Chuck Liddell - Untold Stories About His Career & UFC

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Good stuff.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AgentlemanNeverTells ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 09 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Skip to the very end @46:41 to see the punch. I hate when they bait you like that.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 09 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Chuck looks like a coke addict

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Janimous ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 09 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
a little harder okay so we are in uh somewhere outside of hollywood where there's a lot of entertainers and actors who get paid to act like they're fighters and then you have people that are real legitimate fighters that this right here is weapons of mass destruction that could hurt anybody if it hits your chin and today we're hanging out with the man chuck the iceman liddell uh brother thank you for opening your house to us and spending this time with you oh it's my pleasure yeah so now the one thing most people don't know about you is the fact that they see you as a fighter you have to look and you look by the way i met you a few years ago at tony robbins event we sat right next to each other i would say 12 years ago 11 years ago some over a decade ago but uh most people see you as a fighter people probably don't have any idea that you have a business degree and you got it right here from cal poly so tell me about this whole business degree to being a fighter i mean how does these two don't go together when i went to college i would i went i wrote to wrestle and play football i want to get a pe degree but my grandma didn't believe that was a real major so i wasn't allowed to do that so i had to pick a major when i was a freshman i picked accounting because i was good at it my mom used to do bookkeeping as an extrovert you're a numbers guy yeah yeah my mom used to do bookkeeping as an extra job to make more money for the family and uh and i used to help her out when we were kids so i got you know i'd help her with it so i thought oh this is pretty easy i can do accounting no problem so i did accounting and then uh actually i think i'm glad i stuck with that you know the the business degree has helped you know everyone asked me if i do my own taxes and i'm like no i had one tax i had one i have one tax class for 10 weeks you know it's like that's doesn't make any sense you know but people realize uh when you get your accounting degree then you get your job with the company and then you go learn they teach you how to do your new taxes and do the other things you need to learn but i think that's pretty impressive knowing you you got yourself a degree in accounting and you are knocking people out and you know oh trust me it was it was my uh when i was given the opportunity i that's one of the reasons i stuck it out so long is because it just seemed like this would be a lot more fun than getting a real job so so accounting would be too boring for you [Laughter] today chuck liddell is doing the you know book keeping for this company let's look at the highlights here i like to think with my work ethic and the way i was raised that i would have excelled in anything i did i don't think you know i would have worked hard and i would have i think i would have done well doing that but i just think this was a lot more fun so why don't we get into that so so let's go back to you being 12 years old 13 14. so chuck you got brothers you you you come from a family where you guys you and i hear one of your brothers is a big guy apparently six three three hundred pounds or what do you got yeah so were you guys i have two boys i have a six-year-old and a four-year-old they're always fighting were you guys always like was there a competition thing going on in the family when you guys were kids no not really like i was always uh my mom was your number one son i was in charge of taking care of the kids and making sure everyone's okay my youngest brother who's five years younger than me he had open heart surgery when he was eight and so he's always a baby like even even later on and when we're working at the bar so i'm gonna go after him i mean i go nuts like it's like i'm like why are you protecting your brother so crazy i'm like uh he's still my he's still the baby my baby brother were you fighting all the time in school was there like a lot of fights in school was it just the rest i thought i fought a lot growing up you know it was just was just funny like i didn't really realize i thought all the fighters were like me growing up like they fought a lot they came up that way but i've met a lot of great fighters in the ufc that you know been in one or two street fights in their whole life or then some of them have been done and i'm like how'd that happen i don't get it where's the inspiration coming well now don't get me wrong i i i was i hated bullies i didn't like people pick on people but i like to fight so i love testing myself so i come up guys giving somebody a hard time and i walk up and go hey man you don't want to fight but i will and when i was younger when he said he didn't want to fight me i'd kind of make him either put his tail between his legs and crawl out the door or fight me you know i kind of learned when i was like 21 22 i was kind of thinking you know i never start a fight but uh i never let you out of it real easy either so i kind of started learning to get people out you know at 21. about 21 22 i started getting it just wasn't worth the headache so just to kind of get an idea from 12 to 18 how many total fights you think you had i couldn't talk more than 50. oh for sure oh seriously for sure i mean we fought a lot i've fought a lot i've been fighting groups and this is non-gangs you're just talking about that i grew up in santa barbara california yeah there's not gonna be a lot of gangs over there no i mean we had some skinheads and stuff growing up at that at that time when i was there i just i was like what game what like we knew there's a couple games in town but we were like the football team was the gang if anything for the wrestling team no one was afraid of anybody else were you the bigger guy or no when i was 15 and a half years old i was five nine 155 15 and a half years old five nine 155 yeah and by the time i was 16 and a half i was 62 about 180. got it so i was i wasn't real big but i wasn't small i was tough i mean i i just liked the fight and i it was entertaining it was a competition to me did you lose any fights in high school were there anybody your father you like somebody caught you or did you ever like do you none so you don't remember ever no no we've been in some some crazy situations and uh you know crazy fights brawls i got i got kicked in the face once ran in bunch buddy was getting jumped by about 20 guys i get kicked in the face pretty good once but uh you know i was still standing when they when they were gone but i didn't look too good at that but it you know but still it was what it was interesting so did you like were you because i know you you wrestled right so were you planning on saying listen i have this energy of this fire i kind of need to compete i'm wanting to fight were you thinking you're going to go to boxing rock because back then there's no ufc or you mma oh no they don't be honest nothing it was nothing like that i mean first off i got started in wrestling because i was playing football and my football coach my sophomore year football coach goes oh what do you got what are you doing in the winter well i go to i go to baseball pre-season baseball and oh no you know you're wrestling okay so he kind of you have to wrestle like that's we had to wrestle at least for the first part and i got into it i liked it uh and i did it and i did really well and so i continued wrestling so i went on i reason i chose cal poly was because i wanted to do both i want to play football and wrestle at the same time that was one of the few schools that i could go do that and i would you know i was gonna it was a division two football school which is i had some recruiting stuff but i wasn't probably gonna play division one so i went to cal poly for that reason this is how i got into fighting you know i did martial arts all the way through i got my black belt in karate and and i was doing that when i was at college i was in the korean martial arts club i was in the i jiu jitsu your fifth degree by the way right 50 degree uh well eight now but yeah your eighth degree now yeah and that's one of one of the styles but yeah that's one of the things i try to explain to people about my history too is like um i used to wrestle and i go to wrestling practice and go to karate after that all week i go to football go to karate after i never took off all year round i never i never took off karate no matter what i was doing i mean i missed friday nights for football that was the caught the night anyway so it was all right i didn't miss any of the spying but um but you know i was always doing my martial arts so anyway i finished wrestling in college and i was i was kind of not sure what i was going to do besides i was just going to finish up school and figure out get a real job and go do something and actually i met john hackelman at an old karate school i used to try that what year is that that was this was 292 maybe got it by 92 i met went over to the school and sparred with john ackelman and a ghee and we did some wall sparring and it wasn't full contact but it looks kind of like karate spawning with them and and so i'm going through this thing and he leaves and they all take the office yeah you kicked his ass beat him up you know you know he did so good i'm looking what fight were you watching i don't know what fight you guys were watching but um you fell in love now but i'm well i was he was getting the better of me i mean i took him down a few times and did a couple things but other than that he got the better of me on everything and we weren't we just was light contact too and i'm like and no one's ever done that to me since i was a kid i used to go everywhere and beat up everybody you know whenever this morning i was always win so he gave me his card and i put in my pocket and forgot about i that that next week i was going out to vegas to watch my buddy alfie alcarez who used to wrestle with me at cal poly who'd started kickboxing and he was gonna go kick box so i'm i'm going with him i'm at his weigh-ins before the fight and his trainer who's the promoter nick guam grant uh one kick he comes over and goes hey chuck alfie says you're pretty tough you want to fight right there yeah i'm up sure why not what i got to do and he goes oh you just got to come way in over here and we're going to have you fight so no no it would be the next night this is the land guy for his main event didn't show up for the win so he had a guy that was 15-0 he was gonna have me fight the guy that was 15-0 the commission goes okay so i'm weighing in with this guy and the commission goes so what's your record i go i have a fire oh no and they're like um and they they went like they looked away from me i looked at nick no that's not gonna happen and uh and so nick goes hey man they're not gonna let it go um but if you wanna fight come back i'll put you on my next card go train goldman train and come back and oh i have you fight i got that car in my pocket i'm like hey this guy said kickboxing to world champion how would you at that time um what am i 22. okay got it 233 maybe got it and i'm like oh i see a kickboxing world champion on there i'm like okay let's go see this guy so i call him up and john invites me to his house to train so we get up to his his gym up on the hill and he has a guy with him jesus sanchez is a crowded local karate guy coming on the watch and we put on boxing gloves and we'll just do some boxing spawn now remember i've never done bought just hands in my life like since i started karate i've been fighting with hands and feet i've never done justin i never just box this is purely hands the feeling i'm just boxing we start sparring and and john hits hard if anybody that knows him he used to find out in the jet center and he had a great great left hook was his license plate license plate great left hook so he handed me a beating for 19 straight minutes jesus sanchez finally said hey man can we stop stop hey guys come on can we just train stop i was like man that guy just handed me a beating i mean yeah yeah i didn't go down but i mean he gave me a beating was that the worst at that time like in your lifetime no one's ever been gotten anywhere near beating me like that before or since but um like that yeah all right but he's like hey so you're gonna come back and train tomorrow right so yeah i'll be back i was there six days a week for the next seven years or so before we moved to open the gym did something like six days a week for seven years yeah started training started fighting and he started helping me that's that got me started kickboxing and that's what kept me from as i graduated and finished my degree that kind of kept me like still trying to fight i'd always wanted to do martial arts anyway like when i was a kid like in school i'd be like making gyms i'd be doodling gyms while i'm bored in class i'd be i always wanted to teach martial arts i always thought i'd always be i would have been doing martial arts and teaching martial arts on the side did you have an inspiration was there somebody that you looked up to like was there not really i i started watching kung fu theater when i was a kid and they had these demonstrations in between like like the showings and i thought it was the coolest thing in the world some of the stuff these guys are doing now find out you know it's more like the the show showing stuff but it still it was cool cool enough to get me interested a lot of people when we went to i started learning karate my i went to an old school style or they they trained old school ways which is actually really good for my my aed was was perfect because it actually trained me to control myself and be able to do because it's trying to you know just be sit there in one place and do this 500 times in a row it doesn't fit your personality was was was tough but i wanted it so bad got it then i did it and it trained me to be able to do that with other things like be able to concentrate on a test or and be able to focus when i need to so i'm i got very good at focusing when i need to and i from and i think a lot of it's from that style of teaching but the one thing that i always i look back on i look at it is everyone you know everyone was always looking for that magic they were going to go to this karate school and give this magic move and they're going to all of a sudden be the baddest guy on the planet most people figure out in the first three to six months that that's not it it's a lot of hard work and it's a lot it's a lot of training it's a lot of learning and most people quit at that point because they realize there's no real magic to this they're not gonna i'm not gonna all of a sudden you know turn into a wizard and be able to beat everybody up that's right but for me that was like oh well that means i got to work harder than you know i got to learn i got to be better at this i got to get i want to learn more so you got the disciplines early so now let's fast forward past that so when did when did you meet dana white when did that connection happen okay dana was actually managing i think tito and a guy by the name of managing t yeah and wayne harriman who's friends with tito and dan it was a friend of mine and see me train with tito and he actually told dana hey dana you might want to sign this guy he probably he might be better than tito now so dana signed me then and he's my manager so he's managing me and tito simultaneously yeah and maybe some other people at that time me and tito used to train together a little bit now tito made it out to be for a long time that like he if you listen to him it sounded like he took me off the street taught me how to fight and i turned on him from day one i was the times that i came to work with him i came down to help him out he was sparring to training for a fight i'd come down and be a farm partner you know he's oh a truck slept on my couch and then i'm like yeah because you're too cheap to get me a hotel room i slept on your couch because i'm a nice guy i'm uh i mean i was coming down to help you out i wasn't you weren't helping me out when you guys were fighting even at that time could you were you guys like could you hang with him at that time he'd never been able to hang with me that's where he left so he could never hang with you even though he was first hold on he couldn't strike with me take downs total times we've ever trained together it's two to 16. he took me down twice i took him down 16. one of those i was off the mat and he had my foot and he counted it when i was like the end it was entered around the other one i'd gone out the night before in vegas and he was training for a fight so i was a little tired i took him down eight times i gave him the last one like okay whatever i'm tired i'm done no i'm done who's counting but he can't take me down and then when he can start on top of me he can't stay on top now technically he's probably better at submitting people than i am but other than that there's nothing i mean he can't he can't out position me he can't strike me he can't out wrestle me and he knew this he he knew that that's why he never wanted to fight me were you guys like were you guys ever good friends where you guys are best friends i i would challenge him to tell me one time he called me to do something outside of business not to come down i call me i think once for a charity thing he was doing at his gym and every other time was to to to be a spartan partner to help him out other than that i liked i liked some of his friends and i didn't dislike him either at the time but i i didn't know him that well how much of it let me ask you this as a fan right i'm looking from the outset how much of it is promotional how much of it works none of it's promotional definitely i'd like to believe i'm not that's not me i've never been that guy maybe maybe i should have been the promotional part of it from his end was we're friends so i don't have to fight him that's why i don't have to fight him i'm not dodging him i just got it i didn't want to fight my friend which leads me to what he just said three days ago and i'm sure you saw it he said it on tmz i didn't see it someone told him he told me and i responded to it so you haven't seen it yet on what he says i don't really i don't really pay attention to him he said some stupid stuff over there yeah he said he said if he wants if you want to fight him because of money or whatever i'll do the favor for him because he did a famer for me and he passed and you know what's amazing here's what's amazing this is this is the most amazing thing paul knows you guys fat but paul doesn't know when you guys professionally fought twice who won how many times so he doesn't know so after paul watches what ortiz said paul gets the impression that he's beaten you and then paul goes there's a reason but i'm setting up the punch that he's gonna give you it's gonna be a little extra juice in it and then paul says holy [ __ ] chuck's kicked his ass but tito's speaking as if he's beaten up his entire life so a part of him being more promotional maybe makes the audience think that he's got an edge over you so what do you think about his position and your position i love it hey man sell it bro sell the fight i'm in i mean i was on the fence about coming back and doing a comeback fight anyway but uh if if he'll actually fight me and show if if he if someone could promise me give me some guaranteed money he's gonna show up i want something that says if he doesn't show up he owes me money well he's saying he wants to fight i know but if he doesn't show up yeah i know he says a lot of things if he doesn't show up he's gonna pay me something well fair enough maybe if he watches this let's say here's the other part they know why it said in an interview they asked them they said so they know do you have any favorites i don't know if you you heard what dana said they asked them said dana do you have any favorites he says hell yeah i have favorites he says who are your favorites so dana says look the first time the chuck and him fought he says i told him i said chuck i want you to beat his ass and when you do i need the gloves and i need the trunks cause i'm gonna frame it he says when you come into my house today those gloves and the trunks are in front of his house when you walk in he says because he wanted you to win so bad for whatever reason he had that and it's amazing now you're seeing the representation he represent represented you and him so when you two fight and i'm watching as a fan you really want to beat this guy up and win you're not just going into the business there's a little bit of additional juice to want to beat tito up well for me let me let me break that down for you the way i fight that kind of stuff doesn't really affect the way i fight okay it affects the way i train he got it you don't i don't have to get up to train for him i i i will never let him have an out an inch to keep running his mouth he runs his mouth after i've knocked him out twice i'd hate to see what happened if you beat me i'd never hear the end of it so there's no chance i'm gonna go in there that makes sense i'm no there's no chance i'm gonna not gonna go in there 100 prepared for him by the way you look like you're training you look like you you're looking good you look very good by the way you look like you're ready to fight next week if there was something i'm getting there okay but for some reason he's thinking chuck's been out of the game for a while i think he's probably slipping he probably that's the only reason he's thinking he's gonna do it he thinks he's got a shot at or he really needs the money if it isn't him who would you want to fight if it's not him uh well you know chael's been talking a lot a lot of trash and i wouldn't mind fighting jail cause i think it's like he thinks it's funny i keep saying that but i think it's more of a warm-up fight for me because he's not he doesn't hit real hard he's not gonna wrestle me he's not gonna grind and bound me and he's got a big mouth he sells fights i hate more power to you you know so you are you are making a comeback to say if the right fight comes up you're making a comeback you're you're real oh yeah for sure okay now you've always been peter's got the t oh no i haven't talked to david about it yet i haven't talked to anybody i it just depends i mean someone makes it someone's gotta make a real offer you know and that makes sense you know but i'm not against it and but i'm motivated enough right now because he's running his mouth and he it sounds like he's serious about coming out of retirement to fight me then i'm gonna get in shape because worst case scenario i'm in shape it's okay i don't mind i don't mind being in shape so for other business things like for me staying in shape is one of those things if i want to continue to make make money and in the field anything that i do part of what my persona or my character or whatever you want to say is is being in shape that's right and fitness things are where where i can make money although the nice thing about me is i was never a character it made it real easy i was just me so let's talk about the promotional side so you've been in it you've now 20 years you've seen two decades right that this has been going on with the ufc who would you say are the biggest [ __ ] talkers that ufc has ever had to be honest conor like you want to talk about backing up and not backing up okay conor and i've gotten a lot of [ __ ] for saying this by from his fans like i don't like that kind of [ __ ] talking i don't like that kind of thing i really that's not my style i guess the wind and he does the chicken dance you know what i mean as you can tell by looking at this fine physique that i'm a freak of nature and i'm i'm a specimen of human movement so who the [ __ ] i look at him as a novice he he throws an overhand right he looks at the floor closes his eyes and hopes for the best this is this is day one beginner stuff where i come from you're making better than half a million i gave you notice 48 000 you went from but you went from 48 000 to half a million wow thank me and be grateful be great i butchered your face then they'll put that at the quote chuck doesn't like the way he talks like but i go you obviously didn't read the article i also said he's one of my five top favorite guys to watch fight right now as i've also said good thing great a lot of great things about it that was the only thing i said i don't like the way you talk [ __ ] but i get it he's trying to get in your head he has purpose to [ __ ] talking which i love i actually love that mind warfare because when i'd say stuff anything i say that was a little bit [ __ ] talking at all and things was me trying to get in someone else's the other guy's head you know you might see some groundwork but that that's what like i always fight if it comes it comes but i'm planning on standing up with him and knocking him out hopefully like if i'm fighting keto i'd i'd give him a [ __ ] about if he's if he's go off he's a man he'll stand up with me because i want him to think about maybe i have to stand up with him to show that i can fight you know so i you know so he's not trying to take me down the whole time conor does a massive job of it i think that's how he that's one of the reasons to beat aldo first i watch aldo fight all the time i've never seen him run across a ring and try to attack somebody he's he's a all kind of muay thai type guy he he tries to feel you out for a round or so and then figures out your timing and then goes after you you know so i think he was so mad he ran across the ring eight seconds whatever the time was but but conor's one of those [ __ ] talkers that he delivers he fights the way he talks like he he fights with reckless abandon would you say tito delivers or not tito did a really good job of delivering when he was fighting guys that delivering in impressive fashion when he was fighting guys that were lower than them that weren't quite his level but then like i remember watching a thing on the best dance floor show i think it was with him and randy couture and randy just and randy's a good [ __ ] talker like a counter puncher with a [ __ ] talking i mean he was making tio look stupid he got off the screen you put him as one the best couture he's good at counter like he's a great but he's like like a lot of wrestlers are a lot of guys have a good i do that same thing like i'm kind of like more of a counter punch guy like if you say something i'll keep taking it for a little bit then i'll say something that trumps whatever you were saying ron rousey did a great job i mean she was promote see and and those people like chill sauna does a great job of promoting i think it's wwe and i think it's stupid the way he does stuff but i know fans that just love it not not the hardcore fans the other fans the guys that occasionally watch that that they touch and that's that's what makes those guys important so much bigger pulling an audience that you don't already have they're they pull in people that don't always watch this got it very cool so so let me ask you this your favorite fighters i know you've said good things about the diaz brothers who do you enjoy a watch and fight you know i like watching guys that they get after and try to finish fights to be honest i just like guys to fight like show up to fight like this isn't a game they're not trying to win by points they're not trying to they're not trying to protect their career you're getting a little bit of that recently where guys are trying to win with nothing well and don't get me wrong i understand from a coaching standpoint i remember telling one of my guys that he was fighting and he took this guy down five times and went first and went for a submission right away and got rolled over all five times so he was losing the fight because he's in a bad position even though he got the takedown he he only got reversed because he went for a submission but regular refs regular judges don't understand that i'm like look you have to when you take him down you got to hold him for a few minutes hit him a couple of times hold him for a little bit hit him a couple times then go for your submission don't jump right away you know which is not the way i really want as a fan would want to watch why i like the way he fought as a fan so you're giving technical advice as a coach but as a fan you don't want to see them fight the way you give the technical advice right how interesting is that people ask me the question i ask oh this is a coach manager good point that's a cool job as a coach manager i don't want you to lose a fight because that costs you that cost you money now don't get me wrong being an exciting fighter helps too it's going to get you a lot more money if you're winning no doubt about it i'm assuming you were federal would like you would enjoy watching fedor fight oh i love watching fedor fight yeah he didn't have to fight at any time dan henderson i love watching him fight that guy's he's a beast and and you know he's never out he's never out of the fight you know he can fit he can win you can beat him up for four rounds and four four minutes and 45 seconds in a fifth round if he if he catches one of those bombs it's it's good night why don't we talk about that so when you're in it like the the thing i'm curious about is how much of this like you're in it it's heated you're just going bam bam you're throwing the punches at them you're throwing the knees and you're getting kid let's say someone's on you and they're hitting you do you actually know what's going on those are purely reflexive like can you are you able to in that split second can you process what you're doing you know what's going on your process how much is processing how much is reflexive usually like in it like when you get in an exchange the fast exchange like if we get in boom we get something we start faster it's it's reaction your reaction got it you're acting fast um with someone on top pounding on you and you're down and that's thinking you can see it coming it's taking that's not a quick like in exchange i mean like someone throws something you counter and then you count it and then then you start thinking again i mean it just it's it's a quick it's really quick the those little quick reaction moves and in that moment in that moment like when i thought what i fought vidor belford he finally came after me in the third round because they're telling me he had to win the round and came at me and i sat him on his ass with a right hand that was just a counter i just i was i was reacting to him coming straight that means to step up that was just something that that went through and did i mean you have one the best knockouts of all time you if you want to watch the highlights knockout highlights just type in chuck liddell knockout highlights it's non-stop you can watch them and they're incredible but but the thing i want to know about like in the business world sometimes in the business world you get hit okay and in that moment you can't you can't teach a dog fight to somebody if you got the fight you got the fight sometimes you see in your world somebody gets hit and they back down and back up and they don't come back to fight is that instinct is that uh fear is that the not lack of dog fight do you see that as a coach or something all the time okay i say this all the time with striking like i'll say that guy doesn't like to get hit everyone goes what do you mean no one likes to get it yep yeah no what i better what i mean by that is he's unnecessarily afraid of getting hit he's pulling his head out like this he's not reacting the way he can be changed i you know from your years of watching a bunch of fighters can that actually be changed for somebody i've never tried to change that i mean it's a funny question because i used to always think mental toughness you either have it or you don't but i did a lot of studying on on on teaching it and you know i think part of it was for me i just when it came to me by the time it came to me if you weren't mentally tough i didn't want to i it's too late i don't want to i'm not i'm not going to waste my time trying to teach you how to be tough so i guess the question will be more this way go back to when you were in high school where a guy was maybe at your level or college where you were competing and you said this guy's actually he's pretty solid when i fight this guy but his mental and emotional toughness was a little bit less than yours did you see somebody like they said that guy never made it past a certain level and you kept continuing to grow oh for sure when you put under that pressure you have you know two two choices where you break and fold or you come out fighting if you're gonna succeed and i think about anything you need to be that guy that comes out fighting tito tapped his strikes one time a funny story so we were at a party talking about it and i forgot that he attacked the strikes with when he fought frank shamrock we were talking about this other guy that tapped to battery silva and i was like to strike he was getting struck and he attacked i'm like yeah i'm a what a [ __ ] man can you believe that guy's tapped his strikes if i can think if you can think the tap you can think to defend yourself and try to get out of it can't you i [Laughter] in that fight because you know when they stopped that fight i went nuts because i would that was right when i first started training was helping him train get ready for fight was before he fought frank shamrock and i was on the side and i didn't see him tap i went nuts if they stopped the fight but no no it's almost over he had he already won he was one other he won the rounds up to then and then that round was almost over i'm like oh no no no he can't stop the fight why are you stopping he's not hurt but then i sometimes he tapped he tapped how have you ever tapped no no no wait no here's the thing now don't get me wrong i'm not telling people not to exactly but but the point i'm making with you is you've been hit i mean you you will not stop with the fight till the very end oh no i i went to sleep the guy tried to try to choke me i went to sleep um i i don't know here's the thing though don't get me wrong now tapping is okay it's not it's not if you get in a position where your arm is going to get broken your knee is going to get broken better smarter side of valor uh live to fight another day you blow out your knee it might never be the same you bought your elbow it might never be the same so that's something to tap to the thing is what like the chokes like when a guy taps to a choke if i can think the tap i can think to try to get out of it i still got a little bit of air left like wow i've i've rolled out of i've rolled out of headlocks when in high school wrestling or a guy who rolled out the wrong way got out stood up like this stars in my eyes could barely see but they didn't know they had no idea but i rolled out and i almost choked myself out but i got out wow for me it's never been a question whether or not i'm gonna quit i have my saying about mental toughness i always said mental toughness is an everyday thing you can't just turn it on and off for a fight for a match for whatever it's life it's life you have to do it all the time and and as i read studies on it actually afterwards training people to do it a lot of teaching them routines helps anything where you have to do it all the time and it's just a you're not when you don't feel like doing it you get up and do it because that's your routine it almost doesn't make you think it's continuous yeah and and the point i'm getting to is i was it was probably i've been retired for about three probably three years and i've been kind of letting things go and hey man i don't have to do that now i put in my time i did my thing i i became world champion i was doing everything i wanted to do i can relax i don't have to do this i don't have to do that uh i don't feel like doing that today that kind of stuff i started doing that and then we're in hawaii my family and my oldest son starts running up the mountain we're going up on the on the stairs it starts running up and i start running up behind him because i'm not i cannot use that so i i'm running up and i pass him and i realized i'm in not very good shape if i pass him and and he's going to stop but i'm like man i started running this thing i got to finish it and i started in my mind for the first time in my life that i could remember i actually questioned whether or not i should and for me that was enough just the fact that the question even came into my mind whether or not i should stop or keep going bothered me and made me start working on changing back my decisions in my normal everyday life because i it was bleeding into my competitive life even if it's just that kind of competition was the fact that the fact that because i've never even it that the question never was for me the question would have never came up if i started running that i'm gonna finish it do you think success caused that lit a little bit i i don't think it was success i think it was retirement it was actually just because for me you reach the top of the mountain type of feeling well and being like i felt like when i retired i was done i didn't have i lost that even being at the top of the mountain i still was trying to prove i'm the best in the world all the time so there's still that goal was always right there it's always been there and all of a sudden i move on from here there's no goal there's no there was no final place was a retirement psychologically messing with you like what am i going to do today when i wake up like was there like a what was there part of that that screwed with your head a little bit or no i don't know that it screwed with my i mean it is a really weird thing to do like you've been getting ready for the next thing for since since i was you know 12 years old 10 years old i've been doing that's what i'm saying i haven't get ready for a football game wrestling matches yeah all of a sudden and then you know and now i don't have to get ready for anything i don't have to do anything all right because i used to say i say oh i take all this time off taking up time off taking time off for me used to be still going to gym five days a week and working out with the team you know still going going to lift in four four days a week you know it was still quite a bit working out and i used to call that taking time off but you know oh yeah i'm out of shape because i have been taking time off well no i just wasn't in peak shape but i was still in shape but now i was like oh now i don't have to do anything and you know then you start prioritizing other things like you know i got oh i get to do this for kids i can do that it takes interesting presidents yeah and the only reason i asked that is because you hear a lot of times guys that say i was with jean lucavac a couple weeks ago john lucavac is uh they call him the most interesting man in the world guys got like 12 000 12 million followers on uh instagram he runs a three billion dollar company 300 400 million dollar guy and he said i ran so hard from 25 to 35 that i stopped and he says when i stopped it was kind of like what am i going to be doing he was having you know health issues and all these other things so sometimes you hear stories i'm going to be a millionaire with the moment i become worth 10 million dollars i'm gonna retire and then when they do retire it's like a feeling of emptiness sometimes you get super competitive people that get if they don't have something they're gonna be doing next and that kind of leads me into the next thing so you know you see in in basketball chuck retires he comes because he becomes an announcer you know shaq retires he's an announcer this other guy retires you either become a coach or trainer or all this that's what you do in your world when someone retires what do you do next well i mean you can become an announcer i mean that's possible that's that's that option is there for me being a coach for me the reason that's not an option for me is that i have a family and i don't and it's it's very time intensive but i've started doing you know other things and i i found that i needed to start by finding something i'm passionate about i need to start i mean i started acting i started trying to i'm trying to learn how to act better and do better in movies and you've been able to give me quite a few things yo move the car he's drama that's chuckled down what's your chocolate dough guy's the ultimate fighting champ they call him the iceman he ko'd randy couture twice last year i'm giving him the spot out of respect don't be a schmuck turtle the dell's the gut you think yeah no doubt check out the hidden camera van parked conveniently right next to the empty spot i don't see any cameras drama they're in there turtle trust me they're in there look buddy i was here first i don't think so that spot's ours so why don't you and your hooptie just move along oh what you're hoopty you're beater you're hunk of junk oh below you should watch who you're talking to like that my friend i ain't your friend tough guy yeah that's right i know who you are you wwf wannabe so you gonna move your car what do i gotta get in that movie for you daddy doing a few things i got i got a bigger roll coming up soon um anything you can talk about or now you've got no not yet uh that's how you're gonna sign yeah but we've got a few things uh coming up that should be coming out soon so you're keeping yourself busy i'm kidding is that everybody is it a lot of your peers as well like you know because because remember back in the days remember back in the days when the biggest controversy was hey ufc fighters don't make any money and there was this whole everybody would question dana no one's making money no one's making money no one's making money and then a little bit what is the career maybe not for guy at your level what is the career for the other guys that are fighting is it just purely going into that coaching route or is it is the money now here where cats can actually start making some money sponsorships all this other stuff i haven't i've been out of the market for long enough where i'm not sure where they're at right now i mean i know some of the guys they're they're getting paid better i mean i still think you have to there's not a lot of guys making enough money to retire on for the rest of their life they have to have to build something to go go to from there but most guys i think that are i always look at the coaching route it's always a good one i mean i i would have been okay with that if that was my that's what i ended up doing because that's what i wanted to do since i was a kid was to teach karate like i want to do if i do it i'll probably do more of a karate school than a team fight team i i want to i i'm actually we're still planning on i'm going to open one but we're going to have it's more going to be more of a karate school it might have a fight team as long as they understand i'm not their coach i will help them as much as they're here but i don't want to be their coach and the hard thing with that is it becomes they become family you know you've got guys if i'm coaching i had a fight team when i was fighting and you got 15 20 guys fighting and they become family you know and so if i feel like me being there when they're fighting would help their them a better chance of winning i feel like i have to be there so you know and with now they're being four ufc's a year you know more i would be gone if i had 20 guys i'll be gone i'll be going on 40 weeks a year you know that's the family because without without bellator a bunch of other organizations that are out there that are great right now so you are saying there's more money to be made today than what it was 10 15 years ago night and day just what it is today so dana white he seems like a very interesting guy what would you say are some of dana's strengths passion he wanted this sport to succeed i think what him and lorenzo did really well is their decisions were made on not trying to make as much money as they can this fight it was how can we grow the brand how can we grow the sport yep how big can we make this sport and obviously they cashed out on that one pretty good yes they did um four billion or whatever the number was as mad as anyone wants to get at them and all that stuff with it is you got to remember hey man if they didn't come around and sink you know frank and lorenzo and dana had to come around and those guys hadn't sent 46 million into trying to make a sport work we'd never be here was it every time where you guys were almost out of business was it every time it was like they they actually i think the ultimate fighter was kind of the way i understood it i'm not not i really tried to think i have insight on this no one ever said it but i heard from other people that they were thinking about if that one didn't work if that didn't do it they're gonna wrap it up they were gonna you know moving out after that and obviously it was a home run and it's that big of an enterprise now oh but and and it couldn't have been better they they they paid it out of pocket so they owned it you know which means you get a bigger brand which means they got they've got this franchise that they could move around they can do whatever they want well dana's equity alone is getting them 360 million somewhere you know it's a solid number oh so last question for you last question for you you saw the connor mayweather fight so let's talk about boxers in the ufc world ufc boxing world okay i hear i've been hearing this for a while i don't the mayweather they're talking about him fighting in the ufc i i don't know what guy they're going to bring over to give him even have a shot at making it out of the first round it's going to be someone that doesn't belong in the ufc if they want to give conor i mean give mayweather a chance and then someone said that they're talking about conor fighting them in the ufc which is again it'll be embarrassing for me what would be fun was to see them kickbox have connor and mayweather kickbox because i just want to watch mayweather get hit with two leg kicks and be laying in the corner crying for his mommy i mean how long would it take 10 seconds it's done look he's got it's like in mma he's got one punch and he's not a heavy puncher he's not known for his heavy hands he's got one punch to knock the guy out and then it's over as soon as a guy grabs a hold of him it is over kickboxing i mean he's got one round maybe to knock the guy out because he won't be able to stand after if i i mean if i fought a boxer in a boxing stance stands in a boxing stance he's not gonna even if he was taught to leg check he's gonna like check my shin once then he's going to stop leg checking it and then he's not going to be able to walk the leg kicks alone they they don't know how to defend him they're not used to getting hit by him i mean i had a cut on my [ __ ] and they took an x-ray and the doctor came out and had to show my wife how crazy the x-ray was because i had an extra layer of bone all the way down my shin she's like man what kind of trauma have you had in your shin i have an extra layer of bone always all the way down but that's the difference you know if i kick someone that doesn't he hasn't trained and hasn't kicked very hard it's not going to hurt me it's going to hurt them a lot wow an extra layer of bone you're going to get it by uh uh this has been good but i i got a question for you here our guy paul here our camera guy paul you know he likes to brag about the fact that he's never been knocked out before and you know he started he's i'm not gonna say what he said he started talking a lot of smack about you i'm not gonna go did you see that ultimate fighter where the kid was saying he'd never been knocked out to the bigger guy no and he had him in the in the house had him punch him and then was talking about it afterwards well i'm sure we're going to find that that clip to show it i can't i can't i can take anything you can and i will do this do it just do it [Music] do it [Music] paul went about some gear and he brought ivan drago's outfit you know from rocky but i'm just curious to know what a person who's not in the world who is willing to take a punch from you what it's going to look like so you might like giving a shot to paul and see what he says he played football he's got a strong neck he tells me he's got an 18-inch neck so that's awesome paul you up for it the neck will help at least i won't hurt his neck but brother thank you so much for your time i really enjoyed it [Music] a little harder okay [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 489,737
Rating: 4.8172879 out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, valuetainment, chuck liddell, ufc champion chuck liddell, chuck liddell highlights, chuck liddell striking tips, chuck liddell steve o, chuck liddell knockouts, chuck liddell ufc
Id: EPNMmuL-Js8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 28sec (2848 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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