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[Music] if you know that you're not going to remain the same again jump up on your [Music] [Applause] put those feet like this [Music] now say this after the us of god is [Music] [Applause] hallelujah i am what god [Music] i can do says god says [Music] i believe [Music] [Music] but i would never never be the same [Music] jesus is my righteousness is [Music] no is [Music] me [Music] [Music] never [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor eva [Music] you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tale you are above are not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favorite show [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] holy ghost [Music] [Music] [Music] let us thank god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let us thank god that god has called him that through this house that the gospel of christ is preached to all the nations of the earth [Music] the gospel is reaching all the nations of the world in accomplishment of the scripture make a positive that this gospel shall be preached to all nations [Music] raised all over the world the word of god is increasing [Music] the light of god's water is shining all over the earth [Music] [Music] [Music] to make the light of the knowledge of the glory of the lord to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of the lord in the face of jesus that light is shining [Music] [Music] through social media platforms and compulsions whatever [Music] the word of god is having pre-cause and being glorified as it is with us [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] him for our purpose that is preaching this morning he's speaking the world as he alters [Music] not in the world with men's wisdom [Music] thank you father we give you praise thank you lord in the name of jesus i say in the name of jesus let the believer shout every time [Music] glory amen lift your right hand to heaven father we rejoice that we have access into the deep things of god by the holy ghost revelation knowledge has gifted us the eyes of each one's understanding here flooded with light clarity comes by the teaching of your word your people built up equipped edified and jesus glorified thank you for answered prayer in jesus christ's name and every believer sees a powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together so say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer says a powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of our social media community we're so glad to welcome every one of you we also want to welcome all of the acquire bomb state community connected to the service right now by way of comfort fm xlfm radio aqua bomb passion fm inspiration fm and heritage fm wherever you're listening to the sound of my voice around a quiet bomb state call a friend call somebody to tune into this radio station life is flowing through the airwaves our social media community help us let's get this war to the ends of the earth share the message put them on groups drop them all over the place let's floor the entire blue marble planet with the fragrance of jesus's grace and thank you for helping to get the gospel to those who really need it for to those whom jesus died for and i'm so grateful we also want to welcome all our campuses around the world we're so glad to welcome all of you brothers and sisters all over the world connected to the service guys get ready it's going to be an exciting study of god's word is there anybody in the building excited about the service this morning can we give the lord a greater shot and celebrate the word of god is that a celebration shout out [Applause] glory no that's better like it amen all right grab your opinion not book your bible you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get into the word of his grace this morning i want to begin by you know welcoming um uh pastor pastor kinsley he's been with me since yesterday came in all the way from indiana police in the usa i was in his church in june christ rehoboth great work great work great work we love you man welcome and we you know we we thank god for what you're doing for the kingdom and he's the coordinator of icma usa bless you glad to have you here this morning pastor philemon is also with us here from caliber power city we love you man and the caliber brethren we love all of you over there possible says i should send this love to you so take it through the airwaves praise god all right are you ready for the world we began this morning looking at the fault at following the inward witness following the inward witness in ephesians chapter one we saw the importance of revelation where brother paul prays for the church uh you know at ephesus and the church of god also prays for the saints who have the spirit according to ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 put it up before he got to verse 16 he started by telling them that they have the spirit in ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 in whom you also trusted after that you had the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also after that you believed you were sealed with that holy spirit of promise so he tells them that they were believers in ephesus and that they were sealed with that holy spirit of promise so they're already sealed with the spirit of promise then in verse 16 he begins to say i cease not to pray to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers now what is a prayer he prayed for people that already have the holy spirit next verse that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him next verse the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the sins the eyes of your understanding which is the eyes of your mind the eyes of your mind now the spirit of the believer is a spirit of knowledge the spirit of the believer is a spirit of knowledge the spirit of the believer is light the spirit of the believer is light so the spirit of the believer does not know any more than it knows does not know any more than it knows but the mind of the believer is what is subject to be renewed what is subject to be renewed the mind of the believer the mind of man sometimes we under you know we underrate the mind of man but the mind of man is very powerful the mind of a man is very powerful god's power is the gospel romans chapter 1 verse 16 and 17 i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god unto salvation to everyone that believe it to the jew first and also to the greek next verse the reign is the righteousness of god revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith the book of mark chapter 16 verse 15 go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature mark 16 15 go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned that's the power of the gospel does the power of the gospel what is the gospel what is the gospel first corinthians chapter 15 verse number one first corinthians brother paul explains what the gospel is moreover brethren i declare unto you the gospel which i preach unto you which also you have received and wherein you stand next verse by which also you are saved if you keep in memory what i preach unto you unless you have believed in vain next verse for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also received how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures but then brother paul tells you in second corinthians chapter four second corinthians chapter four verse three second corinthians chapter 4 verse 3 but if our gospel behead it is here to them that are lost next verse in whom the god of this world had blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god shall shine unto them that means the power of god which brother paul explains in first corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 the power of god brother paul explains in first corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of god look at verse 24 first corinthians chapter 1 verse 24 but unto them which are called but jews and greeks christ the power of god and the wisdom of god so brother paul considered the wisdom of god and that wisdom of god which is the power of god can be hidden it can be hidden if our gospel be heed if the wisdom of god be heed if the power of god be heed the gospel is the power of god christ the wisdom and the power of god if our gospel be heed if the power of god be healed if the wisdom of god be hid it is he to them that are lost to them that are lost it doesn't mean it is not preached it is preached but the hearer does not believe because their minds are blinded they are hearing the gospel but they are not believing verse 4 says it is because the god of this world put it put up that scripture for me again first corinthians chapter i mean second corinthians chapter four verse four second corinthians chapter four verse four in whom the god of this world had blinded the minds of them which believe not they didn't believe because their minds are blinded by the god of this world lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god shall shine unto them so satan has a lot of power in the thinking process of humanity satan has a lot of power in the thinking process the taught realm of humanity he has a lot of power in the thinking process he says the gospel which is the power of god can be hidden from the mind so it means the mind of a man can send him to hell the mind of a man can sentence him to hell second corinthians what we read in whom the god of this world has blinded their mind so that they will not believe and he that believeth not is damned so the mind of a man can send him to hell so a man will go to hell because of the way he thinks a man will go to hell because of the way he thinks again even as a believer you are not born again you are born of the spirit of god you are a new creature a new creation you are the righteousness of god romans chapter 5 verse 1 therefore being justified by faith we have peace with god through our lord jesus christ we are justified second corinthians 5 21 god made him sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god romans chapter 8 verse 9 but you are in this you are not in the flesh but in the spirit you are in the spirit if so be that the spirit of god dwell in you now if any man have not the spirit of christ he is none of his so you have the spirit of god you are led by the spirit romans chapter 8 verse 14 for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god now he tells you in romans chapter 12 verse number 2 romans chapter 12 verse 2 and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove or endorse or acknowledge what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god it means you can be conformed to this world you can be born again but you are conformed to this world that says be not conformed don't let the wall squeeze you into their mold don't let them squeeze you into their mold be not conformed to this world but be transformed so that means if my mind is not renewed i will not walk properly by faith if my mind is not renewed i will not work properly by the spirit i mean what do you think is a problem with a believer that is born again and is still going around looking for deliverance he's born again he has believed the gospel he has believed that christ died he was buried he rose again for him he receives eternal life he is seated with christ in the heavenlies but he's going around looking for deliverance and they will say power he will fall and be rolling on the floor making caricature of his position in christ he leaves [Music] but he is seated with christ and making caricature of his position in christ because his mind is not renewed i mean what do you think of a believer that is born of god and is still living in fear fear of which is fear of wizards still looking for how people will help him pray to escape the attacks of the enemy running around from pillar to post but born of god i bear them record they have a zeal of god but not according to knowledge their mind their mind is not renewed that means my mind can stand in the way of my christian life my mind my mind can stand in the way of experiencing the victory that jesus obtained for being in this earth my mind can stand in the way you see a child of god born of god struggling like an unbeliever no difference the only way you know he is born again is just because you you when he talks now you know that he knows christ but everything around him business feeling marriage failing you know career failing everything he is failing everywhere he even goes to school he fails but he's born of god what's his problem mind he is he has a mental condition he's born again if the trumpet sounds like he'll be in heaven the problem of the believer is the mind that's why the kind of church you attend will compound your problems or free you from problems the kind of church you attend you can attend a church where they can create for you satan that only exists inside your mind that satan will follow you to bed he will wake up with you he will be with you in the toilet he will shower with you he will dress up with you he will follow you to walk and that satan in your head will constitute all your problems but is the church you attend that planted and created that satan in the mind the satan is not anywhere it's just in your mind as a man thinking so you see so again that's one of the greatest blessings that god can give to you is after yourself you're planted in a church like this where you are taught your realities in christ i'm serious very very serious the church you attend will unmet will will determine your mental health you didn't hear that you didn't hear that the church you attend will determine your mental health it will determine how you are you you are held in your mind the believers that are born again but they are sick mentally some of them when they talk you think they are psychotic is that the language yeah you think they are yes they're psychotic you somebody is talking to me he says dr damina every time i send you text message which is used to collect it that is why it does not get to your phone psychotic is that a psychotic condition how can you think and he's serious he is even crying that please pray for me he's born again i bear him witnesses born again but now he's talking to me and he says when he sends me text message once he puts send which is who swallow it that is why his text never gets to me that sometimes witches will close his phone and make sure he can call out he is not joking and to make matters worse he lives abroad somebody living abroad thinking like that he's psychotic because that's not that's not healthy that's not a healthy mind it's not a healthy mind but you don't blame him churches he has attended has created that mindset i'm teaching here that's why the first thing you get when you come to power city is brainwashed on your arrival the moment you enter power city anywhere in the world will just bring you host with water over your head show our face after sure we now start rearranging is that not true i mean is that not true remove all the junk all the things that makes you crazy and normalize you first because that is what the church ought to do it's called the renewing of the mind because victory is in the mind defeat is in the mind failure is in the mind your mind constitutes your experiences on earth your mind your mind your mind be not conformed but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that means your mind really have a lot of work to be done in the world system they say the mind is a terrible thing to waste they say the mind is a terrible thing to waste they say it in the light of educating yourself ensuring your mind is productive but you see as a believer too the mind is a terrible thing to waste when we speak about your mind we are referring to your thinking your thinking refers to the words that comes to your mind and the words that come to your mind you now process those words those words translate into your thoughts you hear your process they form your thoughts your thoughts and once they form your thoughts because you process them that is so important because that determines the quality of life you live so when paul again prays he says that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of your calling because in your mind lies your emotions in your mind lies your will and in your mind lies your decisions your decision-making process is in your mind in your mind lies what you want and what you don't want in your mind lies what you will do and what you will not do they're all in your mind so never underestimate what goes on in your thinking process therefore you must ensure as romans 12 teaches to bring your mind to the point where your mind knows it is not capable to act on its own accord you must bring your mind to a point where your mind admits that it is not capable of acting on its own accord that's why it says you should renew the mind in second corinthians i mean first corinthians chapter 10 verse 3 and 4 first corinthians chapter 10 verse 3 and four put it up for me sorry second corinthians chapter ten second corinthians chapter ten verse three and four for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh next verse for the weapons of our warfare and not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds even though the context of this scripture has to do with the gospel give me verse five verse five second corinthians ten five casting down imagination and every heightened that exalted itself against the knowledge of god and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ every thought casting down imagination bringing down into captivity every thought that shows you where the challenge is the challenge of the gospel it's not people going everywhere saying they are binding the devil that's not the challenge of the gospel the challenge of the gospel is not people going around the town doing what they call mapping map in the city or map in the streets the challenge of the gospel is not going around doing deliverance of the land praying from one tree to another praying in the in the market square praying in the in the in the in the different parts of town that's not a problem of the gospel the challenge of the gospel is in the thinking process and the thinking pattern of man the challenge of the gospel is in the thinking process and thinking pattern of man universal manner now when it comes to the man who is born again he needs to also change or take charge of his mind he needs to ensure that what controls his mind is spiritually in nature he needs to make sure that what controls his mind is spiritual in nature he needs to make sure that what controls his mind is not just another mental influence or another neutral influence or another secular influence sometimes you know looking not neutral neutral so neither here nor there he must ensure what controls his mind is something that is spiritual in nature when i say spiritual in nature i am relating with the spirit of god spirit of god spiritually minded because that mind is so powerful don't and never estimate or underestimate the power of your mind what you think upon is eventually what you believe you didn't hear that what you think upon is eventually what you believe your life will always go in the direction of your predominant thoughts your life will always go in the direction of your predominant thoughts whatever dominates your thinking process will steer your mind eventually you will gravitate towards the direction of what thoughts are predominant in your mind now so if all a girl is thinking of is getting married she becomes obsessed she starts dreaming marriage she starts thinking marriage and every man she sees looks like a potential husband because her mind all it sees is marriage and husband so even when you're praying for her to grow in knowledge is knowledge of husband because her mind is obsessed okay the same thing with a young man who is obsessed of getting married all he dreams of his wife girl woman sona every lady he sees whether married or unmarried he's sizing her up to see whether she will fit into being his wife he becomes obsessed your life will gravitate in the direction of your predominant thoughts you can never be better in the quality of your life on earth than your mental health the quality of life you will live in this earth will be determined by the quality of your thoughts by the quality of your thoughts critical oh yeah we went to spy the land we saw the land in kadesh bania the land flows with milk and honey we even took some exhibits of the of the land we have brought it back to you but we saw giants we saw the sons of anak the anakins are there the land is so powerful we are not able to go we are not able to go we are like grasshoppers beyond you know in the presence of the giants so now because we are a grasshoppers we are done for and everybody wept all night why the bible calls it an evil report of fear these people have not gone there these people didn't see the giants these people didn't see the anarchy these people have not seen the land but the report that they gave their ears to condition their entire life experience who is controlling your ears who are you lending your ears to to talk into your ears is for me your thoughts and eventually forming the quality of life you live on earth i'm teaching real good are you listening to why are you listening someone said dr damien did you hear what people are saying about you i choose not to hear i choose not to hear i don't need it that's your opinion i know what god is about me that's what matters that's what matters i'm not going to give my ears to your filthy mouth to corrupt the purity of my ears now i don't care what you say about me just your opinions and and your gossip of me is of no value to me i'm not going to lend my ears to somebody who doesn't know what to say that is looking for how to practice what to say in my ears i will not let you use my ears to practice speech no only those that have mastered the art of saying the right things are permitted access to speak in this hearing of my ears i'm not going to let you use my ears to practice how to construct words no my ears are protected because my heart must be guarded to guard my heart i guard my ears i guard my eyes and i guard what i hear because the way into the heart is the eye gate the ear gate and the thinking gate god your heart means guard your ears guard your eyes guard what you think of course what you think eventually is what came from what you saw and what you heard i cannot fail in this life failure missed me and i missed it long ago we missed each other and we have no regrets it was a mutual separation and it was a deliberate divorce irreversible divorce we missed each other and are gravitated to virtues gravitated to habits habits that promote a qualitative life on earth yeah deliberate unintentionally deliberated intentionally very important very important glory to god i say glory to god so you cannot underestimate the things that come to your mind on a daily basis paul prays here that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you will know what is the hope of your calling now what is revelation revelation simply means to disclose something to you like this context something has been done for us in christ interestingly you can read it you can read the account and see that jesus died he was buried he was in hades he rose from the dead he ascended to the right hand of majesty on high so if you can read and know why is paul praying for my eyes to be open to that you need for your eyes to be open and your mind to conceive the realities of what christ has done your mind must conceive it when your eyes are opened or opened so revelation means to disclose something to you in revelation something is disclosed you know the way the spirit transmits information to the mind is called what revelation the way the spirit transmits information to the mind is called revelation what is revelation revelation is the spirit interpreting his words his thoughts and his opinion to the mind the spirit interpreting god's word god's thoughts and god's opinion to the mind that is what is called revelation man is a spirit has a soul and lives in a body the spirit works by intuition intuition or rather the spirit works by knowledge intuition unknowing unknowing the mind works by logic understanding analysis the mind works by logic understanding or analysis understanding is the fruit of the mind logic one times one equals to what two two times two equals to one four what is that logic called logic the spirit doesn't work like that but the mind walks like that in the mind things must add up it's logic it has to add up things must add up that's logic analysis okay that's the mind that's the way the mind functions so the mind functions by reasoning things out but the body functions by feelings the body functions by feelings the body functions by feelings most of the problem people have with the mind and the spirit is not strange because the mind i and the spirit is in one place you can never have the mind without the spirit you can never have the spirit without the mind there's no spirit without mind the mind exists because there is a spirit and the spirit walks through the mind so oftentimes you will have intuition and reasoning look at miraculous oftentimes you will have intuition and reasoning looking alike okay when i call one tell me what compartment is that intuition reasoning so many times you will have intuition and reasoning looking alike but they are not the same that's where there's conflict when information and reasoning look alike intuition is what you know spiritually or supernaturally so when you have intuition and logic intuition and logic power voices help me identify which is which intuition spirit logic mind so when you have intuition and logic looking alike now you don't know which one to follow they look alike but they are not the same that you say the spirit spoke intuition the mind spoke logic they look alike but they're not the same and because of that same plans and because they're in the same location that is where the lacuna is that is where what that's where the lacuna is now you don't know which because the soul and the spirit are together cannot be divided can only be distinguished can only be distinguished please pay attention they can only be distinguished that is there is a distinction that is when it comes to the mind you will trace the source of the information once it is the mind you can always tell where the information is coming from because it's logic it's logic you can trace the source of the information but when it comes to the spirit you will not be able to trace yourself as the source of the information or anybody at all as a source of the information where is the spirit you can't trace the information to any source but logic you can trace the source of the information let me just say something and i want you to see if you can help me trace where that information comes from okay okay okay are you here okay so yesterday the dollar increased or gained over the narrow such that the nara is now 570 something narrow to one u.s dollar that means if you have a thousand us dollars you have about 600 000 naira with just 8 000 u.s dollars that means if somebody just comes in with ten thousand dollars and ten thousand dollars is ten thousand ten thousand is ten thousand okay so if somebody comes in from america now with ten thousand us dollars he has about six million naira where is that information coming from no no where from central bank of nigeria and the people working the bank what did they what do they use what source of knowledge do they use no yes forex economics accounting there's a source of that information but if i walk in here and i say two weeks from now the nara will be equal to a dollar you will laugh because that information has no logical source but i know now i'm not prophesying i'm just giving you an illustration so after two weeks you'll not see what papa said no indianapolis we're teaching right and we're using illustrations so let's say two weeks after now the nara and the dollar comes to power one to one how did he know intuition the source of that knowledge cannot be traced to anyone but it's a knowing the other one of nara to dollar you know 570 something and to a dollar has a source of information central bank accounting economics now logic has source intuition is a knowing that you can't trace its source to anything around did i make myself clear yeah that's why i went through all that now another key point in knowing the difference is the mind answers with questions the mind of a man answers with questions for example why did pastor praise look at me like that because of what i was saying what was i saying i was talking about the mind so he looked at me like that to assimilate what i said another to agree with me or not okay i see why what am i doing i am reasoning what compartment am i engaging the soul where the mind is so one of the outstanding features of the mind is the ability to ask questions and answer those questions why is this because of this because of this this is like this but the spirit just functions by an intuition and inward knowing and inward knowing now when the mind is sufficiently renewed to a point it will logically agree with the spirit when the mind is renewed to a point by training and teaching it will now begin to logically agree with the spirit and that is where spiritual growth and maturity it's on the increase we will see that in more details in the course of this series so the spirit information when interpreted to the mind it's called what uh it's called revelation somebody told me very loud i have revelation knowledge i'm not hearing you at all by the spirit of god i have understanding and i grow in this knowledge by the light of god's word can i have a powerful amen hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews put it up for me hebrews chapter 4 verse number 12. for the word of god is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edges will not observe piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit so the only thing that can divide the soul from the spirit is the word of god and the division here is not to split them as two components is to discern the spirit from the soul because they cannot be divided is to distinguish okay this is my spirit talking okay this is my soul talking okay my soul is not supposed to lead me my spirit is supposed to lead me okay by my spirit this is what i will have to do now so my mind you have to decide now to do what my spirit have said that's how we function that's how we function as we grow in the knowledge of christ and only the word of god is capable of discerning that now let's check something we oftentimes go after the spectacular and we miss the supernatural we think that every decision you make in life you will have to have a dream or a vision or an angel or a thunder or enlightening we think that before you make decision one man of god called prophet has to come and say my daughter my daughter my daughter my daughter i hear angela i hear angel angela who is angela i hear uruka nam yes that's my village that's my village i hear i hear i hear joseph that's my father's name angela joseph from urukana you are supposed to travel yes tomorrow don't travel thank you sir thank you man of god i won't travel that's the way many of us want our lives to be led by the spectacular can you imagine if god has to show you vision for everything you have to do how confused your life will be every smarter okay okay okay i won't go okay i'll go like this you see another vision the whole world will be full of cycles so that is why the primary way god will lead you will be by the inward witness not by spectacular the inward don't play with the inward witness now god leads us primarily by the inward look at first kings 19 11 first kings chapter 19 verse number 11 and he said go forth and stand upon the man before the lord and behold the lord passed by and a great and strong wind ran the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the lord but the lord was not in the wind and after the wind and earthquake but the lord was not in the earthquake next verse and after the earthquake a fire but the lord was not in the fire and after the fire a still small voice so elijah and god thunder somebody will have said that must be god you say you had thunder it entered the room that was god he didn't say the lord was not around he only said the lord was not in it but the lord was around earthquake oh yeah thunder earthquake spectacular then still small voice the least spectacular thing you will expect still small voice nothing spectacular about it nothing dramatic nothing outstanding just a still small voice and this is typical of how we live in our everyday life some folks wake up in the morning with a bad dream and they go like oh that must be god you know if anything visions and dreams 99 percent are metaphorical so if you dream and you see a you saw your neighbor oppressing you don't go and fight your neighbor they are not literal dreams and visions are not literal to the for the greatest part of them they are metaphors and some of them are just playback of what you study in the afternoon multi-dot business some of them don't have any meaning it's just because you're obsessed with thinking that they came back so the spectacular most times will be a hindrance to receive the supernatural the spectacular most times will be a hindrance to receiving the supernatural now listen carefully if you're writing write this down the inward witness is an endorsement the inward witness is an endorsement and every endorsement will carry an agreement with something and a disagreement with the order every endorsement will carry an agreement with something and a disagreement with another thing i will ex i will explain if i was admitted to a school because i met the requirements by me meeting the requirements it shows also a rejection of those that cannot meet the requirement huh yeah if i have to meet a particular requirement to be admitted it means anybody that doesn't meet the requirement is rejected are we together here so it is an endorsement and at the same time a rejection of some other thing and doesn't something to reject some other thing the inward witness is an endorsement so the spirit bears witness with our spirit that we're the children of god but the spirit also speaks expressly in the same vein about anybody who is not in christ the bible says days that are in the flesh cannot please god but you are not in the flesh so there is a disqualification of somebody and an endorsement of another in the flesh cannot but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit so what stands out is an endorsement for us and what endorses us is a refutal for another so in the inward witness as a fact or an issue is being accepted another fact or issue is being rejected the spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of god so the inward witness always refers to a fact a fact a fact that's why our definition of the inward witness and if you're writing don't miss this out our definition of the inward witness how to be led by the spirit of god is the witness of the holy spirit or better steel the witness of the recreated human spirit the witness of the recreated human spirit or better steel the life of god in a believer the life of god in a believer which endorses the life of god in a believer which endorses refutes agrees endorses refutes agrees denies a fact that is exposed to it that's the inward witness the life of god in a believer which endorses refutes agrees desires a fact that is exposed to it because the inward witness is like a scanner at the security in airports you've been to airports and especially those of us here that have traveled out of the country on long flights you know that when you arrive a new country after you've done all your clearance you go through security when you go through security your luggage goes through its own scanning you also go through your own scanning if you're crossing the machine and it scans you and you carry something in your body the machine begins to scream so the police will pull you aside and say what is in your body then they may say is it your belt is it a wristwatch you say none of it they look and look at you it's not the they touch you touching it's not they take you back they pass you by that machine if you your body still makes noise they will not take you to advanced screening this one will expose your body more see they will expose your body to see if you have drugs inside your stomach or if you swallowed cocaine in your system or somewhere things are hiding they will not let you go from that moment you are government property they will let you go they will ensure that the machine does not shout again if you joke they will put you in a machine that will turn you around turn you around upside down bring your right side up twist you in all directions to find out what is that thing that is making noise i'm serious they will find it then they will now if it is not dangerous they will not say you can go if it's dangerous that's where your detention begins you'll be arrested at that spot and from that moment you have no freedom anymore now if they didn't put you through the scanning machine they would not have known if you had dodged the scanning machine you will fly with all of those things now when information comes and you don't pass it through the scanning machine of your spirit that information will pass and hurt you as a child of god everything that comes you must take it through the scanner let the scanner either endorse it or refute it god gave every child of god that's cunning machine for lack of adequate vocabulary to help you endorse refute agree deny a fact that is exposed to it so if you do not pass a decision through your spirit you have no witness for it or against it if you do not pass an information through your spirit you have no witness for it or against it some of us make decisions first before we talk to the spirit of god it's not supposed to be like that we're supposed to talk to the spirit of god about it and together with the spirit of god we make the decision for victory in life it's like someone played the lottery and won and conclude that the lottery is the will of god for him so everybody that plays the lottery is in the will of god did god ask you to play the lottery did god ask you played the lottery to move to america and you won the lottery and you move to america did god ask you to move to america because you can go to america and be out of the will of god for your life oh yes some say well is there no greener pastures greener pastures is where god wants you to be once you are not where god wants you to be you have entered dry ground you can live in american white house and be frustrated and be poor and wretched and live a miserable life in american white house you can look it is where the will of god is that is green pasture green pasture is not a location on earth it is the will of god that is green pasture you know we have become so secular in our thinking that we we do not even discern what will god have me do what will god have me do some say you know nigeria is not working when nigeria is not working everybody in nigeria needs a plan b plan b how look for another country now to do what to do what safety is not in a place safety is in god provision is not in a location provision is in god i've seen white americans who are citizens begging for food to eat on the streets of their country white not africans that were exported to america white americans begging [Music] homeless destitute so it's not in a location that pasture is pasture is in the living of the lord the lord is my shepherd i shall no one he leadeth me besides stillwake he makes me to lie down where so it is where the lord makes that becomes green pastor you didn't hear what i said it is where the lord makes that because auron can be your own green pastures orange or cobble can be your own green pastures you can stay in orange and be feeding your uncle in america stop thinking secular think like a man with a renewed mind there's nothing wrong in going abroad if god wants you there and there's nothing wrong with staying in nigeria if god wants you there some say but they are going to break nigeria to pieces who will break it which arm are you going to use break what stop following theories stop following old white fables don't live your life on speculations follow the will of god don't live your life on speculations follow the will of god for your life you are not do not be conformed to this world do not be conformed to this world do not be confirmed be transformed renew your mind and think in line with the will and the purpose of god forever because the will of god is where there are pastors see i hear you i'm not hearing you the way you're looking at me like you really want to travel abroad i'm spoiling it see i hear you help does not come from abroad help comes from god i'm teaching today so the inward witness will refute or it will confirm or endorse the word witnesses is an emotion the inward witness is an emotion yeah it's an emotion now listen very well because i'm almost done the physical body mirrors what happens to our spirit the way we feel in our physical body you know sometimes you feel hot sometimes you feel cold all right when you feel hot what do you do you look around you open the windows so that the room can be cold that is a physical body it can feel hot it can feel cold if a lady was going out with bill gates driver she was going out with who bill gates driver how many females he breakthrough why are you laughing bill gates driver as a breakthrough i'm not saying with bill gates bill gates driver that's a breakthrough some people bill gates shake their hand they will not wash it going out with the guest driver then bill gates driver now told her i will not marry you again he breaks her heart she's hurting she's feeling rejection then in the midst of it she discovered that the first son of bill gates is in love with her and even approaches her she will no more be angry in fact she will buy a thanksgiving gift and give to the driver you don't understand what i'm saying the reason why she is no more heart and pain is because she has she has moved expose her mind to a new set of facts most of you ladies or most of you gentlemen that men either broke your heart or women broke your heart the reason why you are still stuck there in that pain is because you have refused to open your mind to a new fact so you're locked in the old fact suffering the old pain and stagnant life has moved everybody has moved you are still where your heart was broken you are not moving you are stuck and the reason why you're stuck is because your mind is locked if you just unlock your mind and expose it to a new set of facts you will move out of the pain and move out of that stagnation you will move and find a new life that is better than the life you had before and i know i'm talking to somebody right now you need to go past that hot you need to go past that pain you need to go past that heartbreak otherwise you will be a prisoner of yourself you will be the one who locked yourself in prison and held the key to keep yourself in that prison nobody kept you you kept yourself there the guy that you are hanging out with has gone long time where he is now there is no way two of you will meet again it's a painful realization but if i don't tell you the truth who else you're the only one left there two of you can never meet again in fact the only hope that you may have that he may change his mind is if you have moved out of that place and made progress with yourself too so as he's progressing or progressing there may be chances you will meet but when you are stuck there he will not come from where he has gone to to come and look for you in your in your ditch of pain that's why if you refuse to forgive the past you pass with the past you didn't hear what i said if you refuse to forgive the past you pass with the past you expire you'll be alive but dead you let go this one thing i do this one thing i do forget in the past i press forward because the ability to press forward is in leaving the past as long as you're with the past it will suck you off of energy it will serp you of zap you let go of the past the past is gone moses my servant is dead joshua arise and move how long will you mourn how long will you cry sister how long will you be heartbroken there's too much life in front to live get out of that ditch clean up dress up perfume yourself for yourself love yourself for yourself beat yourself by yourself take yourself out by yourself i feel like i'm preaching right now go out to one of those tantalizers sit down there and order for food talk to yourself by yourself for yourself with yourself through yourself for yourself nobody has the right of making you uncomfortable in life without your consent nobody has the right of taking your joy in life without your consent nobody has the right of depressing you without your permission if you lock up nobody can access you but you have opened yourself vulnerable so people can stab you people can kick you people can put you but you know what guard your heart protect your heart empty your heart of pain download it your heart the comfort of the holy ghost let go of the past and take some steps and begin to listen and the spirit of god will show you that is the way that is the way that is the way otherwise there is no hope of progress for you every day you recite the same stories look at what you did to me you are a broken record you yourself are tired of yourself you have told this story until it doesn't make sense anymore a friend of mine told me a story a man of god he said one man in the village somebody slept with his wife he caught them it paint him he came to the village council early in the morning and complained the council blamed the person blamed him and even put a fine on him but the guy was not still satisfied he came and sat down on the road to the farm where all the farmers in the village are passing and everybody that cares to hear he told them what happened he kept announcing to everybody what his wife did to him with mr so-and-so he was sitting there from mourning on their way they sympathize with him everybody was sympathizing with him but they went to farm and finished farming in the evening on their way back he was still sitting down when they saw they said what are you still doing here is it are they give us you don't have anything else you say we don't have time to waste so you've been sitting here you don't have work you don't have work you don't have the villagers teamed up and pushed him off and told him we don't have sympathy again for you the same party we had for you has expired some of you have over complained until even the walls of your house are no more sympathizing you you have tired everybody even those that will have sympathize with you have no more strength because your complaint on the same issue monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday you have nothing new to say get out of that ditch we will not join you there we will come close and tell you sorry but if we discover standing around and tell you a story will deprive us of our life we will leave you there move life is for movers life is a race i will not leave my race to come and be with you you you better get up and clean up the bible says and david encouraged himself in the lord he went to battle with man and the battle was what was against him they came and took his wife and and all their wife and david came back and all his soldiers teamed up to beat him up and finish him the bible says when david saw that nobody was with him they didn't encourage himself in the lord and then he went to god in prayer after encouraging he said god shall i pursue shall i overtake god says pursue overtake without fear recover all that he was able to hear from god because he left the ditch of complain if you don't walk out of complaint you will hear from god god does not speak in the midst of complain you're full of self-pity as if you're the only one that life has happened to let me life has happened to all of us all of us here life has happened to us if life has not happened to you maybe you are still an infant every one of us life has happened to us we too have happened to life we didn't allow life to happen to us and go free as it was happening to us we were happening to it who am i talking to in this building all of us we have scars that living on us producing our bodies we all have scars but we refuse to pamper our scars we refuse to pet our scars instead we take advantage of the pain to press forward and make more advancement in life failure is an orphan success has many brothers if only you can let go of your past and push a little more and make some progress you will have the better story to tell forget the past get out of that pain get out of it we don't have we don't have a pity party camp we don't have a department for pity party life is not for pity whatever is born of god overcoming the world there's a champion inside you i want to close somebody hurt you sorry jesus is the healer collect your daily bread of healing and move on move on move on at least you have discovered one way you can be hot so next time close that way so that nobody can use that way to hurt you again stand up let me close stand up son stand up get out of that ditch make some progress did you hear that the next time you see the person who hurt you tell him bless your heart if you start to apologize there's nothing i don't remember if such a thing never existed bless your heart enjoy your life if i don't let you go me myself i remain in prison my freedom is in letting you go some of you don't know how to forgive yet you you you like jesus forgiveness my sins past present and future are forgiven glory to god but when people do you your own you will carry past and enter present if care is not taken you enter future with it who are you copying if you are like your father you forgive like your father let go somebody say let go talk to somebody say let go i'm going to enter the emotions of the inward witness on wednesday the inward witness has emotions you know there are natural emotions and there are spiritual emotions i get into that on wednesday but get out of that pain get out of that pain i don't know what i'm talking to here get out of that pain get out of it in the campuses the online brethren television radio get out of that pen let it go bury it and forget it so you can have a better life to live thank you lord praise your father father i pray for everybody in this building online on television and radio everyone under the sound of my voice in our campuses people that have gone through hearts and pains and bruises and injuries and scars lord i pray for healing right now emotional psychological mental physical spiritual i pray for healing for your people that everyone that has been battered wounded everyone that life has happened to lord everyone that has been hot in one way or the other that today there is a healing for everyone of such i command the healing power of god to be released upon you right now receive healing in the name of jesus i decree that the past is gone the future is here the past is gone the future is here the past is gone the future is here and i declare that everyone here will function like brother paul let go of the past press forward towards the mark of the high calling of god in christ jesus and i declare for every one of you under the sound of my voice today great grace is upon you great grace is upon you i command the freshness of the holy ghost the comfort of the holy ghost the peace of god rest upon your heart and mind in the name of jesus thank you father for answer prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality if you're blessed in this service can we celebrate the word of god with a shout and scream that celebration doesn't sound like glory tell a neighbor if you don't let go of the all you will never access the new is that not true let go of the old let go of the old and one day you can sincerely look at that brother and say thank you for disappointing me your disappointment is the reason why i'm what i am today one day you can look at that sister and say thank god for you you helped my life by saying no to me one day yes but you can never say that one day as long as you are stuck in that ditch that ditch the intent was for you to be buried in that ditch and you cooperated by staying there so you help the devil fulfill his purpose but when you got out of that ditch the devil didn't know you will get out there's a fresh life ahead there's a beautiful life ahead see i hear you see there's a plan of god for you ahead because there is there is glory to god glory to god yeah you've been divorced and they've told you you're finished you'll go to hell it's a lie clean up look ahead you still have the full life to live divorce is not enough a reason to stop your life i'm talking to those that have been divorced or separated who are watching me now both in this bill and all over the world clean up and tell yourself i have a life to live i have a purpose to fulfill and i have people to live for there are people who look up to me there are people who are looking up to me i have to live for them i'm not going to let the past stop the future i'm not going to let the past stop the future you've been disappointed things have failed you in life clean up and stand up you invested in business and the business never walked and since then you've been struggling clean up stop reciting the sick business stop talking about the business always as if that is all you came for there are more businesses but you will never see the new ones as long as you're still looking at the old one i'm speaking to people here whom life has happened too i'm speaking to people here who have been battered by life better life stand up clean up tell yourself no no no god's messages are new every day god's mercies are new every day the steadfast love of the lord never fails his mercy will never come to an end they are new every morning great is his faithfulness why do i want to stay with the old when there are new mercies morning by morning all i have needed the hands have provided [Music] oh [Music] the steadfast love of the lord [Music] [Applause] they are new [Applause] is foreign foreign [Music] every morning [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] like [Music] it with my soul [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] gloria [Music] [Music] my lovely [Music] hey a living dog is better than a dead lion [Music] second lord of all you are begotten again unto a lively hope by the resurrection from the dead there is hope of a tree that if it is cut down it will sprout again through the scent of water zeko ladies and gentlemen the future is glorious you will not miss the plan of god i didn't hear that thunder shout out i need to control myself sakaya [Music] glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god the devil thought you would not smile again he thought you would not laugh again he thought you would not rejoice again but it's just about to begin the rejoicing is just about to begin the jumping is just about to begin the shouting is just about to begin the screaming is just about to begin [Music] i don't know shut the doors anywhere you need a miracle this week take it right now receive that miracle now receive that miracle now who am i talking to in this building every area of your life your business your marriage your career we are you desperately need a miracle i saw emma is coming like thunder receive that miracle now receive receive receive receive receive it in the name of jesus [Music] thank you father thank you father it is done don don don in jesus name can i have that amen on an auto finality get out a good offering let's honor the word of god i will join mr michael bush in two three minutes from now get out a good offering wherever you're watching around the world banking details on tv on social media radio audience mr mikey bush will lead the accounts for you but all our campuses around the world it's time to give we give in honor of the world we're giving faith and with joy while we're packaging our offerings i also want to talk to those who are partners or want to be partners of this ministry wherever you are around the world somebody gave that is how we were able to get the gospel to you imagine if you decide to partner with us every month a particular amount of your income decided by you sent to this ministry every month imagine how much more impact we can create in people's lives all over the world so you want to be a partner with us for the next 12 months so that through your generosity more people can come to this light all you need to do today shoot email to dr abeldamina dr hassan d r abeldamina at we'll send you banking details and all the information for partnership and i tell you we're going to have a great time together as we continue to advance the course of god on the earth and remember god is not on righteous to forget your labor of love all right radio audience in another few minutes mr michael bush read the banking details for you lift up your offerings to heaven and honor and in worship to the lord jesus father we give in faith with joy today our offerings are sweet smell before you and we thank you for the opportunity to do what we do for the kingdom in jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen anywhere around the pulpit you drop your offerings in orderly mana go ahead hit the music let's do it as we give this afternoon glory [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i put my hope in your home [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] but this time [Music] [Music] glory [Music] amen hallelujah in just two minutes we have to quickly bring out our kingdom investments and our worship offerings two minutes please i'd like you to do that quickly not forgetting the import of that giving and also not forgetting the attitude of that giving kingdom investment when you bring it come to the baskets and the other offerings you drop them there lift it up father we thank you everyone lift up your offerings we are grateful this morning the bible says we ought not to be weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not and we thank you for grace we cannot faint and we give with delight we give with joy we give with understanding we give in faith and we give to the glory of god and we declare that everyone this morning that is standing here this week this week this week all that you require for life and godliness everything you need to make your life successful and good receiving in the name of jesus and i thank you father for accepting our offerings in jesus precious name let the believer say amen all right you come quickly and drop your offerings bless you [Music] the lord our god is king over the earth [Music] forgiveness for us a gift to set us up [Music] oh [Music] sing a new song sing a new song hallelujah [Music] give god [Music] gloria please be seated as the council starts right now with just 17.5 small minutes to the top of the hour account details especially for the radio audience power city international is the account name fcmb's bank number one 29 82 68 20 28 29 82 68 20 28. that's for cmb power city international remains the account name the same account name also for bank number two uba 139 26 465 139 26 465 power city international announcement number one two quickly quickly of course i'm sure no matter how very limited our time might be we still would have about a five minute window for phone calls so prepare plus two three four if you're doing from outside nigeria otherwise 086 800 9939 you want to also sms us plus two three four again if you're doing from outside nigeria otherwise oh seven oh three six nine one eight six four two or you send an email or two to ask the counselor now at final announcement for sponsorship for partnership and for support just call the program hotline plus two three four again if you're doing from outside nigeria otherwise simply owe it to free two seven five six one or four or you send an email or two to dr abelldamina at doctor there of course is dr my name is michael bush my producer is pastor ij aquari complete with the production team also the resident pastor pastor president is in church put your hands together for him reset man the man of the moment the man for every moment demand even for your future teacher like none other global baba doctor abel dominant in the continental mr bush global barcelona nice to see you so good to have you here this morning yeah so even me when i got here i was brainwashed what i was part of about yes everything that probably that that should be the reason i couldn't go back i became the unretainable donkey no barber oh my goodness is there something you don't say oh no okay pick one for the road our opening prayer global let's pray again our father we rejoice that we are enjoying the grace the favor and the mercy of jesus amen as a state and as a people and as a nation amen and we rejoice that the gospel is thriving in our world in our communities and in our land thank you for acquiring thank you for the blessing upon this land the governor is cabinet and all public servants enjoying the grace of god we decree that this society continues to progress and advance that the purpose of god for this state continues to find expression even as men are coming to the knowledge of the truth by the day we thank you lord for the blessing and we decree that all over the nations of the earth men are rising disciples are being equipped and the message of christ is gaining ground amen in jesus name we pray amen amen amen amen okay global about time we started ask the counselor this edition but global but i don't know how the program is going to be before i forget i have a personal prayer request for my state you know um on the day of problem 10 34 we're live here on the program and i remember you took out time to pray and professor even for this day but i'm going to request um probably uh before we round off this edition of the program when you're doing closing prayers that you remember to pray for ibum deep sea port yes boom deep seaport and it looks like looks like we need um too much prayer for that one to come yeah okay so we spent the last time we're here live look baba in the united states of america that's where we're going to be starting from on this edition this one no bob i want to thank you for your messages and your insight into the scriptures if i didn't come across them i wouldn't be where i am today with my understanding of some things i lived in fear of god i'd always been afraid of him especially i thought the most wrong things about him because i felt things he's seeing my thoughts i could not think anything wrong and then i started saying what if i started thinking all sorts of things but now my mindset became distorted that god is writing to me based on my thoughts i once asked the question on 30 days of glory i was the one who asked that question about the fact that since i grew up i had and believed that satan wanted to be god and so on so i also started mixing things up about god and satan thinking that since god is looking at my thoughts he's angry with me for mixing those things up so honestly and it i need i need to enjoy myself and know christ which if going by all these legalistic things i know i'm feeling that if i don't do away with them there'll be no way for me because i grew up in a home with things like to align to align yourself with god focus on yourself i don't want it because you see yourself struggling to meet up with god's standards another thing is this when they say relationship with god makes it makes it sound as if based on your performance that god relates with you based on how you think about him or what you do i'm grateful because listening to your messages has taken some of these things away i just need to change my mindset it's not easy for me though i don't know why i'm always in fear in fact blah blah blah i think the worst things because i'm an overthinker i see that it doesn't have the problem i need help sir and i want to understand these things please sir what can i do even the place of worship that i currently am based on things i've learned is seemingly contradicting what i learned now i don't know where to go because if i leave now they wouldn't be happy that i'm leaving the church please sir i need advice on how to move forward with all these things thank you anonymous for very obvious reasons well um first of all thank you for reaching out to us and it's important for you to know that you'll have a lot of growing to do and it doesn't happen in a day so you've made some progress already and if you keep following you will make more progress but to help you much more you may need to write us a mail with your location your phone number and your details so we know how we can get brethren around where you live to identify with you and help you grow because at this level you really need that personal uh touch that that personal follow-up that personal discipline so we will encourage you to reach out to us with your phone numbers and details and i promise you we'll get somebody to disciple you and help you grow and understand some of the things you are asking in that email god bless you amen from the united states in the americas we fly now straight to the uk in europe hello dear global i trust you very well sir i recently came across your teachings and found them really fascinating the lord bless you indeed you teach from an uncommon death by teaching on the cross is worth listening to several times over i hope it blesses many as it has done me your expositions i move this realm sir god must produce himself fascinating truth then come and see me jumping here in my room hallelujah unless he dies we are not able to become born again wow one more thing i wanted to throw in from my personal understanding and study on the substitutional offering in relation to barabbas it should be banned verse somebody in the bible barabbas [Music] barnabas barabas oh this is barbara one son jesus of a father god was substituted for another son from another father that's the devil in this case barabbas means son of a father we're sons of the devil until jesus stepped in as a direct substitution for our penalty isn't scripture fascinating the lord bless you sir i'll keep learning from you always i look forward to being in touch again ralph anissa in the uk well ralph bless you i'm so glad to know you're growing and learning and enjoying christ we all are excited about these realities you never get so used to them not to be excited so keep following and bless you still from the uk i would like to thank you for the work of god you do i've started following you and i'm trusting god to grow in knowing christ my name is val i live in the uk i crave prayers from you as i have been struggling with thoughts mind game and oppression and this has affected different areas of my life please pray for me thank you for replying many thanks bal in the uk well we'll pray for you at the end of the broadcast okay without any further ado to australia now that's the far-flung end of the world now greetings to you diego barbara in christ jesus name i would like to thank you in advance for taking the time out and accepting and reading this email i've been following and listening to your teachings for a while now and they have been such a blessing i'm natasha austin i lived in australia and i've had almighty god show me mercy by accepting me as his child i've been trying my best to live a righteous life for over a year now with much ups and downs but i'm trying hard as soon as i'm allowed to travel i would really like to visit your church and meet you in person don't have i have a few serious issues i'm dealing with and i'm i cannot seem to be getting anywhere regardless of how much i try and how much i pray i'm very deep in debt due to borrowing funds to help my business their fluid i literally work and pay bills that's all i do blah blah blah but i cannot continue this way as this is they don't seem to be enough hours in a year for me to work and pay debts of a couple of hundreds of thousands i trust almighty god dearly for it turn around i buy lottery tickets i'm at the end of a long road i'm truly tired and seem not to have aware of the situation this may sound very shallow even ignorant but can you please join me in praying obama people that trusted me with properties are tied up with me because i've made bad choices choosing the wrong people to assist me business-wise it's only the grace of the almighty god that can see me through this please read my email and please help me i am physically and mentally tired natasha in australia natasha i'll have you in our prayers before the broadcast is over and natasha one more thing if you can send us a mail with your phone number i can get somebody to spend some time with your quality time in counseling and praying until you get out of all of this mess god wants you to live in victory god wants you to live in the life that is above all these circumstances and you you will experience it but like i said if you send us a number we'll get somebody to follow you up and help you with that from the americas went to europe from europe we went to australia right now we're flying straight to where we are africa and michael shabalalla in jailbox south africa has this microphone now dear global barber and the intercontinental mr michael bush i believe when born again dies now the spirit goes to heaven while the body waits for the last day so global baba my question is how do those who died after the cross relate with those who died before the cross since those uh wounds rose from their graves and are in heaven with their body and spirit together well again you are thinking of our body as in physical body the material realm is so uh you know the imaginarium is so different from this realm that you know the people that rules with their bodies are using their immaterial bodies and the people that are with christ in spirit you know are in christ they are with christ so their relationship there it's smooth because um that's the realm of perfection there's nothing imperfect there even though they do not have their physical bodies yet but they are already intact just awaiting that final clothing paul calls it a clot that body is a clot but the composition of the real man is already intact i hope that helps you okay global but i think we should just dash to the republic of cambridge probably that's where we're going to spend the night this one hello baba please i wish to be clarified about the position of god in marrying a divorcee does the bible agree or disagree you know this kind of marriage please i'll be grateful for feedback that will help you make a decision thank you for your kind response and confidentiality he leaves a name so that confidentiality beat makes me um makes it impossible for me to put out his name in cameroon well again we need to know what the circumstances are i can't just sit here and tell you well marry a divorcee we need to know the circumstances the person who was divorced what was the divorce proper you know was it right fully done have families agreed you know if it was in the court it has a court dissolved the marriage all that has to be taken into consideration before you know whether you can marry the person or not so you will need to ask your questions you need further questioning to be able to give you sound counsel with that situation but on a basic level there's nothing that stops somebody who was in a marriage and left a marriage from getting remarried there's nothing that stops it at all okay still from cameroon i don't know no i don't have time so let's just um leave it down this edition of the program barbara the closing prayers we planned father we pray for the brethren who reached out to us with requests with needs with expectations and desires and we declare right now that their needs are made supernatural amen where does need for a miracle we release a miracle we rebuke infirmities and disease we ask for clarity and direction amen and we thank you that everyone following this broadcast is growing in the knowledge of christ by the day so we declared a blessing upon them in jesus name amen amen father we pray for acquire we pray for the project of the ebon d.c deep seaport we ask that all the technicalities and all the resources and all the politics around it and all the all the different bottlenecks that are identified with it that there will be a miracle a miracle that will surpass all those things and supernaturally bring that project to fruition amen in the name of jesus we call that project manifest amen in jesus name we pray amen amen this is michael bush on behalf of producer pastor ij aquari the production team bringing on global barbara for the last time on this edition of the program dr [Music] mr bush let's celebrate mr bush for this another wonderful edition uh once again it's so good to have pastor kinsley all the way from indiana police indiana with us here today christ's rehoboth church wonderful walk over there we're also glad to have pastor philemon all the way from calabar through the medium of jerusalem to a private sector we love you man and the church in california everybody else what a joy to serve in the grace of god we look forward all the time to an opportunity of serving you the grace of god every day we are live remember this afternoon for the acquire bomb audience we are live on xlfm123 three to five passion fm and tonight eight to nine inspiration i mean nine to ten inspiration 10 to 12 heritage tomorrow morning 5 50 a.m excel fm good morning aqua bomb 11 to 1 radio acquire bomb one two three uh x uh one two three xlfm and then three to five passion fm tomorrow evening six pm we're back here in grand style on comfort fm we love you and thank you always for giving us the opportunity to feed you the grace of god and until we come again your way enjoy the grace of christ and be blessed goodbye from oyo nigeria amen [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,270
Rating: 4.9740262 out of 5
Id: ML7baBzkHOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 47sec (7367 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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