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[Music] feel the power welcome to rice's invasion of truth with dr ebel damina [Music] welcome to the most exciting event on television riot righteous invasion of truth presented by the power broadcasting network ebell damina is my name i want to welcome you to the broadcast today hey listen it's going to be an exciting broadcast the word of god is going to come with power and accuracy you want to grab your pen your notebook and your bible and get ready for the teaching of god's word then one more thing share the video get somebody to hook up to this broadcast this will change the person's life remember that i have books i have written and the latest of the books is every man a minister you want to order for a copy of that book it will change your life the details to order are on the screen right now then one more thing usa and canada usa and canada power city international usa and canada we have a conference coming up and i want to invite every one of you in america canada those of you in europe and the united kingdom and the rest of the world you don't want to miss this conference it's coming up from the 7th to the 8th of october then the 9th and the 10th the reason why the dates are separate is because the first two days seven and eight is the international school of ministry i'll be ministering and training ministers believers and disciples to do the work of ministry equipping the saints for the work of ministry remember he that descended you see that i set it up on high he gave gifts to men for the perfected not the entertaining the perfecting of the saints to do the work of ministry the book of second timothy brother paul says to timothy study the words buddhazoo that is be diligent to show yourself i proved unto god a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth you don't want to miss it for anything under the sun the conference in america is going to be holding that laurel maryland the doubletree by hilton hotel they are in laurel maryland now the dates again will be the 7th the 8th the 9th and the 10th of october now the details are coming on the screen those of you don't live in america you have people in america reach out to them ask them to attend this conference it will change their lives forever especially after all the covet things that have happened around the world it's time to get back and be fired up fired up for what god wants to do with you fight out for what god is doing in you fired up to be able to follow the plan the purpose and the intent of god for your life once again usa and canada it's your turn it's your conference from the seventh to the 10th of october seven and eight school of ministry nine and ten the believers convention it's going to be holding in l'oreal maryland at the doubletree by hilton right there in laurel you wanna come with your family want to come with your friends tell everybody about the conference here in maryland in fact don't just meet me there beat me there in this conference 2021 if you live in an era where there's no christ-centered church where you can attend and share fellowship with brethren we have campuses all over the world i'd like to encourage you to identify with one or more of our campuses there are phone numbers on the screen right now if you call any of these numbers our people are waiting to direct you and help you identify with the campus that is closest to you it's going to be an exciting service today i'm telling you the power of god the word of god is going to build you up and equip you fasten your simples as i take you on a gospel adventure into that service where the spirit of our god is already moving happy viewing amen we're going to do a quick study on the concept of bible study because the job of a pastor is to help you understand scriptures that's a job of a pastor to help you understand scriptures because god's thoughts are communicated in the written world they are not communicated through angels moons and stars no god's thoughts are communicated in the written world so therefore my attitude to the reading world is my attitude to god that's why i must understand the written world for example you hear people say well may is the month of grace and you ask them why is made the month of grace they say because grace is the number five five me month of grace english is not the original language that the bible was written in the bible was originally written in the greek and the hebrew and in the greek the word grace is the word karis c-h-a-r-i-s six-liter word that's grace so grace can be five five can be the number of grace is the word karis or is the word mata carries mata and in the hebrew is the word chen c-h-e-n-chen c-h-e-n for words or chenan c-h-e-n-a-n none of it is five words so anybody who's his grace is five is either lazy or pure ignorant all right so that's why you've got to study study and study dutifully study diligently study to show yourself approve the word study in the greek is the word diligent to show yourself a proof diligent to show yourself approved that word study is diligent that means there's an attitude of diligence you require an effective study of the bible and as i'm teaching i'm going to show you a number of things in this service that will change your life because somebody shout hallelujah now luke 24 25 then he said unto them all fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken but not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself beginning from moses as an individual and all the prophets meaning moses is different from the prophets and we shall look at that you know a bit more in details so notice in all the scripture all the scripture all right as we study you find out there is a frequency where moses was mentioned only and we shall see why the word moses is different from all the prophets second timothy 3 15 and that from a child that was known the holy scriptures take note of the word holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in christ jesus all scripture so if you observe in verse 15 scriptures is plural in verse 16 scripture is singular all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that word holy scriptures holy scriptures verse 16 all scripture take note of the change in the usage of the word in the first verse holy scriptures in the next verse all scripture all right so there's singular and the plural use of the word scripture of scriptures now the word holy scriptures refers to sacred hagues sacred or special treatment sacred or special treatment and the word there the word all scriptures is used two thousand and twelve times in verse fifteen the word scripture there all scripture is the word grammar grammar g-r-a-m-a-m-m-a it refers to laters or writings and that word later or writings is used for bills things that are printed things that are printed and the use of that word will be seen in luke chapter 16 verse 6 and he said a hundred measures of oil and he said unto them take thy bill and sit down quickly and write 50. use for things that are drawn or things that are inscribed so paul definitely referred to timothy's read something that from a child that was known the holy scripture that has been acquainted with the holy scripture or you've been acquainted with the holy writings so timothy must have read something it was not knowledge that came from above it was knowledge that came out of study it was knowledge that came out of timothy reading something you've been acquainted with the holy writings so timothy's knowledge came by reading reading timothy's knowledge came by reading so the whole scriptures grammar was used to describe the act of writing itself all scripture all grammar the act of writing if you look at romans chapter 2 verse 27 i shall not on circumcision which is by nature if it fulfill the law judge thee who by the letter and circumcision does transgress the law who by the letter and the law all right so by the letter means by that which is written by that which is written so all scripture therefore will mean we can find it written somewhere all scripture means we can find this old scripture written somewhere it means timothy didn't get revelation knowledge and root timothy read what he was acquainted with called scripture from a document that was written somewhere second corinthians chapter three verse three first much as you're manifestly declared to be the epistle of christ ministered by us written not with ink but with the spirit of the living god not in tables of stone but in fleshly tables of the heart and such threats are we through christ to god word look at verse 6 who also had made us able ministers of the new testament not of the letter but of the spirit for the later killets but the spirit giveth life the letter will refer to the writings the writings which writings writings that were on table of stones now paul's letters also were written galatians chapter 6 verse 11 you see how large a letter i have written unto you with my own hand how large a letter or grammar written with my own hand that means there's a possibility of finding out where it was written paul's original writing is somewhere and we can find it out acts 26 24 and he has those page for himself festus said with a loud voice paul thou art beside thyself much learning thought make demand much learning means much reading much reading same word with scripture much reading makes you mad much learning much reading so much of what is written has made you mad that's the implication why because paul spoke from what was written paul didn't speak by heart he didn't invent he didn't create his own he was definitely speaking from a document where he read verse 22 of acts 26 having therefore obtained help of god i continue on to this day witnessing both to small and great saying on other things than those which the prophets and moses did say should come everything i'm saying came from what the prophets and moses said meaning paul read the prophets read moses and when he stood before felix he made his defense citing from those written materials from those written materials remember when i started teaching in this service i told you to get your pen and your paper let's go to school and i also said it is a job of a pastor to help you understand scriptures so in his communication he communicated what he has read sometimes when students write exams for those of you that have been teachers before and for those of you that were students before when you ask questions and students write exams you can tell students who read and those who didn't read because students who read will answer your question from what you taught which was documented students who didn't read will guess and if you are a very attentive lecturer or teacher when you read the answers you can decipher those who are answering you from what you taught which they wrote and those who are just guessing or trying to be smart if you're an attentive teacher you need a quality of attentiveness to know that it's like sometimes i walk to the studio where my messages are being edited in the tv office and then when i walk in there they will make a statement from a message i preach long time and i will help them complete the statement and i will tell them the time when i preach that message and where they can find the material then they will ask me how did you know and i said to them i preached it i preached it i know what i preached and sometimes they will cite me in a way that is not a true representation of how i said it and i will stop them and reconstruct it exactly the way i said it why because i thought it i know what i taught so that's why it's easy for brother paul to say timothy from a child you've been acquainted meaning timothy from the way you spoke i can tell where your speech is coming from you have read the holy scriptures you have mastered the holy scriptures you are acquainted from a child you grew up from childhood studying and reading the holy scripture to a point where you became acquainted or familiar it's like sometimes i teach the word and i just keep throwing scriptures and then some people walk to me and say how do you memorize the scriptures and i said to them i don't memorize i can't remember sitting down to memorize scriptures but by continuous reading i became acquainted and out of acquaintance those scriptures are coming out i'm not memorizing i know them it's one thing to memorize it's another thing to know it's like the young boy that came to his mother and he began to recite the table to his mother mommy i know how to do two times and the mother said dude let me help three times one two three nines two four two times three six two times four eight two times five ten two times six twelve two times seven fourteen two times eight sixteen two x 9 18 2 x 10 20 the mother clapped and said intelligent oh my child is very intelligent very intelligent come come junior come come come come what is two times five two times one two two times two four two times three he doesn't know it he is operating by a program the boy has been programmed therefore if you throw a question halfway he has to go back and follow the program to get to the right answer but somebody who knows it you can just tell him what is 2 times 7 14 what is 2 times 10 20 because he is acquainted that's where god wants you to come he wants you to come to a place of acquaintance with the scriptures not just a memorizing of the scriptures but a knowing of the scriptures and that happens when you spend time to read when you spend time to read please take note of this this is very very important in verse 16 of second timothy 3 all scripture all graphene all graphene 51 times the word graphe is used grapheme means collection and deals more with the content autography all the collection is given by inspiration of god the content is given by the inspiration the word inspiration is the word breath the breath of god the collection what is the collision the collection of the proverbs all the proverbs figure of speech the characters the writing of his content the writing of the content called scripture is given by inspiration of god the breath of god the documentation was inspired by god doesn't mean the content is all inspired god inspired the documentation okay the writings was inspired by god the graphic the writings inspired by god like i've told you before god inspired moses to write book of genesis but it was not god that inspired the devil to speak in genesis but god inspired moses to record it so all things are truly stated but not all things are a statement of truth all things are truly stated but not all things are a statement of truth so all scripture or holy scripture refers to the old testament and i've taught you that in this church every time you see the word holy scriptures is making reference to the old testament genesis to malachi is referred to as as the holy scriptures and at that time he didn't refer to the gospels at all so luke 24 27 beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself all the scripture jesus refers to is moses and the prophets beginning from moses and the prophets so jesus when jesus said all the scriptures in jesus's words all the scripture refers to moses and the prophet so when we say the holy scriptures we're making reference by jesus definition to moses and the prophets beginning from moses and the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scripture where is all the scripture moses and the prophets moses and the prophets please take note of that all right now luke 24 45 then open here their understanding that they might understand the scriptures it is a moses prophet moses and the prophets all right now look at that scripture again i just read put it back for me then open it their understanding that they might understand the scriptures and he said unto them these are the words which i spoke unto you while i was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses and in the prophets and in the psalms now he added psalms to it concern me john 5 39 such the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me what was jesus referring to here let me just give you a little test right now when jesus said search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life what was jesus referring to here as the scriptures in john 5 39 moses and the prophets and the psalms excellent so when jesus says search the scripture what you're saying is read moses and very soon we shall find out who is this moses read moses and the prophets and the psalms moses and the prophets and the psalms testify of me i am their message or i am the one that we are talking about meaning if you want to locate my testimony or you want to read up on me go to moses and the prophets and the psalms you will find me there comprehensively moses the prophets and the psalms pay attention impulse letters also he gives credence to the fact that this is what is called the scriptures romans 16 26 but now is made manifest and by the scriptures of the prophets according to the commandment of the everlasting god made known to all nations for the obedience of faith so brother paul calls it the holy scriptures and he refers to the prophets now notice that moses is not called the prophets that's why moses and the prophets so the question will be was moses a prophet well depending on what context but in this context jesus didn't qualify moses as a prophet rather moses was a standalone and the prophets and the psalms that combination is called holy scriptures brother paul goes further to establish this in first corinthians 15 3 to 4 for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also received how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures when brother paul said i received it apparently he must have received it from a written record it wasn't like i received pay attention for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also received how that christ died for our sins he now tells you where he received it from according to the scriptures if you don't pay attention to the construction of that verse you will think paul was praying and fasting and he received that christ died meaning that that's not the only way to receive facts in this context that is not a way to receive in this context to receive means you saw it in the scriptures how that christ died for our sins that's what i received but where did i receive it from according to the scriptures meaning i read in the scriptures and i found in the scriptures that christ died for our sins i didn't have a vision i didn't dream a dream it was not an open revelation i was not fasting and then i was carried and i saw that christ the end i received from what is written from the grammar that christ died for our sins according that's where i receive it from the scriptures i received of the lord is referred to information concerning the lord so that helps you to understand first corinthians chapter 11 verse 23 which is referred to as the communion rebranded as a communion because that's the same language brother paul used there for i have received of the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night he was betrayed took bread that i received of the lord is where many people who preach holy communion have not understood paul is not saying the lord instructed me to continue serving communion paul is not saying the lord spoke to me in the spirit or a vision came from heaven or i received an instruction to give you bread and tasty time from what i've already shown you it was paul's way of speaking to use the word i received i and i received in brother paul's context will be what i read so now where did he read it from we need to establish that if he read that the same night the lord was betrayed he took bread we've already knocked out that it was not from heavenly herd okay we've knocked out that it was not a spiritual instruction we've knocked all that out all right by story so now if brother paul received and we say receive means to read somewhere where did he read what he is now communicating now come with me because we're going to look at two accounts and i will leave you to decipher of the two accounts which of them brother paul is referring to because the accounts are different number one account matthew 26 28 for this is my blood of the new testament which is shared for many for the remission of sins second account luke 22 19 and he took bread and gave thanks and broke it and gave unto them saying this is my body which is giving for you these two in remembrance of me likewise also the cup after supper saying this cup is the new testament in my blood which is shared for you for behold the hand of him that betrayed me is with me on the table we have read the two accounts the question i'm asking now which of these accounts was paul referring to in first corinthians 11 for i have received of the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread where did brother paul receive it is it from matthew or from luke huh how many of you say look let me see luke okay how many of you say matthew matthew matthew okay put on your hands i mean if you don't know which of them first corinthians 11 23 for i have received of the lord which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said take it this is my body which is broken for you this dude in remembrance of me whose account was brother paul making reference put matthew 26 28 for this is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins and he took bread and gave tongues and broke it and gave unto them saying this is my blood which is giving for you these two in remembrance of me first corinthians 11 for i have received of the lord that which also i deliver unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given tanks he broke it and said take it this is my body which is broken for you these two in remembrance of me so when brother paul said i receive of the lord jesus where did he receive it from from luke he received it from luke he was teaching what he read from luke as it regarded the body of christ because the context of that teaching in first corinthians 11 was concerning the body of christ and if you read it contextually and you begin to read first corinthians beginning from eight actually from five if you want to really understand the context we'll have to begin from chapter five chapter six chapter seven chapter eight chapter nine chapter ten then you will understand what he is saying here in chapter 11. you can't just casually sit down with a verse it's contextual the original manuscripts don't have chapters and verses it's just it's for you to read and know where a thought has ended and where a new thought has begun but translate us to make easy decided to be cutting verses and chapters that's why sometimes a verse is incomplete until you read the next verse because it's translators that were breaking it since it was just a long reading so that's why in studying don't stay with verses don't stay with chapters look for where the context began read through read through to the end of the talk to be able to understand what the man is saying don't just pick a verse if you do that you are a candidate for deception don't just speak of us stay with the context first corinthians 15 3-4 for i delivered unto you first of all that which are also received how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures question do we now refer to that scripture as from genesis to malachi no he's not referring to genesis to malachi again beginning from moses and all the scripture moses and the prophets and the psalms concerning me he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself meaning he emptied the content of the scriptures and when he emptied the content of the scriptures the conclusion of the emptying of the content of the scripture was summarized in the sufferings of christ and the glory that will follow that was jesus in brother paul's case after emptying the content of the scripture the conclusion of all that they were saying the conclusion is how that christ died and was buried and rose again the third day according to the summary of the scriptures galatians 3 8 and the scripture for seeing that god will justify the hidden through faith preached before the gospel unto abraham saying indeed shall all nations of the earth be blessed the scripture is not a person the scripture is a writing meaning that the prediction is in the scripture for seeing that god will justify the hidden through faith preached the scripture preached so the question now is how did the scripture foresee that god will justify the hidden through faith it means that the scripture takes on the personality of a person and soul meaning that when you read the scriptures thoroughly when you finish reading the scripture the scripture looks like a person who has seen to the future meaning that what comes out of the reading of the scripture will be the ability to see that god will justify the hidden through faith the scripture for seeing so conclusively will be that when you empty the content of the scripture you will arrive at a summary that the scripture has already foreseen therefore predicted that god will justify the hidden through faith therefore ahead of time preach that gospel to abraham so when jesus said they testify of me they testify of me it means it will take a study to see that this is the testimony of the scriptures search the scripture means take a comprehensive study and at the end of the study what you will arrive at in a statement that the entire body of the scripture says is me ii peter 3 15 an account that the long suffering of our lord is salvation even as our beloved brother paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you as also in all epistles speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures meaning the epistles of brother paul peter referred to them as scriptures why did peter refer to the epistles of brother paul as scripture what peter is saying is that brother paul's writings by extension has his roots in moses and the prophets and the psalms paul didn't take something from heaven to write so because what paul taught came out of the scriptures and we shall locate all of them your acquaintance with the written word is key as gloria copeland who said victory is not for lazy christians victory is not for lazy christians if you are lazy you will never see victory because to even understand what is already yours you need to study yeah there's no laziness in this thing there's no future for lazy christians the only future of a lazy christian is deceit number one you will be a victim of deceit then your colossal laws will be that you will be used to eat ice cream false prophets will use you they will use you to build your house if you refuse to sit down and be taught god as revealed in the wreath called scripture a fly-by-night emotional expert will psych you excite you and while you are excited under the euphoria empty your pocket you make up your mind to sit down except it's not god you're looking for yeah if it's not god you're looking for in fact you're wasting your time coming to this church is you are just wasting your time honestly you will be more benefited going to night club there's a future for you that will never be fractured by the devil if your aiming is louder it is yours it is yours it is yours it is yours it is yours somebody say i am on cause with god to manifest the riches of his grace in my generation i didn't hear your human like thunder so from the few things we have studied so far there are no two ways about reading he had written in verse 16 of second peter three as also in all his epistles speaking in them of those things in which are some things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures onto their own destruction so paul's letters were identified as scriptures by peter why he had written grammar all the epistles content all the content graphic order scriptures means old testament or other writings of the apostles amen you can choose you can choose to stay with the gospels and you can choose to stay with the old testament because he didn't make any proper distinction he just said all the other writings so you can choose to stay with the gospels as other writings or the old testament as other writings are you following here yeah but likely to be the old testament likely it will be the old testament the letters we are designed or inspired to be written but what was said and what was written they were inspired first peter 1 10 of which salvation the prophets have inquired and such diligently who prophesied of the grace that shall come unto you searching what or what manner of time the spirit of christ which was in them did signify when he testified beforehand the sufferings of christ and the glory that shall follow unto whom it was revealed that not unto themselves but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you which the holy ghost sent down from heaven which things the angels desire to look into so they first said it then it was written they first prophesied and after they prophesied it was not documented and then look at second peter 1 20 knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation there means source or origin for the prophecy came not in all time by the will of man but holy men of god speak as they were moved by the holy ghost when he said no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation automatically he already indicated that he is referring to the old testament today we all of us every prophet everyone who prophesies today we prophesy by our we that's why paul will say if you stand in the service and you start prophesying and the leader of the service does stop the prophecy and sit down because the spirit of a new testament prophet is subject to the prophet that means we prophesy by our will so but in the old testament they didn't prophesy by their will so when he says no prophecy came from the will of man what is simply telling you is that he's referring to the old testament but holy man old testament speak as they were moved the word moved is a greek word for carried away they were carried that means they didn't initiate it they were carried to say what they said and after they said what they said they didn't know what they were saying so after saying it they now came back searching and seeking to understand what they just said because it did not originate from them they were moved by the holy ghost and he's talking about the wreath of the holy scriptures so whenever you read that first peter one you must connect it to the computer because the two of them complement each other all right now two elements i want you to see quickly what was in the scripture was spoken that's the first thing and then secondly after it was spoken it was now written by men it was spoken first after it was spoken then it was now written by men that means we can study to locate who said it which men said it just like we say what paul said concerning the rebranded communion he took it from who look so the same thing whatever was written was spoken so we can locate which people spoke it for the people that wrote to write which people that's important that's very vital in bible study so pay attention to this now luke 24 44 remember he said beginning from moses and all the prophets so moses stand alone and all the prophets there's a uniqueness about why moses is mentioned alone luke 24 44 and he said unto them these are the words which i spoke unto you while i was here with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses and in the prophets and in the psalms concerning me verse 27 of luke 24 beginning at moses and all the prophets so moses again stands alone verse 44 and he said unto them these are the words which are spoken to you while i was here with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of moses moses again the writer of hebrews dealt with melchizedek and aaron as symbolic melchizedek and aaron are symbolic or figurative but he didn't talk about moses as symbolic melchizedek symbolic error symbolic but when it comes to moses he doesn't use moses as symbolic hebrews chapter 3 verse 1. we are for holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling considered the apostle and high priest of our profession christ jesus who was faithful to him that appointed him as also moses was faithful in all his house for this man was counted worthy of more glory than moses in as much as he was building the house have more honor than the house for every house whose house are we if we hold fast the confidence and rejoicing moses not you symbolically melchizedek iran used symbolically meaning there is a uniqueness about moses's ministry moses as a person what he spoke as symbolic hebrews 10 28 he that despised moses lord died without mercy under two or three witnesses chapter 12 verse 18 for you are not come unto the mount that might be torched and are born with fire not onto blackness and darkness and tempest and the sound of your trumpet and the voice of words which voice they'd had heard and tweeted that the word should not be spoken to them anymore for they could not endure that which was commanded and if so much as a beast touched the mountain it shall be stoned or thrust through with a death and so terrible was the sight that moses said i exceedingly fear and quick second corinthians 3 7 but if the administration of death written and engraving in stones was glorious so that the children of israel could not step fastly behold the face of moses for the glory of his countenance which glory was to be done away he didn't say they could not step fastly behold the stone he didn't say the children of israel could not step fastly behold the rock or the mountain he said they could not behold the face of moses not the table of stones but moses's face ii corinthians 3 13 and not as moses would put a veil over his face that the children of israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished but even unto this day when moses is read the veil is upon their heart and not as moses put a veil over his face that the children of israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished question who put the veil over moses's face moses is he god who put the veil it wasn't god okay it was moses question what could they not steadfastly look at the stone or moses's face who put the veil on the face okay very good same corinthians where we are chapter 3 verse 13 again and not as moses who took a veil over his face that the children of israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished but their minds were blinded for until this day remained the same veil on taken away in the reading of the old testament which veil is done away in christ but even unto this day when moses is read the veil is upon their heart it appears that in the communication we just read moses and his writings are separated from what we just read it appears that moses and his writings are separated let me ask you a simple question when you find moses is writing in isaiah will you find it in the psalms so if moses is writing it's not in ezekiel as i am the psalms it means moses therefore is different from the prophets okay so moses is a standalone and from the things we read in the last few minutes it appears that his writings are different from his person please don't miss that don't miss it because it will help you for where we're going right now can we safely say that moses is separated from the prophet okay so meaning that the law is different from the prophet meaning that the prophets are different from the law hence jesus now says beginning from moses and the prophets meaning that the law is not the prophets and the prophets are not the law will we refer to genesis as the law huh will we refer to genesis as the law why was there a law of moses in genesis so genesis is not the law so when he now says the law and the prophets where will we refer to as the law and the prophet exodus exodus okay so then what is genesis the beginning the beginning genesis is the beginning exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy will be referred to as the law again so now we have made more distinctions we have genesis we have the law we have the prophets we have the psalms but moses wrote genesis moses wrote genesis but moses made no impute in genesis moses wrote genesis as a third party as a third party but moses made no personal impute in genesis so two things to think about either the beginning was moses or part of his writings so meaning that the law of moses will refer to four books the law of moses will refer to all four books what are the books yeah leviticus numbers deuteronomy so john 1 17 for the law was given by moses but grace and truth came by jesus christ when he says the law was given by moses does it include genesis uh all right good so exodus living because numbers deuteronomy was given by moses the law was given by moses will refer to the writing was given by moses question is the ten commandments the law of moses because sometimes you hear people say we are free from the lord we are free from the law many of you are not sure look my friend god hates lukewarm people you are either cold or hot don't be neutral neutral gear does not travel how many of you say no put that in your house how many of you say yes yes how many of you say yes how many of you said the law of moses the ten commandments how many of you say that the ten commandments is the same with the law of moses can you defend it are they the same the two of them they are the same okay so i will use you as a witness exodus to deuteronomy 5 you will find the most reoccurring statement in exodus to deuteronomy chapter 5. you will see this statement you're calling more than anything else between exodus and deuteronomy chapter 5 the lord spoke to moses unto deuteronomy chapter 6 1 to 2. now these are the commandments the statues and the judgments which the lord your god commanded to teach you that you might do them in the land whether you go to possess it the damn myers fear the lord thy god to keep all the statues and his commandments which are commanding thou and thy son and thy son son all the days of their life and that their days may be prolonged commandments given to the children of israel by moses for the promised land they were going to canaan moses knew he would not go to canaan with them they have rejected christ so moses cannot say christ will direct them it is moses's responsibility to ensure law and order as they go to a land where he will not be so moses wrote the laws put them together and give to them that when you get to canaan because i won't be there these things will govern you same deuteronomy chapter seven verse one when the lord your god shall bring you into the land without governments to possess it and has cast out many nations before the the hittites and the gigashites and the amorites and the canaanites and the perizzites and the hebites and the jebusites seven nations greater and mightier than thou and when the lord thy god shall deliver them before thee thou shalt smite them and utterly destroy them thou shalt make no covenant with them nor show mercy unto them deuteronomy 28 verse 1 it shall come to pass if thou shalt come diligently unto the voice of the lord that god to observe and to do all his commandments which are commanded this day that the lord thy god will set thee on high above all nations of the earth same instruction moses is giving them not the lord instructing them mostly if you do what i have commanded you if you do what i have instructed you if you observe and keep what i have asked you to keep the lord your god based on my instructions that you obey shall set you up he didn't say the lord said i should instruct you i moses i'm instructing you if you do what i have instructed god will set you up it's like moses is saying the lord told me now i command you it's like moses is saying the lord has spoken to me now i'm moses i'm commanding you that's the kind of thing that that scripture communicates the lord said to moses and moses said to the children of israel why they never heard god directly why god wanted to talk to them they say they don't want that god should talk to moses deuteronomy 22 verse 5 the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are abomination abominate unto the lord thy god this scripture has caused wahala in the body of christ worldwide you even see elderly fathers of the faith when they reach the scripture they do accident and they fall down just the scripture you see an entire generational father of the faith this small common verse when they get there you boom and they fall down that's one scripture you see believers who speak in tongues yet when they meet the scripture boom they fall down what is inside this scripture stand up let's go [Applause] there are many people that believe you are a believer until the day you wear trousers sister are you still in the faith consider your ways that scripture has caused problems in the church world i prophesy as your amen will come like thunder you're growing in knowledge you're growing in grace and i decree that what grace alone can do will be the results of your life through the course of this year you will enjoy abundant grace unlimited grace where walks have failed before grace is making it work for you barriers are broken through the course of this week i decree by the finished work of christ you reign in life you reign over circumstances you ran over situations you ran over circumstances you ran over situation you ran over circumstances and i decree that as you meditate over the things we are learning light will break fault in your mind understanding breaks fought in your spirit you will never be confused you have received the spirit of god freely that you may know the things that are freely given to us therefore i decree you will grow in understanding in the name of jesus anyone here here under the sound of my voice whose body has been misbehaving i rebuke infirmity and i command your body be healed your body be well your body be strong your body be healthy your body be nourished in the name of jesus grace is upon your lips grace is upon your life grace is upon your family grace is upon your business grace is upon your hope in the name of jesus and i thank you lord that this week is a week of total victory from every side you will have victory now we performed against you prosperous your coming out is blessed your coming in is blessed jesus has kept the conditions therefore on the basis of the kept conditions by christ i decree right now but later i decree right now based on what christ has done you're blessed in the city you're blessed in the field you're blessed going out you're blessed coming in the fruit of your body is blessed the work of your hands are blessed in the name of jesus in the name of jesus barriers are broken you shall land and not borrow the lord shall cause the rain to reign upon you in the name of jesus great grace is upon you great grace is upon you great grace is upon you in jesus precious name can i hear that amen like thunder where club jump rejoice celebrate welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back i believe you've been affected impacted touched by jesus christ i believe that god's word has built you up i want to pray for you today father i rebuke sickness disease i rebuke the oppression of the enemy satan get your hands off of god's property and i release god's miracle upon your life right now receive that miracle receive it now be healed in your body receive favor receive direction receive solution receive answers in jesus name amen praise god listen carefully power city international usa and canada we have a conference coming up and i want to invite every one of you in america canada those of you in europe and the united kingdom and the rest of the world you don't want to miss this conference it's coming up from the 7th to the 8th of october then the 9th and the 10th the reason why the dates are separate is because the first two days 7 and 8 is the international school of ministry i'll be ministering and training ministers believers and disciples to do the work of ministry equipping the saints for the work of ministry remember he that descended he said i set it up on high he gave gifts to men for the perfected not the entertaining the perfecting of the saints to do the work of ministry the book of second timothy brother paul says to timothy study the words buddhazoo that is be diligent to show yourself i proved unto god a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth you don't want to miss it for anything under the sun the conference in america is going to be holding that laurel maryland the doubletree by hilton hotel they are in laurel maryland now the dates again will be the seventh the eighth the ninth and the tenth of october now the details are coming on the screen those of you don't live in america you have people in america reach out to them ask them to attend this conference it will change their lives forever especially after all the coveted things that have happened around the world it's time to get back and be fired up fired up for what god wants to do with you find out for what god is doing in you fired up to be able to follow the plan the purpose and the intent of god for your life once again usa and canada it's your turn it's your conference from the seventh to the 10th of october 7 and 8th school of ministry 9 and 10 the believers convention it's going to be holding in laurel maryland at the doubletree by hilton right there in laurel you want to come with your family want to come with your friends tell everybody about the conference here in maryland in fact don't just meet me there beat me there in this conference 2021 listen carefully if you live in a place where there's no christ-centered church to attend we have our campus is all over the world today if you call any of the numbers on the screen right here right now these are all our original coordinators they'll be willing to identify with you and help you connect with a campus our churches are called campuses a campus closest to where you are or you've been following me for a long time and you live in a place where there's no christ-centered church and you want to start a campus where willing to train you equip you and bring you revelation knowledge that will make you fit to start a campus and help other people to come to the knowledge of the truth where you yourself can become a lighthouse in your community if that's what you're interested in call our numbers today or send a mail to dr ibeldamina we'll be willing to engage with you and train you and get you to become a lighthouse in your community for the spread of the gospel remember we are live here every day at 12 noon and 6 pm gmt plus 1 god's word keeps coming brother paul says i commend you to god unto the word of his grace which is able to build you up and give you your inheritance among the sanctified looking forward to seeing the next broadcast and until then enjoy the grace of christ and be blessed amen [Music] get ready it's your victory
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 1,066
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Id: SvrL_DwsT7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 33sec (4053 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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