Wee-Man - Steve-O’s Wild Ride! Ep #5

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i fucking love the shirt steve-o is wearing in this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OhhhLukeyy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Steve-O actually talked about the DS commercial at 36:05

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gregorzwsws πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

we must stan WeΓ«Man

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thefuzzydice πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is probably my favorite episode yet

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I need to watch this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CubicleLemur68 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wee Man is so happy, never stops smiling

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
well I feel like we should start this week by welcoming a bunch of new listeners thanks to the unbelievable amount of publicity that last week's Ronda Rousey podcast got [ __ ] man they said steve-o's Wild Ride podcast on TMZ Yahoo News ESPN it was everywhere so once again thank you Ronda because last week's podcast was epic and this one's no joke either plus my co-host Scott Randolph having some symptoms feeling sick he went to the doctor to get a corona virus test and the doctors said that it was negative I think the doctor might have also said he's a [ __ ] but I'm not sure about that anyways it's me and my co-host Scott Randolph in the van and doing it for the Jackass fans this week with wee man so let's get to it yeah yeah ladies and gentlemen it's wee man yeah yeah yeah dude what's up I'm so excited thank you for doing this hell yeah first off and this is probably a dumb question because I think I know the answer but what's the official spelling of wee man w ee ma n no - now it could go either which way I've lately like for years now I've just been doing capital W EE then capital M am with the space for no space no space Wow dude so there is controversy surrounding how to spell your name without sending the link yesterday I was trying to figure out like I was looking at Steve's like text message threads like how does he spell it okay cool cuz if I send that he's gonna be pissed my words pretty cool is just recently Motorhead is doing t-shirts that you can custom order with your name on it but they want to put the umlauts like how Motorhead has AHA and Motorhead it's the second oh that has louts so in my name it says there we eat Louie ma n so it's pretty rad alright that pretty cool way to run with it Motorhead style if there is an over-under for how long it would take to start singing the praises of heavy metal like which is why I made your thumbnail the the logo out of a grinded up independent truck you ride independent right I read Andy's yeah and these are the best I mean there's not much every other truck after that you know just there want to be in these and we what we want to keep the we want to keep the laymen in the loop the trucks on the skateboard and this and we never sponsored by independent Trucks I was never that they don't have much of like it may be your core team but the rest of the people aren't independent or just flow they flowed me and he's still guys they yeah yeah you don't have to pray a paper tricks right okay yeah so those are your true love's skateboarding and heavy metal it's safe to say yes yeah yeah and how do they smell we man on John the beginning of Jackass I feel like it's we - man yeah they've done that they I think they've done multiple ways it's good so yeah I'm so particular about how to spell steve-o it's like I don't care what anybody calls me people ask me all the time - it is it Steve or steve-o or Steven I'm like I'm not particularly at all I don't care what you call me but if you spell steve-o with a capital S and a lowercase O it drives me nuts it drives you can you can do a lowercase s and a lowercase o as long as it's all even but you can't [ __ ] capitalize one and not the other and I gotta have the - dude I got a how do I get stem Oh what did the first time I did the tattoo I accidentally misspelled it Steve oh because I was so loaded alright starting that sent out I mean I'm gonna try to keep this move in with questions comments of get the listeners stoked and I knew it I know that there's been like many times over throughout the history of Jackass Wildboyz you name it whatever we've been doing we've thrown out the piece of information that you speak fluent German but I'm guessing still people don't know that is that I think yeah no still it still comes up like I've gone on trips I was previously sponsored by Monster Energy and they would send me all over the world and I went to Germany one time and the lady who was with me like you know hosting there whatever was there and she's like I've been with you all these years and we'd landed in Germany and I just started talking German to the people there and she's like I never know you spoke German I'm like well you never asked right and and if I remember correctly GERD from Italy I was born in Italy right so my I'm an army brat my dad was in the army he was first stationed in Germany where he met my mom and then he got transferred and stationed in Italy and that's when I was born I was conceived in Germany but born in Italy got it it was German your first language no it's my second I didn't even want to learn it when I was a kid but I did learn it really young you know you're a kid and you're asking your mom what's this my mom would tell me in German and I'd be like no not that funny language what is it some of the [ __ ] they were saying they're like my balls how you say pull on my balls I don't know balls like like it isn't kitchen coochie no kitchen is kooky kick in kitchen cooking is cooking and kitchen is q-10 okay say say like a sentence I give us something pointing ma hey I'm here okay pointing behind flies in the queue here all right that sounded pretty good but say but I want to hear like some naughty [ __ ] like [ __ ] is schiessen right [ __ ] sadly and we've always made jokes about it's so crazy because we don't know you speak German like most people but everybody think we can't say enough about German schiessen movies what's the story with German schiessen movies because German like the Germans are like the Nadia sir they're like that they're like the ones that'll do the like [ __ ] on my face and stuff like that that's where it's come from that's why shiza movie came from that aha [ __ ] on my face in German shell phone call just touch it really quick for a second well kiss it for things like keeps a 4-iron stick on okay is that yeah yeah okay so people know people are generally not aware that you speak German but boy does it seem evident that everybody [ __ ] knows that you were living out of a van oh yeah you know this is gonna be good but first I've got to tell you about my balls and spill the beans on a very big secret so in this quarantine nobody's going to see their barber everybody's growing out being a SAFF rose myself included but there is no reason why anybody should have a pubic afro let alone shaggy balls so I'm very grateful that this show this week is sponsored by manscaped who has us covered to make sure that our balls are nice and groomed without getting cut now what's the big secret the secret is that when the quarantines over and people can congregate again I'm going to be having a massive meet-up where I want every dude they can get to Los Angeles to bring their manscaped lawnmower 3.0 grooming - this made up and we are gonna harvest the biggest pile of everybody's pubic hair that we possibly can but hair included so that's the secret you don't need to know what it's for or when it's happening but what you need to do right now is go to manscape comm use the promo code steve-o to get your grooming tool as well as all kinds of other products that manscape makes to keep dudes on top of their game and again use the promo code steve-o at manscape comm for 20% off your order and free shipping and make sure you hang on to that grooming tool for the mass roundup and harvest of pubic hair again go to manscape com use the promo code steve-o for 20% off your order and free shipping now back to wee man check this out like I think you've told me ahead of time think you are gonna do a YouTube video with the guy who's got like an RV channel or like a campervan YouTube channel and that channel I don't know what it is now it had 15,000 subscribers where you gave a tour of the van that you were living in legitimately living in it and it's like it's almost five million years yes and I've had people come up to me and be like dude we men's living in a van and then because especially cuz I had a van so it was just like oh how long were you living in the van I lived in it for one year I actually got to during the time period that I lived in it so the first one when I went to go get one when I realized I wanted to live in a band uh they're like well it was back in September of 2018 and they're like well we can't build you and have a dental July of next year and I'm like dude I just sold my house and I'm kind of stuck and I was living in a hotel for like two months and so they're like we'll look on our website and see if someone's still in one use and this was a Thursday afternoon and I look on their website like oh that one's pretty rad let me call the gate so I called the dude and I go hey view any bites on your van you feel well got one god but you see like come back and I'm like well I'm gonna be there Monday he's in Arkansas I know I'm gonna fly in Monday I'm gonna take you to lunch and I want to sneer van in person he goes all right sounds good I'm like well don't sell it because I'm interested he goes okay sounds good he had no clue who I was that's mean don't sell it I'm interested yeah five grand of the price just off that comment he had like a bro boner once I got there and he realized I sold my house now I'm kind of stuck me that's like you it sounded to me like you were like dude I sold my house I'm moving to Canada I'm gonna live on a farm that's not his first can it happen yes okay so I'm not moving to Canada anymore I changed my mind and I already sold my house so yeah is that why you decided that you wanted to live in a van yeah because in 2018 the muck this the real estate market was kind of high and I knew I didn't want to buy an LA again and I wanted to do something bigger so I was like [ __ ] what am I gonna do so I just started researching bands and I got stoked on the Mercedes Sprinter one so I started checking them out and checking them out and I actually called my buddy who I knew rapped him and did different things and I'm like what do you know about these I need more info and when I texted him he actually sent me a photo he was driving his he's like come by in the morning I'll tell you about oh yeah yeah I did my whole research before I went and got one now when you were living in the van for that whole year like where would you typically most often sleep like where would where would you park it mainly like campsites that like RVs would camp at uh-huh yeah I was kind of sketched I did a couple like I did quite a few times like they would say Walmart parking lots Cheryl yeah and then like I did Flying J gas stations because in the morning you could go in and take a full shower and all that yeah get whatever you need so I did those a few times and then after a while I just I kind of got tired of wondering where I was I had a toilet in my band aha and I just hated taking a [ __ ] in it and then having to clean it out you know so funny I love the luxury of having that what I had is the cleaning part of it we with this one we've got a toilet right here we piss in it but we don't [ __ ] in it yeah it's a compromise yeah no no I I would do that all the time like I didn't care about that yeah every morning you know you wake up every morning you got a drop of juice I know I know you do you're the most regular guy I know you and you drink your coffee and then that makes you [ __ ] every time every morning that like you you don't do that now I do that every morning well I don't know you as well as I know hey Jenny did you ever have any crazy experiences like sleeping over at night some of these places in like the middle of America like people knocking on your door or [ __ ] it was all pretty mellow he was pretty stealth yeah I was pretty stoked about it okay I'd like a plain black hmm yeah I wasn't like I didn't have my I didn't have the yeah dude logo on [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] I was did you get the app on your phone called iover lander which is like gps and in the end it just marks spots where you can get away with with sleeping in your car overnight I've never got that everybody kept telling me to get it and then people kept I heard all kinds of apps and I just like most of time I would just say [ __ ] it and just go somewhere and I'd kind of like figure out spots but it was tough every morning trying to find a plate like I'd be like okay go to a coffee shop get a coffee and you know take a [ __ ] there and then I kind of go from there you know and I'd like figure out my day I mean like as a guy who's had a van first had the little camper van and then I got this you know big motorhome which of course for the people listening we're in it right now this is what I got I had the camper van then I got this big motor home for like podcasting and stuff dude it is it's gnarly moved to actually commit to living in the van yeah I would never I don't think wanted to do that I you know what it did it humbled me I totally got humbled from it knowing that I could still survive with a minimal amount of things and still get to do what I wanted to do like for the first while I seriously was traveling and hit in different skate parks and I was loving that part of it the only part I didn't like was I thought I I thought I could handle like every day I'm waking up film it see this it gets old trying to do that when you're like no I just want to show up and I just want to skate so that was work but it is very living in it is very humbling because you don't know what's right outside of you and you know you never know you know I one of the best experiences I had was I went to a campground in Sedona Arizona up in the hills and so I came from like sunny Southern California went up and it was raining that night and they said it was gonna snow and so I had a little fire I was looking up at the mouth at a creek by me the next morning I woke up and I opened the side door and it's just snowing and I'm like this is the best life I'm just sitting here having my cup of coffee taking my share that's killer I miss it he's got it man now sorry I don't have it and my lady and I go all the time we'll leave on little band excursions just just for fun she loves it too yeah it's it's awesome I I won't get rid of this van I will always keep this van yeah just give I like getting away right now there we are under the subject of ladies and congratulations for getting engaged thank you thank you yeah I'm stoked we're both engaged I've been engaged for it over two years now I would that your engagement when you got engaged yeah you were there when I did I love that man so is it true that like you know she's the one when you got it like how'd you how'd you know she was the one so I mean like I would meet different girls different things and all that and a lot of dude like older dudes and dudes they've been there like you'll know what she's I'm like you know I've met so many girls I've never had like she's the one so her and I have dated before we've met multiple times this last time when we got together the first night we hung out I knew it there was just this thing I'm like we're supposed to be together you're the one I know and we have been ever since we got back together and what's funny is I proposed to her one week before everybody got put on like stay home like I proposed her March first and then like March 12th everybody was on lockdown so we've been at home everyday that's like yeah but the big test it is dude that's right never thought this coronavirus thing that's what I've heard of course there's a lot of things about it but couple's divorce rates spiking I heard divorce rates have spiked different like all kinds of things have happened it does test it does test the relationship and yeah I'm enjoying the [ __ ] out of your barbeque videos every night yeah what's crazy is right then too I just went by my buddy's house I said let's go to this barbecue place because Judas the headquarters so I went there and the dudes were pretty stoned and I saw this barbecue I want and I'm like well I want this small when I got a little small order it for you and once again coronavirus had a kind of a thing on it where the shipment was a little late but as soon as it went in I jammed over there got it and I said you know and as soon as I got I go you know what what else do I have to do but I can cook on this thing every night so I just started cooking and making different things and learning different techniques and I was making fun videos just watch me chop flames were blazing instead of just cooking on be right did we load it so much it's like the bet you know it's it's it's an enlightening thing during these times yeah so everybody you're cooking on Instagram every night and everybody needs to follow you on Instagram it's oh yeah I am wee man yes you'll know that's a blue checkmark that's right it's seen it seems like there's been some what less skating that you've been posting on Instagram is it safe to say that because here with your chick that that that's making you skate a little less no not at all for first off was right before we started filming I got injured really bad like oh yeah that's right I put my calf super bad and then I got back into and I started skating with my buddies again and one week before we started filming I bashed my knee pretty hard and I was like oh dude I can't I just cruise right now while we're filming but then with this I was gonna just start cruising around and skates well there's all kinds of skate spots my house but it was raining and different things so I just started doing other things in the mean time so it wasn't my lady it had been anything but my own time in my own I wanted to make sure I was in the healthiest point for us to film good I didn't want to show up to set with a broken leg yeah Jeff I'm here you know I get it now I just think it's so killer that you've skated so consistently so passionately for so long and I gotta say to you that you know you're aging fantastically well thank you yeah you know the Jackass guys we have we've all kept our hair like what are the odds what are the odds that like you know yeah like nobody's gone bald Yeah right yeah see if we were what if we were one of these podcasts where they're bringing it up I would say like bring up for sure the percentage of men who go Bob but I really I really like Knoxville's post the other day where he's shown his gray I was like dude he looks better it looks great because it is matte it's how he should look right now they say what you know when you dye your hair and do everything it's not where you're at with your body your body's color tones change with where you're at in life so he's like he's he's the sexiest he'll be right now for sure I mean do you have a lot of Gray's I got like a couple that just go through here I don't know but that's all this is all natural that's so funny when we used to say natural humping a chick with no rubber skinny dipping yeah I want I want to get into that but I but I feel like I can ask those later cuz I'm curious because don't don't try this at home bunch of times I went on to four years four years yeah yeah we've had a lot of history man it's a it's really incredible I think that about Jackass what's particularly cool and and makes me grateful is that you look at all these rock bands that have been around forever and they just hate each other you know like like they hate each other but they keep touring and stuff and like legitimately I think that the the chemistry and the magic between us with jackass is like the same as it ever was yeah and that's it totally is and I've actually grown better throughout the years the chemistry has matured and gotten even better right and it's crazy too because the the the movies for Jackass were so essentially few and far between you know like I said yep there was four years off in between each of the first three again mouths 10 right and you know it's it's crazy how like everybody kind of went different ways some of the others some of the guys didn't do anything and like what's so impressive about you is that you've got like fully into like being an entrepreneur my god it's it's it's it's crazy like how much did jackass 3d with the the wee man's chronic tacos logo that they included in the film how much did that launch your your restaurant enterprise it launched it huge it was a big success I hear about it still to this day because films forever so somebody watching it last night will see the way man you know Ryan done jumped sponsored by women's chronic tacos and you didn't even have to do the jump you've already gotten in to that deal right and I was already in I'd already been in two years deep once the movie hit and it was just one restaurant that had yeah was that Newport no that was Redondo Beach and we did it we did it just for fun and Knoxville would drive by it all the time when he used to go to Naomi's house so he said when he first saw the sign go up he sent me a picture he goes what the hell's going on and I'm like yeah just doing what I do but it's not the first chronic tacos no no no there was 28 at that time oh [ __ ] okay so what should when you here's what happened so in 2008 the founder came to me and asked hey do you want to join chronic tacos we're kind of either in the middle of gonna sell the brand or maybe revamp it and he goes I've seen you you did some cool things I think he could be a cool face work and I said well let's meet you know discuss so we met and then we had a great time we hit it off me he's such a rad dude his name's Randy and we GE goes dude let's the one you open let's call it we manage chronic joggers like alright I wasn't even involved in making that decision I just wanted to be part of the brand and we did that and then it kind of it spiraled from there right what I wasn't clear on was what why you had your name on one restaurant but you actually have like some kind of involvement in owning all of them right you've got like a share of it yeah I am a 10% of the whole thing and now there's 50 restaurants no there's 62 well oh [ __ ] added like 12 in the last few months are you guys killing it right now is it are you guys taking a huge hit with the rona are you guys worried about it we're we're taking a huge hit with the rona we're I can admit that we're chipping a blue this but it you know we're doing like everybody else's curbside pickup and deliveries right now you know how you guys do a lot better it would be doing some hot sauce for your butthole inside of each story I mean if you can make some decisions that's what I can talk about it I mean how many different styles of your own hot sauce you have we have two or three different styles I mean you could - that lingers Preston like when your restaurant business really took off he said yeah we got a new name for wee man he's rich little I feel like it's shocking nobody would ever believe like that actually like the jackass guys have like reasonably high IQs you know for the most part pretty good decisions I think like with with money with business you know like and the housing market yeah oh my god dude with the house funny is I've actually been reading finance books lately too and and I've got some pretty good advice and big changes that once once this whole thing kind of goes through there's gonna be some big changes to happen and I want to pass the word on to it especially like my bro's good man I trust you another thing is that so you've got a lot of love for the military because I always hear about how you travel all over to do these as a USO yeah there was so appearances yeah I mean how many times have you flown like overseas to do USO stuff I can't even count anymore I know it's been over 10 or 15 we've done it but we did it for seven years straight and then I've always always for free yeah yeah and then I've gone around the world clockwise on two different trips in one week in eight days we'd start in LA fly to New York New York till then like Italy Italy then to like Germany Germany like Afghanistan then like in we'd go clockwise in eight days and just different troops out in different areas are you flying like a military plane yeah we actually we've flown a couple of times on Air Force two the vice president's plans so we've flown on that twice and then it's like yeah then we've flown on c---seventeens the big ones that carry tanks and stuff and all kinds of different aircraft what's the vice president's plane like oh that thing is tits just think of a private jet but 747 sighs yeah if it's Air Force two you would imagine it's probably the same [ __ ] thing as Air Force one right yeah yeah exactly yep so how many how many of these USO trips did you go into just full-on war zones I've been in three I believe I went I went to Afghanistan and Iraq during the Iraq Afghanistan wars we are in we landed in Afghanistan and they told us if we tell you hit the deck hit the deck like all right we're doing 30 30 minutes oh my gosh yes we didn't even spend the night there we only stayed for like two hours and when we took off back off we had two f-18s flying with us ready to shoot anybody down like it's the papal holy [ __ ] so crazy we would go with a four-star general who would take us on these trips man and then the scariest thing ever that I've ever been and we were in Afghanistan and we're gonna hit fly to Qatar and we were in the rain it was morning rain we were getting in the helicopter in the rain and we took four military helicopters takeoff we're ten minutes into the flight and we look out the window and we see shoe shoes and we're like oh shot at and the pilot gets on yeah we're gonna have to turn around due to weather because we just got shot at that's gnarly dude ya know it was one of the scary things a bit like to be actually shot at you're like okay this is gnarly all right if we're talking about scary things like I mean I hate to be asked a cliche boring question but I think if it's me asking you it's kind of a dope question like a scary jackass moment like some of the gnarly I don't know because I've been asked that question a whole bunch of times and I don't know what the scariest thing is we get fright because we've been around with wild boys and stuff - we've been at around anaconda snakes on us you and I have laid Tigers we've I've jumped off bridges with tide depressed in you know so there's this thing where it's like I'm more of an adrenaline junkie than a fear junkie because you're just desensitized doing should say that I'm embarrassed for asking that question in the first place because I get the same [ __ ] so much all the time - and I always kind of stick with the same answer that when it comes to scary situations like you know you max out at a certain you know it said ones not scary there because once you're scared to a certain point yeah there's so many different examples of times where we maxed out that you know it's apples and oranges and yeah yeah I think for me like something that I would never do out of like anything that you guys have done would be when Manny grabbed the tail the [ __ ] lion did right that's heavy metal right even though even though was a captive lion you know I don't mind it's like going to Tiger Lane I can't I don't see it's kind of hard to fight the the hot the danger of okay it's a captive lion sure great because you can you'll see Siegfried and Roy yeah go into cages and go well yeah we're cool cuz they're captive and do dot you know right I'm the tiger king yeah the tiger [Laughter] get the biggest thing with the Tigers was a straight-up [ __ ] vegetable because the tiger just [ __ ] chomped his head like a [ __ ] cheeto we were filming with the same captive Lions in California doing this Nintendo commercial and we're I'm up in the tree times we just straight up could have died and that's like for sure one of them but I was making fun of Siegfried and Roy in the tree and then comes up he was making you he was linking you like he was like oh this is a good piece of meat and after this third time were you there no but I've seen the Fiat I wasn't there but I've seen any city kept reading bro like what was going through your mind one of the times if you guys almost died if you could think about he didn't die but one of the fun ones was when we were on the back of the elephant meters and steve-o and the elephant just took I mean it wasn't that bad but it's a fun one that's times I almost died while working like for work and then times we almost died like you know like I honor our personal time yeah yeah I try to thinking like I mean in South Africa that was pretty crazy but like I mean any other like Fiji swimming with sharks wasn't that bad yeah I don't know why like bull sharks in different parts of the world aren't as crazy but enough of all that now on the baby before we start recording I brought this up like with the the political correctness the this whole culture of being really sensitive and really careful and like it always felt weird to me like in jackass and I'm pretty sure that it was included in like the final cuts of movies episodes right if I'm not mistaken where they're throwing around the word [ __ ] and like here's here's a funny one it's the word has never bothered me because I've gone back to the day like I think people have always asking you've been bullied or whatever or anything when you're I'm like no and I'm like if you ask Preston Preston he will tell you I'm the biggest bully so words words have never heard me like that I'll even say [ __ ] but what's a funny thing to me was in jackass 3 when we did the big hand for me to bring BAM towards me he was walking in the office and he had his breakfast burrito and he was walking in and I was doing the foosball I said to him in his voice to kind of get his attention like hey what's up [ __ ] you know so I asked BAM and I was in the cut nope they blurred it they beat it okay what are you doing I'm like that's how I that's how i lure damn right to the hand and there no no paramount said no can't use the [ __ ] where whatever and I'm like I'm the one saying it you know what I mean right you know realistically I think that I could argue and I really do believe that what's more offensive is the actual politically correct term little person because I think that that is inherently belittling you know to say like to see like you know I've already said I don't give a [ __ ] how tall we man is there's nothing little about he's [ __ ] epic but here's the only way that I took it to in that I think the general population sees it I did Kevin and bean one time too and I okay are you cool with [ __ ] or whatever and I'm like yeah but I'm like your [ __ ] did whatever yeah they had two little people on and they got very offended by that word that Kevin and bean just kept saying it to get under their skin and they say you know it's like yeah well if you let it if you let it get to you it's gonna get to you if you don't let it get to you just go when I was doing cocaine with Mike Tyson locked up in a bathroom for like hours on end he said one of the most insightful things ever he said the definition of the n-word is anybody who uses the n-word that was pretty deep one of the best things I've loved about Tyson and one of the best thing is that he he comes out real low and then went real high so he came out with just a Chow on you know a one-note as his as his music didn't have the stool and then he would just knock fools out and and Jerry said he hates when comedians they're just comedians would come out and do like a firework show you know Flying Tigers and stuff and then the comedian comes out he's I know you got to come in low and then go high yeah I was always with my tour my first stand-up I didn't want to come out to like some like big epic entrance song because I'm gonna stand there and talk I would want it to be like kind of goofy Christopher Cross jackass things where I forget what it was for but they were gonna hate you I think with a fish and it's really hard to stand there and get it was for the super slow-mo camera yeah we did it for the intro right that was your intro shot I came for that for the opening scene like and especially at like 1500 frames per second like you can catch any little move and get hit with a [ __ ] fish in the face like a big heavy fish like it's really hard to know you're gonna get hit and not know I flinch at all and so so they're trying to get the shot and and and you know your instincts like you know you're like okay anticipating it for Drive I never liked music and they put on like some iron made and there's some Black Sabbath and you're like you know it wasn't helping at all and I was like hold on I got this and I got running and getting my little Nissan verse and I pull it into the [ __ ] hanger and I opened up the doors and I played Christopher Cross sailing you just relax I thank you for that because Jeff was getting pissed he said hey man just stand there you know you see this like right here is where you get the glitch and that's where you move right it's like when you were when you were with us in Thailand filming Wildboyz and someone said think it was probably you you said hey you know where we are and and I'm like I don't know and you go Bangkok and [ __ ] it was like the greatest nut shot but somehow like they didn't get it right on camera so then it was like oh we got to reshoot it but now all the sudden we know that we're gonna get hit in the nuts we get like [ __ ] epic footage that you never got on camera and it's just like dude if I only [ __ ] have that on camera is there any like thing that you I think there's a gun yeah I have a lot of skate stuff like that where we never had the cameras around or rolled not like damn yeah throwing myself up a balcony yeah yeah that's not on camera that's a pisser don't we're so dude like have you you're something where people's people ask me like what's done you get this question so much what stunt did you regret and I haven't answered the same answer every time is like my honest regret is that I didn't do more that's why mine too because there wasn't really any that I didn't do and then the one I've also answered is do you remember when I think it was in Florida I forget who was had the little baby alligator and it bent knocks on the nipple they came to me first and I was like uh-uh and then Knox gets and he has this full poster now and I'm like [ __ ] I could have been a bright man that there were like so many times were like I didn't step up or I did but I have fasted a little deeper and got the [ __ ] footage I would have been more stoked so you know and then I just get so starts to not if I can give up because I'm like that like that's why I keep going man that's why too so it's pushed me more now because of those times that I've had regrets now I think about him when I'm doing other things right and without without being too particular about like what we're up to I think that it that I'll just say in general that I really believe even though we're way [ __ ] older that this thing we're talking about where it's like dude now this is like last call it's last call if I couldn't be gnarlier than ever and the bar is higher we've gotta [ __ ] push harder and go bigger and just be gnarlier I agree with you 100% I think that I sure like a lot of people might think who wants to see a bunch of [ __ ] middle-aged drunken like knows what's gonna happen with this coronavirus [ __ ] dude it's so heavy it is I mean what are you hearing are you thinking we get back into the economy what in the summer or later or earlier I mean I'm hearing I've heard certain things that's like end of May that I'm hearing into June July and there's there's so many different things the economy you can't trust and that's why I've been reading finance books lately but if you look if you watch the stock market every day it's like it's green one day or two and then it's red straight down and then it's great it's seriously like this and that's like okay that that is just that's the worst like you can't follow that and think it's not like oh it's slowly going up and there's a little dip and then slowly no it is this all day long it's what you call a dead cat bounce banks like the [ __ ] you know the power people they're like let's inject a bunch of money and to give people confidence in the market they put it in and share it comes up but then the real [ __ ] slam comes I watched a documentary on the stock market crash of 1929 and say I can looks like exactly what's going on now yes so heavy like this morning like I look like the analytics on the [ __ ] podcast and and I noticed that with when I was talking to Ronda Rousey and I said something about I think that this could be like not only like a Great Depression but a greater depression I think that was the point where like a lot of people like [ __ ] that I was on a podcast radio station this morning I just like to have buddies at this radio station in st. Louis and they're like so you know what's up like you're gonna be on tour and I was like dude tour like society society as we know it it's like on the like is maybe never gonna be the same because as far as touring goes there's two components like it's the question of after this coronavirus deal how soon are people going to be comfortable to be packed into a room in large numbers in small spaces and I think that's a variable and even if hypothetically everybody's totally cool with it like after all of this economic shutdown like how soon can you expect people to have expendable income to go out for like at an expensive night at the the theater though yeah yeah that's just an extra thing first they got to give back and make sure whoa this is the first spam risk call I've got a virus do you ever notice when riscos went down that was a spam risk call how about that yeah all right I haven't received one in a long time but that was the first one there they heard us talking about the [ __ ] economy crash movie theaters are shutting down I think AMC's going bankrupt like the movies it's gonna be it's it's [ __ ] heavy dude that whole plan that you had to move to Canada it's up there too it's up there also like it's all over sure and Canada's particularly [ __ ] because the price of oil is down like 20 bucks a barrel or something it's like yeah saying like in Canada's whole economy is that but I don't know that people are too interested do you got I just said I you know just thinking about it and I was you know I knew that you came from Italy in Germany over to the South Bay and then you started working as a subscription guy another spam call is that what that that was a real call that's nerd okay and and just like you started selling subscriptions over a big brother yeah that's that's what you get and then did you guys know each other just some people no big brothers the skateboard magazine which served as the the genesis for jackass so what happened was I was already like in Big Brother I was already in the magazine Ric Kasich already done a photo shoot I've already did an interview with Shaun Cliver and been in the magazine but when I first moved out of my house and the first place I lived I lived with Kasich oh okay Kasich was like well you got to get a job you just can't just skate and so then I went and worked at big brother so it was a subscription guy do you go and get like people to subscribe no no no I get all the stacks of magazines and I'm just shoving them in envelopes and putting people's addresses that were subscribe to them and then mailing him off did like now Big Brother magazine started as this like crazy escape thing and then like the guy who started it sold it to Larry Flynt so at Larry Flynt being like the the founder of Hustler magazine like the world's most but that's Larry when jackass starting to well sort of my the first date the first issue of Big Brother magazine which I was in was the first issue which was published by Larry Flynt and that came out when I was in Clown College in 97 so that was with the one I was on the cover of because they changed it and they sent when it went to Larry Flynt and Larry Flynt got it they sent off the Big Brother subscriptions to some dude who had oh porn mag right that sounds gonna say it was boo taboo magazine which was like yeah taboo magazine taboo magazine was like the the most risque like the most edgy likes like the taboo means like not okay my mom so everybody who subscribed to Big Brother got a copy of taboo magazine which is just like [ __ ] up in it in the tank yeah yes so then it made it to Jay Leno and that issue was the one I had my pro spotlight in and I was on the cover doing the Oompa Loompa skating that we filmed for to do jackass ah I was gonna say was it super you the one stuff in tappers and saying like my brother was working that Big Brother and he'd bring home all the taboos and keep him in my room his where was Steve the intern yeah Chuck Liddell and so so my mom walked into my room and I was like 14 or 15 and there's just stacks of taboo and she was like what the [ __ ] are you doing dude yeah yeah yeah he's a sex addict most times you've come din one day we man for the audience seven I'm always interested in that because like highly successful people are like highly sex driven so it's like I'm always curious about that and and when I was like buddy who did 11 one time when we were kids and then we had like hooked it up and we found out but like the more you do like the higher the number the crazier you are so yeah crazy is not necessarily a bad thing no it's not it's not at all hey it's just a term so what are we promoting I think the people who are still listening at this point deep in a podcast art and by the way thank you to all of you people who are still listening they're like the diehards man these are the people who are these are the people who are like yo they don't want to miss a thing whether like steve-o's my guy we man's my guy you know like they're they're on our team they support and and we love them and what is it that we want to promote like for you I don't have nothing promote I dropped all my skate sponsors you know I just you know I lit I promote things now that I love ha ha go eat at chronic tacos tacos order to go order it to go yeah follow me man on Instagram actually follow me whether you're listening on audio or on YouTube and watching it take a screenshot of your phone or your cake a photo of your computer and tag we man in it and tell them how much you [ __ ] love to the podcast and confirm confirm that you're following we man on Instagram and tell them to add some hot sauce for your butthole to chronic talk [Laughter] kind of like causes charity kind of stuff like are you particularly passionate about I'm passionate but like for chronic we do no Kid Hungry so it's all the kids yeah we donate to that so it's like food banks and different things for kids that yeah especially like in now time to start our literally like thousands of cars like if they can even make it a line it's got to be again oh my god so [ __ ] I want to figure out a way to help get like get behind some Food Bank stuff that's the best one exactly for the kids yeah it's not you know it's not their fault that you know the economy's like this and all that and stuff sure right yep but 59 minutes and 13 seconds I was like gold I think that's probably a good length man I don't know yeah I want to say to thank you for thank you for so so much dude like for being there from when I went to finish the skateboard the wall ride for just being a bro like we had some some meetings prior and prior to this big big thing we've been doing yep right we met for being there when I engaged to my good guy when I proposed to my girl like it's really crazy man like like just about 20 years yeah you know I like to think that we've been there for each other and really grateful for your brother Thank You bud I'm really grateful for you 382 and I think sometimes when we we don't think outside of the work box and we realize even we would do things outside of it we kind of thought of it it is work I think we forget that how much we've been bros and been doing throughout these years yeah thank you thanks for being my bro to but we were also talking before we started this whole thing that you're interested in firing up like a podcast of your own which I'm totally supportive of and I can you know everything that I'm learning from doing this I can easily transfer over to you and I think it's fun I think it's a killer NATO the things I'm learning too I'm gonna transfer over to you tears I know when when we're all when we're getting a little older and stuff you'll have this nest egg set up that you'll be like I can do whatever the [ __ ] I want I mean see what happens man like we'll start with the hot sauce and then we'll work our way into stock I'm sure everybody else too yeah another incredible podcast in the can and like I said during the podcast please screenshot that [ __ ] tag we man and myself on Instagram and I love that we're doing that every week sorry I'm working out it's like you guys are the street team just promoting it to everybody to listen to the podcast check it out on YouTube super grateful for that and I mean [ __ ] yeah I don't know what else to say it's a lot of fun I think we are gonna actually go every other week there now but every week something's going on we'll see what it is and I love you guys thanks yeah
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Podcast
Views: 1,159,129
Rating: 4.9402723 out of 5
Keywords: steveo, steve o, steve-o, steve o podcast, wild ride podcast, wild ride, wild ride with steve o, jackass podcast, jackass, wildboyz, podcast, standup comedy, steveo's wildride, scott randolph, paul brisske, wee man, jackass 4, j4, wee man interview 2020, jackass interview 2020, jackass 4 interview
Id: -OEMspeDJ9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 1sec (3601 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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