Jodie Sweetin - Steve-O's Wild Ride! Ep #71

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She's so hot!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/-Masaroth- 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

I was amazed when I looked up her age, she's 39 but looks like 24.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/swirkh 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Steve-O pays less attention to guests and brings up himself way more than even Howard Stern. Shut up teeth. Let the guest talk

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/RavenReel 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

she is one of my favorite milfs

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/jflatty7151 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody and welcome to a very sweet wild ride with stevo not only do we have jody sweden from full house with all kinds of crazy insights into the scandalous trials and tribulations of child actors as well as all this juicy stuff about addiction and recovery but this episode is brought to you by the sweetest brand of cereal out there it's called magic spoon and it really is magic because each serving has zero grams of sugar four grams net carbs and 13 grams of protein that's absolutely crazy because this stuff is every bit as delicious as all of your favorite cereals from when you were a kid i don't mind saying that this fruity flavor it's every bit as delicious as fruity pebbles the frosted flavor dude reminds me so much of cap and crunch and here this stuff's actually good for you i mean dude it's a performance enhancing meal dude i also don't mind admitting that totally by myself i went to stevo and i ordered 26 boxes because i love it so much yeah i'm running low on cinnamon and i'm telling you it tastes just like cinnamon toast crunch i'm gonna eat some right now dude you guys have to try this man it is so killer you go to stevo and use the promo code stevo to get you five bucks off your order and it's like being back in the game man eating like you're a little kid except not feeling bad about it go over there grab yourself a variety pack just enjoy man and they have a happiness guarantee so if you don't like it for any reason get your money back no questions asked tastiest cereal ever zero grams of sugar per serving now let's get into it ladies and gentlemen jody sweden yeah all right what's up you've met my co-host scott randolph i have scott how are you good how are you and uh it's hot as balls outside but we're gonna run this air conditioner for as long as we can yeah we'll we'll run it and then turn it off eventually and i i speak loud anyway so i'll just do my best to project it will turn off i predict in about 45 to 50 minutes right and if by that point you've had enough then fair enough all right now all right so yeah where to begin i mean my first thing i'm curious about were you a child star before the original full house uh i did a lot of commercials and stuff when i was young before full house i really full house was one of my first big television gigs i did uh i don't know if you remember the show the hogan family yeah uh i actually did a guest appearance on the hogan family as pamela poole who was mrs poole the next door neighbor's niece and it was an episode where she was watching me and then she like throws her back out or something and then jason bateman and um the other two jeremy licked and uh danny i can't remember his last name anyway they take over wind up babysitting me but that was my very first tv role i was four and a half and it was the same producers uh that were doing full house the same executive producers miller boyet and they loved what i did and they cast me on full house from that i never actually auditioned for the show i basically did a guest appearance on valerie and they were like this is who we want for i was stephanie lucky and before that i got to do i did a sizzler commercial that was really successful like the ad company wound up giving me a dog when i was like four because the the commercial was so successful and it was like i kind of got i gave you a dog they gave me because like it was you know they gave me a dog because the it did so well and because originally they had a boy cast for the part and they brought me in as a backup and i did it and they and this poor little boy had to just stand to the side all day while they completely changed the entire commercial to be a daughter they didn't even have a name for me so they just used jody like i mean it was yeah and and it was a sizzler all-you-can-eat shrimp commercial and it was a really hugely popular thing so television commercials have always been like a really like good paying thing right a good national commercial is awesome like you know people that when you see like those people in commercials that are doing that you know the the whatever the insurance one progressive all that [ __ ] right they i mean they're they're doing great off of somebody i had a buddy that did a zima commercial and he got picked up and he made like 90 grand off of it yeah you make a ton off of national commercials i don't know how it is now i mean the business is so different now from when i started like it's just vastly different but if it's based on impressions i would imagine that it's still very lucrative yes well i mean now you know if the instagram fee all that [ __ ] is just basically i say that yeah okay you can save it's a wild ride yeah i was like if i can't say the word [ __ ] on stevo's podcast i don't know what kind of planet i'm putting on um but yeah it's you know it that was my introduction into it and i was four years old and then by five i was working on full house and then that was oh [ __ ] you were five when full house started yeah i was four and a half when i did valerie and i got cast i was five years old i pictured you as like the older sister no candace was ten i was five and then ashley mary kate were nine months old damn yeah it shows how much i know [ __ ] what's that like walking onto a set at five like i mean at that point do you even know what's going on oh yeah i was it was funny i actually just today i ran into um joel zwick who directed tons of episodes of full house the original i met him when i was four and a half years old uh he directed our pilot i've known him forever ran into him randomly today but he still talks about he's like at five years old like you sat at the table reading table you read that script with everybody else like you were on it you had everybody laughing at five i could read the little before my third birthday unbelievable yeah did you like that attention i'm kind of i'm a little bit of a nerd and and so yeah i've loved reading my whole life dude i was on an airplane recently and i watched an hbo documentary about child stars and it was like kind of pretty dark like the whole there was an indictment of like you know pushing kids into show business right which i you know it's unfortunate well it's not you know what's absolutely unfortunate yesterday i had to delete something from instagram because the hair coming out of my nose was just disgusting and humiliating but you know what's not unfortunate at all is that all i had to do is grab my manscaped weed whacker and just stick it in there and boom nose hair gone problem solved that's what manscaped does is solves grooming problems man they got the new lawnmower 4.0 this is the best shaving tool out there man it even shows you what you're doing with the light boom no nicks no cuts just fresh shaved balls and body courtesy of the best men's grooming device out there manscaped now if you go to stevo what are you going to get 20 off your order plus free shipping plus man it's summertime dude it's time to have the clothes off it's time to look good so dude are you gonna be a slob with hair all over you like scott randolph or are you gonna get your manscaped grooming devices and clean yourself up take off your shirt with pride yeah go to stevo and get yourself taken care of by using that slash stevo 20 off your order and free shipping and hey you heard it from me now let's talk about child stars it is it isn't i guess my experience was so vastly different growing up in this business like yes there are some things that come along with being famous at a young age yeah but my overall experience was so wonderful and positive and like i have this family of people 35 years later that i'm still friends with and like still are my family i never experienced any abuse my parents always were like if this isn't what you love we're not gonna make you do it it was never my parents idea like i wanted to before does a four-year-old say i want to go on an audition yeah really wow i was bet when i was three years old i told my mom i would watch tv and i'd say mommy i want to be a modeler which was the people that i saw on tv and she was like i don't i mean i don't know like my parents were very hesitant i mean my dad had you know he was a superintendent of a gypsum plant in long beach harbor my mom was a stay-at-home mom of a wet plant a gypsum plant drywall oh wow i've never heard i don't think i've ever heard the word gypsum yeah it's like a drywall union uh it's like electrician plumber i'm i don't know i mean maybe i think it falls under like dock workers or something i don't know but my dad you know had a very blue collar job he was a handyman all my life um my mom was a stay homeless huh and you were in los angeles we were in uh like lakewood was where we first lived which is technically l.a county but pretty far south kind of next to long beach and uh so my mom put me in dance classes and like you know at my first recital i was in the second row and apparently i thought the girl in front of me was just [ __ ] it all up so i like kind of pushed her out and i was like i got this and like what you know my mom was like i mean maybe she should perform she really loves it right and i did i i came alive and still to this day i don't think i ever feel more at home than when i'm on set working like having all of that going on it just feels like totally comfortable to me and i never stopped you know what in high school i stopped wanting to audition as much and my mom was like all right cool like this isn't what you want to do i'm not going to drive you around everywhere and want it for you and i took some time off i went to performing arts high school and that was it so it was always my idea though and i didn't have a terrible experience but i know so many people have because and i've seen it i've seen parents that want it more than their kids right that's interesting to say in high school i didn't want to audition anymore where you think of child stars and and the dynamic that's sort of like kind of dark and said like maybe when they grow up a little bit people don't find them cute anymore and then they're sort of like maybe like 12 years old and feeling all washed up kind of a thing i mean it was definitely an adjustment at you know at 13 years old i was finishing middle school which is just [ __ ] for anyone you know i mean middle school just kind of sucks right yeah i have two kids that are going my one is in eighth grade and one is going into sixth grade and it's just the most awkward time of your life right yeah so i finished the show and i'm starting high school so it was just i mean that time of your life when you're like who the [ __ ] am i you know like what what do what do i want what am i doing and i went to a the orange county high school for the arts i was in musical theater okay so i still had that performing outlet and i did party of five i did a few i did like a a six episode guest starring thing on party five when i was a little bit older and i thought you're gonna say i did party my ass off i mean i did but that was like later in my you know right like high school and 20s when i really acted like an [ __ ] were you still going to grade school while you were filming they didn't like by law you didn't have like a teacher on set i had both our producers again really wanted were really involved and engaged in how the kids on the show were doing so i really wanted to go to regular school in the morning and because we lived in orange county and like traffic sucked getting up there at eight we worked it out to where i think my first season i did my school on set just because we were kind of getting into the groove of it but after that like i went to school in the morning we worked 40 weeks so monday i was at school all day tuesday wednesday i went to school until lunch and then got picked up and thursday and friday i did my work on set so i had like a foot in normal life and i just went to a public school in orange county normal life like i didn't live some crazy you know yes i got to do really cool [ __ ] growing up you know but i also lived a very normal grounded life and i think that that really helped me be a halfway normal [ __ ] person you know what i mean like so if my math is right you were 13 when you stopped doing full house you were five when it started so it ran for eight years eight years we did eight seasons of that show yeah and five seasons of fuller house for netflix and so that means it's super syndicated like did you get to renegotiate your contract after like so many years and get like back-end and stuff you don't get back-end stuff but you still get you know some residuals but residuals people think they're you know you're making like hundreds of thousands of dollars you're like it's look it's a nice little bonus of like i can put a little bit of money aside maybe or pay my bills with it but it's not not everything that everyone thinks it is you know and now with netflix and streaming like again like i said the business is so different like residuals aren't a thing anymore right you get paid out up front they pay you far less than you know they used to on network shows and you get paid out and that's it like you'll get maybe dvd sales and stuff like that but it's it's a very different business than it used to be but yeah i mean look full house has been on the air ever since it started in 1986 it's never been not on the air somewhere in the world so that's crazy i'll sound like a creep for asking this but dude do people always tell you you look like scarlett johansson you know what that is that's actually something that i've gotten several times and it's a huge compliment because i'm like if anyone thinks i look remotely like her i'll [ __ ] take it she's gorgeous we saw the black widow or the movie billboard after i'm like that looks like the jody that we're gonna on our way to right now i have actually heard that before and it's funny because people come up to me like can i tell do you know who you look like and i'm always like expecting you know the girl from full house and they'll be like screw just listen i'm like thank you or the girl from vikings i've gotten that too yeah my girl my girl loves the show vikings but i never got into i haven't watched it but i actually had somebody think i was her on a plane and was like i know who you are and i was like okay so we went along this whole thing i thought one thing and right this person thought another and then finally he was like i just love vikings i have to and i was like oh that's actually not me we're having two very different conversations are you familiar you see you've watched vikings you're into it i've seen i haven't watched it i've watched like half of one episode not because i didn't like it i just was god only knows what other nine million shows i was trying to finish at the time right right okay but thank you i'll take the compliment yeah i mean it struck me i was like man there's a real resemblance there i will play her sister any day in any movie i'm just throwing that out there right now sorry oh go ahead when uh you said you went to an art school so like what i was curious about years of like child stars getting like bullied in school oh yeah i did for sure oh you got bullying school because you were successful with the show yeah middle school was really i mean elementary school people were rough but it was like stupid [ __ ] you know what i mean like whatever making fun of your name or make it but but that was like across the board everyone just you know made fun of each other but i was with those kids for a while then you go to middle school and it's like now you're dealing with kids from you know five or six different elementary schools that you haven't met before and they're like you know i would show up to school and it was like i knew people either wanted to be my friend because they were impressed by me or because or just wanted to be around me to [ __ ] with me and you know i i remember walking through the quad in like seventh grade like the first week of school and somebody just chucked an apple right to the side of my head from across the bank you know they'd write [ __ ] on my locker or like intentionally try and trip me or like you know as you walk by talk [ __ ] and i just learned to be like [ __ ] you you know it gave me a real thick skin so it prepared me well for the internet that's for sure do you ever get any fights um are you a brawler or no not till not till later not till later but yeah yeah i've had a few i mean that was definitely more when i was just like in my addiction and drinking and being an [ __ ] yeah you know i'm great for like the first three hours and then after that i'm like i will fight anyone for sure did i did you make it through all the eight years of full house without getting loaded or did that start no that was i was still a kid yeah and like it really wasn't until high school which is kind of when everybody starts you know that's the time 13 14 15 like you start doing dumb [ __ ] because everyone's doing dumb [ __ ] at that age um but you know i my i always say i would have had issues with addiction regardless of growing up on tv i understand addiction in a very different way now but i also you know i was adopted at a very early age my parents both had addiction issues my biological parents i was raised by two totally normal people and i that was what i found you know i started partying in high school and i was the one that it was like i started and i couldn't stop and i went too far and people were like yeah what is wrong with you i was like i come from a long line like on my mom's side of the family every single person like without without exception yeah but on my biological side it's uh uh you know there was a lot of addiction there was a lot of mental illness but you know coming actually finding out now as an adult there was also a lot more success in some of my biological family than i than i knew about but you know it was i definitely was born with you know a predilection to that and then at 13 14 you start going like who am i where am i from who are my people who i know these are my my parents but i'm not from them so like how do i connect with that and when the only thing you know is like your parents were addicts and had issues in and out of jail and my dad was killed in a prison riot like you know when that's what you know suddenly you feel like oh is that all that i am is that who i am and i it took me a long time to get over that resentment and that hurt and that all of that that really led to a lot of my how old were you when you found out you were adopted when you were adopted uh i was officially 14 months old but it was right around like my first birthday a little bit before so it was about a year was there a period in between getting adopted and not being with your biological parents where you were like shuffling through the system uh i didn't get put in the system thankfully but uh my mom was in jail when i was born i talk about it we were born in jail i was born in jail i was born one legend dude technically uh at the usc county uh sure on the you know the inmate floor but yeah floor yep 13th floor and uh you know there's like the kick and then there's right yeah so you know it luckily my mom had um and and my biological dad had friends who and cousins and family who actually are related to my adopted dad and that's how i became adopted by my parents was he knew of okay through his ex-wife's family and his his kids from his first marriage um who were actually the ones that brought me home and so i was staying with them and my parents really wanted to have kids my mom wasn't able to and they knew that i needed a home and so i was really fortunate in that i didn't wind up in the system because right family and friends showed up for me and took me home yeah but i was real close you know and and i i always look at my life as this series of like incredibly fortunate events where i just happened to be in the right place at the right time and like my life took a really different journey you know and i think that's a great perspective because i can imagine some people being like man i [ __ ] got scrooge i was born in jail and then okay and you know here's the thing is like i had to get through and you know i talked a lot about that in my book unsweetened and i talk about it a lot because i think for one thing i know that uh you know growing up as an adoptee there was i think it's there's less of a stigma now but when i was young you know my mom was always like we don't want to talk about this because they were afraid that all of that coming out about me that somehow people would look at me different and now i'm like i don't give a [ __ ] how people look at me like you know i mean i am who i am and i i i've survived you know i've had some obstacles thrown at me but i've also had some really wonderful experiences so that's life right like you sometimes start off in a shitty place and then and it's not so bad um when when you got pregnant we were were you thinking oh god my kids are going to be alcoholics i mean that was definitely a that's always a fear right like is are my kids gonna be [ __ ] up too am i [ __ ] i mean that's just a parental fear of like am i is this the thing that's gonna put them in therapy is this the is this the conversation is this time that i snap and yell gonna be the thing that like right sticks with them but i also know like for me it i was raised by the most normal non-drinking right like so there for me in every respect i still [ __ ] up because i had my own [ __ ] to deal with so like trying to raise teenagers especially now man my daughters are 13 and almost 11. and it's terrifying but i also know like i have to you know i've learned through my adventures in in sobriety and all that like i have to learn to give them the dignity of their own experience too and hope that i've put in place the right right things and and also know that they're gonna [ __ ] up and it's not it i it's not all about me like i can't take all of my kids [ __ ] and be like oh it's me i did it you know right it's scary i was at one of my uh one of my get-togethers right with sober friends yeah oh yeah and um after our get together this this mother sort of called for like a little little pow wow you know we're all sort of standing around you know everyone's kind of going home except for us we're we're talking and she says i've got my my i think she was talking about her son if i remember if there's like the kid was like eight years old or something she says my son is showing such signs of being an alcoholic but he's never even took a took a drink yet it's everybody you know and like like i don't know what to do because like i can't see like oh you gotta like you know but she says part of me wants to like just hand him a beer and a joint let him get tuned and just be like [ __ ] by the time you're 15 maybe you'll get your [ __ ] together instead of starting then and [ __ ] it up for a while right i mean that's the thing right like you know and my kids i always like to say that you know when i got sober too one of the things that i learned was that practicing these principles and all my affairs also includes my parenting right so my kids are aware of the guiding principles of my life and all that stuff and you know at the end of the day they're gonna make their own choices and i just have to hope that whatever they've heard and instilled and know will be relevant or or i'll luck out and they'll be [ __ ] normal and and they'll read my book you know which of course they now know about and their friends talk about all [ __ ] and they'll be like i don't want to be like her that sounds terrible probably not but you know what teenager ever says that but when i was working on my book i i found myself thinking dude i'm [ __ ] gnarly that what part did you think that all of it was yeah like i had this documentary about my downward spiral and i've seen it yeah i i don't know if you remember we actually met several times okay i get so uncomfortable when people tell me that they met me before i got sober because odds are that means they have an awful story to tell about me but there's only a good story to tell about what's gonna happen tonight when my girl lux gets home because i'm gonna pop a bluetooth tablet in my mouth and chew it up and i'm gonna show her my blue tongue because when she sees it she literally cheers she should man because blue chewed tablets have the same active ingredient as both viagra and cialis except they only cost a fraction of the price and they're chewable plus to get blue tablets you don't have to have an awkward in-person visit to the doctor's office because when you go to you just consult with one of their medical providers right there on the website couldn't be more simple couldn't be more quick and if you use the promo code stevo you know what you're going to get an entire month's supply of bluetooth tablets completely for free all you have to pay is five bucks for shipping come on could we get a better deal i'm telling you i have so much fun when i take my bluetooth tablet and rock lux's world so hey man if you want to have extra fun with your extra impressive boner then get on over to and use the promo code stevo because once again that gets you an entire month's supply for free all you gotta pay is five bucks for shipping it's a really good time so enjoy yourself now let's get back to this when we were both in not a great place the fact that i even remember it is shocking you lived next door when you were uh in that building right off sunset sure you lived next door to my friend jay okay jason and he was also a we were it was just not a good time for any of us let's put it that way and i seem to remember being out on a on the balcony and somehow someone's shoes maybe mine got thrown over and like down in between the building and then there was like like i couldn't leave because i didn't have shoes i mean i could have left but then we were like i don't know it was there was a lot going on in both our that place and your apartment so it was a wild ride and i i've run into you several times so wow hi again like it was like like rolling dice like to meet me back then you know it could have been like a fun experience it could have been an awful experience same here i'm sure you know i've taught i still have a few friends that i like partied with back in the day who have i've stayed in contact with like you know are cool people that weren't [ __ ] and made it through and and i always say i'm like was i was i as bad as i thought i was and they were like well i mean not always right but you know i did have the nickname kanye mess that was my that's great my friend dutch gave me that nickname uh and when i used to spend a lot of time at the roosevelt hotel okay and uh yeah um how much sobriety do you have now uh i stopped drinking uh what is it now 2011. okay so it's been it's been a while it's been a while and like i i was talking about this the other day i was talking to somebody and i was like you know i thought i'd be the girl to like die with a cocktail in my hand like that was my plan well my plan was to be done by 30. i didn't think i'd see my 30th birthday hit me either um and that was the way i lived you know i was like [ __ ] it none of this matters just go as hard as you can and like the fact that i made it out of the situations that i often put myself in in one piece uh is pretty remarkable i count my blessings for sure um but yeah i i you know i didn't think i'd see my 30th birthday so like i'm 39 now and i'm like wow extra you know what was the rock bottom for you you know i don't know that there was like but the last day the last day were you just like i gotta get help um you know it was interesting i actually stopped drinking and and using like a couple years before my sprite was like 2009 but i had relapsed after i got in a car accident and i was using um muscle relaxers because i broke my arm and really [ __ ] up my neck and all that and i just started taking like two three selmas at a time and it was a really short it was jesus christ i was i think i wound and i i'm pretty sure i've talked about this before but like i wound up at swingers the diner swingers like trying to hold a fork and i was just like ah my friend was there like what's wrong yeah and she's sober she was like dude and i it had been i don't know maybe a month not even like it was a very short time from like i was using them and then using them inappropriately and then it was like i just can't do this anymore those things killed people they do i remember my doctor if you drank on soma like you might just not wake up drink on somas also if you detox suddenly off of them yeah they can cause really gnarly seizures and all that i mean i i worked in treatment for uh a while before coming back to fuller house i worked in treatment for like five or six years wow and uh yeah i remember you know that was the thing that i learned i was like oh glad i didn't die that's right yeah wow um and you don't hear about somas anymore it's like they kind of went away they went i mean they went away i mean and i think it's also it's like so not something in my i'm i'm sure if i you know asked i'm sure i could find them but like it's so not even in my realm like that anymore um working in recovery did you ever hear that like statistically the the jobs that people have the highest rate of relapse are jobs where they work in recovery yeah it's a it's one of the most stressful things i've ever done you know i was a i worked uh i started as a tech and then worked my way up and um was a director of operations for a while and so i oversaw you know a staff of like 120 people and a bunch of different houses and like you know often times you're hiring people that have been there for a year and then they're moving out and they want to you know so i think that's part of it too is a lot of people even if they have a you know the year requirement um it's hard and it's it's a hard environment to work in it's there's a huge burnout rate um my boyfriend now is a social worker and has his masters uh and you know works as a case manager and social worker and therapist and all that and it is it's hard you're my best friend's a therapist she takes on people's [ __ ] all day long right and it's hard you know it's a lot but i love i did love it i was very fortunate in that i went into the world of recovery and kind of threw myself in i was making 10 bucks an hour as a tech for a while and right emptying trash cans and i was like okay this is just what it is and i was fine with that um but it's you know it's a lot to take on because you care about these people and it's you know sober's not easy and it's not pretty right it also i think feels pretty slippery to put your recovery out there like publicly like i know i i did that in a big way right and at a certain point like i really kind of tried to back off of that yeah i do too like i don't talk about it as often anymore like it's just something that i'm like it you know it's not all that i am and i know people are like always fascinated by like you know like what was the worst point like i don't know it was all i had fun and then there were moments that i like wound up in the hospital you know with acute alcohol poisoning or something or i wound up you know like passed out on a sidewalk for hours and my friends couldn't get me up or like you know there was a lot of shitty times but there was fun times too but then it just became more shitty times than good times and then it was like now did you have fun the last four years of of me using like i i didn't have fun once i was positive that i was having a blast right right but were you really like the stress my god it was constant just constantly [ __ ] up everything i thought i was so cool i thought that like i was having the greatest time and like every once in a while like that wasn't the case and but like actually all the time i was awful um when i had kids that really changed it for me like i after i had zoe my my older daughter um i was trying to get sober again you know i had quit drinking when i was pregnant and then it was like she was born and i was like i mean i went from [ __ ] partying to being a mom and i didn't i didn't know what the [ __ ] i was doing it was terrifying and i started drinking again and then it was like i've got to get sober but i will say that was the point in my life that i really dealt with the huge resentment of being adopted and of my mom not being able to get her [ __ ] together enough like my my biological mom i think i always held on to that resentment like was it me why why didn't why wasn't i good enough why wasn't i so you know why couldn't i change you and i think when i got to the point after i had my daughter and i was struggling to get sober and quit drinking and all of a sudden i realized i was like oh [ __ ] this has nothing to do with her this is my sickness and my addiction issue that i have to deal with and suddenly it was like i understood who that my biological mother was and and that she actually did the best thing she could for me and that it how sad that she couldn't get it you know what i mean and it just it gave me a different perspective on it having gone through it myself i suddenly saw her in a whole new way and this huge amount of forgiveness came about and that was really that was you know when i could drinking that was it like i had a drink since then um you know and again like i said i relapsed on the other stuff but i hadn't had a drink since then you know and um it was i i that was what i needed you know that was a resentment that i didn't know how to heal until i was in it wow um as i understand it adopted kids it's almost like a rite of passage to try to like track down your biological parents yeah uh i did i mean i was easy one has passed away and well they're both dead now i never got to meet him but i did finally get some pictures um and that was i think all i really wanted you know i remember so [ __ ] cheesy but i remember the movie antoine fisher with denzel washington okay and i remember seeing that movie and it's about like the guy never meets his you know his biological mom's the [ __ ] crackhead and is a mess and all this stuff and there was this one scene in it where he meets her and he's so disappointed because she's still getting loaded and her life's still [ __ ] up and he's like gone off and gotten his [ __ ] together and he's like this whole thing where he's like i just i kept thinking maybe you'd come around the corner and like have ice cream for me or like be there or that you he's like i saw you like this golden angel and i like it hit me because i was like oh [ __ ] i have this really idealized version of what this person was and in doing that i've like taken away her humanity a little bit because i have this expectation and so like being able to kind of connect and understand her in a little bit different way once i was a mom really changed things for me that's heavy it is it is deep and heavy and deep and heavy i mean [ __ ] it like it was this is you know i'm it's funny like i'm at that point now in my life where i'm like if we're not talking about this [ __ ] what's the point like right i suffer from terrible anxiety still ptsd depress you know the whole fun gamut of like this is such an inappropriate question but i'll just go for it do you take any fun like antidepressant meds of course thank god they're fun but they're fun but they're necessary yeah oh my god for me like and i'm no doctor and i would never recommend anything but personally for me zoloft is so absolutely crucial to me it's true and and i think i you know it's interesting too there i there are some meds that i use um that have saved my life yeah you know i'm not i'm not like suicidally depressed 100 that's exactly it and i i look at it as like look my my brain just works a little differently and it's not always the best i'm trying you know i meant i do i go to therapy i i i do all the things that i know i'm supposed to do but my brain just works a little differently and so i i know i've seen people in the program really shame people for uh psych meds for psych meds and things like that and i'm like dude outside help [ __ ] outside help outside issue not sure not your you know plus in the history of zola loft i don't think anybody has ever taken it like for fun right you know but you know people you know they're and i think often as any humans group of humans get together and all of a sudden everybody gets a little judgy right yeah sure but like the the the difference is if if i'm not taking zoloft then it takes a very minor disturbance for me from my head to just go straight to some crazy suicidal ideation right oh yeah yeah like that's it everything's done just let me just check out for sure and and i don't think that i ever got anywhere near actually like being proactive about suicide i just simply wasted untold hours of time right wallowing in this dark right planning out what it would you know the how i would do it and and the the sad reality is that uh i was always in my fantasies far too concerned with what would happen after i died to have ever been serious about dying well because you're like but wait i want to be there though i want to see whatever i mean my plans were always like oh like like how how will i make sure that my body's not found you know like and i had such i had such crazy ways for that i was gonna oh boy here we go why wouldn't you want your body found because i wanted to just [ __ ] disappear and not i'm not that like elders or what and that's but that's really what you wanted right you didn't necessarily want to die you just wanted to disappear i just if you don't want it yeah that would make me like somehow like last forever you know if people didn't know like right right you're going to be a constant mystery that people are going to be trying to solve right right and the arrogance of that right 100 percent that anyone's going to probably give a [ __ ] anyway for sure for sure uh so so my plan was my favorite of the players your favorite right the one that you would read those weren't practical ones but but my favorite of the plans was to rent a cube truck okay like like like a box truck like a u-haul box truck right okay now i would have like a super old-school car in the back of the box truck okay okay right so it's all sealed up right and they're just super that you can super carpet and like right right right now the box truck would be like parked near a body of water okay right actually but not parked it would actually be uh in drive mode except it would have a huge block of ice on the break so i get holy [ __ ] you really went for it so i go in the back in the car and i get going with that plus on top of that i got a hose coming out of the exhaust pipe of the cube truck running in so i'm double i'm double time right yeah because even in your death you'll be alcoholic about it right because even as i'm dying i want [ __ ] more right yeah 100 yeah so i got all the carbon monoxide coming from the cube truck as well as coming from the car in the cube truck all just hosed right into the car with the windows right here yes none of this is a recommendation of how to do it because carbon monoxide is is terribly unsuccessful so much of the time and it leaves you a [ __ ] vegetable right yeah and then look none of it's good because it's always the the the you know but it's really dope that for the ice to melt and then the truck drives itself into the body of water and is never found because it's just under this random body of water in the middle of nowhere that's a plan and a half pretty [ __ ] cool thank god for zoloft and this has been a this has been an advertisement tour wow and it's crazy too because there was one point where i was in a relationship with someone who really looked down on the idea of men psych meds and and i actually got off of them and in black and white i could notice the difference man and then i got back on him and like everything was okay yeah no i i think i've i you know i've gotten to the place in my life where i'm like you know what whatever i have to do to like save my mental health i'm gonna do it and i'm willing to do it in like i'm good you know this is this is my path this is my journey this is my life and like i think i've just gotten to a place now you know past all of that stuff where i'm like good i have [ __ ] anxiety i mean i'm you know today i was a mess just like i couldn't executive functioning was out the window today and i don't know why it was just one of those days where my brain was like eating itself alive but i know it'll pass i know it'll get better and i have a great partner who's like so supportive of me and he's like just just come sit down it's okay you know you're good but my life is so good today and i also know like i've survived the [ __ ] you know what i mean like yeah it's miserable there are some days when you're like i can't [ __ ] do this i i can't i can't do this but you do it and you get through it and then eventually you look back and you go oh [ __ ] i did it you know and i just i was so fortunate getting to come back like and do fuller house i got to direct an episode wow super cool um which is something that i want to focus on like i'm you know having more meetings with different networks and stuff about getting back into directing that's really where i want to focus my energy is like directing producing i've got a couple scripts that i'm working on with people and you're playing the lead in something coming up are you got a lead role in a movie um i did a uh i sh actually we shot it during quarantine in november yeah um and it's called will you be my corn my porn time uh cute little rom-com about like a relationship that develops over during quarantine over zoom and then you know they luckily there's a vaccine i mean we shot this in november when there wasn't a vaccine and i remember thinking like god i really hope that there is one otherwise this is gonna be people are gonna be like oh [ __ ] look at them they're happy now they got a vaccine we're still sitting inside you know oh wow um but yeah that'll be coming out i think sometime i think we're gonna try to release it around valentine's day next year sounds like a modern day you've got mail exactly very similar very similar um and uh yeah and i'm you know working on writing a script with a friend or actually she's writing it but i'm working on trying to you know pitch that and do stuff so it's i would i i i'm trying to remember that like this this business is all it's up and down you know right it's it's all over the place and that's okay it's gnarly yeah it's gnarly in between full house and fuller house did you have like show up and show big stuff going on yeah oh yeah i did you know like i said i i did um party five party five i did um brotherly love when i first uh finished full house i was like 13 14. that was the lawrence brothers um and i did a few other things but then like i you know i got married really young the first time how old it's been a few uh i was 20 when i first got married and um you know my i've ironically enough my husband was a cop at the time which i know people now are like you are married i'm like yeah i know uh and then you know i started getting sober and being not sober and [ __ ] everything up and you know it's been it's definitely been an up and down and there was a time that i kind of walked away from the business because i was like you know i don't know if it's what i want to do anymore and so i moved into working in treatment and i loved that you know i was i wanted to be a case manager i want to be a therapist um and then fuller house like came about and we were pitching that and then that happened and my life completely pivoted again and i got back to doing the thing that like i said i feel most at home doing yeah and still trying to you know build on that and direct and do other stuff and i've got my podcast never thought i'd say this oh cool that i do we're we just started season four again we just launched a youtube channel nice um and it's me and my best friend celia behar who um we our girls are about the same age and we just talk about all of our parenting fuck-ups and fails and like how we don't know what the hell we're doing and just the weird [ __ ] you know it's a very raw inappropriate look at parenting um like my mom says you'll love the show if you don't mind the f word nice but uh yeah you know i'm just trying to stay busy in doing that stuff but how long have you been doing the podcast uh we just celebrated our two year anniversary but we've done four seasons so we've done like two seasons a year okay and where can they find it they can find it anywhere on apple uh on itunes spotify stitcher um everywhere anywhere you can get your podcasts you can down you can download it and subscribe to never thought i'd say this and on our youtube oh that's the name of it that's the name of it never thought i'd say i'd say because we started out like neither one of us we were like i never thought i'd be a parent and all the and not only that but like all the [ __ ] you're like i never thought i'd have to ask someone like please don't lick the toilet like i just you know things that you have to say to kids as you're parenting where you're like i never ever thought this string of words would be put together and i'd have to direct it at another human being because what the [ __ ] is happening right now that's funny that's epic yeah did i know that netflix is like notoriously like kind of like not uh open about their their numbers you know so sometimes they choose to say oh with this many households whatever like they like and it's never like necessarily an accurate number you never really know um but like independent you know i don't even know what like companies have people looked into it what their numbers are and i do remember that uh i believe fuller house the year the season it premiered was like one of their top watched shows that entire year cool so i guess now they did well one through ten you always know what the title was trending but like they never to but that could be anything and and i think the top ten it's also like what your algorithm said you know my title [Music] i don't know i don't know but i do notice like sometimes my top ten i'm like oh i don't have that in my kids yeah it's not [ __ ] true crime like really creepy disturbing i'm all about the [ __ ] serial killer i'm actually doing one of those like hunter killer things like my boyfriend got it for me for valentine's day like a six month subscription to one of those things where you like you know hunt the killer whatever it's a you know it's a fake one but i love that [ __ ] wow i love it hey when full how many eyeballs were on full house at its peak oh god i know we made it to the number one a few times but we were in the top ten it was never like ten minutes abc when we were like the tgif channel and it was uh and it was prime time um right before family matters friday nights yeah we did we i mean like did you break 20 million something like that yeah a lot i mean and we you know we would fluctuate but we were often in the top ten occasionally i think we made it to number one depending on the episode so we we were it was a huge abc show you know and it's right huge yeah and it's huge on netflix so like it said there's no way of really wondering when it was right when it was more popular but it makes sense that it would be more popular now because you've got multiple generations well we've got multiple generations and we're also it's all over the world like we shot an episode uh in japan for fuller house we went over there for a few weeks it was insane like we arrived at the airport and there were like 300 people there waiting for us we would get followed everywhere we have people camping out in our hotel like full house and fuller house are huge in japan also i'm huge in brazil i have a ridiculous amount of following in brazil so if anyone out there from brazil is listening what's up um germany um where's the craziest place that like you've had fans reach out to your oh my god i mean all over like i i i've had fan mail literally from all over the world i know fuller house is in like 56 countries um wow i remember one of the seinfeld guys was like dude i was in indonesia and and i walked into this house and they're all huddled around this tv watching seinfeld yeah yeah what do you need i'm just gonna put this down so we can get a good thumbnail oh yeah yeah yeah there we go okay right on right um yeah yeah that's that's crazy man yeah i think for you the craziest place that i when i've been with you would be uh madagascar madagascar yeah i remember we were shooting wild boys and uh we were on um uh what was uh the borneo the little islands in indonesia and we were filming with some like like indigenous tribe and they were filming and being part of their sheriff i would have seen web boys yeah i understand this uh this this indigenous tribe guy like points to my tattoo that i got in the the hummer right at any point he goes offroad tattoo oh really awful that's crazy i couldn't understand what he was like what a fruit tattoo he said offroad tattoo yeah i mean it's crazy and and i always think about too you know the impact that i've been able to have and now with social media even more like it's still out there and you know i'm super politically active now and like very much involved in a lot of that i just uh joined the board of um a uh a super pac here in l.a or in california that is really pushing young progressive candidates um and trying to get them elected uh and you know i was really involved in all the protests i was out at actions constantly um i you know support a lot of uh you know the dude didn't decline like all of that protest art and stuff like that like that's my wheelhouse now so i i know i definitely you know piss a lot of people off but uh right but it's also something i'm super passionate about so does that who's the boss was before full house huh uh right around the same time yeah yeah alyssa's on there are you friends with the listeners i am because when you say you know like your wheelhouse is political now i feel like she's pretty political she's super political yes i am friends with her are your political sort of uh like what it was ideologies aligned we're similar i'm definitely much farther left than okay than most uh people so yeah okay you know i'm one of those crazy leftist hollywood liberal [ __ ] all right is there i mean you i mean the back of my shirt has like you know all kinds of stuff on it for good you know from if it's uh left to promote respect then call me left yeah yeah it's i mean it's it's all about just trying to really broaden the broadener horizons and make people aware of what the world is what's actually going on in the world okay since you brought up politics can i ask you uh would you have voted for bernie sanders absolutely [ __ ] me too absolutely i would have voted for bernie um i also like to uh uh some of elizabeth warren's platforms but i don't think you know and i really i wish we could get more progressive candidates in which is you know a lot of the candidates that i am now working with and promoting with this super bloom pack are people that are endorsed by bernie and that are very you know it's really trying to push environmental issues justice issues and all that [ __ ] because oh my god my girl said something so [ __ ] funny the other night i was like trying to say like i was trying to like make a joke or something because with all the the the heat records i was like god i was like babes global warming is such a hoax right i was joking and she says of course it's a hoax the world is flat did you watch that documentary flat earthers oh my god there's a [ __ ] no no dude if you want to lose no but you have to because it's so like it's i i watched it like this the whole time just like these i think i did see something it's on space is fake the the slightest fake the earth is flat and here the best part is though is these [ __ ] people oh my god so they're doing experiments right to to yeah i didn't see that with the lasers the lasers yeah yeah they don't and and it disproves their theory and they're like well we need to adjust this so that it proves our theory and you're right that's how science works there's so many there's so many like things that just are problematic for flat earthers like say for example if you're going to fly to london england you're going to fly east right across america and then across the atlantic however if you're going to fly north right fly that way yeah right conversely if you're gonna fly to australia then you go the other way right because it's shorter because that would suggest roundness well no no but it's a big it's a big bubble it's a big bubble steve it's we're living in a dome it's a dome but my question is where's the [ __ ] sun go how how is it that every other planet is round except for us what are you talking about that's not how gravity works well also in like dubai they have the world's tallest building there where they have a different the sunset is later because it's so high right that it's the sun sets later but they're like it's just because it's big they're out there they're totally out there i posted at one point because like everyone was talking about flat earth and uh back on wild boys i i went in a russian mig fighter jet like faster than the speed of sound to the edge of the earth's atmosphere and i like to call myself a [ __ ] cosmonaut for that which is the russian term for astronaut right of course chris pontius made the point if you go to the edge of a woman's [ __ ] that doesn't make you not a virgin [Laughter] right but the thing was though i went up and i went what the [ __ ] did chris do what what plane is he hugging yeah how did you get to go on that and chris did it because there's only room for one person and uh i don't know i wanted to do it right but the thing was um i went up at like noon and it was fully like not a cloud in the sky totally blue you know like sunny sunny at noon and then going up even though it was only to the edge of the earth's atmosphere and not you know beyond it um it was like fully by the time we got up like to whatever however high it was it wasn't sunny anymore it was like straight [ __ ] dark and i was looking at the earth the earth and it was curved and i took this wild that's so that's amazing i don't have the balls to do that but like that [ __ ] is amazing i took a picture of the the [ __ ] like there's dark and it's like looked like [ __ ] space too right and i and i posted that for the flat earthers i was like dude i took this picture and they're like yeah [ __ ] fish eye lens [ __ ] makes everything curved that's so crazy dude you're like what what like it's just like i said i watched the whole documentary like oh my god i remember i did watch it when he played sometimes i you just have to watch the [ __ ] about the the edge of right of reason because i'm like i need to know what these like what right what's going on on the other side and you're just like wow so like this is what happens when you defund education for like two generations you know right you get people who don't think that the earth is round it's it's it's uh it's something else so full houses still go sorry fuller house is still going yeah no it's not we finished in 2019 we did five seasons and we were really fortunate we ended in november of 2019 right before the pandemic so we got to have a big celebration and you know everybody on set and it wasn't like a [ __ ] weird thing right and and you've got the will you be my quarantine coming out that's going to be coming out next year and then um a campaign like a full-length like i never thought i'd say this podcast which is season four just came out uh last week i think you're in the minority of podcasts for having seasons that i can't think that threw us off because we're like season 1 well we just i mean we do it that way for like how many episodes per season 24 24 okay yeah we usually do it that way because then we're like oh my god i need to take a rest and like figure out who the hell we're going to have on next season we're cycling we're psycho we don't rest i [Music] we hate weekends we hate holidays we hate anything that stops productivity yeah um what about your your social media handle social media you can find me at jodie sweetin on instagram and twitter um at official jody sweetin on facebook and uh i just i'm going to start a tick tock because i made a bet that once my best friend celia got to 10 000 followers on instagram that i'd started tick tock because i'm like [ __ ] i'm too old for this [ __ ] right i just posted a tick tock before we started recording i bet it's already been taken down by tick tock for violating community guidelines they're the most sensitive platforms uh well tick-tock's super sensitive i instagram really didn't like me for a while like during 2020 uh i definitely because i was so active in a lot of protests i got shadow banned a lot i got my live turned off if i was at certain actions like i couldn't post live i couldn't hear you you always think that instagram would be like pretty aligned with that like i said i'm pretty far out oh you're like straight antifa yeah i was joking i was joking my dad i'm like i'm the president of antifa i have to go to a meeting yeah i didn't even know i'm like i said that like as a joke like not knowing if i got it right is antifa far left yeah yeah oh that's antifa auntie is not far antifa is just anti-fascist and i you know i think we fought a big war about that i'm pretty sure america is pretty anti-fascist i'm dying to know how many like comments this podcast gets where it's like unsubscribe i got into a huge thing on on and declines post the other day about with like pro pro lifers and pro choice like it was i'm not pro-life or pro-choice i'm pro-abortion there you go that well they haunt because i think i think some people should not be allowed to have kids okay so here's the thing uh i don't know if you follow in decline they're a big street art graffiti art protest art collective and uh i'm friends with them and they broke in they went to the christ of the ozarks i don't know what that means in missouri the price of the ozarks is a is a smaller replica of that big giant jesus in rio okay gotcha and they have one there and it's like a jesus theme park ozarks being like missouri yeah okay and they went in and they hung a giant sign off the christ of the ozarks it says god bless abortions and so i was like thank you for doing this like this is you know you could with all those restrictions you have to get a license to catch a fish right yeah you got to bring anything you're [ __ ] cool right any [ __ ] can gather any castle can have a kitten it would be kind of cool if you had to get a license to become a parent a class or two right like you're ready to get a license right wouldn't it be kind of cool if to become a parent you had to like like take a class in developmental psychology so you could understand what the implications of certain things that happened like how how malleable how impressionable like how important the uh a human's first experiences are absolutely babysit an infant for the weekend and you're like [ __ ] this well and you know it's funny my thirteen-year-old daughter made the point she was like um so if you're 15 like you can't adopt a baby because you're not so you know fiscally responsible enough and you know you're not mature but you can have a baby at 15 and no one's going to stop you she's like so why wouldn't you want the option you know it was just an interesting point but i like i said i i definitely get into it with people on the internet because i really in 2020 like all of my [ __ ] went out the window there was very few hanging on and then the rest of them were just like you know what peace out you're going to go crazy and i was like yep i'm ready i i i love that so much so i just don't i at this point i'm like i don't i don't have time to just not be fully who i am like i'm 39 years old i'm over the [ __ ] the world is on fire like literally who cares just like i got you got to stand for something and i am very passionate about the things i believe in and i feel like i have a platform and a perspective that hopefully will reach people that maybe aren't aware of some of the things you know what i mean right and or people just [ __ ] hate me that's cool too like i lose followers all the time i gain followers all the time i'm like right i you know i know who i am yeah i generally try to like steer clear of politics and stuff you know just because like i don't really care to alienate people and it's just like too much it's too much of a of a you know ah yeah and i i mean i definitely you know before i i i for your bravery to to be in that form but i think i can safely say nobody cares about stevo's political opinion right and it's not even i don't i know that like jody sweetens political opinion isn't the thing it's more like you know i know that i reach an audience probably of a lot of middle america you know white people that maybe don't aren't aware of some of these things or or are un you know aren't exposed to the diversity of communities that we have here in l.a and that i've grown up with and you know i just feel like being trying to be an ally and trying to you know talk about that stuff and i had to i'd definitely consider it before i started doing it like i that first post when i posted about uh it was about actually um sexual assault and i posted about it and i knew it was going to be really polarizing because it was christine blasey ford's testimony or whatever and i posted about my own experience with it and i was like well here we go and you know there was one little [ __ ] went flying away and then and then like 2020 happened and i was like oh let's go like and i you know i just i went for it so i i always say you know i'm i don't want to alienate anyone i'm trying to educate people but also if you come to my instagram page and you start talking [ __ ] to me i'm gonna go at you because it's like you came to my door wow knocked on it and then yeah so then you get mad when i punch you in the face after i've told you to leave and you don't like that's just what it is so you'll engage with it huh like negativity um i will it's not even that i engage with it but it's like if people come on at me you know i've got death threats i've gotten all kinds of wild [ __ ] if people come on my page and want to insult me directly i'm like i'll have some words for you and i have some things to say because like i say i go you can't you showed up here and came here to engage in this conversation i didn't follow you i don't go on other pages but by having words for them you're giving attention to them and like kind of where like in my view it's just if it's negative [ __ ] delete blocks i do that with a lot of stuff it depends on what it is it depends on if people are like you know you you know i have i've had some people on there who i will engage it with that are completely opposite of me and i can engage in calm debate all day long like i'll have a conversation with you but if you want to come on my page and say some [ __ ] like i'm going to say something back and then i'm going to be like and now i'm done with you yeah all right well i'm going to tell everybody to go to your page and say nice stuff stay nice yeah and that's the thing like i post about fun stuff a lot of the time too but i post about my life and what i'm really passionate about i hate the narcissism of instagram and social media it's why i don't like having a lot of platforms because i'm like what the [ __ ] does why do i want to see my face more you know what i mean like i just i'm so it's like i it feels so narcissistic and it's so not me that like at least when i feel like i am trying to take action or trying to promote something that i believe in it feels a little less about me i just don't like making care about me i've always been about making everything about me as evidenced by your suicide plan yeah i'm a card carrying [ __ ] attention [ __ ] all the way through you're kidding i've never watched seasons of jackass wild boys you're kidding no wow we went we went well over an hour oh good okay oh good it's been a treat um anything else we can direct people to uh not right now but i'm sure you know follow me at jodie sweetin on instagram twitter all that i'm always talking about new projects i post a lot of stuff for the podcast at never thought i'd say this you can also follow it there um but yeah i'm you know hoping for directing projects i'm really kind of that's my goal for this year i like try and set a goal each year let's get you a gig of scarlett johansson's sisters let's do that make it [ __ ] happen yeah i love it that's what we'll do is everyone go and somehow like just start posting about that i mean i see it i see it too yeah it works for me awesome hey thank you so so much you're so welcome thank you for having me on yeah yeah what can i say man that was a good time maybe not as good of a time as lux and i are about to have considering she just got home and it's blue chew tablet time but still the jody sweden episode was a lot of fun and thank you for sticking around to the very end because as i always say it's you guys who stick around at the very end who mean the most to me and hopefully i'm going to see you guys on my bucket list tour man because covert allowing i'm [ __ ] going everywhere yeah okay baby
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Podcast
Views: 470,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HZl830wq26Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 37sec (4417 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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