Tommy Lee - Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #19

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ladies and gentlemen it's a special episode of stevo's wild ride today because you know this guy was my hero when i was a kid and i'm telling you right now he's no less of a hero to me today because just check this out ladies and gentlemen tommy lee dude yeah what's up all right we're all packed into the van but everybody's been tested for coronavirus yes that's right uh i actually got um accepted for the convalescent uh plasma program because you have the antibodies because i tested positive for the antibodies it's crazy right steve steve has the antibodies so he's had it before so that's way good the crazy thing is i i tour with them i'm his tour manager i'm with them oh yeah this is scott i'm scott it's there paul's up front what up paul yo yo what's up tommy [Laughter] he's got a mic yeah oh yeah all right so the crazy thing is i'm with steve 24 7. if i'm not with him he's editing with paul and if he's not with us or at the same time he's with his girl and none of us have the antibodies none of us had corona we're trying to figure out how that's even possible wow i'm just not a germaphobe you know yeah me either neither my wife's got me like [ __ ] she follows me around with that i think that that's more unhealthy than anything probably skin's all dry because it's alcohol like i don't know whatever yeah okay so dude i mean where to even begin it's just like i've been i've for my whole life milked this story about how i [ __ ] met you guys when i was a kid i was such a die-hard motley crew fan and uh it is a good [ __ ] story i mean it's pretty [ __ ] about out that's when you reached out to the call to different hotels yeah i mean dude i was such a [ __ ] motley crew fan right i mean like i had like nothing but motley crue on my walls you know that whole theater paint era was was uh i had everything like i've like the teachers in school were over it because every art project it was a [ __ ] fun it was a motley crew logo it was a [ __ ] stuff that was just like all right enough with the [ __ ] [ __ ] they were like woodshop making drumsticks and uh so yeah when they came to town i was like dude i found out that they were there i saw on the news they were there before the the day before the concert and i'm like [ __ ] man that means they're here in a hotel so i just looked in my albums and found out the name of their manager and just started calling every hotel in the yellow pages who thinks of that like i just to me i in my mind i'm like dude that guy wins because who would think of reading the actual liner notes on a record and go oh there's the [ __ ] manager maybe they're under his name or the it's the group the whole right yeah the same person doing art projects for school on motley crue yeah i guess so man [ __ ] hey but anyone who would that would decipher that at that age like that's that's some next level [ __ ] how old are you i should work for the [ __ ] cia bro yeah yeah sure really i was 13 at the time and uh it's really cool that you say who would think that because i can totally tell you where the concept came from i was uh like big into like little league baseball and [ __ ] i was a super baseball fan and and i lived in england but every summer i would come over to the states and during the summer part of the like going to the states for the summer wherever we went my dad would uh want to take me to a major league baseball game and he would plan to we're let's say we were in boston he would make sure that we were staying at the same hotel as the visiting team of the uh you know so i could hang out in the lobby and like get autographs from uh from baseball players so this is a genetic thing yeah totally a little bit yeah and and when i was sitting there calling the hotels [ __ ] for hours my mom was just pissed because back then there was no car waiting even it wasn't even call waiting you're tying up the house phone for hours over here and i'm like mom i'm calling motley crue you know and like my dad only ever wanted me to show initiative to be like passionate to [ __ ] dad was like stoked it was like my son this is what he's [ __ ] on fire right now so my dad called off my mom honey he's calling motley crue what city where were you living at the time in toronto toronto yeah in toronto that's crazy and and dude like this was the girls girls girls tour so it was 1987. the concert i went to was october 25th of 1987. i did all the call-in hotels on october 24th in the picture do you can see the the backstage pass tapes to my [ __ ] shirt it says 10 25. that's okay okay so he's cheating do you even remember i remember toronto at that time that that that show i remember meeting him for sure really for sure yeah because yeah he's just like oh cool no because our tour manager well not our tour manager our manager's brother and hit us up beforehand he's like hey man this [ __ ] this [ __ ] crazy kid called me in in my room and told me that he's [ __ ] literally called every single hotel in toronto looking for us and he's a massive fan and like and uh so i'm gonna i told him i'd bring him back to say hey to you guys so um so i knew about it that's great but then when we met um i remember meeting him because he was like he is now um nothing's changed hey dude the [ __ ] dude [ __ ] yeah um but uh you know [ __ ] the picture of services every once in a while i see it and i still [ __ ] i get a big smile when he's like 14 yeah for sure yeah i think you were 14. i was 13 13 18 yeah and and he was like 17. yeah i know right that's crazy too right i mean you were actually 17 when motley crue formed yes yeah and and you were considerably younger than the other guys yeah for sure like yeah right what's cool about you is you grew up in covina yeah i grew up in pasadena so get out of here it's rare to see people that like grew up here that that make it here oh my god yeah so did you ever go to the wood sound in pasadena uh van halen started there yeah well my my mom went to school with van halen oh [ __ ] passed into high school that's right you know they'd always be at backyard parties with them and wow everybody you know has that story that grew up in pasadena but i think my mom was like two or three years older how old are you i'm 37. okay that that makes some sense and where was the wood sound the wood sand was it's actually right next to pasadena uh arcadia yeah so it's not really right in was it a bar it was like a like a yeah what a trip man that's my small world is that where you were born i was born in pasadena at the huntington hospital wow so mountain now molly crew formed in 1981 and i forget if it was january or february the actual date but dude i've never told the story i told tommy the other day a [ __ ] when uh when motley crue had the sixth anniversary of their formation as a band i was such a this is before i met them at the concert i was such a [ __ ] fan that like i sent in a [ __ ] creepy letter to their fan mail all cut out from the like they'll cut out the letters of the magazines and glued it onto a page like a serial killer yeah i don't even know why i did that but [ __ ] like happy sixth anniversary with two x's and six like nikki sixx and if i can send it in like to make sure it was there on time i stole a bottle of wine from my parents wine cellar to get drunk [ __ ] to consider motley crue to honor motley crew and celebrate their anniversary so that day i came home from school i [ __ ] pounded this whole bottle of wine and like dude i barfed i didn't i barfed in the toilet didn't flush it i [ __ ] my parents had a breathalyzer i blew it and it [ __ ] left it on the counter the phone was off the hook i'm passed out in my [ __ ] clothes like in the afternoon like just on top of my bed covers and uh my my dad came home he knew the wine was missing and he's like oh okay so we gotta talk and uh and he wakes me up to have this talk with me but he wants to be kind of cool about it so we played a game of pool and i kicked his ass and pulled drunk why did your parents have a breathalyzer yeah it was just like a gag gift that they had gotten for uh for like [ __ ] because they were they were they partied dude they partied as did motley crue yeah and you [ __ ] mania dude that was the first time i ever got drunk like on my own deliberately but yeah so the red wine or white wine it was red right red wine you didn't flush the toilet because i was just drunk dude you got to check that out yeah he's like proud of it yeah i'm saving it for a while and like so with the start of motley crew like 1981 you guys recorded the first album it was too fast for love and you did that on your own record label yep leather records yup and then like you you got enough buzz around you guys in the hollywood scene like the sunset strip you guys really built this sunset strip like the whiskey and go-go with [ __ ] like the all this legendary stuff going on you got you created enough buzz that you signed to a major record label which was elektra yeah and then they i just what you uh like they licensed it you sold it to them like then they put out too fast for love yep but still at that point when two best for love came out on electra you guys in really had really blown up right it was a shout of the devil where you guys just [ __ ] took over the world that's where [ __ ] [ __ ] went bananas man we that's when uh [ __ ] we got we got uh the opportunity to open up for aussies the [ __ ] bark at the moon tour so now you know we went from playing you know 400 seat whiskey go go style shows clubs to playing in front of 15 000 people every [ __ ] night and it just it was that that's when that's when the [ __ ] [ __ ] just blew up plus this was right when mtv came mtv i think mtv started in like 82. but they're big they're big things that came out was michael jackson's thriller that video [ __ ] blew up mtv yep playing and barking at the moon dude they like meticulously put every hair to turn ozzy into a werewolf and the park at the moon was like this huge budget [ __ ] thing and and then and motley career i mean [ __ ] dude looks that kill video like that mtv was a big part of you guys for sure for sure yeah and [ __ ] i think the home sweet home video like i don't know they used to run like a you'd call in and vote or whatever and like home sweet home held like the number one slot for like [ __ ] months dude we're like dude give somebody else a chance like that's so rad but [ __ ] forever like i it was the longest running number one was requested requested like yeah i was pretty nuts man that was some good [ __ ] dude did you at the time have like did you process that at all or were you guys just kind of going or were you sitting around like guys this is crazy [ __ ] i don't think we even knew what the [ __ ] was happening we were just like that's rad just riding away you know when you're like i don't know when you're if we were green as [ __ ] we didn't but it's crazy we would just be stoked you know i was like oh my god that's [ __ ] crazy it's on all the time yeah wow yeah because i mean you guys were probably just as stoked doing 400 than to doing 15 000 like you didn't know what was happening no we had no idea we're just basically [ __ ] a bunch of kids just hanging on and just like [ __ ] whoa dude this is this is doing all way more than we thought just hanging out for dear life yeah like just enjoying the [ __ ] out of it was there a moment where you're like guys we're like rock stars we did it you can't be more of a rock star than tommy lee but boy did i try over the weekend i did something really messed up okay it wasn't even necessarily legal to have somebody inject into my spinal cavity and anesthesia which rendered my lower half completely paralyzed while i was sprinting and then we did all kinds of gnarly stuff now why do i mention that because i dare say i looked really good why because i am on top of my fitness and my sleep and my recovery with this incredible band on my wrist called whoop it is my whoop strap it connects to my whoop app which gives me incredible insight into my activities my workouts my sleep my recovery and dude i need sleep here last night getting 100 of your sleep needed means you did everything in your power to perform well today that's the kind of news i want to hear man my recovery super strong my heart rate variability totally strong man this thing just keeps me on top of what's going on with me and i love it plus i never have to take it off because the charger slides right on top of the device boom charging so man i love my whoop strap and i want you guys all to try it out so you go to that's w-h-o-o-p dot-com use the promo code stevo and you get 15 off at checkout again 15 off at checkout if you go to and use the promo code stevo you're going to thank me for it now back to tommy lee yeah when did it hit you that you're like this is [ __ ] massive i guess you know what when [ __ ] people start you know and people start [ __ ] you know hating on you like the pmrc yeah like when as soon as you that's exactly it dude as soon as [ __ ] like you know you're you're pissing somebody off you know you're doing something right right yeah so right when that happens or when you start getting recognized in public or you know you start to realize oh whoa man shit's different this is very different people are asking for you to tattoo their name on them yeah you're like dude no no i was like dude are you sure that you want motley crew or or my name or whatever it is think about the fast fast forward like when you're like 75 or 80 are you still going to be like [ __ ] yeah if yes then go nuts yeah i don't like i don't like people getting my name or my face tattooed over there that's strange yeah people will say like oh do you tattoo your autograph on me and i go nah you don't want my autograph let me tattoo your name on your butt like i have it yeah yeah my butt cheek says your name that way it's kind of like signature stevo but like it's kind of funny too it's more worth it yeah but uh uh dude so like you were 17 when when motley crue formed so then that was like 81 two years later you're only 19 years old when you're opening for ozzy and [ __ ] playing arenas and and like holy [ __ ] shout out the devil yeah i mentioned the pmrc which was the parents music resource center there was like in the 1980s a concerted [ __ ] effort to like censor it was a real first first amendment issue like like wait a second these [ __ ] heavy metal bands are satanists you know the original album title for shout out the devil and that's the album that blew up motley crew it was originally called shout with the devil which was like pro satan like come on we're [ __ ] on satan's team shout with them join satan's club and that was like okay there was the blowback came back from i guess electoral records they were like yo dude you can't call a shower yeah and so they said okay we'll call it shout at the devil implying that we're somehow like angry at the devil and we'll say like whoever it is that [ __ ] you know represents evil to you man if it's your [ __ ] if it's your boss if it's the cops i don't know probably probably nikki's you know nikki was like it's pretty smart you know like let's just make this like about like shouting at any sort of like resistance any opposition anybody's [ __ ] with you don't take it you shout at the devil shout at the devil yeah and it was just genius because like there was this climate at the time that was just so like they called it the satanic panic and like there was the whole thing with ozzy on his first album he had a song called suicide solution which was clearly about alcohol like like in chemistry a solution is a liquid and all this song was saying is that alcohol is just a slow way of killing yourself but some [ __ ] kid was listening to ozzy's record had it on the record player with his headphones on and [ __ ] shot his brains out the kid committed suicide and they found his body with his headphones on connected to the [ __ ] record player and the [ __ ] record player says ozzy osbourne suicide solution so there was this huge lawsuit against ozzie and [ __ ] he walks in he's like you [ __ ] dummies it's about alcohol and they're like oh okay cool dismissed [ __ ] crazy man that what was that your sophomore year book report on motley crap dude yeah dude and like twisted sister d snyder was a big part of that thing but like hey you guys just i mean you make such a good point that it's when people start [ __ ] complaining when you're pissing them off that's when you're doing well because all of this [ __ ] trying to censor miley crew being mad at the [ __ ] like the more you piss people off the better you do yeah that's that's that's a fact just more publicity yeah yeah for sure yeah and and these guys like i mean everybody everybody's seen the dirt on netflix and congratulations for how phenomenally successful that was you know like but it's so hard you know like i i talk to people fans and [ __ ] all the time right and i i've talked to a bunch of young people that were like pretty much globally the meaning of a lot of the emails communications have been like dude like you don't even understand like [ __ ] i wish like i'm so bummed i wasn't around to to experience that [ __ ] it must have been insane and that's pretty much the consensus of most people they're like it really took him back to the way it was which was [ __ ] insane fourth gear popping wheelies [ __ ] till the wheels fall off just running it yeah you know you've already [ __ ] been a part of that and just with you know no instagram pre [ __ ] cell phone cameras right we got away with [ __ ] straight murder i mean you know and [ __ ] it's not like that now you you it's so not like that so for to for jeff did such a great job and he was like he told us this as um we were meeting with different directors and jeff is like dude there's you know nicki and i are meeting with different guys and goes dudes there's only one guy that can direct this movie and it's [ __ ] me hey i'm a [ __ ] fan and i swear to god i promise you i will [ __ ] i will i will make everybody i'm gonna take everybody right back to that [ __ ] time of exactly how it was it's easy and and like in every detail from the phones to the to the settings to the wardrobe to the um i want to bring people back to that time and experience what the [ __ ] that was like you know and he [ __ ] murdered it well what was that scene like for you watching that for the first time when when your character in there just did a day in the life and it was just [ __ ] empty that was so so fun and so [ __ ] real dude machine gun kelly [ __ ] murdered it that guy yeah yeah he did great yeah he was so it was so funny i've known that guy for for a couple years right and he he calls me up he goes dude you're not gonna believe this i'm like what he goes dude i'm [ __ ] playing you in the movie i was like what you know what it were a lot of like like same kind of flame and [ __ ] for sure hyper and [ __ ] you know whatever and so i was like no [ __ ] way because we we got updated uh once in a while on who who was getting cast and whatever but i never saw his name come through i didn't even know he was so he goes dude i got the [ __ ] script i'm coming over i'm gonna [ __ ] make you proud i want to know exactly what the [ __ ] every line i want to know if what went down if it didn't go down like that how did it go down i want to [ __ ] nail this and so he came over we spent a couple of days going through the script and then he went out and took like four months of drum lessons yeah learning the spinnings and all the [ __ ] that i do all my what do you call those in twirling just into i can't even speak intricacies yeah yeah yeah just my mannerisms that's what yeah when i played and dude i was like it was so [ __ ] bizarre like i've never seen somebody that dedicated to nailing something he's like i want to know this i want to know that don't take the lessons like and i'm i'm gonna [ __ ] i'm gonna i'm gonna murder this dude this is so killer and then on his tour like you know he's a [ __ ] like a a rapper yeah yeah but every night on his tour his drummer and the drummer and michigan kelly would switch spots yeah so and then so that they could do play the actual title track shout at the devil yeah play that song and [ __ ] there's mgk every night [ __ ] drumming away playing shout out to the devil and it was just incredible dude that's so rad but and i think it's uh rooks his drummer is the is the guy who spent the time with him for several months just showing them hey this is how to do this this this pretty wild man talented and talented kid yeah now so when i was at the little kid and at the concert in in toronto right this was the tour uh girls girls girls tour 1987. the [ __ ] tommy lee has his his drum solo where the drum riser comes up like in the air like pushes out over the crowd and then rotates upside down this had never been [ __ ] done but it i mean nothing like nobody even this was just like wait what it had to have been so expensive that it really like cut into the profitability of the tour totally on top of the on top of the [ __ ] private jet they had like a [ __ ] like motley crew like 747 some whatever some big old [ __ ] boeing airplane with motley crew painted on the side they flew [ __ ] while they're on the [ __ ] airplanes they've got uh flight attendants literally walking down the aisles with platters that just have lines of [ __ ] cocaine serving they're there totally totally and then this is what happened to my experience because i'll never [ __ ] forget it right like during the concert they're getting ready to do the the tommy lee drum solo and this is like you know everybody knows it was a genius too because drum souls were an obligatory part of every concert and it was like oh the [ __ ] drums people go get beers and buy a shirt take a piece whatever right all right listen you know that too oh yeah right it's like with the [ __ ] drum solo all right so tommy was like genius to be like hey let's make the drum solo like an actual [ __ ] a must-see like cool thing that people are stoked for and sure enough they're stoked for it but then on top of this is how motley crew does it like in vince neil he says you want to have a drink with the crew toronto [ __ ] like everything yeah we [ __ ] we want to have a drink with my likes nikki sixx comes walking out with a [ __ ] big like a fifth yeah you call it like the big square bottle of jack daniels he [ __ ] unscrews it he like pours him on the crowd so that the people can tell it's real you know yeah and [ __ ] he's like all right he says it's not iced tea right and he and nicky sticks just like [ __ ] cheers he raises the bottle up to the crowd and [ __ ] and and he just lifts it up and [ __ ] dead like puts an episode and still chugging it but he they time it so each gulp that nikki six takes tommy's on the job you know like he's like [ __ ] it's like like you know boom boom he hits the drums on each gulp gold and nikki six just straight pounds half a [ __ ] bottle of jack daniels and then gives it to [ __ ] tommy [ __ ] tommy chugs the rest of it there's no way you can drink that much jack daniels without being [ __ ] slobbering drunk yeah like yeah and this is like halfway through the show so like the rest of the show from that point out was like [ __ ] dude i'm [ __ ] panicking right and then and and tommy's got [ __ ] uh his his his drum tech stage hands [ __ ] filling up beer bottle caps with cocaine yeah to [ __ ] like not like a key bump you know you put literally a little bit on that key a whole bottle cap for a beer filled with cocaine in the [ __ ] to keep them going for the rest of the show i just i just i'd be playing and i would just lean back like this the crowd couldn't see it and just still playing yeah there we go yeah i heard a story one time that uh guns and roses guns and roses open for you guys and they try to party with you and you guys drank them under the table and you went out and did their set dude be warned ladies and gentlemen because tommy lee is about to drop some bombs and you know what when i'm dropping a certain kind of bomb like a big sloppy dump i like to make sure my butt holes real clean and that's why my favorite product this podcast has ever introduced me to comes from what is it it's a big day and how does that work well when i get done dumping i got a little knob mounted onto my toilet and i give it a twist and it sends a stream of water blasting straight into my [ __ ] and it's so powerful no poo is gonna last through that and then when i get done blasting it i grab a little bit of toilet paper just to dry off my butthole and then look at it and be satisfied to know that there was no poo left to wipe i mean think about this guys let's say you were covered in poo like you just got out of a porta potty that got shot through the sky and now you're covered in poop are you gonna take a paper towel to wipe it off no you're probably gonna want a hose maybe even a shower so why should your butthole be any different take care of that thing people get yourself a bidet from and you know what go to stevo and get yourself ten percent off your order again that's ten percent off your order if you go to stevo to get one of these genius devices which again and i've only ever said this about one product and it's it is my favorite thing i have ever promoted on this podcast sorry everybody else and your butthole is gonna thank me so back to tommy lee no we didn't do their set um uh they did try to out drink us and we were like oh [ __ ] here we go again another band trying to [ __ ] keep up with us this isn't going to happen so we we went at it oh my god we went at it right and this slash will tell you this to this day [ __ ] we're like then they're just sitting there slash and duff and me and nikki were just [ __ ] pounding shots at the bars like a there's a day off at a hotel and they're like then you could clearly tell it was like okay we're gonna [ __ ] we're gonna out [ __ ] party you guys and we're like all right so we just [ __ ] keep going keep going [ __ ] all of a sudden we're sitting there and slash is starting to get [ __ ] shitty and he's just right at the bar at the bar just right in between him and duff just like this blows chunks and he's like okay i'm back he's [ __ ] getting he's getting rid of it anyway he we keep going we keep going we keep going [ __ ] it seems like a million shots later he's he does one of these on the [ __ ] bar [Music] and we go ah this is [ __ ] great [ __ ] we nikki and i grab him we take him [ __ ] carry him up to his room his hotel room keys in his pocket get it out open his room [ __ ] lay him down on on the bed face up right [ __ ] uh uh we remember polaroid cameras yeah yeah [ __ ] dude we went and grabbed our polaroid camera and nikki goes [ __ ] dude get a picture of this nikki jumps up on the bed pulls his pants down and puts nikki puts his balls right like right on right on slash's chin right there and i [ __ ] rip a polaroid and the next day that was his um uh our our head of security went up and cut off his [ __ ] uh laminate uh all-access artist pass and gave him the new one and the picture the picture id was him it's him with mickey's balls on his [ __ ] shin i think we've made posters and put him up everywhere that'll change a man dude he's like that'll [ __ ] teach you to think you're gonna [ __ ] out party us dude oh my god that was it i'm sure people tried that all the time all the time dude and you have probably a thousand stories of just [ __ ] with people we're like [ __ ] amateur hour come on you ain't gonna keep up with us there was some there was something like myth story although pantera oh yeah those dudes would [ __ ] they'd run it they keep up oh yeah yeah meth will do that for days so there was this legendary story i don't know if it was true or not but like that some like chasing down the sunset strip some physical altercation between motley crue and danzig and the misfits or something there oh i don't that was a backstage incident i think [ __ ] i don't know what to do you guys were known for brawling yeah right is there like how true is the uh like in the in the dirt movie it was like your first show at the oh and and there's like some kind of just broke out into a brawl that's a true story i think that's that's the oil patch in [ __ ] like calgary or some [ __ ] some [ __ ] place like that were just it was a full-on like it was one of those places where everybody was [ __ ] like bikers or oil riggers or something that and they're there's four dudes looking like [ __ ] homos and [ __ ] in [ __ ] makeup you know with [ __ ] crazy hair up there playing [ __ ] livewire and they're just like what is this book bag and [ __ ] you know and and [ __ ] yeah that [ __ ] would happen all the time and and and vince and nicky especially because they're right up front they not wouldn't think twice about [ __ ] you know diving in or vince [ __ ] clubbing somebody with his [ __ ] mic stand or nicky with the bass um i'm behind the drum so it'd be a little later when i joined when i joined in if they went in and go in for backup but for the most part yeah all the time or somebody you're sitting there [ __ ] playing and somebody's just going and just spitting on you the whole [ __ ] time and nikki he'd take about [ __ ] a minute of that and be like you know what [ __ ] you and then the [ __ ] show would be all over the [ __ ] smashing people in the [ __ ] pit yeah i mean it must have happened a lot like people didn't think that you guys would fight back too because of the way you looked or whatever yeah oh [ __ ] you guys are weird i loved [ __ ] scrapping man this [ __ ] was so fun jack daniels and cocaine dude yeah that'll do it it's crazy how like the the the 80s represented like just this this [ __ ] glam hair metal like dudes wearing makeup like chicks but they could kick your ass right right you guys like started that whole deal right i mean they before as far as bands wearing makeup before motley career was like there was kiss of course but that was more like clown [ __ ] yes then then like glam metal like new york dolls was one that we we dug uh-huh baby number of bands that just came became flowing in to try to completely copy motley crue a million right behind us we were like what the [ __ ] is going on guys get your own [ __ ] and that's that's a compliment though for sure to be emulated and or you know to do another version of that you know i get that i get that and i'm i'm [ __ ] that's that's flattering and [ __ ] but you know at some point we were like guys come on you gotta [ __ ] change it up uh a lot more you don't do the exact same thing slightly different poison went like a little overboard trying to copy motley crew because like on their [ __ ] album their first album like they actually looked really hot like a little too much i was like you know i shouldn't be actually like like legitimately attracted to my rock star heroes his eyes just coming they look really hot somewhere else right now yeah i mean like molly crew they were like okay you know like they they felt like it was a good balance of like yeah we're [ __ ] wild dude this whole deal but yeah you know yeah and and not all the best looking of guys either like the point like cece and [ __ ] and brett were like the [ __ ] they look like chicks yeah you know so i understand your fascination yeah i remember i i shoplifted that poison album i [ __ ] stole it yeah dude yeah that's awesome yeah but dude tommy said something before about uh you know he talks with the fans you know like he's like interactive with the fans and dude fully legit dude like this is i'm so stoked on this how like when uh you know when i when i moved out to to la it was 2001. you know and in hindsight it seemed like the [ __ ] era of glam metal was so like far in the passage history but really like it was you know more recent at that point than you know i mean i've been out here for 20 years now you know i just wanted to [ __ ] party like motley crue that was my whole mission in life from the first time when i heard about motley crue i i wanted a [ __ ] party like motley crue and uh and and and and i i i didn't waste any [ __ ] time man i mean i was i lived right on the sunset strip like i could i lived like [ __ ] spitting distance from the seventh veil which they [ __ ] sing about in the girls girls girls song like i mean dude it was just all about living and partying like motley crew and like i was so out of control i ended up [ __ ] uh getting uh arrested on on multiple felonies facing eight years in prison and uh and and i'm [ __ ] they told me i'm not allowed to like go to the strip club you know i called crazy girls in my office every night and they're like no you can't be seen in the strip club it's going to be bad optics you know like you can't do any drugs because they might drug test you and that's going to [ __ ] really screw you so you have to like like be be [ __ ] under the radar and not on drugs and trying to tell that to me at that time oh dude i'm [ __ ] not okay i'm not okay with you i was 26 i think maybe 27 27 and uh and i'm [ __ ] like losing my mind i'm [ __ ] holed up in my apartment i'm [ __ ] losing my mind and i'm like dude i go i go on tommy lee's website and i'm [ __ ] he had a message board and i was just like just told the story yo dude [ __ ] i met you when i was a little kid and [ __ ] i'm in all this trouble right now i'm facing eight years in prison but maybe you've seen [ __ ] our [ __ ] on mtv i'm just reaching out [ __ ] like i left my email on there the next day i got a [ __ ] email it says tommy lee here yo dude you're in almost as much trouble as i've been in you know i'm like [ __ ] right on dude like uh god got your back and we just like became bros you know like i would be careful not to like you know bug him with [ __ ] like an annoying [ __ ] you know like i wouldn't he wouldn't hear from me if i if i reached out to tommy it would be because i had something that was pretty [ __ ] like pretty cool pretty [ __ ] entertaining whatever you know but like just not not like a pain in the ass and uh dude so we would be in touch like when i got arrested for the international drug smuggling i was i remember emailing him yo tommy dude i [ __ ] swallowed this package of drugs to smuggle it to another country and it got stuck in my throat and i'm [ __ ] think i might die i think i don't like it yeah and uh and tommy was brought back he's like is it poop soup yet you know something like that we had this sort of we'd be in touch every once in a while and then all of a sudden dude 2004 and i don't know if you if you know this but in in the same [ __ ] i opened up my email i found out there are two two emails i got at the same time i remember i was in florida with my family this is a cr incredible [ __ ] memory oh dude he'll be like he'll be like it was amazing he's been as a [ __ ] maniac in the house dude this is the most exciting there were two [ __ ] emails i found that day one of them was from my business manager and it said yo dude you're [ __ ] being sued and he's like i don't want to be alarmist but you're either going to lose like a [ __ ] lot or [ __ ] everything you know like straight up and it's been going on and you don't even know about it like you got served in absentia because like i had these shady representatives that didn't want me to even know about it you know like and they're like get ready you're gonna [ __ ] lose everything that was when i just found that out and then the other email i opened up at the same exact time was from tommy lee it says yo dude [ __ ] call me right now dude his [ __ ] my house number and so i'm like [ __ ] all bummed out because i just found out i'm getting my ass suit off hey tom yeah and i caught and i but then i called tommy and and he says dude okay i got back together with motley crue i've been rehearsing for the last week and we're [ __ ] announcing we're going on [ __ ] tour the carnival sends to her like uh i want you to get on stage and do something right you remember that dude yeah totally do something super [ __ ] up and introduce us oh dude you have to you have to and it was like dude it was the most like needed like morale boost because i was so bummed man i was just like there it goes my whole life's going out the window right now and the [ __ ] your biggest dream just came true to open the [ __ ] up circle and that was 2004. dude that what a trip that was [ __ ] crazy man it's like it's really crazy to [ __ ] to think about you know that whole full circle thing like from from meeting him and then seeing you know when also just watching his life yeah thought through all the [ __ ] madness as i'm doing mine he's doing his and just going like and he's still [ __ ] he's still [ __ ] alive hey yeah i did i i pitched myself on a daily basis um and [ __ ] and doing [ __ ] amazing and it's it's really cool it's really cool yeah you know it really is [ __ ] right on man let's not squander the time i always get in trouble because i'm [ __ ] telling stories about me and [ __ ] i've got these great guests we got it we got them like you guys well i'm interested to know because we've had this conversation before too and it's like uh you know steve used to do the poo condom or the uh to smuggle weed you know across state lines yeah what are some of the clever ways that like maybe you guys used to transport drugs internationally if you can talk about that uh yeah sorry to throw on the spot there i'm just curious about like you know put it up in your nut sack to get through tsa or i mean what yeah i wouldn't i'd never put it like in or on my body i say in um always um two places come to mind real quick um going through whether it's in the air or on the ground on the ground if you're on your tour bus um they have very much like stevo's got here on on this truck and in the back you'd pop it up just by hand it was like it's almost like an emergency exit it it doesn't doubles as a an emergency exit and for ventilation so we'd [ __ ] be oh [ __ ] we're getting to the border [ __ ] roll over the windows blow the smoke out i'll [ __ ] make sure everything's cool and grab whatever [ __ ] drugs we have and pop that thing open but you you couldn't do it like going down the road fast [ __ ] would fly off the bus so as soon as we stop and pull into immigrations or customs or whatever that [ __ ] pop the top nice and slow take the [ __ ] everything put it up on the roof of the bus and close the [ __ ] that close the ventilation [ __ ] dogs immigrations dudes you know uh come through the bus all right all good see you guys later and as soon as the [ __ ] bus door shut boom pop that up pull it in yeah that would have been great in the movie yeah i know and then you know then i think of the airplane same same deal uh like the headliner here you know you know they're like in an airplane they've got you know that you got your headline or upholstery your private plane yeah okay yeah so it would take take [ __ ] cocaine whatever it was do as much as we could before we get there um whatever was left we'd stick like i felt above my seat for some reason there was a little [ __ ] rip in the headliner so we'd [ __ ] get the [ __ ] bag of blow and just really crank it down as little really good and [ __ ] just like to kind of you know get it up inside the headline or kind of put it back it was like a little little p little like uh like a little piece of double sided like double stick tape and just and you couldn't even tell it's just like this and then it's in the headliner same thing dogs and i'm sitting there dude [ __ ] poo poo in my pants just like oh my god just geeked out just freaked out that the dog's gonna [ __ ] come stop and then jump on my lap and then [ __ ] right never the dog i don't know it's too high or or or i don't know but we pulled that off several times and never got busted can you imagine though that that's what was [ __ ] my pants could you imagine getting busted with a [ __ ] ton of cocaine [ __ ] singapore going to dude certain places will [ __ ] yeah you just lock you up forever you know there's no like oh you know it's a fine in a couple years yeah you have to sign that thing before you get into singapore saying i the death penalty if i bring drugs into this yeah yeah i think bali's like that too there's some places where they don't [ __ ] play around yeah that's pretty [ __ ] crazy yeah i mean you've been have you been arrested overseas uh they've been pretty clean japan japan yeah japan nikki and i got arrested for throwing [ __ ] jack bottles across the bullet train hit didn't hit anybody but smashed it smashed up on the on the thing where the doors are and the you know the station thing whatever tells you where you're at shattered and whiskey and glass everywhere on a couple people and they called the cops so at the next stop it was what did they call you and nikki the the disastrous duo oh the toxic that's pretty cool yeah always getting [ __ ] in trouble again another thing that drove me nuts too was uh i i i read that um or heard that you gave away your first gold album that you're doing like gakers on yeah dude did do you ever get that back or did [ __ ] from the publicity you got from that podcast did somebody reach out be like dude i have it you know what i wish somebody would and and i wouldn't want it back because i'd it was you know it's meant to but your first gold album dude yeah my very f i do not have my first gold record and i i know it it's scratched up and [ __ ] up from chopping up so much [ __ ] gak on and i'm i was high i was like [ __ ] bro i want you to have it man [Laughter] no no it's like no dude i can't it's your [ __ ] golden album i'm like [ __ ] that you nap you have it bro you know when you're [ __ ] high yeah and i [ __ ] gave it away and i don't remember to who was one of those where i was like okay maybe one day someone would be like dude i have it right and like but i don't want it back but let me know if somebody's got it that'd be rad to know dude when we filmed uh the jackass movie the first movie that you know um the scene where where we were in the hummer going through the desert and they're [ __ ] tattooing the the off-road tattoo yeah it was henry rollins in the movie but it was supposed to be mickey supposed to be nikki sixx and i mean like they told me it was gonna be nikki six right and so i show up for that shoot we're in the desert wherever we're gonna film this [ __ ] thing right and i'm sitting there just like every other day on that goddamn movie just do and [ __ ] blow except on this day i've got my framed picture of me as a little kid with nikki sixx and i'm just [ __ ] working the lines off of it like as if as if nicki's gonna be really impressed by dude that totally sober already at that point like yeah cool [ __ ] kook but uh then uh but then they were like oh there's your hero nikki six [ __ ] and and they went up to they sent me to them and rollins got out and i thought that roland's gonna beat me up because oh dude yeah because yeah he's very well and on top of that i i've been uh hooking up with this chick that always flew out to be with rollins and like so she told me about like all these like crazy rolling stories you know and then i'm on howard stern's been talking i've been brought the chick on howard stern and was like bringing up rollins you know like so like in that row that had already all happened at the point when like they go go up to the suv and roll it's gonna so i thought the bit was that the problems was gonna beat me up in the movie you know oh my god yeah he was just super cool yeah did he even mention like he did okay nothing professional and then when my book came out uh and my book came out the the writer like did an interview with rollins and rollins said that he just didn't even [ __ ] hadn't even ever heard about it you know good answer dude yeah right when in doubt deny it sure but speaking of books tommy had his book tommyland and i got to write my own little mini chapter telling my story about meeting them as a kid oh wow and i [ __ ] barged up to his book signing and just [ __ ] showed up with like a [ __ ] cooler full of liquor and [ __ ] tons of [ __ ] booze i remember my [ __ ] manager at the time going like [ __ ] stevo's here there goes tommy i've lost him like and as soon as we're together the whole thing just was like all right let's go we just [ __ ] we just basically just then you had jimmy kimmel and you guys i got you all loaded for jimmy kimmel we busted up your dressing room yes yeah that was a blast [ __ ] busted the [ __ ] out of it the tables chair yeah destroyed [ __ ] kimmel's dressing room and then [ __ ] stephen [ __ ] we can't go anywhere together ever and uh and then when my book came out [ __ ] tommy and nikki gave me quotes for the cover yeah the perfect book for the person who hates reading well i was like you know when somebody asks you to write a [ __ ] quote for their for their book like you're not going to [ __ ] read a book like in the [ __ ] time you know like you know i need to be like like oh yeah like whoever's gonna say that oh yeah let me let me read the whole give me a few days yeah let me read the whole book and then i'll think about it and i'm like no dude i was like yo tommy dude i got this book and like is it cool if i [ __ ] write on the cover this is the perfect book for people who hate reading and say it to your quote wow that's hilarious this is the best i thought that was a great corporate for uh for tommy dude killer killer i couldn't have come up with yeah i mean my book does read like a [ __ ] you know story on tmz kind of it's just like juicy [ __ ] well that's those are the best to read [ __ ] there's nothing worse than well i was 16 and i grew up in like no one cares what [ __ ] up [ __ ] have you done you know i mean talk to me it was crazy too because your book tommyland and i wanted to say that came out in 2004 yeah and uh you didn't you didn't know that you didn't know that uh you didn't know that motley crue is getting back together and you know you had you had some [ __ ] to say in that book i know yeah which is something which is even saying something because it came on the heels of the dirt which is the book that the the netflix motley crew movie was made out of and what the what the movie didn't even attempt to to like convey was how this book the motley crew book was written i mean i don't think a book's ever been written like that you've got four members of my life you got four members of motley crue and they each separately took turns writing chapters you know like doing the other recorded interviews with the author yeah and the author pro just search the first chapter is like okay we're reading nikki six in nikki six's voice but then the thing is the way they did it like halfway through the [ __ ] book they got done with those interviews they wrote that much and then they did the [ __ ] back half of the interviews after each dude read all the other guys [ __ ] yeah so then now it's like oh what the [ __ ] and he says this and his [ __ ] chatbot i'm gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] he doesn't [ __ ] remember yeah it started there was like it was it brought in this like pretty [ __ ] like incredible element of like retorts and [ __ ] you know like responses like [ __ ] you like you you know and it was all like uh i mean dude that book came out in 2001 and that was when i very first was on my very first ever tour jackass was brand new i'm [ __ ] god that my motley crew the dirt i referred to that [ __ ] book as the bible it was like it was the [ __ ] gold standard of what [ __ ] my lifestyle was supposed to be you know that's why i had [ __ ] i'm reading that book blowing lines off of it [ __ ] yeah i think i held up the book and called it the bible on mtv cribs you probably did because some dude came came up to me dude i'm in the middle of nowhere i'm a french polynesian island bora bora there's [ __ ] middle of nowhere and i'm and there's kind of nobody there i'm sitting there and out of my peripheral vision i see some dude walking up real fast you know you can you can tell you're like oh someone's coming up you could use this no yeah i can feel it and i look a little closer pretending not to and i see he's got like a book and he's walking i'm like [ __ ] he's headed right over here out of nowhere and he does he comes over and he's like dude [ __ ] bro i'm so sorry i would never [ __ ] bother you i'm sure you're on vacation dude but [ __ ] i'm on my honeymoon and i [ __ ] i looked out and i saw that you that was you and would you sign my book and he had the dirt and i was like you brought this on your honeymoon i go dude you [ __ ] rule he goes dude and he said this is my [ __ ] bible bro yeah so maybe he got that from you because i was like who brings the dirt on their honeymoon i'm like they're probably doing some [ __ ] up [ __ ] yeah that's a fun honeymoon but remember i texted you a [ __ ] our buddy photoshopped an image of the actual pope holding up the bible he's photoshopped him with [ __ ] dirt oh my god so dude when uh and and still you know so i'm here the other night right like i did um i did his wife brittany's podcast right after [ __ ] hanging out on brittany's podcast i mentioned the book conversations with god just like as we just got onto some spirituality tip and like then when we finish recording the podcast britney says oh you know hey you know tommy stevo talked about this book i don't even know why she brought it up and you said that you read the one and two conversations of god one and two i was like yeah dude i [ __ ] read that guy's books i wrote to him from jail he wrote me back um what's his name neil donald walsh we both met scott and i both met yeah you met him there yeah i've dude we got to chicago that's so rad because [ __ ] those books moved me man dude it changed my life forever yeah that was so crazy to hear tommy be like yo i read those when i was in jail so he responded to you while you were in jail yep did you know who you were uh i don't you know i don't know if he i don't i don't think he did yeah maybe cano cause [ __ ] is on the [ __ ] news yeah probably you know i'm assuming maybe but yeah so when i got you know every week you'd get your mail in jail like and i was like no [ __ ] way dude he wrote me back yeah yeah go ahead it's just it's just so crazy man like i [ __ ] we love that that guy so much you know i mean he's a polarizing dude but conversations with god it just speaks to me and i was so psyched to hear you say that it spoke to you and so when i finished like the the trilogy whatever i read and finished reading book three and it was like at the very end of the book it's like yo you know get a hold of me come see me where i'm at on my website so i finished the book i went on the website and i'll find you i found out yeah this is nothing right sure hey so i i found him on the web the website and he's got this little [ __ ] schedule of like speaking engagements and and i said oh dude there he's going to be in chicago i said scott [ __ ] we're flying to chicago to go meet neil donald walsh dude and uh it just so happened that we booked the trip we're going to chicago and [ __ ] in chicago that weekend is a ufc pay-per-view event so so i reached out to dana white i'm like yo daniel dude i'm going to be you know dana white gives us front row tickets yes and so good boy we meet neil donald walsh and i'm like hey dude this is kind of weird but is it weird that i'm going from a conversation with god conference yeah what did neil say to you he's like steve god damn it steve yeah i was like uh because of your books i don't i i say gosh darn it i don't say goddammit you know like because he didn't you know like how to respect and he goes god damn it don't take everything so seriously oh you gotta love that he sounds like a wonderful dude man yeah dude he's rad man i'll bet i'll bet anybody who's in tune like who's in tune like that man and and and is willing to share that with people you have any other books that changed your life like that um he said he read 45 books 45. it's the most i've ever read in my entire life in five months i've i think i just sped read like the whole uh there's there's some other ones um oh lord there's a few there's a uh female author i ivana ivan the tinkle i want to suck your dick oh dude that reminds me of something [ __ ] happening i love ivana uh that dude that reminds me of something [ __ ] epic uh i remember when i was in in jaylen sweden i read the vampire book by anne rice or whatever i think but but that's got nothing to do with it i remember when i went but anyway with that the first time that we talked about calling up hotels i was like you know when we were we were hanging out and i was like yeah well like i didn't expect that you would check in under your real name and you said [ __ ] uh you said no dude i wouldn't check into hotels under my name i would check into uh [ __ ] what was it you said that you had a fake name that you would check into hotels with called like something coxy enormous or dixie norma's oh yeah dixon yeah or yeah dick's enormous peter peter goes in yeah oh my god what a [ __ ] so much fun dude doing the alias just coming up with [ __ ] up names and i my mom god bless her uh uh she is really [ __ ] greek i mean greek greek and she'd be like and you know i she i would give her my hotel alias because she'd call this is me before [ __ ] his cell phone crazy yeah she'd actually call the hotel and she'd and every time i would tell her hey mom i switched my name i'm under this and she'd be and she'd be so bummed why don't why tom tom do we have to do it like this because i don't like this peter goes in your stuff i don't like you know like just like she would hate it but and i would do it almost just to make her [ __ ] crazy she's like oh god i have to ask for [ __ ] this person like i'm just always bummed around i i gotta ask and we can cut this out but was she bummed on the sex tape that came out she she was like she was [ __ ] really tripping she was bummed like she was mad she was like i can't believe and she understood it was just like a you know me and my wife at the time on vacation doing the same [ __ ] that y'all would do with your chicks right wow yeah she was just like i can't believe someone stole that you know out of your house and now it's on the [ __ ] news you know that's that's what made uh her upset more than anything she just couldn't believe that but you're like dude mom it's cool i got the hugest dong well this is it's not a bad thing mom it's cool i mean dude we actually surveyed a hundred people asking them like to name a celebrity with a huge [ __ ] and a hundred percent of them said yeah that's awesome all one hundred that's [ __ ] steering the boat with your dog you are the poster child for having that's [ __ ] crazy i mean who else is known for having a big dong uh what tommy lee right name what's his name the [ __ ] oh peter north right right but he's a porn star that doesn't count oh yeah that he doesn't i don't i mean who who's had a sex tape you've had a sex tape leaked out but no no no no you know we did the photo shoot at hollywood science right right right right i got i got to share though with you guys and the listeners you know anybody who's trying to impress somebody uh female or male whatever you think whatever you're into um i asked him i'm like dude i asked peter north i'm like he's at my house we're having a party and they're wrangling dude how the [ __ ] do you when you [ __ ] come do you hit the front of this truck from here like how is that possible he goes i'll tell you my secret i go i go all right he goes the night before he [ __ ] he ground he sticks in a blender two but two bushels like the whole thing of celery and the fiber in the celery [ __ ] and and all the liquid in the celery make you [ __ ] uh have that much ropes that much jizz and then he goes what i'll do is i'll also drink about a gallon of um pineapple juice because that makes your [ __ ] [ __ ] taste sweet and i was like thanks for the advice and it [ __ ] works the celery dude the celery and pineapple juice works everybody's buying celery right now yeah amazon prime people got tape measures out dude i shot it [ __ ] four foot six bro i mean dude when i have the pineapple juice there's no measuring because it's going right in my mouth [Laughter] that's awesome yeah some girl told me she's like i don't trust a man who hasn't tasted his own [ __ ] i've never tasted it i've never tasted my own coffee either not even a little tommy house i had a mental block against that dude yeah i can't wrap my head around it but it's salty wasn't it didn't you do some [ __ ] up yeah somebody jerk off into a [ __ ] condom yeah i did dude i did swallow pontius has come yes that's yeah that finally came out i got it live on my website dude i got that whole [ __ ] crazy special is it is it visible yeah i have to see that i did it's [ __ ] it's a good time good times it's a good time now like that's gnarly you party dude yeah i wonder how he would have kept up with you guys if you guys were drinking all together could you imagine if he was in motley crue like and you know he was i don't know like a [ __ ] percussion yeah i'd be like your flavor flavor just give him the cowbell the hype man i don't think i would have done too well dude i i would i would have probably done just as many as much drugs as everybody oh yeah i just wasn't fun to be around you know i i'm not good with with all that but uh you know it's it's rad too that um you know like the with the the jail and i know i know you had some [ __ ] crazy lawsuits and [ __ ] too because you haven't had like real like turbulence and you're like the shit's pretty smooth sailing for you huh for a while now yeah it's been nice right you have to [ __ ] admit it dude has been really nice i mean like we were talking the other night there was uh before the movie came out and and and of course the the director of the dirt on netflix is the same director of jackass yeah so like we're all in the same kind of family and uh and when you were on the there was some like thing with like uh you know like your son and you guys got in kind of a fight it was all on tmz jeff tremaine was thrilled with the publicity he's like yeah i'm [ __ ] right on tommy keep the news coming man keep things coming but that's like the only thing that's yeah like you've been you know like switch rad man it's rad that uh you know unlike some other people we were talking about the other night who seemed to be in trouble a lot all the time yeah the things with my son are great he was actually you just missed him he was just here um uh grabbing the uh the golf cart to go down and play at the country club here and that's just really good with my son and i like it i don't know it was just like that you know it was like the there was a lot going on around that time and it was just sort of you know it needed i don't say need it needed to happen but i don't know it just was one of those things you know button heads and yeah and uh brought you closer after i get way closer and i've been i've done the same thing with my dad yeah i [ __ ] i thought i was all badass and punched my dad same thing yeah you know all i don't know if all dudes do it but i did it with my brother me and my brother i i finally just socked him in the face and said [ __ ] and then we've never been closer ever since then right something that was on the news and it's just so [ __ ] weird the rapper guy copying your drum roll roller coaster like yeah identical yeah this was the final tour that motley crew had right and and you know it was called the final tour yep um they [ __ ] tommy lee's drum solo for this one is just a full-on roller coaster that just goes throughout the whole arena yep and and then next thing you know this rapper guy travis scott like he didn't even try to make it slightly different it's exactly the same thing they just took the drums off and put like a different like a rollerco like a roller coaster cart yeah that seats one or two people in it and it was actually the same physical all the same parts it's from the same company oh wow he just went and got it from the company that built it for you and not and not one but two remember when i did the i don't know if you remember but i did the 360 was just the big the big loop uh he got stuck on it same thing he he went and got that one and it's just one seat with him in the chair rapping going upside up you know going around in a loop and i'm like weird dude get your own [ __ ] bro yeah well and rapping upside down is not as hard as drumming upside down yeah i mean yeah basically yeah talking upside down i guess you gotta just be be stoked on the flattery yeah like that's cool i you know that part's cool i mean at the same time imitation is suicide you know it's like yeah get your own [ __ ] right dude and so now you're you've got uh [ __ ] i mean we didn't bring up the djing dude you've been djing for how long dude [ __ ] like jesus christ when when we got together in 2003 yeah but i was doing it like in you were already [ __ ] on fire doing it 98 99 yeah yeah so you're a bonafide [ __ ] i love that bonafide dj you had methods of mayhem you had like oh you've had various music projects but right now you can order your new album yeah yeah dude andro it comes out uh you can pre-order it it comes out [ __ ] uh i always get this [ __ ] wrong october 14th i think yeah yeah man and you've already got some singles out yep yep there's two singles that just came out and then an uh like a new new one that just came out a [ __ ] week ago um with uh tyla and uh post malone yeah and it's just a song called [ __ ] tommy lee dude it's [ __ ] so rad they named you [ __ ] named a song after me they're like dude with the song with the song uh called tommy lee out uh then we would you would you do a remix and i was like [ __ ] yeah and so it's so cool like so yeah anyway that's how too and and it's it's mostly like electronic music um no the oh my record yeah uh no it's all over the place there's some [ __ ] there's some [ __ ] super hard uh you know uh electro there's some [ __ ] screamo metal there's some [ __ ] edm sound and stuff there's some rock [ __ ] there is you know me dude like yeah with any anything i do i'm like genre wise there's no lines i just i [ __ ] with all of it i love it so yeah the record's really cool um and i think the cool thing the reason it's called andro short for androgyny is that is somehow i ended up with [ __ ] seven or eight uh six or seven tracks with all male energy and six or seven with all female energy and i kept trying to [ __ ] sequence the record like i wanted to play like this and then i want this track to go next and what the and it just wasn't [ __ ] working and finally i just separated them like old school wise and i went in on my head and went why don't i just give them their own side you know put all the [ __ ] boys here and put all the the girls on the other side and dude and that would and what didn't really plan that i didn't plan to have that many there were that amount of different collaborations but it just worked out that way and coming to that realization of splitting them is when i decided to call andrew i was like this is [ __ ] cool man this record's got a a a really heavy male and female uh energy presence so uh i hope everyone digs it it's a [ __ ] rad record cool yeah dope i remember getting an advanced copy of uh yeah i'll send it to you soon yeah dude what was the one uh it came out like right like 2010 like uh when we were doing jackass 3d i feel like you had an album come out and i don't know if that was methods of mayhem i think it was uh it was just my own stuff yeah was that the was it called a public disservice yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that i recorded that record i did here in my house but i the cool thing about that record is i recorded that uh with the whole world like i i went online and i would put up the base track the drum track uh a guitar or a guitar track three tracks maybe four and i'd be like here you guys have at it just put it out on the [ __ ] internet and dude we would get submissions from all around the world would take days to go through these and we'd be like oh that's a [ __ ] gem and we literally um got people submitted parts from also i basically made a record with the world wow it was so [ __ ] rad and i and and it would be impossible to go and like um uh you know publishing wise to go and give every single person credit so uh in return my credit was you know i'm you know you'll get uh you know a visual credit on the record like your part who you are what you did you know so and that would be the only way to kind of keep track but otherwise it'd be a [ __ ] nightmare it'd be like accounting would be very complicated licensing hell like dude how did we do this so that was uh in return but uh so you know you got you saw your name and what part you played but that was a fun process but i'll never do it again because i had no idea was that i mean we would we'd spend [ __ ] hours and days just going through a lot of shitty parts being something right like dude what do you think of my drone partner mike right i don't know dude right yeah but it was fun it was a cool record that's cool and uh so molly crew uh you know we just said before those the final tour was in 2015. and then and you guys had like this contract we're not gonna tour anymore yeah and then he blew up the contract which was kind of genius and jeff tremaine was behind that too yeah so but like i i i totally defend motley crew and the decision to blow up that contract and and it's really clear why because everything that made you guys want to say this is our final tour we're not going to do it we're not going to be like the [ __ ] eagles with hell froze over you know the difference is that all those bands that said they were on their final tour then all of a sudden like they they needed to [ __ ] put it back together it was like a move of desperation yes when in fact for motley crue or i've done it several times you're like dude what what number of farewell tour are you guys on right right kiss is famous for that sure dude yeah farewell was how many tours ago right yeah and then uh baby you guys had the netflix movie come out and it was just like all right now we've got like you said young people who say [ __ ] man i wish i was there when all this was going i've got a whole new yeah a whole new generation of young fans that are just [ __ ] hungry for motley crue and so you said you know what it's not because we're desperate we don't need to [ __ ] do it we're [ __ ] fine but we're there's just so much demand we're just going to [ __ ] do it blow up the contract so crazy so you guys put together this stadium tour with [ __ ] motley crue def leppard poison joan jett and the whole [ __ ] it's not arenas this is state stadium and like and dude i'm following you on social media and i see i see like oh hey man like we added some shows and so you [ __ ] put these schedules and it's just like the whole [ __ ] schedule sold out sold out sold out the added show like [ __ ] sold out sold out like i'm like damn these [ __ ] guys are just sold out like way in advance they sold out a whole stadium tour and then [ __ ] coronavirus pogba i know dude when was the tour supposed to happen it was supposed to start in september yeah like next month yeah [ __ ] no sorry no it's supposed to start um june 17th june 17th was the date it was supposed to be so many cities so i would have been on tour right now still it didn't end until it was supposed to end september oh yeah it was going to be the final show was gonna be in l.a something like that in september september 5th at because i know this one for a fact because it's what's in the new [ __ ] rams yeah oh yeah so five stadiums yeah you see it as you land into lax dude it's [ __ ] jetsons bro i'm so excited to play there um i told eric andre on the podcast next year yeah i told eric andre that i think that it's him with his movie getting shelved a week before it was supposed to come out in theaters and motley crew with this sold out stadium tour the people who got [ __ ] screwed over by coronavirus the worst oh man and he's like yeah well some people did die yeah there's people on ventilators right now i know that's just that's the sad part i know dude but still man that [ __ ] that's that stings man i saw nikki tweeted like yesterday only 325 days until the [ __ ] yeah a little early bro yeah so the stadium tour has been rescheduled and it's just fingers crossed so like all the tickets everything that was good then it just literally got moved exactly a year right when you start working out for that i'll start we go out when in june i'll start like [ __ ] april because you got to get your arms and then yeah cardio [ __ ] playing every day so a couple months before that yeah i was interested i'm sorry to cut you off but uh he he checked his pedometer tommy did and he does like 13 miles per show is what he's oh yeah yeah how do you that's funny you know that yeah i went deep dude yeah i was just curious i'm like [ __ ] man i i've weighed the same since i've been in [ __ ] high school literally the same and i'm like how much uh i weigh 170. oh okay me too really today i'm 172.00 i was just [ __ ] curious i'm like how come you know it's probably because i sweat like a [ __ ] every night um so i'm just curious you know i wonder what what this equates to what kind of exercise so i grabbed one of those pedometer things and i just [ __ ] clicked it on the inside of my high top and after a two-hour show i [ __ ] took it off and it said 12.3 miles i was like damn every night every night i was like no wonder i can't gain any [ __ ] weight yeah between that and the [ __ ] drugs and [ __ ] dudes you think you'd be able to i don't know yeah he's crazy what's it uh what's the longest you've lived on a tour bus oh whoa [ __ ] that's hard to estimate because you you do your legs right is it like just a couple months yeah but you'll see six weeks on six weeks off yeah that sounds like about right and or then you're moving it to canada so you're off the bus for a minute and now you're going on different buses or uh you know it does have little little pockets but [ __ ] it's it's like a [ __ ] it's not it's not like um i went on a tour of uh a submarine once and the guys were giving me the tour and like and i was like how long do these guys stay down here they're like sometimes they live down here underwater under the bottom of the ocean in the submarine for up to six months they don't see it i'm never going to complain about the tour bus ever and these [ __ ] don't see daylight for six months or other people just them the stadium tour was was booked for outside the states is uh that that was going to be next like that was like as you know that's what uh promoters were working on once we did the as we were doing the states dates we're going to move it over either to canada europe we were trying to figure out what was next because of the success of it we're like [ __ ] let's just let's take this [ __ ] around yeah you know i'm always so interested with like touring because uh you know i helped set steve up with his comedy tour and stuff i'm always so fascinated with people's writers what was on your rider for the girls girls girls tour do you did you have anything specific or is it just whatever or is there things that you like well definitely the there was a pretty strict booze rider there was always jack always beers um uh wine alcohol yeah just pretty much all booze i think oh yeah like you know but nothing's like nothing like you hear about brown eminem's or you know yeah that was special requests we just had like kind of the lame like [ __ ] deli tray you know meat and cheese things and some cut up fruit oh peanut butter was a good one because that had multiple purposes and [ __ ] and and uh and some [ __ ] mayo and mustard that's pretty much it like there's no like special requests i'm just always so fascinating because some guys want like a new pair of shoes every set they do or oh yeah you know there is yeah um socks were a big one for us socks and underwear are always good yeah just like you know what there's nothing better than putting on a brand new pair of socks you're like oh back in the day we would have socks underwear and we would make the the [ __ ] promoter supplies with our mini dv tapes because we were always filming oh yeah yeah so we'd have to just supply us with videotapes because we never stopped shooting not smart yeah dude well [ __ ] hey man i did i'm just so i'm so stoked that we we got to do this man yes what a bro [ __ ] tommy lee man i just i want to put it out there that that uh since 1987 dude you have been nothing but [ __ ] good to me dude i love you brother dude yeah dude i appreciate you so so much and uh let's let's sell some [ __ ] some andro records dude yeah i loved your website because i when i was scrolling through it i went to the bottom it was like take me to the top and i clicked it i was like who did this dude this is sick jj is my web guy amazing tommy's always thanks for having me thank you man yeah it was great yeah thank you tommy yes thank you guys man oh come on that was insane thank you tommy lee and thank you you beautiful people who hung in there until the very end i call you my street team and that's because i love the way that you've helped me get the word out there about this podcast by taking a screenshot of the podcast which i'm asking you to do for this one man you take the screenshot of the podcast you post it with me tagged with tommy lee tagged just to tell him how much you enjoyed that and uh dude i just appreciate you guys man and especially the people who have watched my gnarly comedy special ah the big stunt hasn't happened yet huh no no but oh something big is gonna happen it's wild right baby come on
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Podcast
Views: 1,576,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steve o, steveo, wild ride, podcast, wild ride podcast, steve o podcast, jackass, wildboyz, wildboys, tommy lee, motley crue, motley crew, tommylee, drummer, rock star, crue, the dirt netflix, the dirt movie
Id: gE0x2Q01IOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 8sec (5108 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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