Chuck Liddell - Steve-O's Wild Ride! Ep #104

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hey everybody and welcome to a hard-hitting wild ride with stevo we've got the ultimate legend of mma chuck liddell the iceman and i'm totally bros with chuck for years in fact we were together when i found wendy in the streets of peru and boy is he going to serve it up for you on this episode not just sex drugs and rock and roll but how about on a 150 foot yacht yeah dudes strap on your seat belts and enjoy the ride and speaking of rides i'm on tour and on my tour bus man gotta say i've had a lot of problems not the least of which was with the crappy mattress that came with that damn bus but my friends at helix dudes they hooked me up i reached out i said hey dudes can you give me a good quality mattress for my crappy tour bus and they did man and they can hook you up too because you had such a rad deal from them if you go to helix stevo you take an easy two minute quiz which sets you up with the custom mattress which is perfect for you and will give you the best night's sleep you get up to 200 off any mattress you choose to buy and it comes with a 100 day risk risk-free guarantee where if you don't like it they'll even come and pick it up for you but hey man you're gonna love it and not only get up to 200 off of any mattress you want plus they give you two free pillows with it and their pillows are the best so one more time go to helix stevo and now let's get into it with the iceman ladies and gentlemen chuck liddell yeah dude and of course you know scott randolph and the gorgeous paul briskey good to see you good to see you chuck good to see you man yeah there's not too many people you can have on your podcast that you can really say are legends but i'm calling you a legend oh thank you do you feel like a legend i you know i never i never get i don't know i never it's kind of something someone else tattles you you know it's kind of yeah it is kind of cool when my son looks up and goes dad why why do people call a new legend yeah i'll explain that to you someday yeah you're like let me just pull you up a youtube video and tell you why yeah what did your buddy say glooly he said uh if you're good people will tell you if you're great no no no if like uh if you're good odds are you're telling everybody if you're great everyone else is saying it for you yeah that's so cool that's good have your kids seen like your fight videos and [ __ ] like you're already oh they've seen some yeah now they have yeah they've seen some stuff are they like that's you no they just got they they they they think it's cool yeah i bet oh yeah you know they got a little thing like you know action action figures for my kids i mean that was one of the cool things first got first action figure i got i gotta go kids playing with you know um sitting he's over there playing with a chocoladel doll um wow beating up spiderman or beating up like something like that that's kind of cool you know that that doll always wins when he's playing yeah dude so uh man and you are with me and paul briskey when uh when we found wendy in the streets of peru oh yeah for sure yeah you and i were down there uh doing mountain climbing with the stars that's right ultimate expedition yeah yeah you know i i never i i don't think i even ever told you you know what you know what i um i misunderstood when i signed up for that i misunderstood when it was oh so um i i got cleared for my neck surgery i got cleared to to do anything besides walk um like uh a week after i got back i was like i'm like i thought it was a guy somehow for some reason i thought it started in october and then i said uh like the end of july or whatever or bringing along oh man i had like two weeks to i just got cleared before two weeks before i left to hike like before that didn't want me hiking they wanted to fall and hurt my neck yeah you heard something but like i got cleared two weeks before i go go then i went there to go hiking so i i hiked a few times before i got to get ready for the show i haven't done anything for months how far were you guys hiking during the show were you guys i mean dude just to get to base camp was like a 13-hour hike what just yeah to get to the base camp was yeah so like to start the show it's like hey we're going to film the show so we got to go to our base camp that's a 13-hour hike for everybody and there's no way to not watch it without ends at 14 000 feet that's 14 000 feet yeah your base camp was at 14 000 feet yeah yeah i think so was that when you were huffing the blow up thing and then you like got all you're dizzy uh-huh that's 14 000 feet yeah i mean we were uh at altitude it was gnarly yeah like that was the i remember you having a tough time like you got sick and i i never got sick but i i i did pass out after going up the uh that that second last hike i i came back i went to go i went to take my backpack off and just felt fell off i just fell on my oh my god i thought woke up looking up the star going oh maybe it was a good idea to go back down why because going down well they know the guy um uh well he's just like you're not going to make it you know like i was coming up we kept going i was like i'm good i'm fine i'm fine you know you're going too slow we're not going to make it like you're not going to make it up there and the big problem is once we get up there i don't know if we get you down we're going to have to get you down so he said you're not going to make it what because it was checking out oxygen i was just not i was just struggling that bad right right right like you're just like i just couldn't i just kept going back i got no i'm fine i go i got keep going but he's like we gotta just pick it up we gotta keep going faster i remember thinking dude chuck's not okay yeah and then i went back but but you know i went back down i sat down and i woke up i i thought i was walking through a field and i look up and i'm like oh oh wait okay i know where i'm at wow i guess i'm down here i just passed out they knew you passed out or you passed out just on your own like do you know they actually they they they saw me come back come back now like he took cameras off me and then they'll leave me alone because i got my sit there like you know and then i took my i took my bag off as soon as i took my bag off i set it down and i went wow and that was for the the the final the sec the second the second last the second and the last one right that was the more mellow one and then what was the one that looked like titties titty for the people that don't know what you're talking about what show are you going to show his ultimate expedition for youtube red it was a bunch of celebrities and youtubers and the goal is just it's like a mountain climbing show with the stars it's just like steve explains why they train us how to do stuff yeah and have it have us hike up and the basic goal is just to get somewhere into the summit and it's it's it's a tough thing anyway because because the altitude is hard on on people are affected in different ways by altitude i don't think it did much to me like uh and and some it's just crazy dude it's kind of like maybe like covet affects some people a lot and other people you guys were in peru were you doing were people eating cocoa leaves to for the alcohol oh yeah that was a thing they had a giant like bag of it like fierce pee and like but like a giant pillow case bag of it oh yeah i was chewing it the whole time yeah that that that uh didn't sound like a good idea for me to do yeah me neither i don't think i would yeah i remember we first got there you were like checking into the hotel and you're like hmm like they just offered me a cocaine tea like uh i don't think i could do that and what does it what did you feel like after you were chewing on it just a little like buzzy i mean i've never done coke but it was like you've actually never done coke never done coke what a sweet kid chuck liddell's done coke but you were never like uh that was never like what you were all about right that was no no it happened here in the irish house but no no it was the early 2000s right yeah yeah you ever uh never do coke off of a woman's butt it's a serious question oh man wendy's out of here wendy's like i'm just going to ruin those cameras over there yeah um so dude um you were also you probably don't hear about this so much but you were a part of big brother magazine oh yeah and uh that was a that was fun that was funny that was a that was a funny skit right and the skit was that like you beat up the their intern their internet turned steve and their intern steve is scott's brother oh no way yeah that's my brother oh yeah so that that whole thing was so funny like at the end that you know at first i like they didn't want gloves they didn't want to have like we're gonna put some gloves on if we're gonna spar i'm not gonna accidentally hit this guy and split them open um we're going and i'm i'm moving around with the kid and i'm i hit with a jab and i mean he almost falls down like i'm like okay i don't wanna you know gotta be careful not hitting too hard and i'm messing around and they're like you know be really cool this last round if you just knocked them out i'm like dude i can't do that i mean it's because it's you're in a bad position right like so i'm a professional fighter known for power and you're asking me to knock this kid out so no i've got to hit him and if i get him to try to knock him out i got to hit him as hard as i can because you don't know how good a punch a guy can take a guy some guys you can hit him up with a well you tap and they fall over the other guys you have the brick and they're still coming so if i'm gonna knock this guy if i say i'm gonna knock this guy out i gotta go there and hit him hard i'm gonna go so i'm like this guy's an intern he's he was talking about me before this is a he was worried about he was worried about it like me hurting him the whole time because we were talking earlier so i'm like oh my god you're gonna be fine we'll get through this and uh i'm like dude no no sorry i mean one thing if one of these guys asked me dude like you know that you you're making money you're doing stuff that's not but there's no there's no way i'm gonna knock out some kid well you were knocking them down by leg kicks yeah they asked me knocking about leg kicks i i can i can do that because those heal they don't honestly i i i think they don't feel very good i remember but they had to get out yeah i could do that i could knock him down legit so he'll fall okay i can't kick my leg he'll fall i remember that morning when he was going to go do it he was in the kitchen eating vicodin because he wanted to like get numb before he went in and then uh there's i can think of why he was eating bikini because he was a heroine yeah he had a problem like the day before too no but then when he's breakfast when he when he got home i remember he was telling me about the the whole experience and how he was like uh he was like yeah he kicked the [ __ ] out of me and i was like were you going as hard as you you know was i asked him if he was going as hard as he can on he was like i was going 110 as i could and i said was he going 100 on you he's like he was going like 10 and he was [ __ ] killing me [Music] i mean like once like steve your brother stephen randolph is not a fighter like what's 100 no like but that's the thing and that's the difference with people like in high school or college like they get in bar fights and they think they can fight but like going up against a professional oh it's like night and day it's a total different thing like i mean i you know guys like i see guys like oh i got jumped by four dudes i'm looking at them like where'd they hit you like you got you don't have any marks like how did you get jumped like yeah how are you in a fight with four dudes and you had no marks before my buddies beat you up you being bobby you look like a pinata right yeah yeah i just remember that back in the day like when when ufc started taking off it's like some of the guys were like i mean dude you know so-and-so would do pretty well against one of these guys and it's like there's not a chance in hell any of these guys on the street can come close to like kicking the [ __ ] out of a professional fighter oh yeah there's a lot of i mean back in the day especially like you can hear people talking about and i get there like here because i know the guy was fighting all that guy's a [ __ ] get into this i'm like really you want to fight him i'll fly him out here i really no really i'll fly him out here you beat him i'll give you a thousand bucks you know i never no one took me up on it yeah i bet i know like i'm like do that right because my buddy just lost but he and he's and you're saying that like that you couldn't even hold this jock strap like hit it like he's not gonna it's like i'll be happy i'm happy to fly him out here and beat your ass for saying that would uh would people try and fight you like when you were like out drinking or something with some macho guy trying to i really never had that problem i mean i i think i think for me one of the big things uh you know a lot of times guys won't want to fight like like celebrities or people that are in sports even boxers or whatever they're like oh he's he's a boxer not a street fighter he's a wrestler not a street fighter just like i was known as like a street brother with heavy hands right so i wasn't really the guy you want to do that with and the other thing well yeah a lot of you always think i'm a lot bigger than i thought i was going to be so i'm bigger than i thought and then the other one is um though the thing is that most [ __ ] that would do that were fans of it so yeah right that was one of their favorite fighters so as long as i i'm so laid back like if you if that come up i'm always nice to the people right i give i wouldn't give him a reason to start a fight with me yeah i mean you really got you i mean i i just tell people i told you all the time if if you talk your way into a fight with me um you're good because i mean your your mom your mom's gonna ask me why i waited so long to be trashed yeah that's that's how my biggest [ __ ] you are yeah certainly that's epic and before you were a fighter you were a bouncer yeah i bounced on that bartender most of the time but i was uh i broke up most fights too in the bar but i was a little it was a little easier from behind the bar actually because you could see people you could see it happening bill you hitting it before it starts see you guys throw ice at him you know i just throw ice at him hey is that how you get the name dice man it's not gonna be funny why would the lights happen hey you go that way you go that way leave each other alone that's funny though i picture you bartending security's like uh chuck can you help us please my buddy chris pontius told me to ask you about uh like fighting with like a bunch of navy seals safe to say it takes some serious balls to fight a bunch of navy seals and how are you gonna do that if you got no [ __ ] balls well good news is this month the month of april is testicular cancer awareness month and my good friends from manscaped are getting behind the cause by supporting their longtime partner the testicular cancer society by releasing this special edition lawnmower 4.0 there are only 10 000 of these purple tcs special edition lawnmowers in existence and if you buy them one then you're getting behind this great cause and contributing to the fifty thousand dollars manscape is donating to it yeah so even better than that is the deal you get if you use the promo code stevo at then you're gonna get 20 off your order plus free shipping for getting behind this epic cause and not to mention having good looking nice groomed balls which you need to be checking on to make sure that they don't have cancer okay thank you manscape for being such good wonderful people and thank you for going to and using the promo code stevo now let's talk about fighting navy seals yeah that happened a long time people ask that all the time um i mean it was i for me i wasn't involved in most of it uh the first time they came in most of all of us were all the guys like that that trained with me that that normally working at that bar were in hawaii with us like because we all went to hawaii for our our whole fight team went and gained mcgee was still there who's 6 10 uh almost 300 pounds and he fought for ufc world title at one point but he he was involved in it he got he got caught i cut over his eye i got to cut somewhere on his face i think and then a couple of buddies really pissed off and everyone's mad about it and then they showed up again two weeks later and and so the guys kind of go got got back at him um i when i showed up they had one of my buddies had a guy panda the only thing i did was i i ran over hey and this guy's was hitting my buddy when he had the guy the guy started hitting everybody who had him pinned i ran over to snap head snapped the guy bounced his face off the ground uh so he got his head what is it i just grabbed his head grabbed his head and just just moved back and pulled his head down and slapped his head off his head went off the ground he went out he went out it was cut open his head i think that seems a little bit out of character for you i think that you strike me as more of a uh put him in a like like choke him out and then lay him down nice and soft typically that that would i don't but i don't once once it goes to throwing punches i i don't do that i i one had to do that one time in college and got kicked in the face while i was doing it like never again so i once once a bunch of people are throwing punches i i i try to keep my hands free so i guess i gotta snap and that's quick okay i'm gonna get them off it keeps them quick it gets it over and it's it's quick um yeah i don't know hawaii or sandwiches san luis obispo you went to slow okay i say i lived there for 20 years holds up my whole fight career yeah so but yeah but it i mean people ask about that i had a guy i got an extra cr maybe maybe he's still assuming asked me if i was mad at him and i'm like no like it was a bar fight it happened it happens it happens i mean it's or whatever like for what like it was just you know i think pontius asked about that or told me to ask about that because pontius is from san luis obispo oh wow so i think uh it's like a local legend yeah i i imagine so yeah we uh did a show in san luis obispo not long ago and and uh of course you're part of my show with the cauliflower ear bit and uh you know when i when i brought up your name i said the pride of san luis obispo chuck liddell and and you got love you always get a lot of love every every time i do a show i say your name man it's always a huge cheer yeah and then the second part of the bit when you're bleeding and you like caught the blood everybody's like dude how sweet you try to catch your blood you know yeah you're like we got blood we're bleeding well that was a big problem it's getting it's getting that injury on your ear without the blood right because you have it once it once it pops it doesn't it doesn't stay there you need it to blow up yeah yeah they said that my buddy was draining his kids here like his eight-year-old training his car fired fire i was getting the blood out does an eight-year-old get cauliflower here it happens all the time wrestling right now yeah wow i didn't know eight-year-olds wrestled when did you get pregnant was pretty good when did you get cauliflower here my mine slowly grew i never never blew up like mine just slowly grew over time i mean i got a little bit inside my ear blowing up and it was so small i never did anything about it and it was like in my junior and in high school and then i just grew through college and then then wrestling now junior i have to fight fighting afterwards i was doing jiu jitsu and stuff and when you get it are you like [ __ ] yeah um i i did not want to have it like like some of my friends like this not really but yeah it's a bad honor for a lot of guys for sure i did i was i'm still upset that i wasn't able to get it so you were you were already a professional fighter you're still working at the bar um yeah at the beginning now right away i mean i'll be honest like i look back before um dana lorenzo came in i mean a home run in that sport was 50 grand a fight you know like it was like yeah you know that's the main event that's a man this is your main event or you know or you're maybe maybe a little more than that for some like a few of the guys but from the majority of people that that was a home run so when did you get in the ufc ufc 17 in 1998 okay and then dana and the fertitos came in in 2000 2000 2001 now yeah so what would like tank abbott get for a fight when the original one that i don't know i remember actually i've never asked now you said that like a fighter and you can't even point to those early days my first one i got i was on an alternate for a tournament and i got a thousand dollars to show up and if i if i i won my my alternate match and someone got hurt and i got into the finals i would get ten thousand for second place and it was a four-man tournament so i if i got in i would have been in the finals so you fight more than once in a night twice if i fought twice i would have a chance to win 20 grand total so that was and in those early days before dana and the fertittas like they they're paying you a thousand bucks and they're losing money right like it was just uh yeah i think they i think they they were they kept their expenses down there probably but there was no one you know you go to some of the i think that first fight i mean there's probably 2 000 people there you know in louisiana they fly they fly you in the day of wands and think of me one time like oh he's having a hard time making weight i'm like what do you mean i just got off the airplane i started i actually wanted one time like i started cutting weight on my connect i'm like can i only always have you on a connection to go you go middle of nowhere but but we i started on my connections like i put the cause like i was landing after way as it started so i started i put my plastics on and the sweats on top of them and started running around and things so think about i'm in a seat next year flying coach obviously back then and and you're like sitting there i'm sitting in a seat next to you like dripping sweat like i got okay i think everything got a plastic suit i'm right my eyes and i sweat bad something i'm still sitting actually sweating you're like how do i buy this seat like how do i get stuck with this guy next to me i'm dripping everywhere they don't know that no one has no idea i am i've been i've never fought right never had never been on tv before like why is this weirdo dressed in a wow and then back then a bat and a garbage bag and a freaking uh sweats like and back then they were like what are you doing this for you like oh i'm going to go fight in the cage or somebody they're like what the [ __ ] this is yeah yeah yeah back then i like i spent a lot of time promoting people and ex promoting the sport and trying to figure trying to explain to people what the sport was but man do you do you have to train for that like you just get off the barstool and just go that was a normal question yeah yeah that was like and it wasn't like they weren't trying to be dicks they were just like man do you have to train for that you just just get up and get off the part and god's one of those get mad at somebody go go fight like i guess you could do that but yeah we do train a little bit out here could you ever at that time like foresee how big the ufc has gotten now i always thought it would be get this big i just thought it would take a lot longer to get there and i think that that what what happened was like really what the big thing was our trojan horse dan was first hosting a live fight on tv was was a reality show yeah and that reality show crazy is what really prove it because we got no because it was really hard to break into uh people like like younger people were understanding that or understand the sport like breaking into like through some of these companies and getting in some of these executives that guides the top like that's that's that's not good stuff no one wants to see that but when we got like it's like when those fighters started going and they started doing the show the ratings that they got were like wait a minute people are watching this yeah and then and then that fight i mean you could ask for a better like uh was it forced griffin was the first foreigner was that first you know final main event or first uh like like five a fight for uh for that show and it was like first live fight on tv you know it's like we couldn't ask for a better fight it means like a goddess type you know like guys going out and just they were and they you know they were doing mixed martial arts stuff that it wasn't just like a striking or too much wrestling there was a mix everything so yeah it was such a great fight for it you know it'd be that brilliant when people ask me did you think jackass would blow up and become as big as it was like i always say i i understood that it would be popular i just didn't think it would be allowed on tv to become popular you know that was like the i just figured like how are you gonna show the [ __ ] up [ __ ] that we do like like what we do isn't allowed on tv right and uh the kind of the same thing with the ufc is that the the problem wasn't whether it would be popular enough to become as big as it is it just would they [ __ ] show it you know and and that's been a little bit of an uphill battle and like what what do you think broke down the barriers i just i mean it was just you know it's like anything else ratings ratings if you get you get enough once they were able to get and show how many people really wanted to watch this like oh okay well now dana's talking about getting on cbs not abc and he's already had one on abc so it's they've already had one they've got another one coming up and that was the one who's trying to get hamza and colby on i feel like you also got to give joe rogan a lot of credit because like for someone like me who's like not really following the fc but i hear him talk about it and the art of it and like the intricacies of it it kind of makes me look at it more as like not just some violent crazy thing but yeah i mean he's a make smarter strongest in his own yeah jiu jitsu guy uh did kickboxing he was kickboxing guy i mean didn't he start out in taekwondo i think and then taekwondo went out a little bit and then he was an instructor for taekwondo yeah i mean yeah i would like to see him in the the ufc hall of fame i mean there's got to be a spot for joe rogan in there it's i mean absolutely and uh it's a really good point that joe rogan did so much for the sport um you know what's up what's also interesting too for all of like the stigma of it and people think it's just so violent and you can't do that and but there's a lot more deaths in boxing than there are in uh mma yeah i mean well that comes with a head trauma i mean there's only like there's only so many things in boxing there's the two different sports i i get irritated when people start comparing this and that striking and it's different striking you can't stand in a boxing stance and strike and fight mma it's not possible like like you stand a boxing stance you're not gonna last long um it's too easy to take you down and it's too easy to kick you in the legs like it you can't hearing the last of the kickboxing match like i tell people you take a guy in a boxing stance and he's got one round to knock me out in a boxing i if in a kickboxing because i'm like if i can kick his leg by the end of the end of the first round he's not gonna be put enough weight on that front foot knocking me out yeah he's like and so um yeah it's different but like for boxing a lot of it isn't there's so much um there's a lot lot more head and trauma i mean if you think about it there's so many other ways to do things if there's a wrestling and there's right right there's ways to get away from it and also they're not getting lost you're not getting eight counts you know it's not you're not getting uh eight counts again so getting you guys getting dropped multiple times in a round right right now you get dropped you flash knocked down a guy jumps on you right it's over yeah you know that's true you know you know you're not getting knocked down right you know three or four times in a fight yeah it was the the uzman fight in the colby covington fight like the amount of punches those took like a boxer would take those every time they fight that amount that happens you know and that and that happens with training too like they're taking more shots in training right um because like when it comes down to it like you've got so many things to train and only so much time yeah so in a week you know there's only so much time in a week there's only some time you can realize you have to you know budget your time to what they're working on they're working on wrestling working on jiu jitsu they're working on their striking and mixing it together they're whatever they're all their strengths and conditioning all that stuff you're trying to do all these things so you you can't spar as much you can't get hit in the head as much because you're not just not it's just there isn't time yeah yeah so you were like the first real like breakout star of the ufc right like let's say gladiator i remember like i i wasn't you know in like the early 2000s i wasn't at all a uh like ufc fan you know i had tried to watch it in the 90s and just found it too boring because they had like uh choke out or something with them it was just it was just like grappling and the rounds weren't there was just one one long round so the grappling exchanges just made it boring for me because that round never ended and uh so i wasn't really paying attention but i remember hearing your name a lot yeah well i mean i mean for me a lot of it was white right place at the right time and but it's like i said when you're giving you know everyone's all you got lucky you got this opportunity that atom between but you still have to perform yeah if you get as lucky as you want if you get something if you don't do a good job there you're not going to get it they see him about actors all the time oh he has lucky break at this yeah well yeah but if he wasn't you know how how much time did he take to get there doing what was he doing and then how did he do when he got that break because if he if he got that part and sucked he wouldn't we would never heard of him right and in your line of work you get your ass kicked you know it does not matter yeah if you go out if i got this big break i go out there and i get knocked out it's over yeah yeah luck is when preparation meets opportunity there it is thanks that's true it's very true do you have a favorite fight yeah something that you think back to like i'm so glad that's in the books favorite fight huh well i certainly have a least favorite fight the one i am currently losing to donuts and all the other garbage that i'm piling in my face all day man my diet has turned into absolute crap and the only thing saving me is athletic greens what's that well it's a delicious convenient comprehensive nutrition supplement which i use every day man it fills in the gaps the humongous gaps in my diet and it's got 75 different vitamins minerals whole food source superfoods probiotics and adaptogens it's great for your gut health it helps with your brain it really improves your cognitive abilities telling you this stuff is magic i use it all the time and if you go to then they're going to give you an entire year's worth of vitamin d which boosts your immunity and overall health plus five free travel packets with your daily nutrition and you get all that if it's your first order so get over to stevo and fill in the gaps in your diet now let's talk about favorite fights if you have to put a gun to my head and pick one i mean i'd probably be beating randy the first time yeah i beat him um this is after the ultimate fighter it was like you know so there's a week after we just won the show i just won the show it was pretty everything's all hyped up it was probably it was the first first fight i actually got my pay-per-view bonus too so because we actually hit enough big enough numbers and we went by a lot so it was um and and i event and i avenged the loss you know i was avenging a loss and i that i i i got back and i got to win by knockout i mean it was a knockout and close second of that was being ready the second time because i i flew i felt like i proved it wasn't a fluke oh that's a flu keep you beat about yeah because he lost first time for the second time when i knocked him on the first round and this proof wasn't a fluke we wouldn't did it again do you have a ritual a pre-fight ritual that you always do every fight or is it varied do you want not people talking to you do you eat a certain thing do you not jerk off for five days beforehand i'm very fascinated by like the the ritual that that one that that one no that that was never mine that was never my understanding ah yeah i was as limited i was supposed to be limited to what i did before right before but no didn't didn't didn't listen to that very well um no but uh no i i i was that i i was at my always i was really good with my diet and meal prep i had meal preps like you know i had to get i got my weight down i got my weight down before the fight i re like by the time by the end of my career i was like always knew what i was going to be 2 13 when i woke up she was about 2 13 13 and a half when i woke up to cut weight it take me you know i easy cut and then i just kind of cruised to make the 205. um and you know and i i just kind of relax man my thing is like for me my my fight week i always enjoyed fight week because my training base the last year sparring on saturday the week before the fight was my last that's on my last day of training and i was done like after that i'm relaxed i'm good i just got the game plans right we're ready with everything and i just go enjoy the time like i hang out with my friends we do abort we warm up a little bit we didn't do much all week training wise and which is nice and then you know you got to do your interviews and do all that stuff go around and do that stuff but thank you for running i mean i good for all my friends i you know i you know i guess walking out walking from the hotel over to the arena i always did i was always singing i'd always sing sang whatever had on on my thing which people couldn't laugh because i go back and forth from like country to like dmx to slayer to like what is wrong with this kid actually yeah what's he like um but uh and then i just just go out and fight man i enjoyed it like it was one of those things i i feel like that was my reward for all the work i put in yeah it was a walk out there so crazy to think of enjoying fighting so stoked like justin gates like i never sleep better than fight week and i'm like i wouldn't sleep at all you know just that anticipation or yeah i don't know that's really weird one of the things is off the top but like there's a new way they do weigh-ins now they know how they do the weigh-ins at like eight or nine and then do like a right fake weigh-in at like three or four or whatever for the fans i'm like oh really what is even the point like i'm like okay if you want to get us up at eight and nine tell the fans we'll be there they'll be there at eight and nine yeah that's when you want to do the weigh-ins let's just get it done like what don't bring me back it don't let me bring you back for this stupid thing number one number two for me it really sucks because i i go to sleep all my whole fight prep i go sleep about two two three in the morning because i fight at nine o'clock at night so nine thirty nine nine nine three at night so i want my butt i don't want my body getting ready to shut like if you normally go go to sleep every day at 10 o'clock your body's shutting down putting chemicals out it's ready to shut down you know 8 39 you know it's ready to go to bed i i i got i get up about 10 30 i go to sleep about about 2 30. so that's that was kind of my daily schedule and i usually took a nap in the afternoon after training um but i don't i don't know if i would have really liked having to get up like i would i'd actually have to have to cut weight before i went to bed probably because i wouldn't want to get up at five to cut weight for longer it gives you longer to rehydrate though i was longer to rehydrate but but i did i was that was an issue for me right i didn't because because i only i didn't i started cutting my water that morning so i only cut water from for like it's been like like you're doing like you're going to do a regular workout today right and just waiting a couple extra hours to drink water it's you're not gonna get that dehydrated you know i lose 10 pounds i lose 10 pounds of water but like but the weight have to hold it off for two or three hours it's not a big deal right now now once you start holding that overnight i don't like holding it over that's one of the reasons i do it that way i don't like doing it overnight like i don't like start i wouldn't i like going to bed deprived of water what do you think about this if uh if they decided that like at the little check-in station where they they check your gloves and they put the vaseline on your face and stuff like like right before you get in the octagon for the actual fight what do you think if they weighed you at that point so that you knew stepping into the octagon precisely what that person weighed i would be fascinated to know how much how much weight they put back on i think that that'd be actually kind of cool for for fans or like even even even just in the in the locker room before they come out anytime because you don't really give or take a a few sips of water i mean if they just when they came in and checked their weight and just see what their weight is the next day yeah but if they were i mean they're already standing there for like you could see some of these differences like especially some of these little guys man i i'm impressed i'm still impressed when they make that weight like right you know when a little guy loses like 20 pounds i'm like dude how did you lose 20 pounds you know i don't know i've done like 19 and a half before there was a day of weigh-in so i made it but uh it was a timing change so that's the guy who doesn't mind doing it at eight and nine in the morning oh yeah yeah as soon as i get it off please let me step on a scale so but you you you weigh in at 205 and then what are you by the time i was about 2 15 probably by the time you got into the ring yeah you gained 10 pounds i gained it back out in like a day that's why i walk around yeah yeah because you just lost i lost it and they put it back on crazy but um i'm sorry then what's the point of the weigh-in if you guys wait when you fight anyway that's a good question well the point is that there's only everyone everyone made a certain goal weight like you don't have to so we don't have to walk around we have a base everyone makes it to a base point the day before that's an agreement like i said so i don't care if you put on i don't get to put on 34 pounds if you cut so i had to cut 34 pounds to get there i know that took it out of you so if you're you're 34 pound heavier than me you know but you you had to cut all that you had to cut all that water make that weight you're going to pay for it tomorrow so you're paying for it right like so so it does level the playing field yeah it levels the playing field because it's like a it's like for different people like it's a it's a like it's like deciding what weight to stay at what weight to go down to or if you go down a weight or stay up weight right and it comes down to like what what's the best where where am i the best where am i i got the best strength weight ratio like i where am i the strongest for that for for my what my body body type my weight my size yeah you know and and it's just that's it's a basic choice for people like everybody makes it different like some people like a lot of guys like some people don't like to cut like i like to keep getting now i get to i i just like to get to where i'm about between 2 15 and 3 2 13 before i cut now a lot of guys don't want to do that like a lot of guys like to keep their weight around 220 and cut down from there they're more comfortable cutting 15 pounds that's what makes them that makes what makes them feel strongest and feels best so that's right and that works for me too like i don't care as long as you as long as you made that weight we're fair you know it's fair okay i could i could have kept my weight up at 220 if i wanted to sure and cut the same amount of weight and been running bigger too but i didn't want to because that i i would it's like if i went everyone asked me if i went heavy when if i went up to heavyweight i still would have fought it like 2 20 2 18. i wouldn't i i my body wouldn't when i carried it would it would that would it would take a while i would maybe my third or fourth fight down the road if i went heavy started going heavyweight i would have started getting bigger yeah but at that time like if i decided to just go up for one fight i would have been 218 because that's where i was most comfortable fighting right like if because i'd done anything kickboxing before i was oh i'm gonna fight heavyweight so i might as well just be 225. i felt like a slug i started pushing my punches you got tired real fast there's a little more weight to carry around so it makes sense do people do cocaine for for a weight cuts or i guess they're going to drug test you for the fight yeah pride they [ __ ] do whatever that seems like a strange way to wake up but i guess you could i wonder like if uh if anybody is about to weigh in and they're not to make weight have you ever heard of anybody just [ __ ] donating a pint of blood just to get that last pound off that i have not heard i don't i don't think that would be a good idea you want that blood unless you're gonna put it back in after yeah put it back in afterwards armstrong [ __ ] weight cutting [ __ ] dude yeah we're onto something now that's insane and thanks for clarifying that about the weight cut because i was always like what the [ __ ] is the point but that makes total sense what you're saying yeah i mean and every everybody when you when you agree to wait and if you make the way that's why i hate when these guys show up like eight pounds over ten pounds overall yeah right you show up eight ten pounds over you didn't try don't tell me yeah don't i don't i mean i i don't i i just got on the scale made weight if you if you were having that kind of a problem making weight call me up let's call talk to me hey um hi bro if you want to fight i'm i can't i can only make uh you know 210 i'm not gonna make it let's do a catch weight okay call let's go dana we'll just do a catch weight okay not love catch wait he doesn't but but i mean if it's between that and the fight you know okay right right but if you because if he's not gonna even try i don't wanna try i don't wanna i don't have to make way i don't wanna i don't wanna make weight and then have him come in at two ten two come over him weighing it at two fifteen i weigh in at two or five it's like that's not cool what happens when that happens does the fight still happen if they they ask that you have to accept it if you want to and those guys will negotiate and then they give you you know but i don't know what the you get a percentage of that first oh okay okay they'll renegotiate your contract right down to the wire and let's say okay this guy's not making weight but we're gonna give you 20 percent of his purse well i think that i think that's almost automatic to 20 of his person if he knocks you out you're getting 20 of what he'll make correct okay all right yeah i think a lot of i don't know you probably offered a lot of different things depending on sure too like you know like if it's a guy trying to make it in the ufc you say okay we'll give you we'll give you a if you lose we'll bring it back anyway we're not going to cut you for losing since you gave up the weight right right they'll make negotiations you know they won't make the fight don't all come down to it you want to fight yeah i mean i've accepted i i've accepted a couple guys didn't make weight before back in the day but i'm like yeah that was close enough that's right guys they're like is that okay like this before there was commission oh wow okay before hey yeah he's [ __ ] like yeah yeah i look at him he's trying he's good he's not yeah he doesn't look he's not like huge every year right the statistics really show that people who miss weight and come in heavier win a lot like the the like your chances of winning coming in heavier are greater right so you're sacrificing twenty thirty percent but you're probably gonna win when you agree when you agreed to fight a guy who missed weight you are like deliberately consciously taking like uh a disadvantage in the fight definitely right and so as such you should get uh financially compensated for sure i agree it's only fair it's like fighting with steroids maybe not really but like i mean you have a little bit of extra weight behind you it kind of helps the the cause yeah there are different reasons a lot of guys or maybe there's guys that shouldn't be at that weight i think they're too big for that weight you know that they walk around right walk around too big for that weight who's your favorite who's your favorite fighter to watch these days like of the young guys coming up oh man well that not young guys yet there's still glo glover takes sarah's still out there so yeah okay sure is glover to share the champ still right yeah he's ranked like top top five yeah he's one of these one of my guys he's training with me nice he's uh he's a good dude man i really like him and how old is he now he'd be jan blehovich for the title does he still have the title he's guys again um uh shanghai uh june right yeah he fights yeah that's [ __ ] scary man but do i love watching all these old guys uh kill it you know like the old guys are doing pretty [ __ ] well these days like andre arlovsky with all the victories and glover to share as the champ and [ __ ] uh who else is that like uh like alexi olenick just had a victory he's [ __ ] 44 years old wow awesome yeah it was his 77th pro fight he's 44 years old it's crazy and he [ __ ] like was in deep trouble and he [ __ ] switched around and and that was great wow i don't miss a fight chuck i'm a [ __ ] that's awesome i'm i'm gnarly do you watch them all no i i still love fights i still watch them but i just don't i'm out of kids and yeah it's hard to start to get the time to watch all of them it's to feel good that whenever you're at the pay-per-views and you're at most of them that like hearing the crowd roar when they show you on the screen yeah it's it's so cool yeah that's so cool to have for sure that's fun i mean it's crazy because like like that that's just like longevity man you have enduring [ __ ] legacy man that's why i say legend well thank you i appreciate it uh you know yeah and so i remember when we were in peru it was so crazy we were in this food tent and you said like oh something or other you know like we were talking about representation you're like oh well man i never wanted an agent because i'm not going to let them take 10 of my my [ __ ] fight purse you know and especially if i come back and i said like wait wait hold on a second did you just say come back and uh and then i remember like i had you on camera like uh and and you said i'm thinking about fighting again and i was like have you told that to anybody and you said no and i'm like oh my god like the what this camera i'm holding is so [ __ ] valuable [Music] yeah that was that it was i mean i was getting it was good to go back go out of my own way um but you know probably not that was not the best option at the time i i needed another neck surgery at that time so mm-hmm and actually i went down to i actually went down to um columbia got for the fireball accelerator yeah and they they like took they i said well you know i got some net i got it from my shop went down for my shoulders it was amazing i did it it worked amazing for my shoulders but i i got my knee checked but i had like uh i i just i did it was just worn to the bone so it wasn't but um and i i wanted my neck and then so they did an mri down there so before they do something on your neck that one didn't mri i said yeah um are you having problems with the balance of coordination i'm like no i'm fine i'm like uh like oh well can you i think when you get back you should go go see your doctor about that that way you're not gonna have your neck looked at said oh all right and i'm like so didn't worry about it when i got back for about a month and a half and i'm like oh what's up um you you're having problems with the balance of coordination chuck like what do you mean no i'm not yeah we should give you a check so i want to get him right so get the mri go ahead and talk to the doctor get that come out and he goes you know um so he said so you're having problems with the bounce girl what the hell is wrong with people like why are you keep saying this i'm like oh really i'm fine i just fought like i'm all right i mean i'm good he's like really do me a favor go stand in the side of the room walk to me he'll tell i try to walk you like like watch him now close your eyes try to do it i could take one step like wait wait hold on wait hold on let me try this again try doing it he's like okay yeah now now stick your hands out stand on one foot put your arms out touch your nose all right now close your eyes close my eyes i fell over i'm like wow he's like yeah you're uh you're out so you're you're you're asleep you're your brother forever is warm through it so it's tapping your spine and it's and so you're you're you're balancing yourself with your eyes your body's by so great like adjust your brains yeah you know i wasn't getting getting that right signals from from my from anywhere else so my brain i was using my eyes to balance for balance it's crazy like they're looking at like scientific evidence that there's a problem but chuck doesn't believe it yeah yeah yeah then he's like yeah okay okay i'm gonna move this guy out we'll have you in surgery on tuesday i'm like wait whoa time out what do you mean tuesday when was all this um um there's after that last fight you had yeah after the last fight i had no idea buy or accelerate to go down there and get my shoulders and i was like it was like about six months after last fight and i went down there and uh but it was like you know i went and it was funny because i i'm like man what wait why why is uh why why do we have to do it today like like this is not like i have a whole cool like i'm trying to except i gotta do another neck surgery and he's like um so well look man it's not a big deal it's just but if you if we if we wait if we wait there's a chance if you get if you're getting a car accident and you got a bad car accident right now you you might it might you might not walk again and i don't want to be the reason you got got like that was because i put you off a month and after your surgery yeah i got an opening right here and we're going to do it on tuesday wow what's that from is that from just years of wrestling and fighting wearing terror just wrestling and fighting i mean it was just like because it was just worn to the bone so it's just all just going you kind of have that too right i've got degenerative disc disease in my neck yeah it's uh is that the same thing i'm i'm not sure i i'm not sure i know my mine's pretty like that though basically they kind of explain the different different solutions and i just basically i'm sure chuck had it a little bit worse is your is it better now if you close your eyes oh yeah i i was better why i was honestly it was almost better walking out yeah walking out walking out the next day when i woke up and got up from and even even with your eyes open did it feel like a different or was it only when your eyes were closed like oh i can stand up yeah only my eyes are closed but everyone said i was that that day i was walking different again because they're saying my wife paid more attention to me than i do so she's like yeah you were walking you were walking different for a long time for a while interesting is that the ufc doctors doing all that or is that just your own private doctors yeah uh well i've got great i've sag insurance yeah that's really good yeah so that uh that last fight with with tito the one that when we were in peru you told me you were thinking about like it was it was tough man and i know that like the world responded to it and uh you know like they they viewed it as sort of sort of a a bummer and i from my perspective i uh i thought well [ __ ] you know like here's chuck he's a fighter he [ __ ] misses it like it's in him like it's just like i i just felt like you know i i understand i understood why you wanted to do it and i thought it was [ __ ] great that you went for it yeah and as i mean i have no regrets i mean obviously i wish i was healthier and i wish i you know i wish i performed better but other than that hey i went out and did my thing i like you know it's what it is it runs something lose something is i mean i i mean i i didn't do any i didn't do anything i went out and did the best i could i mean dude as far as your legacy goes i mean it doesn't [ __ ] change [ __ ] about the fact that you're the [ __ ] ice man chuck liddell dude right yeah i don't i don't feel that at all and you're uh you're chucking tito 30 for 30 was fantastic oh yeah that was awesome it really was they did a really good job with that um having it uh you know getting it you know for getting a lot of issues and a lot of a lot of history and a lot of stuff i thought they covered it pretty well yeah dave for sure and if your relationship with dana is just great huh yeah we're still we're still absolutely have a good relationship with dana but you know you know we were friends we we i mean he was my manager before this oh wow yeah before he decided he was starting to buy it they decided to buy it and you know we didn't we don't always agree on everything but that you know that you don't always have to by the way guys people you don't have to always agree with your friends yeah right yeah this it's okay to have friends that think different than you do yeah it's actually it makes life interesting i don't know it's a controversial statement yeah yeah like when you first stopped fighting the like dana really took care of you huh like yeah oh yeah for sure the um and the funny thing like um when i when i first when i first came like i don't know why i think he i think he forgets the story how it worked because he planned on coming to me and telling me to quit like when we had a dinner meeting and we we walked in and he said he said okay you know what i said you know i'm really retired i just don't want to i can't give me a minute give me a little bit of time to he said yeah man thank you i was coming in here to tell you to quit i wanted to create he was gonna he said i was only i'll release you if you i'm not going to fight you anymore because i wasn't going to fight anymore i would release you to fight anywhere you want but but i'm not i i can't do it anymore you're done you're not you're not able to and and i said i came in right away that's that's what i said no i'm i'm ready to attack it yeah those last handful of fights which were tough man like well yeah i mean the last one i think i knocked myself out really with that headbutt but but still it you know it's one of those things i i went like i'm rich a great fighter and a tough guy and i but um i i thought you know he should be able to knock me out like that and i could i should be able to take a punch better than that and if i can't then it's time to retire yeah and so so he uh employed you right yeah and then i worked for work for the usc for until well you bought it and then uh i mean a year year after um yeah yeah i mean they kept me on for about a year and then right they got rid of me i mean it is what it is i mean i get it i mean a new company and and um well right i mean if they're gonna and i i wasn't i wasn't actually really doing much outside of having a uh my you know you know i had i just got married had my kids and i you know that was like they they offered you if you want to move out to vegas i'm like man you know i'm i'm okay i mean i think that the way dana describes it he was paying you to not fight right that's great yeah he was uh and it was like yeah and i mean he said you know i had to cut like you know come back three or four shut up when they offered coming for three or four shows a year you know yeah um and i was like and and so i just just went to whenever i went up i went a lot more than three or four but not what they offered them i i like going to fight so i love it i'm yeah every time i go to the apex like uh forest griffin's just on site yeah yeah i love that guy too yeah he's a good dude that's it i think that's killer man that uh you know for all the way people describe dana and how he does business and stuff like i think that it's it's really telling the way he looked out for you you know the way he took care of you yeah and uh to talk to like rhonda about how much she loves dan you know like dana's relationships i think speak to what kind of guy he is oh yeah that is a good dude man i like dana we always have it i mean no one's hey man he's he's uh he speaks his mind yeah i don't know i don't like i said i don't always agree with him but i i'm okay with people speaking their mind i like it you're not wondering whether he doesn't like you or not for sure you know why you're not wondering you're not wondering is data mad at me like i was just telling people about me like if you if you're gonna ask someone if i'm mad at you i'm not just saying that yeah if if you're doing something that makes me mad i will let you know yeah i mean i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not aggressive by the way but i'm very straightforward like hey don't be an [ __ ] it could be an [ __ ] you know i will let you know if you have to ask someone or guess if i if i don't like you or if i'm mad at you uh you're probably safe to say i'm not yeah it's good can people like you ask my wife hey man chucks uh he's not really texting me back is he is she mad at me but she's like he gets 800 texts a day like he's like hey if if if you send him at uh about if you send me like a an ending like hey hey look at this cool thing i did i mean i might not get around to oh cool yeah i looked at looked at it went okay cool that's cool but if you need a response i probably didn't respond yeah yeah but if i did respond and you think it's short like i mean short um if i respond i like you anybody if i'm texting if you're texting me and i actually respond i like you yeah because i if i don't um i won't even bother to respond sure do you have anything coming up um you know i just i've been doing a lot of little things you know i've been been working on uh doing that no chuck's giving thing doing like kind of a show we haven't really i'm not sure what we're gonna do with it but we're having a lot of fun yeah yeah you stay busy going out and doing i do a lot of fishing trips to doing some hunting some uh a lot of stuff with uh some with some military guys e3 ranch we go out there and do some always have some fun with those guys crazy guys yeah that's cool those guys are nuts man they can shoot oh my bad i'm trying to remember it like i said like uh like before we get done trying to remember the uh you had some crazy like drugs and private jets and like like maybe it was a private conversation maybe it's a private jet no drugs yeah something like that i'm uh if you can like color in like what it was like going from being like like working in the bar to becoming this [ __ ] mainstream like icon of the ufc kind of a weird way to explain that so it's a funny story um so i just won the the beat randy won the title after ultimate fight i was out visiting with the um with a ford in in tampa i was out visiting and dana calls me and said hey you want to go on vacation with me in the renzo then and frank or whatever and i'm like sure okay well for a week okay we're gonna fly out here so so i get on so i get on the plane i get on southwest i put on southwest go back and i get on there and i'm sitting there and i got a window seat and this small jewel in the aisle and then no no one in my seat next to me i'm like okay perfect and um last minute just got this guy probably six six maybe 3 30 probably comes on i'm like oh man please pass please walk by somewhere he walked walks by oh comes back um there's no other seats ask a girl hey do you mind just me you know moving in the middle so i could cuz i don't fit in the middle he's like she's like oh i get claustrophobic he's like looks at me like oh my god so five hours like that right to vegas so good face i picked up at the airport in a car and they drive me to the private hangar where i get on a g4 with three other people and fly to ibiza where where we go over to the yacht which has 80 which is 200 and a couple of the ounces or 200 over 200 feet and have 88-foot tenders and i mean we were there for about a week i mean it was absolutely bananas and and that they give you an idea like i it was a it was that was such a wild trip there like i mean stuff we did i probably can't get into but um but like it was it was so much fun and that's when i had a we actually flew into straight from there went to um england to do a tour promoting uh ufc straight from ibiza that not probably the best idea but i get me land and i got these two girls calling me up to go out i'm like and anyone that knows me this was big i went uh i can't do it i'm not gonna like why won't we just come over i'm like no no no i i need to sleep right now i need to sorry and i mean from like i was so glad i did it because the next day i didn't we knew we had a radio tour the next day but i didn't know we were going for like 14 hours like i was like driving all over the place did you get a raincheck it was a smart move i was just doing the the well one of the times just made the right and had to make the right decision right oh man wow but yeah but it's great but that's i mean i went from like i'm i went from a kid i've never been on a yacht you know now that was your first experience i've ever been on is like so be like oh man my buddy's got like a 50 a 54 or he's got a 65 footer but oh cool like okay yeah i've been on tender that was 88 feet okay cool you're like i'm about to like i i at first i didn't know i didn't know that that's that's really not like a like a 80 foot yacht it's a nice shot yeah that's not cheap yeah yeah that's a very nice boat you know you know you know you have no no perspective really because i've never remembered much of a uh you know but i'm yeah i was a blue collar kid you know let's just see all right hey that's not what i'm used to like but it was it was pretty crazy but it was a pretty a pretty crazy trip said the neck surgery like we had we had a strip club out there and then you know and i was like one of the few scenes right but you know and they they were um there's some guys videotaping right i'm like hey it's a security i mean it's videotaping us like why what that's not cool like not that for me i just didn't think that you know anybody else wanted a big videotape uh and i know i mean so security goes oh he comes back over always demands i don't care if he's a manager i don't videotape us you know i just come from being a normal kid like yeah yeah yeah and i'm like i'm like um and then and then go over and so i'm like i'm gonna go over and get i'm gonna go i'm gonna grab it from the guy and then i go oh hold chuck relax so they went over and they they offered the guy money for like they got i guess they have to i didn't know they did this they told dan told me after because i was like i mean i was still cough up being you know i was going to come back and i'm like dude let me go back there and take it like i would hey i would have just taken that phone for for 500 bucks give me the 500 bucks i would have just taken the camera home he beat the tape he said you can't take the tape out and gave the camera back and paid him 500. uh but but again because he paid him money and he wasn't gonna sell his other look man i see that gorilla over there he uh pointed me he's all um if you don't send me this name to me he's going to come get it and there's nothing i can do about it nowhere so no that was not a strip club but it was funny wow it was i mean it was upset but [Music] yeah yeah that's good so so uh you told me the bio accelerator which is the stem cell operation which i went to it's in columbia it's great awesome i mean i like i was having problems putting my bag up over the over the yeah i'm gonna play on the plane like with this motion hurt wow bad right and that was i mean i fixed you that and that really it really did like a phenomenal job on that wow so uh and the next surgery helped through balance yeah yeah my knee i got my i did my partial knee replacement that that works great see the nice thing about that was when i did that like so okay finally i broke down i'm gonna get it it was my actually sunday like he's coming we were playing soccer and i was limping chasing him around playing soccer and my second like dad you don't have to play i'm like what do you mean like i didn't want me to limping around i'm like oh son i'm fine that's fine we could be good so i'm like all right what do i got to do to fix this i could go say a partial knee replacement i said okay okay so now once i get that what can i do and the guy the guy said well it's not what can you do it's what should you do you can do whatever you want and i'm like really he's like yeah if he beat your body like you have for the last 20 years you're gonna you'll be back in here in 10 years i said 10 years perfect yeah that was the first time i got that reaction but like oh i know what shouldn't i do he's like well i don't want to do any long distance running i'm like damn it like oh yeah no long distance running yeah yeah yeah sold yeah you could yeah i just swear like no hiking is fine they just didn't want me doing that like running pounding long distance yeah exactly that was the worst thing but everything else was within moderation that's fine i'm like oh perfect so i'm banned from doing the thing i hate the most yeah and everything else is good perfect yeah how do you how do you stay in shape now i mean you're pretty jacked and you got i i lift and i i still hit the bag so it admits i'm still trying sometimes i haven't been wrestling enough but i still like to do a little more jujitsu i'm starting to learn more ghee stuff i i was having fun with that for a little bit my buddy was helping me just got got uh yeah i've got kind of had a i've written a surgery so it's like uh i got some weird hit and i needed to get it fixed so it's been a while but but yeah but i'm starting just playing around i still like doing jiu jitsu i like jiu jitsu and uh and like striking like just moving around sparring and doing stuff is is kind of one of those things that allows me to get centered like like a knot yeah and just kind of like not think about other things because usually my mind's raising about a million things at once and that helps me kind of calm down right so you can play soccer with your kid now oh yeah now now i can run after him and goof around and then he doesn't get sad that i'm limping it's great that's crucial yeah wow i was like man it's worse did i look that bad i did look pretty bad yeah well that's good man and um and what's no chucks given i you know it's honestly just me doing stuff uh you know they offer me to go do crazy stuff and i go do it you know who's that um the guys from uh they do with me uh guys from uh leviathan i think about hey hey you wanna go uh you know go shoot you know go go hunting or you wanna go out fishing or go do some wanna go do drive uh for side by side you wanna go do go the dunes whatever whatever okay cool let's try it you're like i don't give a chuck dude that's epic man we're [ __ ] right on chuck is there anything that we can uh drive traffic to for you uh you know just all my social media stuff like that chocolate i mean uh it's a chuckling i think it's on all of them i think but uh yeah good man to get on there the instagram is your favorite yeah that's what i'm on the most i guess yeah yeah cool do that i do twitter but yeah so i'm trying to check the back up but i have to get that back so we'll talk about all right maybe we can we can help with that [ __ ] my brother wanted me letting you know that you hit like a [ __ ] yeah that's epic man what dude i love you chuck man thank [Applause] [ __ ] yeah all right good deal man yeah dude how about chuck liddell man i [ __ ] love that guy and how about this palm tree get a look at that that's what you get right here in rutland vermont and i cannot verify the truth of what i'm about to say but i was told that rutland vermont has a population of 16 000 people uh over 800 of which will be in this theater tonight i don't know what percentage that represents what would that be p i haven't how many people that's like [ __ ] almost 20 of the population of the goddamn town's coming to the show tonight and it's me and preston lacey yeah dude so [ __ ] love you guys man thank you for sticking around for another episode of the wild ride podcast and i'd love it if you give some love to uh to chuck liddell let him know uh how great it was you know [ __ ] tag him in a post yeah whatever thanks man love you guys you
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Podcast
Views: 167,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 71min 41sec (4301 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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