Ryan Sheckler - Steve-O's Wild Ride! Ep #26

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dude it's another wild ride and this week is special because it's not just one super interesting totally dynamic professional skateboarder on this episode there's two who's the other one me that's right as you're about to learn i have made myself a professional signature skateboard stevo skateboard yeah i went into the factory where they made them and signed everyone before they got shrink wrapped of course we did a very small run very few available at stevo.com but i wanted you podcast people to know about it first so if you want to get a signature stevo skateboard go to stevo.com but more importantly ladies and gentlemen ryan sheckler you yeah dude [ __ ] right on bro soaked man dude so psyched right here in the rv is like a hundred skateboards i turned myself pro got the stevo skateboard right here in my hand i have not yet set foot on it and we're parked right outside brian's training facility that's what you call it oh yeah i mean skate park training facility whatever whatever you want to call it man we use it for uh for everything man so you turned yourself pro yeah has it ever been done before in the history of skateboarding i'm sure people have turned themselves i mean they might have turned themselves pro but no one turns pro and then prints 100 of their own board and i went into the actual manufacturer and signed every one of them before they were shrink-wrapped is that something you're going to do the whole time you're always going to do oh dude i do it was a lot of [ __ ] work man was it yeah dude imagine how many boards tony has to sign are like dude whenever we have to do like a uh or we do a cool you know drop for plan b it's like a thousand boards and you think it's nothing to really sign a thousand but right once you have like you forget how much 100 skateboards weighs like that's a lot of weight i know then to unwrap them sign them re-wrap them re-put them back in the box like it's it's gnarly well dude he just signed how many how many prints did you just signed last night well the last couple days i signed 1260 prints of those wall ride photos oh sick yeah that photo turned out rad i was hyped to be there that day dude and that's only half of uh we got 2500 of them were you were you signing [ __ ] at 13 ryan dude you're probably saying [ __ ] at eight yeah at eight yeah it was it was crazy because like dude i started competing when i was seven and um you know from there i really realized how much i enjoyed competing it was super scary to me but it was also like this mental it was like a mental challenge to overcome the nerves that i was feeling i guess and dude before contest i would i would have to go behind the ramps and i would like cry because i was so nervous and it wasn't because i didn't want to be there it was just because i like cared so damn much and uh yeah from that point on dude it was just like kept moving up in the ranks in the california amateur skateboarding league and then won the uh one factory this like factory division which was like the sponsor division when i was 12 and then that got me invited to x games and slam city jam and the vans triple crown and i think there was one more like gravity games and that year of 13 man i won every single pro contest and i only won man because i was having fun there was no expectations there was nothing on my mind except for i was just a stoked little kid that got the opportunity to go skate with the best dudes that i looked up to and it just worked out you know it just worked out i couldn't fall it was weird you're saying you won every pro contest when you were 13. yeah every pro contest that there was uh the 13th year of my life [Laughter] which was champions 2003 that's the only one that's the only one i didn't get invited to because i tampo tampa was weird about you had to be pro to be in the tampa pro and so i skated tampa am earlier that year because it's like the first contest of the year and uh didn't do very well and then ended up winning all the pro contests epic dude jesus dude so man i think i was so excited about doing this with you because i mean for a million reasons obviously but what a huge part of my history you played by being on the cover of the issue of big brother magazine yeah which just fired up all this controversy and for anybody who doesn't know what big brother magazine is this was a skateboarding magazine which was for no purpose other than to just be filthy inappropriate like just bad you know like they just did all this bad [ __ ] and it was the people who ran big brother magazine who went on to start jackass so this is like the origins of jackass and the cover of big brother that had ryan sheckler on it how old are you then i was eight eight so yeah was that your first front cover that was my first cover but like the fact that it was big brother who was also run by hustler magazine you know larry flynn well no no but that's the thing that was the the it wasn't yet uh owned by larry flint oh it wasn't yet it wasn't and the thing was big brother was all controversial to begin with like they had these articles on like the 10 most effective ways to kill yourself and they were dead serious about it dude yeah i wasn't allowed to read it i wasn't around like at all allowed to read anything that was in that magazine i could look at the cover and that was it um even the covers were wildly inappropriate but even even the magazine you're on the cover of you couldn't read no absolutely not no it was all over the news like it was on the news and it was like because then the reporters started actually reading the interview questions that they were like asking these you know i was the i don't think i was the youngest there was like a six-year-old and then it went up to like 13 and 14 but like you know the 12 and 13 year olds are asking them about like do you have pubic hair yeah like would you [ __ ] your mom yeah like if it would magically make you a pro skateboarder would you [ __ ] your own mother chris morocco who knows dude it was just like and so already big brother magazine was in all kinds of trouble anyway yeah but then when now they got the [ __ ] kids it was called the kids issue yeah it's purely [ __ ] kids and big brother's doing its thing so it's all over the news there's all this outrage it was crazy there's so much controversy in the media about big brother magazine for the kids issue that larry flint the famous pornographer hustler magazine guy who's a big first amendment dude he was he heard a bit he says man i [ __ ] dig this so larry flint buys big brother magazine now there's like 27 porno magazines and one skateboard magazine like put out by larry flint yeah and um the the irony of it was that before larry flint bought it it was filled with actual nudity all kinds of and then at once larry flint bought it then uh the no more nudity and it actually cleaned it up a little bit that was a rule larry flint made like you know because that's illegal oh okay it was just a [ __ ] illegal thing dude and uh it was ryan's covered ryan's issue got the attention of larry flynn larry flint bought it became a bigger like more thing and then jackass started because of that wow all because of you ryan it was wild man it's like the only time you could ever get a melon grab on the cover of a magazine and dude it was eight years old man i had no idea but yeah dave carney and all the boys yeah those wild times man yeah chris norako did you see the the documentary about big brother magazine no i haven't seen it yet dude it's [ __ ] crazy man i i still haven't seen it where can you see it it's on hulu it's called dumb and it's uh the story of big brother magazine and really what it is is a jackass origin story and the thing about jackass is it's like kind of wholesome because like we don't we're not mean to anybody else we only really do [ __ ] up [ __ ] to ourselves like it's in a good spirit but big brother magazine was not that way dude and when i went to the premiere for the dumb documentary like it it [ __ ] shook me up i was like i was like dude you put that whole story all into one documentary and it's like upsetting how [ __ ] awful it was it's just bad [ __ ] not a good spirit all bad things geez yeah but so that that's when you were eight you turned pro when you were 13. yeah then how old were you when you got the mtv show like 16. uh i was just turning 17. so we went through the whole like doing the um you know doing the pilot episode uh it was yeah i just turned 17 when they actually were like okay we're we're gonna do this and uh we want three seasons and at that point like i didn't really know much about television but i figured three seasons is pretty good and uh we have something good yeah we had you know we had fun you know but it was a super controversial time in my life um because i was known as like a contest skater i had a couple video parts and i was doing really well like i was i was known as a skateboarder and then this opportunity came up where we were already like flying crazy places like flying private and you know having parties and having fun but still winning the contest and they picked up on that and like the dynamic between me and my family and me and my friends was like it was entertaining it was definitely entertaining and they wanted it and uh so we did it and the first season was awesome man we were getting like 2.6 million viewers per episode roughly we were on friday night at like 10 o'clock so it was like and that's when you had to like sit at home and watch tv you know it wasn't like no social media or anything like that we were actually getting like two million you know authentic views which was crazy and so mtv ate it up i ended up too because it was like now all of a sudden we're like have budget to actually go take a private plane to a contest which was crazy showing up at a contest with four camera guys and you know the pas and the sound guys and like we had a posse deep of 25 always so it was it was just a scene you know and um did the show but in the actual skateboarding community it caused a little bit of a like uproar you know like people were truly convinced that i was like destroying skateboarding and my whole thing was like man skateboarding such a freedom and it's based on how you feel on your board how i feel on my board it's such an individual sport that like not one person can destroy something that's so pure and so like free for everyone yeah and what were you destroying about that's just people being haters you know yeah and i realized that now you know i'm 30 now and it's it's crazy thinking that you know the show was 12 years ago 13 years ago um what was i destroying i i don't know at that point i couldn't even tell man all i thought was that i was introducing introducing skateboarding to kids that would have never otherwise picked it up or even were curious about it you know but they were watching mtv so they saw it you know and i don't know man it was a weird time but i i don't regret it at all you know if anything it it's created such an incredible fan base for me that that has stuck around since i was a kid and you know it it was a show before it got it wasn't a crazy show you know yeah there was drama and there was things of that nature but i always kept my my morals and and how i wanted my family to be treated i kept that super straight the whole time and i treated my family with the utmost respect and especially like dude mtv's wet dream was my parents getting a divorce on the show you know and i had no idea that was gonna happen i couldn't even see it coming honestly and uh yeah my parents split up and uh i was destroyed bro i was destroyed and so that was you know what what season was that oh i'm sorry yeah uh that would have been like end of it might have been in the second season so you're like 18 when your parents split no i was uh in my parents split when i was 17. so i had i had like four months left of being 17 to like by i just remember because i wanted to move out immediately you know like they got divorced and i wanted out because of that yeah how much time was in between filming seasons would you like film a season then you're off for like nine months and then again or you just kept filming no we did it we filmed back to back yeah it was all back that's how we got three seasons done before i was even 19 right and by the third season i was i was over it you know i was just over it it was crazy of like you know how it goes dude like i was waking up to three cameras almost every day and it was like a monday through friday thing and then you know having to like reshoot breaking up with girls that i really cared about you know right yeah oh my god so you broke up with a girl and they were like can we get that again one more yeah that happened twice dude and i was like man [ __ ] this dude like oh my gosh were you like are you serious are you like contractually you have to i mean i didn't even know if it was contractually i wasn't even thinking like that then i was just like man i guess if it's like [ __ ] so i would like take the mic off go explain to my girlfriend what had just happened and like still we're breaking up like we're broke up but i need you to be a team player and like i need you to be a team player you got to break up again who broke up with who you broke up with i had to break i was always breaking up with the girls [ __ ] yeah man man it was rough dude it was rough it was rough for sure but you know i don't take any of it for granted it was a it was a wild experience you know it definitely shaped a lot of of who i am today and experiences that i somewhat don't want to get back into i've been offered to do a tv show again and i'm like nah you know like i'm working on our own things in here doing the sandlot time so it's like it's a lot more fun and it's a lot more 100 of our control that's the main thing we need to have control of what we're what we're putting out so did your skateboarding it didn't suffer at all for the for the mtv show going on i don't think it suffered at all if anything i think it made me skate even gnarlier because i knew i had a huge audience watching me skate you know it's like you do these video parts and you know maybe a couple million people see them over over years but like man we were having a couple million people watching skateboarding every friday and so i was like hyped plus that's just the first time it airs then you've got all the reruns like and tv played a million times so by the time the shows were on its course with all the reruns included like way more people oh yeah for sure and so like i was psyched i was like man and my skating was on point like dude it was the glory years for sure like 15 to 15 to 20 23 24 was like those are the best years of my life that i i i think of you know skating wise and now you know it's like went through the sobriety thing and you know got caught up with drinking and had to figure that whole side out and you know at 30 right now being sober and fully comfortable in my skin and who i am now i feel like the second chapter of my life is 10 times better than that first one i feel way more confident now and just more comfortable with my skateboarding and there's no second guessing and so you know i'm working on a red bull video part right now that to me is some of the best is the best skateboarding that i've ever done dude it's so rad um i i asked you last week like what what it's been like with your injuries and you reeled off like yeah pretty horrifying but despite all of your injuries actually just run them down real quick you know one injury that i'm really grateful to say i have not sustained is hair loss man and you know having hair it's such a treat and why not make it look good right do you have hair why don't you make it look good how are we gonna do that boys well i'll tell you we got a new sponsor of the show it's called fix your lid this is what it's all about gentlemen styling now their products are 100 cruelty free right that means no animal testing no none of that nonsense we love animals okay also 100 made in america yeah that's kind of cool too isn't it so here we go i'm gonna go with a medium hold forming cream just because that's what i'm talking about okay oh yeah now how are you gonna get these products i'm gonna tell you right now you go to shop fix your lid.com okay and use the promo code stevo that's going to get you 10 off your order plus if you do so right now and go ahead and do that as a supporter of the wild ride podcast because when you do that make your order you are automatically entered to win one of these super dope coolers fix your lid branded signed by me and it will be filled with fix your lid products yeah dude so one more time we're going to shop fixyourlid.com enter the promo code stevo and we get 10 off our order and we're automatically entered to win one of these super killer coolers so get on it and do it right now now let's hear about injuries yeah man so i mean the most the most recent one i broke both my ankles and fractured my l1 in my back on one fall fell 16 feet and completely had to get reconstructive surgery on the right ankle the left ankle kind of just like smashed together so it was i didn't need to surgery on that no back surgery broke my left elbow six times right elbow four times with plates and screws in here liz frank injury on my right foot completely separated the first metatarsal and had to get that that was like that took over a year to heal um both both mcl's both meniscus jesus just got mris today for my acl my left knee concussions three concussions two of them hospitalized and like dude it doesn't matter i i get more angry at myself that i'm like [ __ ] you let yourself get hurt again like okay physical therapy we'll be back in you know three months six months at the most but and despite all the injuries like i mean i've seen you skate like it's not it doesn't it doesn't affect me you know it's like even with this knee that i'm dealing with right now is like it's not really a big deal it's only a big deal if i'm like jumping off something big and i catch it a weird way and it sends this like nerve pain from my hip all the way down to my toes and then i just gotta lay down kind of let it chill for 10 minutes and then all the feeling comes back and then like then i can skate again while the adrenaline's high but you know sometimes i have to take a day off and i i only got mri today just because i've i've been like curious like why does it allow me to to skate but then sometimes it doesn't so it's a weird thing man the more you get injured the more you realize about your body wendy for sure wendy just farted for sure hey there's a wild ride first that's that's a dog fight yeah dude wendy party big time wow i'm so glad i've never been more happy to be up in the front of oh my god can you turn it up a notch or maybe open up the door [Laughter] oh we're in our started waters right here all right i'm gonna open up the door a little bit okay i'm gonna good i'm gonna turn this up a little i got dogs man it's dot dude i set up this board today and just started daydreaming about tricks that i want to pull in your spot here yeah man we're gonna get you in there that's step up step up the step up that i ollied last time i want to kickflip that i know i know you do i'm sorry i know you do and i want i want you to do that as well that that clip they played of you on ridiculousness i think you kick flipped over the 14-foot landing or something like that costco gap yeah i mean was that the first attempt or is that because that [ __ ] was gnarly that was the fourth attempt that was the fourth attempt on that one and uh the that day played out super crazy we had been we had been partying the night before and that that's one of those tricks where like any of my super big tricks i don't plan to go do them i like i have to wake up and be feeling a certain way and just [ __ ] amped up and i woke up and i was amped up and i hit up the photographer and hit up my filmer and i was like hey i want to go because i had ollie did previously and it took me five tries to ollie it like four years before that for an oakley video that i was doing and so i just randomly woke up and thought about that spot we showed up there and my whole deal was like if i don't ollie at first try today is not the day and i already first try and stomped it and was like okay i guess today's the day and yeah four tries and like the attempts for are gnarly like yeah i exploded i exploded and the one i rolled away from was just like i couldn't have done it any better yeah i couldn't have seen that i'm sure i have yeah it's uh you landed it so clean and your knees went straight to your chest and you just popped up yeah like i mean and even on the roll away like i couldn't believe i was rolling away that that was at the the ultimate i think that was as much impact as i could possibly take yeah you said one of your buddies just jumped off it it wasn't even a both of his legs yeah it wasn't even a buddy dude it was just some random dude that my homies were like hey you have to check out this kid on youtube uh talking he was talking about me saying that it wasn't that big of a deal and then he went he went and he just ran and jumped over it and yeah broke both his [ __ ] ankles man oh no way yeah yeah it's gnarly how old were you when you did that i was in between surgery number 34 and 36. i think i was 19 or 20. yeah i uh shattered my ankle doing this boneless hop a porta potty with danny way crashing a card through it i saw that and uh so i had to go get surgery and danny took me to his surgeon dr prebyte has that guy done any of yours no but i do know prevent i know prevent great doctor he's a great doctor it's crazy how how much i believe in my ankle after that well yeah when you have a good surgeon it's like it's on you know the same dude's done all of my surgeries dr warren kramer up in newport he's like he's a surfer he's just a cool guy but he's a smart cat and he understands that like athletes are going to keep moving and he knows we're going to keep moving and so he does surgeries that are not going to like lock you up and tie you up and i got really lucky that that he's my surgeon and it's crazy to say that you have a surgeon yeah right you have to get injured a lot to have like a guy like i got him on speed dial and i hit him up last night i'm like hey man i know you're busy any time this week he's like yeah for you come in tomorrow and i was like perfect man you know it's got like the stamp like neck surgery is for a year or something i just yeah i wish right that's funny my insurance would love that you have a surgeon on speed dial we have a bail bondsman on speed dial for hey man you know to each their own for sure it's not a bail bondsman but my criminal attorney i have a good relationship with you know and we also have a couple uh that one trick that bailed you out last time that's just yeah yeah i have a question about skateboarding like you talked about when you hit that land and you're like you couldn't even believe you're rolling away like how often does it happen where your muscle memory carries you through something but your brain hasn't even processed it to like does or does it happen like that or is it like while you're like doing some crazy trick you're like so in it that's a good question um i i think it's like really about being present you know i think it's the more the scarier the trick is for me the more present my brain automatically snaps into where it's like i can hear anything going on i can see the cars coming from up and down the street but i also know like i can see my grip tape like the sparkles on my grip tape where it's like it's things you would never really notice but you're so in tune with what's going on it's also a big reason that like i don't really ollie thinks like that's why that ollie was so important to me it's because if i ollie something it's like that's where i can actually lose track of my mind is because there's nothing going on it's just a free fall and i get the tendency to like shake my feet or like i'll bail big ollies but if i kick flip or if i flip my board my brain has so much more to think about and all of a sudden i flip it catch it and then i'm rolling away instead of just like awling and like doo doo doo you know like free falling so do you prefer kick flipping i prefer kick flipping or flipping my board down big things um it keeps my mind keeps my mind focused anytime i just ollie something i'm like space cadet you're like in the air like did i leave the faucet on or like something similar you know like you start second guessing that you know how to ollie and it's like oh but then you try kick flip and you get close you don't have time to yeah there's no second guess time yeah wow so in a competition when you're on a run do you know what tricks you're gonna do ahead of time or is it yeah in the moment yeah yeah no the the runs for me like some people can do that some people just have it like that where they can like you know like a shot where he can get on a skate park any course have zero practice and skate a one minute run and it looks like he's been on that you know course for the last week practicing that run and then he'll switch it up the next three runs in a row and you're like man how did you do that for me i have to go in there and kind of map it out you know i'll map out two runs and hopefully i get my first one and then you can build on that from there i kind of play the game with runs but um for me i can't just go in like cold turkey and just be like i'm just gonna skate for a minute and see what happens like i like to plan it out because i want to get as many tricks into a run as i possibly can like good tricks you know so it tripped me out when you said that your parents divorced on tv yeah and then here's my [ __ ] crazy thought that i had like well at that point your parents are divorcing you're wildly successful making i can only presume millions and millions of dollars every year that is like and and i guess you are an adult at that point or you're seventeen years i was still living at my mom's house yeah so did your like earnings like play into your parents divorce were they like dividing up [ __ ] that you earned if you're just listening to this podcast on a platform other than youtube which of course allows you to see me then you aren't aware of how good i look not just because i styled my hair today but because i'm staying on top of my fitness how with a whoop strap i wear it on my right wrist it's the greatest fitness tracking device out there it works as a membership service sign up for the membership and you get the strap for free you wear the strap and it gives you incredible insights into your rest your sleep your recovery your strain your activities plus i never have to take it off because i keep the charger right in my pocket and it slides right on top boom charging yeah dude i really like this company man i really like their product and i want you to try it plus i just came up with a pretty crazy idea which you're gonna hear about soon yeah you want to get on this whoop program okay so go to woop.com that's w-h-o-o-p dot-com and you use the promo code stevo and that gets you 15 off at checkout again that's 15 off at checkout if you use the promo code stevo woop.com why are you going to do it because you want to look good like me yeah you want to be fit man you want to be healthy you want to know what's going on with your body so get on that whoop program whoop.com promo code stevo and get ready to find out the crazy idea that i came up with all right now let's get an answer to this awful question i asked no no because i've always dude and shout out to you know steve astafin who's been my agent since i was you know 13 years old 14 years old um i've always had my money's always been like tied up where it's supposed to be where my parents couldn't touch it you know and by the way apologies for that shitty question no it's all good you know like that's just curiosity so was your mom embezzling for you no no no no i wasn't suggesting that but it's just like you know i couldn't help but be curious yeah no my parents were both very successful and you know my mom's been my manager since i was eight years old and so um we worked together my dad had you know thriving companies so he was fine like everyone was good with money and they were all they're both very smart so they had you know different accounts set up for me and you know all my retirement was set up when i was young like so by the time i turned 18 like they had not touched any of my money if anything they were telling me to save more because i was spending money like crazy you know i was 17 with a tv show and able to travel wherever and able to get into clubs it was like a whole cheese crazy it was a whole different you know whole different beast were you making money at it like eight i started making money when i was probably like i mean yeah i did a couple like little like game show like uh because i'm like what is an eight-year-old buy with a [ __ ] load of money he was like i have a million pieces of bubble gum or like yeah no no man that's how much of a skateboard i was anything i made i spent at the skate shop oh wow yeah i wanted boards and i wanted new helmets and you know i wanted i wanted all of it i got a board for you bro i know signed and everything yeah but i bought like things kids want you know like i bought remote control cars and like i would buy my brother a remote control car and like i i liked video like toys and bikes yeah like a bike i got a really cool like red line bicycle like i remember getting bicycles and skateboards and just like toys man it was all toys for sure fun dude it was fun yeah [ __ ] what up what like what kind of crazy cars have you had uh crazy cars man uh when i was 18 i bought a ferrari uh 4 30. that thing was fun super fun um had three how fast have you gone to net in the ferrari i only went about 150. the thing was so close to the ground and it was so like it was so violent and the the shifting was just violent it was actually kind of scary it's kind of a scary car um so you kept it at a modest 150 [Laughter] yeah yeah about about a buck 50 in that thing but my favorite cars have been the uh the s65 uh the amg mercedes benz i've had three of those things and man they are that they're rocket ships dude for a four-door sedan it's a rocket ship and my last one i had i tuned it up and was pushing out a little over 800 horsepower and hit 176 miles an hour in that thing and it was like where wild pico no not on pico no just headed down south so crazy dude but yeah it's a quick blast you know but that car is crazy because the faster you go the more the suspension lowers the car and the steering gets tighter it's like it's race car that's sick but it's four-door you know it's it's a sleeper definitely a sleeper so what's your car right now and then now i just drive the uh the ford raptor yeah that's the only car you have yeah it's the only car i have right now level how's uh how's sobriety going i mean like uh you know they say no dating within your first year sobriety are you staying true to that or you no man i i started dating uh i started dating my girlfriend in uh january so she's been with me through kind of the uh the start of this uh the restart i should say of the sobriety and man we vibe we vibe great together and uh that hasn't been an issue for me at all how public have you been about sobriety like i heard scott asked that question and i think like whoa whoa whoa like i don't i don't even know if we won't even be talking about you've been pretty public and we can cut it out if you don't want to no and dude i've been public about it you know i i tried you know so so 18 18 to 25 was uh was pretty heavy times you know it was fun it was fun times i i was uh i was definitely abusing alcohol and uh got to the point where i had had enough pain and i needed a break so i checked into rehab uh when i was 20 right when i turned 26 checked into rehab i did a 30-day stay and then made it almost four years sober and didn't have a really good program though didn't have a sponsor wasn't hitting meetings was just trying to pretty much white knuckle it and uh decided that for you know my 30th birthday that you know i wanted to go have fun phone with my homies say and and see if i could drink again and i ended up drinking and just it just became this like this crazy thing where it was all i could think about was drinking and it wasn't the amount it wasn't you know getting blacked out or going crazy it was just the fact that i could not get it off my mind and it was one of those things where it was like every day was coming around once four o'clock hit it was like all i could think about was a drink i was starting to do things during the day getting my business done but i was like almost doing things as like trying to get a reward you know i was trying to do things to be like okay cool satisfied i did that now my reward is this and i wasn't dealing with a lot of the i wasn't dealing with a lot of the real feelings the real life feelings that i needed to be dealing with so you know coming into it now six months so far of 100 sobriety again with the solid program with sober friends doing what i'm supposed to be doing going through the steps it's the best thing i've ever done for sure [ __ ] epic dude um so you said that the the life of ryan mtv show it helped your skateboarding but how about like the drinking was it when you were abusing alcohol are you uh like just able to get away with it like skateboarding wise yeah man cause i was i was like i was young dude like i don't know my body hadn't been taxed enough from the actual drinking that like man i was still able to like i was still able to like go party wake up the next day a little bit hungover but like a psyched hank you know i was like a psyched hangover i wanted to skate i wanted to skate something gnarly and i wanted to do it right then and there like wouldn't wait for the photographer to set up wouldn't wait for the filmer to set up would just start jumping down 15 stairs and you know that went on for years dude that went on for years and i look back at it now and i don't regret it you know it got me to this point where i'm at today where i'm so blessed and so thankful to be a professional skateboarder to still be in the mix to still be filming and like to have the sheckler foundation to be giving back to so many different types of communities that i had to go through that pain man i had to go through those trials and tribulations that that were set in front of me and you know what's the what's the shekler foundation all about so scheckler foundation basically we um we do a lot of work with uh ascape autism skates the adaptive adaptive crew which are the guys that are running around in the wheelchairs and you know guys that are missing limbs and skating with prosthetics and um inner city kids we we help build skate parks and we just help give back to uh to at-risk youth man to to kids that that need a shot and do a lot of work with the hospitals and children's hospitals and it's been something that you know started when i was 17 years old because i got to i got the opportunity to grant a wish for make-a-wish foundation uh to this girl named casey out in texas and uh she had leukemia and and it was so crazy man because she was so happy and such a like such a rad spirit and you know she'd been going through chemo and shouldn't have been in the mood that she was in like that's what i thought and she told me that she just she wanted to hang out with me for the day because she respected how i treated my my family and my brothers after my parents got divorced and so it was like this this whole thing of like man i thought my life was like kind of in in shambles when that started happening and it was so public but she told me that she found strength in that and from that day forward all i wanted to do is i want to give back to the fans and to the people that have allowed me to live this life that i live and um so yeah man we've been running running 13 years strong struck the foundation and donated a couple million dollars and wow yeah we're just we're helping man our whole initiative is you know be the change you want to see in your community so um you know we do we do a huge call to action once a year where you know we we just get everyone from from america just kind of hitting us up with what they want to see change in their community and how we can help with whether it's skate park or hospital or you know building a safe place like safe playgrounds and things like that it doesn't always have to be skateboarding it's just kind of what's on your guys's mind man we're here for the community so do you have a call to action coming up soon or did you guys already do one this year we just did we did our uh skate for a cause tour and we did a 10-stop tour where each stop we donated 10 grand to uh to the winners that we had picked um through our call to action and uh it was cool we took a big tour bus and we just freaking traveled across america man it was awesome and we stopped in on places that we had already previously donated to in the uh in the years before and um just kind of did checkups and just kept the vibe right you know and it's super cool because we will do it where it's like we'll show up at a spot we'll do the 10 000 grant but it's like you know there's like 60 60 to 100 people maybe you know it's kind of a it's a small like really intimate setting and so it allows me to be able to talk to every single person that's there and to like really get on ground level with everyone and uh we got pro skateboarders that come with us too david reyes manny santiago chazz ortiz like we we got a we got a sweet crew fabrizio santos like we've got a really fun crew and it's all dudes that just love skateboarding and love what skateboarding's done for their lives and we all just want to contribute what we can to you know not to the less fortunate but just to people that are are feeling it it's good wow yeah that always used to [ __ ] me up man like when i was drinking and i was beating up on myself and then i see a story of somebody that's dying of leukemia i'm like man here i am getting [ __ ] up and they would give anything to not have this disease and that would just it just make me feel so shitty dude yeah i mean that's that self-pity you know but it's like no one could tell you that you were gonna feel that pain you know like no one can tell you hey you should stop because you're going to feel all this pain and you're not going to like it it's like i'm pretty hard-headed i have a feeling we all are i had to experience it myself you know i had i had to get to that point where i was fed up with feeling the way i was feeling and and stop feeling sorry for myself and actually do something about it and get healthy man i i got a lot to contribute to the world and not only the skate world just to the world you know like i i feel i have something to contribute whether that's love whether that's respect you know a solid role model whatever it may be you know i can help one person with my story and like you know sobriety is cool it's cool yeah you know yeah it is i'm enjoying the [ __ ] out of it because i got sober right before i turned 30 and i'm like [ __ ] i wish i would have done this a lot earlier i got seven 33 33 uh-huh yeah yeah dude it's pretty rad to jump on it early man yeah yeah well man wendy farted again dude look at her [ __ ] dude did i uh open the door again i don't know if it's that if it's all right you guys love me was a bomb dude okay guys let me know i haven't caught this one yet maybe you guys are just like you built up a tolerance now so uh your sponsors have been the same for how long you've been riding for plan b uh plan b since i was 15. so 15 years now i've been on oakley since i was seven years old i've been on ethni since i was seven just seven or eight um yeah man i mean and those are like my those are my my longest running sponsors by far and it's just like it's just loyalty bro it's loyalty it's a family it's family at this point you know it's like and red bull man i've been on red bull since i was 14 or 15 and um i couldn't see myself being anywhere else you know it's like the the freedom that these companies have allowed me to have in projects that we do uh trips that we want to go on whatever it may be and especially with red bull it's like you know like don't hit me up you want to go to a formula one race i'm like absolutely i would you know like yeah you know red bull does the coolest thing i was in taiwan with red bull and they were hosting the uh the championship paper airplane contest oh [ __ ] and it was tight you know and i went there and we threw out the first planes and they were terrible but it was like the fact that red bull is in every type of sport every type of community is like the coolest thing to me man and they always include me um me and my crew in it man it's like it's amazing dude have you been to the super high diving no i haven't oh my god that shit's so [ __ ] up i haven't it's crazy like uh over a hundred feet yeah it seems off the side of the cliffs and stuff yeah i watched it on tv it's so crazy yeah red guy's like doing flips and [ __ ] like the difference with the super high diving is that they land exclusively on their feet they don't go head first in like they do in the olympics i wouldn't even jump off a hundred feet late dude they did like insane [ __ ] dude yeah they're spinning and flipping the whole way down that's an important question i think that the colorway action sports the the whole like pressure in action sports to just constantly push push more flips more twists more higher [ __ ] jumps like it's uh it's [ __ ] up you know smartly did you see the documentary it's called the crash reel about the snowboarder kevin pierce and he gets this traumatic brain injury i saw that yeah and i know kevin personally yeah wow yeah i never saw it so it's it's such a heavy indictment of action sports in general because like here he was uh that dude the guy was on fire man yeah and the half pipe like it was the the first olympics i want to say where they increased the height of the snowboarding half pipe by like a lot i don't know a lot and he was training for it and like did had this horrible [ __ ] head injury the guy's never been the same really man you know and he was you know he was the one that was going to be the gold medal he was like gold medal container for sure by far because that's just ice you're hitting like it's so unforgiving right the half pipe it looks like snow and like it's not so bad but it was so [ __ ] up yeah what was crazy to me was his brother how self-aware he was yeah you know it was like dude this guy is more in touch with himself than i am like it's [ __ ] yeah yeah but but in any case how much of that like i mean i i almost feel like what like pressure to do more pressure to you know pressure to kick flip the higher thing i mean none i got none now no pressure bro it's crazy the pressure the only pressure there is would be whatever you know i put on myself whereas before i used to think that it was like skateboarding as a whole was putting pressure on me to do bigger and bigger things and you can kind of get pigeonholed into that especially if that's all you're showing people is that you're jumping off the biggest things and you're going the furthest and you know all of a sudden these people start putting you in a category of oh yeah he's a jumper that that's what he does he jumps so what's he what's he going to jump next you know and it's like you almost can if you play into that you can find yourself jumping off something you know you can't make just to try to keep that going and so for me you know being 30 now it's like with the injuries that i've had i'm i'm just trying to have fun again and that's what i'm doing i feel like i'm 13 years old again body doesn't feel 13 but my mental is like ah i just want to skate i just want to land tricks man and yeah i'm going for gnarly [ __ ] still i'm still going for gnarly [ __ ] but [ __ ] that's within within reality yeah it's it's within my reality now and you know i used to look at things i would have fantasy tricks you know of like what i would do down some spots and um i don't even let my mind go play there anymore i'm just i skate more realistic to to what i can actually accomplish now but red bull's not like hey you should probably try and do this or do they just stoked on whatever you give them red bull's just stoked bro they're just stoked because they know i'm not i'm not lowering my bar by any means i'm actually more productive now that i'm having fun and i'm not worried about what people think about my skateboarding or if i deserve to be a skateboarder or if you know if i've made it in skate like i'm a skateboarder through and through i've been skating since i was two years old you know you'll never take skateboarding away from me ever i'm a skateboarder i i've um i've put myself in this world and and i've stayed here and i love it and so um at this point yeah it's just about like how much fun can i have and be gnarly it's crazy watching you skate this facility like just home court advantage i mean it's it's watching ryan skate it it's to me it seems like the complete opposite of what he was talking about preparing for a contest run because it's just like oh like all over just the spontaneous tricks and all that you know but see that happens when i'm having fun but the second if so yeah i could go in there right now and probably could come up with a cool one-minute run without thinking about it but the second you tell me it's a contest my whole minds switch everything in my mind goes whoa whoa whoa okay we have we have preparation steps for this period and we don't falter we do not skate a contest without going through these steps fun skating that's exactly what it is it's just fun contest skating is gnarly you said you still love competing i still love competing yeah i'm like i'm competitor through and through you can put a competitor with everything else in life or just absolutely absolutely i'm getting i'm getting pretty fired up to skate dude if you guys have any more questions i actually have one thing i wanted to bring up the other day we got we got lunch we were all getting tacos and you mentioned how like wendy went missing and then you ended up finding her and you told me you were like i knew i was gonna find her like and you're like and i always had this intuition where sometimes i just know you're like i turned that corner i knew i was gonna find her and i found her or like i've been driving and i i know there's a cop coming around the corner so i slow down and then there's a cop right can you talk about that a little bit that intuition yeah man i feel like i've always had a pretty like pretty sharp intuition since i was a kid you know definitely like early teens i've always kind of felt when a situation was getting either getting weird or or something was going to happen or like you know as simple as like a glasses someone's going to knock that glass off the table like and all sudden it's it's shattered on the ground it's like i've always i don't know i maybe it's god you know like i'm a firm believer in jesus christ and it could be god i could just be that i'm super in tune with the world and what's going on um i feel like as a skateboarder you're always super aware of your surroundings you've always been looking for street spots or looking for something to skate so you're always observing everything that's going on and i just think it's it's it's something that it's just something that i got you know it's just like normally my intuition is good and normally i can listen to that that voice in my brain and and know if it's bullshitting me or not and a lot of the times i've been able to trust trust that inner voice and and it pays off you know it's weird is that what kind of told you like i need to check myself into rehab i should be sober because like i can see this going for so bad for sure absolutely um that had a that that played a huge role and a lot of that was like some of the only times i was trying to ignore that i was trying to ignore that voice drinking like yeah i always got like beat up on myself because i just felt like you know when i was getting [ __ ] up like i was just at sixty percent my potential yep and i was like [ __ ] i'm giving this gift and like yep if i died today i'd be like [ __ ] man dude you know such a funny way to describe 60 of my potential it's like no dude you were like going in the complete opposite direction like right yes i mean sixty percent you still get sixty percent but like but like climbing wrong way i was down running a business and so i was like operating yeah right as a functioning person in society and i was like somewhat successful but i'm like dude i can be so much more successful sure you know right the number 60 came the same way when you asked me how a movie was and i'm like 86 like i just feel it you know like that's scott's intuition percentages like yeah redemption 98 yeah all right it's so funny all right so the last question is do you have any advice for steve now that he turned pro have fun bro yeah dude just keep having fun man you're a huge role model and you're a huge inspiration for so many bro well thanks man yeah when we were skating last week you know i remember thinking man i got to figure something out and you were like well if you don't figure something out just have fun yeah dude like [ __ ] a dude right on it's all about what's all about man it's just it's just fun these days man yeah that's cool and uh i mean i guess like the the corona virus is like the [ __ ] whole world's crumbling around us and you turned pro guys it's tough to get boards are you are you uh able to sell enough boards yeah i mean dude i feel like anything that has to do with being outside right now is being is a huge market skateboarding skateboarding is doing great right now some of the companies in skateboarding are doing great right now and they're selling tons of boards looks like you're about to i guarantee you'll you can you're going to sling all of these bro all of them i know i'll we'll never have enough boards um yeah i got it's a random question but when plan b got sold to uh wherever it got sold uh did that affect your experience as a pro for them um no it didn't have no it didn't because i'm i'm so invested into plan b and to the team and to the riders into the legacy of the brand that i just looked at it as just another business just another business transaction it doesn't matter kids that skateboarding adults that know what plan b is are going to continue to buy plan b and that's where we're at right now it's like plan b is not going anywhere it's a legacy brand and our team is next level and we're grinding bro and we're still going brothers are you trying to get me on stevo yeah dude skateboards yes i would never do that and uh do you have any mug shots yeah dude it's a little bit of a boutique boutique break dude i'm so glad i didn't jump on this board and ride it i was like i saw it sitting there i'm like i'm just gonna jump on it i was like dude it wouldn't have mattered i know but then you're like i know but i know how you can't remember i'm [ __ ] getting ready to you can do it barefooted yeah with those walmart feet right there and then wendy farts and i'm like smelling it looking at his feet like what all right dude why hey man i don't have anything else i just wanted to say thank you man no man thank you guys bro i appreciate this a whole lot man and i'm just stoked for you like i feel like you've had a killer life and now like with sobriety i think that what really it represents is for me anyway it was like all right i i'm you know i'm the stevo guy and it's like this this whole thing and i'm so invested in it i never know how to turn it off and i've just got to be this and then like i'm i'm afraid that like i'm going to have the end of my career then i'm just going to be useless and worthless and then sobriety for me represented like some separation to work on separating like who i really am from this ridiculous persona which i did which i'm not you know and i feel like as a as a pro skateboarder you know you get 30 you're fine you know 40. look at tony hawk he's in his 50s but still i think that in almost anything that you do and particularly in anything like involving athletics you got to like kind of head into the later part of your life like with uh being comfortable being ryan right just that is that separation you seem really comfortable in your own skin and that's kind of what it's all about yeah yeah yeah i can't believe how level-headed you are like if i was 16 and like rich and famous i feel like i would be i'd be such a dick or something like or i would have died by now like it's so crazy how level-headed with a ferrari yeah but you know but like i was a teenager and i was kind of a little bit of a [ __ ] you know but i i had but every teenager was yeah it was hard it's hard to say man it was like you know i i had moments that every kid growing up i mean maybe not every kid like i dude i didn't know anything different than being a professional skateboarder and traveling since i was a teenager since the second i turned 13 i was professional and traveling the world and that's that's what i knew and so i didn't sometimes i didn't know how to act and you know unfortunately the times i didn't know how to act were on camera on tv and so it was like ah you know yeah you live and you learn though and um i've for sure learned from that and and the biggest part about sobriety and my age now and what what's going on is definitely being comfortable with just me you know being stoked on the skateboarder ryan but also just being stoked on you know just me yeah just being me that's cool [ __ ] yeah dude all right man let's skate dude and thank you again thank you guys bro right on yeah bro [ __ ] hey man we did it again wild ride with stevo another great episode thanks to ryan sheckler and hello street team i got a special treat for you this week as i mentioned in the in the podcast i'm pro now professional skateboarder i was excited about getting into his park there and pulling off that kick flip up the step up it's very challenging for any pro skater but of course i went in there and i [ __ ] went after it like a bat out of hell oh yeah i dropped in i [ __ ] came flying at that thing i flew up that step up i hooked it and i caught it clean i cleared it by a mile the first trick i landed on my pro model skateboard really excited about that it's going to be included in a very epic what's called a part a compilation of incredible skateboard maneuvers which i will be launching at some point to uh announce my board to the world but the street team already knows about it so stay tuned this pro skater signing off
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Podcast
Views: 305,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steveo, steve o, steve-o, steve o podcast, wild ride podcast, wild ride, wild ride with steve o, jackass podcast, jackass, wildboyz, podcast, standup comedy, steveo's wild ride, scott randolph, paul brisske, Ryan Sheckler, sheckler, skateboarding, skating, ryan, plan b, pro skater
Id: HoKKU9bStCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 19sec (3559 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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