Christocentric Meal (July 29th) | Jesus Our Advocate (5)

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody good morning and welcome to the Christmas centric meal a daily reflection of your true identity in Christ Jesus Imelda Mina is my name I am excited to welcome every one of you today to the broadcast listen is going to be a powerful time of learning and studying the word of His grace to establish your true identity in Christ Jesus after hosting the broadcast with me this morning my wife dr. Richard Amina amen let's pray together father we thank you for light light that shines in our minds bringing out the realities of all you have done in us to a place where we function in that reality today we rebuke everything that is contrary and we command clarity in the understanding of your people through the world and we rejoice now at the end of the broadcast your people be equipped edified built up and Jesus glorified in Jesus name Amen alright today we're looking at Jesus our advocate part 5 we've been on it for a bit but it's it's getting better every day yesterday we looked at you know self righteousness as the model of unbelief self righteousness means depending on my efforts to score points with God and that never works our total confidence and faith must be on what Christ has done that is what gives us any form of standing with God Almighty so today we're looking at same topic Jesus our advocate part 500 for us first John 2:1 unbelief was referred to in the Bible several times as evil unbelief which we said is more Dada by self-righteousness in the Bible it is called evil Hebrews 3:12 only read for us and evil heart of unbelief in departing so unbelief is evil on every force Hebrews 4:11 same example of unbelief which is evil so Kim is called evil Cain was evil because of unbelief anyone that harbors unbelief is evil all right unbelief is in hatred for truth and it was demonstrated in the way Cain killed his brother from Genesis four men were seen in these two lines unbelief or faith faith righteousness unbelief scene you're either in fate or anomaly finish there's no middle ground background there's no middle ground you're I die in faith or in unbelief unbelief self-righteousness faith what Christ has done is that clear now honey read for us Romans 5:12 wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and what Adam is Sina before he seemed no if he where that woman God made him is Sina sin means to fall short sin means to miss it sin means to be less than sin means to miss a standard so you must miss something for it to become seen Adam missed something CEDA in Genesis there was a tree of knowledge of good and evil and a tree of life - miss idiom means to live the tree of life for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil there must be an action to miss it Romans 5:19 read for that or disobedience is unbelief Adam didn't believe in the gift of life sin entered into the world through Adams action of unbelief and action of disobedience so he wasn't made is Sina by God on belief and faith is demonstrated in man's free will God gave man the license to sin because he gave man a free will to exercise the right to choose the right to choose his man's license to either sing or the righteous the right to choose man's William man's will that free will is what much determines what he wants to do with that license was what Adam used so people seen because the and Men and exercised the power or choice Sarah God didn't create robots were no robots that's what we have that free wheel to make our choice right when God told Adam damned mayest freely eat that already presupposes choice the choice against the Word of God is called unbelief that will still be his choice he wasn't a sinner to make that choice he was just a man it was a man who made that choice in New Testament language for words I use to describe scene the first word is transgression meaning to break a rule to break a rule all right honey read for us Romans 5:14 simile hood of Adam's transgression Adam broke a rule and you can read all the scriptures for further study Romans 4:25 and Hebrews 9:15 transgression transgression to break a rule another word you say is iniquity honey refers Hebrews 8:12 and for a further study you can write down 2nd Timothy 2:19 and Titus 2:14 enmity Hebrews 8:12 and they are seen an iniquity will I remember no more so there is transgression there is iniquity there is all righteousness only read for second Corinthians 6:14 and 4 for the story you can write down first John 1:9 and Romans 6 1304 2nd Corinthians 6:14 so did you see that righteousness with unrighteousness light with darkness have nothing in common the next word in the New Testament is a word trespass meaning to sidestep to sidestep 100 Falls Ephesians chapter 2 and for further study Ephesians 1:7 but hundred Falls efficients chapter 2 verse 1 you have he quickened who we are dead in trespasses and sin so forward transgression iniquity in righteousness and trespass sin entered the world via Adams disobedience disobedience hundred Falls Hebrews 8:12 again so in the blood of Jesus this was redeemed all of these transgression iniquity unrighteousness trespass they were redeemed that is they were paid four hundred photos first John three four when I iniquity transgression or trespass everything was paid for by the blood of Jesus however some words were used for believers it will help the consciousness of a believer when he sins it will help your consciousness so let's look at it honey read for us Romans 5:15 of one many be dead much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one month the gift by grace is by one man Jesus Christ and that gift by grace is what justifies all those who believe hundred Falls first John so our fellowship with the father in that fellowship we are cleansed is not a matter of feeling in that fellowship by the knowledge of the Scriptures we are cleansed yes that's right we are cleansed we're people that are cleansed on every false Galatians 6:1 the phrase overtaken in a trespass was used for the believer the use of that word implies that he is now overwhelmed by it there are two ways to look at it it is either he is caught up in the habit of seen or caught up in the guilt of it is added a habit or the guilt he is not saying restore him to God restoration is with the Brethren it is in his relationship with other believers that the restoration happens he is not restoring the man to God because we are already cleansed by Jesus Christ however in our fellowship with one another there is the need for restoration if a man is overtaking either by the act or by the guilt of sin when there is guilt or if you have wronged so much yes and if those are a spiritual I will do this restoration all right now he is not saying restore to God is with the Brethren Paul did that with the scene in broader in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 and restored him in 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 verse 7 the restoration is restoration in fellowship with fellow believer sin is the issue so sometimes when it comes to sin we are being myopic because we're not thinking through what are looking at it we just zero in into what we used to think and not what the scripture says first Corinthians 8:11 on so a weak brother can perish see that Perisher implies a confused state of being The Scindia is not to consider the conscience of somebody else it means when your actions caused another person's conscience to be wounded you see that that is not applying the world with love it is a scene you have to apply the world in love all right first Corinthians 6:18 he sins against his body because his body is the temple of the Holy Ghost CEDA so that's why you must keep your body free from sin only James 4:17 good iya means kindness Judea means kindness when you shot your bowels of compassion to people who need help it is a scene see that it is a scene James 3:2 the whole body refers to appetite the whole of his appetite desires in the New Covenant our words play a big role in how we live in victory over sin hence we must ensure that we speak the right words right words like yes that's what James 3:3 saying that that your tongue if you can bridle it if you can trim it to speak the right words the teaming is making it speak the right words words like I am righteous I'm accepting I'm sanctified I am God's holiness I am the Temple of the Holy Spirit I am God's righteous I am accepted in the beloved I am blessed with all spiritual blessings I am completing him the head of all principalities and powers the lines are falling to me in Pleasant places I have a goodly heritage I am blessed going out blessed coming when you can bribe your tongue to say words like that irrespective of how you feel you bring your entire life in the right direction yeah you bring your life in the right direction oh praise the Lord honey leaders in the confession I am the Temple of the Holy Ghost I use my body only for what glorifies God I live in victory over sin that is the state of the man that is born of God sin does not have dominion over you at all you are in constant victory over sin and Satan praise God for a we pray for viewers today we decree that these realities resonate in their minds that this revelation grows big in your heart until nothing else matters inferiority intimidation and everything that the enemy throws at you is neutralized is neutralized by this knowledge in the name of Jesus thank you for grace thank you for the blessing and today we pray specifically for people that may be sick in their bodies we rebuke sickness we rebuke disease lose your holes in the name of Jesus your body be healed from your head to the source of your foot name in Jesus name Amen praise God hey guys you want to order for this resource it will they reach you for the rest of your life make sure you order for it physically you can order for the copies from our office the announcer will tell her to do that but you can also order for it online from Amazon Amazon is dr. Ebell nabina if you type that on Amazon you will see all the books pop including the Christocentric meal you can order for those resources they are designed to enrich you build you up and equip you as a good minister of Jesus Christ praise the Lord hey guys we are excited just before we sign offering the holy one last word for viewers Vicki over things that's right that's right well you know it takes us in the direction of what we are saying that's right always carries and propels the whole body in the direction of always things that's right now we live in victory over that's right even when you miss it continue to maintain the confession I live in victory over sin keep saying that keep saying that until it forms your reality and your function in it that's right praise God oh we love you guys were excited tomorrow make sure get some more people to join this instant blessing fellowshiping with you every day on this platform on until the end this is Rachel and I bailed Amina say that [Music] in John chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was good the Word was God so Jesus is the one of God Jesus is the word of God the what word of God is Jesus is God thinking putana Jesus is God thinking pattern or Jesus is God's mindset the Word of God that taught the idea the thinking pattern the mindset of God is a person his name is Christ in the beginning was the world the Word was with God the world is God God is the word the word is God manifest in human form in the name of Christ Jesus God's world Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 for the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart one of God is quick and powerful sharper than any two-edged sword the one of God is impressive Jesus God's world revelation 19:13 and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of name is called the Word of God he is the word of God the one of God is oppressing the one of God is ever seen his name is Christ when you meet this passing call the world and encounter with him the resultant effect is life when you encounter the passing of the world the passing of the word delivers life he that has the son has life the Word of God the Word of God so he is a blessing amen I said amen and you know sometimes they call Jesus is called the Word of God we assume that when God became a man in the person of Christ he entered the world full of scriptures we assumed that sometimes we assume that Jesus didn't cry his tongs because he was God that became man but that's not the truth Jesus himself was found body in the scriptures Jesus the world was found spot in the scriptures there is no option there's no alternative to the study of the word of God there is no alternative to the teaching of God's Word the only way a believer can grow is by paying the price to sit down and be taught the world the knowledge of God's Word is not a gift you have to study you have to sit down you have to learn you have to be willing to submit yourself to study in a Lennie so Jesus was God who became a man Jesus was God who became a man he didn't come to this world knowing the Scriptures no he didn't come to this world knowing the scriptures in Luke chapter 2 verse 40 and the child grew and waxed strong in spirit filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon him he grew he grew and was strong the child grew the word gloria is axel aux amo to increase literally to increase literally it is the increase in size of age no he grew and what strong that or what strong means to be strengthened he grew and was strengthened kurata who does the greek word KR 8800 for exceeding strength to be strengthened alright to be strengthened and you know this is strengthened in the spirit what strong in the spirit that in the spirit is not original but that is actually what happen he actually was strengthened in the spirit it shows that is more physical Jesus grew spiritually he came and he had to grow spiritually if God who became a man had to grow up spiritually then spiritual growth has no option in the charge that means spiritual good for you the zero Sofia if Jesus was God and became a man had grow spiritually you grew he increased then you have low option than to take spiritual cruise very serious you can get healed by a word from God but you cannot grow up spiritually by a word from God he looks at that guy who was brought in a 2x4 he says what they want is a human is a stand-up career Mutombo the man stood up carry be smart and go does healing we cannot tell you grow up and you grew up no you have to sit down like you're sitting down with a pen and able to book and you have to engage your logical reasoning and you have to pray absolutely see so you come to a place of Revelation knowledge so you come to a place of growth you come to a place where you up you top you come to please rate your established you come to a place where you can now enjoy the inheritance that crisis me revealing there is no alternative to growth if you refuse to grow you will keep growing you will keep growing in the hands of Charlotteans you have to grow up somebody shot I'm growing up can I have said very loud so you grow with the knowledge of all the scriptures Jesus here grew and was transient how did he do this you can grow with knowledge or you can grow with the knowledge of experience somebody's have been a Christian for 30 years these are the things I have gone through that's not the kind of growth we are talking about that's not the kind of growth are talking about we are talking about growth in regulation knowledge not growth in experience at knowledge revealed knowledge for the Paul's prayers were for the churches were for growth in revealed knowledge grow in revealed knowledge the eyes of your understanding be flooded with light that you may know what is the hope of your colleague that you may know what is the riches of his inheritance in the sense that you may know the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ he raised him from the dead that you may be filled with the fullness of God that you may know the width the length the breadth and the depth of the love of God our process for understanding those are the areas of Prayer brother Paul prayed for believers to grow up it's so critical there is the shot conscious which are good there's no shortcut to spiritual growth just like you don't stay at home and become a graduate you've got to engage yourself in school you've got to be taught you have to read exams you have to read you have to think you have to ask questions all of that is involved in the process of growth you can see it in Luke chapter 2 verse 41 now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover yes and when he was twelve years old they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the fishiest and when they had fulfilled the days as they returned the Child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem and Joseph and his mother knew not of it but they supposing him to have been in the company went a day's journey and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance and when they found him not they turned back against Jerusalem seeking him yes and it came to pass that after three days they found him in the temple sitting in the midst of the doctors both hearing them and asking them questions both we are in them and exceed them questions that is the desire in the heart of Jesus for grouchy he left his parents who are going home and slipped into a thirty days of glory conference sat down here in and accent questions that's the process of growth is not age that is your problem his growth that is a problem at the age of 12 he was not watching me Clarion he didn't go to children's or the school and they gave him Nickelodeon to watch he was not watching insurance on the school Cartoon Network no he was listening in the scriptures no age child is at where he is too small to know the scriptures except you're the parents refuse to expose your child to knowledge sometimes children who pay attention to what a teach even understand the modern appearance I'm telling you what I know don't think your children are too insignificant to understand they should be watching cartoon morning till night they won't tell themselves the concussions children acting like cartoons all over the house because that is what you fed them garbage in garbage out you keep them with cartoon from morning till night when per the police telling MOT from a child you have known the Holy Scriptures to give you an idea of at what age the child refers to at 12 at the age of 12 Jesus is reasoning with doctors of the law he are in them and Absalom intelligent questions you can never be too small to learn the scriptures Jesus is around doctors of the law doctors of the law do you know who they are I will give you example I will show you one of them doctors of the law so you understand the gravity of Jesus's reasoning capacity at the age of 12 don't forget he was a human he grew he grew he didn't come to add full of the scriptures he learned he read he was questioning them the word questioned in the Greek there is the word for interrogation he was interrogating them and it is the same word for research interrogating and engaging in research all right Jesus interrogating them them who doctors of the law who are doctors of the teachers of the law these are people who understand the Old Testament very well one of them is Gamaliel Gamaliel Acts chapter 5 verse 34 then stood there up one in the council FRC named Gamaliel a doctor of the law had in reputation among all the people and commanded to put the Apostles forth the little space these are people who interpreted the law of Moses they were interpreters of the law AXI them questions both learning and accident questions that what learning is the same word for listening in attention he was so fixed on listening to them that he forgot that his parents were on a journey without him he was so focused at the age of 20 young man has been focused he has been control of his attention such that he can pay quality attention to teaching some of us our attention span is so short have that few minutes of your image your whole body becomes restless no control over yourself some of you want one period a time he that didn't calm self-induced some people sleep at the age of 12 this boy this boy was engaging the minds of the doctors of the law of Moses you will feel I'm not hearing that Amen it's important it's very important look at the class of the people Jesus or spending time with here they had full control of his attention and the pollution all that had him were astonished at his understanding all that having were astonished at his understanding what is understanding understanding is the way you put the facts together the way you is a collection of facts in a proper way he was able to collect the facts of the Scriptures together that when he spoke the people that had him we are flabbergasted they were astonished his award soon assists in the Greek Sadducees he had a whole view a holistic picture a total understanding of the holy scriptures at the age of 12 he'll understand at the age of 12 Jesus will not come to service without a notebook without a pen and a Bible he will not come he was in takut student of the world little wonder he confronted the devil with scriptures frontally it is written it is written he was not quoting from Mary his mother he was so used to the scriptures she was acquainted that stood on his own and engage that they were using the scripture from a child you have known the Holy Scriptures you have become acquainted with the Holy Scriptures which it will permit the wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus somebody shout hallelujah romance of the 5 verse 12 wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned so we saw seem how Mattia that's a what see seen the impact into the world by one man and dead I see dead by scene all right the next verse we saw yesterday was verse 15 but not as the offence so also is the free gift for if through the offence of one many be dead much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one man Jesus Christ [Music] what was the originals [Music] hello I hope you have been blessed by the wonderful message the Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God for you to grow spiritually you need to hear study and meditate on the word you needs not only here but to also read and see and that is why you need the Christocentric meal this is a book that reveals to you who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you this book interprets and breaks down the word into daily meals making it easier for you to understand and study build up and strengthen your inner man all the while growing your relationship with God and her confidence as a believer so order this life-changing book and other titles DVDs and CDs by dr. Abel Jimena call the number or email the address on the screen starting the new year with this book is your first step to guaranteeing an enriched life a new year [Music] you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
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Id: P7G9WtoTjS4
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Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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