what it takes to do what you need to do here's one of the things that I want to challenge you though you've got to take action and take action not how different would your life be if you had more money more energy more time greater knowledge and better health all that worry is just like a weight that has lifted off of my shoulder you know financially emotionally just to really see my mom now truly she's recovered the deep hole that deep grief the deep sorrow that was in me was being pulled out imagine if you knew the exact steps to take each and every day to overcome any challenges in your life and exactly what to do to get ahead and achieve your personal goals you're gonna have to decide that where you are is not where you want to be and you want to go somewhere different adjustments must be made if you want to improve in an area of your life and so I but I'm ready for the change I'm ready to grow as a best-selling author renowned teacher mentor to major global corporations and empowerment motivator to some of the most successful people in the world dr. Cindy trim will reveal to you exactly what it takes to be successful happy fulfilled and how to reach your dreams doors opened in my life in a new level of understanding of information concepts principles about the Word of God about business about just over all aspects of life it wasn't an option because it changes your life dr. Cindy trim has compiled years of her proven strategies and building blocks through this innovative and revolutionary system called core for an empowerment helps you to find that core of you hence our core force system going back to the core of this core for life empowerment system will help you to unleash the talents and gifts that exist inside you and empower you to experience the results you deserve no matter where you are in life no matter how far you need to go no matter how limited you might feel this life empowerment system is for you so the life empowerment program allows you to be able to move forward no matter where you are every day is going to be an opportunity to continue to pursue greatness here's how to get started for less than a dollar a day call and subscribe for a full year of teaching that will equip you to know your true self and harness the power within you with this life-changing subscription you'll receive two DVDs every 30 days that walk you step-by-step through the life empowerment system including self-knowledge success skills significance and service that's a total of 24 DVDs in this complete system more teachings in a single program that dr. cindy has ever offered before in this system I'll walk you through the four pillars of empowerment you'll get all the tools you need to become an influential game-changer in your life and the lives of those around you at the workplace in your family in your community and in the world at large this light empowerment program is about getting results and you could start right now plus when you call to subscribe you'll also receive dr. Cindy's detailed guide books for each month study so you can have the practical tools to make your life change last and for making the choice to finally take control of your life for you and those you love dr. cindy also wants to send you a free gift for special teaching the empowered life on DVD exclusive to this offer are you ready to jump start your new life dr. cindy trim and her program has transformed everything that i do the way that i do it and isn't affecting everybody i come in contact with for the better and i've spent money around the world going to Singapore Beijing China and they've all given me information but I didn't get revelation until I came to Cindy trim for a fraction of the cost previously paid by those who traveled across the globe just to hear her speak you can now join the thousands of people who have seen the power of the principles taught in this system and have already improved the quality of their life and positioned themselves for breakthrough growth and abundance and she has a way of challenging you and stretching you and then filling that new capacity with the vital information that you need to continue to grow there's so much more I want to share with you you need to get signed up for the complete life empowerment program and it's less than a dollar a day you'll receive powerful messages from all four pores of an entire year to equip you and to stay significant 365 days from today's date everything about you can be changed for the best I'm gonna teach you how to lead others into significance as well you watch and you'll be amazed with the results that you'll see in yourself but there's even more if you're not satisfied for any reason you can cancel your monthly subscription anytime and keep the dvds and guide books you've received what are you waiting for she's that person that's gonna pull out the greatness that's in you don't wait this is a limited time offer and will not last call now start detained right now to empower you means that in two hours beep South where
Channel: Cindy Trimm
Views: 40,194
Rating: 4.857904 out of 5
Keywords: Empowerment, Cindy Trimm, Full Episode, Significance
Id: 3JevBrUAM98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2013
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