Dr. Drew - Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #3

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ladies and gentlemen this is only our third episode and I'm told the show is already a hit so from the bottom of my heart thank you and this week we have the most famous doctor on the planet dr. Drew Pinsky he not only organized my intervention with johnny Knoxville he was running the whole rehab where I went to get sober I've known him for almost 20 years he has seen me at my absolute worst treated me as a patient and he knows me absolutely as well as any famous person I can think of this is such an honor and it's actually the first full-length podcast we recorded we did this in the van I was renting to decide if I wanted to buy a Motorhome and the experience was so overwhelmingly positive I knew I was gonna go for it I've been saving this one because it's special and it's so intense I'd share with dr. Drew what my most dire health concerns are like where my body is most banged up and then we get into it so really enjoy this one because it's a treat ladies and gentlemen dr. drew everybody dr. drew am i first you are this is the best I'm so happy I'm so excited I'm so happy for you it's legitimately the first try at a full length fantastic deal yeah it's good we're not we're not gonna edit anything yeah but yes so we rent it is that those perfectionism going on now we've got to get going no that wasn't always the case oh my god you should have heard me when I used to be a guest on Loveline with drew before I got sober I wouldn't call that perfectionism really I can't believe that dr. drew welcomed me on the love line with him so often when I was such an insufferable man well we didn't know how bad things were at the beginning right and either you really not maybe you did and when it became clear that this was not going well you always said and you were super clear about it when it comes time for me because I kept bugging you oh man come on you got to do something right basically screw you when I do this I'll know and I will do it for real I'll do it all in I remember you had a program about like quitting smoking and I told you that I would smoke cigarettes with a fake long through a hole in my throat I'd be the he'd be the tracheostomy right voice box do you have guests come on that like you know it's like you know what drugs are on but they're like kind of hiding it I can be biessed by the best of you know but but I kinda have a hint well it's opiates are really easy right it's really grabbing on and Matt meth is pretty easy but people combine stuff and then it gets a little confusing where were you on when you went on there I used to go out to the bathroom to do cocaine I'd have cocaine Briggs mostly like just weed when I was doing the radio with Drew but yeah okay so we've been prepared with questions my first one because it's really before you go to it just probably got going on here this is we're in a van I've rented it to see if it works cameras all over the place so far it really feels like it does work I mean you probably have done the most like podcasts out of anybody out there Corolla he's that more I'm sure okay good okay I've done a lot and I right yeah and I've ever when this all started happening steve steevo is like Steve like god damn who's gonna ask me to do another podcast right I saw that that if I haven't heard of the podcast the answer's no and I don't think I never you know it's it's fun it's a way to socialize with people you see people yeah I mean for a while and it makes sure you connect with people I mean it's kind of a weird inside it's a crazy thing yeah so I mean I've got a number of questions the first one I think I'm gonna go with is I know that there are like dr. oz dr. Phil and they're not really doctors okay buzz was the head of cardiovascular surgery right but does he continue to have a medical practice he was operating until a couple years ago I don't know what he's doing now I haven't talked to it so celebrity doctors who maintain a practice as you do and I think most people don't know that you do most people don't know that you have an office and is there another doctor with medical practice who's such a household name as you are uh I don't know it's hard to judge that kind of thing however like what's the guy that anchors the doctors he's pretty well known and he's a ER doc we don't know his name anchors the doctors that the talk show the doctors on there yes oh yeah they're normally going through something when they get a face tattoo like that you know it's so true I wish like Tyson would talk about that because I think he could talk about it pretty vividly what he was going through when he got his face tattoo was he in prison when he got it no I don't think so okay what I see it as to me it goes in the same category as Britney Spears shaving her head it's it's and clothing you went you zoom past that into driving a motorcycle off the building I'm now thinking about getting a face tattoo why but just because like people who have face tattoos seem to be really rich I was thinking about getting a dick shaped teardrop tattoo but now I'm thinking about having the dick kind of go over my eyebrow I know or man what you put him through yeah we were gonna do that after the anesthesia bit that we were talking to you about oh yeah that under I told Dad though that it's really just for the purpose of finding out how long I can last with the dick on my face before I go rushing to go get later lasered off oh that's interesting yeah I think the forehead is good because some people call you [ __ ] okay but so hold on so so we got off-track here so when I see people impulsively dude shave their head like when you were super manic did you have an impulse to shave your head there was a time when I wanted to get PCP saved my life tattooed around my neck right neck head neck impulse like do something is sort of a manic thing why they face I don't know it's just you know people do things in certain states it's just were primates and whatever and they're getting these altered states certain behaviors emerge and this one I just I just see it all the time as a manic thing right most importantly Scott we've established that for our first guest we have the most famous doctor on the planet that's all that matters it's a real gay I happened to be Bros with dr. drew no big deal right now as a real true personal concern we hear Joe Rogan talking about it a lot he says it's a no-brainer that anybody over the age of 40 should be taking testosterone replacement therapy I don't disagree with him strongly okay I can't I have prostate cancer I would love to and and I and I bust my physicians balls all the time about it I'm like like when I went in for my operation I'm like first thing I want you know is if I'm five years out remission you're putting me on testosterone really yeah of course now I've got a problem and I probably need some radiation or whatever you said I have it it's not I had it and but because of that little [ __ ] mark I can't do it but I was I was head of physical the other day and that doctor I was busting his balls going two years out after ad yeah yeah do you have to do it for life TRT he once you start I am I was around when the Women's Health Initiative study came out which condemned estrogen therapy for women it was a flawed study for a number of reasons and I had prior to that seen the benefits of estrogen and progesterone therapy it was remarkable how much better people's quality help the layman here with women on hormone replacement at but why would they be taking it because their ovaries shut down menopause okay so we used to routinely put people on therapy and I noticed that their cognition was better their quality the strength everything with bone density they seemed in my estimation have less heart disease then this whi came out this Women's Health Initiative came out and said no more heart disease more strokes more dementia more breast cancer yeah get it off and I took them all off and they literally we were told you are a witch doctor if you're doing if you're not following the priests the findings of this study well we all took him off women miserable horrible and I started slipping people back on again because it was so bad great and lo and behold it turns out the study was deeply flawed so I saw the benefits across my career of hormone replacement therapy it always made sense to me why shouldn't men have a benefit to our testosterone starts falling off right now that I'm of a certain age I categorically know I'd be better with it that tell you that fatigue the way I know I weight stuff is just the way I work out I join everything fatigue stamina oh that's just not the same and I and I know I know and and by the way I use androgen blockade which is testosterone blocking agents in treating prostate cancer and I see what happens to men when you do that it's not pretty they get dimensions and things sometimes I know I would is that one like all your hair falls off your body and come by dad had it he did that he did the treatment with laser down la jolla the prostate cancer yeah then he took a hormone blocker also yeah and he said he D game was shot blueprint he said he was just kind of like crying on the couch you know yeah III I like I said I was good my doctors and I start pushing I'm I go look it because we were talking about whether I need radiation there per say well here's one thing if I need and you're blockade I'm not taking the certain medication I know will happen to me and they're like nothing to stop it it's not gonna happen don't worry about is there any such subject that the scientific and medical community cannot like twist and disagree like no matter what she seems yes I particularly clinical because biology infinitely complex infinitely so to try to make sweeping absolutes about the human biology I got full pretty upset with I think I even emailed you about it with like the way the animal activists people like will twist all these all the science to tell you things that aren't necessarily true right it saves a lot it happens a lot yes there's another story I don't think you know Scott were Steve in using had a heart problem are we thought he had a heart problem yeah that like yeah this is what happened in England no no dad was in England my I was I was prior to sobriety I was just and prior for really escalating the addiction to you were drinking a lot that I was I was because that's what I don't did that I was okay with the drinkin it was specifically 2006 when we were filming jackass number two and I had made a promise to Spike Jonze and Knoxville and Jeff Tremaine that I would not do cocaine for the whole duration that movie I somehow it kept the promise right right said I would it's exactly like a fountain if you like to suppress one thing they all shoot higher right so I just was I was just like the worst with alcohol and this thing yeah and I was just temper temper temper tantrum City and I was just not lovely and my family was giving me a lot of grief about it he was but he wasn't lovely right and I you had told me about this executive health program at UCLA and I said look you know dad and sister my whole family I said look you guys I'm gonna go to this executive health thing which is worrying about your health around that no I was only worried about my family on my back because I knew there's some some Lori coming through my back I thought it was your words they'd have to stop using drugs and alcohol you'd have to do that I wasn't worried in the slightest about anything but I had pretty like good confidence that my health wasn't terrible okay despite all of the you know the substance abuse and you had told me about this program which was so my comprehensive comprehensive so much so that is not even covered by health insurance because they're there they're like you know you don't even need all of this medical attention so I said guys I'm gonna pay for it I'm gonna go in there and I'm gonna get this fully comprehensive physical and if I come back healthy then you just leave me alone just off my back and that's the deal ladies and gentlemen you know this story is gonna be dope but let me tell you that as uncomfortable as I was doing this for the first time I think that this is the best podcast we've done so far and now I'm totally comfortable especially because this week the show is sponsored by Mack Weldon who makes the most comfortable highest-quality boxers briefs sweat pants sweat shirts socks hoodies and I'm telling you that they hook people up because they value loyalty so much they created the Mack Weldon blue program which means that if you sign up for an account which is free to do then you never pay for shipping again and then once you've spent $200 then all of a sudden you get free shipping plus 20% off of your orders for the next year now if you go to Mack Weldon calm and enter the promo code steve-o just for nothing you get 20% off your first order but you'd be crazy not to join the Weldon blue program and I'm telling you I promote stuff unless I use it and I love it and let me show you how much I love these sweatpants as I take them off and these boxers as I fling my garbage back and forth and then catch it in the back with a hands-free mangina tuck that is courtesy of Mac Weldon thank you guys for making such fantastic stuff and making buying it such a treat online I mean really it's the easiest most fun website to go to hassle free and thank you for taking such good care of us now back to the show so I went and I did come I was so worried about an STD test I was like man they the doctor called me to come in to get the results and I'm like oh no you know that's terrible news so I come in to get the results and the worst doctor I've ever seen he called me into the office and I thought oh my god terrible news and I walked in as a doctor is my wiener okay like I said is it my where is my wiener okay and he says your wieners fine but it's your heart like an 80 year old man he said the heart of like an 80 year old man and and there's zero chance that you're gonna live to see the age of 40 and unless you stop drinking oh good he's zeroed on that that was a woman that told you I think I remember it being a dude and I was like he said you have no chance of seeing the age of 40 unless you stop drinking now you told me of the alcohol thing cuz I brought up the alcohol thing as I remember I never thought I was gonna see the age of 40 anyway and I told this guy I said I said who cares I said who cares it's not my wiener you know I cared who cares about my heart but then like that night I was a guest dude started talking to you about this look it was based on an echocardiogram which is not the way to assess accurately this issue he should have said we need you to do some more studies to see if this is real before he starts talking he told me I had cardiomyopathy and that he needed a transplant no I didn't see it transplant said I needed to stop drinking it's a no we're talking me about transplant maybe I have a chance at our members because that that disturbed the hell I don't remember a talk about a transplant I just remember that jumping all way to transmit I by God the heart of an eight year old man you need a transplant I'm pretty sure that transplant was not part of the discussion started drinking I completely understood he said I had to stop drinking I were you drinking it they at this point I mean enough to get drunk I was drinking like vodka redbull he was hard all day oh you were doing vodka redbulls all day try me in pretty much I know but I'm bad like I so I went on Loveline with dr. Drew I think that night yes it was that night that night and I was like dude it was like like the doctor told me I'm dying man like I'm dying and like and dr. Drew was just totally just aghast at all these callers here and yes the colors were like literally every caller was like hey steve-o sorry about your heart anyway about my wiener and it made me realize I think we talked about this that they were treating him like a cartoon character they didn't seem as a person I thought cartoon Kirti I think there was there was a lot of like oh dude you'll be fine man you're gnarly like it's like the video that he did where he's bleeding out of his boxer shorts and important fake blood in my boxer shorts and then I went and people are asking that was deeply troubling yeah you took it a good stride yeah it was a bit bad but I think after talking with you that night the whole thing it kind of sunk in I was like man I gotta I gotta stop drinking I still had doubts that it was real I really I was right I thought to myself you know their prize what I was I thought he's drinks enough to get a little card in my up with thee it can be a reverse yeah he can reverse he needs to stop drinking let's let him let's let him get that let that sink in hey well let that sink it and let's stop talking about this being an end-of-life thing because I really didn't believe it I did right all right what so I got I went to the airport like maybe the next day or something I was just like I gotta stop drinking so my best thing it was the first time I'd ever bought a first-class ticket in my life I just showed up the airport and I said can please get me a first-class seat on the next flight to England so I could go eat pickled onion monstermunch because if I couldn't have alcohol like this like this absurd baked corn snack that's why I went to London and then with your family you don't think maybe you wanted them and yeah I mean I was you know I was a wacky dude at the time that's crazy and would you have at other organs I was gonna say what what organs from like drug users like drinking or smoking can can repair themselves and cannot repair themselves after you quit it's pretty complicated I mean depends what you have to go with the heart we'd have to go through every drug in every organ oh really let me ask a more basic question I remember being told that 95 percent of alcoholics / addicts will die loaded of causes related directly to drugs and alcohol is that accurate if they're not treated yeah that's pretty close okay real true addict yeah and how do they know these stats though because cause of death alcoholic liver disease apathy stroke you'll be doing cocaine and kidney disease I was just boom yeah and by the way the coroner's screwed up all the time actually really pisses me off they don't understand addiction in the corners they really don't and so they just I don't know she just she she acts it I argued with Yamaguchi you know the guys did like he did everybody he did Marilyn Monroe and in Natalie Wood and and John Belushi he had the temerity to go jump Lucia was a drug what are you talking about oh just someone would give my heart to give me just that night happen to give him something say he was an addict like what he signed him off as like not related to drug addiction the final cause of death for John Belushi speedballs wish winter ever since called Belushi's I've seen this again and again and they still to this day happens where the pathologist because they're not clinicians they're pathologists you know they get off the clinical track very early and they just don't understand what they're looking at here okay so I need to get on testosterone replacement therapy well you say that I just said I'm in the Joe Rogan camp enthusiasm for it but it needs to be done very carefully I you know Mike Catherwood my love line part yeah he's very involved with some guy in Venice that apparently is an endocrinologist and does this stuff we can go see somebody really can do it carefully and once you start assuming that you do start then you can never stop what you can stop but you're gonna lose all the effects and something it only has the benefits when you're taking two people's heads get bigger is that like like Mark McGwire Barry Bonds like that was that was extra physiologic so so ideally you want to just restore testosterone to so to boost it a little bit the level closer to your youthful time and not give you high levels of and then you've dated androgenic an anabolic and they did a bunch of yeah that way and that and that it makes your enlarges your product product lanza stuff yeah um so in TNT's that steroids it's a steroid I mean TRT is testosterone replacement therapy right trt and the the backbone of testosterone is a steroid molecule so yeah so it's an androgenic steroid 1cc a week is pretty good this is something you gotta talk somebody looks normally good and they're over 40's Joe I'm sure ask Joe I'm sure he sees it everywhere yeah you can tell people are doing it right I believe it okay so it's become kind of my Catherwood god damn him well you know because he knows I can't take testosterone eat sorry go go take androgen just take just take anabolic steroids Oh his physique is something else these days I'm wondering he is gorgeous too so I saw on TMZ that you were singing opera like at a hockey game isn't me the national anthem as an opera singer well that's how am I saying okay so it's become kind of common knowledge that you sing opera well not that comic cuz then I did the masked singer and they nobody got it until until I had to pull the head off okay do people ask you to sing a lot and we've got an accompanying up for you we want to rehearse five minutes before we go out there that I'll do that do you love it Mike singing no not anymore so when I did the masked singer I started really training again and I've lost a whole range of stuff I used to have so I kind of pisses me off action I do like singing but I had a pretty powerful voice at one time and you if I want to start that would all come back Wow so yes and I had all kinds of problems in the mess a devil in Grasse to being stuff they did look at my chords I had hemorrhaged on my cord and a pharisee on my course because I could tell something was mechanically wrong because when I started training for real I was like oh this just it's just the whole range was just gone so I'd have a focal rehab it's there corticosteroids and things - how long ago was that July Oh recently the men's thing you know Joe I'm not familiar with the master a lot of you I promise you people are they're ridiculous okay yeah it's like it's like Dancing with the Stars kind of okay so it's like unlikely a singing talent from people yeah well but then yes that sort of one that conceits the other is real singers like I got beat up by Patti LaBelle okay dressed as a giant how old is Patti LaBelle she's older she sang pretty well okay um okay guys I've got a couple serious questions here like we're men and recovery talk to us about the CBD [ __ ] like if it's like a yeah topical CBD fine right okay Tom I'd then I've done like a roll thing on my neck or so yeah fine low dose should be fine I worry about the higher dose tinctures I worry about that what's tincture the little drops under your tongue oh yeah I don't want to put anything in my mouth I had this one guy telling me oh here's this take a picture with the CBD water that I have and I was like nah man I just weirded out by that it's like man it's not psychoactive and I was like dude I just don't I my wife and I tried it we took probably a 50 milligram something like that relatively small dose everything in the pantry had the best sex in here she got panic attacks the next day from it and my sleep was all messed up oh my mom had something with her knee and I thought it was I thought it was just like a CB like a CB d no THC yeah I think I gave her the wrong one because it were her knee pain went away but I said how did you feel and she's like well I don't know honey like she never smoked pot anything like that she's like I don't know honey like I woke up and and I was just really hungry and she took a picture of all the snacks she was eating oh boy candy bars chips diet cokes just like and she's never eats like that oh yeah I just dosed my mom baby but I I use it I recommended people fairly frequently I mean it's I mean like and that it's an important question for me because I feel like not as a result of injuries not as a result of anything but I just feel like in my elbow my shoulder like like it's how I imagined carpal tunnel just I feel it breaking out and my as we get older you just get lots of eggs your joints start to hurt and I remember because we are the three of us we went to South Africa and I was just thing up my my carry-on bag to put it in the overhead bin and all the sudden my arm went right yeah and like ever since then I cannot properly make a Popeye muscle oh did you beat you tear you down probably tore your and can you like can feel I but here's the thing we never stretch and so I think stretch is a big part of that that's not supposed to be there novio cyst here feel here they're really common okay yeah I had that comes off the wrist very commonly yeah I had the funniest thing happen this side like I can't even yeah I think your tour part of the tendon it's alright TRT over her shoulders go to I know the shoulders are going to I'm not sure you listeners want to hear all I've been chipping away at it not not all the way through it three and a half hours yeah it's uh I'm watching like small chunks at a time would enjoy visually I dig it I I I can't hurt me to watch those guys they either look too old or not and there's a tool most the time isn't it like CGI they made Robert De Niro like way yeah yeah but when he goes out and tries to beat up that cop no no the shopkeeper the shop yeah push body twenty-nine there thirty or something yeah that's the point and then when he's in the nursing home why is he - nursing home he looks way too is they at the end they're gonna go he's just a while yeah when I saw him start on him as a young guy I thought he was like in his late 50s they're covering from like the sixties all the way to like present-day right but with all my joints starting to break down like TRT will help and CBD topical yeah topical would be fine I just have a problem because I'm worried about all CBD because it didn't used to be legal and then now it's like changing laws and and as I'm telling you both my wife and I had some brain effect I mean we didn't get high from it or anything but we were like affected by it a little bit so it's not zero it's not zero and fine by the way people are it's not psychoactive it'll help your anxieties like people smoking huge joints that don't get you high CBD no smoking hemp and it's it's like 0.01 THC so it's like pretty non-existing what's the point and they're like I just Mel's you out it's like you're smoking cigar I'm like did I used to love smoking weed like yeah yeah yeah I couldn't you have to smoke so much of it because then but yeah but then I'd be like oh my god is this a relapse and then I'd already start that relapse I might as well to smoke weed yeah I don't know don't do it the dog definitely don't go down the track okay speaking of relapse for people in recovery is it true that the jobs with the highest rate of relapse are specifically jobs where people work in recovery I don't know that data but that would not surprise me that would not surprise me I had a lot of people go out right I'm fine and in I would tell every time so over the long period that I was working in the field I came to the point where I was insistent that if you're working here you were going to al-anon that's it because the ones who didn't go to Ellen I would get taken out pretty fast that in you know in pernicious ways they'd have sex with patients and do use with I just horrible ways and it's just like it gets you know the disease gets under your skin right right somebody with it is your once around so much of it it'll get you okay start here's something that I personally feel pretty strongly about with regards to anonymity for people in recovery you know I think that if we look at the the origins of 12-step programs the reason for anonymity was that there were so few people that started it if they were to put their full names out there they would just be swamped they could never handle it and conduct normal lives and there's a lot of shame associated with it right and the yes so some of the prohibitions on media was actually Bill W his wife it was the 11th tradition was her idea and she and towards the I think she's gone now Louis yeah come reconsider that she thought she thought no no it's important now then we get out in the media and talk about this really thank because what she says about fourth looked under you interview him well I do it in my view anyway it was like they said that in the book there's just too few of us we got to keep ourselves anonymous because we can't help everybody and then now in this day and age that's clearly not the case the recovery world is thriving it's alive and well and now I think the most common idea about why anonymity is important people say well if you wave the flag of sobriety and the 12-step program and then you end up loaded people are gonna see that and they're gonna think oh well hey doesn't work you know 12-step has been under attack for a while too well so here's the thing I mean I equate that to somebody getting in really great physical shape you know shirt off looking like Mike Catherwood just shredded and like and then a year and they give all the credit to save you know 24-hour fitness oh it's the greatest then a year later they're fat slobs absolutely nobody is gonna start thinking 24-hour fitness doesn't worry did that right they're gonna be like oh geez you stopped going a 24-hour fitness exactly how they should think of it but they they love to attack if you're not sober for eternity it's 12 steps problem but but I think that what's important about anonymity is that when people professionalize their sobriety correct then inherently their motivation is skewed correct I think the 11th edition and the anonymity is an attempt to make sure it doesn't become something commoditized something branded something of any market forces on it at all no business and so these are there was a very wise move to let it be just an interpersonal experience sure nothing more and to keep it quiet to me is a way of a first of all protect people who want to be that way so and then be making sure people aren't out the seeking power property and prestige motion yeah promotion would be a bad thing for this right yeah okay um let me see we might we might need a little bit of a okay now this is important to you talk to us about the the what we do about the homeless situation ebonic plague oh my god let me first talk about the 12-step thing real quick there is a guy named John Kelly that runs the Harvard addiction program in a guy named Keith Humphries that runs Stanford have are doing studies that's showing the 12-step is as good or better than any other treatment that's professionalized out there especially if abstinence is your goal this is as good or better than anything else out there and oh by the way it's free it's available 24/7 it's on every corner oh by the way you're worried about health expense it's free it works stop attacking it it needs to be part of everything we talk about when we're talking about the opiate crisis and all these other problems we should be in the next message going there's free services out there that works it's evidence-based take advantage of sure I mean the way I look at it is that you know let's say 95 percent of alcoholics and addicts do die loaded of causes related to drugs and alcohol it's no mystery that the five percent who do achieve long-term long-term sobriety are locked arms that we do it together yeah that's what the whole thing is about I don't think it's as low as 5% I we that 95% number I think is if you continue using you'll die of consequences of your disease if you make repeated attempts at sobriety there's a very good probability like in the 50 60 % zone that you're gonna have sobriety okay but if you have meaningful sobriety under your belt you're like you know five years of sobriety then 10 and then you relax then it's so hard to get it back oh yeah you're like the fighters they got knocked out and now you got a glass jaw have you seen that oh yeah really hard group to treat and and they know too much yeah Josie's takes advantage of that and they're always so focused on the number of years you know instead of just like one day at a time because that you right they get their shame their shame and but but the other part is they need by the time they they often hide it for a long time right and so by the time they come clean you need some serious treatment again you gotta start over and they're like oh no no I know I know in my home meeting Bubba it's like no we got to start over we need a real treatment sustained structure here we go and it is a hard group to treat I always ask them and I know that it's probably the last thing they want to talk about but like what happened because like I want to make sure that never happens to me so you asked about jobs that cause relapses relationships cause relapses yeah we're not working with newcomers or not you know stop going to meetings wait just just drifting off not going do not putting your priorities in place yeah just it's just adrift just like anything else we call it slowly happens we call it working the steps in reverse what happens yeah hey stop yeah that praying for your your qualities to be removed by God and then a relationship will nothing takes out more than relationships or and by the way some of the times because you found somebody a greener pink is what takes people anyway so holy cow almost home saying is driving me out of my mind because these are exactly what I sort of started waking up to it I'm like what do you mean people need a place to say they're all mentally ill I was like wait a minute and I started looking at what's going on there and it's people I've been serving for the last thirty years it's a drug addicts and it's chronically mentally ill that's it that's who's out there and these people can be helped as you know drug addicts it's it's a dicey er as we all know how right I see that prospect is but at least we can put forces in place to push them in the right direction as opposed to allow them just continue using till they die which is what's happening now three day are dying in our streets three a day okay so new was eaten by the time by a coyote so the park look at saber-toothed tiger tore somebody apart this is a tally lives in we live in Griffith Park are these ads torn to pieces are these stats accurate we have a hundred and ninety thousand homeless people living in LA we're second to Calcutta oh that makes sense but Calcutta it takes care of their sick people so they no other country doesn't take care of sick people we're allowing see people to die on our streets yeah so but is it okay so is it true that any homeless person can go down six one one yeah and get picked up right away yep they don't want to come in they don't want to come in I know I yeah IIIi did a campaign where I went around and handed out towels and they had numbers that they call they're like yeah we know we don't want to yeah and it's through there either I don't I want to keep using or I'm chronically mentally ill and that's not comfortable they have to be sober in order to get into something else and they won't come what came first the chicken or the egg right so here's our the mental illness so here's what happened it's fundamentally the big problem here is the mental illness be we change our drug laws in this state that's why they all came here right yeah that's what created the drug thing and then the opiate crisis so this is the last chapter of the opiate thing so we've gone from pharmaceutical oral medicine to heroin and when you use of hair when you go to the streets that's what happens with heroin right every when you're as heroin ends up on the streets and and and then we change the drug laws and said yeah you can not just do heroin we're not gonna hassle you you can traffic and heroin and you can stay as steal 900 bucks today to support your habit you wear that yeah they made that of non crimes you can do everyone oh so it's on you won't get you won't get in trouble if you go to a target now watch happens watch the guys walk in their stuff their coats with stuff and walk out just watch it it's it's everyday so then the cuts the cut the the owners don't call anymore cuz the cops don't do anything so it's tough it's really crazy so that's the drug part the other part is in this country we used to have a very elaborate state hospital system for people in need custodial care humans get chronic mental illness that need constant care there that's unfortunately the way human brains work there are certain illnesses that are very serious neurological psychiatric illnesses that you can't you have to take care of in a structured environment we did that for in every state the federal government the Constitution does not provide for any of that so it was left to the states well all of a sudden in the 1940s really this guy named Robert Felix a psychiatrist came in and he started looking at the military and he discovered that most like something like thirty percent of the recruits could not qualify for going overseas to world war two because of neurological cognitive and mental illness so we then we got a big problem here so he was at welcome not a Beltran's guy is a trained psychiatrist but a politician and a mover he decided he knew had a social engineer humanity he was gonna solve all the world's problems he got he saw in John Kennedy the guy that could help him do that he set up this new institution that became the National sudha mental health he was given wide-ranging powers one amongst which he got the ear of John Kennedy and pushed through something called the Community Mental Health Act which was designed to shut down the state hospitals and have and have all mental health delivered in community mental health centers that were going to prevent mental illness something we don't know how to do to this day yeah and they were he and a guy named yoli's that follow him and a guy that brown too followed that three guys for 30 years controlled the national suit of mental health control the federal government's mental health policy none of them had ever set foot in a hospital that took care of chronically mentally ill and they believed in the air in the age of one flu of the Cuckoo's Nest that they believed that hospitals were causing mental illness therefore they all had to be choked often and and closed so hundreds of thousands of people were coming out of these state hospitals with provisions being made from where they would go or how they'll be treated none they went to the prisons this the nursing homes and the streets and we've done nothing to reverse that except put a bunch of laws in place that make it even more difficult to get to and help these people so that's what's going on and now because they're not that because they have bad hygiene because bad I know but I heard you talk as well about how we're saying for the first time since medieval times all medieval so so when you let sanitation break down well I want to know where the environmentalists all this [ __ ] and peeing in the street goes right into the LA River bypasses the sewage treatment plant 60,000 people [ __ ] is going into the LA River when it rains like this bypasses sewage treatment sick but it's like this city's sewage going into the ocean you don't think that's we've had mammalian doctors Lions yeah we have sea lions and dolphins dying off but we're going to straw to [ __ ] Turtles knows it's bad okay so we've got that going on I'm sorry well bubonic plague with so rats have overgrown so in because they've done nothing with the sanitation these poor people living in our streets rats have just gone they just exploded we our house here we were last summer before last we were over run like it was unbelievable and when that happened I thought well we're gonna have typhus because I've practiced in this area for a long time and I've treated typhus many times and why don't you see something like that like the rodent population explodes I thought typhus here comes three months later typhus and we had a massive outbreak of typhus and we still have it going it's gonna slow down on the winter here but I but then I started investigating well what fall is tough what's endemic in this area that follows typhus well the last person a about break in the world was in Los Angeles when the rat population over grew there's our seniors any oh yeah oh you don't know what that our city alright our cities % ye are si Anna you know you know what more it's comedy bubonic plague holy [ __ ] so well that's common that's common symptoms of bubonic plague know if you have to be verbose you swollen glands off pneumonia sick you guys both gonna think you have it now yes he just surfed in the LA River oh dude that's the it's Salmonella and collar itself like that you're gonna get yeah but I got away with it yeah you're fine so how do you how do you stop all this I mean it's it's very simple very simple you reverse prop 47 and you started having drug courts again and started pushing people into treatment that's gonna work some of the time you motivate addict sanatorium what's Prop 47 it's the the 47:57 the ones that made it legal to steal and make it legal Switzerland legalized heroin portugal legalized everything and it's doing wonders for their country yeah we could legalize everything but you've got to take care of people that are sick you can't they take care of people but the war they give them something or they give them administered heroin they're treated like and they have to go into therapy once they get it yes they're like people's lives get better they're treated yeah treated you don't just send them out to die on the street make things legal and set about to die on the street that that nobody does that right Okun tree does that it's inhuman it's in its bizarre - it's a think that yes don't get mental illness they don't get drug addiction so so you guys upset about this so there's this this well legalize hey see my phone there three years and she did like she's a sociologist she studied it for the three years oh it's exactly what's going on like she nailed everything she knows exactly what's going on here so where was legalized drug use era P so 47 needs to be revised right so so we and we need to start getting people into some kind of treatment some kind of something the Lanterman Petrus short Act which was in 1973 I think overnight overnight we took the criteria for treatment of mental illness from need for care person needs care Stevo needed care we give him care to harm to self or other that's it this gigantic leap there's a giant zone in between unable to care for medical needs unable to care for Carl unable to care for sanitation all these other things we have to be able to bring people into treatment if they're unable to managed their lives will die they will die so change Landsman Petrus modify 47 increase access to conservatorships which were there's some pilot program started in California finally and and then in what you have that in place enforce vagrancy laws and that's it it's over it ends immediately so when we bill governor and build more psychiatric trying to get me to dude yeah my Erin go where they keep talking about on that alone and no because people need that solved I just don't want to go but i but i but i wake up every day as a doctor it just gets into my fiber i guess so i didn't live with it this is the you know i passion for this group this is i require the years in a psychiatric hospital that place you saw we had chronic beds we had acute beds I saw the chronic mental illness I got very good at treating chronic mental illness haha we had tons of them and I saw what could be done for them and I know how you do that right I'm looking at this happening and like it's no other country on earth that allows this that's your stat your speech okay why are they allowed to start setting up ten I never like five years ago I saw them have ten since we now they do somebody's giving them tents and then the vagrancy laws suddenly the cops weren't able to enforce it and then their ACL you had a couple of decisions where they literally couldn't touch anything to right into the including like schizophrenic swill start hoarding their [ __ ] and pee right yeah that's why I belong you can't touch that yeah Wow and then so when there's a tent just set up smack dab in the middle of the sidewalk where you came walked on the sidewalk not only are they allowed to do that but you need a warrant to enter because that's their ten cities just Hollywood turned into everywhere and and this is not if they also then I don't know dealt with the sanitation and you know they're doing nothing nothing I remember I remember being on Skid Row back in 2005 yeah and I was drinking out of friends south on seventh and spring yeah and we would sit there and watch from the building the cops would come around you in gamble out speaker you guys have five minutes to move they come back in five minutes and just hose everything down and they just did that further and it's now a nice area but they just kept doing it in doing it every week little blocks how was that good for for these people who live on the street how is any of this none of its good that is good for them and I've started taking the position there when people go oh this is just our own house neighbors I may just go I'm sorry what's your experience in treating mental illness Oh none shut up they say man how savers shut up shut up I you should not be talking if you do not know what mental illness is and how to treat it shut the [ __ ] up and if they keep going up your murderer you're gonna three a day or dying because of you you are a murderer that's what I started saying to people I'm sick of it you said that part of the solution was to enforce vagrancy laws but once you got everything in place then start pushing people off the streets into treatment facilities pull or do we always have room we don't enough room though we don't need more that's pursuit so I have a feeling the feds are coming I've been talking to them I talked to Ben Carson it was really really so cool to talk to him because it was like almost like a handoff after being on call you know when you come off call you you describe the cases you're handing off and I described you Mo's gran who took the up got it got it got it got it these neurosurgeon yeah you're like okay I know I get it so when you say the feds are coming and they're talking about like prison camp kind of stuff no I think what you would see is the pop-up tents for triage to get everybody stabilized and finalized and then then eight the federal government has a bunch of buildings that they could put for chronic psychiatric beds and get people stabilized yeah they're gonna have to really have an operation if they're gonna pull the trigger on that now again I used to do like EMT work right so you ask them you know the three or four questions and you know times four if if if you go up to something like if they can't answer those questions then they're not allowed to deny care right right so if you went up to a mental illness guy on the street and you asked him about three or four questions and they can't answer it be amazed how they can get it together yeah mental illness you know it affects cognition but it's not a cognitive disorder so their cognition can be they can solve algebraic way you know they could do calculus and still be saying I'm Napoleon I always thought why can't you just go up to mass into three or four questions oh what a minute questions what's your name day is it what day is it what time the president yeah they all do that and that tells what different parts of your brain are working depending on what answers no not really that just tells whether there's a diffuse cognitive just a dysfunction of your disorients a time place person and you know date that's pretty serious yeah something something globally is wrong do you want to announce your run for governor on our first podcast here if somebody wants to talk about ready for girl talk to them don't want to do bears have no interest in that can people have been trying to get me to do that my daughter's coming in Rex come here buddy what if you can solve that problem that's the problem with for Los Angeles right now that's our time gonna be but you need state law change I mean that's you know everything about it I am working with some state senators I've tried to get this right you did not I don't have to be here yeah I don't have to be in a position of authority to work on this you know I mean I'm still working on such as it is because it's right yeah I have to I can't not it's weird I get up every day thinking the streets of the city we're gonna play where but what bothers you the most that like drive like where do you driving like oh my god just driving yeah I Drive wherever I go it's everywhere everywhere it's and I just know what it is I need people to go people call they seem fine to me they're just what they want read me this magazine yesterday and there was a big article it said Malibu's RV problem oh yeah that's a little bit there to their subset problems there are people that have just from the fires no there are people who just wanna live at the beach yeah and they'd rather they don't want to pay for a property they just these oh just lived for set up a tent all right I'm looking at the beach and there's one mile where you're allowed to just procure you need the whole time and though most of those people are not homeless they're they're sort of squatters they just want to and they're not dumping there's there there waste probably right right into the sewer right into the city right into the river writing is P bad is P bad I understood that it's like loaded with pneumonia which makes it like sterile and antiseptic P is generally sterile unless you have some sort of like virus or infection or something if you had measles probably that would not be such a good thing ah sick lately well I I just wanna get properly vaccinated measles I think yeah probably oh yeah I got revaccinated man how often should we be getting checked out by the doctor like just for bloodwork 36 yeah once a year no even what's the six months no no unless really yeah you know you shouldn't be did you do any damage with drugs no I'm just a hypochondriac yeah then don't go too often ever your max max max that's it good list you're hypertensive or something else that you need ongoing management for no just stay away if you come into the medical system too often we will hurt you I'm like my side hurt so I got a pancreatic cancer I won't be able to sleep for like weeks well if you need reassurance then go on when you do but I would need reassurance every day it's just something it's just marry a doctor there you go be a lifeguard we're a little gonna beat me to really Victoria Cove yeah where did you guard from the montage word is now that's the bank that so the sea wall in front of that whole Cove on the south side of Victorians that's Lagunitas in Victoria Blue Lagoon yeah totally yeah that's funny is that something that was that's still one of the greatest speeches ever and Italy really knows about it well now but hands swells there and I want to think about it now like how did I do that I was so confident the water I can handle anything yeah that's basically people out every day every day every day and a lot a lot of c-spine bladder broken necks oh no did not did not have any major injuries I did a resuscitation one year but but I didn't have any major when people get caught in a short break and then get yeah he's working over its kind I've had like I would do like ten year ten c-spine's yeah Wow one guy was really serious here all up and down that's impressive because you know how its Shore so they like let it break over them and they just scorpion can't go over the falls we had a Japanese pole vaulter from the Olympics oh my god it was like oh my god I love the beach run headfirst dive broke his c2 or whatever it was and needed beyond breathing the rest his life and he died from pneumonia it happens all the time if you were a lifeguard and you served hardcore no I did serve our course or everything else in the water but surfing I remember you telling me that you did serve no he would get barreled with by boards you know the belly boards and it's the best place in California yeah so so I am someplace to Treasure Island Yeah right think like trailer park yeah there's a trailer park what do you guys North County seems like dr. dick yeah how'd you like guard for you know I can't really two three years yeah and it was it was the greatest thing ever it's the greatest and I was you know and it's so frustrating now the shoulder and stuff like that trying to get in too dangerous now with my shoulder yeah he's little over here where the Aquatic Center no no no no no no or something I just don't do it yeah so when you were younger did you experiment with drugs sure oh yeah what's your favorite uh pot did nothing for me okay and I didn't experience when I was in college I was I was on a floor with a bunch of stoners and they like couldn't believe that somebody didn't like pot I was like oh that was astonishing to them so you're like notes you're doing it wrong we're gonna show you how to do it you know squeak Oh smoke a lot every night as soon as you finish your homework okay about four days into that I started having trouble concentrating like where I couldn't couldn't do my calculus I remember I couldn't I couldn't hold thoughts and as I was calculating and I'd scared the hell out of my brain injured myself you [ __ ] and it was not appealing still no matter what I just didn't like it there's that I'll say alcohol okay stimulants yeah I think the lying back in the days when it was not addictive oh yeah from 1980 1984 there he was just not addictive that's what the whole world decided it was not addictive it was the weirdest time read some like the time magazines and stuff oh this is just a recreational drug for people for rich people and then it started taking people out yeah well you know what Freud knew it was addictive his one of his partners got taken out by it ah yeah the lucky thing I think for me is I just don't have any addictive anything oh I just don't right have that genetic hey psychedelics no but I would I would use them if I had like end a life stuff like if I had end-of-life dread the research on that was really good psilocybin like microdose English micro dosing an end-of-life dread yeah that's a fatal if when what's got gets pancreatic cancer about end-of-life dread because that seems to affect some people and not others that right I mean it depends on the circumstance right if I'm dealing 94 year old they're like yeah I'm okay I'm ready but if you have like if one of us were to develop a deadly cancer would not be cool we would have all kinds of horrible feelings about that okay I think that there are just certain people that just feared to write in like my mom she was you know and terrible disabled her quality of life was out the window but still she clung on to life and and really feared death right up until the end yeah see it's a perfect person maybe to do some of this with because what people report is they feel more connected to something hold something greater than themselves they were really connected to it and so they don't fear losing themselves into that but I always feel like I had a hard time doing psychedelics because I had a lot of anxiety yeah me too so that's why that's why I and by the my starting panic attacks in college - and I'm wonder to this day of the cannabis did that to me so I always freaked out when I did them but now now then I've like worked the steps and I feel really good about life I'm like I wish don't - hostess I would in but I'm like man I really wish I can do a lot of it yeah you can't but dying I feel like I'd be tripping out I gotta have a bad trip later but right man one times man told me about how he's too distant terrified of death and I thought man that's so crazy the I just don't get it feel like death being dead is the one thing that you don't have to worry about everything leading up to it I think of it more about losing life well you know it's really helped me a lot and he's gonna laugh but but I listen to a lot of near-death experiences oh yeah and and it's just all peace and love on yeah but most doctors don't like that answer of like when they when the patient comes back like I whatever they don't want to hear about their near-death experience we don't want to hear it it's just there is something characteristic that happens when your brain goes into that state so you think it's all just like you were not dead if you were dead you would not be here you've had a near-death experience and in that state we know it's some interesting things happen and the reality you know of those experiences I don't I don't know what about ayahuasca you feel pretty strongly about that that you shouldn't do it why don't you partner I have talked to professionals that use plants for guiding people through trauma therapies and things convincing in what they were telling me and had good evidence for stuff in the right hands maybe but generally the way it's being done these days where is the hell at me people say that Oh ayahuasca is great you go through hell and this terrible like hellish experience and then you come out the other end and you've got your stuff resolved and like does that sound right to me and and whenever your brain has changed I'm already now I'm concerned you know because it's something you brain has changed and so I've seen people their personality changes and stuff is that your personhood changes mm-hmm because that that's yeah I don't care if you're a better person you're a different person and that is that's screwing with somebody's yes we were we were in Fiji and like they wanted us to do kava kava and we're like I wish should we do it should we in the fact that like we were talking about it like it was like we were like I have it probably shouldn't do it yeah okay I forgot about that were your recovery yeah yeah it's like valium don't do it if everybody's doing and having a good time that's natural for a plan we're like well you should do it I should like strong plants yeah hey everybody and now that you mentioned it I do remember it yeah like the fact that like we're kind of weird out like talking like this it's not a good idea at all right you're getting getting nervous yeah yeah should tell you something yeah right it's like I just did this gig and had a big college where they asked me to come and do a Q&A on mental health and I showed up and I didn't think about that was interesting I've never done anything like this and when I showed up it was like a lot of questions about addiction and stuff and there I was captain Ken they got talking program stuff what's cool is I was at Washington State University okay and what the thing was though like right when it got done I was doing a meet and greet with like nine hundred kids that showed up for it and I had this thought creep into my head that like man like you know at the end of the day when you know like everything's all dried up like that you know I like this kind of thing it'd be cool to fall back on and then I was dead terrified like oh I just had a thought of professionalizing recovery and like and then I was like I never want to do anything like this again like I wish I didn't even do it in the first place Wow yeah yeah I I would think about it more as community building and not professionalizing just sharing sharing well then I can't get paid to do it the thing is that god I mean I did speak you know all kinds of places and all kinds of surgery trouble doing comedy at schools or anything are you doing that I have it's crazy because there's a new tour that I'm doing is so so explicit like for an institution of higher learning to pay me to bring this filth to them is just there's something deeply wrong with that they were like they didn't want you to bring Wendy onstage right it's like you you might have a problem with me bringing a service dog onstage but you're allowing me to air have you guys seen what we're putting on there you know about the one where I went skydiving videos routinely due to multimedia to show that ideas it's so so they were cool that but bringing a service dog some people might get offended because of PETA in the audience my dog Wendy yeah it's a lot backwards but I don't think that was the Washington State is that if people have anxiety or OCD or triggers and phobias the way that's managed is with exposure right composure therapy not withdraw the exposure and never be around the stimulus Oh getting exposed to the sting goes right we expand our comfort zone by getting out of it yes so now I like Howie Mandel with his notorious or germaphobe you know that's the worst thing to be to avoid germs Yeah right like you can't I mean when I'm doing my meet and greets after my show isn't like with like the 900s we are and I'm shake every hand I'm think to myself like shaking hundreds of hands all back-to-back is probably so good for me because I'm keeping my immune system on its toes there there is some called the sewer rat theory of yeah you know em you know agendas you me know Jenna city but wash your hands right that water okay there's this this I went on a school field trip in eighth grade I was attending school at the American School in London we were very privileged school yes you know I was very very privileged upbringing and we went on a school field trip to Egypt like for a week oh yeah yeah and and they said don't drink the tap water don't even let anybody put ice cubes in your soda oh and I've watched this guy Duncan's toothbrush in the Nile River and sit there brushing his teeth and I thought wait a second if tap water is so bad then what's the Nile and here's this guy's fine I thought man that guy brushing his teeth in the Nile if he went to England where I live and drank tap water he might get sick from that just whatever we expose ourselves to we'd become okay so I thought in my mind right there 13 years old eighth graders like man you know probably the healthiest thing I could do is travel the entire world over and just drink tap water everywhere I go and I went on to do precisely that I think we were very lucky man with wild boys like like as we went to every continent except Antarctica where I presume the waters very pure yeah everywhere else and said put down my bags and I would brush my teeth I mean I did get kind of sick in Kenya but I don't and they would give us malaria pills and malaria pills would would cause me to have like terrible nightmares oh sure so I would throw out the malaria pills and then use the actual bottle that came in to fill up with like xanax [Laughter] [Music] so you could live to have this podcast yeah it's good yeah yeah it's a good one I I hope so best one we've ever done I was you know I was looking at my watch truthfully you think man do we have like enough that we can really pair it you know to make it great make it like really great I I'll pick up the the clips that get listen tulsi gabbard on there I like that one with John well next so good and or Jordan Peterson times are very interesting conversation Jordan Peterson's the super controversial dude some people yeah beliefs on on transgender stuff is that the guy he just he just he says stuff that gets me trouble okay but has he really seen anything that that's bad no he's talking about what his experiences as a clinical psychologist you know what he you know he's like a scientist and I found him years before anybody else did he was used to this series called maps of meaning and I'm always looking for guys that pull together psychology and anthropology and that's kind of what he was doing I so I got very interested in him and then he got embroiled in this controversy where the the district he was in in Canada started mandating preferred gender pronouns and was essentially saying you if you don't even if somebody changes their preferred pronoun every 10 minutes and you get it wrong you've broken the law and he took that that's pretty easy to write the reason after that's because that's it's in his opinion how things led to that what was called the Gulag Archipelago so and so then he got very political all of a sudden I was just like I cracked a smile because I was thinking about like these memes where it's like you know thirty year old man who identifies as a six year old just broke a record and t-ball motorcyclist who identifies as a bicyclist just shattered the record yeah those are great I love reposting those I know and going through some interesting it's definitely yeah it'll work itself out though it always does I guess maybe it's just it really it feels so alien so different man I'm just glad that I had that I'm not the dude who is on Loveline with you in the early 2000s or mid 2000s in this day and age yeah you know I like this nothing not that I necessarily was ever really mean-spirited or no you know but you could get misconstrue and you were loaded hoon oh my god I was yeah me too Steve oh yeah right uh you know what I did that was I had this old tattoo of a guy humping a baby when well I was 2006 that I got it and immediately I recognized how awful it was and I blogged out the the baby who was a hero and then I and then I turned into the blob into an ostrich and then I burned it all off and then I got him riding a motorcycle oh yeah okay oh my god and then but the thing was that like 20 17 20 and 18 like all these years later then that comes up and people are like trying to like tear me down like ah this terrible from that tattoo yeah like 13 years it's crazy 12 me 12 years after I got the tattoo no it's been a while there there's just there was an organized concerted effort to just ruin me over a tattoo I got a long time ago it's that weird that people are that kind of energy right and it's like okay you know like that I became a tattoo artist what I did I just did I'm gonna show you my portfolio your video of you doing something to somebody one point ah this is now look at this is easy with the art and then oh it's pretty big been a lot better yeah uh-huh that's you I did that yeah I did all these whoa like that my girl Wendy Wow and then I did this one last night I'm him Jesus riding a dinosaur how'd you do that alright did you do that freehand no no you didn't create a stencil and then okay alright okay yeah that's great well thanks man that's the other thing I'm looking at this this is I swear I was with you once when you did we did it I mean I'm not even surprised that that would have come up at some point yeah I can't remember what you're doing but it was that you were writing like letters on somebody's right oh that's right you're like yo mama's name and I wasn't wearing gloves yeah that's what it was and then I got the idea from when that happened I said you know what I'm gonna make a video of just giving awful tattoos but I'll try really hard and it's turned into this roaring gloves every time too I'm doing a real apprenticeship with the super pro guy named Mike Santa Fe Wow yeah and as I said it rented this to see how it feels doing a podcast but also to see how it feels as a traveling tattoo shop very good idea yeah I was sitting right in that seat there when I gave him the dinosaur tattoo last night that's it that's the best spot for me to work because of the skin is very tight yeah we can raise money for the animal sanctuary right it's it's pretty exciting man and the way the the tattooing works you take an online class go in it's like the Health Department you take a test they licensed here as a professional tattoo artist but your license has to be tied to one specific shop you can't just go rogue like if you get a liquor license you can only sell it in the shop it can be a shop so that's like can you go state to state no probably yeah what kind of a business license you get it I don't know find out that's cool I'm just checking it out how many tattoos have you done I mean almost countless if you count over the years like just people this year this year uh I did yo momma's name I did the Satanic temple tattoo then I did the tribal [ __ ] stamp then I did but man then Takashi then Wendy yeah there Wendy and then the banana dick and then did you dinosaur no I did not invent I mean I've done eight tattoos this year not bad yeah it's exciting demon do you want a tattoo do you have any yeah you want one really what if I do if I start to go down that road you're if his dad is in his 70s getting all tatted up well yeah I don't like 65 it does start to your your skin ages it does start to bug you like for some pretty god it's correct yeah what up with ink he went to Japan and easily you always wanted to get a tattoo so I got one then he came back and then he just went apeshit okay she's driving a motorcycle all over the place how old is he he born in 44 Wow see same age is my dad yeah we're selling the same guy 45 45 yeah my dad 75 yeah well your mom still wrong yeah Mary uh-huh my mom works here in Pasadena for uh dr. O'Toole the plastic surgeon yeah yeah yeah she's been with him for like 20 years when he was at Santa Teresita and then I grew up in Pasadena no she just helps that was all the way that admin stuff okay and then and then I grew up in Pasadena then my parents split and my mom went to Glendora my dad went to Carlsbad so did you go to school here yeah I went to Temple City High School you know when he said about people who think that they've got the homeless crisis figured out and he said do you understand mental illness Ben shut up yes how about the people who do understand mental illness that are actually psychiatrists just throwing medication at people throwing medication yeah jazz like that one guy we know yeah I'm not super into lots of medication but when people have serious mental illness are dying on the street it's helpful okay part of the deal okay yes I'm not as you know I like that like the more holistic meds where it's necessary and then we're not to the psychology but were you on like ADHD medication as a kid my parents wanted me to be on it and they tried to bring me in and the no doctor would go for it well when I was crying on an airplane like wouldn't even have my mom would like feed me alcohol like as a baby you really the doctors want to put me on ADHD and my mom was like no way it was the other way around for me my parents wanted me on it the dollars wouldn't go Moorhead that's funny yeah oh all right well what do you think man do you think that's a podcast I think it's a podcast I got awesome at a good time okay having a good time hey thank you so much drew dude congratulations my privilege I'm private don't you just let this thing fly put it out there let there we'll do with it what it will man what a great guy and that's exactly what I'm doing it's just putting it out there we only shaved off like two or three minutes I think oh man and so for everybody listening still who's hung through the entire podcast last time I said please hit me up on Twitter and I put a like on every single tweet where people have responded to it a lot of people said they don't have Twitter and other spaces but here's what I want you to do I'm so grateful to all of you if you follow me on Instagram go ahead and tag me in a post like something to do with this show and actually tag me don't just put my handle in the comment cuz I won't see that it's where you click tag photo and put the thing because I have a whole feed for that and I will like every single post that you know that says that you listen to the whole [ __ ] thing you know tell me what you think and give me any credit criticism that I you know that whatever you think I can do better but man I'm just excited about this so dudes like all of you listening watching like you have already made this show a hit-and man I can't thank you enough so we'll see you next week and we're out of like store it up stuff it's gonna be like [ __ ] zoom Skype whatever [ __ ] but we're gonna get some heavy hitters so it's on thank you so much guys look
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Podcast
Views: 926,915
Rating: 4.936028 out of 5
Keywords: steveo, steve o, steve-o, steve o podcast, wild ride podcast, wild ride, wild ride with steve o, jackass podcast, jackass, wildboyz, podcast, standup comedy, steveo's wildride, scott randolph, paul brisske, dr drew, drew, dr drew pinski, dr. drew, dr drew podcast
Id: qZqzjiwPfyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 32sec (4892 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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