Dr Cindy Trim Sermon: When the Heavens Opens

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and not be overly concerned as to whether God is going to bless you or not if you bless another man God is obligated to bless you it's a law it's a laws the law that you have to put in motion every day I practice it every day I bless somebody every single day of my life whether I know them or whether I don't I do an act of kindness why because I want kindness to show up for Maura in my life I want someone that does not know me bless me I decree and declare people that do not know you won't bless you when you're coming to their presence they'll feel an unction and a protic by the Holy Ghost to give you something get ready because something is about to be transferred to you something is about to happen to you something great something big something grand you need to prepare for it ah TD jakes says get ready you gotta figure out what you're getting ready for I know I'm getting ready for my next breakthrough I know I'm getting ready for my next hallelujah defining counter divine hook up ha I'm getting ready for that what are you getting ready for oh yes when it comes you want to be able to recognize it with thank God that we are able to be here to stand there's a mouthpiece of God I'm an ambassador that means I do not speak concerning my own agenda I speak on behalf of the king concerning his agenda I don't I don't speak what's on my heart I speak what's on his heart and today I believe you are on the heart of God turn to your neighbor and say he is she is talking about me whether you believe the preacher can see you or not is inconsequential to the fact that God sees you God is concerned about what you are going through right now what you feel right now you see any if I'm around you I can empathize with you but I can do very little about your situation and circumstance but God to do everything a man are you hearing me there's no limits to what God can do for you sometimes you're around people and you want people to really understand you know you to recognize you hallelujah to help you with what you're feeling and sometimes the people that are around you need the same thing that you need are you hearing me but I'm glad that we have a Savior that is touched by the feelings are enter in other words you don't have to tell him nothing he already knows he knows what you're thinking he knows what you feel and guess what when he shows up he shows up with the panacea he shows up with the solution that he shows up with the prescription of what you need I believe that there is going to be a dispensing of the prescription for each one of you wherever you find yourself in the realm of the Spirit that day God has the prescription raise your hand and tell the Lord thank you tell them thank you in advance amen you may take your seat I justjust stand hug your neighbor just hug your neighbor hug him hug him hug him hug him speak your your your black yup your most best and blessed a scripture into their into their lives look at them straight in the eye and give them a scripture a blessing some of you don't have much anointing because you're sitting already yes yes a man thank you Jesus a book of st. mark our assignment is a simple one heaven opened I want to stick with pretty much with the theme mark chapter number 1 verse number 5 in fact let's drop down to verse number 8 I need at baptize you with water but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and it shall come to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized of John in Jordan and straightway coming up out of the water he saw the heavens opened how many of you would like and loved to be conscious of an open heaven how many of you would love to live under an open heaven for the rest of your days i decree according to your desire so shall it be I decree from this day on with the heaven will never be closed over your life again I decree that from this day onward you will have signs and infallible proof that you are walking and living and operating under an open heaven I establish it I legislated I Men dated I quicken it and I call it as so in Jesus name Amen straightway he understood that he was under an open heaven he saw it he saw it he saw it there were three Greek words that I want to present to you today concerning the word saw a black bow the repto the rehto and I don bipole Loreto and I done one of them has to do with sing with the optical nerve with your eyes seeing in the natural round number one number two the other one the reto has to do with you seeing and forming an opinion or a theory neither of these are going to get you anywhere in life you just being a casual observer of life will get you absolutely nowhere number two forming theories everyone has an opinion opinions and theories are like noses everyone's got one but it doesn't have any significance and relevance to anybody else except you you breathe through your nose that's like a theory that that's that that's your opinion then the last one has to do with conviction is when the spirit man is able to see to comprehend the word see means to understand and comprehend as to form a conviction do you see what I'm saying do you see what I'm saying of course you can't physically see it with your optical nerves but it means that you comprehend and it's going to form a conviction what God is doing when the heavens are opened he's moving us with just casually observing something he's moving us from spectators into actual participant ation ship will you participate life should not just happen to you you should happen to life every day you wake up hallelujah the time in the moment that is calculated and celebrated by a clock should be screaming you should be able to squeeze every hour out of every day you should squeeze every moment out of every second you should squeeze every second count of every or every nanosecond out of every second you you you you you should go to milliseconds and nanoseconds and squeeze it you should be working your day and your day should be working for you you should not walk through life casually as a victim you should not walk through life actually waiting for something to you should wake up every morning and your morning should be able to say what is it that you would like for me to do for you today you should wake up hallelujah understanding that Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of your faith but you are the author and finisher of your day if you don't make it happen it won't happen you've got to understand that you cannot sit all the bleachers and watch light happen to you you should get up from out of the bleachers and play full out get in the game hit those balls run your race with patients get involved be refused to be just a casual observer of your day at the end of your day you should go how do you not have one sleepless night you should go that bad and your pillow it and just just just just fall out because you have expended your energies that God provided for that day Bible says that God provides all things that pertain to our life and godliness he provides the energy and the health and the mind and the gifts and the talents there should be no talent hallelujah that goes to the grave with you there should be no gift that goes to the grave with you when you die every book that is hidden in your womb I should have been written every place should have been written up hallelujah every or every every song should have been written you should not go to your grave with one business idea that you did not activate a Manifesta when you go to the brain grave according to dr. Myles Munroe you should go to the grave empty huh you should not go and die and they put you lie at the body upper sister spaghetti or or brother meatball and they put the date of your birth and a - and then at the end of your life that your death day and your birth data ladies and gentlemen let me present to you something that is more important than your birth date what is more important than your birth date is your death date God even said that your death date is more important than your birth date he said I know the end from the beginning I know what I have planned for you hallelujah I know the resume that you should have on your death data I know what your obituaries is saying when you die your obituary should be longer how do your people should be mourning your death they should be crying hallelujah six months ten months a year 10 years after they should be talking about you you should be memorialize you should have a memorial that is built on your behalf so that nobody refer yet that you were alive there are many people that are born that died and after a few months people even forget that they were born even some of their family members choose to forget that they were healing in this life are open in over your life it will be very difficult for anybody to forget you the Bible said that the heavens were opened over Jesus life and today even the Muslims are forced to talk about Jesus even those how do you better Parma Alleluia different religions are forced to talk about Jesus whether an A hallelujah ears a Christian or not it that matter every nation is forced to celebrate Christmas they are forced to remember that Jesus was here when the heavens are open how do their people will be forced how do you to remember you you won't be able to walk in a place and not leave your imprint you will not be able to show up at a service without somebody recognizing you and it's not gonna be based on what you are saying everybody talks it's gonna be based on who you are people are gonna begin to act that I gotta see that you are a valuable asset hallelujah in this day and age your boss is about to value you your family is about to value you your children are about to see that without you as their mother without you as their father they could have never ever accomplished in life what they accomplished people are about to walk up to you and tell you thank you not for what you have done but thank you that you are a part of my generation you are going to live long enough probably for a whole generation to rise up and call you bless them not just your husband will call you bless your children will call you blessed there are so many of some of you that are here that nations will call you blessed are you hearing me the Bible said that the Son of God hallelujah glory to God I saw the heavens open the Bible says in Deuteronomy 28 verse number 12 the Lord shall open unto thee his good treasure the heaven to give you reign in the land in his season and to bless all the works of thy hands and thou shalt live unto Nations and thou shalt not borrower when the heavens are open over your life it is impossible for you to live in the realm of poverty when the heavens are over your life God himself facilitates and activates you to move haven't we affirm around or dimensions of Revelation in two rounds of that thing if you don't have a dimension of a revelation or other thing you cannot live in the realm of that thing God wants to move you into realms of the wealth that you not only would have wealth but you will be contributing to the wealth of nations your very presence will increase the GDP your very presence will increase the GNP how to do your nations hallelujah will be blessed because you are in it when the heavens over you are open automatically God who pushes you into new realms of economic influence new realms of financial prosperity every not very few people want to preach prosperity but everybody wants to pray about getting it we want to fight the prosperity message as if in it's contrary to the doctrines of Jesus Christ this is what Paul said brethren I wish above everything that bow mates prosper hold on one minute that means if you if you if you decide that you want to throw the prosperity message out that means that you've got to go into the book the third jhana you've got to rip the page out a third job that says brethren I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in good health the next thing that is that that I understand about prosperity is this the Bible says that it makes God happy when the Saints are prosperous that means that when the Saints are not prosperous it makes God said I wake up every morning and I tell God I just want to make you happy hallelujah that means that he is not happy until I'm prosperous how many of you want to go through life making God say them prosperity I established that I quicken it and I called it so how many of you are in agreement with this for your life shout hallelujah come into agreement with this I established a man I establish it eternally in the heavenly star for me a man that means that there could be no prohibiting course that can hold up my blessing a man principalities and powers at the 21 days of passing a consecration and prayer and intercession and petition before the Lord his prayers had not been answered but he is angel mykola hallelujah how many of you know that when Michael shows up he doesn't show up like Michael Jackson with a song and Jan's he shows up with eggs as an instrument of warfare how many of you would like your angels to fight on your behalf that's what it means to fight against those that fight against us take hold of your shield and buckler how do we stop him in his way this is what it means when you begin to pray prayers like that you are giving God permission to grow him demonic forces how do we get in the heavenlies that will prevent your blessing let me submit to you and some of you today and not that God has not answered your prayer perhaps there are prevailing principalities and powers that are holding it up perhaps your blessings of like Peter how do you inherit through a man prisoner with the intention of killing him what that church prayed with the church prayed the Bible said that an angel that had his DNA hallelujah went behind territory without opening the gates showed up woke him up and told him put on your cloak because this is the day that the Lord has assigned to deliver you I'm establishing over your life that this is the day that God has a sign hallelujah to release everything that is bound up everything that the devil held up I decree and declare your promotion will not be held up any longer no it won't your paperwork in the law firm will not be held up any longer you contracts will not be held up any longer I command the enemy till you stand up and let it go huh your breakthrough won't be held up any longer any longer and the King of glory shall come and speak to the four corners of the earth that every individual that is a sign hallelujah to be in your life they will not be hidden in obscurity any longer I command them to come forth command your finances to come for opportunities to come for command to find inspirational thoughts it's about to rain so glory to God yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the spirit like a dub descended upon him in other words in other words he received a mental and an anointing I want to float that as a balloon and tonight when I come back I wanna I'm gonna talk about a little bit about mentals a little bit about anointings the anointings that are about to be released on this earth anointings that we are going to be picking up and the days to come when the heavens have opened they descended upon him Alleluia and the Bible said that there was a voice from heaven saying thou art my son bow at my beloved son he received heavens credentials most people are going for ordination and certification in the earth realm but heaven has not registered them how many of you know that when heaven registers you it doesn't matter whether University residence with you it doesn't matter what the denomination registers you it simply means that you now have jurisdiction or authority whether you have education or not whether you have a PhD or not whether you have a BA or not or master's degree or not if heaven registers you there is no point in this earth realm and there is no power in the heavenlies that would be able to prohibit you when they either when the when when the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord that is in you lives up a severed against him you become a standard bearer you become a rule or instead of you looking for role model people are gonna be looking looking looking at you as their role model the heavens opened the Bible said God's voice was trumpeted when the heavens are open the voice of God is trumpeted in the earth realm sound has the ability to shift the sphere sound have the ability environment sound has the ability to adjust climate and when the atmosphere Lin environment and the climate is adjusted the whole earth works in concert with heaven the Bible said that the earth is groaning up until now waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God the Bible said now we are the sons of God and it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know when he shall appear we shall be like here it says when he shall appear not when he shall return one of the things that I begin to understand is that we should be praying for the appearance of the Lord we want God to show up in his might we want God to show up in his power we're not talking about the rapture we're not talking about the return we want God to show up I want God to show up in my business I want God to show up in my home I want him to show up one of the things that will guarantee that God will show up hallelujah if you move into sonship hallelujah there are eight levels have a lujah of sonship that we can go through if you want to know more about it you can just visit the tape table and ask for a spiritual maturation this goes through all eight stages starting with Gaston ax but he was he was someplace that is the Greek word we are to be sauna place and he was pleased haven't we that means that he was matured in the things of the Lord he had grown up in the things of the Lord and God said prophetically in his life you I am well pleased remember he had not even performed his ministry he had not healed anybody else he had not raised anybody from the grave but prophetically God spoke over his life listen to me ladies and gentlemen when the heavens are open over your life not only will God trumpet his voice in the earth Rama and he does it through prophets he does it through a soldier he does it through pastors he does it through the fivefold ministry gifts he's trumpeting his voice in the earth realm that means what the heavens are open God brings you into the prophetic cross when you're in the prophetic process you've got prophetic utterance you've got prophetic incubation a prophetic intercession and then you've got prophetic manifestation many of us have had prophetic words spoken over our lives but we have not seen the manifestation and it's usually during the incubation period the period of incubation is usually between the time a word is actually given to you and the time it is manifested uh I remember 15 years ago receiving a prophetic word and the prophetic word went something like this I see you on airplanes traveling from country to country and the you're gonna be troubling so much that one day you're gonna say that I'm tired of traveling and I'm a traveler I love to travel and you know every year every year I will be troubling on one ear plane after the other the longer the flights the more I enjoy it are you with me I was disappointed flying over here because I felt like the flight wasn't long enough when I'm flying I can hear God when I'm flying up I get the most awesome revelation so I love to fly and I think that prophetic word would never come to pass but guess what one day this year I all of a sudden didn't want to see another airplane I was just tired I was so tired that sleeping did not eradicate my fatigue are you with me I could sleep and sleep and sleep I was just so fatigued on the inside and got quickened that I don't know your word and he said you remember 15 years ago when that word was spoken a very strange word that was spoken to me words that I didn't understand there were some times when you receive a prophetic word you've got to put it on the Shelf huh are you with me how many of you know that prophetic words have shelf life hallelujah you don't have to make a word to come to pass if it is an irrefutable prophetic word over your life hallelujah it is going to come to pass if the devil tries to stop that word come to pass God will run him over let me tell you something when God says I am well pleased with God with Jesus it simply meant that not even the cross will be able to hallelujah change my mind about you nothing that you do will change my mind about you why because it's already etched in Greenwich it's extinct rennet and God is not about to change his mind about what he's speaking over your life the prophetic process is put in place not only that when the prophetic process is put in place what the heavens are open it signifies that heaven has ushered you into a defining moment a defining moment at the part IMing moment a defining moment defining moments bring us into destiny moments defining moments present to us new opportunities defining moments activate our inheritance but the frightening moment brings us into new realms of authority the pining moments brings us into new realms of influence the pining moments brings us into new realms of power notice I'm using the word realm instead of a dimension a dimension is a posture of thought is it it's a paradigm it's a dimension is a conviction of how many of you know just because you have a convention doesn't mean that you're moving into the realm of that thing how many of you have convictions about lying put your hand down I have a conviction about lying I don't think man people should lie how many of you agree with me you have a conviction people should not like put your hand up let me see hallelujah remember earlier I said get involve and stop spectating amen it starts now how many of you know that lying is wrong is it a conviction is it is it a paradigm you you and that means that you have a dimension of a revelation that lying is wrong how many of you have ever lied since you were saved put your hand down in whether it's a white lie or a black line one is not one is not better than the other trust me put your hand up now it is not because you don't have a dimension of Revelation that you lie it means that you do not live in the realm of truth because if you live in the realm of truth then it's impossible for you to lie are you getting this dimensions there there are seven levels that makes a dimension and then seven dimensions seven that four dimensions that take you into around you you don't just want a revelation about healing you want live in the realm of health where it is impossible for you to get sick this is the children of usual when God delivered them God delivered them gave them the revelation of Jehovah Jehovah that heals who is the God that healed Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah who drove oh now he said I am the Lord God that heals you whoa that means that they moved into a dimension of Revelation the dimension of Revelation is that the Lord is a healer that's the dimension but then they were then moved from a dimension into a realm meaning that they could no longer be sick how many of you have a revelation of Jehovah how many of you have a revelation of Jehovah Rapha how many of you have a revelation of Jehovah Rapha how many of you are sick or have been sick flu blood pressure cancer whatever sinus or ugu you're just you're just sick and tired how many of you how many of you you're experiencing any kind of affliction any kind of sickness put your hand up that means that you have a dimension of the revelation of him being your healer but you don't live in the realm of Health Week when the heavens are open the heavens will ship you from a dimension into the round I'm gonna float that as a balloon and I'm gonna talk a little bit about that the seven levels of consciousness you know you know you're not just conscious on one level your country's on seven different levels and if you know that that means that you can redeem the time if you know that and you move into the realm of that thing that means you can make up for lost time how many of you have ever done something dumb in your life how many of you how many of you today sit down and you regret if I only knew my life would have been better I wouldn't have done this I wonder how many of you have ever said that do you not know that when the heavens over you are open you can make up for lost time I decree and declare since the heavens opened over your life you are about to be ushered into a round where you can make up for lost time that happened to Philip didn't he Finnick was the Bible said he was trans to migrated and it was taken into the desert he had an appointment in another city and God stuck him in the city and then after he finished his assignment supernaturally in a matter of seconds in a matter of minutes he was transliterated from one that ram into a total new city and without too much time passing the Bible says the years that the cankerworm caterpillar I'm a worm let me say that have destroyed I am going to do what Risto you can make up for lost time I get Korean declare over the next three months you are gonna make up for lost time the end of this year he will be synchronized and Sigma Beta de hallelujah to God's timetable i decree it and it shall be amen take a seat whenever the heavens are open it signifies that the heaven has offered you into a defining moment the finding moments again brings new opportunities it brings you into destiny a destiny is always determined by a decision a purpose is determined by God destiny is determined by man if you decided today that you were not going to attend this conference but you were going to go shopping on Oxford Street that means the moment you showed up at Oxford Street you were walking out your destiny destiny is predicated on decision at the point of a decision being made at that very moment a decision is made destiny is engineered that means if you don't like where you are today you had the power to change your destiny tomorrow and you do it by making a decision this is what the prodigal son the Bible said that he wasted all of his substance all of its his time God gives each one of a substance the Bible said that Abraham first was rich in substance Danny was rich in cattle that means if you don't recognize that the substance for wealth is on the inside of you you won't forever be reaching outside there's an African adage that says that the hand that reaches out is controlled by the hand that covers it in other words if you if you beg when someone gives you something they actually have to cover your hand for you to receive it when the heavens are open over your life the Bible said you don't have to wait for handouts any longer you are not gonna have to stand in a line for handouts you are going to have people spending in line for you to be the one that does the handouts when when the heavens are open over your life there is a paradigm shift something happens in your life God moves you into new realms of power new relationships you have divine encounters this is my grand new relationship a relationship I don't run after people I don't I don't and I don't I don't rub shoulders with people I don't drop names I don't have to why because I'm the name that people drop I don't have to rub shoulders why because I'm the shoulder that people rub I didn't always have that paradigm I had to come into it are you with me I had to understand that the people want a rupture you have to run around rubbing shoulders with people you like the brown-nose with people when the heavens over over you are open you don't have to rub shoulders any longer people are about to seek to rub your shoulder I decree and declare you are the shoulder that people are gonna rub against turn to your neighbor say do you wanna know how greatness feels then rub shoulders with me this is how greatness feel ask them do you want to know how well feels rub shoulders with me this is what well feels like do you want to know what power feels like then a rap show this is what power feels like do you want to know what influence feels like rap show that this is what influence do you want to know what the anointing feels like then her up shoulders with me the epitome of an anointed person I decree in the clear that these are about to shift in your life you no longer are gonna run after people people are going to run after you you no longer gonna have to pay people attention people are gonna pay you so that you could be so that people are gonna pay you so that they can have your attention you never say don't tell me to pay attention pay me so that you can get my attention you're gonna have to pay for me oh yes your boss is gonna have to decrease your salary increase your wages this is what happened when Jacob came into his defining moments we're weird uncle finally recognized that when you came I owned a mom-and-pop set up but now that you are about to leave I recognize it was your anointing that took me from being a mom-and-pop set up to a fortune 500 company your boy let me tell you something up you were not blessed to show up with or show up on that job your job is blessed for you to show up you're making money because of your anointing if you weren't here your job would have to shut that your boss would have to find employment but the business was shut down God is holding that business open because you're there Florida go tell your neighbor you don't know who you're sitting next to your life is about to change because I sat next to you today Florida God acts Joseph's family when Joseph came into his defining moment his holes fit the trajectory of his family's destiny changed because Joseph showed up when you are in the middle of your defining moment you not only God uh not only gives you or brings to you new relationships he brings to you divine encounters he brings to you unprecedented wealth he brings to you unrestricted supernatural supply of the anointing he brings to you uncommon favor he gives you a new resolve he brings you unexpected gifts and surprises he is you into a realm of unlimited possibilities he offers you into a realm of the overflow anointing the Bible speaks of many people who had the pining moments the finding moments challenges your conviction defining moment challenges your values a defining moment challenges your commitment and the framing moment challenges your ethics a defining moment challenges your morality your life will be characterized once the heaven is open over you your life will automatically be characterized by a series of defining moment you must not just form a theory about it you must not just observe it you must have the conviction to work with it you must jump in with a open heart knowing that God has opened these doors when you have a defining moment God supernaturally open doors so portals are open over your life you will have doors of opportunity windows of divine inspiration channels of supernatural blessing gates of access you'll be given access to new dimensions of wealth new dimensions of influence you'll have access how to live that you would not have in any other level God is about to give you access you're gonna have access to information God is about to give you access he's gonna give you access to doors that have been closed to you he's about to give you access he's gonna give you access to banks and bankers hallelujah that you will be able to negotiate with to build that building up he's gonna give you access to architecture hallelujah that are gonna take your vision and build it to specification he's gonna give you access to lawyers that wasn't the goal shade on your behalf he's gonna give you access to tailors that will dress you with the most beautiful outfit he's gonna give you SACEM he's gonna give you access to the CEO of your company now he's gonna give you access you no longer are gonna have to go through your supervisor go through your manager he's gonna give you access he's gonna give you access to prominent people in society he's gonna give you access to kings and governors so he's gonna give you access how do you in a defining moment God gives you access but your eyes got to be anointed her that you can see you've gotta be able to see the towards win it open up you've got to be able to recognize the doors when it's open up many times when your water into the pining moment it's gonna drive you away from a specific goal but many times what God is doing he's setting you up to give you a greater blessing than your mind could comprehend hallelujah defining moment was like Daniel throne in the pirate furniture daniel thrown in the lion's den and the Hebrew boys thrown in the pirate furniture hallelujah had they not had conviction had they not had an open heaven I don't believe that their faith would have connected her with their future they would have been caught up in their presence I'm telling you when you have a defining moment you are not looking up hallelujah act you're now experiencing you're looking far ahead you're able to say so my outward man perish yet day by day my inner man is being renewed can I get just a little more huh monitor my inner man is being renewed when your defining moment comes you've got to be able to recognize it your eyes that gotta be open up with the heavens open this was Jesus defining moment everybody in life has the pining moment but many people don't recognize it because they don't understand how God moves God moves not like manner but he moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform he sets his foot step on the sea and he arrests all he's able to Central Peter running up and your eyes are open wide he'll pitch your tongue so you can say thank God I'm satisfy I said it's bride with the anointing of God all my life I've set his clock with God pleased with my life if you're not matter in the time when the heavens are open up support you well as long as you know that heaven has your back up then you can ride any strong because you bless God is the majority you are not the minority when God shows up I don't care what demographics take I don't care what statistic shape you're able to defy all had a defining moment his defining moment was attached of obedience had a defining moment because defining moment came when he was challenged to warm the way from come true inner-city Abraham had a defining moment in fact they had many defining moments but one of his most probably a popular defining moment shows up hallelujah in the book of Genesis chapter number 12 where God said meet everything that you believe will give you comfort up leave everything that you believe will give you your inheritance I want to take you to a land that you don't know nothing how many of your defining moments are God and give you the whole instruction he doesn't give you the whole brain many times when you're having a defining moment it's only need-to-know basis many times we don't understand that if God showed you the whole picture many of us would try to help God look to realize if you're trying to help Carter your aunt will tell you the bangles Santa the armored flats will tell you but you've got to have your eyes open up to me the sheep when your defining moment come true Astra's defining moment came hallelujah when her integrity was chanted the challenge take Jacob stone the finding moment came hallelujah when God challenged him and he had to wrestle with who we want so when his Lord Selim was wrestling with his highest spiritual stuff huh many hackberry had a defining moment when she had to chew Isaac had a defining moment when it happened he was challenged by God to plant a seed in the midst of economic depression hallelujah Judas had a defining moment when he was it when he had to choose whether he was going to break his loyalty and his covenant and he had made with Jesus or he would have a lujah be seduced by making more money hallelujah with a quick word with a group that seemed to be more influential Jesus had a defining moment when he was on his knees praying at the corner dependent at 71 he is recorded he said never never the last him not my will but thy will be done sometime your defining moment will take you to the cross but when you're crucified you can say nevertheless not my will but I will be when you have to keep up everything huh when you got to give up how to do your friends and family you've got to give up your time you still haven't nevertheless on the inside of you when you have to shut your mouth when talking and telling the truth hallelujah will eradicate the stigma from you but God tells you don't say anything that's a defining moment your defining moment is when people say how do you take all of that but you understand without divine protocol you don't have to pay Rob Carter and you do it anyway when you choose to walk in excellence with the world walks in mediocrity huh and you're going to catch the crowd this is your defining moment where God tells you to pass when everybody else is feasting that's a defining moment when God tells you to pray whatever else's plague that is a defining moment when God tells you hallelujah to be obedient in spite of everything that's going around when you decide that the kingdom and the message of the kingdom is more important than a religion and your relationship with God it's more important than religion of your family concerning man challenge I'm gonna give up this habit I don't know how I'm gonna when it walks out on you believe name defining moment when he had to choose an obedient to the prophetic word of God many times in a church God will give you a prophetic instruction and many times it calls you you might be able to say God I gave last year and I gave yesterday but the Prophet speaks and say I believe people here with $100 or one hundred pounder and even in your mind when you say okay yesterday the day before the day before but because you believe the Profeta you're gonna do it again naming her name and her have to go down to the dirty waters of Jordan which would become his place of miracle and dip seven times his breakthrough would not concur with the first dip hit break through wouldn't concur with the second dip his breakthrough didn't come with the culture when you're defining moment any questions dip your knees dip your knees when your brain dip your knees doubt that devil know how it's gonna work out but I'm gonna do I don't know when it's gonna work out but I'm gonna tip if you understand what I'm saying with the tire when you're defining ten minutes to be exact when your defining moment doctor you're gonna be like Jesus you're gonna be given an assignment his first assignment how do you was to come into the wilderness and deal with territorial principalities wicked a pining moment come sir God is gonna give you an assignment tough how many of you know that God is a God of assignments when I came here God spoke to me he said I don't care how much sleep you need her you're gonna stay up all day and all night you're gonna press into me you're gonna pray even though I take god I wanna hang out and be blessed he said y'all sir your assignments India is to tap into me to make sure you have an accurate word and I've stayed up all day all night pressing into God that was my assignment why because God wanted to talk to you about your assignment everything in the universe has earnest Simoneaux the Sun regulates life cycles are the moon affects tied together the Bible said they work synergistically and syncopated leha hallelujah to form day and night and they're there for signs of seasons and days that means in the Sun in the moon that decides that I'm not gonna fulfill my assignment you'll have no days you'll have no night you'll have no season you'll have no years everything in the universe has an extreme enough assignments are important everything has a universe has an assignment clothes are assigned to me worn I know Mike Murdock said that we should shoot slow down but I got a lot to say drive-by shooting on its way clothes are assigned to be worn on the body shoes are assigned to be worn on the feature it would be something if I came here today wearing my shoes on my head and my clothes wrapped around my feet hallelujah there be a paddy wagon and a white suit how do we are waiting for me because I would be let me tell you something if you are not fulfilling your assignment huh what the devil looks at you he has control over you because he knows that you're out of your mind can be controlled by systems can be controlled by cultures can be controlled by manner that can be told by circumstances but a man that has his right mind can only be controlled by the Holy Ghost Patrol controlled drugs good control they control them in my right mind today my assignment can you turn to your neighbor you can lose anything but don't lose your life never lose the power to take for yourself when you're honest I'm Lena God is not talking to the whole world he's talking to you people will be disappointed that's why when Jesus being on assignment from city to city the Bible said several of the devil if you build the camo that devil is going while they're building it to give it a slip through turn the fire up seven times they're gonna think that you're gonna burn up in the trial and tribulation but God's go will not overtake here come the box and shop through the pocket through the flood some through great trials but all through the blood when your blood on you slip through situation you
Channel: Word, Music and Worship
Views: 268,151
Rating: 4.7595367 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop David Oyedepo, winners Chapel, Living Faith, Bill Winston Daily 2014, Kenneth Copland, BISHOP T.D JAKES, KENNETH HAGINS, WORD OF GOD, RELIGION, CAR, INSURANCE, CAR INSURANCE, GOSPEL, Joel Osteen, Hiisong, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, creflo dollars, Bill Winston, bible study, Gospel Music, don moen, winans, Joyce Meyer Sermons, Joyce Meyer Sermons 2014, kirk franklin, sermons, creflo dollar sermons, joel osteen sermons, joseph prince
Id: 3AVkcXt-LiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 39sec (3519 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 31 2014
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